Platinum Gazette 01 February 2013

Page 1

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Nkwe rescued? Nkwe Platinum, a platinum mine development company that is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange, said this week the the African Minerals Exploration and Development Fund (AMED), Genorah Resources (Nkwe’s Black emopowerment shareholder) and Nkwe Platinum are finalising a transaction whereby Nkwe will be recapitalised. At the moment Nkwe shares are in a trading halt on the Australian Stock Exchange. Nkwe says in an anoouncement the final details of the deal are still being concluded, the end goal of the transaction will see AMED become a significant shareholder in Genorah and, through that position, enable Genorah to recapitalise Nkwe. In terms of the transaction a working capital facility of $4.5 million has been approved. “The facility is secured against Genorah’s shareholding in Nkwe and will be provided to Nkwe through the existing intercompany loan arrangements. The facility will provide Nkwe with working capital funding whilst AMED, Genorah and Nkwe finalise the larger strategic partnership transaction. The intention is to conclude the draw down of the facility and resume trading on ASX next week commencing 4 February 2013” according to an announcement by the company stating further that “If for whatever reason the drawdown is not concluded alternative financing arrangements are being negotiated and upon finalisation, they will form the basis of a request to ASX for resumption of trading in the Company’s shares”. Nkwe already concluded a bankable feasability for their Garatau project near Burgersfort and will need apart from the recapitalisation funds a large investment to enable the development of a profitable mine. Meanwhile some minority shareholders in Genorah Resources (which has a 60 percent stake in Nkwe) say they are not all for the deal with AMED (a Hong Kong investment entity registered in Cyprus). The minority shareholders argue that AMED outmanoeuvred Genorah entirely, creating a situation where the fund would effectively take control of Genorah (and, through it, Nkwe), and if allowed to proceed, will deny Nkwe access to the capital markets to raise money and stop the entire project. Nkwe Managing Director, Maredi Mphahlele, this week largely dismissed the concerns and actions of the minorities. “It is not an issue of control as is being spun,” he said. “There are obviously people who are unhappy, but the deal is not under threat.” In fact, he said, it was effectively done, and shareholders would be informed about the terms of the recapitalisation, which has been misunderstood, through normal company announcements.

The Ford Puma Currie Cup rugby team is staying at Hannah Game Lodge between Burgersfort and Ohrigstad this week to practice before the rugby season starts. The Mpumalanga team not only make use of the facilities at Hannah Game lodge, but also utilises Laerskool Ohrigstad’s rugby field. On Wednesday they took time out to interact with learners in Ohrigstad and also visited Maepa Primary School near Hannah Game Lodge where fun and games were the order of the day (more photographs on page 2).

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© Platinum Gazette

1 February 2013




Pumas visit schools

Public Notice The 2011/2012 Draft Annual Report and 2012/2013 Mid-Year Report Notice is hereby given in terms of section 127 (5) (a), (i) (ii), of the Municipal Finance Management Act 56 of 2003 read with section 21 (1) of the Municipal Systems Act No 32 of 2000 and Section 72 of the Municipal Finance Management Act.

Get your financial freedom back

The Act stipulates that immediately after an Annual Report is tabled in the Council in terms of (sub-section 2) of the said Act, the Accounting Officer of the Municipality, must make public the Annual Report and invite the local community to submit representation in connection with the Annual Report.

and have something to smile about

All stakeholders, including Community Members, Organised Structures, Magoshi, Businesses, Ward Committees and Interested Parties are invited to submit written comments or representations to the Speaker’s office, Civic Centre, Burgersfort. Copies of the reports will be available at municipal and traditional offices as from the 5th of February to 28 February 2013 . Those who cannot read/write may come to the Speaker’s office during office hours for assistance or seek assistance from CDW’s and Councillors. Community Meetings will also be convened in all wards for community members to make representation.

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Written comments or representations should be submitted on/or before 28 February 2013 at 10:00. For further enquiries, please contact Mr M.L. Komane at 013-231-1131.

