State of the Province Address (SOPA) - what Premier Mathabatha said about Education 2018 “In the 2018/19 Financial Year, we are going to provide special training to 540 Educators in Mathematics, Science and Commercial Subjects. This will be supplemented by the training of 85 Curriculum Advisors in Mathematics, Science and Commercial Subjects. We will also train 2 175 Educators in content and methodology in Mathematics, Numeracy and languages. This year, we will: • Connect 134 schools with drinking water and decent sanitation facilities • We will build 400 new classrooms, 100 specialist rooms, 9 new schools and 50 Grade R class rooms; and also, • Renovate 100 schools.”
Communication in Education - page 4
Fetakgomo Tubatse Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Apel
2 Maart 2018
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0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031
2 MARCH 2018
Joy and jubilaƟon as DCM goes the extra mile to keep girls in school D
warsrivier Chrome Mine (DCM) with the help of Assore’s Boleng Trust this week rolled out a project that will assist in keeping girls in school. Educa on is one of cornerstones to improve the standard of living and ensure development within communi es. That is why it has always been one of DCM’s priories when it comes to their involvement within surrounding communi es. The project rolled out this week will see that all the girls from 13 schools in the Ngwaabe circuit receive a packet of sanitary towels every month throughout the year. Schools benefi ng from this project are: Gobetse High School, Kgahlanong High School, Makgwale Secondary School, Mohlarekoma Secondary School, Nkotwane Secondary School, Ngwaabe Comprehensive Secondary School, Ngwanangwato High School, Sengange Secondary School, Seokgome High School, Makopole II Secondary School, Mashego High School, Mashupje High School and Shorwane High School. More than 4000 girls in the area will now be able to go to school with confidence, even when they are having their monthly periods. Schools in the area struggled with a endance as many learners cannot afford to buy sanitary towels to use during their menstua on. This meant they stayed at home or made use of newspaper scraps or dirty rags to prevent them from being embarrassed in public. During the roll-out the learners had the opportunity to openly talk about these problems. One learner said: “My parents cannot afford to buy me pads, so I allow the boys to touch me hoping they will give me some money. That money I use to buy pads”. This is just one of many stories about the impact of poverty. DCM was joined by the contracted supplier companies, Perfit and Buhle Waste Management on the roll-out. Perfit will supply the sanitary towels and Buhle Waste will on a monthly base do removal of the used pads. Special bins had been put up in the girls’ ablu on facili es into which they can drop the used pads. The roll-out also included an educa onal aspect to make sure the young ladies knew exactly how to fit and use the pads and how to dispose of them in a proper way. As part of the kick-off the learners also each received a packet of biscuits. It was packed into a bag with a slogan saying: “The most important thing a girl can wear is her confidence!”. This is exactly what this project is doing - giving the girls their confidence back - no ma er what me of the month it is. At the schools DCM was loudly cheered and ululated for the ini a ve.
Le : The learners each received a bag containing a packet of sanitary towels and biscuits. Right: Special bins are supplied for the disposal of the used pads.
2 MAART 2018
More than 4 000 school girls to benefit from DCM project T
his week Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine (DCM) is visi ng 13 schools in the Ngwaabe area to roll-out a project that will enhance the lives of girls in these schools. This project will see that these high school girls receive a packet of sanitary towels (pads) every month throughout the year. Many girls in this area are regularly absent from school during their monthly menstrua on because they cannot aord to buy sanitary towels. More than 4 000 girls would have been reached through this project. The project is however more than just the supply of pads. It also includes the proper disposal thereof. The girls were taught how to wrap and discard used sanitary towels as well. This project underlines DCM’s commitment towards educa on and the environment by keeping the girls in school and crea ng the means for proper disposal of the sanitary products.
2 MARCH 2018
Improving communication and relationships Psalm 91:9-11 (NIV) 9
If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling, 10 no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. 11 For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways;
On 22 February, Mangabane Primary School held a day to highlight the importance of parent, teacher and learner relationships. Parents, and delegates from various departments also came and spend the day at the school. Burgersfort SAPS and Civil society social workers conducted sessions with parents/ guardians as well as learners on the importance of partnerships. Questions such as: “How do you as a parent assist your child when she is involved in romantic relationship with older guys and eventually drop out of school while you are still supporting her as a parent?” were asked and discussed. The day was wrapped up by playing games pairing a parent with a learner to further test their communication skills. “A special thank you to all our loyal sponsors - Samancor Eastern Chrome mines, Pick and Pay Steelpoort and Tubatse SUPERSPAR. Thank you also to Kohin for the initiative and the platform.
