Platinum Gazette 03 March 2017

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The final race page 7

Positive Page 3

Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Apel

3 Maart 2017

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Burgersfort Police gets tough on drugs

3 MARCH 2017 Burgersfort SAPS partnered with the Dog Unit, Narcotic Unit and CIC, arrested two suspects for dealing with drugs in Burgersfort on 24 February at 02:00. Bags of various types of drugs, syringes with needles as wel as an amount of cash had been seized by the Police. The arrrests were made in Flats in Aloe Ridge.

‘Love under the tree’ a huge problem - SAPS

Burgersfort Police, in partnership with the Youth Community Outreach Programme recently conducted a crime awareness campaign among the employees of Basil Read, the contractor reponsible for the construction of the De Hoop Dam water reticulation piplelines. The theme of the campaign was “Stop love under the tree” as it transpires that most car hijackings emanate from it. The Police and Y-COP said after the workshop that they discourage the community from having sex in vehicles as it leads to other crimes, with ‘lovers’ usually the victims. The Police also appealed to the community not to give strangers lifts as it is equally as dangerous.

1 Peter 3:3-4 NIV Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.

3 MAART 2017



Cultivate business and build networks Steelpoort Business Bridge Chamber (SBBC) hosted an informative engagement platform with members and non-members at Tubatse Chrome Club on 3 February 2017. Although the day had a slow start, task team member, entrepreneurs and business people as well as cluster stakeholders joined as the day progressed and filled the venue. This, subsequent to the SBBC President - Mr Khabishi Mos Sithole, having outlined the absolute importance of transformation and uplifting of SMME’s indiscriminately, at the onset. SEDA Business Advisor, Godfrey Melamu also put on the table the variety of assistance services, and explained how it can be accessed. Local entrepreneurs had the opportunity to network, participate and engage in addressing the local economic transformation challenges within the Ngwaabe Steelpoort cluster and to bring togetherness to all relevant business forums and interested parties in one room. “In response to the national call of “radical economic transformation” locally we view one another as strategic alliance partners (SAP’s) who compliment each other as SMM’s in collaboration with big business. Together we hold

the lifeline of the economy” said Mr Timothy Marobane, Secretary General of the chamber who presented their EnterprIse Development model. Kenneth Kgomo from KGM Assessment & Training was the day’s guest speaker. Mr Kgomo emphasized much on procurement key points strategies and techniques to be noted by all entrepreneurs to set them on the path of success. Business people and entrepreneurs can look forward to a visit from Productivity South Africa soon. The SBBC invites everyone to also attend this session to assist in maximising their productivity. Details of the event will be given in due course.


3 MARCH 2017


Word só ‘n pleegouer Helpende Hand het die behoefte gesien om pare te help wat graag pleegouers wil word. Baie mense wil graag betrokke raak om kinders te help deur pleegouers te word, maar weet nie waar om te begin nie. ʼn Spesiale platform is geskep waar al die vrae beantwoord kan word. Belangstellendes kan ook deur die platform registreer as pleegouer en dan deur ‘n maatskaplike werker in hul


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area gekontak word. Helpende Hand nooi die publiek soos volg uit: “Indien u en u gesin graag ʼn verskil in ʼn getraumatiseerde kind se lewe wil maak deur aan hom of haar ʼn liefdevolle en stabiele huishouding deur middel van pleegsorg of plek van veiligheid te bied, lees gerus verder op ons webtuiste: www.pleegsorg.”

Wiskunde-hulp vir kinders nou aanlyn Wiskunde is ’n nagmerrie vir baie kinders (en soms ook vir die ouers). Moedelose leerders sit soms laat aande nog voor die boeke, terwyl ouers probeer help en verduidelik. Swak eksamenuitslae dryf kinders om eerder Wiskunde as vak af te skryf. Maar Wiskunde is noodsaaklik vir talle skaarsvaardigheid beroepe, en kenners meen dat kinders soms te vinnig moed opgee. “Wiskunde-kennis bou op mekaar en soms is dit slegs een probleem of afdeling waarmee ’n kind sukkel. Partykeer moet ’n kind net ’n ander verduideliking sien om iets beter te verstaan,” so meen Valentyn van der Merwe, Wiskunde-spesialis van die Vereniging vir Afrikaanse Wiskunde (V.A.W.). Die V.A.W meen dat ekstra Wiskundeklasse nie net help om sekere onderwerpe onder die knie te kry nie, maar kan ook kinders se punte drasties opskuif. “Een onderwerp verhoed ’n kind soms om van ’n B na ‘n A te skuif. Hoe beter ’n leerder verstaan, hoe beter sal hy presteer,” meen Van der Merwe. Ekstra Wiskundeklasse is ’n uitstekende belegging, maar deesdae betaal ouers deur hulle ore om kinders ekstra klasse te laat loop of om tyd te kry in kinders se besige skedule vir die klasse. Solidariteit Helpende Hand se Ekstra Wiskunde inisiatief bied ’n oplossing vir

