Platinum Gazette 01 August 2014

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1 August 2014

Zuma orders probe

President Jacob Zuma has directed the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) to investigate issues relating to maladministration and alleged corruption concerning a number of government departments, entities and two Municipalities in the Limpopo Province. The affected institutions are the South African Post Office (SAPO), State Information Technology Agency (SITA), Greater Tubatse Local Municipality in Limpopo, Vhembe District Municipality in Limpopo and the National Departments of Labour, Public Works and Transport. The presidency announced the probe in a statement late Wednesday this week. In the mean time, while the Mayor, councillors and senior officials attended a Lekgotla at Blydepoort, members of the South African Municipal Workers’ Union (SAMWU) staged a sit-in in the Greater Tubatse Local Municipality council chamber in Burgersfort from Tuesday (the photograph was taken on Wednesday and predictably, no services were rendered). Traffic Poilice in uniform were also seen amongst those present. They demanded to see the Mayor about a number of grievances, inter alia the appointment of a Municipal Manager. Nobody arrived and yesterday they continued with the sit-in. In it’s announcement about the issue the Presidency says “While not pre-judging these cases, the proclamations are part of the drive to fight, eradicate and prevent corruption and maladministration at all levels of Government and state-owned enterprises. Areas to be investigated by the SIU pertaining to the three national departments and the two municipalities include the following allegations: 1. Serious maladministration in connection with the affairs of the departments 2. Improper or unlawful conduct by employees of the departments, 3. Unlawful appropriation or expenditure of public money or property 4. Unlawful, irregular or unapproved acquisitive act, transaction, measure or practice having a bearing upon State property; 5. Intentional or negligent loss of public money or damage to public property; 6. Alleged offences related to Chapter 2 of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act, 2004 (Act No. 12 of 2004), and 7. Unlawful or improper conduct by any person, which has caused or may cause serious harm to the interest of the public”. Full details relating to the directives issued to the SIU are contained in proclamations that will be gazetted today (Friday 1 August).


1 AUGUST 2014


Dwarsrivier Mine Dwarsrivier Mine and Mashishing High School celebrates Mandela Day Dwarsrivier Mine, Thaba Chweu Municipality and Mashishing High School took hands to celebrate a belated Mandela Day in Mashishing on Friday last week. The school’s matric learners and Dwarsrivier Mine employees assisted the Thaba Chweu Traffic Department to paint the speed humps in the area with a fresh coat of paint to increase their visibility. Thaba Chweu Municipality’s Executive Mayor, Cllr. MB Ncongwane also pitched in and wielded a paintbrush to help finish the task. Dwarsrivier Mine will also be donating school uniforms to less fortunate learners in the school. The matric class accepted the donation in a ceremonial hand-over on behalf of the learners who will benefit from the mine’s goodwill. Mr Pius Monyela from Dwarsrivier Mine encouraged the group to study hard in this final year of their school career. He also encouraged them to keep safe as safety is not only something concerning the mine. That is why the mine chose to assist with repainting the speed humps. The donation of school uniforms comes after the plight of certain learners at the school came to the mine’s attention. He encouraged them to keep on making their contributions towards making South Africa a better place and not just wait for large companies to do something. The message was clear – help make every day Mandela Day.




Superhero waves goodbye

The principal of Laerskool Ohrigstad, Mrs Ronnie Ferreira, has just retired. The children’s superhero, as they they describe her, did however, did not leave the school without a surprise or two. A sponsored gyrocopter flip from Hannah Game Lodge, over the escarpment and back to Laerskool Ohrigstad (where all the children waited next to the rugby field for her safe arrival) was one of the big surprises of her last two weeks at the school. After last week Wednesday’s gyrocopter flight with pilot Tom van der Meulen from Mariepskop, she first had to attend to an important meeting from where she was ecorted to the school hall where the children treated her to a farewell party consisting of various original acts, song, dance and poetry before they also received a lucky packet with something to eat!

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1 AUGUST 2014

ECM, Samancor Chrome give education a boost

Hard at work at the Mangabane Primary School Project.

