Platinum Gazette 01 March 2013

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A letter to the mine -p2

Š Platinum Gazette

1 March 2013


1 MARCH 2013


Anglo American Platinum must hear our voices

Right: Mr Peter Ott, who is currently in charge of the Twickenham Project, witness the community march.

On Tuesday morning this week the turn-off to Anglo American Platinum’s Twickenham Project on the R 37 between Burgersfort and Moroke was congested with vehicles parked next to the road. The reason was that the communities were still trying to talk to Anglo American Platinum’s top management and several hundred people were gathered in front of Mopetsi Camp’s gates. Police from various places and units were present, as well as mine security who moved around in armoured security vehicles. Traffic officers were also on standby. The large group of people were cheerful and presented mine management behind the wire fence with the content of a memorandum (on the bottom of the page) from the back of a bakkie via megaphone. After a lull in the proceedings the group marched / ran / hiked lifts and walked under Police and Traffic Police escort to Hackney Shaft where the memorandum was read and motivated again before it was handed over to a representative of the company. The marchers want a response on the momorandum within seven days. The peaceful gathering then dispersed.

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1 MAART 2013



The Tubatse river is clean

No cholera at the moment, but be careful

The Centre for Science and Industrial Research has this week found Tubatse River free from cholera. The release of the results comes after a week of intense awareness campaigns by officials of Sekhukhune District Municipality, Health and Water Affairs departments and other stake-holders which started last week Wednesday. The awareness campaigns entailed door to door visits and meetings held and in tribal halls and community centres after the Tubatse River’s lower stream waters proved positive with the vibrioa cholera bacteria. The villages affected were Taung, Matokomane, Makotaseng, Mafarafara, Alverton, Motodi, Manoke, etc. “The campaign among others resulted in mass mobilization of the community around issues of prevention being better than cure, distribution of bleaches, water use education, revitilization of bore holes at sections of Motodi and public places, etc” said Willy Mosoma , spokesperson of Sekhukhune District Municipality. Mosoma added that “we will continue testing our water randomly before and during purification so that our people receive clean and potable water. We also urge our people to take precautions before using the water. For any suspicious occurances our people should immediately report to government officials and traditional authorities. We also call upon members of the public and the private sector to obey environmental laws and refrain from dumping waste irresponsibility cause this result in health hazard”.

Know before you tow:


Matthew 5:14-16 (NIV) “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven”.

Motorists should not be forced into making an ill-considered decision. Even though many operators might arrive at an accident scene – it is still his decision on who should assist in the recovery of his vehicle. The National Road Traffic Act 93 of 1996 stipulates in Section 61(3) that ‘…no person shall remove a vehicle involved in an accident, except for the purpose of sufficiently allowing the passage of traffic, without the permission of the owner, driver or operator of such vehicle or a person who may lawfully take possession of such vehicle.’ To avoid excessive costs make sure you get the operator that is recommended by your Wynand Elmon Sakkie Sydney insurer - as they will usually cover that cost. Wynand - 073 299 2676 If you are not sure who to contact when you are in an accident call Elmon - 082 829 8829 any of the following call centres who represent the towing industry and will help you get a reputable towing company: UTASA can be Sakkie - 079 242 8862 contacted 24 Hours a day, on 0861 188 272 or Sydney - 072 740 5104 SATRA 24 Hours a day on 086 107 2872 24 Hour towing ser vices (0861 0 SATRA). services Towing with a pick-up or Member of: either a 4 ton rollback or 9 ton rollback. Approved by all major insurance companies.

