Platinum Gazette 03 August 2018

Page 1

Wildevy 4x4 charity a huge success p 5, 6, 8


Gazette Career Expo 2018 p 2, 3

Unclaimed government pension? The Minister for the Public Service and Administration, Ms Ayanda Dlodlo calls upon on all former Public Servants and their beneficiaries to come forward to apply for their unclaimed and unpaid pension benefits currently lying with the Government Pensions Administration Agency (GPAA). The GPAA, which administers the pension fund on behalf of the Government Employees Pensions Fund (GEPF), has reported that by 31 May 2018, there were 17 271 cases of Unclaimed Benefits and during the same period, there were 26 919 cases of Unpaid Benefits. The combined total number of cases is 44 190. In terms of section 3(5) of the Public Service Act, 1994 minister Dlodlo tencourages all relevant stakeholders including the GEPF, GPAA, Premiers of all the Provinces, Department of Home Affairs, the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA), traditional leaders and labour unions, to alert former Public Servants and their beneficiaries to apply for these unclaimed pension benefits. Minister Dlodlo also calls upon all former Public Servants who have not yet claimed their pension benefits, to approach their closest regional Walk-In Centres of the Government Employees Pensions Fund in all nine provinces across the country, to apply for their unclaimedbenefits.

Fetakgomo Tubatse Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Apel

3 Augustus 2018

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0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031




3 AUGUST 2018

DCM contributes towards a bright future for young minds T

his week approximately 6 000 learners from schools all over the area a ended the annual Eastern Limb HRD Forum Career Expo. This year Grade 11 learners visited the stalls and exhibi ons of about 24 par cipants that included Eastern Limb Mines and mining related industries, government agencies, SETAs, the Mining Qualificaons Authority (MQA) and more. Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine (DCM) hosted a stall where learners were able to ask ques ons about mining related careers. The learners were able to find out the requirements for different careers within the industry - for example mathema cs and science being prerequisites for studying engineering. These young people also had the opportunity to find out about possible bursary and appren ceship or learnership opportuni es with DCM. DCM is commi ed to enhance educa on in the area as this is one of the key factors for crea ng a be er tomorrow for everyone. The mine recently signed a contract with 10 candidates who will be receiving a hospitality bursary for a course at the Sondela Academy. This is a 3-year course. Dwarsrivier will for

Learners had a chance to walk away with a ruler, eraser, pencil and sharpener set.

the next 3 years be sponsoring their tui on fees, meals and a s pend. The Mine has also offered 9 bursaries in mining related fields. This makes it a total of 19 bursaries offered by DCM. There is also an addi onal nine learnerships (external), eleven 18.1 learnerships (internal) and 16 internships. The focus on primary and high school educa on also saw DCM and the Boleng Trust invest in a dona on of mobile libraries to empower and be er equip schools to provide quality educa on. In addi on a project to assist in keeping girls in school was launched through which more than 4 000 sanitary towels are distributed monthly to local high schools. This not only ensures that girls will not have to stay away from school during their periods, but provides dignity and care. Learners at the Career Expo were also exposed to less known careers within the mining industry and encouraged to also persue careers suited to their talents outside of the mining environment. It was emphasised to learners that opportuni es are available but that they will have to commit to their own educa on and future by working hard and focussing on their studies. Available opportunies are taken by the best candidates and that is why it is important to shine in your studies.

Upon arrival learners received a boerewors roll and a special Eastern Limb HRD Forum goodie bag.

The Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine team who manned their stall at the Eastern Limb HRD Forum Career Expo this week.

The Tubatse Fetakgomo Municipality Mayor, Cllr. Maudu Johannes Phokane greeted Mr Pius Monyela and the DCM team on the first day of the Expo during his walk-about to see what is happening.





Interviews for 2019 Admissions starting on 28th July 2018.

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Expo brings careers to life for grade 11 learners

Exhibitors worked hard to provide learners with useful information and guidance.

