Platinum Gazette 02 December 2011

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Crime busters get tough

How will you drive this Festive Season?

© Platinum Gazette

02 December 2011

Close to a hundred arrests have been made by Tubatse Police since 19 November when they started with patrols, stop-and-search operations and roadblocks aimed at preventing and eradicating serious crimes during the Festive Season. This action by hte Police forms part of Operation Duty Calls during the whole holiday period. Between 25 November and 28 November 56 people were arrested in Praktiseer, Mabocha, Bothashoek, Ga Mashamothane, Ga Madiseng and Riba Cross. The arrests were for driving motor vehicles under the influence of alcohol, drinking in public, being drunk in public, non-compliance with the Road Traffic Act and non-compliance with the Liquor Act. During the same type of operations during the previous weekend 41 arrests were made. Meanwhile, the courts are taking a tough stance on violent crimes. On 29 November Thomas Moyane (39) was convicted to four months imprisonment for violating a protection order in the Praktiseer Magistrate‘s Court. The sentence followedafter the convicted man insultred his 80 year old mother on 27 September this year. The incident took plac in Mandela Section, Riba Cross. On 29 November Fankie Sefiti (36) was convicted to six months imprisonment for assault with the purpose to inflict grievous bodily harm. The sentence followed after an incident in Penge on 18 November 2011 when the man assaulted his 17 year old niece. The case was reported at Tubatse Police on 8 November and the accused was also arrested the same day. On 26 November 2011 Tubatse Police arrested a 37 year old man for using motor vehicle without owner‘s consent. The arrest followed after an incident in Praktiseer on 25 November 2011. Godfrey Mohlala appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate‘s court on 28 November 2011 and he was sentenced to six months imprisonment without an option of a fine.




Shaking for SHEQ Saftety, Health, Evironmental and Quality management at Tubatse Chrome was focused upon this week when a SHEQ roadshow was presented to emplyees on various days. The SHEQ message of living a safe life, not only at the workplace, was brought to employees by means of music and industrial theatre, while SHEQ lucky draws were also held and prizes given to employees. SHEQ Manager at Tubatse Chrome, Juanita Erasmus (photograph to right) congratulated employees with saftety achievements and the fact that 2011 was Certified Injury free, but also called upon them to be vigilant and observe what SHEQ requires for everybody to stay safe at the workplace and at home.

Kerssang onder die sterre Burgersfort se NG-gemeente het Sondagaand hulle Kerssangdiens en nagmaal onder die sterre op die kerkterrein gehou. Die opeluggeleentheid geleentheid is goed bygewoon en die gemeente nooi almal uit om die diens op Kersdag by die kerk by te woon. Die Kersdiens begin om 08:30 op Kersdag.

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Advertising deadlines are on a Tuesday at 17:00. Editorial deadlines are on a Wednesday 17:00.




Thorburn aims for Zero, Zero, Zero

Christina Mohale displays the bags that will be distributed in parts of the area.

Christmas shopping?

On World Aids Day 2011 the Thorburn message, in line with the international theme is clear – Getting to Zero. Every year for the past 6 years World Aids Day is a special day on the Thorburn calendar and many efforts were made to spread the word that the spread of the HIV Aids disease is pandemic. This year is something different and the spread of the message – Getting to Zero – received more internal focus in Thorburn. The week preceding World Aids Day, awareness posters with the theme ‘Getting to Zero’ were distributed to contracted sites. Awareness badges and ribbons were made and distributed, an awareness letter was send to staff and staff have been greeted with a World Aids Day sms on 1 December 06:00. Today HIV Aids awareness shopping bags will be handed out in rural communities and 180 children from an Eerstegeluk Home Care Center will receive a small gift from Thorburn Security Solutions. The Safety Topic for World Aids Day in Thorburn Security is : Getting to Zero , Zero infections, Zero discriminations and Zero Aids related deaths. Thorburn says the above is part of the little the company can do considering the following shocking statistics: According to reports globally an estimated 33.3 million people have HIV. More than 25 million people have died from the virus between 1981 and 2007, making it one of the most destructive pandemics in history. In South Africa, 5.6 million people are living with HIV, the highest number in the world. Advertorial

A history of Phelo Pele health care

Phelo Pele Health Care, was founded in 2003 and had its first project Nolo coffee shop in 2005 at Maphuthadichaba in Burgersfort. Due to lack of business experience, capital and knowledge of the market we had to close Shop eight months later. We took a 13 Months break from Business then opened our first pharmacy (Phelo Pele Pharmacy) at Khadima centre, Burgersfort in April 2007.

Get details of competition and participating products in store.

