Dear Co-Laborers in Church Planting, There is no doubt that North America is a mission field. New congregations are needed in every corner of our continent to reach and touch the many unreached peoples with the gospel of Christ. At NAMB we believe that God is working to prepare you, our Acts 1:8 partners, for a new and exciting church planting movement that will dramatically change the spiritual landscape. There are two major reasons for this excitement. One reason for excitement is the National Evangelism Initiative – God’s Plan for Sharing (GPS). You are working, in a spirit of excitement and cooperation, to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to every corner of the United States and Canada. One thing we know for sure is that the gospel always does what God intends – it touches the hearts of lost people. As new spiritual seeds are sown there will be new converts, many of whom will need new contextualized churches. Simply put, a time of great evangelism is an exciting time for church planters. This excitement centers on the desired outcomes of GPS – Every Believer Sharing, Every Person Hearing by 2020. NAMB is working with our partners so that by the year 2020 every person in North America will have heard the gospel. Imagine the impact on our land when Southern Baptists are engaged in bringing the gospel to every man, woman, boy, and girl on this continent. But it doesn’t stop there. The 2020 vision is also about enlisting every Southern Baptist Church to engage in helping to get involved in expanding Christ’s Kingdom through church planting. The second reason for our excitement centers on the coming National Church Planting Initiative. All across the country, churches are recognizing that multiple people groups are settling next door or across town. Churches are recognizing North America as the third largest mission field on earth. More and more, they are sensing that every person needs and deserves a culturally appropriate congregation of believers in which to grow and from which to go out and tell others. We are excited at how God’s Plan for Sharing and the National Church Planting Initiative will have the synergy to bring light across a dark North American continent. Imagine what our world will look like when this happens! All of these exciting events motivate the NAMB Church Planting Group to be prepared for this season of God’s favor by providing the necessary resources you, our partners, need to plant healthy, reproducing churches. We offer these resources because we want to serve you, our Acts 1:8 partners, and to help you be successful as you work with churches and church planters to multiply new churches throughout your region. Many of these resources are available through our Web site, Should you desire printed copies please call our resource line at 888 749-7479. Because of Southern Baptists’ generous support through the Cooperative Program and the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering®, the North American Mission Board is able to provide all printed resources in this guide to you without charge. I pray that the Lord will richly bless you as you serve Him in your field of ministry and as we serve together as co-laborers with Christ Jesus.
Dr. Ken Weathersby Vice President | Church Planting Group North American Mission Board
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8 (NIV)
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Table of Contents The Church Planting Process (CPP)
Readiness Resources
Compass I (CD-ROM) Compass II (CD-ROM) Our Growing Hispanic Presence in North America Peoples Search Prayer Resources Pursuing the Mission of God in Church Planting Seven Steps Student Missionaries in Church Planting The Unchurched of North America Reaching Hispanics in North America
Enlistment Resources
Bivocational Church Planting Calling Out the Called Church Planter Assessment Discover Church Planting Discover Church Planting Workshop Discovery Tools Inquiry Packet Leadership Assessment My Husband Wants To Be a Church Planter New Churches Needed: You Can Help PLACE Quick Test TransPlant
Equipping Resources
Basic Training/Basic Training II Church Planter Mentor Training Epoch Online Learning Partners in Church Planting Straight Street Multihousing Church Planting Defining the North American Urban Context
Multiplication Resources
Associational Church Planting Backpack Church Planting Group Podcast Multiplying Church Network
Internet Resources Planter’s Update Missional Networks
People Group Resources
Demographic Reports Spanish Resources Strategic Populations
Evangelism Resources
National Evangelism Initiative (God’s Plan for Sharing)
Spanish Language Resources
En Español
Available in Español
New Item
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Although you may not recognize it, many activities in life are done in an orderly fashion with the hope of a particular, expected outcome. For example, we get up in the morning and do certain things to prepare for the new day. We may stretch, brush our teeth, take a shower, put on clothes, drink a cup of coffee, have our morning devotion, grab our purse, wallet and keys, and head for the car. The order in which these activities are done may vary, and we may even add to or subtract from this list. The desired outcome, however, is to get to work. When we do this week after week, it is called a routine. This series of activities also forms what is known as a process. Processes get us from point “A” to point “B.” They are the underlying or basic organizational components that direct our activities, so that we will reach a preferred destination or outcome. Church planting is no different. There are certain things that must be done to plant healthy, reproducing churches that touch lost people for Christ.
