Platinum Gazette 02 June 2017

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Platinum 28


Burgersfort Police conducted a road block just outside ~burgersfort on the R37 road towards Mashishing on 26 May 2017. A white Audi was stopped and searched. 28 refuse bags full of dagga was found in the car. The driver, a 36-year-old man was arrested for dealing in the drug.

Take a girl child to work

Burgersfort Police Station last week on 25 May 2017 did their part during the Take-a-Girl Child-to-Work campaign. Learners from Ikhwezi Lokusa Primary School, Burgersfort visited Burgersfort Police Sation where they were shown around in different departments where they were informed about career opportunities in law enforcement. (Photographs and information: Constable Victoria Maluleka, Burgersfort Police Station).

Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Apel

2 Junie 2017

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0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147



2 JUNE 2017



Modikwa hosts annual MTE Mining ExhibiƟon

he annual MTE Mining ExhibiƟon hosted by Modikwa PlaƟnum Mine took place on 26 May 2017. Exhibitors included any company that supply equipment or products to the plaƟnum mining industry mines, or that supply equipment or products that can be used in the plaƟnum mining process. Entrance to the exhibiƟon was free and both Modikwa employees and Contractors came in large numbers to have a networking session with specialists in the supply industry. They were able to get hands-on advice on new

technology and products showcased as well as have one-on-one Ɵme with suppliers. Suppliers exhibiƟng on the day expressed appreciaƟon to Modikwa PlaƟnum Mine and MTE for bringing them together with the right people in the industry. The 2017 exhibitors and their fields of experƟse included: Three local companies doing business with Modikwa; Moyosina Developers (Pty) Ltd (Supply of tyres). Tjatjapa (Pty) Ltd, (Repair of buckets, winches and motors). Thulasmanga Trading Ent, (Civil construcƟon and mining services). Atlas Copco South Africa (Pty) Ltd, (Manufacturers and suppliers of a full range of drills and drill rigs). Aury Africa Pty Ltd, (Aury Equipment). BaƩery Electric (Pty) Ltd, (Design and manufacturer of mining locomoƟve controller). Brelko Conveyor Products (Pty) Ltd, (Specialist Supplier of Conveyor Belt Cleaning and spillage Control Equipment). Cheetah

Technologies (Pty) Ltd, (Manufacturer of pneumaƟc chainsaw and grinders & pumps). Conveyor & Plant Services (Pty) Ltd, (Conveyor Belts). Crosby, (LiŌing Equipment). Department of Mineral Resources, (Mineral Resources). Elbroc Mining Products (Pty) Ltd, (General mining supplies). Hanna Instruments (Pty) Ltd, (AnalyƟcal instrumentaƟon). Invincible Valves (Pty) Ltd, (Valve sales, recondiƟoning & rubber lining). Marley Pipe Systems SA (Pty) Ltd, (Piping systems). Melco Conveyor Equipment (Pty) Ltd, (Conveyor Equipment). Rostock Engineering (Pty) Ltd, (Electrical & Mechanical Engineering). Ryalsan North Engineering (Pty) Ltd t/a R N E Pumps, (ConstrucƟon of verƟcal spindle slurry, chemical and brackish water sump pumps). Standard Industrie InternaƟonal (Pty) Ltd, (Coveyors). Sturrock & Robson Industries (Pty) Ltd t/a HSE SoluƟons (Pty) Ltd, (Leading supplier of PPE), Topmost- Led (Pty) Ltd, (Led Lights, installaƟon and designs). Tru Trac Rollers (Pty) Ltd, (Conveyor Belt Tracking Rollers, Scrapers, SkirƟng Rubber, Safety Roller Guards & Impact Beds). UPAT S A (Pty) Ltd, (World market leader in fixings with Fischer). Working on Fire (Pty) Ltd, (Quality fire related soluƟons and agricultural mining supplies).