Tubatse Build It is the top store Tubatse Build It was recently named the Lowveld Region Store of the Year. They will be competing in the national competition in October this year. Praktiseer Build It and Selala Build It also received Service Excellence Awards. On the photo is Tubatse store managers, Le Clue Besselaar and Llewellyn Wolmarans with Suzette Geldenhuys. Visit these stores to experience excellence.
A special thank you also to the Mangabane Primary School for all the support”. (Information and photographs: Mr Lifi Tlhaka).
Customers learn about welding and Hitachi tools Steelpoort Midas hosted a Welding Demonstration and Hitachi Tools Day at the store last week Thursday. Customers could view the latest technology in tools and welders and even try their hands at welding. Many interested customers and artisans visited the stalls outside the shop to get informed and make direct contact with the suppliers. Steelpoort Midas thanked everyone involved for the success of the day.
2 MAART 2018
Samancor ECM teams up with celebrities for charity Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) hosted their annual Charity Golf Day on 24 February 2018. The event took place at the Lydenburg Golf Club and players had the opportunity to mingle with retired rugby and cricket players forming part of the day. These sport star guests were Danie Gerber, Chester Williams, Divan Serfontein, Jannie de Beer and Fanie de Villiers. The money raised with this day goes into some of ECM’s community projects like the distribution of school supplies to schools in the mine’s feeder area. An auction at the end of the day saw players bid for signed items from the sport stars. The day’s winners were Kobus Rademeyer and Manie Muller. The second place was taken by Bertus Swart and Clintin Janse van Rensburg. Third place went to Jehane Claase and Chester Williams.
Third place went to Jehane Claase and Chester Williams.
Kobus Rademeyer and Manie Muller were the day’s winners. With them are Jannie de Beer, Divan Serfontein and Pieter Brits.
Bertus Swart and Clintin Janse van Rensburg with Pieter Brits of ECM. Some of the day’s sponsors put up stalls along the course. ECM thanked all the sponsors for their support that made the day possible. Items such as the collectors box of Scottish Leader signed by the sport stars were put on auction.
2 MARCH 2018
Platinum Gazette
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Visit your local professional art and décor framer in Steelpoort. 24 Years experience in framing. Get the option that fits your taste and budget! Small gifts and crafts available in store. Printing, photocopies and much more. Stockists of EPA! Chilli and other sauces. Visit Esmé Framers in Steelpoort next to Wimpy or contact Esmé on 079 100 9643.
TO RENT 3 bedroom House with Large garden available for rental at an upmarket security estate in Burgersfort, R10 000 available immediately Contact Linda @ 076 834 3457 TE HUUR 3 slaapkamer huis met groot tuin beskikbaar vir verhuring in ‘n sekuriteits- kompleks in Burgersfort, R10 000 onmiddellik beskikbaar Kontak Linda @ 076 834 3457
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Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
Notices/Kennisgewings Lebalelo Water User Association Invitation to Bid Suitably qualified service providers are hereby invited to submit proposals for the following: Bid No.
CIDB Grading
Compulsory Briefing Meeting
Contact Persons for Enquiries
LWUA 1/2018
The sectional rehabilitation of the LWUA off-take pipeline to Twickenham mine.
3CEPE, 4CE or higher
6 March 2018 at Havercroft Offices, Modubeng.
Amanda Britz (Commercial) (013) 216 8001 Johan Erasmus (Technical) (013) 216 8001
Bid documents will be available from the 1 March 2018 at Havercroft Offices Modubeng, upon payment of non-refundable amount of R300.00 (Three Hundred rand) per document. The bid documents will be obtainable from 9:00 to 15:00 (Monday to Friday). Submission of Bids: Bids must be submitted by no later than 12h00 on 27 March 2018 as follows: • By hand: Bid documents along with supporting documents must be sealed and externally endorsed with the bid number and description and placed in the bid. At the Havercroft Offices Modubeng. • Opening of Bids: Bids will be opened in public at 12h30 on 27 March 2018.
Bidders to take note of the following: • • •
Bids must only be submitted on the bid documentation provided by Lebalelo Water User Association. Bids will be evaluated according to the 90/10 preferential points system. Bidders are requested to read and take note of section 1 “Instructions to Tenderers” in the tender document.