Protea T owing Ser vices Towing Services


1 MARCH 2013


Trouble at the traffic office Unhappy drivers called Platinum Gazette this week after they came to a closed office at the Greater Tubatse Traffic Department in Praktiseer. This office handles the issuing of drivers licences, temporary licences, renewal of drivers licences as well as the testing of learner drivers applying for a licence. Upon the newspaper’s vist, the first person who assisted said: “They are on strike, there is no water”. Further investigation revealed that the staff had trouble assisting the public while there is no proper sanitation or fresh water available. According to reports the situation has been going on for months. Outside the building two portable toilets were placed. The newspaper directed enquiries to the Greater Tubatse Municipal Communications Unit, but by the time of going to press, no answers had been received. A quick call to the traffic office revealed that they were offline (so they could still not assist the public), but a tank filled with water had been delivered since Tuesday. “We are now using buckets to fill the toilets with water,” one staff member explained.

Working again... The road between Alverton village and Kgautswane is still under construction. A stretch of 10km is due to become a tarred road. This construction project was launched with lots of excitement before the 2011 elections, but has been ridden with troubles. For months at a time no work would be done. Different contractors would be used and even allegations of grave sites halted the project for some time. The work is however now resuming and construction workers can be seen driving heavy and other construction vehicles.

Beware of these scams A 42 year-old man thought he had hit the jackpot when he received a message that R45 000 had just been deposited into his bank account. “I did not suspect any foul-play. Earlier that day, I received a call from a person whom I know very well informing me that someone contracted by a government department was looking for an individual who could provide a catering service for an event”. Mr Peter Kgoete said. Once the money had allegedly been deposited into his bank account, Kgoete started being inundated with calls from a convincing and soft-spoken man who called himself Shadrack. Shadrack told Peter that he had accidently deposited R5 000 more than they had agreed upon and requested him to reverse the transaction. “My sixth sense told me that something was amiss. I bombarded him with lots of questions, which he seemed to be uncomfortable with. When he started getting inpatient, I realised that he was up to no good and I told him to get lost”. Peter said. When Shadrack was later contacted to find out what his motive was, the man denied any knowledge of the incident and insisted

that he was Alfred not Shadrack before rudely hanging-up. Burgersfort Police Spokesperson Constable Mpho Moloisi, said that while they had not received complaints regarding the incident, they could not rule out the possibility that such scams do exist. He said they had in the past few months experienced selling of jobs scams. “Criminals use different tricks to lure unsuspecting innocent people into their traps. Usually when they realise that their operating style has been discovered, they come up with new tricks” the constable said. He also appealed to the community to always be alert and to report any suspected criminal activity to the police. FNB spokesperson Christine Burrows sounded a warning to never divulge any banking details such as an account number, App, online banking usernames, passwords, cellphone number, bank card number or any other banking information to anyone. “Never store your cellphone, online banking password or tablet’s pin code on your cellphone. Select a new cellphone banking PIN and online banking password regularly” said Burrows. “No banking facility will ever send an SMS or call a client requesting confidential information, or SMS a client regarding a problem with their account. Customers need to be aware of this. Fraudsters always make use of clever methods to entice customers into providing them with their personal banking information”. Burrows appealed to communities to call the FNB Online Fraud Call Centre on 087 575 0011 for assistance when they suspect that they have been defrauded. (Article and photograph: Doc Marebane)

1 MAART 2013



Get your tender for services at the Tubatse Crossing Mall in now

Local services providers tender opportunities at Tubatse Crossing Regional Shopping Centre. The expectation and preparation for the opening of Tubatse Crossing Regional Shopping Mall, is heightened by the opportunities for local service providers at the mall. The service necessities are for security, cleaning and waste disposal services. Locally-based service providers for the above compliments are welcome to contact Mr. Jannie van Rooyen at Broll Property Group before Friday, 8 March 2013 by sending him an e-mail at, Your e-mail will have to include your company details and relevant contact numbers. On receipt of your e-mail, you will be sent a Pre-Qualification Form that you would need to complete thoroughly and e-mail back to Mr. Jannie van Rooyen by Friday 15 March 2013. The tender specification process will take place on site at the end March 2013.

