Platinum Gazette Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad
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0832719151 (Editorial); 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031/013-231 7147
Shop where Burgersfort, Lebowa Business P ark Park South Africa shops! Tel: (013) 231 7227
Ye a r e n d t a l l t a l e s Red Riding Hood was one of the characters in Steelpoort Academy’s pantomime that was performed in the school hall last week (Pantomime: a form of musical comedy stage production, designed for families. It was developed in the United Kingdom and mostly performed during the Christmas and New Year season. Modern pantomime includes songs, slapstick comedy and dancing, can employ gender-crossing actors, and combines topical humour with a story loosely based on a well-known fairy tale). The modern twist to old fairytales (and more recent ones like government and social problems) thoroughly entertained the audience - more photograpghs on page 8 and 9.
? Water supply in Burgersfort was intermittenent this week - to say the least. The editor showered in the rain on Wednesday (enclosed back yard). Lepelle Northern did not want to speak to the newspaper. Call centre did not answer their phone. Sekhukhune District Municipality’s Willie Mosoma was very helpful (after hours), saying “I will come back to you in three minutes”. He did, after five minutes, and explained that the water pumps were flooded by the rain. Repairs were done, but the reservoirs were empty and busy filling up. He offered a visit to the water plant where they are working to the newspaper, but we declined. We believed him.
© Platinum Gazette
1 November 2013
Dwarsrivier Mine Dwarsrivier Mine helps shape the future through Early Success
Cutting the ribbon to officially open the renovated centre.
Mr Mthi Mtshengu, Senior General Manager at Dwarsrivier Mine gives a message to those present. Next to him is Cllr. MT Mashego and Executive Mayor Ncongwane.
Dwarsrivier Mine handed over the renovated Early will be the future engineers, leaders and other Success Day Care Centre on 30 October 2013. professionals of the country. To him this project is Thaba Chweu Local Municipality receives many much more than just a part of the mine’s social requests for assistance and Early Success Day Care responsibility. Centre was one of them. A storm blew away the The formal programme also included song and Centre’s roof and damaged it to such an extent that dance items from the various age groups at the the children accommodated there were exposed to centre. After the formalities Mr Mtshengu, Mayor the rain and wind. The municipality does not have the Ncongwane a councillor and the chairperson of the budget to assist everywhere and together with school governing body planted trees to celebrate the Dwarsrivier Mine identified Early Success Day Care occasion. A ribbon was also cut to open the centre. Centre for help from the Mine. The children each received a hot dog and cold drink Through Dwarsrivier Mine’s assistance a new roof and while the adults took a tour through the renovated tiles were put in place. The building was also painted. building before heading to a specially prepared lunch. The handover was attended by the Dwarsrivier Heads of Departments (HODs) and Senior General Manager Mr Mthi Mtshengu, the Thaba Chweu Executive Mayor Cllr. B.M. Ncongwane, councillors, representatives from the school governing body, learners, teachers and parents. Mr Mtshengu told the group that Dwarsrivier Mine cares about the children in its communities as they Headmistress Gladys Milazi from Early Thaba Chweu Executive Mayor, Cllr. Success Day Care Centre. B.M. Ncongwane.
Children from all ages performed items for the guests.
Two trees were planted at the event.
The Dwarsrivier team with honoured guests and stakeholders in one of the renovated classes.
Creating Health Awareness The workers from Kgwana Community Centre assisted on the day to help reach as many people as possible.
Literature with health awareness messages as well as condoms were distributed at the event last week Thursday.
The Aurum Institute assisted with HIV testing and counselling.
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The Department of Health based at Dilokong Hospital and clinic in conjunction with Aurum and Kgwana Community Centre hosted a Health Awareness Day on Thursday last week. The event took place at Extension 10 behind Boxer at the Khadima Centre. A small programme was presented but testing of blood sugar, blood pressure, TB, HIV Screening and counselling and other general health checks were the main activities of the day. The idea is to reach people who would not normal trouble to visit a clinic or hospital and provide them with better health awareness. More programmes like this are being planned.
