Platinum Gazette 03 May 2013

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© Platinum Gazette

3 May 2013

A ‘strike’ that backfired? owned. Contrary to the agreement with BAMCU, the company bacame aware of the fact that a large number of employees were changing to NUM and went into discussions with NUM in October 2012 at NUM’s request. Immediate recognition could not be effected as the whole move by individual workers had to be verified. BAMCU was informed of the new developments regarding worker representation and in January a follow-up meeting with NUM was held. Mr van der Merwe say the agreement that NUM tabled at that meeting did not comply to standards as the wrong company name was contained in the document, it was subsequently not signed and a meeting for March was scheduled. At the March meeting the company tabled an agreement, but according to Mr van der Merwe, NUM wanted certain insertions and the union was invited to forward the insertions to the company. “We did not receive what they wanted to change in the agreement. The next moment they were striking and intimidating those who did not want to strike. As we received some pressure from the mine and lost the biggest part of the contract and a lot of money, we had no choice but to terminate their services. They refused to do their exit medicals at the mine, so we did not pay them. After an agreement was reached with the mine, we paid them half of what we owe them. The other half will be paid as soon as they do their exit medicals at the mine. There is no job to strike from or to return to as there is no contract. On our books they count around 250 who lost their jobs” Mr van der Merwe concluded.

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“We are 280, excluding supervisors. We are striking bercause the company we work for, Pro Drilling and Mining, does not want to recognise the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM), to which we belong now. We also did not receive our pay for April up to 17 April when we started to strike. The company is not talking to us and we will not go back to work unless our grievances are sorted out.” This in short was the what transpired from the group of workers who loiter in the vicinity of the Platinum Health Clinic near Modikwa Platinum Mine for the past week or two. A group of representatives told Platinum Gazette that most of the workers were members of BAMCU (Building Alliance, Mining and Construction Union), which was recognised by the company previously before the majority of workers became members of NUM. According to them the company is a Modikwa Platinum Mine contractor responsible for underground drilling and blasting. They also complained that communication between the workers and the company broke down. Platinum Gazette managed to speak to Mr Dean van der Merwe, a director of the company. Mr van der Merwe told the newspaper that there is no strike going on as the company has lost part of its contract at Modikwa because of the industrial action. The company had “to cut off an arm in order to save the rest of the body” Mr van der Merwe said. He explained that Pro Drilling and Mining had a closed shop agreement with BAMCU, as well as a scheme that would eventually give the workers a 20 percent stake in the company, which is already 26 percent black

Next to Toyota, Burgersfort. Tel: 087 151 1034 E-mail:

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3 MAY 2013

New councillors sworn in Ward councillors for Ward 20 and Ward 23 that won last week’s By-elections in Greater Tubatse Municipality, was sworn in as councillors during a special council meeting in Burgersfort at the Council Chambers on Tuesday. The ceremony was chaired by local lawyer, Kenny Mqiba.

ANCYL take to the streets Burgersfort was swarming with Police last week Friday in expectation of a large march by the ANC Youth League (Tubatse Subregion) who wanted to hand over a memorandum to the Mayor that had to be forwarded to the Premier of the Province. A number of shops closed their doors for the morning on one of the busiest of business days of the month. Then they marched. Between 100 to 150 members of the local branch of the ANCYL peacefully took to the streets with their memorandum (albeit with much singing, dancing and performing for the camera). Their memorandum basically says what all memorandums against municipalities in the country say: the mayor and municipal manager as well as a number of officials and other councillors are incompetent and corrupt, do not deliver services because of their incompetence and otherwise eat the money. They must resign or be removed and something must be done about the qualified audit the municipality received. O yes, the Tubatse Cluster Commander of the Police, Brigadier Sylvia Ledwaba and Burgersfort Police Station Commander, Colonel Ronnie van Niekerk must also go away because they do not want the organisation to march and protest peacefully. Maybe it was the ANCYL marching, maybe not, as Platinum Gazette has learned that factions are still fighting about leadership in the local ANCYL structure...

Councillor Putina Joel Hlatywayo (ANC Ward 20) takes the oath in the top photograph, with Councillor Alfred Welly Mboyane (Independent Ward 23), getting his turn in the bottom photograph.

Thank you! (Played havoc with the monthend traffic though ...)