Education is a fundamental human right and it is essential to ensure that all citizens are able to realise their potential. A key aim of education is to offer the necessary skills and values to uplift the quality of life. In support of this aim, Samancor Chrome says it will continue to enhance the relationship with Government and local communities to improve access to education and to increase the quality of education facilities. The physical environment in which learning takes place has a large impact on the outcomes of education. Central to Samancor Chrome’s principles and values is to contribute towards sustainable community development and by investing in education in particular schools infrastructure improvement will ensure long-term economic development of rural communities. School infrastructure is central and instrumental to education. Samancor Chrome, Eastern Chrome Mines in partnership with the Limpopo Department of Education, School Management and affected communities embarked on a drive to improve schools infrastructure in the affected mine communities of Tweefontein and Doornbosch Mines respectively. It is Eastern Chrome Mines believe that the condition and nature of school infrastructure have an impact on access and quality of education i.e. where the condition of school facilities is improved, learning outcomes are also improved. The projects will focus on the upgrading and construction of basic school infrastructure such as: 1. Madibeng Primary School in Kutullo Village (Tweefontein Mine Community) with additional classrooms/ 3 classrooms that will be convertible into a hall, refurbishments and renovations; 2. Mangabane Primary School at Mangabane Village (Doornbosch Mine Community) - Two Grade R Classrooms per school, 4 Classrooms, refurbishments and renovations of classrooms; 3. Mogolo Primary School at Ga-Riba (Doornbosch Mine Community) - 8 Classrooms 4. Sehlaku Secondary School, Driekop Village (Doornbosch Mine Community) - School Hall, laboratory, Engineering workshop 5. Sekabate Primary School, Madiseng Village (Doornbosch Mine Community) -Admin Block, refurbishment of 2 Grade R Classrooms Currently, construction has started and services are being provided by local construction companies that are recruiting their labour force from the communities where these projects are being implemented. This is further to contribute towards local economic development in the short term. More evidence of Samancor Chrome, Eastern Chrome Mines’ commitment to prepare local unemployed people to become part of the working economy is created through the school’s programme for learnerships that will be established at Sehlaku Secondary School. The School Learnership Programme was successfully implemented in Middelburg and Lydenburg as early as 2008. The principle of the programme is to identify school learners to start with their learnership training from Grade 11 and then qualify as artisans within the first year after leaving school. Through this programme Samancor Chrome creates a feeder pool of not only future employees but also competent workers for the labour market.

Projects at Madibeng Primary School (bottom) and Sekabata Primary School (top) are forging relentlessly ahead.




Calvinite brings home silver Phasha Rorisang made his Calvin College proud when he received a silver medal at a national debate competition held from 1 - 5 July in Kwa-Zulu Natal. The competition was tough but Rorisang delivered one of the best performances of his life. He will now be heading to the United Nations Schools Debate competition that is sponsored by Oprah Winfrey. On the photograph is Rorisang with his debate co-ordinator Ms Magret Bengura and Calvin College principal, Ms Lorraine Britz. (Information and photograph: Calvin College).

A birthday party for Basetsana On 30 July 2013 the Tubatse SAPS night shift officers were suprised when little Basetsana was born right there at the station while her mother was waiting for an ambulance. This week the station celebrated her first birthday with her family. The Tubatse SAPS threw her a party and she received a whole table full of gifts from the generous SAPS members. Basetsana’s mother, Ms Thabitha Ready for a party - Basetsana who was born at the Tubatse Nongoma thanked everyone for what they did. police station turned one this week.

Winning at Tubatse SUPERSPAR Ms Funi Sekele was the lucky winner on the weekend of 20 July 2014 in the Tubatse SUPERSPAR Wild Weekend Competition. She won a R500 shopping voucher. It was handed to her by Ms Selena Nyundu from Spar. Customers can still win in the lucky draw every weekend. Shop at Tubatse SUPERSPAR and enter in store!