In 2008 Phelo Pele Lydenburg Pharmacy was launched. It was aimed at taking care of health need of our African community in that area. In the same year our social responsibility wing Phelo Pele foundation was founded. The foundation worked with most organizations including Lovelife, Life line, Aurum institute, local home based care groups and other organizations. We had our first annual Phelo Pele family Health day in 2009 which gives us a platform to interact with our communities and allows us educate our people regarding health matters. The foundation will in 2012 address other challenging issues focusing mostly on youth. Watch this space. In 2009 November we opened door to our first Kitchen Design and manufacturing business Phelo Wood and Interior. This was our most adventurous investment. I have to say that this excersise was very costly and keeping us on our toes for the whole of 2010.



Ultra Mel Vanilla Flavoured Custard 1 Litre


Sunlight Washing Powder Assorted 2 kg


In 2011 we were able to achieve most of our goals. We were able to open doors to two new pharmacies, Phelo Pele Platinum Pharmacy, within this pharmacy there is Phelo Primary Health care clinic here in Burgersfort at Platinum place next to the new ABSA bank, and Phelo Pele Modjadji Pharmacy. We like to thank our clients and partners for these achievements. Phelo Pele Owners

Notice board:

Re-opening of Phelo-Pele Pharmacy 9th November 2011 Phelo Pele Pharmacy (Khadima centre) 09H00-15H00 Activities: Health talks, blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol test and Voluntary HIV testing and Counseling.

Spekko Rice 2kg


Simba Chips Assorted 125g



Platters for functions, parties or events. Order at least 24 hours in advance. Variety of options available to suit every taste and budget. Prices vary from platter to platter.

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Children’s Day Awareness Campaign On 23 November 2011 Mototolo participated in Children’s Day Awareness Campaign organized by various government departments, such as the Department of Social Development, Department of Health, Department of Education, Department of Justice and SAPS. All the above-mentioned departments explained their respective roles in observing children’s rights to both the learners of the school and their parents. As part of our continuous interaction with and support of the communities close to our operations and cooperation with other roleplayers, such as the afore-mentioned departments, Mototolo participated in this event by donating 100 “Christmas Hampers” to all learners from Shaga Primary School as well as 29 orphans brought along by the Department of Social Development. It was indeed a privilege to be involved with such a worthy cause. The happiness on the children’s faces for receiving something to brighten up their Christmas, made it worthwhile being involved. (Information and photograph: Mototolo Mine).



First ever prize giving ceremony for Shaga Primary School On 25 November 2011 Mototolo participated in the prize giving ceremony of Shaga Primary School. The company’s contribution to the event was in the form of sponsoring 15 trophies, 20 certificateslunch for all the learners, teachers and parents, as well as T-shirts and caps for all the learners and teachers.Mototolo also donated a new photocopier to the school. The Principal of Shaga, Mrs. Moshala,

indicated that it was the first ever prize giving ceremony in the history of the school and that it was only due to the generous sponsorship by Mototolo that they were able to host this one. Mrs. Moshala, other teachers, the learners and parents expressed their sincere appreciation towards Mototolo for getting involved with their school by sponsoring this event. (Information and photographs: Mototolo Mine).

School bags donated to Mahlagare Combined School On 24 November 2011 Mototolo donated 466 school bags to the learners of Mahlgare Combined School in Kalkfontein. The school bags contained a set of crayons and a filled lunch box for the juniors and a set of mathematical instruments with a similar lunch box for the seniors. Prior to the donation of the bags, Mr Dan Mohapi (Mine Manager Mototolo), representing the Management of Mototolo at the event, explained to the learners that Mototolo was making the donation to assist them to obtain a proper education. He further explained that Mototolo viewed education as one of the most important pillars, if not the most important, of the future of

our country, and by making such a donation Mototolo wanted to contribute towards the education of the learners of Mahlagare, which may include possible future employees of Mototolo or leaders in the relevant community or perhaps

the country. He urged them to work hard at school and make the most of their opportunities. A contribution to the education of children is an investment in the

future of our country. Mototolo is proud to be a partner in such worthy cause. (Information and photographs: Mototolo Mine).


New leaders chosen Bottom: These learners have been chosen as leaders for 2012. Daleen Koen, Robin Clarke, Marli Prinsloo, Danelle van der Walt, Tebogo Hlakudi, Waldo Smulders & Kgotso Tsie.



Right: Duncan van der Walt received Trophies for Junior Sports Boy of the year, Janè Vorster received Trophies for Junior Sports Girl of the year and Charlie Brown received Trophies for Senior Sports Boy of the year.

Top: These learners received book prizes and trophies for academics.

Joshua Generation rewards achievers Bottom: Itumeleng Nchabeleng received a Play Cricket trophy for Junior Cricketer of the year & Thinus de Jager received a Play Cricket trophy for Senior Cricketer of the year.

Top and bottom left: These learners received Trophies for Outstanding Christian Character.

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Geelvarkoorfees op Roossenekal Die Geelvarkoorfees vind elke jaar aan die einde van November plaas.

