Platinum Gazette 03 August 2012

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Shop where South Africa shops!

A dreary By-election


Burgersfort, Morone Centre

© Platinum Gazette

03 August 2012

Tel: (013) 231 8090 or 087 151 1491

ANC wins again A By-election was held in Ward 27 of Greater Tubatse Municipality on Wednesday along with other B-elections in the country. Ward 27 iincludes the Ga-Malekane area in the vicinity of the steel bridge next to the R555 between Steelpoort and the De Hoop Dam. The vacancy in the ward ocurred after the Ward Councillor, Khukhunana Martha Magapa of the ANC passed away. In 2011’s local government election she united 74,69 % of the votes to win for the ANC. When Platinum Gazette visited some of the voting stations on Wednesday, voting appeared brisk, but only about 23 % of the 4123 registered voters in the ward participated in the democratic process through the day. The official IEC figures (below) confirm that the ANC remains the undisputed choice of voters in the ward.

Effort to save platinum jobs An effort will be made to limit job losses in the platinum mining sector, the government, labour unions and mining houses announced on Wednesday. The three sectors agreed that all measures to support the industry would be explored before retrenchments, according to a joint statement issued by the Department of Mineral Resources. They agreed that other ways of cutting costs without reducing safety and health standards should be found, as well as seeking other ways to improve the demand for platinum. Another measure included adding value domestically to platinum before exporting it. The platinum mining industry has been confronted with falling prices as a result of weakening global demand for the metal. Last month Anglo American Platinum advised unions it wanted to cut 725 jobs, while Lonmin had slashed capital expenditure plans.


Inside : A not so dreary Wildevy

On 30 July between 07:00 and 08:00 in a 20-year-old learner from Mathafeng Secondary School in Kgotlopong village killed his 18-year old girlfriend, also a learner at the same school, and thereafter hanged himself. It is alleged that the 20-year-old grabbed his girlfriend while they were on their way to school and dragged het into the nearby bushes. According to the Police he stabbed her in the neck and body with an unkown object. It is alleged that the boy killed the girl because she wasi not interested in the relationship any more. The matter was reported to Tubatse Police and a case of murder and an inquest were opened.

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03 AUGUST 2012

03 AUGUSTUS 2012



Maroga Metal Recovery and ASA Metals support Maboeletse Primary School and Ikageng Babiramogo Home Base Centre Golden Dividend 240 (Pty) Ltd who’s name recently changed to Maroga Metal Recovery Plant (Pty) Ltd, is a joint venture with ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd / Dilokong Chrome Mine. Maroga Metal Recovery Plant has been in operation since 2007. One of their contributions to the local community was when they handed over computers together with ASA Metals to Maboeletse Primary School and Ikageng Babiramogo Home Base Centre in Ga-Maroga last week Friday. Representatives from Maroga Metal Recovery Plant, ASA Metals and the Pulana Maroga Community Trust were warmly welcomed by Maboeletse Primary School principal Ms MJ Sasa. The handover ceremony was opened with prayer done by Mr. Moeng and a song by the Maboeletse Primary School Choir. The song was one of gratitude and appreciation to say thank you for the opportunity they were given as being part of learning acoording to national and international standards. After the ceremony all the children received a lunch box which. Mr Adolph Munyai (Deputy CEO – Services) from ASA Metals / Dilokong Chrome Mine believes this is the road of greater things to come and that the community structures as well as organised business still has a long road to go to alleviate community poverty and unemployment. He said it is achievable in the long run if all parties work together and exercise the necessary patience.

The school principal Ms. MJ Sasa with great appreciation and gratitude towards all the representatives who made this dream a reality (top). Bottom: ASA Metals would like to thank the Volunteers at Ikageng Babiramogo Home Base Centre for helping those in need. In the front are Mr Richard Maroga, Mr Mike Mashilo and Ms M Lesinya (Project Manager for Ikageng Babiramogo Home Base Centre).

