01: zachary presley 02: contents 03: something 04: alice bradshaw 05: mathew rose 06: sam hayles 07: patrick fatica 08: mark yates 09: rita ruggeri 10: robert mirek 11: mary shelley 12: ellie mcverry 13: john coombes 14: simone stoll 15: vincent fitches 16: emanuela franchini 17: ossian theselius 18: roberto pentassuglia 19: karen lukert 20: valdemar cher
21: tania krosse 22: keemo 23: daniel milton 24: wayne wright 25: robert stanley 26: laurie proctor-lefebvre 27: tatiana roulin 28: roberta bedocchi 29: cristina cocullo 30: adamo macri 31: natalie mason 32: sue platt 33: task 34: nicolas baudouin 35: nicholas p decker 36: robin radek 37: ewan cawood 38: daphne graphic 39: E.L.K. 40: glenn capers
41: ian boyd walker 42: robert allen 43: ross ford 44: caroline twidle 45: gerard perales 46: ni da costa 47: boularan elise 48: jung-hua liu 49: christina i. rodriguez 50: iain macarthur 51: kid 30 52: peter walker 53: mister burnley 54: zachary presley 55: robert tirado (aka AEI. UO) 56: elijam 57: natalie fernandez gonzalez 58: raymond smith 59: m a longbottom 60: cover
magazine 003 some faces copyright belongs to platform58 copyright of content in platform58 publications remains with the artist.
issue 004
all we want is one dot or lots of dots.
dots , some colour and your creativity. The deadline for submissions is january 19 Abstract or not as long as you we get some
issue 004 - dot
Artwork submitted should be based on the word dot, one or more. More information at www.platform58.com size 580 pixels x 580 pixels and 72dpi.
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