Die jaarlikse Geelvarkoorfees het verlede naweek op Roossenekal plaasgevind. Besoekers het sommige van ver gery om aan die naweek se pret te kom deelneem. Daar was natuurlik, soos die fees se naam sê, heelwat geelvarkore te sien en te koop. Varkore met ‘n verskeidenheid kleure was ook te koop en die stalletjies met blomme het helder spatsels kleur tussen die kos, biertent en ander stalletjies gemaak. ‘n Kunsuitstalling en koffiekroeg was ewe gewild as die aktiwiteite buite. Teen Saterdag namiddag het die skoonhede van die

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area ook hul beurt op die loopplank gekry en ‘n “Miss Arum Lily” is in verskillende ouderdomskategorieë gekroon. Blomliefhebbers en dié wat sommer net hou van lekker kuier kan solank hul kalender vir volgende jaar oophou.




Are you worried about climate change? This week the national news was filled with reports from COP-17. COP-17 is the seventeenth conference of the parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The conference is taking place in Durban and will come to an end tomorrow, 3 December 2011. According to reports released at the conference “the global combined sea surface and land surface air temperature for 2011 (January - October) was about 0,41°C above the 1961-99 annual average”. This year we’ve experience the onset of La Nina, the counterpart of El Nino. La Nina is characterised by cooler sea surface temperatures and is “closely associated with the drought in east Africa, islands in the central equatorial Pacific and the southern US, and flooding in southern Africa, eastern Australia and southern Asia”. Although the world’s climate has always been changing, Prof Bob Scholes of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research said: “There is no doubt whatsoever that the world’s climate is changing. The question is whether the

change is human-induced”. Mr Jerry Lengoasa from the World Meteorological Organisation said: “Urgent action is needed to avert worse climate change scenarios in the next few decades”. We asked readers what they knew about what is happening at COP-17 and how they feel about climate change.

Mnr Quintin Krog sê: “Ja, ons is maar almal bekommerd oor aardverwarming. Ons weet wat die nywerhede aan die aarde doen. As ek ‘n voertuig koop kyk ‘n mens maar na die brandstof verbruik ens. ‘n Mens kyk maar dat jy jou kant bring. Plant bome en maak nie onnodig vuur nie om te probeer om ‘n mens se koolstofvoetspoor te beperk. Die natuur is nie meer wat hy was nie. Kyk hoe warm is dit deesdae. Ek is al 12 jaar in Burgersfort en dit is hierdie jaar die ergste sover. Ek en my vrou en kinders praat baie oor goed soos klimaatsverandering”.

Mr Norman Ngobeni said: “ When you live in a province like Limpopo most people choose to ignore it. The coastal provinces are probably more affected by global warming. Yes, I am an environmentally conscious person. We make sure that we clean the environment where we work and if Burgersfort had one, my company would probably have made use of recycling. In the day-to-day living we however forget about climate change”.

Mr Matome Maloto said: “Me, yes I am environmentally conscious, but I don’t do anything - it is too expensive. Like solar geysers. I tried to get one, but they told me the only supplier is in Cape Town and it will cost me R40 000. So I’ve installed a normal geyser when I build my house”.

Mnr. Victor Fourie sê: “Ek geen nie regtig om oor COP17 of klimaatsverandering nie”.

Me. Lynette Weyers sê: “’n Mens moet aan dié goed dink waaroor daar by die konferensie gepraat word, maar ‘n mens doen nie. Dit maak nie in ‘n mens se dagtot-dag lewe saak nie want dit het nie ‘n onmiddellike effek nie”. By haar is Marius.

Mnr Dirk Kotzé sê: “Vir ons wat in die grondverskuiwingsbedryf is, is die onderwerp klimaatsverandering baie van pas. Hoe meer dit reën, hoe minder kan ons werk en as dit te droog is sukkel ons weer. By elke projek wat ons aanpak word ‘n impakstudie gedoen en goed soos oop vure en verwydering van bome word aangespreek. Vir seker help elke ou se klein bydrae om klimaatsverandering te beperk”. By hom is Waldu Kotzé.

Mr Tumie Maduana said: “Climate change matters to me. We have to take precautions, especially regarding the smoke and gases in our mining environment. I am a seriously environmentally conscious person”.

Mr Michael Mnisi said: “We do care about the things they talk about at COP-17, but people don’t have much knowledge what COP-17 is about. I think it is very important to give people workshops to help them understand what the talks at COP-17 are about. Yes, I consider climate change etc. when I buy things. We have to think about environmentally friendly cars etc. Here in Burgersfort are some cars that are terrible. It is just a ball of smoke when they drive. Everyone’s small contribution to prevent global warming will help”. Right: Mr Vincent Nhleko said: “No, I don’t even think about COP-17 or climate change. The guys who tell others about that just want to make money through planting things in other people’s minds”.

