Police pledge no tolerance
This one hunk and bevy of local beauties converged on Ohrigstad on Sunday to participate in a crime awareness campaign of the South African Police Service in the area. The day was also highligted by soccer games between local teams in and around Ohrigstad. More inside this edition and on the sports pages.
Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad
3 July 2015
Tel Fax
Warning against initiation malpractices The Police in Limpopo have issued a stern warning to surgeons who will either try their luck or take chances and stage initiation schools without proper documentation this winter. The Police say “year after year innocent boys lose their lives as a result of circumcision that went horribly wrong due to incompetency of unregistered surgeons and Police will have none of such this season. Every year, reports are also received of young boys or men who are kidnapped and taken to initiation schools against their will”. A provincial joint priority committee comprising of the SAPS and the departments of Health, Co-Operative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (CoGHSTA) and other strategic stakeholders has been established to oversee and monitor the smooth running of the schools and curb any unbecoming and criminal behaviour. Parents are urged to verify the legitimacy of the Initiation School with their local Traditional Authorities before sending their children. Police will also not tolerate the abduction of boys into these initiation schools in the disguise of culture and tradition. Those found to be forcefully dragging innocent boys to circumcision will face the wrath of the law and Police will be on the lookout for that. The Provincial Commissioner, Lieutenant General Fanie Masemola, says the Police will work hand and glove with all relevant stakeholders to ensure that no casualties are reported in Limpopo Province. “Even those approved Initiation Schools will not be spared from unannounced visits and inspections. No boys under the age of 12 must be admitted at these schools and we will be out to guard against that as well. Those who fail to comply will have the Police to deal with”, Masemola warned. He further urged parents and family members of young boys or men who are kidnapped and taken to initiation schools against their will, to report such cases to the Police immediately without fail. “It is important that such cases be reported to the Police immediately for us to respond swiftly and rescue these individuals before they are harmed and traumatised,” he stressed.
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3 JULY 2015
Have you seen this man? Leboeng SAPS together with the Mohlala family are looking for a 32 year old man,Edward Mmei Mohlala. He is originally from The Oaks village. He was reported missing since 20 June 2015. According to information he was treated at a traditional healer at Phiring village where he went missing. It is further alleged that he is having mental problems. On the date of hios disappearance he was wearing a sky blue jacket and black track suit. The Police appeal to anyone with information about the man to call Leboeng SAPS on this number: 013 769 9099 or the investigation officer, Sergeant Nkosi on 072 528 0297 or call the nearest police station.
Limpopo Department of Health reponds
Following Platinum Gazette’s article on the parking behaviour of one of the Department’s vehicles in Burgersfort (A doctor with parking problems - page 3 26 June 2015), the following response has been received from the Department:
Subject: RE: Inquiry about official vehicle usage The department of health would like to state that no official is allowed to run personal errands using any government vehicle or ignore any traffic rules. The matter raised by your organization is currently under investigation and action will be taken against anyone found guilty of any misconduct in this regard. The public is urged to report any form of government vehicle misuse to the following Toll Free numbers: Premier’s Office Hotline – 0800 864 729 and Health MEC’s Hotline – 0800 919 191.
Letter: The new access bridge over the river in Mokutung village adjacent to Echo Caves is now completed. In the past a dificult road had to be traversed through the river ravine and in the rainy season the two parts of the village became cut off from each other.
Setting an example? I have recently moved back to the Burgersfort area after 4 years away from the town, and I must say that I am impressed with the developments here of such things as the new malls etc. However, every day I drive to work at around 05:00 and pass our “Shining Golden tower” commonly known as the Municipal building. Each morning I see every single window blazing with beautiful golden yellow light. Whilst this looks awesome I ask myself what are the Municipality doing to assist the country with the shortage of electricity and power saving? This not only sets a very poor example to every resident of Burgersfort it also adds to the frustration of load shedding issues that we all have to put up with. In this day and age of technology it is not difficult to install a system in a building that will automatically switch off the lights in the unused offices, and I am sure that the savings generated from this would pay for the installation over and over again. Not only would this contribute to the electrical grid I am sure the finances saved could then be steered towards repairing the traffic lights in the town that never appear to work (but that is a moan for another day). Concerned resident
James 5:16 NIV Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.