CPP Resource Pack 2nd Edition with 101 Podcast Series
The North American Mission Board’s Church Planting Process (CPP) has four key components:
Readiness Enlistment
This new and improved kit contains the resources NAMB’s church planting partners need as
Equipping Multiplication Each of these is guided by both theological and missiological truths, and each has unique functions.
they implement each
Defining the stages and components helps association directors of missions, state conventions, mis-
component of the Church
sionary staff, national missionaries, church planter missionaries, church planters, pastors, and lay
Planting Process. There are two disks in the kit.
people understand their roles in each stage of development. The four components are: Readiness, Enlistment, Equipping, and Multiplication. The four components comprise 18 activities and very specific outcomes.
The first disk is a CD containing over 100 church
The Church Planting Process is a sound progression for planting new churches. The four components
planting resources. The
of the Church Planting Process can be seen in the natural world. For example, a farmer prepares
second disk is a DVD which contains 101 church planting
works it, constantly removing weeds and predators (Equipping), and finally a large crop is harvested and seeds are set aside for next year (Multiplication). The brilliance of the Church
podcasts. These podcasts
Planting Process is that it enables all church planting partners to plan their work effectively. The
cover a wide range of
four components and 18 activities are in essence the work that needs to be done in order for
church planting topics.
the soil (Readiness), then he gets the seed (Enlistment), then he plants the crop and
healthy churches to be planted across North America.
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Readiness builds awareness of lostness and the need to plant churches The final component of the Church Planting Process, Multiplication, is designed to foster church health, life, and growth in the newly-planted churches. The desired outcome of this component is strong, healthy churches that are REPRODUCING new Christians, leaders, planters, planting teams, and churches. Multiplication includes items such as gospel saturation in new areas in order to plant churches, development of new disciples, creation of small groups with the emphasis towards them becoming a new church, leadership identification and discovery, and the birthing of healthy, New Testament churches.
The Equipping component of the Church Planting Process provides training, skill development, and nurture needed by churches, planters, planting teams, and other partners who work with them. The outcome of Equipping is that churches and individuals are EQUIPPED for effectively planting healthy, reproducing churches among all people groups across North America. Equipping includes items such as development of personal character, expansion of church planting knowledge, new skill development, and evaluation of missionary giftedness.
contextualized for each specific people group with our partners. When Readiness has fulfilled its desired outcome, churches, planters, and planting teams are AWARE of: God’s call on their lives, the people groups all around them who do not know Jesus, and what it is God is calling them to do. Readiness includes items such as spiritual preparation, understanding the place or context of the plant, a discovery of people groups, climate building, and measuring and developing receptivity among the identified audience for the gospel.
The Enlistment component of the Church Planting Process engages individuals and churches through church planting activity. Therefore, the desired outcome of Enlistment is individuals and churches actively engaged in church planting endeavors; they are COMMITTED to church planting. The enlistment focus is built around discovering individuals, developing church planting teams, sponsoring churches who plant churches, and other partners such as associations and conventions.