3 MEI 2013



Dam to be 100 % completed by September

Limpopo Premier visits De Hoop Dam Limpopo Premier, Mr Cassel Mathale, visited the De Hoop Dam last week Thursday in the company of Greater Tubatse Municipality Mayor, Cllr Nkosi Josias Mahlake and Sekhukhune District Municipality Executive Mayor, Cllr Mogobo David Magabe. The premier and his entourage also visited work in progress on the pipelines from the dam and the pump station near Steel Bridge.

(Left) Premier Mathale photographing the photographers with his cellphone before the briefing at the visitor’s centre. In the photograph (right) the group looks at the dam from the viewpoint near the gate to the Water Affairs area.


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3 MAY 2013


Recognition for Modikwa employees’ long service Modikwa Platinum Mine last week Friday honoured their employees who had been with the company for 10 years or more. The mine was established in 2000 and this was the first long service awards function. The formalities were kept to a minimum. Union leaders and Modikwa Business Leader, Mr Mokgosi Nkoana addressed the group gathered in a tent behind the HRD Lapa. The group also remembered the journey to where they are today, including those employees who died at the mine. A total of 377 employees has worked for Modikwa for 10 years or more. To keep the formalities short, three employees representing the group were given a certificate on stage. The rest received their certificates after the function. The event was concluded with a meal the group could share with their spouses who were also invited.

Mr Mokgosi Nkoana, Business Leader.

Union representatives congratulated the group on their achievements.

3 MEI 2013



An opportunity was all she needed:

Meet Thapedi Leshaba

Changing attitudes to empower women in a traditionally men’s world Thapedi Leshaba (32) knew what she would like to be...a fitter. She attended a technical high school and completed her N courses at a technical college. In her own words: “The problem with having only the N courses is that you still need the practical training”. Xstrata’s learnership opportunity changed her life in more ways than one and this week she is taking her final exam to realize her dream.

How did you know of Xstrata’s Training Centre? “My sister works for Xstrata at the Lion operation. I asked her about possible internships and she told me about the Training Centre. I then applied for a learnership at Xstrata Lion and was given an opportunity to train at the Training Centre”. In which field of artisanship have you been trained, and how long did it take to complete the training? “ I am doing a learnership in fitting. I started my training on 2 August 2010 and will be doing my trade test to qualify as an artisan this week”. How has the training changed your life? “It changed my life financially. I am now able to save for my son’s education. He is now 13 years old. I am able to pay for things we need and would like to have. I have also gained more confidence. I am able to stand in front of others and share my opinion. I am no longer scared to speak out, learn or ask questions if I don’t understand something. I am happy now”. As a product of the Training Centre working at the operation, what is your view of the theoretical part of what you were trained for as compared to the practical implementation of what you learnt? “What we learn at the Training Centre is what is happening in the plant. We learnt procedures and standards and then in the practical part at the operation you implement it. After the Training Centre theory one knows what to expect in the real plant. Who paid for your training at the centre, and how much did it cost? “Xstrata is paying for my training. I am not sure how much it costs. I know

that it would be expensive for an individual to do the training. It is best if one is employed or on a learnership programme because you get ‘on-the-job’ modules where you have to do practicals and with an employment opportunity one is able to complete those modules”. What is your designation at Xstrata’s Lion operation, and what are your main responsibilities? “I am currently a Senior Learner Fitter. This means that I run a section on the readiness program at the Services and Logistics Department. This gives me and opportunity to fix and maintain machines. I do things on my own with minimal supervision”. What do you personally consider as your recipe for success? “You need to be focussed on what you do. Be determined, positive and work with competent people. Ask questions if you don’t understand and always strive towards excellence”. Being a woman in a field dominated by men, what are some of the challenges you experience and how do you overcome them? “Men like to say: ‘This place is dangerous. Or, this is a complicated job’. They forget that I also have the same training and knowledge they have. When this happens I just stand my ground. I usually tell them that if this is a dangerous place for me, then it is also a dangerous place for them and we all need to follow the procedures to ensure that it is safe for all of us to work. It is also important to show them that you are interested in the job and that you want to try and do things on your own. Be willing to learn”.

After you have completed your training, what would you like to do? “I would like to go into hydraulics and safety”. What would you like to say to Xstrata after they provided you with the training opportunity at their Training Centre? “I would like to thank Xstrata for giving me the opportunity to train as an Artisan Fitter. Xstrata has opened the door to my future by providing me with the basic skills and training through the HRD, HR, Management, Co-ordinators and Artisans who made sure that I become competent. I hope that Xstrata will also assist other less privileged students. If I could get an opportunity, I would like to put into practice the knowledge and skills I’ve acquired. A very big THANK you to Xstrata”. Anything you would like to add? “Thank you to my family. I want to thank the people who took me to school, Seaparo Sekoati and family - you are my father. Thank you to my mother and sisters, especially to Lebohang Leshaba for their support throughout the years of my training. I love you all!”