(Photographs: Gerrit van Eck, ASA Metals)

Do you have a licence? Constable KM Phokane from Ohrigstad SAPS poses with liquor and sorghum beer and the groceries the Police recently confiscated from illegal shebeens and unlicenced spaza shops at Maepa village and Majaditshukudu respectively. The Police advised community members were to visit the designated police officer (DPO) at police station, Lieutenant Mlangeni for more information about the process of applying for liquor licences, firearm licences and spaza shop licences.

Top: Mr. Adolph Munyai (Deputy Chief Executive Officer: Services – ASA Metals) handing over the cooking equipment and computers to Mr. Mike Mashilo (Supervisor at Ikageng Babiramogo Home Base Centre).



Dilokong Mine workers on strike

03 AUGUST 2012

Pink Berets the best Both shafts entered teams in the First Aid Competition

Mototolo Platinum Mine held a First Aid for the best individual performer. This competition on 25 and 26 July. competition was a first for Mototolo Mine but Each team consisted of five members and will be hosted every year in future. This will aim teams came from Borwa and Lebowa shafts. to highlight employees’ first aid abilities in the Workers belonging to Each team had a captain and a ‘casualty’. Each workplace and increase the level of safety and the National Union of of these employees had to attend the 20hours first aid awareness in general. Mototolo Mine Mineworkers (NUM) training required. This was provided by St has also extended a challenge to neighbouring employed at AASA Johns Ambulance Service. Only employees mines to join them for the 2013 competition. Metals/Dilokong Mine who completed the training went on strike on could enter the competition. Monday this week. Twenty seven teams About 350 workers are completed their training and on strike and they moved into the competition. don’t include workers The first round of the team for the smelter or competition started with contractors. The main individual assessment to dispute is minimum obtain a full level one first aid wages and living out certificate that is valid for subsidies. Negotiations three years. Then the team broke down on competition started. The top Tuesday and by the three teams were selected on time of going to print a score system. In this The Pink Berets: Lebo Makua, Faith Ramashu, Tyla the strike was still on. section of the competition Miladinovic, General Manager Johan van Tonder, Mariëtte teams had to assess Grobler (captain) and Marlize situations and act Sadler. They were the first accordingly. To make winners of the floating everything as realistic as trophy. (Photo above and possible injuries were right: Stella van Niekerk) created with first aid makeup - much like in the movies. The First Aid team winners were the Pink Berets from Lebowa shaft. They received a floating trophy for their performance. Rudi Mulder received the floating trophy

03 AUGUSTUS 2012



Phelo Pele Family Health Day

PUBLIC NOTICE LAUNCHING OF IDP/PMS FORUM Chapter 4 section 16 (1) (a) (i) of the Municipal Systems Act; 32 of 2000 stipulates that a Municipality must develop a culture of municipal governance that complements formal representative government with a system of participatory governance, and must for this purpose encourage, and create conditions for the local community to participate in the affairs of the municipality; including in the preparation; implementation and review of its IDP.

The Phelo Pele Foundation hosted a Family Health Day on Saturday last week. The event took place at Batau High School. The youth from Mmiditse High School has always been very involved with the Phelo Pele Foundation and once again contributed towards the success of the day. At the event people could get counseling and advice on various health issues ranging from diabetes, HIV/Aids, TB, heart disease and much more. The Foundation would like to thank their partners and sponsors who made the day possible. They include Phelo Pele Pharmacy; Pick n Pay Steelpoort, Dr Lorna Maphuthuma, Lifeline, Love Life, Aurum institute, Aspen, Chiropractor (Mahlodi), Physiotherapist (Kholofelo) and the Limpopo Artist. Thanks to TMM events management and DJ Sbu as well as the local artists Mice and Worshipper house. The event was a huge success and people stood in queues to get access to health advice available. There was also fun for the children and the whole family could enjoy the day together.