New sanitary block for Dipitisi Primary Dipitsi Primary School at Kgautswane (Rietfontein) held their grade seven farewell function last week Thursday, while new sasnitary buildings was also handed over to the school by the government. The school is one of the biggest primary schools in its area with more than 500 learners and according to the Chairperson of the School Governing Body, Mr Peter Kgwete, the old toilets became totally inadequate. He said with the new sanitary blocks handed over to the school, the old toilets will be demolished as it became dangerous and unhygenic. The handing over ceremony was attended by guests fom the Education Department, Local Municipality, former principals, other stakeholders and also some of the new young German volunteers who are working in the area. THe school started in 1974 and the first building was erected in 1976. According to Mr Kgwete, the school buildings are also not fulfilling in the school’s needs any more and that development of the school is urgently needed. The school said goodbye to 84 grade sevens this year.
De Hoop Dam fears allayed The De Hoop Dam will not only supply water to select communities when it starts to deliver water. Speaking at an imbizo held in Ngwaabe last week Saturday, Sekhukhune District Mayor, Mogobo David Magabe, told residents of Greater Tubstse Municipality Wards 27 and 28 that they should take ownership of the dam and see it as a resource that should be shared.ities. The imbizo formed part of the regular public participation mayoral outreach by the government to give people the opportunity to raise issues around problems of employment, economic development, basic services and to give government the opportunity to dispel their fears about some perceptions and rumours. Relaying the context through which the imbizo was held Cllr Magabe assured the residents of Ngwaabe of government’s commitment to the betterment of their lives through programmes of all three spheres of government and private sector. He said there has been substantial investment by government and mining companies in the community of Ngwaabe that should be acknowledged, promoted and improved upon. One of the residents Mr
Philemon Phasha of Kutullo Village raised concerns that ranged from the terrible state state of the Phasha-Mampuru road, water tanker permits and the uncomfortable issue about residents perceiving De Hoop water to be servicing only Makhuduthamaga local municipality. Mayor Magabe said similar perceptions and misleading rumours were doing the rounds when he held similar imbizo interactions with communities of Makhuduthamaga who said the De Hoop linked water pipeline was going to serve the communities of Polokwane and Capricorn. “We are your leaders, we were with you when there was no dam. Now the dam is 96% complete. You allow some people to mislead you about this very major strides we made together. This is your dam, in it there is you’re your water and the same water you will proudly share with fellow residents of the district. Hence we say we are committed to the vision of a better life for all” Magabe said. Magabe invited members of the community to the official opening of De Hoop Dam on 02 November 2013. Platinum Gazette has learned this week that the event was postponed to a date still to be determined.
All kinds of traffic
Effectively negating the left turn lane by entering the traffic from the taxi stop at the left in front of Burgersfort Mall, four lanes of traffic squeeze into two lanes on the other side of the traffic light, with pedestrians all over the place as nobody, but nobody, rides the white elephant (aka several million rand pedestrian bridge).
On the other side of elephant, chaos. Luckily, the untrained car guard / taxi marshall (with presumeably no training) accomplished in 30 seconds (untangling a traffic mess) what traffic cops (presumed trained) do not even attempt. Remotely.
In the mean time Mr Anthony Molapo from Ohrigstad took this photograph with his cellphone inside the Khadima Centre. “ I wondered whether the cattle looked for a snack or a taxi” he bemusedly told the newspaper. Yes, it was month end again.
Jubilee secures funds for tailings project Jubilee, the AIM and JSE Limited quoted Mine-to-Metals specialist, says it has reached a key milestone in the commencement of processing of the platinum-bearing Dilokong Chrome Mine (DCM) tailings by concluding a funding arrangement to meet the working capital requirement. Jubilee is targeting to commence processing within the next three months based on expected time lines to re-commission the processing plant. The funding arrangement includes both debt and equity. The debt component was secured following due diligence by the investor on the earnings potential of the processing of the DCM tailings, which allowed Jubilee to reduce the equity funding requirement. Leon Coetzer CEO of Jubilee said: “The funding arrangement secured by Jubilee is a key step towards the commencement of the processing of the Dilokong Chrome Mine tailings. Jubilee has targeted an initial processing rate of 10000 tonnes per month ramping up to a targeted 25000 tonnes per month within 4 months of operation. Jubilee is currently in discussions with the community to access a second road link to allow the targeted processing capacity to increase to 35000 tonnes per month. “The processing of the Dilokong Chrome tailings significantly enhances Jubilee’s earnings capability and brings the company a step closer to concluding the proposed Platinum Australia transaction. We have a strong asset base from which to grow and remain fully focused on becoming an integrated and operational platinum company.” Jubilee’s subsidiary Pollux Investment Holdings Pty Ltd (Pollux) was awarded the processing right to recover the platinum group metals (PGM) contained in the 800 000 tonnes Dilokong Chrome Mine surface tailings. Jubilee concluded a toll processing agreement in November 2012 with PhokaThaba Platinum Pty Ltd (PhokaThaba or Smokey Hills), a subsidiary of Platinum Australia Limited (PLA) (under administration), for the processing of the Tailings at the Smokey Hills concentrator. The Toll Agreement enables Jubilee to commence processing of the Tailings starting at a rate of 10 000 tonnes per month and ramping up to a targeted 25 000 tonnes per month over a 4 month period.