3 MAY 2013


To register all businesses or not? The Licensing of Business Bill could see all businesses having to register with their local municipality should it be pushed into law. This bill, proposed by the Department of Trade and Industry, would like to have all formal and informal businesses register and obtain a licence to operate. This bill will replace the Business Act of 1991 which required businesses that serve food or provide entertainment venues to register with authorities. According to the bill, authorities will be able to inspect businesses, fine them for contravening their licences and even confiscate goods if they are found to contravene the bill or any other laws. Trade and Industry Minister, Rob Davies told the media that government wants “an easy, simple, straightforward process for legal business activities”. According to Davies the bill will deal with illegal traders and eliminate semi-illegal practices taking place in South Africa. The idea is to crack down on illegal imports, sub-standard goods and counterfeit products. Licences will be valid for five years and operators will have to produce it to authorities at any time. The bill has been gazetted last week and is now open for comment by government. We asked readers what they think about the possibility of having to register all formal and informal businesses.

Mr Surprise Malapane and Mr Samson Mabilo said: “It is not a good idea to have this bill. Poor people will not benefit from it”.

Mr Stanley Matjie said: “I think this bill is useless. Government employees are so corrupt, they will only enrich themselves”.

Ms Tshidi Moretsele and Mr Ledimo Moretsele said: “Government tries to capitalise on all types of things. This looks like they are trying to get hawkers to pay a type of tax through registering. Licencing and its fees must be according to the size and type of business”.

Ms. Maria Simelane and Mr. Patrick Simelane said: “Such a bill won’t work as a law. There is a lot of corruption. Only those in power and with money will benefit from something like that”.

Mnr. Braam Matthysen sê: “Ek het nog nie van dié wetsontwerp gehoor nie, maar dit is ‘n puik idee. Daar sal dan dalk minder stalletjies wees wat sommer net besigheid doen en nie eens belasting betaal nie. Dan kan die regering ook kyk dat jou besigheid netjies is”.

Mnr. Natie Coetzer en Me. Lenette Coetzer sê: “Dié wetsontwerp is ‘n goeie plan. As daar geld betrokke is waarvoor sal dit gaan? Gaan hulle vir die hawkers formele stalletjies bou? Ons sien uit na die dag wat jy daar onder in Burgersfort by die stopstraat kan stop sonder dat daar pas gesnyde hare onderdeur jou motor waai”.

Mr KP Mashego said: “It is a good thing - this bill. It will in a way create jobs. They must design it that big shops pay big money to register and small shops pay only a little bit”.

Mr Peter Ngwenya said: “It will be good because maybe this bill will create jobs as they will need to enforce it and have people to do registrations. Most young people are struggling to get employment”.

Me. Joyce Komane sê: “Almal maak nou net soos hulle wil. Dit sal goed Mr Ishmael Maphanga said: “I think wees as almal eers by die munisipaliteit moet gaan registreer, we need that bill. Even workers maar almal moet dieselfde geld betaal contribute tax. Everyone who decides to open a busines, formal or as hulle moet registreer”. informal, must contribute a few cents. Even if it is only to obtain a permit to operate. This can help government to help others”.

Mr Watson Khumalo (right) said: “I’d like to have that. I’ll register. Then maybe government can assist us to improve our business”. With him is Mr Bethuel Thobejane.

Mnr. Hennie en me. Lettie Snyman sê: “Dit sal ‘n goeie ding wees as dit wet word. Dan kan almal oor dieselfde kam geskeer word”. Links: Me. Mary-Jo Janse van Rensburg sê: “Dit sal ‘n goeie ding wees. Hulle moet sommer ‘n stywe fooi vra vir registrasie want dan sal daar minder stalletjies wees en die dorp sal netjieser lyk”.

Ms Lauraine Selahle, Ms Pretty Makichi, Ms Tracy Magadu and Ms Zanele Riba said: “If they do this it will have to be equal for all businesses. But if you have to pay for registration, big businesses will have to pay more than small ones. The money they then collect must go back to development and to create jobs”.

Mr Alpheus Magabe said: “I don’t think if that bill become law it will be good. If you will have to pay to register then they will have to deliver things like water, toilets and proper stalls for the hawkers. At the moment many have makeshift shelters. Big shops will also have to pay more than the hawkers will have to pay”.