hierdie probleem. Helpende Hand besef die belangrikheid van Wiskunde en die deure wat dit vir kinders kan oopmaak in die kompeterende wêreld van werk. Dit is hoekom die organisasie nou vir hul ondersteuners toegang tot weeklikse aanlyn ekstra Wiskundeklasse bied teen ‘n minimale fooi per maand. ’n Aanlynklas beteken dat kinders dit op hulle eie tyd in hulle eie kamer kan benut. Die initiatief verseker dat kinders van graad 4 tot 12 ekstra Wiskundeklasse ontvang en ander voordele soos: Toegang tot die Ekstra Wiskunde-webwerf waar klasse van graad 4 tot graad 12 gesien kan word; toegang tot Akademia se 11 landwye sentrums waar graad 12-klasse regstreeks gekyk kan word. Lede se kinders het ook toegang tot ’n Wiskunde-spesialis vir vrae en antwoorde. Die Wiskunde-boffin sal jou met moeilike probleme kan help.* Gratis Wiskunde-winterskool vir graad 12-leerders van 12-14 Julie 2017 wat regstreeks via Akademia se platform na 11 landwye sentrums uitgesaai word. Spasie is beperk, so registreer vroegtydig. Vir meer inligting oor die klasse en om deel te kry aan die voordeel, stuur ‘n epos aan Alisha de Lange, by

Problems! Impatient drivers who form an additional lane at the R555 Steelpoort and R37 Tubatse Crossing Mall are still a problem. These drivers, when reaching the font of the illegal queue, simply disregard rules and other motorists to push in front - often with traffic officers as witnesses.

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CREDIT Promotion valid until 4 March 2017. All prices incl. VAT. Delivery excluded. E.&O.E.


Shop Block 2, Rodium Street, Steelpoort. Tel: (013) 230 9983

To advertise in Platinum Gazette contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or e-mail Advertising deadline is every Tuesday at 17:00. Forward your news and invitations to the editor of the newspaper at Editorial deadline is every Wednesday at 17:00.

Join the Angels for a night and help #keepagirlchildinschool A night of glitz and glamour is being planned for 25 March 2017 and it is all for a good cause. A group of women, calling themselves Angels, has been assisting those in need in the Burgerfort and Steelpoort communities for the past 4 years. The Angels are local women who work and different businesses in the area and felt the need to spread the love because they are thankful for the blessings they have. The work they’ve done is done in their own time and through their own financial contributions and assistance from formal businesses from time to time. They assisted with school uniforms, reading books and groceries. The most recent

community initiative was distributing sanitary pads to girls who are unable to buy them and often avoid going to shool because they fear embarrasment with out the proper sanitary pads during their periods. To help raise funds for this cause the Angels are inviting individuals and/or companies to a night out to raise funds for the #keepagirlchildinschool initiative.The evening promises to be filled with fun, good food and entertainment while all the funds raised will be going back into the local community to help keep the girls in school. Get all the information on who to contact and how to become involved on page 5 of this week’s newspaper.

3 MAART 2017



SASSA grant crisis Left: Ms Mmabatho Maphanga and Ms Nonhlanhla Mdluli said: “We are afraid of losing our money. We rely on that grant money. Things will change in South Africa. They have to make a plan. We can’t suffer like this. They should have sorted this out a long time ago, then there would not have been a problem. They should pay that company whatever it takes so that we can just get our money”.

Mr S.M. Makomane said: “People will suffer. This current payout company has a lot of problems. They take money from people for things like airtime. They have no proof of the debt they are taking the money for. Do government even know about this? People will suffer if the grants are not paid out. Government must clean their house. They should clean this up”.

Ms Consilia Magabe said: “People will suffer. Our government is ignorant of our problems. We are angry. They must make a plan. We don’t want the current company doing the payouts because they say we owe money for things like electricity and airtime when it is not true. We want a new company to deal with this. Government don’t care. They should have sorted this out a long time ago. I, myself rely on a grant. I will suffer if it is not paid”.