Members of the community, Magoshi, Mining structures, Businesses, sector departments, Non-government organizations, Civic structures and other stakeholders are hereby invited for the launching of Greater Tubatse Municipal IDP Forum scheduled as follows: Date: Venue: Time:

07 August 2012 Greater Tubatse Municipal Chamber (Ground Floor) 10:00

For more information contact Mr MM Mashigo cell 082 319 4573 or and Liver Pilusa cell 071 433 6798 or during working hours. Address: Kastania Street, Burgersfort PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150 Tel: 013 231 1000 Fax: 013 231 1467 Website:

H.L Phala Municipal Manager

INVITATION TO TENDER The Limpopo Legislature invites suitable service providers for the following tenders: 1. Secure Printing Solution (SCPR 07/2012) • • • • •

LIMPOPO LEGISLATURE hereby request for proposal for the supply of Secure Printing Solution The objective of this Tender is to appoint a Service Provider for the provision of Secure Printing Solution and it must be on Lease for 36 Months. Time frame: The proposed contract will be for period of three (3) years. A non-refundable cash deposit of R500.00 must be paid for document A compulsory briefing session will be held on the 08 August 2012 at 10:00 in the big Boardroom (ground floor) committees. Documents will be available from the date of the briefing session.

Each Printer must have following features: Printer Functions

HP Laser Jet M5035 1. Print 2. Copy 3. Scan


4. Fax 256MB

Hard Disk Number of Printers needed

40GB 12

Important Information Your tender should be dropped in a sealed envelope in the Legislature Tender Box, situated at the entrance of the Limpopo Legislature at Lebowakgomo Government Complex, which is open 24 hours 7 days a week on or before 11H00 on the 20 August 2012. Contact Persons: Mr. Boreni V.A (015) 633 8087 Ms. Toona M.S (015) 633 8193

To advertise in Platinum Gazette contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676.



Stof, modder en hope pret vir liefdadigheid Saterdag 28 Julie was dit ‘n miernes van bedrywigheid by PLM Boerdery waar die jaarlikse Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag plaasgevind het. Ongeveer 10 000 mense het hierdie jaar se dag bygewoon. ‘n Honderd en sestien voertuie het die baan aangepak en die meeste het dit voltooi. Soos gewoonlik was daar ‘n uitdaging by elke punt. Hierdie jaar is daar ook ‘n ‘Harde eko-roete’ aangebied. Sewe voertuie het hierdie uitdaging aangepak en uiteindelik die asemromende uitsig vanaf die Moroneberg aanskou. Dié deelnemers is op heerlike boereworsrolle, koue bier en koeldrank bo op die berg trakteer. Dit is beslis ‘n opsie vir ernstige 4x4 entoesiaste. Die hoogtepunt van die dag was weereens die ‘Show Stopper’. Die uitslae van die dag was soos volg: Algehele wenner en wenner van die Ratkasgat trofee Jannie van Helsdingen. Die Ratkasgat trofee gaan vir die voertuig wat die slegste gedoen het in die ‘Show Stopper’. Twee mans saam wenners: Gideon Kotze en Sean Combrink. Tweede plek - Jaco van der Merwe en Martin Webb. Beste vrouebestuurder - Hester van Helsdingen. Gemengde Span wenner - Ernst en Ronel Lategan. Tweede plek - Jannie en Semana Cornelesen. Die wenner van die ‘Show Stopper’ was Pieter de Jager in sy voertuig ‘Storm’. Die wenner van ‘n jaggeleentheid was Zander Strydom. Die uitslae van die potjiekoskompetisie: Algehele wenner - Samancor ECM, Beste potjie: AARD Mining. Beste Spangees en Tema: Dwarsrivier Myn. Die Wildevy Manne bedank graag almal wat aan die potjiekoskompetisie deelgeneem het. Die algehele wenner het ‘n kontantprys van R3000 gewen en die ander afdelings het wisseltrofees