3 JULIE 2015
Dwarsrivier: definite agreements concluded Assore has advised shareholders that it has now concluded definitive agreements with Africa Rainbow Minerals (ARM) in respect of an in-principle agreement to buy ARM’s 50 percent indirect interest in the mine. Dwarsrivier is presently owned and operated by Assmang Proprietary Limited (Assmang), the equal joint venture between Assore and ARM. The ore produced is sold both on the export market and locally. Assmang will sell Dwarsrivier to K2011105280 Proprietary Limited, a special purpose company (Dwarsrivier SPV) in which Assore will, pursuant to the completion of the transaction, own the entire issued share capital. The completion of the Transaction is subject to a number of conditions, including the approval by the Minister of Mineral Resources. Assore told shareholders that the company holds the view that the long-term fundamentals for the chrome ore market support an investment into the commodity. Having participated in the ownership of Dwarsrivier, through Assmang, Assore believes that the transaction offers it an opportunity to make such an investment into a world-class operation, and to expand its own chrome capacity. The parties to the transaction have agreed a retrospective effective date of 1 July 2014. Assore will pay the purchase consideration of R450 million in cash. To secure this payment obligation, Assore will deposit the purchase consideration into an interest-bearing escrow account ultimately payable to ARM. Assore has also agreed to refund any investments made in Dwarsrivier between 1 July 2014 and the completion of the transaction, which are supported by Assore, up to a maximum amount of R800 million. In addition, any cash profits earned by Dwarsrivier between these two dates will be transferred to Dwarsrivier SPV as part of the transaction. On 22 April 2015, the Competition Tribunal of South Africa approved the implementation of the transaction in accordance with the Competition Act, 1998. Assmang will continue to manage Dwarsrivier until the transaction is completed and have mandated a committee comprising experienced employees of Assore and ARM in this regard. Following the implementation of the transaction, Dwarsrivier will become a subsidiary of Assore.
Bokoni under the spotlight Atlatsa Resources says the company remains in discussions with Anglo Platinum surrounding the future sustainability of Bokoni Mine between Burgersfort and Polokwane (Atok) as well as potential alternative financial support for the company, having regard to current challenges within the South African platinum industry. Atlatsa made this announcement after certain conditions in a letter of financial support was not met. On November 10, 2014, a letter of support was received from Anglo American Platinum Limited (Anglo Platinum) to provide financial support up to a maximum of R422 to March 31, 2016, in the event of unforeseen circumstances not within the company’s control that may result in Bokoni Platinum Mines Proprietary Limited (Bokoni Mine) not meeting its planned cash forecasts (“letter of support”). The letter of support was subject to certain terms and conditions, certain of which were to be met by June 30, 2015. After various interactions between Atlatsa, Anglo Platinum and the Department of Mineral Resources Atlatsa advises that the following conditions to the letter of support have not been met within their prescribed time frame: Definitive agreements in respect of the purchase by Rustenburg Platinum Mines Limited of at least a further 25% in the Kwanda North prospecting rights and at least 60% in the Central Block prospecting rights, have not been executed; and Given the depressed price of Atlatsa shares and potential dilution to existing shareholders as a result of the share subscription, Atlatsa executives have been restricted from subscribing for R60 million of equity in Atlatsa.
Everest sale full steam ahead Aquarius Platinum Limited (Aquarius) earlier this year decided to sell Everest Platinum mine Mine and ancillary mining and processing infrastructure and immovable properties to Northam Platinum Limited (Northam), for R450 million, to be completed in two parts, being R400 million for the concentrator and other mining assets of Everest Mine (Part A) plus R50 million for the Everest Mining Right (Part B). Aquarius has now announced that proceeds of R400 million (Part A) were received on 26 June (last week). Part B of the disposal process is subject to the consent of the Minister of Mineral Resources in terms of section 11 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act. Should the Ministerial Consent not be obtained the first part of the disposal will not be unwound.
Ohrigstad abuzz against crime To celebrate Youth Month the Ohrigstad police hosted a crime awareness campaign with the theme “Crime does not pay”. Const. Phokane, the Ohrigstad Social Crime Prevention Coordinator took the opportunity to address the youth of the area about crime and the dangers of criminal activities.