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H.L Phala Municipal Manager

© Platinum Gazette

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Initiation School Repeal Bill discussed



20 Bursaries awarded

The closing date for applications of Limpopo Initiation School Permits is on 28 February 2013

The Limpopo Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (CoGHSTA) this week met with all Senior Traditional Leaders and some headmen in Polokwane to discuss and make inputs on the Limpopo Initiation School Repeal Bill. The Bill is aimed at regulating the holding of initiation schools, provide for the prohibition against abduction, provide for a consent or permission for the performance of initiation operations and also provides for the implementation and monitoring of health and hygiene standards. Resolutions taken with regard to the Bill include that if a person is not a graduate and caught snooping around at the initiation school, he will be detained. If you are under age, the school will consult with your parents and Senior Traditional Leader concerned for permission. Admission fees will be regulated and issued by the MEC for CoGHSTA in consultation with Senior Traditional Leaders. Local Houses must establish committees to assist the Provincial House in recommending applications for initiation schools, which must be approved or disapproved by the Department. People above 21-years of age can attend initiation schools without their parents’ or guardians’ consent. Senior Traditional Leaders are not allowed to operate initiation schools in other Senior Traditional Leader’s areas of jurisdiction. The closing date for applications of Limpopo Initiation School Permits is on the 28 February 2013. All applications must be submitted to all five districts in the province. CoGHSTA will later conduct an initiation school compulsory workshop for all Senior Traditional Leaders in an effort to reduce the mortality rate and other related matters.

Greater Tubatse Municipality awarded 20 bursaries to qualifying students on Friday, 25 of January 2013. The awarding of the bursaries was done by the Mayor Cllr Noksi Josias Mahlake, Municipal Manager Mr Lemon Phala, Chief Whip Cllr Samson Nkosi and Executive Committee Members. The bursaries are aimed at giving financial assistance to students who cannot afford tertiary fees. In his opening remarks Mayor Mahlake said that “when the schools reopened on the 9 January, we visited schools that performed well and those who did badly. We want to salute Gobetse Secondary School in Ngwaabe for being the best performing school In Greater Tubatse by obtaining 97,3 % overall. We congratulate the school management, educators, parents and learners for working together and their hard work has paid off”. He also said that at times, it becomes frustrating to those who have passed but are unable to proceed with studies due to financial constraints. That is why we took a decision to continue with the Mayoral bursary scheme to assist those who want to further their studies and in October last year, advertisements were placed in the local media inviting

Rabies vaccinations in February 4 February at OK Mini Market Burgersfort - 09:00 - 16:00 5 February at OK Mini Market Burgersfort and Motaganeng - 08:00 16:00 6 February at Tubatse residence (Tuck Shop) - 08:00 - 16:00 7 February at Winterveld Mine (Top and Bottom Gates) - 08:00 - 16:00 8 February at Steelpoort in front of Pick ‘n Pay - 08:00 - 15:00 12 February at Ohrigstad Police Station - 08:00 - 16:00 13 February at Marone Farms (PLM Boerdery) - 08:00 - 16:00 14 February at New Burgersfort Mall Parking Area - 08:00 - 16:00 Cats and Dogs will be vaccinated against Rabies on these dates. This is a free service provided by the Limpopo Department of Agriculture in the Tubatse Municipality. Enquiries can be directed to Mr MA Muroa, 082 767 9736, Dr MF Makgamatha, 072 553 7043 or Mrs MB Kgwete, 078 459 7278.

learners to apply for this financial assistance. He further emphasized that “your achievements makes us proud to see you being the best in your respective communities. Government has prioritised education as one of the 5 areas of development and as the local sphere of government we are also committed to see improvements in the education of the youth” concluded the Mayor”. 20 students will now be able to study at different universities around Limpopo and Gauteng. The total amount of the financial assistance is R300 000, which was broken into two different amounts of R10 000 and R20 000. The Municipality only assisted first year students with R20 000 which covers their registration, tutorial fees and accommodation whereas second and third year students are being assisted with R10 000 each. 12 Students are in their first year, while 5 students are in their second year and 3 students doing their last year. The Municipality says it tried its utmost best to assist as many students as it could but the budget didn’t allow to do more than that.




Who was first? Steelpoort Academy was one of the schools in the area who held their inter house athletics over the past two weeks. The high school and the primary school sections had their events seperately. The high school was first after rain prompted the primary school section to postpone. Eventually in blistering heat the children participated in field and track items. Everything was held in good sporting spirits and the children enjoyed it very much.

The various items are used to select those learners who will be going to the next level to participated against schools from the cluster before moving to district level.

Field and track items were on the programme for both the high school and the primary school.