Is the education system improving? Recently the Minister for Basic Education, Angie Motshekga said that the country’s education system is improving. She attributed this to curriculum revision and better support for struggling schools. She also mentioned last year’s pass rate of 73.9% with improvements in Mathematics and Science as evidence for the turn around. We asked readers whether they share her positive outlook and why.
Mr Simon Moloto said: “I agree, it is getting better, but only because the score needed to pass was dropped from 40% to 30%. It is degrading”. Mnr Richard Khoza sê: “Daar is maar nog baie goed waar die ouers en onderwysers moet saamwerk om reg te kry. Baie probleme is waar daar ‘n tekort aan dissipline is. Soms kan een kind of soos by my kind se skool, 5 kinders, ‘n hele klas sleg beïnvloed. Die hoof moet dan met die ouers praat dat dit beter kan gaan. Ek dink dat daai corporal punishment terug moet kom dat die kinders ‘n bietjie kan leer. Daar is soms ook onderwysers wat nie hul job doen nie, maar dis nie die onderwyser se werk om die kind te dissiplineer nie”.
Mr Ledimo Moretsele said: “I really feel it is confusing. They are not really educating. They keep on changing the curriculum while they should at least spend a decade or so on one. This constant change is confusing for learners. We do not at all have a better pass rate. It was 40% in the past and now it is 30% or worse you need to pass. We call it the Madoda Score - it means they are just letting you pass even if you did not”.
Me. Helen Mzimande sê: “Die minister is reg as sy sê dit gaan beter. Ek hoop daar kom dalk nog meer matrieks deur. Dalk sal alles hierdie jaar nog beter wees”.
Mr Patson Sekgobela said: “Yes, the education system is getting better. There is a lot of things happening at grass roots level”.
Mr Walter Simetshi said: “They are still struggling a lot. We cannot guarantee the picture the minister is painting. To many it is just hearsay”.
Me. Sannie Maroga sê: “Ek dink dit gaan beter. Ek dink net dat hulle al die kinders moet leer Afrikaans praat. Ek like Afrikaans. Dis vir my so ‘n mooi taal. Ek hoor die Engels, maar ek verstaan nie so mooi nie”.
Mr Louis Magomotsi said: “What I’ve read is that there is an improvement. Rome was not build in a day. Eventually we’ll get there to where the system is perfect. Steady but surely”.
Ms Pontsho Morena said: “In the public schools it are bad. Things are only improving in the private schools and a few public schools are trying. The figure you need to pass is now very low, it is sometimes embarrasing”. With her are Siyabonga and Sifuso.
Mnr. Marius Venter en me. Annelie van der Westhuizen sê: “Ons kom van Rustenburg en daai area se sillabusse is maar baie dieselfde. Dissipline in skole hier is swakker en dit terwyl Rustenburg groter klasse gehad het. Die hele sisteem is besig om te fail. Die leerlinge kry ‘n hupstoot deur slegs 30% vir ‘n slaagsyfer te kry. Nou word amper almal deurgesit en dinge soos die slaagsyfer verlaag sodat die Departement van Onderwys beter kan lyk. Mense wat dit nie verdien nie kan nou deurkom”.
Mr Patrick Lekwadu said: “It is better. They must just give the assistance when it is promised. Hopefully the youngsters will be encouraged through this”.
