PLATFORM Magazine - Issue 1 - First Edition

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PLATFORM Youth Arts & Culture Magazine- Issue 1

May - July 2013


More than just a venue:

Welcome to the first issue of Platform Youth Arts & Culture Magazine produced by Hobart City Councils Youth Art’s & Recreation Centre. This issue features amazing young people involved in youth culture in Hobart. Platform magazine celebrates what young people have to offer to the community and gives them the space to tell their story. The Youth Arts & Recreation Centre is more than just a venue, it is a vibrant, fun and exciting space for young people to express themselves and be creative. Platform will give you an insight into what’s happening in the life of the centre.

44 Collins St, Hobart

03 6231 5150

OPEN ACCESS 3-6PM Wed to Fri, Ages 12–25

For more information visit


A big thank you goes out to:


Ben Lambert, Maddie Kramer, Emma

4 Fashion

Harvad, Mikalha George, Christophe Speer,

5 Gaming

Ali Pykle, island 26 photography, Nathan

6 Social Media

Guy, Headspace, YNOT,

7 Headspace

Oak Tree Foundation, the team at the Youth

8 & 9 The Bunker

Arts & Recreation Centre and of course all

10 & 11 Tim Bird

the young people that contribute to the life

12 & 13 Jed Appleton

of the centre.

14 & 15 Substation Gallery

Pictures by: Tony Lomas, Nathan Guy,

16 & 17 Murals

Bronte Roper & Maddie Kramer

18 Joel Gajdar

Articles by: Bronte Roper, Maddie Kramer,

19 Poems

Ben Lambert

20 & 21 Dance 22 & 23 Greg Thompson 24 & 25 Health & Wellbeing 26 & 27 Christoph Speers 28 & 29 Ben Lambert artwork 30 Isabella Klug 31 Kathryn Nicholson 32 Oak Tree Foundation 33 Youth Network Of Tasmania


Ali Pykle

is a young fashion designer

What are fashion no no’s? I don’t really believe in the no no’s, once you start doing that you decrease your options and deplete your fashion bounty! What is right for you isn’t the same for someone else, that’s the essence of being an individual. Keep yourself open to trying different things. Understanding what works best for you in terms of fit and colour is a great place to start. If you know what you like and what you want to express, go crazy! How would you describe your style? Playful with colours, creatures, textures, characters and comfortability! A tip for the peeps? Don’t be afraid and don’t always save your favourite clothing for a special occasion, if you can wear it every day, why not? If you’re too precious with how you look or with a particular garment then the existence of the garment is wasted by it hanging in your wardrobe.

Interview, photos & article by Bronte Roper


Gaming review by Ben Lambert

Cave Story (Doukutsu Monogatari) Developer: Daisuke ‘Pixel’ Amaya, Nicalis (ported versions) Initial release date: 2004 Genre: Platform, Adventure Available for: Windows, Mac, Linux, WiiWare, DSiWare, Nintendo 3DS I grew up during the golden age of platformers and spent countless hours obsessively playing and replaying my favourites, so I have a soft spot for newer games that are cut from the same cloth as the old classics. Cave Story is one of them – it’s been around for a while and is considered a gem of the indie games scene, but it still wouldn’t be too surprising if you haven’t heard of it. Now that new ports to mainstream platforms are surfacing, it may be ready to reach new audiences. Cave Story is very much an old school run-and-gun platformer, with gorgeous pixel art, a mix of cruisy exploration and action-heavy boss fights, and a bittersweet story that strikes a surprising balance between charm and gloom. You play as an amnesiac boy robot lost in a vast cave on a floating island, caught up in a madman’s plot to enslave the carefree rabbitlike natives and wage war on the surface below. The characters you meet along the way are endearing and quirky in a decidedly Japanese way, but the game is not afraid to throw in dark twists here and there.