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What will happen in the game South Africa’s national soccer team, Bafana Bafana will come face to face with Mali’s team, The Eagles on Sunday in their quarter final game of the African Cup of Nations (Afcon). Mali is ranked third in Africa and South Africa is ranked number 22. “We are under huge pressure, we hadn’t performed in the friendlies beforehand, although they prepared us very well. We are pleased and proud to have made the nation and ourselves happy to get to the quarterfinals. Now we can look at the bigger picture and go on,” Bafana Bafana coach, Gordon Igesund said this week. Mali is a team filled with talented players such as Seydou Keita, a former Barcelona midfielder who was also part of the 2002 Mali Afcon team. A crowd of approximately 60 000 people are expected at the Moses Mabhida Stadium in Durban where Bafana will try to make the most of the homeground advantage. In the South African squad the suspended Anele Ngcongca will be replaced by Siboniso Gaxa. “He could be the right player for this game, because of his ability to attack,” Igesund said. We asked readers whether they will be watching the game, what the score will be and what advice they have for the team or coach.

Mr Matome Moloto said: “I hope we win because we are hosting the games. It would be sad if we get knocked out. So far we’ve played well. We did not expect them to reach the quarter finals. The score on Sunday: Bafana 1 and 0 for Mali. I’ll be watching it at home”.

Mnr Tyran Wallace sê: “Nee, ek is nie ‘n sokker ondersteuner nie, so ek gaan nie kyk nie. Ek gee nie eintlik om wie wen nie”.

Ms Refilwe Ivy Komane said: “I think Bafana is going to do it. The score will be 2-0. I’ll be watching at home. I wish them good luck”.

Mnr Dirk Winterbach sê: “Nee, ek stel nie belang in sokker nie so ek gaan nie die wedstryd kyk nie. Ek volg soms van die groot internasionale wedstryde. Mag die beste span wen en as dit Suid Afrika is, is dit ‘n bonus”.

Mr Sam Maphanga said: “We are going to win. Bafana is going well now. At first there was a lack of communication but now there is a good combination from the defenders to the midfielder, striker and goalkeeper. We are going to repeat the history of 1996 because it is in our Sourh African soil. I’ll be watching the game at home”.

Mr Thomas Mupira said: “Bafana Bafana will definitely win. The team is getting stronger and stronger. We rally behind you boys. Go Bafana go. The score: Bafana 2, Mali 1”. Mr Richard Neo said: “Bafana is definitely going to win the game. The score: 2-1. I’ll be watching at my home on the TV. They should just defend. That is their weakness. They’ve improved on scoring, now they should defend”. Left: Mr Daniël Makua (Makua Marathon) said: “Bafana will win 2-0. They must play with a good gameplan. All the people must support them”.

Mnr. Kobus de Beer sê: “Ja, ek gaan op die TV kyk. Ek is ‘n Pirate’s, Cheetahs en Bafana Bafana-man. Bafana gaan wen. Die telling sal 3-1 wees. Hulle moet net hul beste gee want fikser kan hulle nie wees nie”.

Mr Ismael Arbee said: “I think they’ll win that game. I’ll be watching on the TV. The score: 1-0. They must make proper passes and work the ball to the goals”. With him are: Bilaal, Yusha, Zahra and Laibah.

Mnr. Daniël Kgotle (middel) sê: “Daar is niemand wat seker is wie sal wen nie. Ek het twee harte. Die een sê ek glo nie Bafana kan wen nie en die ander ene sê miskien, miskien kan hulle wen. Ek wens hulle baie sterkte toe. Hulle moet tot by die finals gaan. Ons soek daai cup!” Mr Samuel Tjatji (left) said: We are looking for a win to repeat the history of 1996”. With them is Mr Steve Juu Juu.

Mr Montoane Kgwete said: “Bafana is going to win 2-1. I believe and I trust. I’m going to watch it from my room. I’m going to sit, relax and have the complete joy. If I was to have a word with the coach I’d say that he should not change the winning combination of the last game”.




between Bafana Bafana and Mali?

Mnr. Mike Roetz (links) sê: “Ons gaan die game by my huis kyk. Die telling sal Bafana 1 en Mali 0 wees. Ons is een van die sterkste ekonomieë in Afrika, so ons behoort ook een van die sterkste sokkerspanne te hê. Dis jammer dat ons nie dieselfde opgewondenheid oor Bafana sien as in 2010 met die Wêreldbeker nie”. Michael Roetz (regs) sê: “Die telling gaan 2-1 in Bafana se guns wees. Ek gaan by Castle House, The Palace kyk”.