Man killed on Ohrigstad road On Wednesday morning a man lost control of his vehicle on the R555 between Burgersfort and Ohrigstad. It happened just before the railway crossing at the speed bumps. The driver was allegedly heading towards Phalaborwa for work when the accident happend. He was transporting employees on the back of his Mahindra bakkie when the accident happened. The bakkie also had a trailer attached to it. The vehicle rolled as the driver lost control over the speed bumps. One person died on the scene of the accident and three others were injured. The men had aparently just finished some painting work at the new Tubatse Crossing Mall. They were not local residents. (Photographs & information: Hennie’s Towing Contractor t/a A to Z)

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1 MARCH 2013

Hold your horse, boerewors! What do A study by the University of Stellenbosch revealed that South Africans can relate more to the current European meat scandal than they may have thought. In Europe horse meat was used in various meat products without being declared on the labelling. The South African study found that amongst other things soya, donkey, goat and water buffalo were found in 68% of minced meats, burger patties, sausages, dried or deli meats that were tested. These were not specified on the labelling of the products tested. The study tested 139 samples. Pork and chicken were also found in items that were not supposed to contain them. “Unconventional species such as donkey, goat and water buffalo were also discovered in a number of products,” Prof Louw Hoffman of the Stellenbosch University Department of Animal Sciences said. “Our findings raise significant concern on the functioning of the meat supply chain in South Africa. Even though we have local regulations that protect consumers from being sold falsely described or inferior foodstuffs, we need these measures to be appropriately enforced”. “Our study confirms that the mislabelling of processed meats is commonplace in South Africa and not only violates food labelling regulations, but also poses economic, religious, ethical and health impacts,” he added. We asked readers whether they care about what they eat. If they read the labels on products to check what ingredients are listed and if they will have a problem with some of the substitutions listed in the study.

Mr Stephen Malekutu said: “I read the ingredients on products I buy. I also check the expiry date of the product. No, I won’t buy things with donkey or horse meat in it”.

Mr Collen Mojela said: “I don’t care much about what is in the wors etc. I just eat. I’m hungry. But if there is pork in there they must write there is pork. They must not lie. They must be fair”.

Mnr Jhonny Prinsloo en Me Marlene Prinsloo se opinies verskil. Marlene sê: “Ja, ek gee om wat is in die kos wat ek koop. Ek lees die etikette om te sien watse bestanddele is in dit. Ek sal nie iets koop met perd ens. in nie. Alles moet op die etiket aangedui wees”. Jhonny sê: “Nee, ek lees nie wat is in goed nie. Solank dit eetbaar is, is dit reg. Ek worry net oor die best before datum”.

Left: Mr Lipton Kgohloane said: “I read what is in there. I’ll still buy wors with things like horse in it. I care about what I eat”.

Me. Debbie Jansen van Vuuren sê: “Nee, ek lees nie altyd die bestanddele van goed nie. Ek sal nog iets eet met vleis van byvoorbeeld buffel en bok in, maar nie perd of donkie nie. Hulle steel as hulle jou laat dink daar is bees in en dan is dit sulke goedkoop vleis”.

Mr Collins Mnisi said: “I don’t care so much about what they put in the food. These are all animals made by God and they are meant to be eaten. I do check labels because if I buy beef, I want it to be beef. If I buy donkey it must be donkey”.

Right: Mr Oscar Maile said: “I don’t read the labels of the products. But I also don’t want to eat strange types of meat. Especially not donkey”.

“The study found that anything from soya, donkey, goat and water buffalo was found in up to 68 percent of the minced meats, burger patties, deli meats, sausages and dried meats that were tested”. Right: Mr Piet Mosoma said: “They must declare everything on the labels of the food. I always read the labels of the food I buy. I won’t buy something with donkey in it”. With him is Marvin.

Mr Duumba Mojela said: “That is unfair customer service if they don’t declare all the ingredients. It is like they are robbing customers if they don’t give you what is said on the packet. One needs to know what is in the products. Some people are allergic to things and we need to know what they put in the food. Some of the meats mentioned in the study are not even edible to us, they are just animals”.