The event was hosted at Laerskool Ohirgstad’s sports grounds. The programme included an address by the Ohrigstad Station Commander Capt. Mashego as well as a message against crime from Miss Leboeng SAPS, CPF representatives and some of the sponsors. The day was concluded with a sports tournament. Teams from the different villages played soccer against each other. Eleven Peace F.C. from Majadichkun Village came out tops in the final against Barcelona FC from Maepa Village. The SAPS thanked all the sponsors who assisted in making this day possible. (Information: Const. Phokane, Ohrigstad SAPS).
3 JULY 2015
3 JULY 2015
Will people ever want a car just for Are South Africans, and especially the younger generation changing the way they view cars? According to Jeff Osborne, head of Gumtree Automotive they do. He told the media that ‘millennials’ or Generation Y as these young people are also known, simply don’t need to own a car the way their parents did. In the United States less and less people go through the trouble of getting their driver’s licence, many rather go for public transport. A change in their environmental consciousness is apparently one of the reasons for the nearly 20% drop in driver’s licence ownership over the last 10 years. Osborne said that this trend is not so prominent in South Africa where cars are still aspirational items. “Young adults prefer urban living and they socialise online. Public transport and ride-sharing apps have enabled many to make do without a car,” he said. By 2025 Generation Y will be approximately 75% of all potential car buyers. Osborne predicts that they will be more inclined to simply see a car as something that takes you from point A to point B and not so much as an item projecting status. He warns that car dealerships will have to adapt as these young people hate the conventional way of buying a car. “They aren’t just comparing dealerships, they are comparing the buying experience with all other buying experiences. The experience has to be quick, pleasant and easy,” he said. Platinum Gazette asked readers if they agree with Osborne’s prediction. Do they think the next generation of car buyers will care less about image and status and more about getting a tool to go from point A to B? Some readers also shared what their dream vehicle would be if money was no option.
Mr. Elvis Serage, Mr. William Mohubedu and Mr. Joseph Mkhonto said: “People will always want to look good. Older people will go for practical cars. The young ones just want to buy cars to impress”. Their dreams cars? Elvis: “A Ford Focus”. William: “A Mercedes SLK” and Joseph: “A VW Amarok. If I have that one I’ll be able to take my family with me and I’ll be able to carry cement and fetch water at the same time”.
Mr. Vincent Tshabalala and Mr. Jabu Magabotja said: “It will never change. There are two kinds of people. The ones who want fancy things – like us, and the ones who don’t and they’ll buy their cars accordingly”. Their dream cars? Vincent – “I want a Ferrari” and Jabu: “a BMW i8 if money was no issue”.
Mr. Gregory Thobejane said: “People will always like and want fancy cars, nice clothes and good houses. Young people are now looking for money to buy those things and this will not change. If I had lots of money I’d buy an AMG Mercedes Benz V12”.
Mr. Tshegofatso Morethe said: “It depends on how much money you have. If I could buy anything I would love a BMW X7. Otherwise I’ll look at what I can afford and what is light on fuel. Petrol is expensive these days”.
Mr. Thabo Phala said: “In the future young people will be more practical. I think they will care more about being able to afford and maintain the vehicle. My dream vehicle? I just want a Kia Sportage”. With him are Raymond Mampho, Ms. Beauty Twala and Boitshepo.
Mr. Khomotso Mafa said: “The young generation will only care about a car that can make lots of noise. So any car that can accommodate big sound will be popular. The young ones like fast cars with lots of sound. They even build in more sound at the back if there is not enough. VW Golfs are selling like peanuts. They’ll rather buy a car than a house and then sleep in the car because they almost never sleep. My ultimate car is a BMW – any latest model but my wife likes the X5. She likes big cars. I’ve always liked BMW”.
Me. Bonita de Beer sê: “Op hierdie stadium terwyl die ekonomie so swak is kyk mense eerder na iets wat betroubaar, lig op petrol en groot genoeg is vir jou gesin as na die status wat ‘n kar bring. Dit hang op die ou einde eerder af van hoeveel geld jy het. Kyk net hoeveel klein karretjies is daar deesdae op die paaie en die rede daarvoor is nie status nie”.
Mr. Tshepo Mphogo said: “People will always care about the status a car brings. My favourite thing is a 2015 Ford Ranger. This is my dream car. I want it because I want it and I’d buy it if I was the moneyman”.
3 JULIE 2015
the practical side of transport?
Mr. Freddy Komane and Mr. Richard Morena said: “They are right. Young people will become more practical. They’ll buy cheaper brands as long as they are reliable”. Freddy: “My dream car is a Fortuner, but the latest one. I think it is a Legend 45”. Richard: “A Mercedes Benz AMG”.
