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An extra special welcome to the March issue of Dynamic Magazine. Here at Dynamic, we tend to go all out on March 8th which is, of course, International Women’s Day. is year, the focus is on Embracing Equitysomething we like to believe that we strive for at all times.
In honour of this all-important day, we are delighted to announce that Dynamic is sponsoring a 12-week mini MBA course for all women who run their own business or are in a senior management role within any SME and are determined to level the playing eld. Read more about this on page eight.
On top of our regular features this month we’ve also approached many wise women and men and asked them what International Women’s Day means to them.
As always, we feature remarkable women in Spotlight, and among our regular features, Anna Eliatamby shares her knowledge of how to create psychologically safe environments in the workplace in Further Reading, while Tanya Borowski brings perimenopause to our attention in Wellbeing.
Our pages are jam-packed for your reading pleasure. I hope that you enjoy this month’s Dynamic.
Tess de Klerk
Editor, Dynamic Magazine tess@platinummediagroup.co.uk
To celebrate International Women’s Day, Dynamic has a very special offer for all women who run their own business or are in a senior management role within any SME as we are determined to level the playing field.
The Help to Grow: Management programme as detailed here is normally 90% subsidised by the government and the participant pays only £750. Dynamic Magazine is sponsoring a number of places on the course therefore it will be totally free of charge to Dynamic readers!
This is a unique offer 100% sponsored by Dynamic Magazine