Platinum Gazette Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad
3 April 2015
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Revelation 21:6 He said to me: "It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life� (Bible New International Version)
3 APRIL 2015
Limpopo focus on World TB Day The National Department of Health declared the week of the 23rd to 27th March the week for TB Awareness. 24 March is World TB Day. The campaign in Limpopo Province earmarked Sekhukhune District and the focus was on the communities around the mines. Modikwa Platinum Mine was selected to conduct TB screening for the miners and also to host the MEC for Health Mr Ishmael Kgetjepe. This visit took place on 27 March 2015. The activities kick-started with a briefing session and breakfast meeting at Ga-Mamphahlane Tribal Council where the MEC met with Chief Mamphahlane and some of the senior management team of Modikwa Mine. The MEC also held dialogues with TB patients and
their families, some of which were employed at Modikwa Platinum Mine. He also visited the decentralised TB Unit at Dilokong Hospital where he talked to the patients. MEC Kgetjepe ended the campaign at Modikwa Mine where Amukelani Modau, Health & Safety Leader delivered a presentation on the integrated strategies of managing TB on the mine’s surface and underground. Tumi Molapo, Acting Business Leader shared with the MEC some of the ground breaking development projects the Mine implemented in the past five years spending close to 100 million rands. The campaign was ended on a positive note when lunch was served. (Information & Photographs: Daryll Geddes, Modikwa Platinum Mine Communications Unit).
3 APRIL 2015
Arrive Alive A message from GTM Chief Traffic Officer “Good Friday is a religious holiday observed primarily by Christians commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary. It is also known as the Holy Friday, Great Friday, or Easter Friday, though the latter properly refers to the Friday in Easter week. This is the time when families and friends often take a break from their work and get together to celebrate the Easter weekend. Ideally this is meant to be a time for joy. Ensure that you conduct thorough multi point safety checks which includes electrical components, brakes, tyres, steering mechanism and shock absorbers before embarking on a long journey. Plan long trips with sufficient rest stops and viewing time for enjoying the beautiful scenery that South Africa is blessed with. Drive as if you are driving for others as well, be constantly aware of your surroundings and drive defensively. Road rage is a reality - do not be the cause thereof and do not be the perpetrator either, it never ends pleasantly. Distracted driving is a killer - do not text or take calls while driving. Adjust your speed according to the prevailing conditions. An advanced driver is mindful of pedestri-
ans, stray animals, potholes, weather conditions, environmental issues and the like. Remember; your safety is our concern. Don’t speed or drive aggressively. Don’t drive an unsafe vehicle. Pedestrians must wear visible and bright clothes especially at night and during clement weather. Don’t overload your vehicle. Do not drink and drive/walk. Our Objectives is: • To reduce accidents, fatalities and serious injuries • To create a heightened awareness of road traffic safety issues • To reduce offence rates on all key safety indices • To harmonise and coordinate common operations on all three tiers of service delivery • To contribute towards the reduction of crime in general • To change the perception of “I will not get caught” to I will be caught and be punished Together we can save more lives. Arrive Alive, be responsible, considerate and exercise patient on the road at all times”. - Chief Traffic Officer Victor Lekwadu
Keep safe this Easter “Where there is crime in society, there can be no justice...” - Plato The SAPS in Ohrigstad is ready to deal with any crime over the Easter period. They would like people to be proactive and help prevent crime where possible. The Social Crime Prevention Coordinator, Const Phokane Kholofelo asked the public to keep the following in mind: Your personal safety when travelling: • Plan your journey’s well in advance. • Inform trusted people of your plans and routes. • Establish locations and numbers of emergency services, local police stations and breakdown services on route. • Ensure your vehicle is serviced and roadworthy before travelling. • Avoid travelling alone. • Avoid travelling to remote/unfamiliar places without proper planning and the necessary precautionary measures. • Keep vehicles doors & windows locked. • Keep valuables out of sight. • Avoid wearing expensive jewellery. • Keep your Identity Document, driver’s licence and other valuables on your person. • Keep a notebook and pen at hand to make notes, if required.