“Safety begins with me”


South Shaft TM 3 Section are leaders in safety - 1 year accident free On 25 July 2014, Modikwa Platinum Mine, South Shaft TM3 Section achieved Three Hundred and Sixty Five days (one year) without an accident. The South Shaft employees have committed themselves in January 2014 when they achieved 1m FFS that they would ensure that they would work up to the values and principles of Modikwa. The TM3 section acknowledged that prioritising safety is the only way to achieve a year without

injury. The shaft works under the motto “safety begins with me” and so far it has yielded dividends. South shaft management went to the TM3 (large ends development) crews to enquire as to how was that made possible for the section that had a reportable accident almost every month to go for 365 day without even a minor accident. The employees responded by saying that “they set short term goals by taking it in 100 days without accident which then became the 365 days” Kyle McKinlay said, the other response was “ We worked as a team where no one amongst us wanted to be the cause of failure so every job was done in a safest manner” Sydney Makwana said. Mr Derek Rieck who is the section mine overseer said that when he started selling the idea of having an injury free days he referred to it as the world cup tournament where he said that now his section is on the semi-finals where the finals will be an injury free 2014. “Day in day out, I see remarkable achievements from the South shaft teams. At first it was about

200 days without any accidents of which 4 sections achieved it and now the best is yet to come. We strongly believed that we can work without accident and that has been proven by most South shaft sections, 365 days is now our new bench mark for all the sections at the shaft. Safety is everyone’s business at South shaft and all of us has a role to play in ensuring that my colleagues

and myself go back to our families safely” Sipho Zwane the Business Area Leader at South Shaft said. Every sections at South shaft has taken the challenge from the TM3 sections to work for 365 days without an accident of which it has never happened at the mine until the employees took safety personally and the results have been achieved.


1 AUGUST 2014


Dwarsrivier Mine Kicking up some dust at the Wildevy 4x4 Day Dwarsrivier Mine supported the Wildevy 4x4 Day on 26 July 2014. This day aims to raise funds for charity and is annually attended by more than 7 000 people. They hosted an obstacle point on the route participating 4x4 vehicles were driving. The team not only had a point where much dust was kicked about, they also had loads of fun. They started the day early, helping the vehicles negotiate the obstacle. Participants had to drive up and over some sandy hills trying to touch some beacons with their vehicles while avoiding others. This particular point is always very popular because of the adrenaline factor build into the angles the vehicles are negotiating. As the day’s dust settled the Dwarsrivier Mine team ended the day with a special oxtail potjie.

The Dwarsrivier Mine team enjoyed a fun-filled day at the Wildevy 4x4 Day on Saturday last week. By participating the team not only had fun, but also made their contribution towards a worthy cause. Especially sand form part of the challenge vehicles had to negotiate at their obstacle point. Dwarsrivier Mine annually participate in this event.




Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag 2014 ‘n groot sukses Die Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag het verlede week Saterdag weer duisende besoekers gelok. Die gewilde 4x4 dag word deur die Wildevy Manne gereël en die geld wat met die dag ingesamel word, gaan aan liefdadigheid. ‘n 120 voertuie neem aan die dag se 4x4 aktiwiteite deel. Stof, modder, sand en vele ander uitdagings is deel van die pret. By elke hindernispunt moet die deelnemers ook ‘n spesifieke takie verrig om punte in te samel, bv. lemoene in ‘n drom gooi. Die dag se voertuig wenners was soos volg: Algehele wenner - Dewald Snyman en Johan Venter; Beste manspan - AW Smit en Henk Prinsloo; Tweede plek in Beste Manspan kategorie: Johan Vorster en JanHarm Potgieter; Best vrouespan - Ronel Lategan en Lientjie Prinsloo; Tweede plek in kategorie Beste Vrouespan - Ellie Wheal en Susan Pretorius; Gemenge Mans wenner Marius Pick (bestuurder) en Linda Pick; Gemenge Vroue - Petro van Aswegen (bestuurder) en Gert van Aswegen; “Show Stopper” wenner - Ockert Espag en Yvette Espag; “Booby” prys - Henri Smit en Madelein Smit; Indrukwekkendste poging Tubby en Gooi Gooi. Die jaarlikse potjiekoskompetisie was weer ‘n sukses. Die uitslae van die kompetisie