gewen. Die trofees is deur Charlie Brits van Pretoria gemaak. Die wenners van die Inkleurkompetisie was: 1 - 6 jaar oud: Cirstoffel Esterhuizen (6) van Laerskool Burgersfort; Tweede: Chané van den Berg (5) van Steelpoort Akademie; Derde: Duané van der Zyl (5) van Arrie Warrie Kleuterskool.. 7 - 10 jaar oud: Wenner: Rohan Hanekom (10) van Steelpoort Akademie; Tweede: Clarice Greeff (9) van Waterval CVO; Nthabiseng Mamogale (10) vanCalvin College. 11 - 13 jaar oud: Charissa (13) van Waterval CVO; Tweede: Charlene van Heerden (13) van Joshua Generation – Bgf. Derde: Karla de Jager (12) Steelpoort Academy. Gedurende die dag was daar genoeg vermaak, stalletjies en kindervermaak om almal later pootuit te hê. Na die ‘Show Stopper’ het die aandvermaak begin en die klanke van NetNA4, Dewald Steyn, Henri Alant en Zander het ‘n heerlike kuier atmosfeer geskep. Die Wildevy Manne bedank almal wat die dag ondersteun het deur hul bywoning, deelname, donasies, borge en harde werk. Sonder almal se hulp en ondersteuning sou die dag nie moontlik gewees het nie. Al die geld wat deur die dag ingesamel word sal aan liefdadigheid geskenk word. Platinum Gazette sal soos die geld na verskillende projekte en individue gaan daaroor verslag doen.

03 AUGUST 2012

03 AUGUSTUS 2012



Lekker jol, maar Ratkasgat eis sy tol

Pret tydens die ‘Show Stopper’ in die Ratkasgat.

Pieter de Jager in ‘Storm’ in die Ratkasgat. Hy het die beste gedoen. Sommige voertuie het sommer gou vasgesteek in dié berugte moddergat.

Bo: By die verskillende punte op die baan moes daar aan uitdagings deelgeneem word en so punte ingesamel word. Dit het vir groot pret vir beide deelnemers en toeskouers gesorg.

‘n Stywe bult met klippe het die laaste deel van die Harde Eko-roete ‘n uitdaging gemaak.

SATRA says:

Skares mense het by die biertuin en rondom die Ratkasgat saamgetrek.


Die potjiekoskompetisie se deelnemers het baie moeite gedoen. Samancor ECM (foto bo) het ‘n Elandpotjie gemaak.

“SATRA advises members of the public to channel their road rescue calls through SATRA’s call centre & avoid exorbitant charges and other risks. Prevention is always better than cure. Get it wrong and you may risk losing your vehicle. SATRA is able to manage and guide you through the whole process, whether it’s a breakdown or an accident. You can call SATRA 24/7 for free advice and assistance arrangement on 0861 0 SATRA (0861 0 72872). Know who your insurer is. Your policy document will detail the name of the underWynand Elmon Lucas Sakkie writing insurer. Only use the services of the Wynand - 073 299 2676 first SATRA member to arrive at the scene of an accident. Elmon - 072 903 1922 You have the right to choose to use a SATRA member, who is Lucas - 076 236 1683 bound by a contractually enforceable code of conduct, and Sakkie - 079 242 8862 protects you, the consumer, from being charged above market related 24 Hour towing ser vices rates””. Advice from SATRA services

Towing with a pick-up or either a 4 ton rollback or 9 ton rollback. Approved by all major insurance companies.

Protea T owing Ser vices Towing Services


03 AUGUST 2012


Iets vir almal by die Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag

Bo:Calvin Prep School het weer ‘n stalletjie beman. Links: Die gewilde ‘foefie slide’ was weer ‘n treffer.

‘n Verskeidenheid kosse is te koop aangebied.

Soms moes daar hulp ingeroep word om deelnemers uit die Ratkasgat te sleep.

Die Wildevy Manne sê dankie aan al die kinders wat so mooi ingekleur het. Dit was baie moeilik gewees om die wenners te kies. Die skole wat elk R2000 wen is Laerskool Burgersfort, Steelpoort Akademie en Waterval CVO. Dankie aan al die skole wat deel geneem het en vir al die onnies en kinders se moeite. Die dag was ‘n groot sukses en dis te danke aan die Here se genade. Hoop julle kleur weer so mooi in volgende jaar. Met die Windbuksskietkompetisie het Johan Fourie ‘n Bosbok gewen en Dullon du Plessis en Christiaan van Vuuren elk ‘n Steers Voucher. By hulle is Philip Smit van die Wildevy manne.