Ms. Khomotso Malatji and Ms. Lerato Selahle said: “They’ll still care about their image. –––– People love status and a grand car gives that. In the future most of us will be working and young people compete with each other about whose got the best things”. Khomotso: “I love German cars and I would buy an Audi. I love the quality of those cars”. Lerato: “I want a Jeep Wrangler. I love big cars”. Regs: Mnr. Alfred Hlongwa sê: “Nee, die jongmense wil net vininge karre hê. Hulle gee nie om of hy betroubaar of bekostigbaar is nie”. By hom is Mosa.
Mnr. Shaun Maloney en Me. Marica Geldenhuys sê: “Kar koop is brand orientated en dit sal so wees in die toekoms. Self glo ons aan ‘n betroubare koop wat jou van punt A na punt B sal neem”.
Ms. Mary Setladi said: “I think it is a matter of buying a car that can make you look good, but that you can afford. Something that will get you noticed in town. Young people and cars are a big thing. Most people grew up in families without cars. In school you dream about that first job and a car. I like a BMW X5 or X6. I’d buy that”.
Mr. Lufuno Sinthumule said: “True. Nowadays every wants something nice. Brand and image consciousness will disappear. If I had unlimited resources I’d like to have a BMW. That is my favourite car. I have to save a lot to afford that car because I really love it, but also don’t want to get into financial trouble because then my family will suffer”. With him is Mudumela.
Mr. Ephraim Mkwana said: “They will always care about the brands. It is not a secret. It is true. The new generation wants fancy cars and they want to go to expensive places. They may think we talk bad about them, but that is how it is. My dream car is a Toyota because the tsotsis won’t like it. I don’t like expensive cars. People with expensive cars are always afraid to be the target of tsotsis”.
Mr. Collen Moimane said: “The youth of today will not just look at a vehicle that goes from A to B. They want to show-off and have more status than their peers. My dream car? I don’t know why I like it, but I would like to have a Range Rover. I don’t know all its features, but I just like it very much”.
Mnr. Bennie Wheeler sê: “Die kinders like brands. Hul image is belangrik. Dinge sal altyd branded bly al is daar nie eintlik meer swak karre nie. Ek kyk na karre wat betroubaar is en van A na B kan gaan. Met onbeperkte geld aan my kant sal ek ‘n Mercedes koop. Ek het grootgeword daarmee. My pa het nie in ‘n ander kar geglo nie”.
Regs: Mnr. Daniël Khotle sê: “Baie mense gee deesdae meer om oor hul karre as oor mense en dan ry hulle nog so sleg ook! Mense gaan altyd grênd karre wil hê. Ek sal graag ‘n Nissan Qashqai wil hê. Hy is darem nie so duur nie”. Left: Mr. Patrick Mokgethwa said: “There will always be brand loyalty. People go for a brand, they don’t just buy a car for the sake of buying a car. I look at the quality of the car and how long will I be able to drive that car. If I had unlimited funds I’ll buy a Hino Tipper Truck. I’ll use it for business and I’ll drive it to town and everywhere. I want to drive a vehicle that will bring in something at the end of the day”.
Mnr. Terrence Roberts sê: “Dit sal altyd oor ‘n brand en hul image gaan en sommige van die wat dit nie kan bekostig nie sal ‘n grênd kar steel om die image te kry”.
3 JULY 2015
Tubatse SUPERSPAR gives to education Tubatse SUPERSPAR recently donated a photocopier to Mathafeng Secondary School. The school was in urgent need of such a machine and wrote a letter to Tubatse SUPERSPAR for possible assistance. When the company acquired a new photocopier for their own needs they donated the old one to the school. The principal, SGB, teachers and learners thanked Tubatse SUPERSPAR for this donation. Ms. Phindiwe Mnisi, assistant manager, delivered the donation to the school on behalf of Tubatse SUPERSPAR.
Kaalvoet vir bewusmaking oor behoeftigheid
(Photographs & information: Tubatse SUPERSPAR)
Laerskool Burgersfort het onlangs Kinderbeskermingsmaand gevier deur ‘n kaalvoet-dag te hou. Die leerlinge het op die dag nie skoene gedra nie en die doel was om te voel hoe behoeftige kinders daagliks voel. Deur die dag het die leerlinge ook skoene en klere gebring wat aan die Tubatse CMR gegee is. (Foto en inligting: Sunlie Poshumus).