Mnr Marius Truter sê: “Ek weet nie eens van COP-17 nie. Uitlaatgasse ens. wat die omgewing beskadig tel wel vir my want ek is nogal omgewingsbewus”.




Wishing you happiness, health and success for 2012 It is hard to believe that another year is coming to an end. It is a relief to those for whom our year end break can’t come fast enough, and I count myself among them, but may strike panic in those who wonder how they can possibly finish everything they need to get done by the end of this year. I count myself among those, too. In either case, I hope you will be able to look back on 2011 as a year during which you reached your goals for professional and personal success. As the year comes to an end I would like to take a few moments to thank you for your contribution to the company during 2011. The challenges facing ECM in 2012 will be even greater, and the opportunities before us even more rewarding. The key challenges I see are reaching the targets we have set for ourselves while maintaining flexibility to effectively deal with an ever-changing business environment, enhancing both capital and operating cost efficiencies, and making no compromise on safety and the environment. Continuing to develop our workforce for the future will remain a key priority for all of us with everyone assuming a greater responsibility for his or her own selfdevelopment. Through your efforts and with the continued support of your families, I am confident that in the coming year we will be able to further consolidate our leadership role in the global chrome market.

I firmly believe that having talent at all levels – which is naturally linked to innovation, business ethics, commitment and continuous learning – will enable us to outperform our industry and meet our obligations as an organization to our stakeholders. I want to extend my best wishes to you and your family for 2012 and hope that the new year will bring you happiness, health and success.

General Manager Emile Britz.

Greening the villages As part of the initiative to improve our villages, ECM embarked on a Garden Competition.This is the second year that this competition was held, and there has been a lot of improvement since last year. The following areas were judged:  Are there trees planted?  Conditions of plants and shrubs; are they healthy, are dead leaves removed, are they pruned? Is the edging of the flowerbeds neat? Do you have a variety of plants and shrubs?  Weed control in the flowerbeds as

well as on the lawn.  Did you control alien invader plants?  Is your pavement area neat and have you done something to enhance your pavement?  Layout of your garden. Did you create focus points?  Overall impression of the front garden?  Overall impression of the back garden? (people lost marks because they did not focus on the whole garden) This year’s winners are: Tubatse/Lannex: 1. 10 Kiepersol - W Burtles. 2. 2 Karee - J vd Schyff. Bottom Village Established Gardens: 1. 4 Kgaka - D Engelbrecht 2. 4 Mimosa - A James. Bottom Village New Gardens: 1. 2 Oriole - B Swart 2. 12 Goshawk - PA Liebenberg. Sepekwa Park: 1. 8 Sepekwa - J Siebert 2. 56 Sepekwa - F Taljaard. Top Village: 1. 2 Valley View - J Davel 2. 2 The Adit - H Roloff. Mangabane Village: 1. 24 Sehlodimela - L Maimane 2. 25 Stick Side - A Molapo.

Fitter and healthier winner In February this year, ECM’s D and E band employees embarked on a Wellness Challenge to improve overall health and fitness. The Medical Nutritional Institute (MNI) assisted them to put individualised diet and exercise programmes in place for each participant. Blood tests, measuring cholesterol, blood sugar and insulin were done. In addition to the diet, some participants were put on medication to control high blood pressure and cholesterol. The initial results were frightening and showed that the management team was in poor health, with the odd exception here and there. It was interesting to suddenly see healthy diet food being served at Mancom meetings and guys drinking Sprite Zero at social gatherings. The winners of the challenge were recently announced at a Gala Award Ceremony. Jan Davel got first place in

the Weight loss and Fitness Categories. He lost 23.46% of his total body weight, while his fitness improved with 87%! The runner-up in the Weight loss category is Mario Meyer who lost 22.56% of his body total body weight. The runner-up in the Fitness Category is Maryn Oosthuizen with a 57% improvement in fitness. In total, the group lost 243kg with major improvement being shown on overall fitness and health. ECM will continue to support this excellent wellness initiative next year and will select 20 participants from all levels of the organisation to participate. In addition to the weight loss challenge, ECM will also embark on a “Stop Smoking” campaign and has invited the world renowned “Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking” to assist with this initiative.

Jan Davel won big with his major weight loss.


SANAS accreditation for laboratory

Right: Fltr with the accreditation certificate are Ruth Makena, Mariska Stickling and Elsie Mashishi.



