Platinum Gazette 02 September 2016

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MMSL P 10,11


Festival action p 6,7

Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad

2 September 2016

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Sekhukhune District Council is out of the blocks The new councilof the Sekhukhune District Municipality held it’s inaugural meeting at Groblersdal on 26 August. Cllor Stanley Ramaila was elected new Executive Mayor and Cllr Maria Manamela was elected as Speaker. Cllr Tseke Lepota is the new Chief Whip and Cllr Elizabeth Kukie Sefala the newly elected Chairperson of Municipal Public Account Committee. The council

Newly elected Executive Mayor, Cllr Stanley Ramaila, delivering his acceptance speech.

comprises 51 councillors. 20 Councillors are directly elected and 31 representatives are from the various local municipalities. Councillors come from five different politicial pariies, namely the ANC, AZAPO, Bolcheviks Party, DA and EFF. Mayor Ramaila said at the start of his speech that although five different parties are represented with different mandates and ideological posture, it is important is to emphasise that “we are team Sekhukhune and our communities have placed their trust and hopes on us. We represent the aspirations of the more than 1,1 million citizens of this beautiful district of our forefathers. I must hasten to add that service delivery does not know any political colours; it belongs to all the people of our district irrespective of political affiliation”. The mayor said the programme of the district government in the next 5 years will be firmly grounded on the strategic political thrust of the manifesto of the African National Congress which comprehensively outlined key focal points and pillars to make local government work better, saying “The historic mission of local government remains deeply embedded in the section 152 of local our constitution, key amongst those is to; provide sustainable basic services, facilitate economic and social development, and provide democratic and accountable governance”. He emphasised the National Development Plan as the road to the future, saying “Madam speaker let me indicate that the South African state remains a unitary state with three spheres of government that are distinct, inter-dependent and interrelated. We derive our government policy posture and long term planning philosophy from the central government, in this context, our long term plan and vision remains the National Development Plan as adopted by South African government in 2013 following a long elaborative consultative process. Madam speaker, our country adopted NDP as the cornerstone and blueprint for a future socio-economic development strategy. In our long term planning, resource

allocation and project implementation, we need to ensure that we take the spirit and overall guidance of the national development plan. In the next five years of our term of office, we need to ensure that our plans and programs respond to three strategic challenges as identified by the NDP, which remains high levels of poverty, rising unemployment levels and high level of Inequalities. In this regard, our 2016-2021 IDP/Budget should have a clear strategic alignment to the NDP as well as Limpopo employment, growth and development plan. Our five year IDP as well as annual service delivery and budget implementation plans should be geared towards addressing the triple challenges as identified by the NDP”. He added that although the NDP does acknowledge the central role that government plays in driving development through investment in public infrastructure, building a capable state, developing human resource capacity and other strategic focal areas, it is however also equally important to highlight the fact that government alone cannot address all the challenges as highlighted by the NDP diagnostic report of 2011, stressing the need for collaborative effort by different role players. “In this regard our council will in the next five years strive towards building a social compact with business, labour and civil society as part of our collective endeavour to deliver services to our people as well as building a responsive local government” he said. Cllr Ramaila also announced the new Mayoral Committee to assist him.. They are the MMC for Budget and Treasury Cllr Thebmbekile Sehlangu, MMC for Infrastructure and water services Cllr Mbusi Mahlangu, Deputy MMC for Infrastructure and Water Services Cllr Lorrain Manganeng, MMC for Corporate Services, Cllr Alfred Matlala, MMC for Community Services Cllr Thokozile Pinkie Nchabeleng, MMC for Planning and Economic Development Cllr Samson Nkosi, MMC for Special Programmes with focus on Children, Youth and People with Disabilities Cllr Peter Mnisi and MMC for Special Programmes with focus on Women and Gender Empowerment, Cllr Yvonne Mmakola.


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Zechariah 10:1 (NIV) Ask the Lord for rain in the springtime; it is the Lord who sends the thunderstorms. He gives showers of rain to all people, and plants of the field to everyone.


Copper worth R50 000 recovered



The situation...