1 MAART 2013



think about the local meat scandal?

Mr John Mkhondo said: “I don’t read the labels. Ohwa! I don’t want them to give me meat like donkey or horse! If I pay for beef I want beef”.

Mr Robert Moropane said: “We don’t like the donkey and horse meat. Everything must be declared in the list of ingredients for our health and safety. We also don’t like soya”. With him are Rosta, Surprise and Victor.

Mr Tshepo Maroga said: “I check the labels because sometimes the meat inside is not good. The meat of a donkey is not good. I will not buy food with that in it”.

Mnr. Paul Labuschagne sê: “Nee, ek lees nie wat alles in die produkte is wat ek koop nie. Ek sal nie iets wil koop met vreemde vleis daar in nie. Dis amper soos steel met vals inligting. Ek hoop nie die studie is in Burgersfort gedoen nie, hulle sal die snaakste goed hier kry!”

Mr Steve Mosoma said: “I care what I eat. If I buy chicken it must be chicken. It must be what is written on the packet. I read the labels. It is not fair to pay a lot of money for things that are not there e.g. soya instead of beef”.

Mr Bruce Mashaba said: “I read the ingredients of products. There must be a true reflection of the list of ingredients and what is really inside. If there is a sticker showing they are putting donkey in it, I won’t buy it”. With him are Shadi, Bruna and Sihle.

Links: Mnr. Christo de Lange sê: “Ek kyk altyd wat is in die wors ens. wat ek koop. Ons het al wors gekoop wat verskriklik baie vet in gehad het wat nie op die pakkie aangedui was nie. Ek dink daar is beslis winkels wat nie oop kaarte speel oor alles wat in hul produkte ingaan nie. Ek sal beslis nie goed soos wors met perd of donkie daarin koop nie. ‘n Mens vertrou maar hulle praat die waarheid”. By hom is Inge.

Mr Tebogo Maphanga said: “I do read the labels, but not always. I will feel bad if I have eaten donkey while I actually don’t eat donkey. Then I could just as well have killed one of my own donkeys. I have lots of them and they are cheap - like R250 each!”

Ms Eunice Kgwete said: “No, I don’t read the list of ingredients on products. I only read the brand name and the price. I care what I eat, I won’t buy meats with donkey, horse or water buffalo in it. A donkey is not even edible!”

Mnr Jacques le Roux sê: “Nee ek lees nie wat is in die vleisprodukte nie. As ek sou agterkom daar is perd of donkie in sou ek dit nie koop nie. Hulle moet mense wat bestanddele nie reg aandui nie baie swaar beboet”.

Ms Dorah Meyer said: “I read the labels because I care what is in the food. No, I won’t buy meats with things like donkey in it. Shops must comply with legislation and properly label everything” With her are Neo and Dorah.



So vinnig soos ‘n Burgie-blits Laerskool Burgersfort het ‘n paar blitsvinnige atlete. Hulle presteer ook goed teen ander skole. (Foto’s en inligting: Anja van der Westhuizen).

1 MARCH 2013

Dressing like the principal Calvin Prep School had loads of fun when they hosted a casual day with the theme: “Dress like Mr and Mrs Roetz”. Mr Roetz is the principal of Calvin College and Mrs Roetz is the head of the Prep School. The children dressed to impress and some came to

school in their suits. The heat did not put them of from choosing a glamours look. The learners also felt that the cliché that you are what you wear was true - they totally felt in charge for a day! The children look forward to their next adventure at school. (Photographs and information supplied by Ms Zané Neizel - Grade 4)

Leerders het op 22 Februarie op Sabie aan die interlaer atletiekbyeenkoms gaan deelneem. Die leerlinge in die foto bo het medaljes ontvang: Agter: Elizabeth Ngele, Coelette Erasmus, Snenhlanhla Ngomane. Middel: Blessing Serokolo, Kgothatso Dibakoane, Sfiso Maphang en voor: Katlego Shebo.

