3 Million FFS milestone for Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine - p 2
R36 holiday route is open
Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad
4 December 2015
Tel Fax
The R36 route from Mashishing (Lydenburg) through Ohrigstad to Hoedspruit, Phalaborwa and Tzaneen vio Strydom Tunnel is open after the Police at Leboeng arrested a number of road blockers on Tuesday this week. According to Leboeng Police communications officer, constable Andrew Maimela Sibatana, they are investigating a case of public violence after the community of Leboeng Gankoana village blocked the R36 Road with burning tyres and stones next to Leboeng New Stands. On Tuesday 2015-12-01 at about 04:00 the Police received a report that the R36 Road is blocked with stones and burning tyres next to Leboeng New Stand Mountains. On arrival the Police went there and found that indeed the road was blocked, but it appeared as if the road blockers went home as the scene was deserted. At about 09:00 the Community of Leboeng Gankoana arrived in large numbers with tyres and blocked the R36 road again. The Police dispersed them and arrested 14 people, of which two were released under parental custody as they were under-age. The Leboeng Police say ‘We advise our communities to refrain from blocking the national roads as these may endanger the lives of innocent road users. One of our mandates as the Police is to maintain public order and to protect the citizens of South Africa and any person in this country and their property. We are going to make sure that we prevent anything that endangers the lives of our citizens and their property”. The suspectswere scheduled to appear in the Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court on Thursday 2015-12-03.
Creditors vote in favour of Business Rescue Plan The business rescue practitioners of Mapoachs Mine at Roossenekal says the creditors of the mine has voted in favour of the business rescue plan on 30 November 2015. EVRAZ Highveld Steel and Vanadium Limited (Highveld) (which is also in business rescue which has been halted because of legal action) has a 74 percent stake in Mapochs Mine. The result of the creditors’ vote is that Mapochs Mine will not be liquidated, but will continue with business rescue. The plan provides for, inter alia, the purchase of creditors’ claims, excliding the claims of Highveld and employees, against Mapochs Mine by Hong Kong based major metals company International Resources Project Limited, also the successful bidder in Highveld.
0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147
DWARSRIVIER MINE Dwarsrivier Mine celebrates safety with 3 million fatality free shiŌs
Mr. Rian Burger, General Manager of Dwarsrivier Mine received the trophy. Below are the Dwarsrivier Mine Management Team members with the trophy.
The pres gious Santa Barbara Floa ng Trophy for Mining Safety was this week handed to Dwarsrivier Mine a er they recently reached 3 million fatality free shi s (FFS). The handover func on took place on 1 December 2015 at Tubatse Chrome Club. This remarkable achievement took close to seven years to reach. Mr Rian Burger, General Manager of Dwarsrivier Mine accepted the trophy on behalf of the Mine. He gave thanks to everyone involved who worked hard and safe to reach this important milestone. He also included the previous general managers of the mine who laid the founda on of safety in the workplace. Dwarsrivier Mine has been in existence for 16 years. In this me the mine suffered two fatali es. The last one was in January 2009. Burger has been at the mine for approximately 14 years and saw the culture of safety develop and grow. He said: “A major turn-around for Dwarsrivier Mine happened when we started giving honor to the Lord. Praying before mee ngs etc. In the Bible it says that we should humble ourselves before the Lord and He will li you up. This is what is happening at Dwarsrivier. Never forget to give the honor to God”. He added that safety can always be improved and this is a priority that will never become less important. “We want our employees to go back home feeling red but sa sfied from the work they’ve done, but also cared for and safe. We care about their hearts and minds just as much as their skills”. Various stakeholders also a ended the event. They included representa ves from ARM, Assore, Sekhukhune District Municipality, Greater Tubatse Municipality, NUM and previous general managers of the mine. Everyone congratulated them and wished them well in their con nued efforts to create a safe mine that serves as an example to the industry. The day was rounded off with performances by the Dwarsrivier Mine choir and food fit for the occasion.
Limpopo Premier’s Christmas and New Year message 2015 “Once again the year is almost done, although it seems like yesterday. I therefore wish to congratulate all of us in Limpopo for working diligently through difficult and trying times. My greatest gratitude’s goes to those civil servants who served with distinction, taking services to our people. I hope this trend continues in the coming year of 2017. I call upon all who will be travelling to do it with care and in style. There is nothing as sweet as arriving alive although late. Let’s drive safely with the mind of all others including pedestrians. Let’s do it even if there are no traffic police.