The Burgersfort SAPS arrested two suspects for possession of stolen copper in Steelpoort. It happened on 26 August at about 15:00. The copper is worth approximately R50 000. The suspects will appear in court soon. (Information and photograph: Const. V. Maluleka)

When Platinum Gazette’s reporter’s phone rang on Friday afternoon she was in Steelpoort taking photographs at the golf, unaware of the situation...the traffic situation in Burgersfort. The caller said: “Madam, I’ll forward you a photograph of the situation here”. He added that the pointsmen who were doing duty at these intersections did not have their contracts renewed. Upon receiving the photograph Platinum Gazette contacted the

Truckload of stolen goods recovered The Burgersfort SAPS has successfully arrested six men for possession of suspected stolen property on 26 August at Mareseleng village. The suspects were found driving a big truck full of suspected stolen property. The 10 ton truck was allegedly heading to Malawi and may contain stolen items from as far as

Gauteng. “We appeal to the victims of house breaking and theft to visit our station to identify their property. The victims must come with the Case number of their dockets as they will be assisted with those their cases through that number”. (Information and photographs: Const. V. Maluleka).

Greater Tubatse/Fetakgomo municipality to find out what is the situation with the pointsmen. The pointsmen are appointed through the Expanded Public Works Programme and they are currently recruiting for the new financial year. Every year this programme takes new recruits and equip them with skills. Soon the situation should look better as the new intake starts doing duty.




Joshua Generation athletes going to nationals Joshua Generation students took part in the Mpumalanga Reginal SACCSSA Athletics in Ermelo on the 27th of August. They won medals and qualified to take part in the SACCSSA Nationals that is taking pkace on 23-24 September in Sasolburg. (Information and photographs: Joshua Generation)

Above: Okki Modiba , Isreal Cheloane and Thutsi Morakile.

Bogwasha learners shine

Kamogelo Mokoena , Cherrylyn Mushonga, Bontle Mosoma, Tumiso Phiri, Kurhula Mohlaba, Kgonne Makuwa, Tsebo Makuwa and Blessing Phiri.

Boghwasha Primary School is shining bright when it comes to story-telling and spelling. Mymoena Sekhaulelo (grade 7) and Tshepisho Mabogwane (grade 5) are congradulated by the Tubatse Circuit Manager, Mr SS Lingwati for representing the Bohlabela cluster in story-telling and the Spelling Bee competitions. “Well done & keep it up!” said the school. (Information & photograph: Mr Daniël Moshoana)

Nontando wins with safety campaign at Magareng Mine Nontando Nyathi, a grade 6 student at St Thomas College in Burgersfort won R5000 for her family in a competition of Glencore

Eastern Chrome Mines. It was a safety campaign and the competition encourages the family to run a safety drive to encourage their family members who are working on the shafts to work safe. Her father works at Magareng Mine. Nontando was the winner of the safety drive competition. On the photoraph is Nontando, her father Rushi, her mother Sally and Magareng Mine Engineer Jan Hattingh.

(Information and photograph: Rushi Nyathi).

Pizza busted

Panarotti’s Burgersfort is still Pizza Busting people who are doing extraordinary things in the community. Anyone can nominate a person or group for their efforts to make a difference. This week it was the group - The Angels. These women are all working at different companies, but out of their own pockets and at their own time they raise money to make a difference. In the past they’ve

donated school uniforms and shoes to needy learners. This week they donated sanitary pads to less fortunate learners. The believe that they were blessed with their jobs and wants to make a difference and give back. “If everyone just give a little the world would be a better place”. You can nominate someone who is doing good in the community by sending an email to


22 September ‘16 18:00

R120 p.p. Alle ouderdomme welkom

Lauraine Mdluli, Rebone Mampa, Adolphine Maifadi and Aili Zeeman with some of the Panarotti’s staff during the Pizza bust. Angels members who were absent: Elsie Mashishi, Ruth Makena, Gabriëlla du Plessis, Sarah Malema and Lelo Sekhukhune.