Mnr. Dillan Viljoen sê: “Nee, die onderwys is nie goed nie. Hulle moet meer gekwalifiseerde onderwysers aanstel. Ek dink hulle moet op die oomblik 50% vir tale hê om deur te wees en 30% vir ander vakke. Hulle moet dit 35% vir alle vakke maak dan sal die slaagsyfer ook beter wees”.
Keep on winning at Tubatse SUPERSPAR Tubatse SUPERSPAR in Burgersfort is running a Win-A-Car competition and lucky draws are making customers winners every week.
It is easy to enter and you can stand a chance to win a VW Polo just before Christmas. Buy for more than R300 and enter your till slip in store.
The winners for last week are anti-clockwise from top left: Mr Tshepo Mabilu from Moroke. He received his R500 Spar shopping voucher from Ms Selina Nyundu. Bottom left: Ms Enie Nkosi from Ga-Manoke received her R500 Spar shopping voucher from Ms Pinky Makofane. Middle below: Mr Steve Mndawo from Driekop with his R500 Spar shopping voucher which he received from Ms Bridget Malatji. Below right: Ms Rita Nonyane from Riba-Cross was one of the lucky winners of a R500 Spar shopping voucher. She received her prize from Ms Sbongile Mnisi. Top right: Ms Sylvia Komane from Desden was also a winner. She received her R500 Spar shopping voucher from Ms Elsie Kgapane.
Pink is the colour of the day Supa Quick is running a Pink Valve Cap promotion in aid of Breast Cancer Awareness. The public can buy the pink valve caps for R50 at any Supa Quick. All the money raised in this way will be going towards Cansa. Supa Quick Burgersfort will be at Tubatse Crossing Mall tomorrow 2 November. They will be at the entrance to Pick n Pay and in front of the Spur. They will be selling these valve caps for charity and hope to sell at least 200 packets. Support a good cause and visit them tomorrow to buy yours.
Staff of Supa Quick Burgersfort will be selling the pink valve caps at Tubatse Crossing Mall.
Oud-inwoner se stem klink nou nasionaal op Carla Oberholzer is geen vreemdeling in die Burgersfort omgewing nie. Sy het ‘n hele ruk hier gewoon, maar is nou besig om haar droom as sanger en liedjieskrywer na te jaag. Sy het onlangs ‘n kontrak met David Gresham se Platemaatskappy onderteken en haar debuut liedjie “Drome is wense wat jou hart maak” is besig om nasionaal opslae te maak. Dit word dikwels oor verskillende radiostasies gespeel. As deel van haar kontrak sal sy vir bekende sangers liedjies skryf. Bekende Afrikaanse groepe wil ook haar debuut liedjie opneem. Carla tree op 1 November 2013 by Buffelsvlei by haar vriendin Hettica van Schalkwyk se 22ste
verjaarsdag op. Dit sal beslis ook nie die laaste keer wees wat mense van die vallei van dié goue meisie sal hoor nie. Kyk uit vir Carla Oberholzer!
Sonskyn en die 7 Straaltjies Die storie het toe al die tyd so geloop...Steelpoort Akademie se leerlinge het geskitter in hul Pantomime met di enaam Sonskyn en die 7 Straaltjies. Die storielyn het ‘n paar karakters op hul avonture deur Suid Afrika en verskillende feëverhale gevolg om die koning se verloofde genaamd Sonskyn op te spoor. Hulle moes vinnig werk en al hul vernuf inspan voor Repelsteelpoort die koning se hand in die as kon slaan. Die skoolsaal was twee aande verlede weke byna uitverkoop terwyl die leerlinge dit waaraan hulle maande geoefen het op die planke gebring het. Elke graad het deelgeneem en elke kind kon op een of ander manier deelneem. Die skoolhoof, Mnr. Anton Alberts het almal bedank wat gehelp het om van die aande ‘n sukses te maak.
In die volgepakte skoolsaal het die leerlinge hul bes op die verhoog gedoen. Rooikappie (bo) en haar hond Wolf het kort-kort hul verskyning gemaak. Die koning se avonture het hom ook na areas met myne (foto regs) geneem.
bekoor in Steelpoort Links: Nie eens Petrus Steyn was te ver vir die koning om te reis opsoek na sy Sonskyn nie.
Die koning kry raad by die Drie Varkies.
Links: Liewe Heksie en Blommie Kabouter.
Onder: Die troue word onderbreek deur Repelsteelpoort.