Die kinders is heeldag besig gehou met ‘n verskeidenheid aktiwiteite by die kinderarea.

03 AUGUSTUS 2012

Computer literacy to alleviate poverty The CMR Lydenburg is running a Computer Literacy Project. The vision of the project is to help alleviate poverty, to help create job opportunities for unemployed people and to get



them involved in the mainstream economy. It also aims to help with skills development through training and education. They aim to render a comprehensive social service to the Lydenburg community in order to empower them socially and economically. The CMR is is Code 700 socio-economic development BEE compliant institution. They fall in the category education, development programmes and community training. Beneficiaries of the CMR are 75% black and 25% white. The Computer Literacy Project has been running since October 2009. Anyone who would like to become involved or would like to make a donation can call E. van Staden on 072 175 6887.

Waterval CVO leerlinge presteer Leerlinge van die Waterval CVO skool (foto regs) het verlede week Saterdag aan ‘n Kunste-fees op Carolina gaan deelneem. Hulle het gedigte voorgedra en voor-bereide en onvoorbereide lees in Engels en Afrikaans gedoen.

Agter: Arno Griesel, Kluge Bester,Annemie Kaplan, Marlé Labuschagne. Middel: Michael Kaplan, Johan Bester, Karlien Labuschagne, Tanya Kruger, Twane Malan, Melissa Germishuizen, Ankia Erasmus, Leoné Stolts Christiaan Conje, Andreas Fouché, Aldoné Geldenhuys, Reinhardt Roberts, Will de Meillon, Liane Fouché, Raymond Roberts, Ané van Rooyen en Cornelius van Atwerpen. Voor: Zoe de Meillon. Links: Aldoné Geldenhuys het op 21 Julie aan ‘n redenaarskompetisie by Bethal gaan deelneem. Sy is as die beste graad 5 redenaar aangewys en het tweede algeheel geëindig.



03 AUGUSTUS 2012

Klein Advertensies • Smalls

Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation

2. Betrekking/ Vacancy ‘n Pos is beskikbaar vir ‘n dame met ondervinding van industriële naaldwerk. Sy moet ten minste Afrikaans of Engels magtig wees. ‘n Hardwerkende, netjiese persoon sal voorkeur kry. Stuur ‘n CV na Navrae: 081 440 8285

10. Te Koop/ For Sale Urgently Needed! Broken, old lounge suites to buy. Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236

“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson

5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Gesoek/Wanted 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

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“Advertising is salesmanship mass produced. No one would bother to use advertising if he could talk to all his prospects face-to-face. But he can't”. - Morris Hite

Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Phone her on 083 543 1676 to book your advertising space today. about our special first time advertising For the start- Inquire rate for start-up businesses. Get your business in the public eye. Advertise it! up business Call: 083 543 1676 for more information.


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Die kandidaat moet matriek hê. Vorige verkoopsondervinding sal ‘n voordeel wees. Die persoon moet rekenaargeletterd wees. Die aansoeker moet ‘n geldige bestuurderslisensie hê. Moet goed tweetalig in Afrikaans en Engels wees. Goeie kommunikasievaardighede is ‘n moet. Die ideale persoon sal doelgerig kan werk terwyl hy ‘n uitstekende diens lewer en nie omgee om soms die ekstra myl te loop nie.

‘n Volledige CV met opvolgbare verwysing kan by Burgersfort Supa Quick ingehandig word of faks dit na: 086 505 3994 Sluitingsdatum: 15 Augustus 2012 Indien u nie binne 21 van die sluitingsdatum van die maatskappy gehoor het nie, aanvaar asseblief dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was.