The controls are easy to pick up, and the action gradually picks up in difficulty. Running, jumping, shooting and flying all feel exactly right. Enemies and boss fights are interesting and varied, and you’ll need to develop wits and tactics, not to mention fast fingers, to beat them. Mastering the more intense areas takes practice, but once you get the hang of it, speeding though obstacles and dodging enemies with guns blazing becomes an immensely satisfying way to play. There are several choices to make in the main story, but the path to the true ending is not obvious, especially on your first playthrough. This is my only real gripe with the game, because for me, the real fun began with the secret, final, hard-as-hell level and the extra challenges unlocked by surviving it. The original version of the game is free to download for PC, though you’ll need to apply an English language translation patch. The more recent editions for sale on Steam and other platforms have translations built in, updated graphics and music, and expanded or revised levels and challenges, and are well worth their typical $10 price tag. It’s nothing short of amazing that Cave Story was made entirely by one guy in his spare time, and it goes to show what made the old classics great can still work today. If you’re a fan of action games, especially those of the 8 and 16-bit era, this is must-play title. Article & image by Ben Lambert


Vox Pop On Social Media

In the short time that it takes to read this paragraph, there will have been approximately 293,000 status updates on Facebook and 700 YouTube videos shared on Twitter. In the last few years, the popularity of social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, Twitter, Tumblr, LinkedIn and Pinterest has increased dramatically. While some people believe that these sites are good for our society by allowing people to communicate with one another and express their creative talents, others argue that these sites can be dangerous for young people and that they can cause problems with regard to social skills and cyber bullying. Eager to learn how young Tasmanians feel about social networking sites, Platform spoke to some young people at The Youth Arts & Recreation Centre and asked them what they think the pros and cons of these types of sites are.

Eboni age 18 Eboni uses Facebook on her phone. Pros: You are able to meet new people I found out information about exams on Facebook Facebook is free on mobile phones Cons: Cyber bullying, people can upload bad photos of you

Bashir Khajehradeh, age 18 Bashir uses Facebook.

Sunny, age 18 Pros: I can keep in contact with mates

Pros: I’m able to contact friends and arrange to meet up

Cons: People make statuses that share too much personal information. People can make up lies and post them on there

Hossein Rahimi, age 18

Chris, age 18

Hossein doesn’t use any form of social media

Chris also uses Facebook.

Cons: I think it is boring and a waste of time

Pros: I can chat to friends that live overseas Cons: People can start and spread rumours


headspace is the National Youth Mental

Health Foundation. We help young people who are going through a tough time. Looking for someone to talk to? If you’re 12-25, you can get health advice, support and information from headspace. With centres all around Australia, headspace can help you with: •General health •Mental health and counselling •Education, employment and other services •Alcohol and other drug services. So we’re here for you if you: •are feeling down, stressed or can’t stop worrying •haven’t felt like yourself for a long time •can’t deal with school or finding it difficult to concentrate •are feeling sick or worried about your health •want to cut down on your drinking or drug use •want to talk about sexuality, identity or relationships •are having difficulties with friendships •have sexual health issues or want to find out about contraception •are being bullied, hurt or harassed •are worried about work or study or if you’re having money trouble headspace is a place you can go to talk to someone about any of these issues. headspace was established and funded by the Commonwealth Government of Australia in 2006. Our primary focus is the mental health and wellbeing of all Australians. We know that getting help early is the key to resolving these problems quickly. headspace is making a difference where it is needed most - our young people




Music allows young people to tell their story, express themselves and connect with others. The Youth Arts and Recreation Centre wants to increase the opportunities for young people to be a part of the music scene here in Hobart whether listening to or performing music. “There are some extremely talented individuals in Tasmania and that music is inevitably going to be a part of their career,” says Joel Imber the Youth Centre Coordinator, “In one instance a 17 year old girl named Asta, we have seen her come in the centre as a 14 year old girl passionate about music and I just knew when I met her she was destined for big things. She won Triple J Unearthed High in 2012 and made it into the Hottest 100. It’s good to see these things do actually happen”. The Bunker is “Ready to Play” with a drum kit, guitar amp, bass amp, microphones, stands and a PA system. All you need to do is bring your instruments, plug in and play. The Bunker is a fully equipped recording and rehearsal space developed through a Hobart City Council & Music Tasmania partnership. Music Tasmania is the peak body for the music industry in Tasmania. It provides a network of support to a diversity of Tasmanian musicians and industry personnel across a broad range of genres. Music Tasmania fosters the promotion and development of original, contemporary Tasmanian music which is why the Council was so keen to work with them. If you’re interested in recording or making music at a demo level The Bunker has the software and equipment to do that. The centre also runs music workshops to help you learn the latest techniques. For bookings please go to or cal 62315150. Interview & article by Bronte Roper