Bo: Hansie en Grietjie maak ook ‘n draai op die verhoog.
Steelies gaan reis die wêreld vol Steelpoort Akademie se leerlinge het die wêreld vol getoer die afgelope kwartaal. Daar was ‘n groep veldskool toe, een groep het seeskool toe gegaan en die graad 8 en 9 leerlinge het na Tsukudu Boskamp getoer. Die graad 6 veldskool het by Jubaweni plaasgevind. Die graad 7 seeskool was by St Lucia. Die leerlinge het natuurlik die swem in die see geniet, maar ook aktiwiteite soos staproetes, snorkel en boeresport op die strand gedoen. The grade 8 and 9 pupils wen to Tsukudu Bush Camp
where they had the opportunity to walk with a cheetah named Ntombi through the camp. They also visited Moholoholo Centre for Animal Rehabilitation. The group had a lovely swim at Swadini and walked tothe waterfall near Blyde Dam. (Information & photographs: Steelpoort Academy)
Graad 4 gaan op toer Graad 4 leerlinge van Steelpoort Akademie het onlangs besoek aan Hoedspruit afgelê. Hulle het ook Moholoholo Rehalitasie Sentrum vir diere, die luiperdprojek, Khamai Reptielpark en die eggo grotte besoek. Die groep het by Swadini gebly en heerlik daar geswem. Die skool bedank al die onderwysers wat saam met die kinders gegaan het. (Inligting: Steelpoort Akademie).
Graad 5 verf die stad rooi
Nuwe leiers vir Steelpoort Akademie
Die Graad 5 leerlinge van Steelpoort Akademie het aan die begin van die kwartaal ‘n stadskool bygewoon. Hulle het die Willem Prinsloo Landbou Museum en Tuks se Wetenskap Sentrum besoek en met die Gautrein gery. Daar is ook gefliek en ysskaats as deel van dié toer. (Foto en inligting: Steelpoort Akademie).
Musikale leerlinge slaag met lof
Steelpoort Akademie het onlangs hul nuwe leiers aangekondig. Die groep se hoofleiers sal met die prysuitdeling wat volgende week gehou word aangewys word. (Foto en inligting: Steelpoort Akademie).
Chris-Marie Ebersöhn (Steelpoort Akademie), Nika Janse van Rensburg (Joshua Generation) en Liebhe Janse van Rensburg het op 19 Oktober die ALMSA klaviereksamer in Pretoria afgelê. Hulle het al drie met lof geslaag. Chris-Marie en Nika het die graad 2 eksamer geslaag en Liebhe die graad 1 eksamen. Die groepie wag nog vir die uitslae van hul teoretiese eksamen. (Foto en inligting: Cornelia Ebersöhn).
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
Platinum Gazette
4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Mooifontein Guesthouse. R400 single room. R500 double room. Restaurant and bar. Contact: Judy: 082 308 9221 or Benita 078 844 0277. MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609
7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous We buy and sell secondhand furniture. 3 Months laybuys available. Contact us for the best prices in town! Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next to Supa Save (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236 Nuwe Restaurant en Bar in Burgersfort. Lekker kos en gesellige atmosfeer. Agter Burgersfort Drankwinkel. Kom loer gerus in! Navrae: 082 308 9221
9. Te Huur/ To Let Springkastele te huur. Vyf verskillende soorte. Steelpoort/ Burgersfort. Kontak Bianca, 082 558 9129. Flats for rent One/Two or Three bedroom flats available. Stands for sale. Warehouse to let. Contact: 074 354 1274 Luxurious 1 and 2 Bedroom flats to let in Burgersfort. Available immediately. Contact: 082 922 3909
10. Te Koop/ For Sale URGENT SALE Stand in Motaganeng estate. Erf 2704 Size: 564 m² Price: R195 000 Contact: Herman 0832299765 TE KOOP 6m x 6m Houthuis kompleet - R60 000 1 hektaar voledige nethuis – R150 000 2m Behandelde tamatiepale – R15 elk Kontak: 082 618 8332 FOR SALE Acer laptops with warranty from R3900. Contact: 074270 0404
“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson
Vakante Onderwyspos (Tydelik Departementeel)
STEELPOORT AKADEMIE Pos: Onderwyseres Fase: Grondslagfase Taalmedium: Afrikaans en Engels Vereistes: SACE geregistreer, volwaardige 4 jaar onderwyskwalifikasie Navrae: Hoof, 013 230 9341 Sluitingsdatum: 6 November 2013 Faks of E-mail CV na: E-pos: Faks: 013 230 9341
Vakante Onderwyspos (Beheerliggaampos)
STEELPOORT AKADEMIE Pos: Buitemuurse Koördineerder * Beplan en organiseer sport * Beplan en organiseer kultuur * Beplan en organiseer fondsinsamelings * Skakeling met ander skole * Beplan en organiseer toere * Beheer van toerusting * Koördinering met busmaatskappye Navrae: Hoof, 013 230 9341 Sluitingsdatum: 6 November 2013 Faks of E-mail CV na: E-pos: Faks: 013 230 9341
10. Te Koop/ For Sale SAMOOSAS Good quality samoosas available from Aloe Ridge East. Week days and weekends. Also cater for functions. Contact: 076 615 8607
Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.