Samancor, Eastern Chrome Mines constructed and commissioned their own laboratory in 2009. The laboratory plays a key role in ensuring that product quality is on specification. In May this year, the laboratory received an assessment by the South African National Accreditation Body, who uses the South African National Accreditation S y s t e m (SANAS). This is a inde-pendent body capable of assessing organisations for compliance to the relevant international/ national standards and verifying their appropriate competence for tasks in their

scope of activities. SANAS accreditation benefits accredited organisations through an impartial assessment by experts on their performance. After a process of six months, the ECM lab received their accreditation on 27 July 2011. On the 6 October Linda Grundling from SANAS did the formal handover to Elsie Mashishi from ECM. She highlighted that the ECM Lab is now on par with any other international accredited laboratory. She also commended the Laboratory for this tremendous achievement within such a short period of time. SHEQ Manager Frank Cotton said “ECM is very proud to have a laboratory of such high quality and is especially proud of the leadership team in the Laboratory who has lead this team to success.” He encouraged the team to keep up the good work.

Christmas Buffet 25 December 2011 Starter Fish Cocktail Or Duck Confit in Vegetable Spring Rolls Served with Vietnamese sauce Mains BBQ Roast Whole Turkey Or Honey Glazed Roasted Pork Served with homemade mustard sauce Or Roasted Beef Sirloin Served with horseradish sauce And Bacon and Cheese bread Peppadew and Mushroom bread Olive and Feta Cheese Bread And Copper Penny salad Potato and apple salad Ceasars salad Curried Green Bean Salad Dessert: Trifle Trio of Ice Cream served with Chocolate sauce R100 per person R50 Children under 12 Bookings essential 013 230 7102 / 079 782 4381

The Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines Lab team (left).

Investing in education Assembly Shelter makes gatherings easy Samancor invests in local schools. Mangabane Primary School is situated at Mangabane Village (TCL) and ECM took the initiative to get involved. The

school was in dire need for an Assembly Shelter due to the weather conditions. The community are also using the facility when they have meetings or functions. During the prize giving the school was using the shelter and the Principal Mr Mamabolo expressed his gratitude to S a m a n c o r (ECM). (Photograph left).

Dithamaga Primary School benefits from ECM sponsorship Samancor also sponsored Dithamaga Primary School, situated at Dithamaga Village (Ga-Matlala). A new office for the principal and

storage room was constructed (photographs below). The Principal Mr Mokgalaka expressed his gratitude to Samancor (ECM).

A night in the ocean with pirates at your side On 19 November 2011, ECM hosted the annual Year End Function for C1 and up employees. The theme for this year was Pirates vs Under the Sea. The Year end committee started with preparations for the function well in advance, but due to the sudden change in weather, had to redo the décor twice in one week. The last time was two hours before the start of the function. Never say that persistence does not pay. Guests arrived dressed as all types of

characters. From Jack Sparrow to Lady Luck of the Sea. Jaco Labuschagne entertained the crowd with his versatile repertoire of music. He even gave the local “idols” at heart a chance to show their talents. The GM, Mr. Emile Britz thanked everybody for their support and commitment during the past year. We would like to thank everybody involved in the arrangements for the function and the Winterveld Rec club for the excellent food that was served.




DWARSRIVIER MINE Go thuša go agakaleswa maphelo a batho a o a sentšwego ke mafula

Ge o otlela ka gare ga motse wa Kalkfontein gona le ditente tšeo di hlomilwego. Moepo wa Dwarsrivier o file ka ditente tšeo ka ge o be e thuša setšaba seo se tshinyagelwetšego ke mengwako ya bona. Malapa a go lekana 281 a senyagelwetšwi. Moepo o abenale le ka dijo go bao ba lahlegetšwego ke tšhohle ka morago ga mafula a o a bilego gona. Ka morago ga beke taba ya go thusha e sa tšwela pele. La ngele: Mokgomagadi Doreen Masha le lapa la gagwe ke ba ba ngwe bao ba kgeditšewgo thušo yeo e abetšwego ke moepo wa Dwarsrivier. Ka lapeng ke ba lesometharo (13) eupsa go shoma ba ba bedi (2) fela. Ba boletše gore “e be ele ma setlapelo efele ba thabetše thušo ye ba e fiwago ke moepo. Mafelelong a beke moepo wa Booysendal o tlišitše dijo tše di apeilwego. Ka mošopologo wo o latelago moepo wa Dwarsrivier ke ge o tliša dijo. Re rata go leboga matsapa a o a tšerego ke meepo.”

La ngele: Mokgomagadi Rachel Masha le lapa la gagwe ba le senyane ba amogela tente ya nakwana go tshwa moepong wa Dwarsrivier. Ba ga Masha bare: ba be ba šireletša bana ba bona go mafola ge a go thotha ngwako wa bona. Bjale ba leboga tente ye ba e abelwago ke moepo, efela ba belaela gore a naa ba tla kgona go aga ngwako wa bona ka leswa naa? La ngele: Lapa la ga Mosotho le dula ka tenteng ba le tselela (6) ebile ntake Mosotho ke Sefofu eupsa maikutlo a gagwe a nyamile. Ba re ba kwele ge fela ngwako wa bona o thothwa ke mafula le ge leboto la ngwako le wela fase. Ke ge sefako se ewa. Ba kgweditše masenke le dikobo tšhe di tšerego ke mafula ba leka go abeakanya eupsa ba hlolega. Ba ile ba tšea bolao bo bo nweletšego ka metse ba dula godimo. Morema Mosotho o ngongorega ka tsebe ya gagwe gore ga a sa kwa ga botse. Dilo ka moka tše di tlišitšwego ke moepo wa Dwarsrivier di ba thušitše ele ruri. Ge ba botšišwa ka go aga ngwako wa bona ka leswa, ba rile ba sa bea mašeleng a go reka ditlabakelo tša go aga.

