Platinum Comrades Gazette 2016 P7&8
Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad
3 June 2016
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0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147
3 JUNE 2016
A disturbing letter: “Steelpoort is notorious for strikes and property burning but we never thought they are capable of assaulting their very own brothers because they are exposing the corruption and crimes they are involved in. “On Sunday 22 May the newly elected committee of the whole of Steelpoort cluster was invited to a meeting with taxi owners to give them a clear briefing of the information they have on the mines surrounding our area. After everything was made clear to them and finally realising that the guys called “ Task Team” is a bunch of corrupt greedy community members who were chosen to monitor the 239 jobs available at the mines at that time, but they in turn sold all those jobs and our community members are still left without jobs and a clear explanation of what happened. The newly elected committee then headed home when they were brutally attacked by the very same task team. They came in numbers with weapons with the intention of killing these people that are exposing them. The dissapointing part of it all is that no arrests have been made even though they opened a case against them. Isn’t it clear that our Burgersfort Police are as corrupt as the Task Team? What happened to the law taking its course? “The task team carries on corrupting our communities at large & brutally attacking people yet nothing is being done about it, even our very own MAYOR,the DMR & other stakeholders that formed this task team can’t even give us direct answers or atleast discipline them...we live in a very messed up society....” (Platinum Gazette contacted Burgerfort Police about the issue. They confirmed that a case had been opened, but no further details could be obtained before going to press. The letter was edited before publication)
Colossians 3:23-24 (NIV) 23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.
R578 million Greater Tubatse Municipal budget approved Greater Tubatse Municipality’s council last week approved at total budget of R578 million rand for the new financial year (2016/2017) at a council meeting held in Burgersfort. The mayor, Councillor Ralepane Mamekoa, told the meeting that 64 percent of this money (R372 million) will be spend on operasting expenses, that is, to keep the wheels turning, while the rest will be spend on projects of a capital nature such as electricity and access bridges and roads. As the figures are now, the income of the municipality is set at only about R483 million rand, making for a deficit on the budget of R94 million. Mayor Mamekoa, however said people need not to worry about the deficit as it is before taking into account that cash reserves are projected to be R146 million at the end of this month (June 2016), putting the municipality in the position to fund the deficit. Mayor Mamekoa said this budget of greater Tubatse Municipality was historic in the sense that this is the last budget presented before amalgamation with Fetakgomo Local Municipality after the local government elections on 3 August this year. As such the budget is subject thereto that the budget offices of GTM and Fetakgomo Local Municipalities start the process of integrating the budgets taking into account that elections will be held on 3 August 2016, and the two Municipalities should have adopted a common budget framework before the “new” Municipality is officially established. Mayor Mamekoa said the budget has been prepared in accordance to the demands emanating from consultation with the communities. “We must mention that some of the demands are not within the mandate of our Municipality but are the competency of our spheres of Government. Our IDP will indicate the intervention made by other Spheres of government in addressing the needs of our communities”. He said consultative meetings this financial year took a different shape where the municipality was forced to reschedule most them due to various reasons ranging from poor attendance to protest action. However in summary he indicated that communities wished to see quality RDP houses in their areas and they want water provision, fencing of cemeteries, poverty alleviation projects, paving of streets, community halls, libraries, bursaries, access roads, the upliftment of communities by the mines, grading of sports fields and electrification. About the controversial Operation Mabone he told the meeting “We want to use this opportunity to report that Operation Mabone is continuing despite the challenges faced during execution. We have received many complains from the affected communities where the project is implemented and good progress has been registered in resolving those challenges. We are happy that almost 40% of the 21 villages have been energised and remain confident that all villages will be electrified at the end of the calendar year. In areas such as Ga-Kgoete, Manyaka, Ga-Masha extension 4 and 5 we are working with the Mines to intervene as the communities are not part of Operation Mabone. Due to the high backlog our engagements with ESKOM are continuing with a sole purpose of increasing the number of households to be electrified”. The departmental budgets are as follows: •
Community services R102 million, this Department is a custodian of contracted services such as refuse removal. It’s expend iture is high and it also includes administration of waste management services,
Corporate services R85 million. This is a support Depart ment and does not include a high budget on capital expend iture,
Economic and Land Development R 48 million. This Depart ment does not have budget for capital expenditure,
Financial Services R230 million. This Department is the custodian of the revenue hence its total budget shows a credit total balance, and
Technical Services R71 million. This department has a high budget of capital expenditure.