God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. 17 God set them in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth, 18 to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good.” Genesis 1:16-18 (NIV) (Photograph taken in Burgersfort last week during the full moon)
May we assist the police to do their job with distinction. Let’s have a crime free festive season by being police reservists. May we all pray for peace and rain. May we take Christmas as a time for family reunion. Happy Christmas and a Prosperus New Year!” Chupu Mathabatha Premier of Limpopo
Aiming for ZERO at Modikwa Zero Aids related deaths * Zero new infecƟons * Zero DiscriminaƟon
On 1 December Modikwa Pla num Mine commemorated World Aids Day with an ac ve campaign to try and get to zero. The aim is to have zero aids related deaths, zero new infec ons and zero discrimina on against people who are HIV posi ve. At the different sha s employees could visit stalls by Pla num Health, Discovery, Aurum and the Department of Health to have their HIV status checked. Other wellness check-ups such as blood pressure measurement and blood glucose tes ng was also done. Ms. Mahlaku Tau toured to the different sha s and HRD Lapa to give a mo va onal talk to employees. She has been living with HIV since 2005. Her message was one of encouragement - know your status, if you are tes ng posi ve - use the medica on and take care of yourself. You can s ll have a long life ahead of you. A drama group from Maandagshoek, involved with the Modikwa ABET centre also performed a drama with the theme - HIV. Employees ac vely par cipated and received a gi a er ge ng to know their own status.
Employees from all sec ons of the mine par cipated in the day’s event.
World Aids Day at Tubatse Chrome Tubatse Chrome commemorated World AIDS Day on the 1st of December with an info sharing session which included guest speaker, Sisi Mnisi, who is living with HIV/AIDS. After sharing her story, employees lit candles and held a moment of silence for people infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. (Information & photographs: GabriĂŤlla du Plessis)
New 1 Stop Midas in Burgersfort A brand new 1 Stop Midas officially opened last week Friday. This Midas is situated where the old One Stop Motor Spares used to be next to Save More in Eddie Sedibe Street. On 27 November customers were treated to boerwors rolls and everyone was happy to visit the modern store with friendly staff and great service. The 1 Stop Midas team would like to thank their clients for their support and invite everyone to visit them for a wide range of motor spares, camping and other equipment. Contact them on 013 231 7049.
To advertise in Platinum Gazette contact BeĂĄnnla Celliers on 083 543 1676. Advertising deadline is every week on Tuesday 17:00. Let us know of your news and stories on 083 271 9151. Editorial deadline is every week on Wednesday 17:00.
Tubatse reaches out
Throughout the year, various beneficiaries have benefiƩed from Tubatse Chrome’s informal CSI iniƟaƟves. Here are but a few examples of the great work done: Rehlahleng School for the Disabled in Ga-Mampuru was a beneficiary of Tubatse’s generous heart. The school receveid an office container, first aid kit with training, mattresses and washing machines. To celebrate the work done, learners and teachers were treated to a lunch and cake.
DonaƟng blood, Kohin Youth Coaches for local schools giving life Tubatse Chrome employees gave one of the ul mate gi s a person can give - they donated blood. The South African Na onal Blood Service (SANBS) visited them and employees could conveniently donate blood right there. Tubatse Chrome is proud to have employees who regularly give this precious gi of life.
Kohin con nues to make great strides in the schools where they are currently based. As a result of on-going support, Kohin has been able to place Youth Coaches at Kgahlanong High School and Maelebe Primary School. These Youth coaches provide guidance and counselling to children in need of psychological and emo onal care.
Enterprise and Supplier Development
Tubatse Chrome remains commi ed to suppor ng and nurturing emerging small and medium sized businesses. Currently there are 10 businesses that have been assisted through Enterprise Development covering services such as gardening, pain ng and civil concrete work. Furthermore, 10 local entrepreneurs as well as 10 SBBC members will be attending a Business Management course during the next month, sponsored by Tubatse Chrome.
Winter Enrichment Programme During the winter holidays, the four high schools in the area received financial assistance to host the Winter school. This me is used to prepare the Matriculants for the examina ons they’ve just finished. Tubatse Chrome proudly awaits their good results.
On a good note A keyboard for Kgahlanong Secondary School
Tubatse Chrome makes a difference
Early in 2015 the Tubatse Chrome Management team handed over a musical keyboard to the Music Department at Kgahlanong Secondary School. The school choir rendered a few musical items which le everyone in awe of their talent. With their new keyboard, the school wanted to start offering instrument lessons and taking their choir to local and na onal compe ons. This dona on made sure that the school’s year started on a good note.
Learners sign on for the school progamme Tubatse Chrome has signed seven learners onto the School Programme for 2015. Learners come from the Kgahlanong Secondary School in Eerstegeluk and Sehlaku High School in Driekop. These grade 11 learners were chosen a er a tough selec on process and they will a er comple ng high school complete their trade as either boilermakers; electricians or fi ers over the next 4 years. These learners know that they will have to perform well in all the areas required to achieve their goals of qualifying for a trade.
Choir blazers donated Shopiane Primary School Tubatse Chrome cares for the community and acted on a call from Shopiane Primary School to assist them with blazers for their school choir. The school wanted their learners to be uniformly clothes when par cipating in the many choir compe ons locally and the district.
Inspiring the youth A group of Tubatse Chrome employees visited the Kgahlanong Secondary School Matric Class of 2015. The school received a 76,4% matric pass rate in 2014 and the teachers credit the success of the school to the inspira on a group of employees from Tubatse Chrome le behind during a visit early last year. The Class of 2015 have challenged themselves to achieve a 100% pass rate - none of them wants to be the weakest link!