Godimo: Legae la Mokgomagadi Linah Monoge le lona le sentšwe ke mafula. Go dula batho ba ba hlano (5) ka gare ga tente ya nakwana ye e abetšwego ke moepo wa Dwarsrivier. Ba be ba maketše ebile ba thabile ge moepo o ba thuša ka tente ya nakwana ka morago ga mafola a o a dirilego gore ba ekwe o kare maphelo a bona a fihlile mafelelong. Ba re ba leboga Modimo le moepo wa Dwarsrivier ge o kgonne go ba thuša, eupsa ba belaela gore a na ba tla kgona go aga ngwako wa bona naa?. La ngele: Mme Dorothy Masha u dutše kgauswe le leboto le le welego mo nwakong wa gagwe. Lapa la ga Masha le kgweditshe dijo le tente go tšwa go moepo wa Dwarsrivier bjale batho ba šupa (7) ba dula ka gare ga tente yeo. Ba re dijo di bathošitše ebile tente ke paphoshi ya marobalo. Dijo ka moka tša bona di tsene ke metse bjale ga ba na mohlagase ba leboga moepo wa Dwarsrivier.

This page was sponsored by Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine




DWARSRIVIER MINE Helping to rebuild storm battered lives When driving through Kalkfontein, tents erected between building debris is a common sight. Dwarsrivier Mine delivered these tents as temporary shelter to help the community after a storm damaged and destroyed many homes. A total of 281 houses were damaged. Dwarsrivier also delivered food parcels to the families who lost everything in the storm. A week after the delivery their stories still continue. Left: Ms Doreen Masha and her family were of the families who benefitted from the food parcels delivered by Dwarsrivier Mine. They are 13 family members and only 2 are employed. They say the storm was terrible and they were very scared. “We are all very happy about the food. Over the weekend Booysendal brought food that was cooked at the school, and on Monday Dwarsrivier brought us the parcels that helped a lot. Thank you to everyone”.

Left: Ms Rachel Masha and her family of 9 people now take refuge in the tent Dwarsrivier Mine brought as temporary shelter. She says: “We were kneeling over the babies to keep the rain and hail from falling on them when the storm blew our house away. Now thanks to the tent we are safe when it rains”. She is very worried about how they will rebuild her home as there is no money for building material. Left: The Mosotho familiy are six people living inside the tent. Mr Mosotho is blind and still gets emotional when he speaks of the storm. “We just heard this loud noise and off the roof and walls of the house went. Then the hail came. We found two of the corrugated iron sheets and an old mattress so we all sat on it and clung to the corrugated iron sheets to keep the rain away,” he said. He now complains about ear problems after being in the rain that night. “The food, everything Dwarsrivier brought helped us very much. The mealie meal (maize) and soup, everything helped and was good”. When asked about rebuilding their home he said: “We will fix it, but we are now trying to save a few cents to buy building material”.

Above: Ms Linah Monoge’s home was also struck during the storm. They are five people now living inside one of the tents Dwarsrivier Mine delivered as temporary housing after the storm. “I was so surprised and happy for Dwarsrivier after we nearly died that night. I thank God and Dwarsrivier for helping us,” she said. She is also concerned about how they will rebuild their home as the funds for building material is very limited. Left: Ms Dorothy Masha sits next to one of the collapsed walls of her home. Her family received a food parcel and a tent from Dwarsrivier Mine. Now seven people are sleeping in the tent. “The food definitely helped us and the tent is now our bedroom,” she said. She explained that all the food they had washed away with the rain. “There was no mealie meal, everything was wet. Now we still struggle with the electricity. We thank Dwarsrivier for everything”.

This page was sponsored by Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine




Letters / Briewe Express your opinion. Write a letter to the Platinum Gazette. Letters may be e-mailed, posted or faxed. Contact details are on page 2 of this issue. Spreek jou mening uit. Skrywes kan per epos, pos of faks na Platinum Gazette gestuur word. Kontakbesonderhede is op bladsy 2 van vandag se uitgawe.