Mnr. Pieter Naudé sê: “Dit klink na ‘n baie goeie ding. Dit sal almal ‘n regverdige kans gee om besigheid te doen. Van die ouens wat informeel besigheid doen betaal nie VAT nie, so die regering kry nie geld nie”.

Ms Eulanda Mohlaba said: “I’ve not heard about this bill before. They must debate this more before it becomes law”.

Ms Johannah Selahle said: “They should only register hawkers. People in the formal businesses do nice trading. They must use permit money to give hawkers places with water and electricity. I have a saloon, but I can’t do relaxing, I can only do braiding because there is no water”.

Kolonel RM van Niekerk van Burgersfort SAPD sê: “Dis goed om beheer te kry, maar die munisipaliteite sal moet mense hê om wetstoepassing te doen anders kom alles terug na die polisie toe”.

3 MEI 2013


Crime awareness campaign at Longtill The Cornerstone Baptist Church in Longtill was a hive of activity last week Friday. The Burgersfort SAPS hosted a crime awarenss campaign for the area. The event was attended by stakeholders from the area as well as various SAPS members, including Brigadier Ledwaba. The day was filled with drama and poetry as well as messages warning of the dangers of crime.


Leboeng SAPS working with the youth On Thursday 25 April 2013 the Leboeng SAPS in partnership with GCIS and the Leboeng SAPS youth desk held a career exhibition and motivation ceremony. They invited different government departments and FET colleges to attend. The programme was initiated after Leboeng SAPS youth

desk saw that the young people from this area lack motivation which could lead to them becoming involved in crime. The youth from different villages and schools within the Leboeng policing area attended the event in large numbers. Different departments presented and outlined different types of careers within their departments. The youth also received message of motivation from ex-offender Mr Shai Isaac from Leboeng Rutseng village. He served morethan 24 years in prison. He told the youth that crime does not pay and advised them to focus on their education because it is the key to success. The youth were addressed by the cluster commander of Tubatse Brigadier Ledwaba. She told them success is a choice and failure is a choice. You must be careful when you make your choice in life. She also told them that as the youth they must stop involving themselves in criminal activities because this might destroy their future. She added that real man don’t rape and that she as cluster commander condemns rape in this area. (Information and photographs: Constable MA Sibatana)

Democracy and freedom unites diverse community The communities of Kgautswane and Ohrigstad near Burgersfort in Limpopo have been living side by side harmoniously for many years. Kgautswane is a remote rural village neighboured by Ohrigstad. Its inhabitants are mostly farmers whose workforce comes from this village. On April 25 the two communities met to celebrate the 19 years of democracy and freedom during a Social Dialogue organised by GCIS at Kgautswane Thusong Centre. Various stakeholders from farming communities, churches, tourists from Germany, tribal authorities, local schools, youth structures and members of the communities attended the event. The event’s theme was: mobilising society towards consolidating democracy and freedom, create a sense of patriotism and pride in ordinary South Africans. Speaker after speaker emphasised culture as one of the cornerstones in democracy. They also highlighted

successes achieved since 1994. Reverent Anthony Doyer of the NG Kerk said that democracy without equality, empowerment and nurturing is not beneficial. Pastor D Lepuru spoke strongly about reconciliation in democracy. “We are all responsible as citizens to make this democracy work. Yes, Apartheid tried to divide us, but failed. We need to work hard and discourage our youth from depending on hand-outs”. His sentiments were echoed by Clara Masinga who said that democracy needs to be nurtured. The speeches were in Sepedi, Afrikaans and English and after the event all the guests shared traditional Sepedi meals prepared by the centre manager and her team. Everyone agreed that there is still a long way to go hence the struggle to sing the National Anthem fluently. (Article and photographs: Doc Marebane).

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Frans Louis Peter Kenneth Natalie Barbara Wesley Agent contact numbers: Louis - 082 496 4312, Peter - 082 415 9357, Kenneth - 071 111 6109, Frans - 071 568 3784, Natalie - 079 894 2944, Barbara - 083 387 1232, Engelina - 079 399 4817, Wesley - 082 744 8573 • Office Tel: 079 894 2944 • E-mail: • Website:



3 MAY 2013


Marriage celebrations at Molongwane Village It was a day filled with dancing, ululations and happiness when Donald Mashabela and Granny Maroga were married at Molongwane Village (next to North Shaft, Modikwa Platinum Mine) in Maandagshoek. 27 April was the wedding date and

celebrations started at about 10:00 in the morning. Both the groom and the bride thanked their families, pastors, friends and those who attended the celebrations. (Information: Reuben Seja Kgwete; Photographs: Pabalelo Kgwete).