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Section One
| Readiness Resources Compass I (CD-ROM) Compass I CD is an SBC church planting start-up kit. It contains information church planters can use to plant healthy SBC congregations. Resources include a review of Baptist history, Southern Baptist World Missions, the Cooperative Program, and The Baptist Faith and Message. The resource is available by calling the resource line or by visiting
Compass II (CD-ROM) The Compass II CD is a church planting resource CD which features resources to help church planters engage in ministry, including tools for personal and corporate evangelism, new Christian follow-up, missions, leadership, stewardship, and small group Bible study. All of the resources on this CD are available in Arabic, Chinese, French, Korean, English, Hindi, Portuguese, Russian, and Vietnamese. This resource is available by calling the resource line or by visiting
Our Growing Hispanic Presence in North America The Hispanic presence in North America is growing! How will you respond to the opportunities? This brochure outlines ways you can be a part of a movement of God among Hispanics and provides statistics to help you understand the growing Hispanic population. A color-coded map reveals the urban centers with the highest Hispanic population, as well as the ratio of Hispanic SBC churches to Hispanic population in the United States and Canada. To request this brochure, please call the resource line.
Peoples Search Peoples Search is a multi-phase process that, when implemented, assists churches, associations, and denominational workers in getting a handle on the diversity found in their communities. It also helps them identify unreached places and the different groups of people living in their communities. It creates awareness of the barriers naturally found in diverse communities and helps to develop a comprehensive church planting strategy. To request the Peoples Search notebook or brochure, please call the resource line.
Prayer Resources (Online) Church planting leaders who are looking for effective prayer strategies can find them at There are a variety of strategies that will energize believers to get involved in praying for a place, a people, or a new church start. Resources available include: • Prayerwalking • Developing a Prayer Warrior Network • The Luke 10:2b Prayer Strategy 6
• Taking Prayer to the Streets • Lighthouse Prayer • A Church Planting Prayer Strategy
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Pursuing the Mission of God In Church Planting: The Missional Church in North America Pursuing the Mission of God in Church Planting was written to help potential partnering churches and planters not only see the need for church planting, but to help them see God’s desire that people from every tribe and every tongue be reached with the gospel. Included within are stories of 10 church planting churches who are missional in nature and have a passion to plant churches that are biblically faithful and contextualized. To get your copy of the guide call the resource line or go to
Seven Steps for Planting Churches (Book) Seven Steps is a collection of resources crafted to guide church planters and their partners to plant healthy, reproducing, congregations. There are two editions in the series: Seven Steps Planter Edition and Seven Steps Partner Edition. Planter Edition is also available in Spanish. All of these are available at or by calling the resource line.
Student Missionaries in Church Planting (Online) Student Missionaries in Church Planting is a guide for church planters and students on how to apply for Student Missionary positions through the North American Mission Board. It contains contact information, step-by-step processes, Web links, and frequently asked questions. Available online at
The Unchurched People of North America (Brochure) North America is the fourth largest mission field in the world. An estimated 75% of the population in the U.S. and Canada is lost. The Unchurched People of North America is a brochure that was created to help believers better understand the need for new churches by providing a color-coded map of the U.S. and Canada that highlights both urban centers and regions in need of new churches. The brochure also provides 10 ideas for getting involved in church planting. To request this brochure, please call the resource line.
Reaching Hispanics in North America The Hispanic population in North America is exploding. This is taking place in urban centers, in suburban communities, and in rural locations in almost every state and province. Hispanics are more receptive to the gospel than ever before. God has deposited within His kingdom in North America all the people and resources necessary to join with Him as He moves. This book will inspire and instruct you. It will help you understand and engage Hispanics with the gospel of Christ. Careful attention has been given to explaining cultural distinctions and exposing common principles that will aid you in effectively reaching a people who are on God’s heart. To request a copy, please call the resource line.
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Section Two | E n l i s t m e n t
Bivocational Church Planters (Book) Bivocational Church Planters: Uniquely Wired for Kingdom Growth takes a close look at bivocational church planting and tells the stories of 16 bivocational church planters. This book will be a helpful tool for potential church planters considering bivocational ministry. To download this book, please visit Free hard copies can be requested by calling the resource line.
People Sending: Calling Out the Called (Online) Calling Out the Called challenges church members to fulfill the Great Commission through church planting. The guide gives detailed information about the Calling Out the Called process and event. It helps to equip the reader to begin forming a strategy for using Calling Out the Called to mobilize a church or group of churches to plant new churches. Please call the resource line for this resource.