Mr Goodman Goloda said: “I think Bafana will win. They play a different ball game to the last ones we’ve seen. Tokelo Rantie and Thuso Phala have lots of speed and Dean Furman is consistent in the middlefield. They’ll be more focussed this time. Igesund is a good motivator. They’ll confuse Mali”.

Mr Frans Malese said: “Mali will win. I’ll be watching it on the TV. Score: Mali 2 - Bafana 1”.

Mr Thomas Motswiane and Mr Thabiso Maleka said: “We are going to watch the game. Bafana will win 2-1. We will be watching it with friends”.

Mr Abram Mohlala said: “We’ll win 2-1. I will be at home watching on the TV. Bafana Bafana must play hard so that we can win the cup”.

Mr Steve Mosoma said: “It is going to be a draw. I’ll be watching the game at home on the television. If they can just strengthen the middlefield I hope we can get better results”.

Left: Mr Anthony Mashego said: “I think South Africa will win the game, but through penalties. They way they are playing now is better from how they were playing before. There is a lack of communication in the backline between Bongani Khumalo and Siyabonga Sangweni. Our middlefield is superb. If we start with Lehlohonolo Majoro, May Mahlango and Bernard Parker, maybe we can get the first goal”. It will be either Bafana 1, Mali 0 or a draw”.

Mr Kuziva Nyamurowa and Mr Tumai Mago said: “It will be a tough game, but Mali will not be a problem. It will be at least 2-0 for Bafana. We’ll watch it at the pub while we are drinking. The guys must just keep the fire burning. They are like a diesel engine. When it heats up it performs”. Right: Mr Abraham Mkhatshwa said: “I’ll be at Manoke Village watching with friends. It will be a tough one, but Bafana will make it happen. Score: Bafana 1, Mali 0. They must just work hard because the nation is behind them. I’m player No 12!”.

Left: Mr Khupa Mangwana said: “Bafana is going to win. Score: 3-0. If Igesund can put Majoro and Parker at front they will be OK. I will watch with friends”.




News from Joshua Generation

The swimmers who represented Joshua Generation. (Information and photographs: Joshua Generation).

Joshua Generation was represented at the Swim Rite Gala held on 25 January 2013 at Sabie Country Club. The learners performed very well. Their coach, Nicole Wentworth also represented Joshua Generation as an Official. Chrismarie Ebersohn, Nika Janse van Rensburg, Nicole Wentworth, Ian Grobler, Karl Buitendag, Tiana Buitendag, Eckard Ebersohn and Liebhe Janse van Rensburg participated. Chrismarie Ebersohn received gold medals in 25m back stroke, 25m breast stroke and for the 50m freestyle, silver for Butterfly and bronze for Independent Medley for girls under 13. Nika Janse van Rensburg received a bronze medal for 50 m freestyle girls under 11. Liebhe Janse van Rensburg received a gold medal for 25m breast stroke and silver for back stroke for girls under 10. Ian Grobler received a bronze medal for 25m breast stroke for boys under 12. Tiana Buitendag received a gold medal for 25m breast stroke and silver for freestyle for girls under 11. Karl Buitendag received gold medals for 25m back stroke, 25m breast stroke, 50m freestyle and Independent medley for boys under 15. Eckard Ebersohn received silver for back stroke and breast stroke and bronze for 50m freestyle and 25m butterfly for boys under 11.

Joshua Generation Steelpoort Campus Leaders Cheslyn Govender, Nika Janse van Rensburg, Anthony Franckeiss and Khutso Lekalakala. Marley Modiba is the Media Leader.

Huissport op Lydenburg vir Waterval CVO Waterval CVO het hul huissport teen die Lydenburg CVO Akademie gehou. Die byeenkoms het verlede week Saterdag plaasgevind. Daar is aan verskeie baan en velditems deelgeneem en die leerlinge

Hulle het almal aan die dag deelgeneem.

het dit baie geniet. Die uitblinkers sal nou in die volgende rondtes teen skole van ander areas gaan deelneem. (Alle aksie foto’s is deur die skool voorsien. )


Nuwe juffrouens by Laerskool Burgersfort

Juffrou Cara Viljoen is 24 en kom van Juffrou Yolandi Theron is 22 en kom Pretoria. Sy is die nuwe juffrou vir die oorspronklik van Bethlehem. Sy is die nuwe Afrikaanse graad R klas. juffrou vir graad 5 - 7 Afrikaans huistaal. Sy gee ook vir graad 7A kuns en kultuur. (Foto’s en inligting: Anja van der Westhuizen, Laerskool Burgersfort)