The Message

Dagboek / Diary To submit your diary entry. Fax or e-mail all the details to us at (fax) 013 231 7147 or (e-mail) This is a free service. Fotografie Klub Die Burgersfort Fotografie Klub se volgende vergadering vind op Donderdag, 8 Desember plaas. Alle lede sowel as belangstellendes is welkom om dit by te woon. Dit sal om 18:00 in Burgersfort gehou word. Daar word elke maand na ‘n ander aspek van fotografie gekyk en die lede leer by mekaar en oefen soms tegnieke. Die maand se foto tema is Night Photography (without painting with light). Vir meer navrae kontak Ruan Kleynhans by 083 276 1643; Daryll Geddes by 083 612 2021; Braam Matthysen by 073 582 3654; Jaco Smith by 079 697 7356 of Mark Geddes by 083 601 6158. Foto’s wat vir beoordeling ingeskryf word, moet teen Sondag 4 Desember 2011 na gestuur word. Op-Wakker-Groep padstalverkope Die Op-en-Wakker groep vir bejaardes staan elke Vrydag by die Pure Plaas plaasstal buite Ohrigstad met hul kosverkope. Daar is heerlike vetkoek, pannekoek, gemmerbier, koeksisters, vars gebak en jaffles te koop. Die fondse word tussen liefdadigheid en die bejaardes se toer na Namakwaland verdeel. Tubatse Chrome Charity Golf Day The Tubatse Chrome Charity Golf Day will be hosted on 10 December 2011 at the Tubatse Chrome Club. All the funds raised with this day will be going towards the JAG Foundation that works with children experiencing problems. Support this initiative and show that you care this Christmas season. To sponsor a hole or enter a team contact Martin van Rooyen - 082 816 4833.

Carols by Candlelight On 3 December 2011 the Carols by Candlelight will be taking place at Tubatse Chrome Club. This event is a very special one every year and everyone is invited to attend. There is no entrance fee. Bring your own chair and in the open air come appreciate the music and become part of what Christmas is about. The event will start at 19h00. Manuel Escòrcio, Die Vallei Koor, Laudate Singers and Del Canto Choir will perform. Enquiries: 013 236 5112. Hope in Heels Walk On Wednesday 7 December the Hope in Heels Walk will take place at Tubatse Village. Everyone is invited to come and show their support in the fight against abuse of women and children. Men are also invited to participate. Remember flat shoes are acceptable. The route will be from the Dutch Reformed Church to the Chrome Club. A free bus service will drive participants to the starting point. If you are interested in sponsoring a water point or enter as a business team or individual please contact Arenda Olivier, 013 230 8408 or Hannelie Venter, 013 230 8330. The entry fee is R10 per person. Refreshments will be served at the Club afterwards. Entries can be done on the spot before the race, but the first 400 entries will receive special goodies that includes a small coolerbag and an umbrella. Come show you care!

Kitsgids na jou SAPD/ Important numbers: Burgersfort Ohrigstad Roossenekal Mecklenburg Eerstegeluk Tubatse Sekhukhune Leboeng Maartinshoop

(013) 231 7231 (013) 238 0128 (013) 273 0075 (015) 615 0204 (013) 237 0011 (013) 216 8500 (013) 260 1007 (013) 769 9099 (013) 235 4041

Ander nood/Other emergencies: Dilokong Hospitaal/Hospital Mecklenburg Hospitaal/ Hospital Burgersfort Kliniek/Clinic Water & Sanitation Disaster Management (Ambulance & Fire) Electricity (Eskom)

(013) 2147265 (013) 615 0204 (013) 2317843 082 900 4449 0800 330 022 0860 037 566

Thought for the week “Who is rich? He that is content. Who is that? Nobody.” - Benjamin Franklin

Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Phone her on 083 543 1676 to book your advertising space today.


Prysuitdeling by Waterval CVO Die Waterval CVO het op 18 November hul jaarlikse prysuitdeling gehou. Leerlinge is vir prestasies op akademiese, sport- en kultuurvlak beloon. In baie gevalle is selfs blote deelname aan ‘n aktiwiteit met ‘n sertifikaat beloon. Die beste presteerder in graad 1 was Andreas Fouché. In graad 2 was dit Twane Malan en in graad 3 Michael Kaplan. Graad 4 se top akademiese presteerder is Aldone Geldenhuys en in graad 5 Annemie Kaplan. In graad 6 is Rynhard Lombard die beste presteerder. Die skool se Dux leerling is Annemie Kaplan wat ‘n gemiddeld van 89,2% behaal het. Die Junior en Senior kultuurtrofees is ook deur die broer en suster, Michael en Annemie Kaplan ingepalm. Chanelle Kotze, Antoinette Willer en Annemie Kaplan het ook trofees vir veelsydigheid ontvang. Karlien Labuschagne, Leone Stoltz, Johan Bester, Sulandri van der Linde en Kluge Bester is vir hul uitsonderlike prestasie in sport met trofees vereer. Op kultuurgebied is Johan Bester, Kluge Bester en Sulandri van der Linde vereer. Henning Oberholzer het die skool se gesogte Arbeid-Adel Trofee ontvang. Die nuwe prefekte is: Ntalie Campher, Sulandri van der Linde, Jeandre van den Berg, Stefan Kruger, Rynhard Lombard en Ruan Papenfus.