CTS Urgently require the following personnel:
Laerskool Ohrigstad Vakante Pos/Vacancy CS1 Onderwyspos/Educators Post BHL Pos/SGB Post
An exit medical from a previous employer
Vereistes/Requirements: • SARO Registrasie/SACE Registration • Reqv 13 (minimum) • Volledige CV met gewaarmerkte sertifikate. • Complete CV with endorsed certificates.
Be medically fit to work underground
Language/Taal: Afrikaans as onderrigtaal
Minimum of 2 years experience as a Rock Drill Operator (Must have worked as a RDO within the last two years).
Sluiting van aansoeke/Closing of applications: 22 November 2013
Good references from previous employer
Onderhoude/Interviews: 27 November 2013
Mining Qualification Authority Certificate for Competent Person B: to install, maintain and remove support unit (underground hard Rock Narrow Tabular) V3
• • • •
Own transport
SUPERVISOR/SITE MANAGER Must have: • Civil contruction experience (in line of building/construction. • Matric • Competence B certificate (same as a Rock Drill Operator) • Minimum of 2 years experience as a supervisor • Blasting Ticket • Own Transport & valid drivers license. Forward CV’s including certificates to Treah: Fax 086 296 1013 Web:
Diensaanvaarding/Commencement of duty: 1 Januarie 2014/1 January 2014 Aansoekvorms/Application forms: Die Skoolhoof/The Principal Posbus/PO Box 75 Ohrigstad 1122 Of e-pos na/Or e-mail to: Aanvaar u aansoek as onsuksesvol as die skool u nie kontak nie/Please accept your application as unsuccessful if the school does not contact you.
The Booysendal platinum mine is situated on the border of the Limpopo and Mpumalanga Provinces near the towns of Mashishing (Lydenburg), Roossenekal and Steelpoort. The mine is located on the southernmost exposure of the eastern limb of the Bushveld Complex. This new and exciting platinum project will rely on trackless mechanised mining, to produce some 150 000 ounces (3PGM+Au) at steady state. Booysendal is a division of the JSE-listed Northam Platinum Limited, a well-established, mid-tier independent and integrated platinum group metals producer with a strong tradition of innovation and technical expertise in the sector.
SURVEYOR (REF: BDMSD17/13) MINE SERVICES AND DEVELOPMENT The Surveyor is responsible to perfom stope and development surveying assignments in accordance with legal requirements, and standard and procedures. He/ She must report on all findings in the prescribed format. Qualifications, Experience and Abilities Chamber of Mines Elementary Evaluation Certificate, Chamber of Mines Elementary Survey Certificate, Chamber of Mines Advanced Survey Certificate, Computer literate for role, At least 4 years experience in the mining industry , Experience with microstration (Advantageous) Applications close: 08 November 2013 Booysendal Platinum Mine is an equal employment opportunity employer and reserves the right to make appointments in line with its Employment Equity Policy. Applicants are requested to forward a comprehensive CV to the HR Manager of Northam Platinum Limited Booysendal Division Mine to Please quote the Position Title and Reference Number in the subject box of the e-mail. CV’s received in any form after the closing date and time will not be considered. If you have not been contacted within three (3) weeks of the closing date, know that your application was unsuccessful.