Laerskool Ohrigstad se uitblinkers Laerskool Ohrigstad se atletiek uitblinkers is die afgelope week aangekondig. Die beste junior seuns baanatleet is Gerrit Jacobs. Die beste baanatleet, junior dogter is Juane Langenhoven-Kruger. Die beste baanatleet, senior seun is Ruan van Rooyen. Di ebeste baanatleet, senior dogter is Ronel Jacobs. Beste veldatleet, seuns is Arnold Ndlovu. Die



beste veldatleet, dogters is Ansie Bylsma. Die beste prestasie by die skool se interhuis is deur Ruan van Rooyen gelewer. Die Junior Victor Ludorum is Gerrit Jacobs. Die Junior Victrix Ludorum is Juane Langenhoven-Kruger. Die Senior Victor Ludorum is Ruan van Rooyen. Die Senior Victrix Ludorum is Ronel Jacobs.

Platinum Gazette


To book your advertising space contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or e-mail adverts@ platinumgazette. com The advertising deadline is on a Tuesday at 17:00.

Die volgende betrekking is tans vakant: Admin Dame Vereistes:

• Die kandidaat moet matriek hê. Vorige kantoorondervinding sal ‘n voordeel wees. • Die persoon moet rekenaargeletterd wees. Kennis van Pastel sal in die persoon se guns tel. • Die aansoeker moet ‘n geldige bestuurderslisensie hê. • Moet goed tweetalig in Afrikaans en Engels wees. • Goeie kommunikasievaardighede is ‘n moet. ‘n CV met opvolgbare verwysing kan Burgersfort Quick • Volledige Die ideale persoon sal doelgerig kanbywerk terwylSupa sy ‘n ingehandig word of faks dit na: 086 505 3994 uitstekende diens lewer en nie omgee om soms die Sluitingsdatum: Februarie 2013 ekstra myl te 15 loop nie. Die regte kandidaat sal onder druk Indien u nie binne van die noukeurig sluitingsdatum die maatskappy kan werk, maar21steeds envan sonder nalatige gehoor foute. het nie, aanvaar asseblief dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was.

Agter: Ansie Bylsma en Arnold Ndlovu. Voor: Ruan van Rooyen, Gerrit Jacobs, Ronel Jacobs en Juane Langenhoven-Kruger.

Help die CMR Lydenburg Die CMR Lydenburg is ‘n onafhanklike welsynsorganisasie wat staatmaak op skenkings en donasies. Hulle lewer ‘n omvattende maatskaplike diens aan die Lydenburg gemeenskap. Die organisasie volg deurgaans Christelike beginsels en draa ‘n boodskap van hoop uit. Die CMR Lydenburg moet egter deurgaans fondse insamel om hul in staat te stel om hul diens te lewer en uit te brei. Hulle vra dat die gemeenskap hul ondersteun

met donasies in die vorm van kos en klere. Hulle voorsien op ‘n weeklikse basis kospakkies en klere aan hulpbehoewende gesinne in die area. Behalwe vir kos en klere is finansiële bydraes altyd nodig. Indien u ‘n skenking wil maak kan u dit doen by: CMR Lydenburg, ABSA Bank, Rekeningnommer: 4049458478, Lydenburg tak, lopende rekening. Besoek hulle by Burgerstraat 15, Lydenburg of bel by 013 235 2407.




Klein Advertensies • Smalls

Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/ Advertise hier/ here: 1.Sport Klubs / Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/ Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/ Pets 6. Persoonlik/ Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Gesoek/Wanted 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

2. Betrekking/ Vacancy Waiter with experience needed. Must be FULLY bilingual in Afrikaans and English. Hand in your CV at Ohrigstad Restaurant or e-mail:

Air conditioning Technician wanted. Contact: 082 443 9751 Ohrigstad Restaurant has a vacancy for a griller with experience. Hand in your CV at Ohrigstad Restaurant or e-mail it to:

3. Te Huur/ To Let Nuwe tweeslaapkamer woonstelle te huur in Burgersfort. Skakel 083 244 6005 3 Slaapkamer meenthuis in sekuriteitskompleks te huur. 1km vanaf Waterval CVO skool. Skakel: 082 325 6653 3 x Offices & Workshop/Storage space to rent. Ample parking & covered roof area. 3 Phase power. Close to Burgersfort CBD and new shopping mall. 157m2. Available immediately. Please call: 082 808 9345 Springkastele te huur. Vyf verskillende soorte. Steelpoort/ Burgersfort. Kontak Bianca, 082 558 9129.