Fun at Winterveld Festival Samancor ECM hosted the 6th Winterveld Festival last Saturda. The festival included lots of fun in the sun with various activities and performing artists. The Soapbox Derby competition was won by Tubatse Chrome’s team. Samancor HR team was second. The Induna Race was won by Samancor’s Proto team. The best potjie of the day was prepared by Mega Bus and Tubatse Chrome’s stall took the prize for the team with the best spirit. Artists who performed at the event included, Tjiff and Tjaff for the kiddies, The Band Cool, Richard van der Westhuizen and Andrew Roos, Jaco Briel, Gert Koevert, Celeste, Country Chix, Taboe, Mona Lee, Hans Drommedaris, Kwaggabees, Will B, Refentse Morake and Lee Vaughn. The organisers thanked everyone who made the day possible through their sponsorships and involvement in many different ways.

The artists performing at the festival were friendly and approachable making it easy for their fans to take the opportunity to take a photograph with them or buy a signed CD.

Festival goers took to the dance floor from early morning.

The spring temperatures saw the children enjoying the slip and slide jumping castles. The potjiekos competition drew much attention. Teams prepared different potjies on which they were judged according to taste and presentation. Their stall décor was also judged. Teams pulled out all the stops to try and impress the judges’ difficult tastebuds.

Tubatse’s soapbox team won the annual race.




Winterveld Festival offers something for everyone

Live performances kept the party going until late night.

A variety of stalls ensure that there was enough to choose from when the hunger struck. Apart from food stalls, exhibitors such as Mahindra from McGee in Lydenburg also participated. Early evening the prizes for the various competitions held during the day took place. The teams received their medals, trophies and other gifts on the stage.

Mega Bus was the winners of the Potjiekos Competition.



Women’s month at Ga-Manoke

Wedding bells in Tubatse Love is in the air in Tubatse and last weekend many couples made their commitment

SAPS visits home based care


The Burgersfort SAPS ended their Women’s Month Social Crime Awareness campaigns at Ga-Manoke home based care and the Christian Assembly Church in Ext. 10. Constable Victoria Maluleka spoke to the women about domestic violence and rape and what their rights as women are. (Information and photographs: Const. V. Maluleka)

to each other, promising their eternal love in front of friends and family. Left: Seun Moruleng Kgopa tied the knot with Phaswane Maapea. The wedding started at Ga-Manyaka on the 27th of August 2016 and ended on the 28th of August 2016 at Ga-Selala. Colleagues from Modikwa Mine came in numbers to wish them a happy life. The wedding ended at 17:45 by cutting the cake. The couple thanked every body who support them.

Right: Johannes and Yvone were married on the 27 August at Ga-Mashamothane and the wedding ended at Ga-Mashishi area on 28 August 2016. Below: Mr Molelekwa “Star” Tebele married Dinah Kgwete at Maandagshoek Swale village on 27 August.

Burgersfort NG Gemeente hou Lentebasaar Burgersfort NG Gemeente vier hierdie jaar hul 60 jarige bestaan. Die Kerk bied hierdie naweek hul Lentebasaar aan. Op Vrydag 2 September om 18:00, is daar Potjiekos met baie pret by die kerk teen R50 per volwassene en R30 per kind. Op 3 September vind die Basaar plaas by Laerskool Burgersfort. Daar sal speletjies, vleis en kosstalletjies wees vir jonk en oud. Daar word ook heelwat Wildkarkasse opgeveil. Hierdie is jou geleentheid om vir oulaas biltongvleis te koop! Die hele gemeenskap word uitgenooi om die dag saam met die gemeente te kom geniet. Belangstellendes is ook welkom om by die kerk se verskeidenheid aktiwiteite betrokke te raak. Die naweek se feestelikheid word afgesluit met die erediens om 08:30 Sondagoggend. Almal is welkom om dit te kom bywoon. Kontak die kerk by 013 231 7627.

(Wedding Photographs & Information: Jenny Molane Phala)

Burgersfort SAPS celebrates Women’s Month In celebration of Women’s Month the Burgersfort SAPS visited Mogale Wa Bagale Secondary school. They hosted a top 4 netball and soccer tournament. The teams participating in the tournament were Youth Against Crime, Mogale Wa Bagale, SAPS and Kgahlanong High School. The winning team for the soccer was Kgahlanong and for the netball it was the SAPS. They received trophies, a ball and medals. The SAPS thanked Business Against Crime who made this campaign a success. Learners were also addressed about ”How could drugs leads you to crime”. (Information and photographs: Const. Victoria Maluleka).