The Eastern Limb HRD Forum every year brings career guidance to life with their career expo. This year the event was once again hosted at the Winterveld Recreational Club and saw approximately 6000 learners pass through the variety of stalls and exhibitions since Tuesday. The event is drawing to a close today. The focus fell on grade 11 learners and they were able to explore the different careers within the mining and related industries. They also had the opportunity to find out more about bursaries, apprenticeships and financial assistance for further education. One thing however was emphasised during the course of the event - hard work and commitment towards their own education is essential for the learners to be able to create a better future for themselves and access the opportunities offered in the area. Fetakgomo Tubatse Local Municipality Mayor, Cllr. Maudu Johannes Phokane assured those in attendance at the official opening of the event, that the municipality is committed towards

On Tuesday the expo was officially opened and dignitaries in attendance had a walkthrough of what is happening. Exhibitors went to great lengths to make their stalls interesting and fun to help learners better understand the careers involved in certain industries.

Amos 5:8 King James Version (KJV) 8 Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The Lord is his name:

creating a stable environment in which both the business sector and government can thrive in the interest of the people. He praised the HRD Forum for their commitment towards education in the area and for the impact the event is making. He added that parents and learners should also take responsibility and commit to work hard in bettering their education, keep away from disruptive activities and focus on their future. About 24 exhibitors came together to provide the learners with an insightful and fun event with long term benefits.


3 AUGUST 2018


ProVest is making a difference Address: 1196 Platinum Drive, Steelpoort Industrial Park Contact no: 013 235 2858 Website address:

Ga-Mampuru Soccer and Netball Tournament ProVest believes that positive change happens by listening to communities and hearing what people need. It is against this back ground that ProVest heeded to the call by JJC Environmental requesting sponsorship for soccer and netball gear for children in Ga-Mampuru village covering Newstands, Nazareth, Nkgetheng, Kamotseng, Dipolateng, Ditentseng, Sethokgeng and Potase sections. Over and above that, ProVest also contributed the scoreboard erected on the playing field. This donation was used during the

soccer and netball tournaments held during the winter holidays. The objective of the tournament was to keep children occupied during holidays so that they refrain from engaging in unbecoming activities and to develop and nurture talent in various sporting codes. It was a day filled with fun and excitement. The organisers of the tournament Jan Ntshwane and Adam Mashegwane were grateful that they managed to secure sponsorship for the tournament and that the soccer and netball gear instilled a sense of pride with the players.

The ProVest Group and its subsidiary Platchro as mining service providers, are committed to making a difference in the communities adjacent to the mining operations where we provide services. We endeavor to help our communities through our Corporate Social Investment initiatives to grow and prosper in so supporting socio economic tenets of the mining charter, BBBEE scorecard legislation and principles of social responsibility. ProVest is pro-actively working towards understanding social and socio – economic developmental needs and objectives, where upon financial and inkind contributions are made to appropriate initiatives. ProVest proudly harness the responsibility of those around us within our limited resources. Through our CSI initiatives, ProVest is making a significant contribution to the lives of many needy South Africans in communities where we are operating, particularly children. Positive changes happens by listening to what people need, understanding the kind of help that is needed to ensure that the solutions and assistance provided are relevant. ProVest’s CSI is in its infancy stage and gives preference to projects and initiatives that promote a healthy lifestyle, education support, infrastructure, poverty alleviation and job creation among others.

Below: Netball teams: Tony Birds in green and white from New Stands and Cosmos in red and white from Nkgetheng with their coaches and representatives from ProVest.