They Mayor said the final budget will also be submitted to the National and Provincial Treasury and relevant stakeholders in the prescribed format. The General Valuation Roll will also be implemented on 1 July this year after taking into account all objections that closed on 11 May this year. Residents will also be invited to view the final budget with its tariffs and budget related policies. The last thing that will happen is that the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTREF) for 2017/18 and 2018/19 will be reviewed in line with the 2017/18 IDP process. In compliance with section 14 (1) and (2) of the Municipal Property Rates Act (MPRA), the Council must also pass a resolution levying property rates and it must publish the resolution in the Provincial Gazette.
3 JUNIE 2016
Entrepreneurs at Calvin Prep School On Friday 27 May learners at Calvin Prep School held a festive entrepreneurs day. The youngsters are learning basic rules of trading in the classroom and had the opportunity to put their knowledge into practise. On the day they sold various products or services ranging from food to make-up sessions. Everyone had loads of fun while learning the basics of business.
3 JUNE 2016
Child protection week As part of Child Protection Week the Tubatse SAPS embarked on various school campaigns. On 27 May the Tubatse SAPS conducted a crime awareness campaign at Malekgobo Primary School in Alverton village. When addessing the learners on the day, Const Olga Chauke talked about different types of abuse at home as well as at school. She also discouraged bullying, assault and theft by learners at the school. She also told them to stay away from drugs and alcohol. They must not trust strangers and they must play in a safe place at all times. On 20 May the Tubatse SAPS Social Crime Prevention unit in conjunction with the Department of Social Development conducted a crime awareness campaign at Magatsgabotse Senior Secondary School in Ga-Motshana village. On the day the police and the social workers got an opportunity to address the learners. Learners were encouraged to ensure that they take education very serious and must respect their teachers. They were also encouraged to stay away from drugs and alcohol, stay away from any criminal activities at school as well as at home because a criminal record will be a disadvantage when appling for jobs in the future. On 1 June the Tubatse SAPS with the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development as well as the Department of Social
Development conducted a crime awereness campaign at Mohlarutse Secondary School in Ga-Madiseng village. Learners were told about cyber bullying and sexting. Cyber bullying includes harrassment, crimen injuria, and assault. Sexting is sending someone a naked picture and is a crime as well. Learners were encouraged the to be serious about their education as their futures are in their hands. (Photographs and information: Const. Ngwana and Const. Mvundlela S.J)
3 JUNIE 2016
Flair and fashion at Magakantshe Primary School Magakantshe Primary School was filled with excitement on Friday 27 May as Kohin assisted them to produce a fashion show. Kohin gave credit to Samancor ECM and other donors for their continued support which is making days like these possible. Ms Iris Waterson and other donors gave clothes to the grade 6 and 7 learners and with these clothes, the girls could model on the ramp. Hester van Zijl, from Lydenburg, spend the morning with the girls - teaching them about beauty and the way ladies should conduct themselves in public. She also taught them how to walk like real super models with a lot of self confidence and poise. Hester brought
a lot of gifts that was graciously donated by Lydenburg donors. These included, girly goodie bags with toiletries, money and fruit. Matjie Tokello, the Kohin Youth coach mentioned that this was a special day for all the girls. They could dress-up, have their makeup done and experience how it feels to be beautiful! “Every girl should experience this, and thanks to special sponsors, we could make this possible for them.” Kohin plan to have another Fashion show, for underprivileged learners, during the June/ July holidays. For anyone who wants to be part of this great initiative, please phone Zelda Kitching - 082 851 1401. (Information and photographs: Sunlie Posthumes).