was: Beste pot - Vyfster; Beste Gees - PreCrete; Beste Tema - Samancor ECM; Algehele wenner - Samancor ECM; Beste Punt Borg - Samancor ECM; Beste Uitstaller - Nutech. Die wenner van die Wildevy Manne se gelukkige trekking vir ‘n naweek by Black Leopard Camp was Santie Schoeman. Die kinders het nie agtergebly nie. Die wenners van hul inkleurkompetisie was: Ouderdomsgroep 11 - 13: Angelique Camphe (12) eerste plek (Waterval CVO); Nika (11) tweede plek (Joshua Generation); Twané Malan (11) derde plek (Steelpoort Akademie). Ouderdomsgroep 7 - 10: Lambert van der Vyver (6) eerste plek (Laerskool Lydenburg); Marli Vermeulen (6) tweede plek (Steelpoort Akademie); Jacqueline Lombard (7) derde plek (Waterval CVO). Ouderdomsgroep 1 - 6 jaar: Marius Swanepoel (5) eerste plek (Besige Bytjies Kleuterskool); Lienke Esbach (2) tweede plek (Besige Bytjies Kleuterskool; Spunky (5) derde plek (Tingeling Kleuterskool). Die skole van elke kategorie wenner stap met ‘n R2000 prys weg. Die Wildevy Manne het almal bedank wat gehelp het om die dag ‘n sukses te maak. Hulle bedank ook die publiek vir hul ondersteuning. Volgende jaar maak hul weer so!

Die “Show Stopper” aan die einde van die dag lok altyd ‘n groot groep toeskouers. Promotion

Local Westvaal dealers make their mark at Wildevy 4x4 Day Westvaal Mashishing and Westvaal Steelpoort hosted an obstacle point at the Wildevy 4x4 Day on 26 July 2016. The dealerships not only assisted vehicles to safely negotiate the obstacle point, their own vehicles were in the field of 120 participants. The vehicles

The Westvaal Mashishing and Westvaal Steelpoort vehicles not only made it easily through the course, they carried their drivers in comfort all through the day. These vehicles proofed their ability and deserve consideration if you are looking to buy in this market segment.

from Westvaal Mashishing easily negotiated the muddy, sandy and generally rough terrain. They were amongst the first vehicles to finish the course - dirty, but safely back at the Westvaal stall. Visit Westvaal Steelpoort or Westvaal Mashishing to test drive some of these vehicles.



1 AUGUST 2014

Deur modder en stof... Die Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag het vir sommige voertuie ernstige uitdagings gebied. Soms moes die

passasiers maar uitklim en sorg dat die voertuig uitgesleep word.

Soms was die eise net te veel en die modder net te sag. Hierdie voertuig het halfpad in die modder weggesak nadat hy op sy sy omgeslaan het by ‘n punt wat later vir die “Show Stopper” aangewend is. Die voertuig het nie verder deelgeneem nie en die is uitgesleep voor die Wildevy Manne die stukkie van die uitdaging afgesper het.

Die kinders het nie vergete gebly nie. Daar was meer as genoeg vermaak vir hulle met ‘n speelpark, boogskiet, glybaan, kunshoekie, “foefie slide” en miniatuur perdjies waarop hulle kon ry.

Die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Bloeddiens het die dag bygewoon en ‘n hele paar punte bloed gekry.

Die kosstalletjies het gesorg dat daar ‘n verskeidenheid is om die honger mee te stil. Die potjiekoskompetisie het gesorg vir ‘n verskeidenheid heerlike potjies wat aan die einde van die dag te koop aan gebied is.




A ride on the wild side The Wildevy 4x4 Day had it all. Fun, adrenaline and the chance to get dirty. The day drew large crowds who came to see the vehicles and their drivers in action.

The beer tent ensured the thirst was kept at bay. The evening closed off with entertainment by various artists.

Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

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1 Bedroom Flat for rent Conveniently situated in central Burgersfort, 45 Marone Street next to Nalito’s Restaurant. R4000 per month. R6000 deposit required. (Price negotiable) Water and lights excluded from rent. Long term tenants welcome. No more than 2 people staying in flat, please. Available immediately. Contact: 082 923 4744.

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3 Volstruise van ‘n jaar oud te koop. Skakel Dave Wessels vir verdere inligting by 083 297 4102.

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“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).



1 AUGUST 2014

Sports against crime at Riba Cross The Tubatse SAPS and other stakeholders hosted a Sports Against Crime campaign at

Lehlaba Secondary School on Wednesday this week. Batau Secondary School, Mogolo

Secondary School, Mohlarutse Secondary School and Lehlaba Secondary School played soccer and netball games against each other.

Apart from the games different speakers addressed the learners - encouraging them to stay away from criminal activities and report any abuse or crimes to the SAPS. They were encouraged to know their rights.