Team: Tony Birds from New Stands with Coach Soccer teams:Cosmos in blue and white from Nkgeth- Rosina Mmotla, Jan Ntshwane (Organiser of the eng, PFG in yellow and white from Sethokgeng and tournament) and Kea Kalebe (Executive Director of Western FC in black and white from Nazareth. ProVest)

Score board erected at the soccer field contributed by ProVest

Community support in many ways Platchro Mining Services, a subsidiary of ProVest heeded the call of giving to the needy on Mandela day 2018. Platchro donated food parcels to 23 families in different villages in the Eastern limb. The areas included Welgevonden, Richmond, St. George and Hermansdal. The food parcels consisted of

Right: Beneficiaries from St George and Hermansdal with representatives from ProVest, Platchro Mining Services and Glencore Eastern Mines

basic non-perishable items like maize, rice, samp, cooking oil, flour, corned beef, beans, tea and sugar to name a few. This resonates well with the notion of giving, caring and making a difference in the communities where we do business. The project was facilitated and coordi-

nated in partnership with Glencore Eastern Mines.

Learner support ProVest through its subsidiary Platchro joined millions of corporations across the country and globe in celebrating the centenary of Nelson Mandela on the 18 July. ProVest is committed to participating in the important call of social transformation by giving hope and validation to our communities especially the young, including the young girls. Keeping the young girls in school through provision of sanitary towels, is an initiative that will ensure that female learners realise their aspirations of being leaders of tomorrow. This initiative seeks to enhance their chances of staying in school resulting in improving their lives and those of their families, helping to break the cycle of poverty. ProVest acknowledges the good work and generosity that other corporations have already done and continues to do towards restoring the dignity and pride of the young girls in schools around the Steelpoort area through the provision of sanitary towels. ProVest resolved to augment and provide an alternative sanitary product, in the form of a menstrual cup, to learners and making a small contribution in their lives. It is against this background that ProVest spent a day with learners from Kgahlanong Secondary School in Longtill and Mashupje Secondary school in Ga-Pasha celebrating Madiba’s legacy of caring and giving those in need. Learners were taken through an educational process, a talk on menstruation matter, empowerment, how to use the cup, remove and to sterilize it. Each learner was then presented with a Princess D Menstrual Cup and compact, a foldable steriliser cup. The product Princess D Menstrual Cup is an environmentally – friendly, cost effective and sustainable solution for girls and women. It is ultra-soft, made from medical silicone and is reusable for 10 years. It is FDA approved, healthy and hygienic to use. The Headmistress of Kgahlanong Secondary School Mrs Johannah Ngoetsana as well as Head of Department of Life Orientation at Mashupje Secondary School expressed their appreciation for the donation and urged learners to take care of the product.

Photo above - From Left: Mrs Mogashoa (beneficiary from Richmond), Melandie Minnie (ProVest), Nevia Buthelezi (Glencore Eastern Mines), Chrichelda Kola ( Platchro Mining Services) and Tinus Steyn (Platchro Mining Services)

Economic development and employment ProVest Group is committed to be a responsible citizen and co-exist within communities where we are operating. ProVest recently concluded a deal with three local SMMEs (Small Medium and Micro Enterprises) for an underground secondary support business opportunity at Sibanye Platinum. This resulted in the establishment of a Platchro Ubuntu (Pty) Ltd, incorporating 3 local SMME’s From left: Nevia Buthelezi (Glencore Eastern Mines), from the neighbouring communities in Tinus Steyn (Platchro Mining Services), Chrichelda Rustenburg. Kola (Platchro Mining Services) and Mr Matjomane This is a unique opportunity that (beneficiary from Richmond) enabled ProVest additional contract work without impacting negatively on current contract work and as such not impacting negatively on ProVest’s Photo left - From current BEE shareholders Agile left: Nevia Buthelezi Capital. (Glencore Eastern ProVest is poised for growth and Mines, Shara Leshaba is committed to joining hands with (Beneficiary from Welentrepreneurs from the communigevonden), Melandie ties where we are operating and so Minnie, Tinus Steyn becoming the incubators for local (Platchro Mining SerSMME’s in mining. vices) and Chrichelda Through this initiative ProVest will Kola (Platchro Mining support the beneficiaries by ensuring Services)

that knowledge of running the business is transferred and are equipped with skills of executing their fiduciary responsibilities as directors of the company. We are truly humbled and honoured to be contributing to social transformation of our communities.