* Mooifontein Kafee * Mahlasedi Health * Health Zone Gym * Cheap Cheap * CTM * Boxer Steelpoort * Tubatse Build It * Themba Filling Station * Supa Dry Cleaners Burgersfort * Dr Phetla Medical Practice * Platinum Petroleum Filling Station * Shoprite Tubatse Crossing Mall * Pick ‘n Pay Tubatse Crossing Mall * Stax Video * Aloe Spar * Department of Education Circuit Office Burgersfort * Fastfit Burgersfort * Total Filling Station Steelpoort * Sasol Filling Station Steelpoort * Winterveld Bottom Village gate * Tubatse Village Entrance Gate * Laerskool Steelpoort * Laerskool Burgersfort * Laerskool Ohrigstad * Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Municipality Offices Burgersfort * Pick n Pay Steelpoort • Supa Save • Old Burgersfort Toyota & Filling Station * Build It Praktiseer • Praktiseer Department of Education * Supa Quick Burgersfort * Choppies Burgersfort * Burgersfort Pharmacy Morone Centre
2 MAART 2018
Skole trek saam vir interlaer by Laerskool Burgersfort Sewe verskillende skole se atlete het verlede Vrydag by Laerskool Burgersfort saamgetrek vir hul jaarlikse Interlaer. Die byeenkoms het glad verloop en die uitslae was soos volg: Laerskool Malelane in die eerste plek gevolg deur, Steelpoort Akademie, Laerskool Numbi, Laerskool Graskop, Laerskool Sabie, Komatipoort Akademie en Laerskool Burgersfort. (Inligting: Laerskool Burgersfort).
Daar is aan verskeie veld- en baanitems deelgeneem en punte op die ABSA tabel versamel.
2 MARCH 2018 It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com
Platinum Gazette
Mooihoek All Stars FC tops On 24 February 2018 Mooihoek All Stars FC played against Maandagshoek United Brothers FC. The game was played at Phutinare High School’s sports grounds. The game was won by Mooihoek All Stars who managed to score a brilliant goal from Kgolwang Madigage using a bicycle kick from Desmond Mabelane. Desmond Mabelane shined as one of the good performers for Mooihoek All Stars on the day. Kgolwang sustained a knee injury during the second half of the game and had to leave the field. Maandagshoek United Brothers improved their game but was unable to score any goals before the final whistle. (Information and photographs: Mr Jenny Mogolane Phala).
Pulana Maroga soccer league results Pulana Maroga Soccer league results for 25 February 2018: Stone Ground - Arandis Jnr: 0 vs Barcelona: 7. Golden Spears: 2 vs Mighty Rovers: 1. Stone breakers: 2 vs Tearing Lions: 1. Morethe Ground - Happy Stars: 2 vs Maruleng FC: 0. Mighty Blues: 2 vs Mohlophi Fast 11 Jnr: 1. Young Dribblers: 1 vs Madrid: 1. Batau Ground - Real Touch: 1 vs Driekop FC: 0. Happy Fighters: 3 vs Lenareng FC: 3. Batau FC: 1 vs Moisele FC: 0. Bullbull Ground - All Stars: 0 vs Mighty Bucks: 1. Kampeng United: 4 vs Mangabane FC: 2. Bull Bull FC: 0 vs Bafaladi FC: 3. (Information: Pulana Maroga Soccer League).
8th Place for Rudolph
Rudolph Mokgomola from Modikwa Marathon Club ran in the Phalaborwa race last weekend and finished in 8th position. He ran the 10km race in 37:50. (Photograph & information: Willem Montgomery)
Local teams play friendly games On Tuesday 27 February, Ledwaba-Makotse Masters visited Cosmos for a friendly match. The match was played in Sepanapudi village just outside Lebowakgomo. Ledwaba-Makotse managed to win the match by 1-0 and the goal scored by Loui Maestro Mafalo. * In another game on Tuesday 27 February, Tubatse Masters visited Show United in Praktiseer for a friendly soccer match. On the day both teams failed to score and the match ended with a goaless draw. (Information and photographs: Jerial Mvundlela, additional photos: Judas Motswiane)
SAPS teams playing in Capricorn District league games On Wednesday the SAPS 10111 hosted the SAPS Provincial office in a Stream A Capricorn district soccer league match. The match was played at Tom Naudé high school in Polokwane. The Provincial office dominated the match in the first half and managed to score one goal by cleaner, Sekwaila. This made the halftime score 1-0. In the second half the men from the provincial office continued dominating the match and managed to score another five goals from Cleaner Sekwaila, Admin Clerk Raphala (x2), Admin Clerk Boshomane and Capt Magwai. The hosts managed to score a consolation goal by Const Makhubela to make the final score 6-1 in favour of the SAPS Provincial office. In another match for Stream A, the SAPS Mankweng/Sebayeng (in green) hosted SAPS PSS (in blue) at the University of Limpopo in Mankweng. The match ended with a 5 all draw. Const Mogashoa (x2), Const Fisha (x2) and Const Mamaregane scored for Saps Mankweng/Sebayeng. Const Choshi (x2), Cleaner Motimele, Const Machabaphala and Intern Kgabo scored for SAPS PSS. (Information: Sergeant Mvundlela; Photographs: Sergeant Mabotja)