Netball and soccer games formed part of the Sports Against Crime Campaign at Lehlaba sports ground this week.

Speakers from the Tubatse SAPS as well as other stakeholders encouraged learners to stay away from crime.

Is it hay fever or is it a cold?

Steve Ramaila is your friendly pharmacist at Pharmacy at Spar.

Hay Fever, also called allergic rhinitis, causes cold-like symptoms, but unlike a cold it is not caused by a virus. Hay Fever can affect people of any age. Symptoms may start or worsen at a particular time of the year and can be triggered by things such as pollen, grasses or weeds. You may also be sensitive fo indoor allergens such as dust mites, cockroaches, mold or pet dander. Signs or symptoms of hay fever include a runny nose and nasal congestion, watery or itchy eyes, sneezing, cough, an itchy nose, roof of the mouth or throat, sinus pressure and facial pain. You may also experience blue coloured skin under the eyes and have a decreased sense of smell and taste. How do you determine whether it is a cold or hay fever? Colds often also include body aches and a low-grade fever. You will get symptoms for a cold 1 - 3 days after you were exposed to the virus and it should start to clear between 3 - 7 days afterwards. Hay fever will start immediately after exposure to an allergen and will continue as long as you are exposed. Ask your pharmacist with help if you are not sure what to get to treat your symptoms.

Underground FC beats team from SAPS CTM sponsored a soccer tournament held at Lehlaba Sports ground last weekend. In the the final the Tubatse SAPS lost 2-0 to Underground FC. Toma Mokgoto and Thabang Tos Mokoena scored goals. (Information and photograph: Lefa Letsopa Maepa - Underground FC).

Schools play soccer against crime On Saturday 26 July the Department of Social Development in Praktiseer, the Tubatse SAPS, Victim Empowerment Program (VEP) and the Communicity Policing Forum (CPF) held a sports against crime campaign at Kweledi Sports ground. Schools that participated in the day were Leolo and Kweledi Secondary Schools from Praktiseer and Mmiditsi from Bothashoek as well as Moukangoe from Ga-Motodi. The schools played soccer games against each other. Approximately 350 people attended the event. The community thanked the SAPS for their engagement with the youth to help them not get involved with criminal activities. (Information: Const. Nicodemus Letsoalo and Mpule Makofane).




Fun for everyone at the Wildevy MTB Race The Wildevy Mountain Bike (MTB) Race had categories for everyone to participate - no matter your age! The day was filled with fun and the increased amount of entries are witness to the growing success of this event. Get the results and more photographs on page 12.

Local cycling enthusiasts grabbed the opportunity to participate in the Wildevy MTB Race. A team from HoĂŤrskool Lydenburg performed very well and made the school proud. Future cyclists on tricycles and small bicycles showed that they would soon be contenders to be reckoned with. Some of them finished under loud applause from proud parents.


1 AUGUST 2014

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Platinum Gazette


Wildevy Mountain Bike Race growing More than 280 people participated in the Wildevy Mountain Bike Race that took place on Saturday last week. The 70km, 35km and 20km races had 80 entries more than in 2013. The race start and finish was at the Waterval CVO School on the R37 Lydenburg road. It winded over the Spekboom river and through agricultural grounds into untouched bush to make the route challenging. The 70km winners were Nico Bell (1st men’s), Max Knox (2nd men’s) and Ben Melt Swanepoel (third men’s). The women’s category for 70km winners were: Yolandie du Toit (1st), Samantha Saunders (2nd) and Santie van der Westhuizen (3rd). 35km mens winners: Franco Pelser (1st), Blessing Moima (2nd) and Martin Oosthuizen (3rd). 35km women’s winners: Mandie Swart (1st), Estelle Gouws (2nd) and Helen Clarke (3rd). 20km Boys: Ryan Terry (1st), Freddie Mokwena (2nd) and Neo Makofane (3rd). 20km Girls: Monique Swart (1st), Karen de Wet (2nd) and Petronel Beukes (3rd). More than 50 small children participated in the 2km and 6km races. The feedback on the race was very positive and the race shows all the promise of become more and more popular on the cycling calendar. After the race many of the cyclists joined the fun at the Wildevy 4x4 Day. (Information: Wildevy MTB Race organisers).

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