Platinum Gazette

Thinus heads for Sun City Last weekend players for Tubatse Chrome Golf Club represented the Club at the regional finals of the Sanlam Cancer Challenge in Groblersdal. The team did exceptional and the players who participated were: Thinus Labuschagne A Division (0-9 Handicap), Pierre Van Staden B Division (10-17 Handicap) and Adriaan Dreyer C Division (18-30 Handicap). Izelle Van Staden represented the clubs ladies in the C division. Thinus (second from left on photo) won the A division mens and is going back to Sun City for the final to try and win it this year. Last year Thinus came 7th overall and in the A-division he came fourth. Pierre and Adrian fell just short and finished in second place. Adriaan is only 11 years old and the youngest player to participate in Limpopo. He only lost out by 2 points. Chrome Club raised more than R20 000 this year and is currenlty the Club in Limpopo that raised the most money for Cansa. “We would just like to thank every golfer who participated” the Club’s committee said this week. Thinus is very excited about this opportunity and said: “Firstly I would like to thank Jesus for all the blessings and talent he gave me and that he carried me the whole day”. He would like to thank every Chrome Club Member who

send him messages of good luck and a big thank you to Johan Dreyer who played with him. “Johan kept me motivated and calm and encouraged me to keep going and not to give up. Thank you Johan!”.

Limpopo colours for Martin Martin van Rooyen kept Chrome Club’s name high when was chosen for the Limpopo Provincial team last weekend. They will be receiving their provincial colours at the Sesambos Golf course this weekend when the team plays and practices together for the first time. The weekend after that the team will play against the rest of South Africa at Rustenburg on 14 October 2016. “Well done Martin, all your hard work has paid off! We are very proud of you at Chrome Golf Club” said Willem Montgomery of the Club. Players should remember about the Talisman Cup on 3 September. Registration is from 07h30 with the draw at 08h00 and tee off at 08h30. Members should also remember about the Friday Special 9-Hole Competition and unlimited golf opportunity. Tee off is from 09h00 today 2 September 2016. For more information contact Martin on 072 564 2811.

Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

VACANCIES 1x Shop Keeper 1x Assistant Shop Keeper Requirements: • Grade 12 • Certificate in Computer • Driver’s License • More than one year experience in shop service

Responsibilities: • Sales and related work • Customer care • Driving to collect goods • Cash management and any other responsibility that might be assigned by the owner.

Location: Tukakgomo/Longtill village (Greater Tubatse Municipality) 9,1km from Steelpoort Town

Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

Please send your CV’s and copies of qualifications to or Closing date: 15 September 2016

3. Dienste/ Services PRET LIQUOR Gas and Ice for sale. Ice available to individuals and wholesale. Delivery available (terms and conditions). ORYX GAS refill exchange for 9kg, 19kg or 48kg bottle. Contact: 074 565 6231 or 082 072 0051.

9. Te Huur/ For Rent Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lyden-

NGULULU BULK CARRIERS Steelpoort We are urgently looking for highly motivated, passionate and self-driven people who are looking for a challenge and is willing to make a difference. The following opportunity has become available at our Steelpoort depot in Limpopo.

Workshop Foreman We are looking for a competent Workshop Foreman EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS: • • • • • • •

Grade 12 or NTC 3 Qualified with trade papers: Diesel Fitter, Diesel Mechanic or Similar trade Skills and knowledge must include analytical, attention to detail, drive for results and influencing skills. 3 Years foreman experience in an OEM environment Computer literate Excellent communication and literacy skills with the ability to work with all kinds of people. Be able to organise and maximise the output of the workshop to the benefit of the company.

Kindly send all applications to: E-mail: or Fax: 013 230 5856 before 9 September 2016. If you do not have the qualifications and experience do not forward your CV. If you have not been contacted within 2 weeks of closing date of applications, please assume that your application has been unsuccessful.

burg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899. TE HUUR Ten volle toegeruste 2 slaapkamer Rondawel 10 km uit Burgersfort op plaas. Geen troeteldiere toegelaat. R5500.00 per maand. Kontak Drienie 084 461 8808 HOUSE TO LET Two bedroom units available from R4500 to R5500. (Full time security). Three bedroom house available from R6000 to R7000, Aloe Ridge East and Aloe Ridge West. Viewing available after hours. Please call on 082 578 6113.