Pret en plesier by NG Kerk Burgersfort se basaar Die NG Kerk in Burgersfort het op Woensdag 1 Mei 2013 basaar gehou. Die dag is goed ondersteun en daar was iets vir almal. Van pannekoek, kerrie en rys, ‘n teetuin, poeding, vleis en groente asook ‘n hele string aktiwiteite vir die kinders. Die kerk bedank almal wat hard gewerk het en dié wat die dag ondersteun het.

Joshua Generation learners touring the area Grade 1 learners visited Winterveld Club where they learned how to make their won milkshakes. The group had lunch with their milkshakes before swimming and playing at the playground. The school would like to thank the staff of Winterveld Club for making the day special.

(All photographs and information: Joshua Generation).

The Joshua Generation Principal’s Honour Roll Students for 2012 went on a sleepover at Swadini Forever Resort near Hoedspruit. (Photo left). They went to see the dam, a waterfall, walked in a forest and swam in the vraious swimming pools at the resort. The school would like to thank Swadini for accommodating them and everyone who went along to supervise the children.

The Grade 0 learners of the Steelpoort campus visited the new state of the art gymnasium at Tubatse Chrome Club. The children were amazed at all the equipment and wanted to try it all out themselves. They were entertained and educated about the gymnasium by Loyd, an instructor at the gymnasium. Thanks you Loyd!

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Daar was iets vir almal.

3 MEI 2013



Huizemark golfdag vir Lapsar Huizemark Burgersfort het verlede week Saterdag ‘n gholfdag by Tubatse Chroom Klub aangebied. Ten spyte van ‘n publieke vakansiedag en ‘n groot hoeveelheid aktiwiteite in die area het die span van Huizemark dit reggekry om aan die einde van die dag ‘n groot skenking aan Lapsar te oorhandig. Die dag is gehou ten bate van Lapsar (Lydenburg Animal Protection Services and Rescue). Louis Fourie van Huizemark sê: “Ons wil graag die volgende borge bedank wat gehelp het om van die dag ‘n sukses te maak: Harris Arc Weld; Hendrik Manok; Pets & Pixies Petshop; Seymore Du Toit & Basson; Ferreira Venter Laws & Nel; Construction 2YK; Cranbrook Limited; Kapok Wild dienste; Group 1 Security; Obaro; OK Grocer; Spar; Lebowa Panelbeaters; Platinum Health; Mega Paints; Fun World Inflatable’s; Poniezkrans, Pilgrims Rest; Highway mans’ Garage, Pilgrims Rest”. “Sonder ons borge en die spelers wat die dag ondersteun het sou die skenking aan Lapsar nie moontlik gewees het nie”. Frik Rousseau, ‘n direkteur van Lapsar het die skenking in ontvangs geneem. Hy het die volgende boodskap vir Louis en die

Huizemarkspan gehad: “’n Woord van dank aan jou en jou personeel vir die gholfdag wat julle by Tubatse Golfklub vir Lapsar aangebied het. Dit verg baie harde werk en voorbereiding om so ‘n suksesvolle dag aan te bied. Ons het

lekker saam verkeer en nuwe vriende gemaak. Dra ons bedanking aan almal oor”. Na die golf is die dag afgesluit met ‘n spitbraai en vermaak wat die voete reguit dansvloer toe gestuur het.



1. Construction GTM/18/12/13 of Ga-Melepe access bridge



R500.00 each 7 May 2013 (non-refund- at Penge able) Police Station


4 CE

Mr. T Ziyane 015 307 1795

6 CE

Mr. T Ziyane 015 307 1795 Mr. ME

Community Hall at 09H00 2. Pidima MIG/LP/1555/ access bridge R/13/14 3. Modubeng MIG/LP/1554/

Same as above Same as

Same as above Same as



4. Tsatsapane MIG/LP/1556/ access bridge R/13/14

Same as above

Same as above

5 CE

Mr. TM Monareng 015 296 1219

5. Kgautswane bridge

Same as above

Same as above

7 CE

Mr. T Ziyane 015 307 1795

access bridge R/13/14

MIG/LP/1553/ R/13/15

4 CE

Sekhula 015 297 4957

EVALUATION AND ADJUDICATION CRITERIA - Bids shall be evaluated and adjudicated in accordance with the Greater Tubatse Municipality’s Supply Chain Management Policy as amended, Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 5/ 2000, 2011 Procurement Regulations and responsiveness to the bid documents and on a 90/10 point system – of which 90 points is for price and 10 points for B-BBEE Level Contribution as determined on the B-BBEE Certificate.