It is child’s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@platinum
Platinum Gazette
Green update Tubatse Chrome Golf Club is currently redoing the golf course. Work started at the bottom of the course, furthest from the Club. About four greens have been dug up and in some of them are currently resembling a shallow swimming pool after the heavy rains. No sand have been brought in yet and shaping as well as irrigation pipes are due to be installed in the coming weeks.
The rain from the past two weeks has hampered construction, but in the mean time work is being done on the tee boxes. They are being upgrades, enlarged and in total overalled. The Club’s management would like to thank all the members and the public for their patience while the course is being upgraded. The course is set to re-open in January 2014.
Cheryl in top 10 by Sanlam Kanker Uitdaagreeks Die finaal van die Sanlam Kanker Uitdaagreeks het verlede week by Sun City plaasgevind. Een van Tubatse Chrome Golf Club se lede, Cheryl Wilkinson het in die C Afdeling vir vroue ‘n negende plek ingepalm. Die mans se algehele wenner was die 33jarige Braam Hanekom van Krugerpark Lodge Gholfklub. Die vroue wenner was Marinda Pretorius van Akasie Klub in Pretoria. Hanekom het in die B Afdeling deelgeneem en van sy 17 voorgee stof geskop in die oë van baie meer ervare teenstanders. Dit is ook maar die derde jaar wat hy golf speel. Gideon van Zyl van Springbok was die speler wat Hanekom gejaag het. Van Zyl het drie dae voor die toernooi sy pa aan die dood afgestaan en het amper nie meer gaan deelneem nie. “My pa is ‘n maand voor sy dood met kanker
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gediagnoseer en van daar het dinge vinnig agteruitgegaan. Ek het van daardie ooblik toe ons die slegte nuus gekry het begin oefen met die een doel voor oë - om my afdeling te wen” vertel hy. “Ek het besluit om die toernooi vir hom te speel en ek het alles ingesit om my afdeling te wen”. Van Zyl het die A afdeling waarin hy gespeel het gewen met 72 punte, maar hy moes alles uithaal om Dudley Rosier van die Westlake Klub in die Westelike Provinsie te klop. Hy het Rosier met een punt geklop. Van Zyl vertel: “Ek het nie verwag my pa sou so vinnig agteruitgaan nie en het byna nie na die eindrondte gekom nie. My broer en suster veral het egter daarop aandgedring dat ek steeds speel en vandag is ek bly dat ek tog deurgedruk het en die sege vir hom behaal het”. Die wenners in die mans A-afdeling was: Gideon van Zyl (Springbok, Boland) 72; Dudley Rosier (Westlake, Westelike Provinsie) 71; Christo Mentoor (Landbou, Noordwes) 69; Budjie Maharaj (Chatsworth, Kwazulu-Natal) 69; Duane Viljoen (Polokwane, Limpopo) 67; Cobus Groenewald (Wellington, Boland) 67; Koos Jacobs (Piet Retief, Mpumalanga) 66’ Corne van Deventer (Vryheid, KZN) 66; Armand van Dyk (Potchefstroom, Noordwes) 64; Bazil Coenraad (St Francis, Oostelike Provinsie) 64. Die uitslae in die afdeling waarin Cheryl Wilkinson deelgeneem het, was soos volg: Nan Kuhlhoff (Serengeti, Ekuruleni) 64; Leatitia Knoetze (Jeffrreysbaai, OP) 64; Maggie Anderson (Oubaai, SK) 58; Carol Paxton (Rustenburg, NW) 57; Linda Reeve (Riverside, KZN) 54; Maryon Goodwin (Royal JHB & Kensington, Gauteng) 54; Lydia Lumley (Windhoek, Nam) 53; Amanda Forster (Ficksburg, OVS/NK) 52; Cheryl Wilkinson (Tubatse Chrome Club, Limpopo) 48; Tarryn Borsutzky (Devonvale, Boland) 47. Die reeks word reeds seder 1993 in samewerking met Sanlam en Kansa aangebied. Geld wat met die toernooi ingesamel word gaan na Kansa.