Tim Bird is a young guy

who loves music and helping out other young musicians. Bronte was able to pick Mr Bird’s brains to understand exactly why he loves coordinating music events. Your band is on Triple JJJ Unearthed so why did you go from playing music to organising events? I was sick of not getting enough gigs. There weren’t enough gigs for young people under 18. So I started putting on music events so that people like me who don’t often play lots of gigs could play. What do you think Hobart needs to change in the music community to help young people?

More awareness, high school kids don’t know where to go with their music. They go to college and do a music course or something like that but there’s no general direction, you have to learn yourself. We need more people to say “look we will give you a chance”. More music mentors. What’s your biggest success? I would have to say when I put shows on at schools that don’t actually have sound systems or stages. When you go to a school and set everything up from scratch and you have all the kids there participating and helping out, that would have to be the best. How did you learn to become an event coordinator? I did a certificate in music at college which briefly went into it, we organised a few gigs and stuff like that and I had a friend that does gigs, he brings down bands from the mainland and all that jazz.


I’ve always been in the background and helped out and watched and that’s pretty much it. I was always watching and asking everybody even if they were annoying questions. What’s the biggest thing you have learnt through planning events? I’ve learnt a lot about myself. I’ve learnt how to manage myself, how I cope under pressure. It taught me a lot about being a musician. Before I started planning events I wasn’t even punctual. I didn’t understand how gigs worked, about how sound guys work and that everything has to be on time. How do you think the Youth Arts and Recreation Centre helps young people? The centre is free to walk into, you can come in, have fun and do your own thing. I love it for the music side of things, the staff are fully sportive of kids that want to have a go at playing live music and run their own gigs. They really help young musicians.

So what’s the most embarrassing band your’e into? I really like Gangnam Style, I really enjoy that song. What advice would you give to kids that want to start planning events? If you go to a school that has speakers and a mixing desk have a play with it and talk with your teachers to see if you can get involved. If you have assemblies at your school let your teachers know that this is what you’re into and ask where you can help out. If you come to the Centre just ask one of the staff and they will help you out.

“I really like Gangnam Style” Interview & article by Bronte Roper


JedAppleton & the Quartet

Dylan: you get taken more seriously when there’s more people involved. Like you can’t really play solos to a massive crowd because people want to dance to music. Why do you love busking?

Jed Appleton is a 17-year-old Hobart singer/songwriter whose voice is attracting a lot of attention. Bronte first experienced Jed’s music while he was busking at Salamanca Market. Jed held his guitar as if it were part of his body and stood with modesty, losing himself in the music. I thought no one could cover Hallelujah (by Leonard Cohen) better then Jeff Buckley but Jed Appleton is up there and he’s only 17. I caught up with Jed and Dylan Wells, guitarist from The Quartet to get the details.

J: I started off in town, in Queen Street where no one listens to you and everyone just walks by. I would earn a bit of pocket money but I saw a guy called Passenger perform, he’s from England and takes busking seriously. He uses amps and ends up getting big crowds. He earns a lot more money. I also like playing to new people.

So what’s happing for you guys at the moment?

J: You write what you know I guess, you don’t try and write about drinking whisky and drowning your sorrows when you’re a happy teenager. You write about having relationships with girls or something like that. Girls will be a big influence on your songs.

Jed: we’ve kind of quickly put a band together. We have combined like 3-4 bands as one. So why get a band together? J: Well I’ve been playing solo for two to three years and I thought I would branch out and make my sound bigger.