The Ohrigstad SAPS would like to remind all road users visiting the area that our Men and Women in blue will be working tirelessly to ensure their safety and we ask motorists to please use extra caution on the roads this holiday. Remember that “Real Safety Begins With Me”. The contact numbers for Ohrigstad SAPS in case of emergency are: Station Commander: Capt Mashego GP 082 448 8918 Vispol Commander: Leut Mlangeni MI 079 529 4170 Detective Commander: W/O Coetzee A 082 449 0198 Social Crime Prevention: Const Phokane KM 071 991 3354 Community Service Centre: 013 238 0205
3 APRIL 2015
Not so moeijelijk after all
First blast and delivery for Bauba Before After
Bauba Platinum’s small scale chrome venture near Burgerfort took of with a bang recently with the first blast on the farm Moeijelijk about 30 kilometres north of ASA Metals’ Dilokong Smelter next to the R37 towards Polokwane. This blast on the LG6 chrome horison, was taken on 19 March 2015. Mine establishment began in the first week of January 2015, culminating in this blast which will produce approximately 15 000 tonnes of chrome ore at anexpected grade of 39% chrome. The build up to the planned 20 000 tonnes of chrome ore per month is expected to be achieved within two months from startup. “This first blast represents a significant milestone for Bauba”, said Bauba Chief Executive Officer, Syd Caddy. “It truly announces the transformation of Bauba from a pure platinum exploration company ton an exploration and production company. The chrome production will further ensure that funding becomes available to support the platinum exploration program and place the company in a position to declare dividends to
its shareholders.” Bauba is, in addition to its current Moeijelijk project, continually evaluating other potential chrome projects, with a view to potentially expanding its chrome footprint in the market place and thereby, if successful, further enhancing its free cash flow. The first shipment of run of mine chrome ore was collected by ASA Metals Proprietary Limited (“ASA”) on 25 March 2015 following the first blast. The assay results of the first 2 100 tonnes of chrome yielded the expected grade of 39% chrome and met the remaining product specifications as per the chrome ore supply agreement with ASA. “The assay result of the first shipment of chrome ore is very encouraging at 39% chrome content as we know that the near surface material is weathered and that deeper material will generally produce higher grade material,” said Mr Caddy in the SENS announcement following the delivery. “Given the drilling results of the exploration work done, we are fully expectant that the chrome content will increase with corresponding improved revenue results.”
#Akasi Dream at Lebowakgomo Multi Award Winning Hip Hop Artist Cassper Nyovest will be thrilling music lovers during the 2nd Annual music festival which will be held Lebowakgomo Stadium on Saturday. This music festival known as #Akasi Dream will storm music lovers with Hip Hop vs Kwaito battle. Mandla Spikiri, Jakarumba, Skhokho, TPA, Lester Luv and Kasi Expression including celebrated djs Makesh, Bandox, Treasure, Alqaeda amongst others are expected to blaze the crowd with their superb skills.
3 APRIL 2015
The Easter bunny at Tubatse Crossing Tubatse Crossing is the place to be this Easter. Visit their special play area where an
Focus on moral regeneration Greter Tubatse Municipality hosted a moral regeneration event on 31 March 2015. The event took place at Lehlaba High School’s sports grounds near Riba Cross. The focus fell on rooting out social ills within the communities in the municipality. While the event tent and other important things were being set up, a group of old women took each other on in a game of soccer. Showing they may be old, but are definitely not cold.
Easter Bunny lives. If you are lucky, you may also be handed one of this bunny’s lucky Easter eggs.
