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Get involved: Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day By Kim Kubiak

GET Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day INVOLVED:

By Kim Kubiak

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and The Plastic Surgery Foundation (PSF) believe every woman should be made aware of her breast reconstruction

options. Sponsored by ASPS and The PSF, the celebration of Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day USA continues this year on Oct. 16 as individuals, breast cancer support groups, plastic surgeons, patients and organizations join the movement to honor and advocate for cancer patients and “close the loop” on breast cancer.

It’s important to inform women of their beast reconstruction options and legal right to healthcare coverage. Start planning now to become an affiliate and host a fundraising event in your community to show your support. BreastReconUSA.org has all the resources you need to get started, including a free marketing and PR toolkit to assist in promoting Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day activities.

Every event, large or small, plays an important role in raising awareness. You can be a leader in “closing the loop” for women who remain unaware of their surgical reconstruction options post-mastectomy. Here are some ways you can help: • Work with a local support group to host a reconstruction

Q&A panel with plastic surgeons, breast cancer survivors and patients who have undergone mastectomy and breast reconstruction. • Plan a fundraising event in your hometown. Recruit a local salon to support a day of spa services for breast cancer patients to generate awareness for their business and breast reconstruction. • Gather friends and survivors for a bold flash-mob event. Organize a group to dance, sing, parade or run in a public place. • Educate your friends about Breast Reconstruction

Awareness Day on Instagram, Facebook and

Twitter. Use hashtags such as #BreastReconDay, #BreastReconstruction, #CloseTheLoop, #BreastReconAwareness, #RaiseAwareness and #BreastReconRibbon. • Help raise awareness about breast reconstruction options.

No gift is too small. Your donation will help us close the loop on breast cancer. To donate, please contact Rochelle

Jerry at (847) 228-7597 or visit thepsf.org. • Show your support by wearing the Breast Reconstruction Awareness ribbon. The 3-inch dark pink ribbon symbolizes “closing the loop on breast cancer.” All proceeds will benefit the Breast Reconstruction Awareness Fund of The Plastic Surgery Foundation. Order yours at breastreconusa.org/ribbons.

Oct. 16 is just the beginning. You can use your voice and help make a difference. The opportunities are endless, and any effort will contribute to the ongoing campaign to support women physically, mentally and emotionally as they survive and thrive after breast cancer.

For more information to become an affiliate and receive your free Starter Guide, please email breastrecon@plasticsurgery.org.

Run or Walk The Close the Loop 5K race will take place the Close the from 7:30–9:30 a.m., Sunday, Sept. 22, Loop 5K in 2019, where runners/walkers can enjoy a San Diego great view of San Diego Bay. Packets will be available for pick-up before the race start time. The course starts and ends at the Hilton Bayfront Hotel. Participants will be able to enjoy the panoramic view of San Diego's vibrant waterfront in Embarcadero, where there is something for everyone. You can register for the Close the Loop 5K or gift someone else’s registration. If you can’t join us in person, create a virtual fundraising team and raise money for the Breast Reconstruction Awareness Campaign. You can also register as a member of a team (no limit on team size), team captain or create a new team. Teams can be runners or walkers. Join our Facebook community for Breast Reconstruction Awareness to post times, photos and more. It's a great place to connect with fellow participants if you are participating virtually or raising money for your team. Help us bring awareness to the Close the Loop Breast Reconstruction Awareness 5K. Share and encourage your family and friends to join you in this fundraising effort. Funds generated from the Close the Loop 5K will benefit the Breast Reconstruction Awareness Campaign of The PSF. Register and start your team today! https://www.athlinks.com/event/305595

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