From Left: Kea Kalebe (Executive Director of ProVest) with our three local community shareholders in Platchro Ubuntu being Motlhanke Tladi (Tsogo Distribution), Thato Masisi (TEE EMS Projects) and Jeff Putu (Minetech Trading) at the signing of the commercial agreements.

Learners from Mashupje Secondary School in Ga-Pasha.

Above: Learners from Kgahlanong Secondary School with representatives of ProVest and Princess D Menstrual Cups - Famram solutions. Left: Learners from Kgahlanong Secondary School with the Headmistress Mrs Johannah Ngoetsana and Kea Kalebe (Executive Director of ProVest).




DCM heaƟng it up for team spirit and charity D

Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine Fire Team members also caught up with some of the 4x4 ac on of the day.

The public visited the stall and tried some of the super hot chilli sauces, salsas, chips and more ed to the Mexican theme. The team walked away with the trophy for the best team spirit.

warsrivier Chrome Mine (DCM) annually support the Wildevy 4x4 Family Day. The Dwarsrivier Fire Team plays an important role when it comes to safety on the mine and ac ng in situa ons that requires specialist knowledge of rescue, fire figh ng and more. The team is a close-knit group and they took the opportunity to do some team building while suppor ng the Wildevy 4x4 Day through which funds for local charitable causes is raised. It was a day for the whole family and the group went all out to create a stall with a Mexican theme. Posi ve Mexican sayings were translated and put up around the stall. The men were dressed with wide brimmed Mexican-style hats and they offered the public a chance to show how much heat their taste buds could take. A range of chilli sauces, salsas, chips and more was served at the stall. The reac-

ons from the curious passersby delivered a great amount of fun and laughter. The team also created a special beef potjie that was entered into the potjiekos compe on. The potjie was served with samp cooked on the fire alongside the beef. The men’s team spirit and energy was contagious and groups of people regularly stopped to talk, taste and have fun with the them. This great team spirit was also no ced by the judges of the potjiekos compe on and although the team did not win the taste test for their potjie they came out tops as the team with the best team spirit. They received a trophy from the Wildevy Manne for this. The Dwarsrivier Fire Team thanked everyone who par cipated and supported their effort at this year’s Wildevy 4x4 Family Day. They also thanked the public for being good sports and par cipa ng in their effort on the day.

The event was great family and team building day.

The Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine Fire Team was hailed the team with the best team spirit at the event.

Cooking up a storm! The team prepared a delicious potjie for the potjiekos compe on.


3 AUGUST 2018


Wildevy 4x4 action! The annual Wildevy 4x4 Family Day took place on Saturday last week. The event raises funds for local charitable causes and every year sees more than 5 000 visitors. The event includes 4x4 action, stalls, live entertainment, a potjiekos competition, beer garden and much more. This year Elvis se Seun and DJ Robbie was the entertainment. The winners for the day were: Overall 4x4 winner - Andries van Heerden & Hannes Uys; Best Potjie - LSC; Best team spirit - Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine; Best Theme - Tubatse Build It; Best ‘take-no-nonsense’ pot - North Safety; Best dessert - Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines; Best braai - North Safety; Best Point Sponsor - Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines; Best Exhibitor - Waterval CVO Skool. The Wildevy MTB race also took place (read more about this on page 8). The Wildevy Manne would like to thank every visitor, sponsor and participant for their effort and support in making the day a success. They also thanked their members and their families for their contributions. Below: The Voortrekkers cleaned the area between the stalls.

A range of new points and challenges formed part of this year’s event. Hitting your partner with a water balloon while they go down a slide was one.

Westvaal Mashishing/Steelpoort hosted one of the points and trying to catch a water balloon was the challenge for participants.

The “Showstopper” was a big crowd pleaser.

The 4x4 course tested skill and sometimes speed while having fun. It includes a variety of terrains and test both driver and vehicle.

Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines was selected as the best point host on the course. Their theme was Hobo and their enthusiasm contagious.

At every stall there was something fun waiting to happen.