Big celebrations for their wedding

Elizabeth Ngele is as die beste veldatleet by die Interlaer op Sabie aangewys.

It was a big day for Mr Vusi Shabangu and Ms Nthabiseng Maiseala when they tied the knot on 23 February at Ga-Maisela (India)-Sekhukhune. The couple started their celebrations at 10:00 in the morning and Blessing Serokolo, Elizabeth Ngele en Coelette Erasmus gaan op 1 Maart aan die Provinsiale atletiekbyeenkoms by die Peter Mokaba Stadion in Polokwane deelneem.

Huizemark se span groei

Huizemark Burgersfort is reg om die eiendomsmark woema te gee. Die span het ook deur die week vergroot. Hulle bestaan nou uit: Louis Fourie, Frans Bloem, Natalie Nel, Barbara van Rooyen en Kenneth Baloyi. Peter du Plessis was afwesig met die neem van die foto.

received the message from the Bible that what God has put together, nobody can separate. (Photographs and information: Ms Jenny Mogolane Phala)

Illegal dumping a problem The illegal dumping of domestic waste as well as waste gathered when building contractors clear an area before construction is a sore eye. Not only is it illegal to simply dump waste next a road or in town, it often poses health risks. Should you be caught dumping waste in undesignated areas, a hefty fine will be coming your way.

1 MAART 2013



AGS sê totsiens Almar en Lizel “Ons as AGS Steelpoort neem afskeid en sê vir dankie Almar van Aswegen en Lizel de Ridder” sê Pastoor Neels Beukes van die AGS Kerk in Steelpoort. “Almar het in baie van ons tieners se harte ingekim in ons gemeenskap. Hy het hulle ondersteun deur die moeilike en maklike tye, Lizel aan die ander kant het in die jong kindertjies se harte in geklim by die kinderkerk en naskool waar sy hulle gehelp het met hul probleempies. Ons wil vir hulle sterkte en voorspoed toewens vir die nuwe werk en die toekoms wat op hul wag met hul nuwe lewe saam in Kemptonpark”. Daar is amptelik van hulle afskeid geneem tydens verlede Sondagoggend se kerkdiens en kinderkerk (sien foto’s links).

Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.

Betrekkings/ Vacacies Laerskool Ohrigstad Vakante Pos/Vacancy CS1 Onderwyspos/Educators Post BHL Pos/SGB Post Vereistes/Requirements: • SARO Registrasie/SACE Registration • Reqv 13 (minimum) • Volledige CV met gewaarmerkte sertifikate. • Complete CV with endorsed certificates.

Phone her on 083 543 1676/013 231 7147 or e-mail to book your advertising space today.

Pos sal aangewend word vir: Graad 4 Afrikaans as onderrigtaal Post to be filled: Grade 4 Afrikaans as medium of instruction. Sluiting van aansoeker/Closing of applications: 8 Maart 2013/8 March 2013

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright

Onderhoude/Interview: 12 Maart 2013/12 March 2013 Diensaanvaarding/Commencement of duty: 8 April 2013 Aansoekvorms/Application forms: Die Skoolhoof/The Principal Posbus/PO Box 75 Ohrigstad 1122 Of e-pos na/Or e-mail to: Aanvaar u aansoek as onsuksesvol as die skool u nie kontak nie/Please accept your application as unsuccessful if the school does not contact you.