Winning at A1 Food Store
Ms. Emly Moraba was the lucky winner of a set of pots valued at R3000 at A1 Food Store (A1 Fisheries) Twin City complex. She is from Ga-Selala and she says that she just loves shopping at A1 Food Store. Handing her the prize is Mr. Raymond Goodiing from A1 Food Store Twin City Burgersfort.
3 JULIE 2015
Platinum Gazette
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: adverts@platinumgazette.com • Fax: 086 554 9031 Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
3. Dienste/ Services Burgersfort Transport For all your transport requirements (transport of mine & construction workers) Contact Ariff 072 337 7332
4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609
9. Te Huur/ For Rent Lang en kort L k t termyn t verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899.
A 2 and 1 Bedroom Flats to let in Burgersfort In security complex. Close to town. Contact: 076 666 1100 Twee slaapkamer woonstel te huur in Burgersfort naby Tubatse Crossing Mall. Skakel: 082 357 1954 / 083 244 6005 Two bedroom apartment available. R5000 with lights and water, Aloe Ridge West. 3 Bedroom - R6500 with water. Pre-paid electricity. Call 082 578 6113
TE KOOP Ohrigstad eiendom. 2733vk meter. Woonstel en beskadigde huis. R440 000. Skakel Dirk: 082 890 1986 / 013 691 1082. dirkjsmit@telkomsa. net
Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising. - Mark Twain “Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping your watch to save time.” – Henry Ford
Executive house to rent close to Glencore, Two Rivers,Twee fontein- and Dwarsriver Mines. (On Tweefontein Road) Contact: 082 337 3092
10. Te Koop/ For Sale G Grond d te k koop (14hktr) 5km buite Roossenekal met boorgat en JoJo tank @ R450 000 o/h. Mev. Campbell - 082 550 7398.
Platinum Gazette Tel: 013 231 7147 or 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. Fax: 086 554 9031
Appelblaar Padstal & Kwekery R50 SALE Indigenous Trees Schotia brachypetala: weeping boer-bean, huilboerboon Celtis africana: white stinkwood (Eng.), witstinkhout Combretum imberbe: leadwood (Eng.); hardekool (Afr.) and More... 20th of June to 2nd of August 2015. Contact Kobus 0826082033
“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson
Dwarsrivier Mine Notification of extension of the validity period of the environmental authorisation for the proposed construction of a low level bridge over the Groot Dwars Rivier at the Assmang Chrome Dwarsrivier Mine located on the farm Dwarsrivier 372 KT within the greater Tubatse local municipality of Sekhukhune District, Limpopo Province. Herewith notice is given that Assmang Chrome Dwarsrivier Mine was granted with an extension of two (2) years on the validity of authorisation number 12/1/9/1GS22. The extension was granted by the Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET). The extension period is for two years and licence number 12/1/9/1-GS22 will remain valid until 11 June 2017. For any additional information please contact Dwarsrivier Mine (013) 230 5300.
Betrekkings/ Vacancies ONDERWYSPOSTE BESKIKBAAR Laerskool Atokia is opsoek na twee Afrikaanssprekende onderwysers. (Verkieslik ‘n onderwyspaartjie). Moet so gou moontlik diens kan aanvaar.
Vereistes: Moet gekwalifiseerde onderwysers wees. Moet Afrikaanssprekend wees Moet eie vervoer hê.
Sluitingsdatum: 15 Julie 2015. Vir meer inligting oor die poste, voordele en hoe om aansoek te doen kontak die Skoolhoof, Mnr. B. van Zyl by 072 147 5455.
Have some news or an event? Let us know on 013 231 7147 or 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. Advertising deadline is every Tuesday at 17:00. Make sure you’ve done your advert booking by then. Editorial deadline is every Wednesday at 17:00.
Property/ Eiendom ROOMS FOR SALE Rental Property for sale in Tukakgomo near Steelpoort. Selling Price R 690 000.00 slightly negotiable.
For more information contact Caspa, 082 090 4305
Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Contact
her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or adverts@platinumgazette.com
3 JULY 2015
Relationship building through sport
InformaƟon: Andy Mohloke.