CONDITIONS OF THE BID Mnr. Frik Rousseau van Lapsar en Mnr. Louis Fourie van Huizemark Burgersfort.

Bo: ‘n Groot hoeveelheid kos en ander benodighede is aan Lapsar geskenk. Huizemark Burgersfort se personeel was gereed met ‘n stalletjie naby die klubhuis.

1. Bid documents will be on sale for a non-refundable fee of R500-00 from Tuesday, the 07 May 2013, at the Cashier’s Office, Greater Tubatse Municipality, Lower Ground, 1st Kastania Street, Burgersfort, from 8H30 to 15H00 during week-days. 2. All bids will be closed and opened in public on the 21 May 2013 at 12H00 and must be fully priced, signed and sealed in an envelope appropriately marked the name of the bid proposingfor and must be deposited into the Municipal Tender Box which is accessible 24 hours and 07 days a week at the Reception of the Greater Tubatse Municipality, 1st Kastania Street, Burgersfort. No late, faxed, e-mailed, telephonic or electronically-submitted bids will be accepted for consideration. 3. The municipality has no obligation to appoint any bidder and reserves the right to appoint bidders individually and /or collectively to execute the contract and negotiate further conditions and requirements with the successful bidder. 4. In terms of the National Treasury’s Regulation, no bid will be accepted from the persons in the service of the state and bidders failing to comply with the requirements of the bid document shall be submitting non-responsive bids. The bid validity period from the closing date remains 90 working days. 5. Successful bidders who are outside the area of jurisdiction of the Greater Tubatse Municipality shall be required to sub-contract at least 30% of the total scope of work to a locally-SMMEbased contractor registered on the municipal database, where applicable. 6. Enquiries relating to the Bidding Procedure should be directed to A L Malepe at 013 231 1000/ 1230 or during office hours (07H30 to 16H00). Address: Kastania Street, Burgersfort; PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150; Tel: 013 231 1000; Fax: 013 231 1467; Website:



3 MAY 2013


Klein Advertensies • Smalls Get the newspaper here: Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/ Advertise hier/ here: 1.Sport Klubs / Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/ Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/ Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/ Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

3. Te Huur/ To Let

7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous

We buy and sell secondhand furniture. 3 Months laybuys available. Contact us for the best prices in town! Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next to Supa Save (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236

10. Te Koop/ For Sale Bargain properties for sale. Tel: 082 496 4312

Advertising deadlines: Every Tuesday at 17:00. Enquiries: Beánnla Celliers, 083 543 1676

Springkastele te huur. Vyf verskillende soorte. Steelpoort/ Burgersfort. Kontak Bianca, 082 558 9129.

4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation

Khutso Guest House Luxury accommodation Tea/coffee station in rooms, swimming pool, meals on request. Contact: 013 231 7313/ 0765808934

Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.

Got some news? Contact us on 083 271 9151 with your news and events. Editorial deadline: Wednesday at 17:00

Platinum Gazette Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

* Burgersfort SUPERSPAR * Boxer Stores Burgersfort * OK Grocer * Phelo Pele Pharmacy * Burgersfort

Pharmacy * Laerskool Steelpoort * Laerskool Burgersfort * Tingeling Kleuterskool * OK MiniMark

* Greater Tubatse Municipality * CTM * Modikwa Platinum Mine * Pick n Pay * Winterveld Village * Ohrigstad SAPS

* Total Ohrigstad * Leboeng SAPS * Praktiseer SAPS * Burgersfort SAPS * Magaba Garage * Vision Meat * Dilokong/ASA Metals

Die volgende betrekking is tans vakant:

CIS Electrical Alle elektriese herstelwerk en instandhouding Christo:0766399858 Ina:0791017894

Nuwe tweeslaapkamer woonstel te huur in Burgersfort. Skakel 082 357 1954

Mooifontein Guesthouse Overnight accommodation available in Burgersfort. Restaurant, washing, safe parking, truck parking, aircons, fridge in rooms, coffee/tea facilities in room. Contact: Judy: 082 308 9221

