8 minute read

Ekaterina Blake who founded InspoHub, a creative agency specialising in video production and live broadcasting, a little over fi ve years ago

Ekaterina founded InspoHub, a creative agency specialising in video production and live broadcasting, a little over fi ve years ago. She is trusted by an impressive client list that includes Aston Martin and England Rugby. This year she won the Young Professional Of The Year at the Dynamic Awards among stiff competition.

Dynamic has long been impressed by her obvious grit and tenacity and decided to dig a little deeper into her story…

Ekaterina Blake

Ekaterina is a Russian-Finnish entrepreneur catapult- and opportunity that did right by its employees and clients. ing a fast-growing UK creative agency into the realms of In November 2017, InspoHub was formed. perceived impossibility. She is an example of how grit Initially, InspoHub struggled to gain momentum in and determination in the face of adversity can, over time, what started out as an infl uencer marketing agency for fl ourish into a rewarding and profi table business venture. small businesses. It became clear that many newly found-

Ekaterina moved from Russia to Finland at the age of ed businesses weren’t utilising traditional marketing, let 18 to complete a bachelors in International Business. Having alone infl uencer campaigns. Ekaterina’s focus switched, and fi nished her degree with First Class Honours, she began all eff orts turned to off ering broader marketing services. working in the marketing fi eld, and, after four years, gained In 2018, Ekaterina moved to London and InspoHub fola senior management role at a fast-scaling fi ntech start-up. lowed. Finding local UK-based clients wasn’t easy, but with A little over a year later, she was il- keen networking and various outreach legally dismissed. Th is was a turning point. Having won the court case against the company, InspoHub’s Ekaterina’s devotion to creating a business strategies, by the end of 2018 InspoHub was profi table and had its fi rst employee. 2019 was a year of growth. foundations began to be laid. Here, Ekaterina faced a new built on the wellbeing Growing the team, the client base and retainer contracts zr. challenge. Would she start a of its employees and New employees entered the frame and, new role at a similar company and potentially face similar ad- clients is evident shortly before the pandemic, Ekaterina and her husband Ben relocated to versities? Would she join an es- Brighton. tablished business at a lower-rank role, or start a new As with all businesses, the pandemic brought a wave of venture that did things diff erently? complications. Clients tightened their purse strings, with

Ultimately, she decided to take a leap of faith, channelling marketing being seen by many as the fi rst expendable her wide skillset in business, marketing and people man- service. Despite this, Ekaterina kept hold of every client, agement into a business of her own. She set up a company adapting InspoHub’s off ering to ensure clients continued to that would operate on the foundations of youth, equality thrive. It soon became clear that marketing services weren’t

She set up a company that would operate on the foundations of youth, equality and opportunity that did right by its employees and clients

as profi table as they needed to be for the business to grow. Ekaterina, who was fast burning out, took a step back and audited InspoHub from top to bottom.

It was at this point that Ekaterina’s husband was invited to join the company. As a TV and video content producer, Ben brought a whole new array of expertise to complement the existing creative services implemented by Ekaterina. Before long, InspoHub’s primary off ering became video production and distribution marketing. With a team that was keen to adapt and stay in InspoHub’s working culture, Ekaterina and Ben allocated time and budget into developing employees in new roles that allowed them to play an integral part of InspoHub’s transition.

Left to right: Dynamic Awards presenter, Natasha Kaplinsky, winner Ekaterina Blake with Donna Holland from Rockinghorse

By the end of 2022, InspoHub regularly collaborates with the likes of Aston Martin, Klaviyo, RFU and one of the world’s biggest multinational investment banks. Th is is testament to Ekaterina’s dedication to a wider cause – creating content diff erently.

Her devotion to creating a business built on the wellbeing of its employees and clients is evident. A key example of this is the 50:50 crew gender split on all-female sporting events covered by InspoHub. Th is is a pioneering eff ort to give opportunities to all in a heavily maledominated industry. Add to this the fact that the average age of the InspoHub team is 25 years-old shows the concentrated eff orts in nurturing young creative talent.

Ekaterina has achieved the goals she set out fi ve years ago. She nurtures and develops team members to help them surpass their potential. She has created a welcoming and equal environment for young creatives to thrive. And most importantly, she has selfl essly drawn from her own personal challenges to ensure that others don’t have to experience the same.

Th e next step? It’s time to look ahead to the next fi ve years and see what is held for this fantastic, female-lead company.

