2 minute read
The importance of community
Life for our young people is becoming increasingly complicated. Whereas many teachers and parents remember their fi rst smartphone, nowadays our pupils cannot imagine a world without digital technology, social media and online games. With these developments, life has become progressively instant, and it is nearly impossible to distinguish information from disinformation.
Developing technology has had significant benefits in society at large and particularly education, not least because it has enabled new forms of community to take shape. However, at the same time it is also posing real challenges to our young people as they develop as members of these diverse groups. At Hurst, one of our key aims is to give our pupils an awareness of the world in which they live and how they can become valuable contributors to the communities in which they belong.
Apart from teaching pupils how to be safe in their environment, we also aspire to foster a sense of belonging that shapes their developing identities. Our hope is that by the time pupils leave as young adults, they know who they are, what their values are, and we trust that they are prepared to embark on their further journey in life. We are acutely aware that the time children and teenagers spend at school will be one of the most important formational experiences in their young lives. Therefore, we model those values and instil an awareness of belonging and commitment.
In every aspect of what we do, pupil wellbeing is at the centre. During their time at Hurst, pupils belong to several different communities, with the house system as a pastoral focal point for our teenagers. Each student belongs to a house, which becomes their home for the time they are at school, whether they are day or boarding students. In this way, they are not only supported by their house parents and tutors, but also by their peers. Each house has a small group of student guardians who are appointed to be a listening ear and to lead on wellbeing initiatives. The guardian role has become increasingly important in all year groups from the Junior Prep School all the way through the Senior School.
Our pupils are also encouraged to play a part in the community to which they belong. One example is our Reading Buddies programme. One afternoon a week, 50 students (aged 16/17) visit primary schools in the local area to help younger children develop their reading skills. For many of the pupils, both teenagers and children, this is the highlight of their week. In this way, our pupils participate in the life of the local community and develop strong relationships with children from a variety of backgrounds. www.hppc.co.uk
Also, our members of staff - both teaching and support teams - are encouraged to see Hurst not just as a workplace, but as a community in which they are valued and supported. The staff dining hall and common room are open to all staff members and provide an opportunity to meet each other during busy working days.

Outside of work, staff participate in several social activities, such as comedy and quiz nights. Many colleagues cycle or run together and, with others, support local events such as the Brighton and Mid Sussex marathons.
Th roughout the year, there are several occasions in which pupils, staff, parents and former pupils are able to interact, making the Hurst community truly inter-generational. Examples of this are the Saturday sports fi xtures, as well as annual events such as the Woodard Cricket Week in the summer and the Christmas services in December.
Th rough all these opportunities, we endeavour to give each member of the Hurst Community a sense of belonging and purpose. In this way we hope to inspire pupils to achieve their personal bests and to enable others to do so as well.
The impressive figure of 26 women as current heads of state around the world has just been reduced to 25, with the surprise resignation of New Zealand’s Prime Minster, Jacinda Ardern.