Modikwa PlaƟnum Mine hosted RelaƟonship Building Games at Laerskool Burgersfort’s sports grounds on Saturday 27 June 2015. The games saw representaƟon of the following companies: Airport Company South Africa (ACSA), NkomaƟ Mine, Dwarsrivier Mine, Two Rivers PlaƟnum Mine, ASA Metals, the Pink Panthers and Modikwa PlaƟnum Mine. Soccer and netball were played. In the netball the ACSA team came out tops in the round robin format. The winners of the soccer was NkomaƟ aŌer they beat ASA Metals 4-2 in the finals. Through hosƟng this event Modikwa comfirmed its support in the Eastern Limb mining sector through sport and social acƟviƟes. The next round of games will be in Nelspruit, hosted by NkomaƟ Mine.
Modikwa’s DJ made sure that everyone knew what was happening.
All the teams were well supported and a compeƟƟve, but friendly atmosphere was in the air.
3 JULIE 2015
Mangope FC uses home ground advantage for a win in Dresden A 3-2 win for Mangope FC against Shoprite Burgersfort Mall Shoprite Burgersfort Mall visited Dresden sports grounds on Saturday 20 June 2015 to play against Mangope FC. The game kicked off with a fast pace and both the teams playing attacking football. By the 28th minute an obvious mistake on the Shoprite Burgersfort Mall side saw them being punished with a goal. Sipho Maphanga scored the goal. After just a few more minutes a good pass to Sipho added another goal to the points. Poor defence got the Shoprite Burgersfort Mall team punished and the score went up to 3-0. After 42 minutes Justice Makofane brought hope to his team when scored. After half time the Shoprite Burgersfort team made some changes to try and get some fresh blood on the field. In the 55th minute Katlego scored their first goal. Later in the game a long range shot from Kabelo bagged their second goal. Shoprite’s defender Madala missed two great opportunities. The final score was 3 for Mangope FC and 2 for Shoprite Burgersfort Mall FC. This was the second consecutive game the Shoprite Burgersfort Mall team lost, but they are determined to improve and show their skill against other local teams. (Information & photographs: Paul Mampa-Ndlovu)
Ohrigstad Rugby Klub is verlede Saterdag Komantipoort toe vir ‘n ligawedstryd. Die manne het sommer vroeg reeds begin geesbou voor hulle met ‘n vragmotor wat met ‘n seil toegespan is die langpad aangepak het. Die manne het Saterdagaand na die wedstryd op Hectorspruit oorgeslaap.
Golf at Tubatse Chrome Club Last weekend the Sanlam Cansa golf day took place at Tubatse Chrome Club. Local players participated and the following individuals qualified for the next round. A division - Thinis Labuschagne (38 points), B division - Gustav Mallo (39 points), C division - Dean van Staden (32 points). The women’s competition was wond by Loralyn Botha with (26 points). Golf players can mark the following dates on their calendar for upcoming compeitions: 4 July 2015 - Social golf 11 July 2015 - Talisman Cup 18 July 2015 - IPS Club Competition 25 July 2015 - No official golf scheduled 1 August 2015 - No official golf scheduled 8 August 2015 - Woman’s Day 10 August 2015 - No official event 15 August 2015 - No official event. 22 August 2015 - Social golf 29 August 2015 - Kruppel Buffel Golf Day. Companies are welcome to approach the Club to organise special golf days at the course.
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: editorial@platinumgazette.com Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: adverts@platinumgazette.com Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: www.platinumgazette.com Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
3 JULY 2015 It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum gazette.com or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com
Platinum Gazette
Eleven Peace FC tops at crime prevention tournament On Sunday 28 June 2015 the sports grounds at Laerskool Ohrigstad was full of activity. The Ohrigstad SAPS hosted a crime awareness campaign and ended the day with a soccer tournament. Four local teams participated in the competition. They were Eleven Peace FC from Majadichukudu Village, Total FC from Ohrigstad, Barcelone FC and Pretenders FC, both from Maepa Village. In the first game Eleven Peace FC played against Total FC. Total lost 2-1. The second game was Barcelona vs Pretenders. Barcelona won 3-0. In the third game Tubatse Masters FC played against Total FC. The teams drew 3-3. The final was between Barcelona FC and Eleven Peace FC. Eleven Peace FC won 2-1. (Information & photographs: Const. Mvundlela, Const. Sibatana, Admin Clerk Klaaste).
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