Left: Mr Given Mampuru and Mr Rex Sedikane said: “We know people who suffer. We know people who depend on that money because there are no jobs. Government should have created the jobs. They should sort out the payments so that it can just go on and people will get their money next month. Our government don’t plan”.

Mr Mishack Phala said: “The people will suffer. I know people who rely on the grants. It is bad this thing. Government must sort it out, even if they have to pay a supplier more”.

Left: Ms Sylvia Mamphaga said: “People will suffer a lot. Most of the people depend on the social grants. I know people who are only depending on this and are not working at all. If they don’t get their grants they will steal from the people in town and crime will go up, because they need to feed themselves. Government must sort this out. There is no way they can allow grant payments to skip a month”. Mr Simon Makgogga said: “I heard about that. It will be a shame and a half. People rely on that money. Many people will die because of this if they don’t get the money. It is government’s fault. They just have to sort it out now. It will be difficult but government must sort out that problem”. Left: Mr Ben Madigage said: “The people will suffer too much. The government don’t care about the poor people. We can’t live without eating and we need the grants to buy food. Really, government don’t care”.

Mr Christopher Mokoena said: “The problem is that the ANC is fighting on top and they don’t care about the rest. The people will suffer if they don’t get this as they are also not getting any services. Government must make a plan. The Minister for Social Development, Bathabile Dlamini who is responsible for these grants should go. That woman must just go. The ANC just came from voting last year with promises and now they do this. Now the people will see that the ANC is not doing the job”. Mr Victor Seroka said: “My family also rely on the grants and I don’t have a job. We don’t know what we will do if the grants are not paid. It is a problem. Government must sort this out now before the end of this month. They must pay a more expensive fee for this company to keep on going”. Left: Mr Thabo Mampuru said: “People are going to suffer. Many people are supported by grants. The Department can do a better job than this. If it is not sorted out they won’t be able to buy food and medicine. The old people will die without their pensions. This is a big problem”.

Seventeen million South Africans depend on welfare grants every month and many of them are now living in fear for next month. This comes after the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) failed to put in place a plan to ensure payouts will continue without a problem as the current contract with Cash Paymaster Services (CPS) is coming to an end. Previously the Constitutional Court has declared the contract with CPS invalid, but set aside the ruling for the duration of the contract to ensure there will be no interruptions in payouts. This did however not deter SASSA from entering into negotiations to set up a new contract with CPS. This despite the National Treasury signalling that it would not sanction the last minute deal. SASSA is also set to re-submit and application on the way forward to the Constitutional Court as their legal team indicated that they would not be violating the court ruling, but asking for permission to go into a new contract with the current supplier. In the mean time negotiations between SASSA and CPS will continue. President Jacob Zuma told the media that not setting up a new contract with a supplier until the last minute was “irresponsible”. He added that “We said no pensioner must not earn on that day” when the fears of 1 April payouts were raised. Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa said: “We will make sure those 17 million people in our country who rely on these payout grants, child grants and old age pensions do get their pay. We are fully aware of the Constitutional Court requirement of going back there. We are going to make sure the wheels don’t come off.” National Treasury has advised the ministry and Sassa of a range of other options, including using commercial banks and the Post Bank as an interim measure. Calls to not go into a new contract with CPS were supported by concerns over unwanted deductions from recipients’ accounts by micro-lenders and insurers linked to Net-1, of which CPS is a subsidiary. Platinum Gazette asked readers what they think of this issue and how it will affect the recipients of social grants.

Mr Collins Mnisi said: “The government is wrong. They should have appointed a new company to deal with this. Those people who rely on grants will suffer. They support kids and pay debt and what will happen now? I think they should renew the current company’s contract for 3 months while seeking the services of a new contractor. This will ensure that there is no month when grants are not paid out. It would be a disaster if it is not paid. It is a shame on our government. Our government has no direction. Take it to parliament if necessary, but continue with the payouts. Some people depend on that money”. With him are Amokelami and Dumisani.


3 MARCH 2017

Platinum Gazette

Tubatse Masters facing two different teams On Thursday 23 February, Tubatse Masters played a friendly soccer match against Mvuleni Romans in Praktiseer. Both teams managed to score four goals to make the final score 4-4. Isaac Mndawe, Mbesuma Mabaso, Titus Mashaba and Norman Jannetjies scored for Tubatse Masters. On Tuesday 28 February, Tubatse Masters visited Silver Flash for a friendly match at Ga Mashamothane. Tubatse Masters won the match 2-1. Mashudu Netshilindi and Lekgotla Motswiane scored for Tubatse Masters. (Photographs and information: Judas Motswiane) Silver Flash.