4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation Mooifontein Guesthouse Overnight accommodation available in Burgersfort. Restaurant, washing, safe parking, truck parking, aircons,

4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation fridge in rooms, coffee/tea facilities in room. Contact: Judy: 082 308 9221 Bread: 076 772 7607 Gloria: 082 614 3619

7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous We repair: Microwave ovens, Electronics, fridges and freezers, lounge suites, bedroom suites, chairs, dining room tables, sewing machines and much more. Gas and compressors for fridge repairs available. Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next to Supa Save (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236

10. Te Koop/ For Sale For sale Toyota single cab 4x4 Colt V6 3.0 Clubcab 1 Ton 3.0 TATA flatbed. 2007 Toyota Yaris T1 White 3dr. Tel: 082 808 9345

10. Te Koop/ For Sale TE KOOP 2011 Ford Fiesta 1.6 Amb. 5 Dr – R 149950; 2010 Nissan X-Trail 2.0 XE – R 189950; 2011 BMW320I A/T – R 259950; 2010 Toyota Fortuner 3.0D 4x4 – R 309 950; 2011 Toyota Fortuner 3.0D A/T 4x2 – R 339 950; 2009 Toyota Fortuner 3.0D 4x4 – R 289 950; 2012 Toyota Fortuner 4.0V6 A/T 4x4 – R 399 950; 2010 Nissan Navara 2.5Dci K/Cab 4x2 – R 219 950; 2011 VW Golf6 1.4 TSi – R 199 950; 2011 Nissan Navara 4.0 V6 D/C LE – R 299 950 Contact: Kassie, 083 2622744

Got some news? Contact us on 083 271 9151 with your news and events. Editorial deadline: Wednesday at 17:00

Platinum Gazette contact details:

Platinum Gazette

Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150

Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Phone her on 083 543 1676 to book your advertising space today.

Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright

Betrekkings/Vacancies Get the newspaper here: * Burgersfort SUPERSPAR * Boxer Stores Burgersfort * OK Grocer * Phelo Pele Pharmacy * Burgersfort Pharmacy * Laerskool Steelpoort * Laerskool Burgersfort * Tingeling Kleuterskool * OK MiniMark * Greater Tubatse Municipality * CTM

LA Crushers (Pty) Ltd invites applications for the position of SHIFT SUPERVISORS Key Performance Areas: Daily plant production reporting, inspections & checklisting. Resource planning, communication, feedback and performance appraisals. Safety audit outcome, incident and accident reporting. Safety participation & change management. Distribution of daily plans. Daily supervision of employees. Qualifications: Grade 12 or equivalent. Relevant tertiary qualification. 2.9.2 Legal Appointment. Minimum of 3 years continuous experience in a supervisory position. Valid Driver’s license. Salary: To be determined within the company’s approved salary structures. CV’S, including Drivers License & applicable certificates and references should be emailed to or faxed to 086 587 4656 for the attention of Dawn Watson. Applications should reach us by no later than 8 February 2013. LA Crushers is an Equal Opportunity Employer and reserves the right not to make an appointment. If you have not been contacted within two weeks of the applications closing date, please assume that your application was unsuccessful.




Veerpyltjies vlieg by Winterveld Klub Verlede week Saterdag het die veerpyltjies (darts) behoorlik op Winterveld gevlieg. Spelers van regoor Limpopo het aan die dag se wedstryde deelgeneem. Lodi Fraser, een van die stigterslede van die Winterveld Veerpyltjie Klub het die hoogste toemaak van die dag gehad met ‘n 152. George Fraser, ook ‘n stigterslid, het 17 uit 19 wedstryde gewen en ‘n toemaak van 112 gehad. Hy het ook twee keer 180’s gegooi.

George en Lodi Fraser het die Winterveld Veerpyltjie Klub begin. Kontak hulle by die nommers in die artikel om by die klub aan te sluit.

