Platinum Business Magazine - issue 86

Page 30

Business recovery

I know you won’t believe me but the highest form of human excellence is to question oneself and others Socrates

The Socratic method is a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue between individuals, based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to draw out ideas and underlying presuppositions.

powerful learning opportunity for everyone involved in a discussion. And that is exactly what lies within the value of Peer Learning and why it is so valuable in many areas of our lives, at school, our communities and particularly in business. It allows individuals to listen and learn from one another in the broadest sense, approach problem solving, taking action and reflecting on the results – in a confidential environment.

Asking somebody “and what do you think? “can very often be an extremely

The MDHUB have been running peer learning groups to support business

So, what exactly does a quote from an ancient Greek philosopher have to do with Peer Networks? Quite a lot as it happens.


owners and the growth of their businesses since 2002. Our early clients included Giles Palmer – originally from Runtime Collective, who went on to set up the phenomenally successful Brandwatch, Neilsen Holidays and Ricochet Films, who are now part of Warner Bros. Today we are privileged to work with growth businesses throughout the UK which include Ridgeview Wine Estate, Andy Sturgeon Garden Design, DMH Stallard, Mooncup, Temple Group and Cheesmur Building Contractors.

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