Cryptonaire Weekly Magazine Edition 174

Page 47


WEEKLY CRYPTO investment journal


Is CBerry the new age of content creator rewards? Social networks are a good way to publicize the contents of a person, brand, company, organization, and or the government. The large number of users who use social media apps such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and a host of others makes it an efficient way of passing a message across to several thousands of audiences at a time. For example, Facebook has over 1 billion users and more than 250 million daily logins. Social media are a great way to generate traffic to your website, convert visitors into buyers, and introduce your products to new clients. This is the major reason why advertisers use these social networks to grow their revenue. Social networks have been able to increase the interaction between the website and the visitor. At one time, there was only the famous Contact Us to hear from our visitors. Fortunately, those days are over! With the strong competition in social media, it is more and more difficult to keep your followers. For that, you have to use strategy and reward them for being with you. It’s also a way to get more followers when people talk about it! So many businesses and influencers do a lot to reward their followers for having them retained. Some businesses and entrepreneurs’ techniques include discount coupons, contests, and ads that take money from businesses. Cryptonaire Weekly | March 23rd 2021


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