VACANCY - SHEQ OFFICER The position is based at Glencore Lydenburg Smelter. MINIMUM QAULIFICATONS: • Diploma in one of the SHEQ areas of responsibility • SAMTRAC • Microsoft Office proficiency • Driver’s Licence (Code EB/08)

Sometimes not all went according to plan.

MINIMUM EXPERIENCE • 5-10 Years’ experience in one of the SHEQ disciplines • 3-5 Years’ experience in Hot Material Handling BEHAVIOURAL COMPETENCIES Ability to conform and adhere to rules, to closely follow instructions and procedures, and to minimize risks by complying with processes. • Behaves ethically and justly and meets commitments by acting with integrity • Ability to work well in a team • Ability to lead, coordinate and direct people/groups The successful candidate must be in possession of a valid certificate of fitness or be fit enough to obtain one prior to commencement in this role KEY RESPONSIBILITIES The key responsibilities of the role include, but are not limited to the following: • Managing and ensuring that SHEQ standards are met as per policies and procedures • Contributing to strategy development and compliance with SHEQ targets • Managing, supporting and utilising people effectively • Establishing and maintaining effective communication and engagement channels with the relevant internal and external stakeholders APPLICATIONS CLOSE ON 14 August 2018 PLEASE PLACE ALL CV’s IN THE PNP CV BOX AT GLENCORE LYDENBURG SMELTER MAIN SECURITY GATE. YOU CAN ALSO FORWARD YOUR CV’S TO REF: LYD-SHEQ Officer In the event you do not hear from the Company within a period of 14 days after the closing date of applications, please consider your application as unsuccessful.

As always there was something for everyone and the children had just as much fun as the adults.

The ever popular ‘figure of eight’ challenge was once again hosted by Hendrik’s Panelbeaters. Speed and accuracy was tested in this pool of mud.



Platinum Gazette

Seize this opportunity to join Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine, a values-driven Company that unconditionally cares for its people. Our mine, situated in the Limpopo Province about 60 kilometers from Lydenburg and 40 kilometers from Burgersfort, is a world-class producer of Chrome Ore.

Notice of Environmental Impact Assessment Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 41(C) (i) of the regulations published in the government notice No: 38282

under chapter 6 of the National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998. Intention of Kotlolo Engineering to construct a filling station at Dresden,Burgersfort on the farm 304KT Dresden

portion 00000, within Greater Tubatse Municipality of Greater Sekhukhune district, Limpopo province. Project Description: the proposed project entails the construction of a filling station

at Dresden, Burgersfort. The filling station will entail the following: • Installation of 3 tanks with a total capacity of 90 000 litres. • Construction of ancillary office and staff



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Samancor Chrome is a progressive, innovative company with an enviable UHSXWDWLRQ IRU EHLQJ DQ HPSOR\HU RI FKRLFH :H KDYH D FOHDUO\ GHÂżQHG FRPPLWPHQW to provide growth and development opportunities and these are evident at our WZR PLQHV ÂżYH VPHOWHUV DQG RXU FRUSRUDWH KHDG RĎ’FH

The following opportunity has become available at

Eastern Chrome Mines business unit near Steelpoort in the Limpopo Province.

Maintenance Artisans Auto Electrician C2 The incumbent will be responsible to safely carry out preventive maintenance and repairs on Trackless Mobile Machinery in line with documented work instructions. &DQGLGDWHV PXVW KDYH D JUDGH 1 FHUWL¿FDWH UHOHYDQW VHFWLRQ WUDGH WHVW DQG years relevant experience with drill rigs ( power pack) and trackless machinery. Ref. No. SAM22202 Samancor Chrome shall apply the Employment Equity Principles as set out in the &RPSDQ\œV (PSOR\PHQW (TXLW\ 3ROLF\ ,Q PDNLQJ WKH ¿QDO VHOHFWLRQ FRQVLGHUDWLRQ ZLOO be given to achieving the Samancor Chrome’s employment equity objectives. 6DPDQFRU &KURPHœV UHFUXLWPHQW SUDFWLFHV GR QRW LQFOXGH DVNLQJ IRU PRQH\ RU SD\PHQWV IURP DSSOLFDQWV DW DQ\ SRLQW LQ WKH UHFUXLWPHQW SURFHVV $Q\ VXFK UHTXHVWV GR QRW RULJLQDWH IURP WKH FRPSDQ\ DQG FRQVWLWXWH IUDXG

To apply online go to: or and select careers or e-mail your CV to Closing date: 10 August 2018. If you have not been contacted within 2 weeks after the closing date, please assume that your application has been unsuccessful.