D. It’s a good experience as well as a good learning curve. So how do you stay true to yourself while writing new songs?

How did the Youth Arts and Recreation Centre help you? J: Yeah we have held a few gigs here, I did

13 J: Passenger, he’s the biggest influence for me. I just think his music is really really good. D: Boy and Bear’s latest album, it was released last year but I’m still craving on it. It’s just amazing. I fall asleep to it and wake up to it, it’s incredible. I have heard through the vines that the music scene here is a bit of a boys club, what would you say to that? J: We have a chick drummer D: There are only a couple of girl musicians in Tasmania that get up. Asta is the biggest at the moment. J: I think one of the main reasons is because girls seem to be a lot more withheld. They aren’t as “get me this get me that.” I have jammed with so many girl musicians with really good voices but then haven’t done anything more.

my EP launch here in March and it was really successful so I might as well come back and let everyone know where it is. What do you think young people get out of the centre? D: A clean environment where you can come in and not have to worry about drugs and alcohol and just listen to music. There are a lot of things to do and to distract you from the outside world for a little while.

D: I think there are so many girls with potential like there are so many girls with amazing voices. It’s just getting them to get up on stage and blocking out what people think of them and doing what you love and sing. I think the expectation is girls go to college and you go to uni get a degree. Their parents don’t want them to start a band or be a musician. What’s a tip you would give kids that want to start music?

What’s something not many people know about Jed Appleton?

D: Play guitar every day and when you’re good they will want you. When you’re good and you’re young people crave on that. Be proactive, don’t be afraid to get on stage and have a crack. Even if people don’t listen to you.

J: I like doing my hair and even though it sometimes looks like I just woke up I actually spend a lot of time doing my hair.

J: Enjoy what you do, be your own musician and the biggest thing is to be self motivated. Don’t listen to the haters.

D: Every window we walk past he checks himself out. Who is your top artist of the year?

“Enjoy what you do, be your own musician” Interview & article by Bronte Roper




Substation Gallery Have you ever wanted to show your art work in a professional gallery space? Youth Arts and Recreation Centre’s gallery space, Substation Gallery, is the perfect place to showcase your talent. The Substation Gallery has four walls of hanging space and a professional hanging and lighting system all of which provides an open space for artists’ work to be well shown and admired. Our experienced and dedicated staff can assist you in advertising, set up of the space and can provide catering for your opening night. The best is yet to come the space is FREE! Yep that’s right no venue hire or commission on sales. The Youth Arts and Recreation Centre doesn’t do this for a quick buck but because we believe in young people’s talent and potential.

St Mary’s College senior students recently had a group photography exhibition at the Substation. “Our opening night was a huge success, attracting over 40 people,” said St Mary’s College art teacher Emma Harvard. “The opportunity for our senior students to exhibit their work in a public space such as the Youth Arts & Recreation Centre is a great experience and is extremely rewarding.” So if you are a budding young artist, and have always wanted to hold an exhibition to show off your artistic talent but are not quite sure how to go about it, come in and have a chat to the friendly staff at the Youth Arts & Recreation Centre today. Article by Bronte Roper


MyState Mural Imagine a museum that consists of streets, buildings, over-passes, back alleys and rivulets. There is no admission fee or black lines that you have to stand behind, nor is there a ban on cameras or loud voices. This museum is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and exhibits work by local artists who are rarely recognised. Sounds pretty amazing right? Well you are free to visit this public art museum and can do so by taking a trip into the Hobart CBD and surrounding areas. Street art is gradually changing the reputation of graffiti. Communities are beginning to realize the benefits of public art and how it can prevent mindless vandalism in their area. The Hobart Council are currently updating their graffiti management plan and together with The Youth Arts & Recreation Centre are looking at ways that they can better combat illegal graffiti in the Hobart CBD whilst still allowing young people to express themselves through their chosen art form. Early last year, MyState Financial in Hobart hired local aerosol artists Trent Fischer and Lukan Smith to paint a mural on the back wall of its offices in Collins and Murray Street. “We asked them to paint a Tasmanian-themed work on the back wall of our Collins St branch - and their completed artwork is magnificent,” said MyState Managing Director John Gilbert. He explained that the aim of the mural was to show respect for aerosol art as a creative

artform through producing legal pieces that can be admired instead of removed. Mark Potter from the Youth Arts & Recreation Centre helped to organise the mural and believes that it was a successful project. “The mural still has not been tagged over which is a great outcome for MyState Financial because that is what they were trying to achieve.” He says that because this mural has proven to be effective, the Hobart City Council are looking at creating more opportunities for artist in the city. “I believe aerosol art and other forms of art benefit the community and can brighten up different spaces that would otherwise be vandalised”. The Hobart City Council’s ‘Signal Box Project’ is another example of a successful plan to reduce graffiti in the city. The project is part of the Hobart City Council’s Public Art Program, which gives community organisations and individuals the chance to celebrate and express Hobart’s creativity and diversity by painting original artworks onto traffic signal boxes around the city. The project has been effective in both brightening up the city and reducing illegal graffiti and tagging on the traffic signal boxes. The Youth Centre recognises the importance of the arts in the community and has a wide variety of art programs that give young people the opportunity to learn and develop their skills. Article by Maddie Kramer