3 APRIL 2015
Strap the children into child Approaching Easter Weekend road safety is a major priority for government. This will however not end after the weekend. On 30 April 2015 a change to the National Road Traffic Act will force drivers with small children to strap them into a child seat. “As of April 30 it will be illegal for a child up to the age of three to be sitting on a lap, standing or sitting unrestrained while travelling in a car, Tiyani Rikhotso from the Department of Roads and Transport said. Research showed that every day at least four children die on South Africa’s roads. It is also listed as the leading cause of death for children under five. The Department viewed the change in legislation as a way to protect children. Drivers who are caught not complying with the law, will face a fine. The amount is still being decided, but will be determined before 30 April. Rikhotso added that they expect a flood of complaints from parents about the cost of the car seats. “Yes, it comes at an extra cost, but we are taking for granted that parents are concerned about the safety of their children. The amount of money that they are spending cannot compare to the value of the lives of their children”. Various road safety activists have applauded the change. Peggy Mars of Wheel Well, a non-profit organization predicted that a massive demand for car seats would ensue. “The reality is that not everyone can afford a car seat and every young child should be strapped into one. We collect car seats, refurbish them and make sure that they are safe before we donate them to those who need them,” she said. The organization has handed more than 4310 car seats out since 2012. The law will only apply to private vehicles and not to public transport and minibus taxis. Platinum Gazette asked readers what they think about this change.
Ms. Theresa Marabane said: “People will just ignore the new law. They’ll just say it is my car and nobody can tell me anything about my car. It is not expensive to buy a car seat, people just don’t care”. With her is Tsebo.
Mr. Kuziva Nyamurowa said: “It will be good for the safety of the kids, but it will not be easy for everyone to buy a car seat. It is expensive and you cannot use it very long. If the price of the car seats can go down it will be better. A car seat now goes for R3000 and it is too expensive. Second-hand car seats will now become in demand. I hope that manufacturers will not suddenly hike the price of the car seats now that it will become law and the demand will increase”.
Ms. Mary Lesenya said: “People will not comply. This is ridiculous! It is too expensive these car seats”. With her is Calvin Lesenya.
Mnr. Johan Lundall sê: “Dis excellent! Ek sien hier is baie kindertjies wat in die karre staan. Dis die deurvoer van die wet waarmee ek ‘n probleem het. Dis te maklik om R20 uit te haal as jy voorgekeer word”.
Mnr. Daniël Kgotle sê: “Dis nie goed nie, wat as die kind moet drink? Hulle moet nou eers die mense bewus maak en gewoond maak. Baie kinders sal veiliger wees. As hulle mense fine wat nie die stoeltjies het nie, sal baie van die fines onbetaal bly. Mense maak deesdae net soos hulle wil”.
Mr. Lucas Serage said: “Some people will listen because they want to protect their children. Others won’t. They will first want to see how it works before they buy that. It is a good idea to protect our vulnerable citizens, but people will make excuses not to buy into it”.
Mr. Freddie Nkoane said: “Most people will say it is too expensive. People will be abusive and they will not want to comply. They’ll just tell you they don’t work and cannot afford it. People just want things for free. Free houses, free education and they’ll want this for free too. They should also regulate the bakkies picking up small children for school – but they’ll say you take the bread from their mouths. If you look on the R37 in the mornings - bakkies pack kids in like sardines and they are not always properly serviced vehicles or meant for public transport”. Ms. Nthabiseng Rantho said: “That is quite fair. It is safer. I think people will comply if they care about their child’s safety. A child can also disrupt you while you are driving if he or she is not in a child seat and that causes accidents”.
Left: Ms. Reineth Mohlala said: “Some would like to comply with the law, but won’t be able to afford those car seats. We have to comply because it is saving our children’s lives”. With her are Kgalalefo and Pholosho.
3 APRIL 2015
seats - what you think of it...
Ms. Margaret Mathosa said: “I personally would not obey that law. Car seats are expensive and I think children of about 3 can buckle-up. Prices are rising and most people cannot afford it. Most people will just take a chance”. With her are Thato and Kgaogelo.
Mr. Sydney Mkhawane said: “Even if people don’t want to comply with the change they’ll have to. It is safer for the children. This is a good thing”.
Ms. Pontsho Morena and Ms. Morongwa Motjelele said: “It is a good idea. It is safe - with that we agree, but you know us people, we don’t like the laws. We break the rules. Some will listen and comply while others will not”.
