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Metaverse To Become Venue Of Colombia’s Court Trials – Here’s Why

Lots of strange things are happening in the metaverse. This month, a Colombian court conducted its first legal trial in the virtual realm.

A court case involving parties to a traffic conflict was reportedly heard on February 15 in the Metaverse, as reported by Reuters on February 24.

Avatars were used to portray the lawyers and defendants involved in the case virtually.

The case at hand was “more real than a video chat,” Magistrate Maria Quinones Triana said in a recent report, who was clad in black legal robes.

The judge compared it to Zoom, wherein she stated that, “A lot of people switch off their cameras, you don’t know what they’re doing.”

A Colombian Court held a hearing on the Metaverse on February 15, 2023, allowing the parties to appear over

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