Mural painted by Trent Fisher and Luken Smith

Mural painted by Trent Fisher

Location: Murry Street Hobart

18 Yeah I would say that for sure hopefully one day it will change but Tasmania is Tasmania - it’s slow on everything but in Melbourne it’s taken off and it’s the spot for it at the moment What is it that you love about aerosol art that keeps you going? The colours, what you can do with it, where you can do it and the general fun of it.

Joel Gajdar Aerosol art has had a lot of negativity surrounding it, how can we change the general public’s views? I don’t think you can change some people’s opinions on it, to them it’s always going to be scribble but more legal (a place where you can aerosol legally) around Hobart would help. There are so many mixed reactions from people some thinks it’s as bad a murder but then again others think it’s art. I have had an 80 year old say it’s the best she has seen. Do you think it’s a bit like tattoos where it was once seen as something disgusting but now it’s seen as art and is widely accepted?

Interview & article by Bronte Roper

How do aerosol artists do such big walls? You can grid it up I guess or it’s just done by eye. You already have the vision in your mind and once you get one proportion right you just work off that and because it’s paint if it’s not quite right you just paint over it. Tell me about your style and how it developed over the years? I don’t know what style I am but people have said it’s like classic graffiti. Because of the bold outlines and bright colours. What advice would you give to young people who want to get into aerosol art? Stay off the internet, don’t copy and don’t do it just because you can put it on the net. Don’t do it for an image, do it for yourself.


Poetry Thank you Help me to go on, When I think I’ve just done wrong. Don’t let me run away, When I don’t know how to face the day. You are my strength, My confidence, my passion. You are my hope, Love, dreams and compassion. Thanks to you, I can get through the day. Nothing is impossible, When you’re there to guide my way. My soul source of warmth, My beacon of light. You’re everything I’ll ever need, To make it all alright. I never before realised, How incredible you are. But it’s amazing, truly, How you shine like a star. Thank you so much, For everything you do. Because I can guarantee, I wouldn’t be here without you.

Driving Driving down the street, Stay in your lane. Don’t hit the others, Crashing causes pain. Don’t give in to temptation, It may seem easy right now. But it’s not really an option, No matter what you think right now. Please, just don’t stop, Don’t let the feeling win. No matter what happens, Don’t ever give in. It doesn’t really matter, If you want it at all. You’ll regret it if you do, You’ll hurt others if you fall. Don’t ever do it, Promise me this. Just stay safe, That’s my one wish.

Written by Anna Young




The world is your dance

floor all you need to do is bust a move. The Youth Arts and Recreation Centre is full of young people who visit the space during Open Access, to express themselves through dance.

There is a big dance culture within the centre and a ton of support for dancers to reach their full potential. The Centre’s dance instructors don’t focus on one style but provide young people with options to try out a range of workshops that are run all year round. The centre often organises dance battles, where dancers take on each other and show off their skills on the dance floor. It’s a fun way to learn a bunch of new moves and meet other dancers. While in the centre you can put on your own tunes to dance to which is awesome if you’re trying to nail a certain move or routine, but make sure you get in early because it’s super popular. The centre is a great place if you’re just starting out as everyone is really supportive. The more experienced dancers want to teach the beginners and respect that everyone’s got to start somewhere. Once dancers get to a place where they feel they are ready for a new experience, the centre organises opportunities to perform at events or public spaces around Hobart. The Youth Arts & Recreation Centre inspires change and growth within the dance community. Without young people having a free space to get together, practise and compare notes dance wouldn’t be where it is today.