Got Betrekkings/Vacacies some Ey V N A R acancy news? CHire Compan Contact us on 083 271 9151 with your news and events. Editorial deadline: Wednesday at 17:00

for a Technical Sales Representative A Technical Sales Representative is required for a Crane Hire Company to start immediately. Requirements: Previous sales experience essential Computer literate Lots of self confidence Excellent work ethic Excellent communication skills Fax CV to 014 538 0945

Kennisgewings/Notices Supply Chain Management Unit NOTICE AND INVITATION TO BID (CONTRACTORS) Bid Name

Bid Number

Document Fee

Compulsory Briefing Session

Required CIDB

Mahlakwena Access Bridge


R500.00 each (Non-refundable)

7 March 2013 at 09H00 Total Filling Station, Steelpoort 4-way stop at

5CE or Higher

R555 Road


Bids shall be evaluated and adjudicated in accordance with the Greater Tubatse Municipality’s Supply Chain Management Policy as amended, Preferential Procure ment Policy Framework Act 5/2000, 2011 Preferential Procurement Regulations and responsiveness to the bid documents and on a 90/10 point system – of which 90 points is for price and 10 points for B-BBEE Level Contribution as determined on the B-BBEE Certificate. CONDITIONS OF THE BID

1. Bid documents will be on sale for a non-refundable fee of R500-00 from Wednesday, the 06 March 2013, at the Cashier’s Office, Greater Tubatse Municipality, Lower Ground, 1st Kastania Street, Burgersfort, from 8H30 to 15H00 during week-days. 2. All bids will be closed and opened in public on the 22 March 2013 at 12H00 and must be fully priced, signed and sealed in an envelope appropriately marked MAHLAKWANA ACCESS BRIDGE CONTRACT NO: MIG/LP1406/RST/12/14 and must be deposited into the Municipal Tender Box which is accessible 24 hours and 07 days a week at the Reception of the Greater Tubatse Municipality, 1st Kastania Street, Burgersfort. No late, faxed, e-mailed, telephonic or electronically-submitted bids will be accepted for consideration. 3. The municipality has no obligation to appoint any bidder and reserves the right to appoint bidders individually and/or collectively to execute the contract and negotiate further conditions and requirements with the successful bidder. 4. In terms of the National Treasury’s Regulation, no bid will be accepted from the persons in the service of the state and bidders failing to comply with the requirements of the bid document shall be submitting non-responsive bids. The bid validity period from the closing date remains 90 working days. 5. Successful bidders who are outside the area of jurisdiction of the Greater Tubatse Municipality shall be required to sub-contract at least 30% of the total scope of work to a locally-SMME-based contractor registered on the municipal database, where applicable. 6. Enquiries relating to the Bidding Procedure should be directed to O N Mosoma at 013 231 1000/1231 or and Technical Enquiries to T.M Monareng at 015 296 1219 or during office hours (07H30 to 16H00). Address: Kastania Street, Burgersfort PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150 Tel: 013 231 1000 Fax: 013 231 1467 Website:

H.L Phala Municipal Manager


1 MARCH 2013


Klein Advertensies • Smalls

Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/ Advertise hier/ here: 1.Sport Klubs / Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/ Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/ Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/ Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

3. Te Huur/ To Let 2 x two bedroom flats to let in Burgersfort. Contact: 076 666 1100 1 x one bedroom flat to let in Burgersfort. Contact: 076 666 1100

4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation Mooifontein Guesthouse Overnight accommodation available in Burgersfort.

Restaurant, washing, safe parking, truck parking, aircons, fridge in rooms, coffee/tea facilities in room. Contact: Judy: 082 308 9221 Bread: 076 772 7607 Gloria: 082 614 3619

10. Te Koop/ For Sale Bargain properties for sale. Tel: 082 496 4312

7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous We buy and sell secondhand furniture. 3 Months laybuys available. Contact us for the best prices in town! Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next to Supa Save (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236

Advertising deadlines: Every Tuesday at 17:00. Enquiries: Beánnla Celliers, 083 543 1676


Platinum Gazette

Read Platinum Gazette online at


1 MAART 2013



On track at Calvin College inter house sport Calvin College hosted their inter house athletics yesterday. The whole high school participated. They were divided into two teams, the Naviter and Parce teams. By the time of going to press the sport was still underway and there was not a winning team yet.