Platinum Gazette


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Kennisgewings/ Notices

Vereistes: • Die kandidaat moet matriek hê. Vorige kantoorondervinding sal ‘n voordeel wees. • Die persoon moet rekenaargeletterd wees. Kennis van Pastel sal in die kandidaat se guns tel. • Die aansoeker moet ‘n geldige bestuurderslisensie hê. • Moet goed tweetalig in Afrikaans en Engels wees. • Goeie kommunikasievaardighede is ‘n moet. • Die ideale persoon sal doelgerig kan werk terwyl hy/sy ‘n uitstekende diens lewer en nie omgee om soms die ekstra myl te loop nie. Moet sonder toesig, korrek werk. ‘n Volledige CV met opvolgbare verwysing kan by Burgersfort Supa Quick ingehandig word of faks dit na: 086 505 3994 Sluitingsdatum: 10 Mei 2013 Indien u nie binne 21 van die sluitingsdatum van die maatskappy gehoor het nie, aanvaar asseblief dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was.

NOTICE OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL BASIC ASSESSMENT (BA) PROCESS FOR THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF THE VICTOR +/- 1KM 132KV POWERLINE AND THE VICTOR SWITCHING STATION WITHIN GREATER TUBATSE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY OF SEKHUKHUNE DISTRICT IN LIMPOPO PROVINCE. (DEA REFERENCE NO. 14/12/16/3/3/1/863) Notice is hereby given in terms of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, published in Government Notice No. R544 of 18 June 2010 of activities identified in terms of Sections 24 and 24D of the National Environmental Management Act of 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998), as amended, that Eskom Holdings SOC Limited proposes to construct of the victor +/1km 132kv power line and the victor switching station and the construction of access roads.Nzumbululo Heritage Solutions, on behalf of Eskom Holdings SOC Limited, are conducting a Basic Assessment process for above referenced proposed development. DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT The proposed development will involve the following activity: · Construction of the victor +/- 1km 132kv power line. · Construction of the victor switching station. · Construction of access road. In terms of Government Notices No. R544, the proposed development activity falls within the category of Activity 10 and 47, of which require Basic Assessment. The proposed constructions of power lines are listed as follows: Activity 10: The construction of facilities or infrastructure for the transmission and distribution of electricity: (i) Outside urban areas or industrial complexes with a capacity of more than 33 but less than 275kilovolts or (ii) Inside urban areas or industrial complexes with a capacity of 275kilovolts or more. Activity 47: The widening of a road by more than 6 metres, or lengthening of a road by more than 1 km (i) Where the existing reserve is wider than 13.5 metres; or (ii) where no reserve exists where the road is wider than 8 metres, or LOCATION The project area is located within Limpopo Province. The area falls under the jurisdiction of Greater Tubatse Local Municipality within Sekhukhune District, Limpopo Province. The following Farms are directly affected by the proposed development: Kennedys’ vale, 361 KT and Spitskop, 333 KT. PARTICULARS OF PROJECT APPLICANT Eskom Holdings SOC Limited Contact Person: Khathutshelo Nesindande P.O Box 3499, Polokwane 0700 Tel: 015 299 0592 Fax: 015 295 7550 E-mail:

PARTICULARS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT Nzumbululo Heritage Solutions Postnet Suite 345 Private Bag X9307 Polokwane 0700 Tel: 015 291 3661 Fax: 015 291 3669 E-mail:

In order to participate in the process, or to provide comments and or to register as an Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) pertaining to the aboveproposed development, you are invited to contact NZUMBULULOHERITAGE SOLUTIONS, Tebogo Kodibona, Postnet Suite 345, P. Bag X9307, Polokwane; TEL: 015 291 3661 FAX: 015 291 3669.


3 MEI 2013



‘n Stofstreep wat wen Charlie Rothman van Lydenburg het op 27 April aan die maandelikse ovaalbaanresies in Rustenburg deelgeneem. Die eerste resies was uitmergelend en bedoel om die manne en muise van mekaar te skei. Charlie het probleme met sy voertuig ondervind, maar dit is gou saam met sy kuipe joggie, JanHendrik Meiring reggesien. Selfs met hierdie teëspoed het Charlie uiteindelik die resies gewen. Om doodseker te maak dat die voertuig se probleme van vroëer iets van die verlede is, het hy ook in die Super Hotrods kategorie ingeskryf. Ook hier het Charlie die manne skop in die oë geskop. In die tweede en finale rondte het hy met meer as 5 karlengtes gewen.