Legoleng Primary School learners heading to provincial competition Legoleng Primary School learners participated in the District Schools’ Sports Games that was held at Monsterlus on 20 May 2016. The school is part of the Bohlabela District and represented Bohlabela District in volleyball, khokho and jukskei. They won the
volleyball and Boitumelo Mokome and Tshepo Mnisi were selected to progress to provincial level. In the Khokho and Jukskei the school took third position. “We have a total of two gold medals in volleyball, five silver and four Bronze medals in Jukskei and Khokho. We also have thirteen bronze medals. The head of sports are Tumelo Mashaba, coach of Khokho Julius Mogane and coach of volleyball Abrie Mkhondo.The principal of Legoleng Primary School Mr Motubatse is proud of his team which also includes sports organizer Mr Mathumba,team managers of volleyball, Khokho and Juskai - Mrs Marule, Miss Nokuthula Mthimkhulu, Mrs Makofane and Mr Shaku” the school correspondent said. (Information and photographs: Willy Matjie)
Shop Block 2, Rodium Street, Steelpoort. Tel: (013) 230 9983
SUPPLY CHAIN UNIT DATABASE REGISTRATION 1. The Greater Tubatse Municipality hereby informs all the current and prospective suppliers/ vendors that they are requested to register on the National Treasury Central Database.
2. The Central Supplier Database will serve as the source of all supplier information for all spheres of government. The purpose of centralizing the database is to reduce duplication of effort and cost for both supplier and government while enabling electronic procurement processes.
4. Please register on
5. Your co-operation is highly appreciated.
ALUMINIUM SLIDING DOOR 1800mm x 2100mm natural or bronze.
Municipal Manager
SERIES 245 2450mm x 2100mm x 0,5mm Matty Door, Brown, 2450 Woodgrain, End Caps
3. From the 1st of July 2016 we will be using only suppliers registered on the central database, GTM will not advertise the database as usual.
6. For any assistance/enquiries, please contact the Supply Chain Management officials at Municipal Civic Center, Ground floor, Tel: 013 231 1220/1156/1178/1071/1291. Or Letsoalo LM, SCM Mohlala JNT Manager, Tel: 013 231 1231.
MASONITE DOOR 813mm x 2032mm
SAPELE PRINT DOOR 813mm x 2032mm
Promotion valid until 4 June 2016. All prices incl. VAT. E.&O.E.
We are open on Sundays until 13:00!
3 JUNE 2016
Steelpoort Akademie besoek Rusoord
Help find these animals Helping to find these stolen cattle and have the thieves arrested can bring you a reward of R5 000. The animals were stolen from the farm Wildebeestkraal. The last formal count when the animals were still with the rest of the herd was on Friday 20 May. Between then and 27 May the animals were stolen and a formal case of theft opened with the Burgersfort SAPS on 31 May 2016. It is suspected that the thieves broke through the gate of the camp in which the animals were grazing and on foot herded them along the train tracks towards Steelpoort. The animals are part of the registered Nguni Poenskop Stud and are marked as follows: 2 grown cows, branded HZH 1042 and HZH 1044. Both are brown with white
marks on their backs. Five heifers of which two who were branded HZH 13206 and HZH 13187. The rest are not branded but are tagged in their ears with the following numbers: MMF 1511 (white and brown spotted heifer), MMF 1412 and MMF 1513 (both brown in colour). A small calve of about 3 months old, brown and white in colour is not marked. The owners of the animals are asking the community to assist them and the SAPS in finding the animals. They are offering a R5 000 reward to the person with information that will lead to the finding and arrest of the thieves. Anyone with information can contact 082 462 1876 or contact the SAPS in reference to CAS289/5/2016.
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
and JOSEPH FENYANE (Execution Debtor) KINDLY TAKE NOTE THAT in terms of judgement granted on 21 OCTOBER 2015, in the SEKHUKHUNE Magistrate’s Court and a Warrant of Execution issued thereafter, a sale in execution of the undermentioned goods will be held on FRIDAY at SEKHUKHUNE SHERIFF’S OFFICE ON 01 JULY 2016 at 12:00 AM, consisting of:
Die leiers van Steelpoort Akademie het Woensdag, 25 Mei 2016, die bejaardes by Lydenburg Rusoord gaan besoek. Die uitreik was deel van die leiers se take om dienslewering aan die skool en omgewing te bied. Die leiers het vir die inwoners liedjies gesing en vir elkeen ‘n klein geskenkie en ‘n sakkie lemoene oorhandig. Dit was vir elke leier ‘n ongelooflike ondervinding gewees, die dankbaarheid en vreugde van die bejaardes sal vir baie lank in elke leier se hart vasgelê wees. (Inligting en foto’s: Arlene Malan, Steelpoort Akademie)
GOODS 1 x 1 WHITE TOYOTA RAV4 REG NO: BG 96 RD-GP to the highest bidder. DATED at BURGERSFORT on 25 May 2016. Execution Creditor’s Attorneys MADELEEN WILLERS ATTORNEYS, Industry Road, BURGERSFORT, 1150, PO Box 555, BURGERSFORT. Tel: 013 231 8497; Fax; 013 231 8479; E-mail: DOCEX 1 BURGERSFORT Ref: MAK230/0001/ NM
“Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping your watch to save time.” – Henry Ford
Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or (Advertising deadline - every Tuesday at 17:00.)