03 AUGUSTUS 2012



Going for gold The Olympic Games have started in London last week Friday. By the time of going to press South Africans have been made proud by Cameron van der Burgh (Men’s 100 metre breaststroke) and Chad le Clos (Men’s 200m butterfly) who both won gold medals in their swimming items. The men also set new records. The South African light weight fours rowing team secured themselves a place in the A final over 2000 metres. The women’s soccer team, Banyana Banyana ended their Olympic feat proudly after they held the third best ranked team in the world, Japan to a draw. The hockey teams had by the time of going to press not managed to secure a win in any of their games and runner Oscar Pistorius, often called Blade Runner, will become the first double amputee athlete to compete at the able bodied Olympics. He will form part of the South African relay team. South Africa has 125 athletes competing in 17 different sports. We asked readers if they are following the action in Brittain and if they support a specific individual or team.

Mr Nkhelebeni Mashamba said: “Personally I don’t like sports so much, but I’m proud of the gold medals we’ve won. Anyone from SA who can win I’m proud of”.

Mnr Emile Drysdale en me. Zonika van der Walt sê: “Ons het die opening gekyk en weet van die goue medaljes. Ons ondersteun basically Suid Afrika. Ek (Zonika) ondersteun ook Sunette Viljoen wat gaan spiesgooi - ek ken haar”.

Mr Shabi Mashabela said: “Ja, I do follow the Olympic Games. I’m especially watching out for the swimmer, Le Clos”.

Mnr. Dries Peyper sê: “Ja ek volg die Olimpiese Spele. Ek kyk veral die swem, boogskiet en atletiek. Net nie die hokkie nie - hulle vaar glad nie goed nie. Ons bid vir Suid-Afrika, ons hou nie net duime vas nie”.

Me. Chandré Roos en mnr. Johan Vorster sê: “Ja, op hierdie stadium kyk ons eintlik net die swem. Dit lyk asof dit al is wat Suid-Afrika kan doen”. By hulle is Megan.

Me. Elize de Winnaar sê: “Nee, ek kyk nie die Olimpiese Spele nie want hulle laat my nie toe nie. Almal by die huis kyk ander goed. Ek hou van die naellope en die swem”.

Mnr. Arthur Loubser sê: “Ja, ek volg spesifiek die swem. Verder kyk ek maar en ondersteun die Suid-Afrikaners oor die algemeen”.

Ms Tiny Sekome and Mr Isaac Selala said: “Ja, we were hoping Banyana Banyana will do well. We are not disappointed with their performance, they tried their best. We wish all the Mzanzi athletes well”.

Mr Klaas Magabane said: “I’m not really watching, but I’m wishing them all good luck”.

Ms Malehu Sedikila said: “I sometimes watch the Olympics. I want Caster Semenya to bring home the gold. She is my home girl”.

Above: Mr Thami Malope and Mr Aubrey Mokwena said: “ We are following it. We saw when they won the gold medals. We wish every type of sport good luck and may they bring home the medals”. Right: Mr Solomon Mafologela said: “I’m watching the Olympic Games and I’m supporting the whole South African team”.


03 AUGUST 2012

Platinum Gazette

SPORT Broers blink uit Fietsry by Wildevy 4x4 Dag Plaaslike rugbyspelers het verlede week hul merk gemaak toe die Puma Laeveldspan by the SARU Northern Sub-Union kampioenskappe as die nuwe kampioene weggestap het. Vier van die Rooikatte Rugby Klub op Lydenburg se spelers het aan die toernooi gaan deelneem. Willem le Grange (foto onder regs), Martin Smith, Kobus Moller en Cassie le Grange (foto onder links) was deel van die span. Willem (24) en Cassie (22) is inwoners van die Watervalsrivier vallei en help boer in die De Bad omgewing. Vir die twee broers is rugby ‘n passie. Hulle speel albei op flank. Willem het ook gedurende die afgelope toernooi die toekenning as die Beste Voorspeler ontvang en is in een van die wedstryde as die Man of the Match gekies. Die Puma Laeveldspan het in die Puma bus na Welkom gery en dit was reeds ‘n sielkundige voorsprong om in sulke styl by ‘n toernooi aan te kom. Die verwagtinge van die span was nie baie hoog nie. Verlede jaar