Whatever your age or income, it’s important to consider your personal fi nance objectives. The earlier you start, the longer you have to achieve your goals. By ALISON JONES, Partner, Kreston Reeves


We’ve identifi ed 10 personal fi nance actions to help you get started.

1 SET YOURSELF REALISTIC FINANCIAL GOALS BASED ON YOUR CURRENT INCOME, AND REVIEW THEM ANNUALLY. At the beginning of each fi nancial year, consider what you want to achieve, your dream retirement lifestyle, your fi nancial legacy, and what you need to do to achieve these goals. Plans and fi nancial priorities may change, but starting early means your savings and investments add up over your lifetime.

2WRITE A WILL AND KEEP IT UP TO DATE Th e last few years has taught us not to leave anything to chance. Everyone over the age of 18 should make a Will and, if you have children, appoint guardians for them. Wills date as personal circumstances change; moving house, having children, getting married, divorced, or embarking on a new relationship. Take the time to refl ect on your wishes.

Everyone over the age of 18 should make a Will and, if you have children, appoint guardians for them

3IS NOW THE TIME FOR A LASTING POWER OF ATTORNEY? Life can change in a moment and if you are no longer able to make decisions about your property and fi nancial aff airs and/or health and welfare, then an LPA helps maintain control and ensures your wishes will be followed.

4INVEST IN, REVIEW, AND UPDATE YOUR PENSIONS It’s never too early to start thinking about funding retirement, retire age and lifestyle. State pension entitlement has changed in recent years and you can check for free what you will qualify for at www.gov.uk/check-state-pension

Consider investing in a company and/or private pension throughout your lifetime as it’s one of the most eff ective and reliable ways to plan for and fund your retirement. Review regularly to ensure it’s on track to meet your goals. If it’s not, consider investing more or fi nding alternative methods.

Keep track of previous pensions and the accumulated benefi ts they may have. Th e Government has a free Pension Tracing Service. Update your pension benefi ciary forms to ensure they go to who you would like to inherit them.

5REVIEW AND CONSIDER YOUR INSURANCE POLICIES Are you and importantly your loved ones adequately covered if you need to make a claim? Check if your insurance policies are written in trust so that funds paid out may not be automatically part of your estate and subject to Inheritance Tax.

Set yourself a realistic budget for the lifestyle you want and consider how to save as much as you can

6REVIEW YOUR EXPENDITURE AND BUDGET Households’ income and expenditure change all the time, so take the time to review them. Areas where you can save money are things such as transport, holidays, eating out and entertainment. Set yourself a realistic budget for the lifestyle you want and consider how to save as much as you can.

7PLAN YOUR ROLE IN A BUSINESS Would you like to work for yourself in the future or are you already involved with a business you part own? Either way, considering how and when to exit a business is important to ensure it’s valued appropriately, to minimise exposure to certain taxes such as Capital Gains Tax and to ensure the business is in strong shape to continue for the future.

8UNDERSTAND YOUR INHERITANCE TAX EXPOSURE As you get older and accumulate more wealth and assets, carrying out a periodic review of your fi nancial position and your potential exposure to Inheritance Tax is important. Should you decide to gift some of your money or assets to family and friends, consider all the implications around Inheritance Tax, Capital Gains Tax and Stamp Duty. 9 GIVING TO CHARITY If you can make donations via gift aid, you enable the registered charity to receive an extra 25% at no extra cost to you if you pay suffi cient tax.

For higher or additional rate taxpayers you may also be eligible to claim the diff erence between the rate of tax you normally pay and the basic rate on your gross donation. Th ere may also be additional Inheritance Tax benefi ts of leaving 10% of your estate on your death to charity.

10 CREATE AN ‘IN CASE OF EMERGENCY’ DOCUMENT Family members often struggle to fi nd important documents. If you keep all the information in one document listing details of any wealth manager, accountant, solicitor along with the names of banks or building societies where accounts are held then this will make it easier to deal with.

No one likes to think of the worst happening to them but thinking about your fi nancial security and your loved ones throughout your lifetime can give you peace and security for a brighter and more secure, fi nancial future.

Th is isn’t an exhaustive list, but these points can help get your New Year off to a fl ying start and allow you to keep track of your long term fi nancial goals.

Alison Jones is a Partner at Kreston Reeves and can be contacted at alison.jones@krestonreeves.com

Visit www.krestonreeves.com or call us on 0330 124 1399.

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