The teams had cheerleaders who encouraged those in the stands to cheer their athletes on.

Various field and track items took place.


1 MARCH 2013

It is child’s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@platinum

Platinum Gazette


New look for Buffels Winterveld Rugby club received their new kit this week. It was proudly sponsored by Thorburn Security. The managing director of the Northern region for Thorburn Security

Solutions, Dolf Scheepers, handed the new kit to Charl van der Merwe and Rainier (Rassie) Erasmus this past week. The kit consists of rugby jerseys and rugby shorts. “On behalf of the team management and players, I would like to thank Thorburn Security Solutions. This will not only improve our face value, but also boost our club’s morale! We will play in the new kit with pride and make you proud to be associated with us!” said Charl van der Merwe. The coming league’s fixtures will be finalised in the coming week. A further boost for the club, is a new development team that the Buffels are taking care of. This team will not participate in a league as yet, but the players will be registered with the Winterveld club and be given the opportunity to participate in the league as they prove themselves. “We will stock our league team from the development team, thus meaning, that each player will have to play and prove to be worthy, for his relevant position in the team. We are looking forward to host a few friendlies for our development team on home grounds and gradually expose them to the world of club rugby. You can contact us for any information regarding the club or if you would like to join: Charl 079 690 0858 or Neels 083 291 8005.

Modikwa runners racing at BMW 4 in 1 The Modikwa Marathon Club took part in their first race for 2013 at the BMW 4 in 1 Race in Polokwane. The athletes in the team that took part said it was a very nice race and not to many uphill’s and downhill’s, this makes it an ideal race to start the years training. Leboka Noto, running this year in the colors of Toyota, was again the star of the team, coming second in the veteran race with a great time of 02h35 in the 42,2km marathon. Steven Mabilu ran a respectable 03h20 and Herman Mogale ran a personal best of 03h55, he is new to long distance running and will soon proof to be a very good distance

runner! In the 21,1km half marathon Justice Phokane ran 01h46. In the 10km race the youngsters and those who like to start their training with the shorter distances, the results were as follows: Johannes Matjie 0.39min, Adolph(Figo) Boshego 0.45 and Recognition Maphake - a great time for the lady of the team with 01h15. “We would like to congratulate all the runners on the great race and wish them all of the best for the years races ahead to the buildup of Comrades and races after that” Willem Montgomery of the club added. (Information: Willem Montgomery, Modikwa Marathon Club).

Charl van der Merwe (club chairman, team manager and assistant coach), Dolf Scheepers (Managing Director Thorburn Security) and Rainier Erasmus (under captain).

Maatlopo on a roll Maatlopo United FC served the same medicine to Mooihoek XI Experience as they dished out in the first round. Maatlopo United beat them 4-3 on Saturday 23 February 2013. The man of the moment was Lupa Malatjie who opened the score in the tenth minute through a penalty. Silence Matsemela made the half time score 2-0. In the second half, the visitors reduced the score to 2-1 with a beautiful goal. Thabo Makgopa’s brace helped the hosts to win 4-3. Mooihoek XI Experience scored two more goals before full time to bring the score to 4-3. This week Maatlopo United will play against Leboa Brothers in Alverton at 15:00. Enquiries: Jimmy Makola, 082 407 6226. (Information: Jimmy Makola, Maatlopo United PRO)

Chrome Golf Club suffers in league Last weekend the Chrome Golf Club played away in the league competition. Chrome A played against Nelspruit. Nelspruit won 9-0. Chrome B played against Swaziland. Swaziland won 7-1. On 9 March the Hervormde Kerk golf day will take place. Spots are still available for play on this day. Contact Martin van Rooyen on 072 564 2811 or put your name down on the notice board at the Pro Shop. On 16 and 17 March it will be the Club Championships. Club Championships are compulsory for all members. Please book and come and play. “Thank you to everyone for supporting the weekend competitions and social golf” said Willem Montgomery, the club secretary.

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