Against breast cancer page 2
The black Monday thing - page 3
Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Apel
3 November 2017
Tel Fax
0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031
Breast Cancer Awareness Walk for Women in Mining Women working at Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) came together on Friday last week for a walk through Mangabane village to create awareness for breast cancer. The walk was organised by members of NUM who also had their internal and regional leadership represented at the event. Although the theme was aimed at breast cancer awareness, the women also received information on other forms of cancer that affects women. Careways presented a fun and informative talk about risks for different types of cancer and the ways (e.g. mamograms and pap smears) in which the women can get to know their status and treatment as soon as possible. The women agreed to make this event an annual gathering.
Black Monday in Burgersfort While Platinum Gazette’s editor was caught up in an ultra heavy traffic jam on the N1 in Tswane on Monday morning because of the so-called Black Monday protests against farm murders, back in Burgersfort the same type of protests were underway in typical local style. Very laidback and peaceful. People gathered to pray and then proceeded to block the R37 on the other side of the bridge to Lydenburg / Mashishing for about an hour. A municipal councillor, Cllr Tumelo Molapo, arrived at the scene of the large traffic jam and told protesters that they cannot do what they want and although a countrywide thing, they need local permission from the municipality to stay within the confines of the law. After the councillor’s visit, the protesters wrapped up their business and peacefully dispersed.
Councillor Tumelo Molapo (on the extreme right in the photograph) talks to the protesters.
Wildevy says thank you for transport
The annual Wildevy 4x4 Day is a family fun day through which the Wildevy Manne (Wildevy Men) raises funds for charity. This event is one of the highlights of the area’s social calendar, but would not be so successful without the input from a variety of sponsorships. This week Mr Piet Muller from the Wildevy officially thanked Vuthi Segweka Transport and Mahlangu Bus Services for transporting visitors to
and from the parking area and the main festival area. The men appreciate the involvement from these companies and look forward to building an even stronger relationship in the coming years. Mr Obed Makuwa from Vuthi Segweka Transport and Mr Steven Mokone from Mahlangu Bus Services received the gifts to the companies.
Burgersfort SAPS clamp down on sellers of counterfeit products The Burgersfort SAPS arrested a 35-year old Nigerian man in possession of a large quantity of counterfeit clothes. He was arrested during a clean-up campaign on 20 October. During the same operation a 29-year old Pakistani man was arrested with a suspiciouly large quantity of creams in his possession. The men both paid admission of guilt fines of R1000 for possession of counterfeit products. On 21 October the SAPS noticed two men with suspected stolen goods. They arrested a 34-year old man in possession of a grinder and toolbox. The second suspect escaped them and the investigation into his whereabouts in ongoing. The SAPS has appealed to the community not to buy stolen property. This
encourages more thefts and should you be found in possession of stolen property - even if you bought it from someone, you can go to jail. (Information & photographs: Constable M.V. Maluleka.).
Thank you! Businesses near the Eland Street and Morone Street Crossing had years of trouble with refuse being dumped on the corner of the crossing as well as the open land across from Autozone. During the windy months the wind blew papers all over and not only created a sore eye, but also a very unhygenic environment. Supa Quick Burgersfort took the lead and wrote a letter to request intervention from the Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Munici-
pality (FGTM). And the plea did not go unnoticed. The request for a mass refuse container in the area was heard and so far it has been regularly cleaned. Businesses and informal traders in the area have all expressed their gratitude for this simple, but much needed solution. Many more interventions like this is needed to get the Platinum City to sparkle again. Thank you FGTM and keep it up!
Samancor ECM cares about employees’ wellness Once a year, Samancor ECM in collaboration with Avoir, hosts a wellness event at the different ECM sites. This year’s event took place from 23-27 October 2017. Some of the testing done included BMI (Body mass index), Glucose measurement, Cholesterol measurement, Hypertension measurement, HIV testing, Eye scanning and Dental scanning. Samancor ECM believes that a healthy workforce is a productive workforce and therefor provides this opportunity to all employees, who might otherwise not have access to these services. (Photographs and information: Mariska Stickling, Samancor ECM)
Impaksentrum leerders presteer Die Impaksentrum op Ohrigstad het die afgelope week hul nuwe leiers en toppresteerders aangewys. Die sentrum is
geleë by die Oasis kompleks. (Foto’s en inligting: Impaksentrum Ohrigstad).
Kevin Garcia is die Hoofseun vir 2018.
Arnold Ndlovu is gekies as die jeugleier vir 2018.
Johann Bylsma met ‘n gemmideld van 72% en Bradley Garcia met ‘n gemmideld van 88% was die toppresteerders.