Mr. Meyer Fourie and Ms. Chantell Cloete said: “You’ll have to comply if you care about your child. It is right that the law is changing. If you can afford to buy a car, you can spend R1500 on your child for a special seat. Your child’s safety should always come first”. With them is Lezhaar Fourie.
Right: Mr. Harold Mabilo said: “People will comply. It is good because it will be safer for the children”.
Ms. Sindi Mashigo said: “This is a good thing, but most people won’t want to use their money for something that is very important to them. People will take chances”.
Mr. Anwar Pasida Sadat said: “It is a good initiative they are introducing. Every new thing is hard. Responsible people will accept it. It will save a lot of lives. I think they should recommend that inter-city taxis also be equipped with child car seats”.
Mr. Thomas Maroga said: “I think it is better if children are strapped in. I support this change very strongly. I think people will comply because this is much safer. The children play and don’t know what is happening in the front. If an accident occurs they go flying away through the car”.
Mr. Daniël Madigage, Mr. Thabo Mongadi, Mr. Tau Lucious, Mr. Godfrey Makofane and Mr. Miracle Sthekge said: “It is safer for the children. If they are not in a child seat, they can easily get injured. People’s old habits die hard, so there will still be many people who will not obey the law”.
Mr. Freddy Malepe said: “It is a two way thing. For those who can afford it, the seats will be good and safe. For those who cannot afford it, it will be bad they made this law. Taxi drivers are reckless and now they will be exempt! People are not working and now we want them to have seats for the kids. That will not work”.
Mr. Thabang Mohlala said: “That will be too expensive! That thing is about R800. I’ll rather take a chance”.
Haaie en Dolfyne pak mekaar Laerskool Burgersfort het voor die skool gesluit het hul jaarlikse swemgala gehou. Die swemmers is in die Dolfynspan en Haaispan ingedeel en het in verskillende items meegeding. Die Dolfyne het uiteindelik gewen. Leone Venter was die Junior Victrix Ludorm en DanĂŠ van der Merwe die Senior Victrix Ludorm. Die top 3 in elke item het ‘n medalje ontvang.
Ouers het die swemmers ondersteun en daar was genoeg te eet en drink.
3 APRIL 2015
3 APRIL 2015
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
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4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609
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A 2 and 1 Bedroom Flats flat to let in Burgersfort In security complex. Close to town. Contact: 076 666 1100
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10. Te Koop/ For Sale FOR SALE: 1994 MERCEDES 200E, Manual, electric windows, anti-theft device, Becker radio – R30 000.00 Call : 084 571 3008
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Platinum Gazette 013 231 7147 Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing but nobody
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else does” - Stuart Henderson
Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or
Ohrigstad vee Riverside plat Ohrigstad Rugby Klub het verlede week Saterdag bo-oor Riverside van Nelspruit gehardloop. Die spanne het op Ohrigstad gespel en die tuisspan het vinnig voorgeloop. Die halftyd telling was 16-3 in Ohrigstad se guns en die wedstryd is uiteindelik 35-3 deur Ohrigstad gewen. Die span se punte is deur Juan van Zyl (2
drieë), Riaan Steyn (1 drie), Thinus van Rooyen (1 drie), Sia Mbangi (3 strafskoppe asook twee drieë wat verdoel is) en Willie Steyn (1 drie verdoel) aangeteken. Ohrigstad het 4 drieë gedruk en het ‘n bonuspunt gekry. Daar is nie vir die wedstryd ‘n speler van die wedstryd aangewys nie omdat die span uitstekend saam gespeel het en
Die Gryskatte was in groen en geel terwyl die Bosvelders in wit gespeel het. Ohrigstad het in die groen en oranje gespeel en Riverside in die pers. (Inligting: Quartus du Toit, Ohrigstad Rugby Klub)
almal op hul manier uitgeblink het. Die liga wedstryd is voorafgegaan deur ‘n ou-manne wedstryd tussen die Bosvelders en die Gryskatte. Die Bosvelders is van Hoedspruit en die Gryskatte van Lydenburg en Ohrigstad. Die Bosvelders het met die louere weggestap. Ohrigstad bedank graag almal vir hul ondersteuning tydens die wedstryd.