Tough competition at Winterveld

Charlie neem hierdie jaar aan die Nasionale Kampioenskappe van WOMZA deel. Die eerste been skop op 18 Mei af. Persone wat in die sport belangstel en betrokke wil raak kan die volgende nommer bel: 082 5747 819.

Various teams participated in a soccer and netbal tournament on Saturday last week. The games took place at Winterveld Recreational Club and teams played on both Saturday and Sunday. Get more photographs and information about this tournament on page 12 of this newspaper. Playing in blue on this page is Xstrata, Yellow and Blue is the SAPS. Playing in Black and White is Dwarsrivier Mine and in the Red and White is Twickenham Platinum Mine.

Rugby at Tzaneen Rugby teams from Winterveld Buffels in Steelpoort and Ohrigstad Rugby Club played against Tzaneen last weekend. The games were played at the Tzaneen show grounds’ rugby field. The Tzaneen team was strong and the Buffels, lacking a few players, relied on assistance from Ohrigstad Rugby Club to compete. Ohrigstad Rugby Club played against a team from Letaba before the Buffels took on Tzaneen. This meant there were no fresh legs on the bench in the Buffels camp. This game ended 29-0 with most of the points coming from the second half. The Buffels managed to keep the score to 5-0 by half time, but in the second half, their defence failed. The team would like to thank the following people and businesses: Ohrigstad Rugby Club for making it possible for them to compete. Pick n Pay Steelpoort for the food, Xstrata Lion Projects Phase 2, Tyre Corporation and the

Blue Bulls Rugby Union for their contribution towards the travelling expenses. The team also played in their newly sponsored kit for the first time. “We would once again like to thank Thorburn Security Solutions for their contribution” the team management said. Winterveld Buffels will be playing on 11 May again and this game will be at the Winterveld Rugby Club. They will be facing Louis Trichardt. The Club is very thankful towards Mega Paints and 2YK for the paint sponsorship, which enables the marking of the field. Players who would still like to join the Club are welcome. Practise is every Tuesday and Thursday at Winterveld Recreational Club’s rugby field at 18:00. “Come join the club and assist them to become a sustainable team in the area”. Enquiries: Charl van der Merwe, 079 690 0858. (Information: Charl van der Merwe; Photographs: Mara Theunissen).

It is show time! Huizemark Burgersfort hosted a Charity Golf day last week Saturday. The day was in aid of Lydenburg Animal Protection Service and Rescue (Lapsar). The wild animals at Tubatse Chrome Club joined the fun and Platinum Gazette’s reporter took this photograph near the jumping castle. Read more about the day on page 9 of this newspaper.

The Ohrigstad team.

Masokolara still on top

The Winterveld Buffels team.

Maatlopo United Football Club lost a crucial game against Mooihoek Real Touch last week. The game played at Moroke Stadium ended 2-1 in favour of the visitors. This game’s points were needed to reduce the lead Masokolara, the league leaders, have on the log. They are now leading with 60 points from 27 games; Makgalanoto is in second place with 53 points from 29 games and Maatlopo in third with 53 points from 28 games.

This weekend Maatlopo United will play away on Saturday against Young Stars. On Wednesday this week they hosted Phasha City Rocks at Moroke Stadium. By the time of going to press, the score was not available. Masokolara will represent the Sekhukhune region at the provincial play-offs on 25 and 26 May. The venue for this will still be decided. Enquiries: NJ Makola, 082 407 6226. (Information: NJ Makola).


3 MEI 2013

Platinum Gazette

SPORT On the ball

A soccer tournament hosted by African Bank took place at Winterveld Recreational Club on last week Saturday and Sunday. Various mines’ teams and a team from the SAPS participated. The tournament started off close to the scheduled time with teams from Dwarsrivier Mine and Twickenham Mine taking each other on. (They played in: Black - Dwarsrivier and Red & White - Twickenham). The SAPS team (yellow and blue) faced the team from Xstrata (blue). Marula Platinum Mine’s team as well as teams from Tubatse Chrome and ASA Metals also participated. By the time of going to press, the official results had not been received from the organisers and sponsors. This weekend the public is invited to come and support the Greater Tubatse Mayoral Cup taking place at CN Phatudi College in Praktiseer. This annual event is one of the sporting highlights on the municipal calendar; Teams from various wards will be facing-off on Saturday. Enquiries: Betty, 013 231 1000.

Teams were well supported at the event. This spectator (left above) brought along his vuvuzela to encourage teams.

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