Step by step

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Group: Ilmy Finnuril Mari Sætre M. Fazrin Rahman Nathalie Ender David Kretz Zhang Rong

Project locaDon and context

IntervenDon areas

workshop street

market street

riverside north

riverside south

riverside kampung Pulo


Concept and statement We started our project with a fascinaDon of the exisDng qualiDes of the Kampung. Our design strategy is based on reproducing these qualiDes. To maximize high quality space, a reorganizaDon of funcDons and locaDons is necessary. We have a focus on open spaces and different strategies are used to increase the amount and quality of these spaces.

Planned growth

Overview secDon



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High buildings on exisDng empty space Build high level connecDon Widen the alley which next to high buildings Add open space besides high buildings

•  Create producDve wall garden next to open space as protecDon of house behind •  Suggest first floor open to create sight connecDon from road to river •  Create producDve garden next to shops, let the shopkeeper own the garden; In terms of economical value •  Transfer private backyard into public pedestrian walk inbetween producDve garden and river •  Enhance secondary road quality; create trees for pedestrian walkway •  Add pocket open space to the entrance of alley

High buildings next to depot; Bridge connecDon between two high buildings

•  •  •  •

Create formal pedestrian walkway for vehicle road; keep workshops along the road Linear high building perpendicular to the river and street, with linear open space to create sight connecDon from main road to river. Enlarge exisDng small open space along the river ; emphasize on exisDng open space Build structures mix with the open space; such as overhead house and bridge to the riverside

Block plan

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Market street and riverbank with no open space

Workshop street and riverbank with small open space

Riverbank with large open space

Market street

Unit scale 2

Workshop street

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