Human Communications 142696

The Working Earth 08-22202

Te Huur/ To Rent HOUSE TO LET Two bedroom house available from R4500. (Full time security). Three bedroom house available from R5750. Viewing available after hours. Please call on 082 578 6113. TE HUUR 3 Slaapkamer huis in klein sekuriteitskompleks naby Tubatse Crossing Mall in

ablution facilities. EAP: Senyolo Constultant (Pty) Ltd has been appointed as the Environmental Assessment Practitioners (EAP) to undertake the Environmental Impact Assessment for the proposed project. Comments on the project can be submitted in writing to Senyolo Consultant (Pty) Ltd via e-mail, fax or post. In this regard please contact Vivian Seyane at: Senyolo Consultant (Pty) Ltd PO BOX 1711 POLOKWANE 0700 Tel: 015 295 9526 Cell: 071 346 8051 Fax: 086 767 9788 E-mail: Comments should be forwarded within 30 days. Background information (BID) providing further details on the project will be available on request from Senyolo Constultant (Pty) Ltd. Public Participation Meeting: Date: 07 August 2018 Venue: On site Time: 11:00

Dienste/ Services Visit your local professional art and dĂŠcor framer in Steelpoort. 24 Years experience in framing. Get the option that fits your taste and budget! Small gifts and crafts available in store. Printing, photocopies and much more. Stockists of EPA! Chilli and other sauces. Visit EsmĂŠ Framers in Steelpoort next to Wimpy or contact EsmĂŠ on 079 100 9643.

Platinum Gazette Burgersfort. Dadelik beskikbaar. Deposito word vereis. Huis toegerus met alarmstelsel wat huurder kan laat moniteer. Kontak Mike by 082 357 1954

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: BeĂĄnnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).


3 AUGUST 2018

Platinum Gazette

SPORT On track at the Wildevy MTB race The Wildevy MTB Race took place on Saturday at the PLM Bush Camp. The races were challenging but fun and cyclists enjoyed the event. The 60km winners were: Alan Rose (Grand Master Men); Emile Fourie (Junior Men); Alta Kriegler (Master Ladies); Fanus Eksteen (Master Men); Karlien Grobler (Senior Ladies); Franco Pelser (Senior Men); Samantha

Sanders (Sub vet Ladies); Nohan van Tonder (Sub vet Men); Johlene Faul (Veteran Ladies); Ben-Melt Swanepoel (Veteran Men); Hijke Coetzee (Youth Female), Reinhardt Viljoen (Youth Male). The 25km race winners: Ilana Nieman (Open Ladies); Riaan Smit (Open Men); Lohan Pelser (Sprog Boys); Melissa Badenhorst (Sub Junior F); Jean Coetzee (Sub Junior M). The 10km race winners: Christi van Wyk (Fun Ladies); Brandon De Wet (Fun Men); Aiden Meyer (Nipper Boy); Kirstin Roos (Nipper Girl). A 2,5km fun race for the kids rounded the day off as a perfect family event. The race was marked by a festive atmosphere and many sponsors set up stalls at the finish/ starting point. Steelpoort Academy’s leaders also contributed to the day by ensuring nobody had to go hungry. (Information: Wildevy MTB Club)

While riders take on the dusty single tracks the Steelpoort Academy leaders make sure there is enough food to fill up the hungry stomachs upon the riders’ return. Early morning boerewors rolls and pancakes were also available as fuel before the race.

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