Submit your stories and invitations to the Editor at editorial @platinumgazette. com or fax: 013 231 7147.

STARTING A NEW BUSINESS? Enquire about our first advert special for start-up businesses. If you’ve started a new business and would like to advertise it: E-mail: or call Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 013 231 7147.

9. Te Huur/ For Rent

Platinum Gazette contact details:

TE HUUR Twee slaapkamer woonstel in klein sekuriteitskompleks naby Tubatse Crossiing Mall in Burgersfort. Kontak Mike by 082 357 1954.

Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail:

Platinum Gazette

Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail:

Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or adverts@platinumgazette. com (Advertising deadline - every Tuesday at 17:00.)




Lehlabile Secondary School MSSL champions Moripe School Soccer League (MSSL) is a soccer project that was initiated in Kgautšwane village that began on 18 April 2016 and ended on 31 August 2016. It became a reality when the Kgwebong Foundation partnered with the Department of Education to make this sport project a success. Six secondary schools from the Kgautšwane area participated in MSSL. They were: Ntabane, Maokeng, Matshaile, Mathafeng, Sedibeng and Lehlabile Secondary school. Each school played a total of ten matches. Schools played against each other twice and games were home or away each Wednesday (sports day with the schools). Kgwebong Foundation pioneered the MSSL initiative and to ensure a success placed it under the leadership of Isaac Mashaba assisted by Tshepo “Ditsebe” Kgwete and Lerato Maahlo. The Kgwebong Foundation offered brand new soccer kits and balls to each of the six schools before the project started. Moripe Holdings (MH) is the proud sponsor of the Kgwebong Foundation to deliver its objectives. The aim of MSSL was to bring about development in school sport in particular soccer so that the attention of learners can be shifted to positive activities as opposed to alcohol and drug abuse. Learners displayed discipline, from the side of organisers that was encouraging and deserve to be appreciated. Teachers played a key role to ensure that everything goes in order without any interruption whatsoever. Lehlabile Secondary school from Averton had from the inception of this league maintained its first place on the MSSL log until they became champions of the MSSL 2016 with 20 points. The champions took home a big trophy and gold metals. The second prize went to Maokeng Secondary School based in Kgautšwane Village that took home silver metals with 19 points. While third prize went Sedibeng Secondary school that is based in Maahlashi. They took home bronze metals. Player of the league prize went to Gutnah Pholwane from Lehlabile Secondary School. “We are excited to have delivered such a great project successfully. It is not an individual’s achievement but it is a collective achievement for that reason to all role players we say thank you. Many thanks to Moripe Holdings to have sponsored this initiative” said MSSL Coordinator, Ike Mashaba.

(Information: MSSL Coordinators).


Moripe School Soccer League final The Moripe School Soccer League (MSSL) took place on Wednesday this week. Six



schools participated in the league. Get the results on page 10.

Fun at RMGC in Winterveld Last Friday afternoon was filled with fun at the RMGC in Winterveld. Read more and see more pictures on page 12.

Kom speel bietjie rolbal Op Saterdag 3 September 2016 kan belangstellendes in die pret kom deel by Winterveld Klub se rolbalbaan. Daar sal van 09:00 to 14:00 robal gespeel word en jy hoef nie ‘n ervare speler te wees om in die pret te kom deel nie.

Dit is ‘n lekker geleentheid vir saam kuier en besighede, families en individue word uitgenooi om dit as ‘n spanbou of lekker kuier geleentheid te kom bywoon. Vir navrae skakel Daleen Campbell by 082 550 7398.



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Platinum Gazette

SPORT Mashi Golf for sponsors Samancor ECM hosted a special sponsors golf day on Friday afternoon. On Saturday the Winterveld Festival took place. The event took place at the Riverside Mashi Golf Club (RMGC) at Winterveld Recreational Club. Players had great fun and the day ended with a special prize giving function at the club. The eventual winners of the day was Sinosteel. (Information: Samancor ECM).

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