Independent Audi Service Sydney
“Service your Audi with confidence at Platinum Car Service® – We are the leading, independent European specialists in Sydney”
Independent Audi Service Specialist
Platinum Car Service® uses only genuine or recommended Audi parts thereby reducing problems caused by incompatible components, and avoiding the likelihood of vehicle malfunction and/or uneconomical operation of your Audi.
“Accredited new warranty protection”
Platinum Car Service® is an accredited auto care workshop authorized by the Motor Traders’ Association of NSW to conduct manufacturer’s log book services, if you have a new vehicle. This ensures that your new Audi’s statutory warranty is therefore validated and preserved.
“State of the art equipment”
Platinum Car Service® uses state of the art equipment and diagnostic scan tools on your Audi, and you will be provided with a complete vehicle scan and report about the service and/or repair that has been conducted on your car.