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031 Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
3. Dienste/ Services PRET LIQUOR Gas and Ice for sale. Ice available
to individuals and wholesale. Delivery available (terms and conditions). ORYX GAS refill exchange for 9kg, 19kg or 48kg bottle. Contact: 074 565 6231 or 082 072 0051.
9. Te Huur/ For Rent Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899. TE HUUR Twee slaapkamer woonstel in klein sekuriteitskompleks naby Tubatse Crossi-
ing Mall in Burgersfort. Kontak Mike by 082 357 1954. REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION Two bedrooms with water/prepaid Aloe West R4000. 2 x Bedroom with water/lights/security. Aloe West. R5 000. Three bedroom available from R6000 with water/lights/ security. Viewing available after hours. Please call or what’s app 082 578 6113. TE HUUR Ten volle toegeruste 2 slaapkamer Rondawel 10 km uit Burgersfort op plaas. Geen troeteldiere toegelaat. R5500.00 per maand. Kontak Drienie 084 461 8808
STARTING A NEW BUSINESS? Enquire about our first advert special for start-up businesses. If you’ve started a new business and would like to advertise it: E-mail: adverts@platinumgazette. com or call Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 013 231 7147. Submit your stories and invitations to the Editor at or fax: 013 231 7147.
3 JUNIE 2016
Comrades Marathon in pictures
Tienie van Wyngaard at the finish.
Modikwa Marathon Club before the race.
Enock Nyathi. Tshakhuma Maesela
Ivan Comley finished in less than 10 hours. Dwarsrivier Mine Marathon Club the day after Comrades Marathon.
Adolph Boshego from Modikwa. Tshepo Marobane at the finish.
Awareness for worthy causes, charity runs and personal achievements were part of the day.
Samancor runners Fanie Matshipa (left) and Simon Maroga (above).
Grant Roode at the finish.
Wihan Swanepoel from Longtom Marathon Club at the finish of Comrades Marathon 2016.
Johan Lesch from Samancor Marathon Club pushes himself over the finish at Comrades Marathon 2016.
Donald Bigman Azwitamisi ran 09:37.
Marcus Nkhumeleni ran 07:41. (Photograph: Jenny Phala/Ulandy Maila)
3 JUNE 2016
It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com
Platinum Gazette
Local runners bring back the medals
Above: Willem Montgomery, team manager for Modikwa’s runners also took photographs for Platinum Gazette. Thank you Willem for bringing back all the action in pictures.
The winner in the women’s race was Charné Bosman (above) and in the men’s race it was David Gatebe. Gatebe set a new race record.