3 APRIL 2015
3 APRIL 2015
A mixed weekend for golfers Tubatse Chrome Golf Club’s league players played three games last week Saturday. Chrome A played at
Skukuza. They drew 4-4. Chrome B played against Kruger Park Lodge at Tubatse Chrome Club. they won 6-2. Chrome C played in Nelspruit against Nelspruit and lost 9-0. The course will be open over the Easter Weekend and players are welcome. (Information: Willem Montgomery)
Magareng and Thorncliffe take each other on The Magareng soccer team (in the dark blue) played their second match against Thorncliffe’s soccer team (in powder blue) on 21 March. The Magareng team kept their spirits high and walked away with a win of 2-0. Shikwambane was the Man of the Match. The group said that they appreciate the support they are getting from their management and fellow employees and will aim to achieve even more. (Information & photographs: Sinkie Makofane, Magareng Mine)
Tubatse Masters on a roll near Tzaneen On Saturday 28 March Tubatse Masters played against Lenyenye Masters at the Burgersdorp sports ground close to Tzaneen. The team from Lenyenye dominated the ball possession from the first whistle and their striker Lloyd Lampy scored the first goal of the match to put them 1-0 ahead. Tubatse Masters’ Andrew Skosana scored from outside the box to level the score to 1-1. Lloyd Lampy continued terrorising the Masters’ defence and managed to score two more goals to set the scoreline at 3-1. A few minutes before half time Lucky Lubisi scored Tubatse Masters’ second goal. The half time score was 3-2 in favour of Lenyenye Masters. In the second half Tubatse Masters came back very strong and started to dominate the ball possession. Andrew Skosana scored his second goal to level the scores to 3 all.
Tubatse Masters continued creating opportunities and finally took the lead when Seun Maroga scored the team’s fourth goal. Lenyenye did not stop fighting and Philly Modjadji scored for them to make the score 4-4. Later in the second half Seun Maroga scored another goal for Tubatse Masters and they to a lead of 6-4. Lenyenye tried to create a come-back, but failed to penetrate the Masters’ defence. Tubatse Masters’ second half substitution, Thabiso Molemane also put his name on the score sheet when he netted goal number 7 for his team to make the final score 7-4 in favour of Tubatse Masters.
(Information: Jerial Mvundlela; Photographs: Thato Maredi)
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
3 APRIL 2015
Platinum Gazette
SPORT Leboka wins Longtom Marathon Leboka Noto made Modikwa Platinum Mine proud when he won the York Timbers Longtom Marathon last weekend. The marathon has taken place for the first time in 2 years and the ultra-marathon of 55km is not for the faint of heart. The event took place in Sabie. Leboka was not only the overall winner, but also the winner of the veterans category (runners over 40 years of age). The last Longtom Marathon Leboka ran was from Sabie to Lydenburg and he also won then. At the finish Leboka went down on his knees, first
thanking the Lord for the victory. Leboka is currently working at Modikwa Platinum MIne’s North Shaft as a team leader. He runs 21km training sessions in the morning before he comes to work and he says that this is the key to his success. Modikwa’s other star runner was James Mohlala, a newcomer to the club who managed to finish in third place in the 21.1km race. Sonia Makuoa came 6th, Justice Phokane 7th and the new up-coming champion Elvis Mohlala took a respectable 8th place. This was only his second race running for Modik-
wa Marathon Club. The women from Modikwa also had a great day and said that the runs become easier the more you do it. The team would like to thank Modikwa’s management for the opportunity to run in the colours of the mine and the support they receive from their leaders and fellow workers. The race will be televised on 11 April at 10:00 on the morning sports channels. (Photographs and Information: Willem Montgomery, Modikwa Platinum Mine).
Above and below: Leboka Noto.
Adolph Boshego, Leboka Noto, Mminah Chulu, Reginald Kgoedi, Peter Molapo and James Mohlala who came 3rd in the 21km race.
Herman Mogale waiting for team members to finish the race.