Church Planter Assessment Tools (Certification Required) Church Planter Assessment tools are designed to assist our church planting partners to properly assess a potential church planter’s calling, character, compatibility, and competency. The tools were created by using the13 qualities and behaviors of successful church planters which were identified by Dr. Charles Ridley. There are two levels of training for potential assessors, each level supported by both written guidebooks and DVDs. Resources include a Level One Training Guide, Level Two Training Guide, and Assessors Guidebook. These are available to certified trainers through the resource line.
Discover Church Planting (Webpage) Potential church planters can access a library of resources by going to This page has links to the PLACE self assessment and user guide. It also contains links to timely articles and resources that will encourage future planters.
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Discover Church Planting Workshop Discover Church Planting Workshop is a workshop that is hosted by state conventions or local associations. It is designed to provide a safe environment for potential church planters and partnership churches to discover church planting with the ultimate goal of enlisting them to partner in the Church Planting Process. For more information go to
Inquiry Packet (Online) This booklet is an umbrella of discovery resources conveniently packaged together to help potential church planters assess their own call to church planting. There are self tests to help a planter assess his aptitude, as well as introductory articles on the church planting process. Finally, this electronic resource has links to help potential church planters connect with their state convention. Download your copy at
Discovery Tools (Booklet) This self-assessment booklet provides insight into how God may be preparing an individual for church planting. The booklet helps potential church planters explore the following areas: call, spiritual gifts, passion, ministry preference, and past behaviors. It is available in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean, and a student edition. Request by calling the resource line or download now at
Leadership Assessment (Online) The Leadership Assessment is specifically designed to determine the ministry leadership attributes of an individual. This assessment, loosely built upon Dr. Charles Ridley’s church planter assessment process, operates under the assumption that activities in the past and present are good indicators of future behavior. The results will be especially valuable for those seeking to determine how qualified an individual is to be a church planter. Download a copy at
My Husband Wants To Be a Church Planter… So What Will That Make Me? (Book) This helpful book has been written to introduce church planting to the spouse of potential church planters. The book reveals that although church planting requires sacrifice, the overwhelming majority of planters’ wives (92%) feel that it is worth the cost. It is primarily written by wives for wives and includes chapters on budgeting, time management, and handling criticism. Order by calling the resource line or you can download it at
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Section Two | E n l i s t m e n t
New Churches Needed: You Can Help! (Brochure) This full-color resource is a perfect way to start a conversation about the need for both new planters and new churches. It can be used to help enlist congregations in becoming a church planting sponsor at one of three levels: Primary Sponsor, Clustering Sponsor, or Supporting Sponsor. It is also an effective tool for discussing church planting with potential planters and their families. You can order yours by calling the resource line or you can download it at
PLACE (Online) PLACE is a Bible-based, self-discovery process created to help pastors and lay leaders find their ideal place in ministry. It is available online at through a partnership between NAMB and PLACE ministries. It is an essential tool for identifying and pre-assessing church planters. PLACE is an acronym, with each letter standing for one of the five parts of the PLACE profile. The PLACE User Guide is for anyone interested in using PLACE Assessments in their ministry. This guide includes an overview of PLACE Ministries, an explanation of PLACE Profiles, and suggestions for using the tools available through PLACE. It is available through the same Web link.
Quick Test (Online) PLACE ministries, in conjunction with the Church Planting Group at NAMB, has developed an online preassessment tool that potential church planters use to get a preliminary indication of their aptitude for church planting. The test only requires about ten minutes. The potential church planter can choose to keep his results private or the results can be forwarded to state conventions in the area of interest. To take the test right now go to:
TransPlant (CD-ROM) TransPlant is a one-day event designed to connect college students to church planting activities in their communities and across North America. The entire day is focused on helping students understand God’s call, equipping them for ministry, and releasing them out into their world to live as missionaries. Both the guide and the videos are available on either one CD-ROM or online at For copies please call the resource line.