Chrome league players loses on homeground Tubatse Chrome Golf Club’s league players had a bad weekend. Chrome A played against the Presidents XV. They lost 6-2. Chrome B played against Nelspruit C and lost 5-4. A Better Ball Competition also took place on Saturday. Patrick Mangadi and Oscar Mangadi came first with 50. Patrick Mangadi and Selby Sekhukhune was second with 49. Pierre van Staden and Jacques Ismay was third with 47. 21 Players took part in the competition and the Club urges their members to support the weekly competitions. On Saturday 2 February the Monthly Mug competition will take place. All shots will count. Tee-off will be at 08:00 until 10:00. Competition fee will be R100. Please contact Martin on 072 564 2811 to book your four ball or just pitch up on Saturday morning. Limited space is still available for the Night Golf on 8 February 2013. Please contact Martin for more information.

(Information: Willem Montgomery, Tubatse Chrome Golf Club). Photographs of the league action at Tubatse Chrome Club last Saturday.

Die dag se formaat was in ‘n 501 en die uitslae was soos volg: Die dames het elk 11 wedstryde gespeel. Hulle uitslae: Lodi Fraser wen 10. Elien Wessels wen 9. Ida Kruger wen 7. Marietha le Roux wen 7. Hyletta Kruger wen 7. Martie Fourie wen 7 en Rolly Burger wen 6. Die mans het 19 wedstryde gespeel en hul uitslae was soos volg: George Fraser wen 17. Pierre Smit wen 16. Jaco Steyn wen 15. Hennie de Klerk wen 15. Roelof Burger wen 15. Pieter Pretorius wen 14. Hippie Pretorius wen 13. Hannes smit wen 12. Daar was twee juniors wat saam met die mans gespeel het en baie goed gevaar het. Heinrich Cronje (13) en Duane Fraser het gou gewys hulle sal nog goeie veerpyltjies in die toekoms speel. Duane het die eerste 180 van die dag gegooi en het ‘n totaal van 6 wedstryde gewen. Daar is heelwat 180s gegooi: Duane Fraser (junior), Elien Wessels (dames), George Fraser X2, Pierre Smit X2, Jaco Steyn X1, Hennie de Klerk X1, Pieter Pretorius X1. ‘n Totaal van 9 180’s. Die volgende Limpopo proewe is op 2 Maart in Vhembe. Die plaaslike proewe vir die Capricornspan begin op 9 Februarie in Polokwane. Dit begin om 10:00 by die Mimosa Saal agter Game. Plaaslike veerpyltjie entoesiaste kan steeds by Winterveld Klub aansluit. Hulle oefen elke Dinsdagaand om 17:30 vir 18:00. Navrae: George Fraser, 084 580 3620 of Lodi Fraser, 079 367 6498.



Platinum Gazette

SPORT Jagtersvereniging skop die jaar af met skietdag

Ulrich Stickling was die beste junior skut. (Foto en inligting: Johan Grimbeek).

Die Bosboktak van die Jagtersvereniging van Suid Afrika het verlede naweek hul eerste skietdag gehou. Dié tak bedien die Lydenburg, Burgersfort en Steelpoort area en die skietdag is op Lydenburg by die Egbert Hiemstra skietbaan gehou. Die dag was ‘n groot sukses en ‘n klomp nuwe gesigte is opgemerk. Daar word nog baie skietdae beplan en hopelik sal al die nuwelinge weer kom deelneem. Die skuts het verlede Saterdag baie goed geskiet, maar dit was duidelik dat hierdie maar die eerste skietdag van die jaar was. Daar is nog baie plek vir verbetering. Die uitslae was soos volg:

Senior mans: 1ste - Johan Grimbeek, 2de Jakkie Mellet; 3de - Timo Briedenhann. Dames: 1ste - Lizl Grimbeek, 2de Janine Briedenhann. Juniors: 1ste - Ulrich Stickling. Die volgende skietdag is op 9 Februarie 2013 by Ecsal Lodge. (Oorkant Dwarsrivier Myn, op die pad tussen Steelpoort en Lydenburg). Met die skietdag daar sal daar Ghonge geskiet word van 30 tot 700m en die Bosboktak se bestuur beloof dat die ervaring vir baie ‘n “eye opener” sal wees. Navrae oor die dag kan aan Johan Grimbeek gerig word by 082 378 0698. Die tak vergader op 6 Februarie om 18:00 by PLM Boerdery. Voornemende lede kan gerus vir JB Willers kontak by 082 820 1748.

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