Dreaming about a future career Mangabane Primary School held a Career Dress-up Day on 25 October 2017. Learners were came to school wearing clothes and regalia of the person they would like to emulate in the future. People from different walks of life attended the event to speak to the learners and motivate them to study hard to create a bright future for themselves. The school want to convey their appreciation to their loyal sponsors. The event would not have been a success without their selfless
sacrifices: Samancor Eastern Chrome Mine, Pick and Pay Steelpoort (Mr Lodowick, thank you so much Sir). A special thank you to the Mangabane team of educators and non-teaching staff. To all the guests: Pastor Jabu Mokone (Kohin), Mr MJ Manzini, Miss LJ Makati (Samancor ECM) , Miss P Mdluli, Miss G Seerane, ET Shingange, Constable Maluleke (SAPS), R.Nchabeleng, Mr M. Mogano, Miss D Ramoretli, Bishop Malepe (Mangabane Educators). (Information & photographs: Lifie Tlaka).
Pretdag by Leeuwvallei Christen gemeente Die Leeuwvallei Christen Gemeente in Uitbreiding 10 het verlede Saterdag ‘n Pretdag by die kerk gehad. Die kinders het op ‘n springkasteel gespring, playstation gespeel en gesigte geverf. Daar is ook verversings te koop aangebied. Die kinders het aan verskillende speletjies deelgeneem en die dag se wenners was Nooitjie Louw, Theonile Strauss en Boeta Janetjies. Die kinders het dit baie geniet. Die kerk het almal bedank vir hul bydraes en ondersteuning om die dag ‘n sukses te maak. (Inligting & foto’s: Rosa Williams).
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
Advertise here/Adverteer hier: 1. Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2. Betrekking/Vacancy 3. Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Per-
10. Te Koop/ For Sale PRET LIQUOR SPORTS BAR AND BOTTLE STORE FOR SALE. Contact owners on: 074 565 6231 or 071 410 1664.
3. Dienste/ Services Visit your local professional art and décor framer in Steelpoort. 23 Years experience in framing. Get the option that fits your taste and budget! Small gifts and crafts available in store. Printing, photocopies and much more. Stockists of EPA! Chilli and other sauces. Visit Esmé Framers in Steelpoort next to Wimpy or contact Esmé on 079 100 9643.
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Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in the Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.
9. Te Huur/ To Rent TE HUUR 3 Slaapkamer huis in klein sekuriteitskompleks naby Tubatse Crossing Mall in Burgersfort. Elektriese heining en alarm sisteem wat huurder kan laat moniteer. Afdak vir voertuig. Water en elektrisiteit is ingesluit by huur tot op ‘n vasgestelde hoeveelheid eenhede. Verdere verbruik word saam met huur ingevorder. Billike huur. Huis beskikbaar vanaf 1 Desember 2017. Kontak Mike by 082 357 1954 Ruim 2 Slaapkamer Woon-eenheid te huur in Ohrigstad. R4300 p/m W/E ingesluit. Geen Diere Kontak: 013 238 0090
“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson
Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or (Advertising deadline - every Tuesday at 17:00.) Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
Going faithfully forward Forward in Faith Mission to open new church building The Forward in Faith church will officially open their Burgersfort Church building on 11 November 2017. The congregation was recently visited by Bishop Elias Zwelipani Soko from Gauteng. He praised the local congregation and their resident pastors - Brain and Dionda Kafumphe, for their commitment to raise funds and complete the church building. He commended the local talent and appealed for support towards local young gospel musicians, not for monetary gain, but to assist in spreading the gospel of God. The bishop’s visit was marked with special performances by Mpho Motingo and the Forward in Faith Praise and Worshiop band. Church members from as far as Jane Furse, Steelpoort, Burgersfort and Lydenburg came together in Bothashoek for the visit. (Information and photographs: Sam Chanza).
Psalm 32:7 King James Version (KJV) 7
Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance. Selah.
3 NOVEMBER 2017 It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com
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PMSL results The Pulana Maroga Soccer League (PMSL) results for play on 28 October 2017 was as follow: Stone Ground - Maruleng 0 vs Mightybucks 2; Bafaladi 4 vs Real Touch 2; Stonebreakers 2 vs Real Madrid 0.
Mighty Blues’ ground - Driekop FC 3 vs Moisele 4; Mangabane FC 6 vs Tshakanya Mighty Rovers; Mighty Blues 1 vs Batau 3. Batau Ground - Arandis Jnr 0 vs Lenareng FC 8; Mathipa Happy Fighters Jnr 3 vs Mohlophi Fast 11 Jnr 0; Driekop Happy Stars 3 vs Mooihoek All Stars Jnr 3. Bullbull Ground Golden Spears 0 vs Morethe Young Dribblers 0; Maroga Tearing Lions 1 vs Kampeng United 1; Bullbull 2 vs Barcelonafc 3. (Information & photographs: Pulana Maroga Soccer League).
Tubatse Masters take on Juventus FC in Ga-Madiseng On Saturday 28 October, the Tubatse Masters visited Juventus FC in Ga Madiseng for a friendly soccer match. The Tubatse Masters was the stronger team on the day and they won the match 2-1. Mbezuma Mabaso and Phillip Kgapane scored for the Tubatse Masters. (Information: Jerial Mvundlela Photographs: Judas Motswiane)