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Section Three | E
Basic Training Journey (Certification Required) Basic Training Journey is the newly revised version of the original Basic Training. BTJ is a comprehensive set of resources that enable church planting partners to train church planting teams. Research has shown that planting teams who have completed Basic Training Journey are much more likely to plant healthy, reproducing congregations. Resources include manuals for participants and guidebooks for trainers that can be used in training sessions. For more information on Basic Training Journey, please contact the church planting office at your state convention office and/or visit Materials will be available in English in January, 2010; Spanish, Korean and Basic English, by the end of 2010, with other translations to follow.
Basic Training II Basic Training II is for planting teams who have already launched a new church. The training will direct the team to consider pointed questions such as, “Where are we?”, “Where are we really?”, and “Where do we go from here?” Resources include training manuals, workbooks, and DVDs. These materials are also available in Spanish. For more information on Basic Training II, please contact the church planting office at your state convention.
Church Planter Mentor Training (Certification Required) Church Planter Mentor Training is a workshop experience designed to train those who will be mentoring church planters. The mentor is taught to walk with the church planter, helping him or her finish well in the church planting venture by considering both personal growth and effective church planting actions. Certified presenters can get these resources by calling their state convention office. To find out more information, go to
The Learning Place: Online Learning Classes for both Basic Training and Basic Training II are available online through The Learning Place. For more information about distance learning through Internet training in English and Spanish, call your state convention office or go to
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Section Three | E
Epoch (Printed Guide & Online) Epoch is a church-based process for deploying everyday Christ followers to live a life among specific people and places in their communities that reflect the image of Christ. They will use the skills and approaches of a missionary to make disciples and establish relationship–based faith communities. At the heart of the Epoch process are eight components for intentional disciple-making aimed at networking for evangelism, gathering lost/unchurched people into communities of faith (small groups), and raising up leaders from the harvest. The guide is available by request or online at Epoch Implementation Guide for the Church is designed to be a practical resource which will aid Christian leaders in implementing the Epoch strategy through a local church. The guide includes specific suggestions for events and activities, suggested structures for implementation and a general introduction to coaching with specific guidelines for coaching the individual Epoch components. This guide and a corresponding DVD are available online at or by calling the resource line.
Partners in Church Planting (Book) Partners in Church Planting is a ministry tool designed to help every congregation engage in the work of church planting. Pastors and church members alike will enjoy the journey as they discover that no matter what their church size or budget, God has a way for them to participate in planting a new church across the street or on the other side of North America. Three types of churches are identified within the guide: The Primary Church, Cluster Churches, and Supporting Churches. Planting guides are provided for each type by request or online at
Partners in Church Planting (Card) Through Partners in Church Planting congregations are challenged to sponsor a new church at one of three levels: Supporting, Clustering, or Primary. This response card provides a quick look at what type of support is requested for each level of sponsorship. The card is available by request or online at
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Partners in Church Planting (Church Guides) The Church Planting Journey is a booklet created to help church leaders effectively lead their church into church planting. It provides a brief overview of church planting and how churches can engage in planting through basic and simple ways. It also contains the Partners in Church Planting Resource CD-ROM. This CD contains all the Partners in Church Planting resources, plus more than 75 supporting resources. The Church Planting Journey booklet is available in printed form by calling the resource line.
Straight Street Straight Street is a spiritual preparation guide to be used by members of a church planting team two to eight weeks before attending a Basic Training event. There are eight units in Straight Street: prayer, vision, core values, people group focus, mission, relationships, evangelism, and worship. A participant can choose from one of three versions: Scenic Route, Business Route, and Express Route. Copies are available through your state convention church planting office or online at
Multihousing Church Planting (Brochure)
Multihousing Church Planting provides valuable insights for those ministering in multihousing areas. This brochure also outlines steps for planting churches in multihousing communities. To download this brochure, please visit or call our resource line to request a hard copy.
Defining the North American Urban Context (Brochure) Defining the North American Urban Context explains the new urban millennium and explores the challenges and opportunities for ministry in urban areas of North America. This informative booklet can be downloaded at or ordered by calling the resource line.