2 JUNIE 2017



Diphala Primary School learners rewarded Grade 6 and 7 learners from Diphala Primary School completed a four week course at Siyakha Learning Lab in Burgersfort. The learners attended classes every Saturday for four consecutive weeks. On Wednesday they received their certificates acknowledging their work in computer literacy, reading, maths and science. Mr JM Blouw, the learners’ teacher thanked Ms Palesa Seroka and Mr Nelson Mokoena from Siyakha for their work.

Samancor ECM warns employees of malaria risk A drastic rise in confirmed malaria cases in the area increased the need for better awareness and Samancor ECM was proactive in spreading knowledge and encourage prevention. They embarked on a Malaria Wellness campaign at all their different operations this

week. Employees received an information pamphlet on preventing Malaria as well as mosquito repellent sticks. Prevention is better than cure. (Information and photographs: Mariska Stickling).


2 JUNE 2017


Glitz and glamour The matric learners of Calvin College shined at their matric farewell on Saturday last week. The function took place at Lapeng Guest Lodge and the red and black theme added to the night’s glamour. The school annually hosts the matric farewell in the first half of the year to encourage the learners to focus on their studies for the rest of the year.

Apart from motivational messages for the learners the evening also included a three course meal and some dancing.

The school principal, manager, teachers, administrative staff and selected special guests like Mr Lingwati, the circuit manager attended the evening with the learners.

Blue is one of the favourite colours of the evening. The matrics pulled out all the stops to look drop dead gorgeous.

2 JUNIE 2017



Revelation 5:13 NIV 13

Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying: “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!�

Station Commander holds imbizo The new Burgersfort Station Commander, Brigadier Risimati Robert Maluleke, hosted an imbizo to connect with residents and stake holders in the area. On 29 May at St. Thomas College the imbizo included community members from Burgersfort, Aloe Ridge East, Aloe Ridge West, Mooikloof and Mooifontein. The importance of a well functioning Community Policing Forum (CPF) was emphasized. He is also meeting with various other stakeholders such as the business community. (Information and photographs: Constable V. Maluleka).

Creating awareness

(Information & photographs: Const. V. Maluleka)

The Burgersfort SAPS visited Manoke High School and the Angels Park Academy on 24 and 25 May 2017. The spoke to the learners about illegal gambling, drugs and dangerous weapons. They encouraged them to report crime and focus on their studies.

Bison Falls Spur celebrates 4 years Bison Falls Spur in Tubatse Crossing Mall celebrated their fourth birthday last weekend. The mall also turned four and a festive atmosphere with cake, music and balloons were created outside Entrance 2. Customers at Bison Falls Spur could also share in the celebrations with special deals and some delicious cake. They thanked everyone for their support over the years and invite the public to visit them to experience a taste for life.


2 JUNE 2017


Rol daai bal

Verlede Saterdag is ‘n prettige dag op die Winterveld Rolbalbaan gehou om fondse vir die AGS Kerk in Steelpoort in te samel. Die verskillende spanne het lekker teen mekaar meegeding en die uiteindelike wenspan was 4 Quart and a ½ Pint. Die organiseerders het almal bedank vir hul deelname en goeie gees. (Inligting vir beide rolbal en golf asook wenners se foto’s: Izelle van Staden)

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Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in the Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

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Get your hard copy of the newspaper here: * A1 Food Store Twin City * Bronrich Slaghuis * Tubatse Build It * Vyfster Slaghuis Steelpoort * Burgersfort Pharmacy *Fouché Medical Practice Burgersfort * Mooifontein Kafee * Mahlasedi Health * Health Zone Gym * Cheap Cheap Marone Street * CTM * Pret Liquor * Boxer Steelpoort * Build It Praktiseer * Themba Filling Station * Madeleen Willers Attorneys * Bubbles Car Wash * Supa Dry Cleaners Burgersfort * Dr Phetla Medical Practice * Platinum Petroleum Filling Station * Shoprite Tubatse Crossing Mall * Pick ‘n Pay Tubatse Crossing Mall * Stax Video * Aloe Spar * Department of Education Circuit Office Burgersfort * Fastfit Burgersfort * Total Filling Station Steelpoort * Sasol Filling Station