het hulle laaste geëindig. Hulle het egter gou gewys dat hulle vars bloed het en lus is om hul merk te maak. Die jaarlikse toernooi is een van die plekke waar spelers wat nie op professionele vlak speel nie raakgesien kan word en kan wys waartoe hulle in staat is. Dit is natuurlik deel van die Le Grange broers se drome. Die wedstryduitslae vir die Puma Laeveldspan het soos volg gelyk: Goue Leeus 29-32 Puma Laeveldspan. Puma Laeveld 35-34 Luiperds en in die finale Griffons 32-36 Puma Laeveld. Cassie het ongelukkig gedurende die loop van die week ‘n besering opgedoen, maar Willem het die familienaam hooggehou en is as een van die sterre van die week beskryf. By die huis is daar verdeelde lojaliteit tussen die Le Granges. Pa Casper en ma Rika le Grange is groot Blou Bul ondersteuners terwyl Willem die Leeus ondersteun en Cassie die Stormers.

Die Wildevy 4x4 dag het hierdie jaar letterlik iets vir almal gehad. Vir die eerste keer is ‘n 20km en 40km Bergfietsren aangebied. ‘n Totaal van 71 fietsryers het deelgeneem. Die uitslae was soos volg: 20km Wedren Dogters: No 1:Nieke Kitching; Seuns: No 1: Werner Coetzee; No 2: Patrick Pretorius; No 3: Jandrew du Preez. Dames: No 1: Rochelle Joubert; No 2: Amanda Hamman; No 3: Lizelle Hartman. Mans: No 1: Johan Grimbeek; No 2: JB Willers; No 3: Grant David Hughes 40km wedren: Dames: No 1: Driekie Heyns; No 2: Dorothy Rood; No 3: Mariska Haasbroek. Mans: No 1: FJ Joubert; No 2: Dick Rood; No 3: Tjaard de Bruyn. Die wenners van die 40km mans en dames wedrenne se trofees is gemaak en geskenk deur Piet Muller. Bergfietsryers van die omgewing kan solank volgende jaar se Wildevy 4x4 Dag merk as ‘n dag om hulself in dié pragtige, maar uitdagende omgewing te kom toets.

Foto bo: Christilda Zwart

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In die kol by SA Kampioenskappe

Bo: Darts uitslae van Limpopo Mans in Westville Durban 2012. Van lings na regs volg Speler, wedstryde gespeel, gewen, persentasie: Heintjie Wessels. 44 gespeel, 9 gewen, 20.45%; Hannes Smit (manager) geen wedstryde gespeel nie; George Fraser. (Kaptein) 44 gespeel, 24 gewen, 54.54%. 21ste in Suid Afrika. Pieter Pretoruis. 44 gespeel, 11 gewen, 25.0%; Roelof Burger. 44 gespeel, 25 gewen, 56.81% 20 ste in Suid Afrika. (Foto’s & inligting George Fraser)

Bo: Capricorn Darts Manspan 2012 het onlangs aan die Suid Afrikaanse Kampioenskappe in Westville Durban deelgeneem. Die span het baie goed gevaar. Van lings na regs volg name en prestasie.wedstryde gespeel, gewen persentasie gewen: Heintjie Wessels 54 wedstryde, 32 gewen, 59.25%; Rassie Erasmus (reserwe) 48 wedstryde, 9 gewen, 18.75%; George Fraser (Kaptein) 54 wedstryde, 38 gewen, 70.37%; Roelof Burger 54 wedstryde, 37 gewen, 68.51%; Kasief Cupido 54 wedstryde 22 gewen, 40.74%; Hendrik Klopper was afwesig weens siekte. Reserwe (afwesig op foto) JC Burger 48 wedstryde, 15 gewen, 31.25%; Enige belandstellendes wat graag by die plaaslike Darts Klub wil aansluit kan George Fraser kontak by 084 580 3620 Of e-pos by Hulle speel elke Dinsdagaand Winterveld Bottom Village in Steelpoort om 17h30 tot 21h30. 3 reëls in darts: oefen, oefen, oefen.

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