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Section Four | M u l t i p l i c a t i o n The Associational Church Planting Backpack (CD-ROM) Associational Church Planting Backpack (ACPB) offers the Associational Director of Missions and other missional leaders a holistic, church planting partnership resource. It provides structure, guidance, and tools for equipping churches and planters to inform, enlist, equip, and engage members in church planting activities, partnerships, and networks. Built on the Church Planting Process, the ACPB supports associations as they work to guide churches, planters, and believers to be aware of lostness, committed as church planting partners, equipped for planting activities, and reproducing disciples, leaders, and new churches. The ACPB presents materials, resources, and tools in an interactive, multi-dimensional, multilevel format. The deeper levels allow for broader perspectives, greater depth of understanding, and more customizable tools for accomplishing each defined activity of church planting. For more information call the resource line.
Church Planting Group Podcast The Church Planting Group Podcast is an online tool which enables church planting practitioners to hear innovative ideas for healthy church planting. The podcast features church planting leaders from across North America who have a story to share about God’s blessings in their ministry. You can download a podcast from the Internet, hear the podcast through your computer, or you can register to have the podcast automatically updated in your iPod® or MP3 by subscribing at:
Multiplying Church Network (Online) A Multiplying Church Network (MCN) is a group of church planting leaders who meet regularly to pray, share experiences, plan, learn, and share accountability. Together they find ways to start healthy, growing, reproducing congregations. Resources include a Facilitators Guide, Church Network Worksheets, and a CD-ROM. These tools are available in both English and Spanish. These resources can be downloaded at
Reaching Hispanics in North America (Book) The Hispanic population in North America is exploding. This is taking place in urban centers, in suburban communities, and in rural locations in almost every state and province. Hispanics are more receptive to the gospel than ever before. God has deposited within His kingdom in North America all the people and resources necessary to join with Him as He moves. This book will inspire and instruct you. It will help you understand and engage Hispanics with the gospel of Christ. Careful attention has been given to explaining cultural distinctions and exposing common principles that will aid you in effectively reaching a people who are on God’s heart. To request a copy of Reaching Hispanics in North America, please call the resource line.
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Section Five |
Resources Check out the NEW and IMPROVED web site for church planting practitioners! now features custom sections for planters, field partners, and church partners making it even easier to find exactly what you’re looking for. We’ve also created nine new language sections with resources in Spanish, Vietnamese, Arabic, Chinese, French, Hindi, Portuguese, and Russian. Among the resources available, you’ll find podcasts and training videos. And of course, we still offer the largest church planting resource library available online!
Planter’s Update Get connected to the North American church planting community by subscribing to the Planter’s Update. This e-newsletter covers topics of interest to church planting practitioners. Each update is built around a single theme which is explored through thought provoking articles, interesting podcasts, and insightful suggested readings. All featured articles are also available in Spanish. The Planter’s Update also contains news of interest to the church planting community. You can register to receive your bi-monthly copy by going to
Missional Networks Join the conversation at This interactive web site was created to help missional leaders connect, share, and grow together. Read a blog about church planting, share an idea, listen to a podcast or join a forum. There’s always interesting conversation at the Missional Network. (Online) is an interactive Web site that features a virtual host who guides participants through a quick tour of both the people and places where church plants are needed across North America. He also points guests to the multitude of resources available for them when they commit to church planting. Finally, participants are challenged to get involved in church planting by committing to pray, to challenge their church to sponsor, or to serve as a member of a church planting team. Check it out today by going to
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S i x | People Group Resources
The Center for Missional Research is able to provide church planters with detailed demographic information. This information is a key component for understanding your community. To get your free demographic study go to (Online) ( is a Web site that has been created through a NAMB/IMB partnership. This site assists churches, missionaries and church planters to identify nationalities, language groups, people groups, economic groups and affinity groups in their area. The site offers a variety of people group-specific resources. Additionally the site provides a reporting tool to facilitate partnership mission activities among the groups identified.