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Betrekkings/ Vacancies

Panel Miners (Ref: DCM 2011/10/039) Role Purpose: To contribute towards the business success by overseeing the effective application of mining practices to blast and clean for a specific stope or development end. Responsibilities: The incumbent will ensure that the workplace is safe and that work activities are in compliance with all standards, procedures and legislation and also skills on supervision points stopping and developing. Do pro-active planning of the work for the day involving the team ensuring that all tasks for the shift are allocated and properly understood and that the required tools, equipment and material is available to get the job done. Correct marking, charging, connecting and initiation of the blast in compliance with standard procedures and legal requirements. Ensure the safe and efficient removal of broken rock from the workplaces. Ensure optimum team effectiveness through motivation, coaching and mentoring and using problem solving skill to resolve daily workplace problems. Requirements: In order to apply, you will need N3 or Grade 12 certificate. A valid Blasting Certificate for Scheduled Mines. Competent A & B. 2 years experience as a Panel Miner in U/G metalliferous mining. General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given to historically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of the methods utilised to determine the successful candidate. The company offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint. Please forward a detailed CV with relevant supporting documents to the HR Officer Mine Operations, at fax: 086 663 0935 Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.

Die skool se nuwe prefekte en hul ouers op die verhoog.

10 14


224 DESEMBER October 2011 2008

Klein Advertensies • Smalls

Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Gesoek/Wanted 9. Te Huur/To Let 10. Te Koop/For sale

9. Te Huur/ To Let

9. Te Huur/ To Rent

3 bedroom house, 2 bathroom, open living area and garden in Burgersfort R8500.00 Contact 083 393 0227

Springkastele te huur. Vyf verskillende soorte. Steelpoort/ Burgersfort. Kontak Bianca, 082 558 9129.

Bachelor flat on Farm outside Burgersfort DSTV, water, electricity and cleaner included R2000.00 Contact 083 393 0227

10. Te Koop/ For Sale Beds from R1000, Bedroom Suites from R1000, Home Theatre Speakers (small) from R150, 54cm TV from R450, Filing cupboard from R600, Office Chairs from R300. Much more in store! New and secondhand furniture. Visit Furniture Traders Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236

Platinum Gazette

Advertising deadlines are on Tuesdays at 17:00 and editorial deadlines at 17:00 on Wednesdays.

Let us know about your news and events on 083 271 9151 or 013 231 7147.

To advertise an advertisement in the classified section of the newspaper, simply fax, e-mail or call us to place the advert. Smalls or classifieds are great to advertise your product or service in an inexpensive way, but reach a large number or readers.

Platinum Gazette






Kruppel Buffels gholfdag goed ondersteun Die Kruppel Buffel Gholfdag word jaarliks gehou ten bate van die Kruppel Buffels

Maatlopo United to focus on Nedbank Cup Maatlopo United FC will this week represent the Sekhukhune district in the Nedbank Cup at Seshego Stadium. They will play on 3 December 2011. The games are due to start at 08:00 and the winners from other districts will also be playing for the provincial title. These districts are Mopani, Capricorn, Vhembe and Waterberg. Last week Maatlopo beat Black Chiefs 7-0 and lost to Real Touch 2-1. “What happened last week is history in our minds. Our focus is now on the Nedbank Cup. The main objective is to reach the last 32 of this competition,” said Mr Jimmy Makola, spokesman of the Maatlopo United team. Transport to the game at Seshego is r50 per person. Bookin early to avoid disappointment. Enquiries: Jimmy Makola, 082 407 6226. (Submitted by: Jimmy Makola).

Rugbyspan. Dié manne is nie meer aktiewe ligaspelers nie, maar geniet die spel en toer

jaarliks na ‘n nasionale saamtrek. Lees meer oor die gholfdag op

bladsy 16 van hierdie koerant.



Platinum Gazette

SPORT Kruppel Buffels Gholfdag gehou Die Kruppel Buffel Gholfdag is verlede week Saterdag gehou. ‘n Vol veld het die baan lekker laat lewe en uiteindelik het ‘n uitnodigingspan van Samancor met die louere weggestap. Die bestuur van die Kruppel Buffels het elke borg, deelnemer, die Tubatse Chrome Klub en alle ander persone wat ‘n bydrae tot die dag se sukses gelewer het, bedank. Moenie die Tubatse Chrome Charity gholfdag misloop nie. Kry meer inligting op bladsy 12 van hierdie week se koerant.

Groot en klein het aan die dag ten bate van die Kruppel Buffels deelgeneem.

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