2013 Spirit of Comrades Awards announced ‘Celebrates three individuals annually ’ On 18 October the 2013 Spirit of Comades Awards took place. This night honoured the truly deserving as the Comrades Marathon Association (CMA) hosted the awards gala in Durban. The CATHSSETA Spirit of Comrades awards gala celebrates three individuals annually for their very human attributes of selflessness, dedication, perseverance and Ubuntu, combined with their love for The Ultimate Human Race. The prestigious awards gala has been a defining feature of the CMA since 1996. The three Spirit of Comrades recipients are presented witha a one-ounce, 24 carat gold medallion, courtesy of CATHSSETA (Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality & Sports Sector Education & Training Authority) as well as acknowledgement of note. The awardees are nominated by CMA members, Comrades Marathon runners and the general public; and are subject to the discretion of the CMA board. The awards criteria place special emphasis on Comrades Marathon winners, legends, volunteers and otherwise ordinary heroes and heroines, either in a single race or over a period of time, exhibit the noble qualities associated with The Ultimate Human Race. The first Spirit of Comrades awardee was Brad Brown. Brad has worked tirelessly over the past four years to raise money for the Amabeadibeadi charity campaign. Not only did he overcome major physical obstacles to complete the Comrades Marathon several times, but Brad very selflessly gave of his time and effort to set up the Race 4 Charity website and inspired the special ‘CC Charity seeding batch’ to motivate runners to raise funds for charity. The Race 4 Charity initiative has since raised R2.4-million rand for the Amabeadibeadi charities and Brad continues to inspire Comrades Marathon runners to race for charity and support the greater good. For his sterling efforts, Brad was awarded with the coveted Spirit of Comrades medallion. The second notable awardee was Australian runner, Joseph Ta. When fellow Aussie runner Joanne Tremonti had collapsed from hypoglycemia on Race Day, Joseph selflessly put his race on hold to carry her to the Comrades Marathon Medical Tent. Not only that, Joseph patiently waited 45 minutes for the ambulance to arrive. He remained there until Joanne had regained consciousness and was safely in the ambulance. After an hour and a half of waiting and caring, Joseph then went on to complete the race alone. He has been described as a kind and caring person and his noble deed went on to earn him the second prestigious accolade. The thrid Spirit of Comrades recipient was Vincent O’Neill, a British runner who ran the 89km distance to drum up support for the endangered rhino. Vincent’s passion for
saving the beleaguered rhino drove him to finish the epic race in a 12kg rhino costume, bearing in mind that the 2013 Comrades Marathon was also one of the hottest and most difficult races in nearly 40 years. Vinny was amazed at the camaraderie and support along the route, with many runners guiding him to the refreshment stations and even helping to feed him. Many runners were left deeply impressed by Vincent’s honourable deed in creating awareness of the incessant rhino poaching in our country, and creating a real spectacle of himself along the Comrades Marathon route whilst advocating a truly worthy cause. Another facet of the glitzy evening is the CMA’s Journalist of the Year Award. This is a sincere acknowledgement and appreciation of the important and enduring work of the media and rewards the journalist who has shown a year long interest in the Comrades Maradon; and in that spirit has generated the most media coverage for The Ultimate Human Race. Sarel van der Walt once again claimed the prestigious title by being the most prolific messenger of the Comrades Marathon good news and he received a cash reward and due recognition of his sterling efforts. The presentation of the CMA Greenest Refreshment Station Award to SASOL was next. This is a significant acknowledgement of the efforts made by the hosts of the refreshment stations on Comrades Marathon Race Day to keep their areas clean and green. Some of the defining features of the cleanest and greenest refreshment station is the drive to recycle waste generated on the day and to ensure that their stations are spick-and-span and that the route is cleaned up after the runners have passed. Over the years, the CMA has also recognized key role-players in the Comrades Marathon family. Four deeply deserving individuals were presented in this regard with a CMA Life Membership Award. These were CMA Board Member, Neville Thomas and Start Venue Portfolio Conveners, George Roberts and Ian Kerford. The CMA is also mindful of the efforts given off by individuals and organizations who have contributed in a significant way to the Comrades Marathon Association over the years. Due recognition and appreciation was accorded to these do-gooders for their outstanding service or for going beyond the call of duty in adding value to the Comrades Marathon via the CMA’s Certificate of Appreciation. These notable tokens of gratitude were presented to Ian Laxton, in recognition of his amazing years of service to the Comrades Marathon in the media sector. Mr Price Group was also recognised in this category for its many years of IT sponsorship and support; and overall involvement with the CMA.