What is Spot Welding and Techniques Involved?

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What is Spot Welding and Techniques Involved? Spot welding is processes by two metal surfaces are joined together by welding at particular spots. These surfaces are joined with the help of the heat that is generated by the resistance to the flow of current. Two copper alloy electrodes that are shaped are used to concentrate the welding to a single spot. This reduces the area of weld on the joint. A large amount of current is concentrated to a small spot on the metal. The metal will offer resistance to the flow of current and generate tremendous amount of heat. These heats will meltdown the metal on the concentric spots and this will form the weld on the metal. The most attractive part about spot welding is that a lot of energy can be saved by just concentrating all the energy on one spot. Not only will this help save energy, but this will also help in reducing the excessive heating on other parts of the metal sheet.

The amount of energy that is delivered will be directly proportional to the resistance of the metal to the flow of current. If you apply too little energy, it will therefore make a poor weld. Applying too much energy would also cause excessive melting and defeat the purpose of spot welding . Therefore, it is very necessary that for spot welding you apply the exact amount of energy needed. Most of the time, the amount of energy required will be according to the metal that is used. This is because different metals will have different values of resistance to the flowing current. The amount of energy that is generated for a given value of flowing current through a metal is different for every metal. Therefore, these values must be known for the metal to calculate the optimum amount of current that can be used for the metal. Spot welding can be used in large or small applications. When resizing molar bands, a small sized spot welding machine is used to create small spot welds. This works as a quick fix, which is where spot welds are used in most situations. To provide small quick fixes rather than large elaborate fixtures thereby saving on space resource and energy. Stop welding is most effective on sheet metals. These types of metals can be quickly spot welded owing to

their thin structure. A stock metal that is thicker would be harder to join together through spot welding because the heat would more easily spread throughout the metal. For the spot welding to be most effective, all the energy has to be concentrated on one spot as much as possible.

Therefore, any distribution of energy or the electric current would cause a loss in the efficiency of the spot weld . There is different spot welding equipment available in the market. The different spot welding equipment have different features that make use of this amazing technique to provide quick fixes. Therefore, you can purchase such equipment online to make sure that you can carry out your welding activities proficiently. Source: http://www.everlastgenerators.com

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