Collaborative platform for sustainable developpement in Mediterranean CPIE C么te Proven莽ale - France 1
Lessons of experience 10 years experience in joint project
Barriers identified Challenge of organising Geographic distance Need to share documents 2
Stages of development 2009
inquiry with 100 professionals
test online collaborative tools with five pilot projects
10 more projects 1er Workshop Ecorem Improve the platform
International development
Promouvoir l'éducation à l'environnement par la mise en réseau
Objectives Facilitate the dissemination of marine education materials Encourage the development of projects on environmental education Organised exchange among the territories and among the various Community protagonists - marine educators, scientists, managers
Collaborative tools Interactive Map
Shared calendar
Facilitates collaboration
Sharing educational materials Online interactions 5
Our strengths Holistic, transdisciplinary vision Methodologies in knowledge-sharing Improve image of marine educators
New notions of economics : Gift VS Transaction
the counterpart of the gift : gain consideration and esteem from all other members Face-to-face meeting are too rare We know that physical meetings, friendliness helps the participation but it's such a big organization
Ambassador : a real collaborative experience Developp in his territory Control the contents Participate in the management of the platform (strategy and new developpements) Ambassadors are in charge of fundraising for the development of their territory
Objective of 5 skype meetings Developp international platform (traduction and adaptation of contents) Transfer technical skills to manage the contents and methodology to collaborate Reflect together on the development strategy