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We have the in-house capability to take a concept and rapidly turn it into a reality. With our progressive and innovative approach to continually improving our product with direct user feedback our customer centricity is the cornerstone of our success.
Our design team is highly trained and possesses industrial design capability allowing us to animate, pattern, sample and trial-manage an extremely broad bandwidth of products. Every product we design is driven by a specific customer need and with a “solution based” approach; we challenge our customers on every detail they are able to share. Such details include application, area of operations and equipment’s with which our product needs to work with. We know from years of experience that the more we understand, the more we can assist. Although our design team is geared to develop new concepts in-house, they are also skilled in conducting test and evaluation of leading technologies that are commercially available. Rather than utilise resources to “reinvent the wheel” we prefer to partner with other leaders in the pursuit for delivering on requirements specified by our customers. We have a specific sub-contractor assessment process which is used to aid us in the decision to partner with an organisation and this process assesses many aspects of the prospective partner including product integrity, company track record, and their approach to quality and back-up support. On average, we complete two to five new designs (specific to a customer need), each week on top of developing new product for our retail range under the name of PLATATAC.