2 JUNIE 2017



Athletes heading towards Comrades Marathon this weekend On Sunday the ultimate test in human endurance will take place again when almost 20 000 athletes will participate in the Comrades Ultramarathon. Local athletes are also heading that way and can be followed on television during

the course of the race on Sunday. Athletes from the Samancor Marathon club who will be running are: Monashi Mabelane, Costy Mothok, Fanie Matshipa, Simon Maroga, Johan Lesch, Victor Raliphada, Lazarus Mogoane, Jeffrey Mbuyane, Abednigo Sedi-

Comrades Green number club is growing 491 more runners are set to join the coveted Comrades Marathon Green Number Club at this year’s 92nd Comrades Marathon. The Comrades Marathon Association (CMA) has issued its Green Number statistics, wishing all aspirant Green Number runners well in their Comrades up-run on Sunday, 4 June. To date, 12,622 athletes have earned their place on the Comrades Marathon Green Number Roll of Honour. Green Number runners retain their Comrades Marathon race number in perpetuity. They are members of an exclusive band of individuals who have experienced a special relationship with The

Ultimate Human Race. The criteria for inclusion in the Comrades Marathon Green Number Roll of Honour is 3 wins or 5 golds or 10 plus medals. “The achievements of our Comrades Green Number athletes is remarkable. The number of runners who have run this race consecutively for more than 10, 20, 30 and even 40 years is simply astounding. We wish all of the participants in this year’s up-run the very best as they count down to Sunday, 4 June 2017.” Last year local athlete, Leboka Noto also earned his green number.

Support the Ga-Malekane Youth Month Soccer and Netball Tournament The Masters Sports Academy in Ngwaabe will be hosting a Youth Month Top 32 Soccer and Top 16 Netball Tournament. The games will be played at Steelbridge, Ga-Malekane Sportsground in Ngwaabe. The tournament will be going over two weekends. The first session will be on 3 and 4

Celebrating Youth Month with sports talent in Ngwaabe

June 2017 and the second session on 10 and 11 June 2017. All the games will start at 08:30 and end at 17:30. The public is invited to come and support their local teams in this prestigious tournament. The tournament will be an annual event with floating trophies being handed to the winners in each category. For more information on the event contact 073 910 0190

ba, Mongalo Johannes Mogoane and Tshepo Marobane. Modikwa Marathon Club athletes who will be running are: Adolph Boshego, Albert Twala, Jeffrey Nkuna, Justice Phokane, Leboko Noto, Peter Molapo, Sonia Makoua, Capri Maluleke and Justice Mautlane. Athletes from Dwarsrivier Marathon Club as well as from Marula Platinum Mine and Twickenham Plati-

num Mine will also be running. Some of the runners to watch are Fanie Matshipa who previously had a top 3 position, Leboko Noto who is one of the fastest veteran runners around and Peter Molapo who had also has silver finishing times to his name. Platinum Gazette accredited Willem Montgomery as an official photographer with the Comrades Association to give him access to the best spots to take photographs of our local athletes. Get all the action in next week’s newspaper. Good luck guys!


2 JUNE 2017 It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com

Platinum Gazette


Riverside Mashi Golf Course busy on charity golf day On Saturday last week the Winterveld AGS Kerk (AFM Church) took place on the Recreation Club was abuzz with activity. A Riverside Mashi Golf Course. charity golf day to raise funds for the local The event was well supported and the day’s winners were Bertus Swart and Johan Cronje. The sponsors for the day were Zizwe, Sepedisana, Lumcor, Pick n Pay, Vyfster Slaghuis, Y2K, AQS, Gogola, Silver Oaks, Retfin, Pirtek, Samancor ECM, Wildevy Manne, Electro Diesel, Bertus Brink, A. Manser en Theuns. The organisers thanked everyone who participated and supported the event. The Riverside Mashi Golf Course is open for play to the public and enquiries can be done at Winterveld Recreation Club.

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