Pray for People Groups in North America This prayer wristband reminds us to pray that: • The unsaved will hear and respond (Rom. 10:17). • Workers will be called to the harvest fields (Lk. 10:2). • God will draw us to His work (Mt. 28:18-20 & Acts 1:8). For more information, contact us at, or visit our website, Available through the resource line.
Strategic Populations People from around the world are moving to North America. This creates a challenge for church planting leaders who desire to minister across cultures and across languages. To help you in this endeavor, the Church Planting Group created the Strategic Populations section of the Church Planting Village. This section contains background information, population-specific church planting guides, and other useful tools for the following people groups: Anglo Americans, African Americans, Arab Americans, Asian Americans, Canadians, Europeans, Hispanics, First Nations Peoples, Virgin Islanders, the Deaf, and specialized affinity groups within the population. These resources are available at
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Section Seven | Evangelism Resources
God’s Plan for Sharing (GPS) Imagine a North America where every believer is actively involved in fulfilling the Great Commission. That’s the goal of the NEI, to challenge every Southern Baptist to be involved in sharing their faith so that by the year 2020 every person in North America will have heard the good news of Jesus Christ. God’s Plan for Sharing (GPS) is built around four biblical mileposts: praying, engaging, sowing and harvesting. You can learn more and download important resources by logging on to
One-Hour Witnessing Workshop Imagine equipping believers to be effective witnesses in one day or as little as one hour! One-Hour Witnessing Workshop helps equip believers to be effective in sharing their faith. The workshop will equip participants in the “basics” of using their personal story/ testimony along with the One-Day Witnessing Card to share the gospel with lost family members, friends, and church or Sunday School prospects. The One-Hour workshop is a helpful introduction to personal witness training. Training materials, including a video teaching series with a listening guide, are available online by going to (Printed materials are available in English, Spanish, Chinese, and Korean.)
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S e c t i o n E i g h t | Recursos en Español
El Grupo de Iniciación de Inglesias ha traducido y contextualizado al español mucho de sus recursos, ‘ asi alcanzar a la comunidad latina de para Norteamérica.
Entrenamiento Básico Es un extenso conjunto de recursos que ayuda a la capacitación de los equipo de iniciación de iglesias. (Requiere certificación)
Entrenamiento Básico II Es para los equipos de iniciación de iglesias que lanzaron una nueva obra que ha estado funcionado entre seis y dieciocho meses. (Requiere certificación)
Plantradores biovocacionales de inglesia: Constituidos especialmente para el crecimiento del Reino Echa un vistazo al papel de los plantadores bivocacionales y cuenta el testimonio de dieciséis de ellos.
El CD La brujula II Contiene recursos para la iniciación de iglesias que ayuda a los plantadores a participar en el ministerio. Incluye herramientas sobre evangelización personal y colectiva, seguimiento a nuevos cristianos, misiones, liderazgo y mayordomia.
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Herramientas de descubrimiento Es un folleto de autoevalución lo cual provee indicaciones sobre cómo Dios puede estar preparando a una persona para la iniciación de iglesias.
La Red de iglesias mulitiplicadores , un grupo de lideres de iniciación de Describe cómo fomar iglesias que se reunan con regularidad a orar, compartir experiencias, planear, aprender y repartir responsabilidades.
Convocar a los llamados Desafia a los miembros de la iglesia a dar complimiento a la gran comisión mediante la inicación de iglesias.
Siete pasos para iniciar iglesias Es una colección de recursos disenados para guiar a los plantadores de iglesias y sus colaboradores a iniciar congregaciones sanas y que se multiplican.
Calle derecha ‘ de preparción espiritual para miembros de equipos de iniciación de iglesias. Es una guia Se lleva a cabo entre dos a ocho semanas antes de asistir al evento de entrenamiento basico.
4200 North Point Parkway Alpharetta, GA 30022-4176
A Southern Baptist Convention entity supported by the Cooperative Program and the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering速. For general information, call (770) 410-6000, or visit For Church Planting Resources call (888) 749-7479 or visit