Tubatse Masters’ team.

Local SAPS triumph over SAPS Dennilton/Marble Hall On Wednesday 22 February, the SAPS Burgersfort/Sekhukhune/Leboeng hosted SAPS Dennilton/Marble Hall in a Capricorn district soccer league match. The match was played in Sekhukhune. On the day the hosts won 3-1. Const Lekgogola (x 2) and Sgt Maredi scored for the SAPS Burgersfort/Sekhukhune/ Leboeng and Const Sephoto scored for SAPS Dennilton/Marble Hall. (Information : Sgt Mvundlela) Tubatse Masters’ team.

Mvuleni Romans.

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Betrekkings/Vacancies VACANCIES: MINING INDUSTRY VACANCIES: ELECTRONICS INSTRUMENTATION TECHNICIANS, LAMPSMANS, LAMPROOM OPERATORS, SELF-CONTAINED SELF-RESCUER OPERATORS AND ADMINISTRATORS. REQUIREMENTS: Technicians: • Matric with maths • 3-5 years experience in electronics / instrumentation • Willing to work underground • Own Vehicle and valid driver’s licence essential • N3 - N6 qualification

Building a double storey house or office block? For all your Rib & block slab requirements, contact us on: 013 755 3888 or email your plan to us for a free quote: We supply the whole Mpumalanga area.

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Lampsman: • Lampsman certificate • Must be familiar with safe-lite, Lamps/AMS and all duties of lamproom • Familiar with DMR requirements

PRET LIQUOR Gas and Ice for sale. Ice available to individuals and wholesale. Delivery available (terms and conditions). ORYX GAS refill exchange for 9kg, 19kg or 48kg bottle. Contact: 074 565 6231 or 082 072 0051.

TE HUUR 2 Slaapkamer woonstel in klein sekuriteitskompleks naby Tubatse Crossing Mall in Burgersfort. Kompleks is toegerus met elektriese heining en woonstel beskik oor ‘n alarmsisteem wat die huurder kan laat moniteer. Afdak vir voertuig. Water en elektrisiteit is ingesluit by huur. Elektrisiteit ingesluit tot op ‘n vasgestelde hoeveelheid eenhede. Verdere gebruik word saam met huur ingevorder. Woonstel is dadelik beskikbaar. Billike huur. Kontak Mike by 082 357 1954.

Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147

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3 MAART 2017


Steelpoort bied interlaer aan Steelpoort Akademie het verlede week Vrydag die interlaer atletiekbyeenkoms aangebied. Die byeenkoms is by Hoërskool Lydenburg se baan aangebied. Laerskool Burgersfort en Steelpoort Akademie het teen laerskole van Hazyview, Komatipoort, Graskop en Sabie deelgeneem. Die laaste paar items van die dag kon ongelukkig nie plaasvind nie weens ‘n reënstorm wat die dorp in vloed gelaat het. Steelpoort Akademie het almal bedank wat gehelp het om die dag ‘n sukses te maak.

Ouers het reg gestaan om wors te braai sodat geen atleet honger hoef te wees nie.



3 MARCH 2017 It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com

Platinum Gazette


Tubatse Chrome golf champions recognised On Friday last week Tubatse Chrome Golf Club held their awards ceremony for the 2016 year. A wide range of prizes were handed out and in many cases members were very close to each other in terms of points in the different competitions. Amongst others the following prizes were given: Club Champions Men’s Most Improved Player - Dean van Staden; Men’s Club Champion 2016 - Thinus Labuschagne; Club Champions Men’s A-div runner-up - Martin van Rooyen; Club Champions Men’s B-div runner-up - Deejay van Vuuren; Club Champions Men’s C-div runner-up - Oscar Mongadi; Club Champion 2016 Player’s Player of the Year - Dereck Ackerman; Talisman Cup winner - Thinus Labuschagne; Betterball Champions 2016 - Johan Dreyer and Baard Language; Junior Golfer of the Year Dean van Staden. (Information: Tubatse Chrome Golf Club).

Book your team for the new action cricket season The 2017 Action Cricket season is about to start again. Teams can enter this first season’s league now. It will cost R2 500 per team and this includes all game fees, 1 new ball per game and there should be 12 players in a team. Games will be played at Tubatse Chrome Club and the closing date to enter a team is on 10 March 2017. Make use of this to do some team building for your company, or have fun with a group of friends. To book a team, contact Martin on 072 564 2811.

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