Article by Bronte Roper


Greg Thompson Greg is a local dancer who has worked with many young people, teaching them popping in the Youth Arts and Recreation Centre, but he hasn’t always been into dance. Before coming to the Centre he had never tried or considered dancing. Greg took some time aside to talk about his experiences in dance and his appreciation for the Youth Arts and Recreation Centre. How old were you when you first started coming to the centre to dance? Greg: I was about 16 or 17 when I first came here. Watching the guys dance, I was like “Oh my God! I want to learn how to do that”. Other than that they have helped me so much and I have met heaps of people. The kids kind of look up to me because apparently I am good at my dancing. How did you find out about the Youth Arts and Recreation centre? G: I found it through some friends in high school, they told me about this place. I thought this place might be boring, but when I came I thought “Wow! Look at that guy spinning on his back”, it was insane. He was doing a windmill, and I had never seen that in real life. I would play basketball, play the pool tables and table tennis, and eat my way through the kitchen. I would sneak around and watch the big boys dance. It was so good. You have been a big part of the centre in teaching kid’s dance, but how would you say the Youth Arts and Recreation Centre has helped you? G: The centre has helped me in so many ways I can’t describe; I don’t even know where to start. The centre has given me a boost in confidence to express myself through dancing, and has given me so many ideas in dancing. When I first came I sucked, I couldn’t even groove.

Interview & article by Bronte Roper

What do you feel like when you dance? G: It’s like no one is watching me. I know people are watching, but to me I’m in my own space doing my own thing, just letting go. It’s the only time I feel peace. What opportunities have come through your dancing? G: The youth centre has given me opportunity to work outside of the centre around town. I worked on a mentor program with Tullia, a dance teacher from Rokeby high school. I will never forget her, she taught me and AB, one of my best mates, how to teach dance. AB is dancing up in Brisbane now. He’s doing it all now man and I’m proud of him. Any advice for the little tackers? G: If people say you can’t, just ignore it, just keep doing it. You can dance. When people push you down you get back up, brush the dust away and you’ll be good.


Image by Rosie Hastie

“It’s like no one is watching me. I know people are watching, but to me I’m in my own space doing my own thing, just letting go. It’s the only time I feel peace.”




Health & wellbeing It’s normal to experience highs and lows in life, getting active can benefit your body and mind. Exercise releases endorphins, the body’s natural feel good chemicals which can help to decrease stress and anxiety. Getting involved in clubs or sporting groups is also a fantastic way to make lifelong friends and help you maintain your health and wellbeing. The Youth Arts and Recreation Centre has a range of recreation equipment and an amazing, creative space for you to get involved. During Open Access you have the freedom to use any recreational equipment in the centre. There is a sport to fit everyone from Hula-hoop classes to basketball, 8 ball, circus groups and surfing. There are so many options, and people out there to help you maintain your health and wellbeing, so get involved and get active!

What do you do to maintain your health and well being?

Zeph Rose

Maddie Clay

Go to the skate park and hang out with mates around town.

I surf, play net ball and I dance until my heart can’t take it anymore.

Ben Joseph

Elly Roach

I hang out with my friends & play x-box

I go for walks, clean my room and chill with friends

Interview & article by Maddie Krammer


Christophe Speers Hobart’s skateboarding scene like skateboarding itself is thriving. You may have noticed more and more grommets at the skate parks practising and doing unforgettable moves and why is this you ask? Because The Hobart Council and Skate Boarding Australia have come together to put on free skate clinics in Hobart. Streetwise is one of the more popular clinics held every month, it’s basically a bunch of awesome people teaching young folk to get on a board and experience what they’ve been missing out on. Tassie’s experienced skaters are rising up their torn skinny jeans to help out at these streetwise clinics. I got to catch up with Christophe Spears whose 10 years of skating has led him to coaching the clinics. I asked Christopher how he feels the clinics help skaters and has helped him. “For me and all the other skate instructors/coaches that help the kids out with learning the basics it’s really enjoyable to watch their progress. It’s always good to arrive at a clinic and see the same kids coming back and telling me about what they have learnt, it’s very rewarding. Our role as skate coaches isn’t to push the kids to their limit, it’s simply to ensure they’re having a good time, making new friends and learning skills that they might keep pursuing for the rest of their life. Skateboarding can be tricky to figure out when you’re first getting started (and after ten years!) or so it’s nice to have someone to show you the basics when you’re learning.” (Christophe Speers)

Interview & article by Bronte Roper


Image by Tony Lomas


Digital Media


Art by Ben Lambert


Isabella Klug

My image portrays an empty street; a street that has been transformed by the darkness. The natural light replaced by artificial light and vacant cars echoes emptiness; they stand still waiting for the new day. The street has undergone a transformation, a transformation that brings haunting stillness.


