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LSIP preliminary findings – announcement soon

April saw the Surrey and North/Mid Hampshire Learning Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) team run several hugely successful and busy events, including sector-specifi c roundtables, webinars and a summit. The variety of professionals from different businesses and training providers gave us an excellent opportunity to hear about the varied struggles and challenges from employers across the many sectors. The colleges and independent training providers were there to support and participate in the suggestions and strategies to overcome these issues.

In May, we co-hosted the Future of Green Skills summit in partnership with Surrey County Council at the WWF centre in Woking. Over 80 delegates came along to this event to hear the researchers share their findings around green jobs, which included the news that our LSIP area currently has a 23% higher level of green jobs than the UK as a whole. The LSIP team enjoyed the ensuing lively discussions on the green skills economy and ideas for transitioning to a more sustainable future. They also garnered valuable insights around the developments already made by businesses and other organisations to achieve the greener economy.

As always, our team meticulously gathered all the feedback from these sessions to help with the production of the final LSIP report, which we are busy writing for the end of May. Our report will include our preliminary findings on unmet needs of employers in the Surrey and North/Mid Hampshire area, and how education providers can rise to meet the challenges uncovered by working more closely with employers.

We are making plans to share the final report to bring to a close phase one of the project. We’ll be debuting our priority findings in June at a special event, with more details coming soon on our website – www.surrey-chambers.co.uk/future-skills-hub/events

As phase one ends, we will be moving into phase two of the project. This will see the team galvanised into action once again, providing a variety of activities focused on stimulating collaboration between employers, educational providers and stakeholders. Our overall aim is to help deliver solutions based on the findings from our phase one report, and then facilitate the delivery of them bringing together employers and educational providers.

Phase two offers plenty of opportunities for businesses to lend their voice to the LSIP project with a variety of employer engagement activities, including events, roundtables and more. To stay up to date with our upcoming events or to get involved, please keep an eye on our website and LinkedIn.

If you have any questions, please email the team LSIP at lsip@surrey-chambers.co.uk

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