On Sunday last week the annual Comrades Ultra-Marathon took place. This year was a ‘down-run’ which meant runners took on the 89,2km from Pietermartizburg to Durban, starting at the original starting point of the first Comrades Marathon. Runners battled the heat of the day and of the 20 000 runners who entered the race many did not complete the race. Runners had 12 hours in which to complete the race. A vast support set-up ensured that runners were hydrated, medically cared for and encouraged along the route. The men’s race was won in a new record time by David Gatebe from South Africa. Limpopo native Ludwick Mamabolo came in second. The winners were: Men: David Gatebe - 05:18:19 (winner with new record); Ludwick Mamabolo 05:24:05 (gold – second place); Bongmusa Mthembu - 05:26:39 (gold – third place). Women: Charne Bosman 06:25:55 (gold - winner); Caroline Wostmann - 06:30:44 (gold – second place); Kajsa Berg - 06:39:04 (gold – third place). Local marathon clubs also participated. Only those athletes who finished the race are listed below. Marula Platinum Athletics Club: Joel Mpharanyana Mpuru - 07:22:43 (silver medal); Isaac Mkhabela - 07:28:00 (silver medal); Marcus Nkhumeleni - 07:40:58 (Bill Rowan medal); Right Seerane - 08:07:34 (Bill Rowan medal); Sakios Schoeman Serage - 08:20:12 (Bill Rowan medal); George Mohubedu - 08:54:33 (Bill Rowan medal); Tshilidzi Shadrack Madzhie - 09:43:21 (bronze medal); Isaac Phoku - 10:49:09 (bronze medal); Gabriel Malinga - 11:47:47 (Vic Clapham medal); Samancor Chrome Marathon Club: Fanie Matshipa - 06:09:41 (silver medal); Simon Maroga - 06:49:16 (silver medal); Mongalo Johannes Mogoane - 06:56:05 (silver medal); Lazarus Mogoane - 08:32:27 (Bill Rowan medal); Tshakhuma Maesela 08:34:22 (Bill Rowan medal); Jeffrey Mbuyane - 09:17:36 (bronze medal); Costy Mothoko - 09:48:42 (bronze medal); Johan Lesch - 10:00:11 (bronze medal); Victor Raliphada - 11:30:45 (Vic Clapham medal); Tshepo Marobane - 11:40:58 (Vic Clapham medal). Steelpoort Marathon Club: Tsheni Edward Masete - 08:04:03 (Bill Rowan medal); Ivan Comley - 09:59:23 (bronze); Sibusiso Thusi - 10:14:03 (bronze medal). Modikwa Marathon Club: Ernest Leboka Noto - 06:36:05 (silver medal); Jeffrey Tiyisela Nkuna - 08:11:43 (Bill Rowan medal); Sonia Malekapu Makuoa - 09:43:40 (bronze medal); Tiyiselani Capri Maluleke - 10:13:54 (bronze medal); Peter Molapo - 10:17:38 (bronze medal); Albert Tutu Twala - 10:56:19 (bronze medal); Adolph Boshego - 11:26:09 (Vic Clapham medal).
Dwarsrivier Mine Athletics Club: Frans Thabana Phehli - 07:14:22 (silver medal); Isaiah Maapea - 08:28:45 (Bill Rowan medal); Tshepo Komana - 08:28:46 (Bill Rowan medal); Solomon Matsomane - 08:29:47 (Bill Rowan medal); Thapelo Maphori - 09:50:53 (bronze medal); Xolani Patrick Hlongwane - 09:52:56 (bronze medal); Nkwana Joseph Tshoma - 09:55:27 (bronze medal); Andrew Tshehla - 10:12:32 (bronze medal); Lephai Maake - 10:43:16 (bronze medal); Pieter Schoeman - 10:51:27 (bronze medal); Steven Maupa - 10:51:52 (bronze medal); Charles Makhehla Mokwena - 11:50:45 (Vic Clapham medal). Longtom Marathon Club: Wihan Swanepoel - 08:06:57 (Bill Rowan medal); Lazarus Ledimo - 08:50:14 (Bill Rowan medal); Piet Ntshwale - 09:16:52 (bronze medal); Thomas Moagi - 10:04:15 (bronze medal); Grant Roode - 10:27:37 (bronze medal); Lucas Mmadi - 10:40:56 (bronze medal); William Morakeng Malepe - 10:57:37 (bronze medal); Enock Nyathi - 11:06:52 (Vic Clapham medal); Isaac Madi - 11:35:10 (Vic Clapham medal); Rudolph De Wet - 11:49:21 (Vic Clapham medal); Clarissa Van Wezel 11:49:21 (Vic Clapham medal). Right: Leboka Noto was Modikwa’s top athlete.
Albert Twala and the spirit of Comrades Comrades Marathon is not just about the top athletes competing for massive prizes. It is also about the ordinary runners stretching themselves and proving to themselves that they can do it. That is why when one of Modikwa Platinum Mine’s experienced runners - Albert Twala
saw a woman early in the race ready to give up, he could not pass. Lindiwe Mtsweni was suffering early in the race and Albert decided to help her push through. For him this was his 10th race. His green number race. A special race. He however risked his race plan and projected finish time to assist Lindiwe. At 34-year this was her first race and she took comfort in Albert’s encouragement and experience. In the end the pair finished in less than 11 hours. Tired and happy. “This finish was about two hours slower than Albert’s usual finish,” said Willem Montgomery from Modikwa. But Albert and Lindiwe will not forget Comrades 2016 when they not only ran, but took the spirit of Comrades to heart.