Kathryn Nicholson

The entanglement of emotion controls us all. Life may seem black and white yet there are often shades of grey that transform us. My work explores the subtle emotion that we endure as humans. By covering the face of the model, it leaves an element of detached mystery, as the human face is often the key translator of emotion.


The Oaktree Foundation is one of Australia’s fastest growing and most exciting nongovernment organisations. Entirely run by volunteers under the age of 26, Oaktree has over 139,000 members around Australia. The organisation has led some of country’s biggest anti-poverty campaigns: the 2006 MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY Concert in Melbourne; the 2007 and 2010 MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY Roadtrip campaigns, which succeeded in securing bipartisan commitment to increase foreign aid to $4.3 billion; Live Below the Line, a revolutionary fundraising and awareness campaign which raised over $2 million in its first two years; and It Starts at Home, a grassroots campaign that collects the stories of everyday Australians working to end extreme poverty. Oaktree also helps to fund education projects run by local organisations in some of the poorest countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Since 2003, Oaktree has invested over $2.5 million in schools, teachers, scholarships, vocational education and lots more – directly helping over 120,000 people across Cambodia, East Timor, Papua New Guinea, and South Africa. In Australia, Oaktree is all about inspiring young leaders through peer to peer education. Schools 4 Schools, which runs in over 50

schools nationwide, gives secondary students the chance to increase their understanding of the issues facing young people in developing nations. Generate, Oaktree’s university program, helps participants to gain development knowledge and make more than just small changes by running a fundraising or advocacy project. Oaktree Tasmania is the Oaktree Foundation’s newest branch. After kicking off as a bunch of motivated friends in early 2009, Oaktree Tasmania was granted official branch status at the end of 2010 after the success of the Tasmanian leg of the 2010 MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY Roadtrip and the state’s fundraising efforts for Live Below the Line. Since then the Tasmanian branch has continued to expand, and now consists of 15 young volunteers dedicated to rolling out Oaktree’s campaigns with creativity and passion. Currently, Oaktree Tasmania is looking for 100 young people who want to change the world to join the Roadtrip to End Poverty. The Roadtrip will run from March 9 to 16 next year, and will bring together over 1000 young Australians to demand that our country does its fair share to fight extreme poverty. It’s a chance to stop talking and start doing, to stop watching and start acting. You can sign up now at www.


The Youth Network of Tasmania (YNOT) is the peak body for the youth sector in Tasmania. This means that we aim to represent the views of young people, and the workers that support them. We work to improve the Tasmanian community’s response to youth issues and we do this by involving young people and workers in identifying and responding to youth issues. One of the main ways that we find out what issues are affecting young people is through the Tasmanian Youth Forum (TYF). TYF provides people 12-25 years of age with the opportunity to: • • • •

provide input and advice on Tasmanian youth policies, strategies and priorities develop strategies to maximise youth contribution in the community have a say on issues that affect Tasmanian youth identify and provide input on the needs, issues and goals of young people.

TYF is always looking for new members, to bring different perspectives and experiences with them. No qualifications are needed, just an enthusiasm for youth issues and a willingness to participate. YNOT, together with TYF is also involved in lots of other events throughout the year, all of which aim to raise awareness about specific youth issues, such as Youth Homelessness Matters Day which is coming up on 10 April 2013. YNOT also runs the Tasmanian Youth Conference (TYC) for young people and youth workers. This will be held on 29 and 30 May 2013, at the Derwent Entertainment Centre, Hobart. The conference program will include a range of inspiring local and national keynote speakers, as well as a host of workshops and other sessions for participants. To find out more please visit our website Email us Or follow us on facebook


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