Shavathon fun
Employees had fun with a Shavathon during the course of the year. Hair was cut and sprayed in fun colours for a good cause. The money raised was donated to Diggers Community & Small Business Centre who drives the local Cancer Support Group.
Dwarsrivier Mine spreading the spirit of community development
Thumbs up for Dwarsrivier’s community projects Dwarsrivier Mine was busy during 2015. Various projects are nearing comple on and will make life easier for the recipients in the community. In Burgersfort Dwarsrivier Mine sponsored the construc on of 40 hawker stalls near the Burgersfort Clinic. These stalls are filling such an urgent need that some hawkers have already started using them while they await the formal handover and alloca on of the stalls. Ngwaabe community was one of the communi es on which the focus fell with various projects. The Ngwaabe Commi ee members of the Greater TubatHome Based Care used to operate se Hawkers Associa on’s Burgersfort Branch from two dilapidated rooms and a gave Dwarsrivier’s hawker stalls their stamp of shack. They are now comfortable in approval. They are keen for hawkers to register a new 9 room building that includes with the municipality as the registered permit offices, a kitchen and boardroom. The holders will be given preference when it comes mine also made sure that a borehole to alloca on of the stalls. This will be done by was drilled and water supplied on the the municiaplity. premises. Paving around the building Dilapidated structures and shacks used to be New stalls constructed by Dwarsrivier is underway, palisades surrounds the Old unsafe hawker structures. shelter to the hawkers before the construc on Mine. property and even aircondi oners of the stalls. were installed in the building. The Home Based Care serves 270 perThe Mapadima Tyre Repair Centre started opera ng from under a tree 15 manent pa ents and also look a er years ago. Piet Tshehla (from Ngwaabe community) is the owner of the vulnerable individuals in the commubusiness, but his son Julius is managing it for him now. They used to operate from a sad-looking trailer on which they had a compressor and a few essen al nity. Tradi onal healers will be housed in two outside offices that is currently items to assist motorists experiencing trouble with their wheels. With the help of Dwarsrivier Mine they are now ready to assist in almost any situa on. under construc on. The Mogoshadi Day Care Centre in Ngwaabe takes care of 215 children The tree from which the between 0 and 5 years old. They rebusiness operated before ceived a brand new building, palisades Dwarsrivier Mine assisted. to enclose the premises and paving is underway. Flushing toilets will also be constructed in a future phase of the project. At Masago Primary School toilet facilies are in a terrible state. Dwarsrivier Mapadima Tyre Repair Centre’s new building Mine undertook the construc on of new toilet blocks for boys, girls and donated by Dwarsrivier Mine. the teachers. This should be finished The Mapadima Tyre Repair Centre on the R555 at Kutullo is a family business. They are very proud of their new equipment and building. before the start of the new school year in 2016. In Kutullo enterprise development assisted Mapadima Tyre Repair Centre to not only move from under a tree into a new building, but also assisted in the purchasing of state of the art equipment. Ge ng a flat tyre on the R555 is not a problem anymore. Mr. Julius Tshehla is the manager for his father Piet, who started the business and his team is ready to assist. The mine will also be pu ng up some pallisades, paving and toilets at the business. Earlier this year the Kalkfontein community also received water from Dwarsrivier Mine. Boreholes were New state of the art equipment Reaching under a vehicle is drilled and are in the process of being The old equipment. donated by Dwarsrivier Mine. now easy. linked to a water re cula on system to make access to water in this area easier. This community was not taken into account for water from the De Hoop Dam and would have gone dry for many years had it not been for this assistance from the mine. Dwarsrivier is commi ed towards empowering the communi es surrounding the mine and these projects are proof of them not being scared to commit and pull through on their Kalkfontein Water Supply with 4 Boreholes donated by Dwarsrivier MIne is making life easier in the village. social labour and social development plans - even in difficult economic mes.
Enterprise development initiatives from Dwarsrivier Mine
DWARSRIVIER MINE Dwarsrivier Mine spreading the spirit of community development
Giving Home Based Care to its community
Home Based Care workers care for pa ents in the community facing ba les such as HIV/Aids, TB, cancer and other illnesses. These pa ents are in need of care, but cannot be taken care of at a hospital permanently. Workers also look a er vulnerable people in the society such a child headed households. They try to assist in various forms. This difficult, but very important task has been made easier with the help of Dwarsrivier Mine. Ngwaabe Home Based Care is now equipped with a proper building and facili es such as water supply. Work at the premises will soon be completed and the shared vision of proper care for communi es be fulfilled.
TradiƟonal healers benefit from Dwarsrivier’s new buildings
Ngwaabe Home Based Care Centre & Traditional Healer Offices constructed by Dwarsrivier Mine.
A safe place for the children given to the Malekane community
Tradi onal healers will occupy the two offices currently under construc on (below) next to the Ngwaabe Home Based Care Centre.
Giving dignity with beƩer sanitaƟon to the Ngwaabe communiƟes
Masago Primary School in Ngwaabe had a massive shortage of toilet facili es for the school’s learners and teachers. Dwarsrivier Mine commi ed to building new blocks of toilets for the boys, girls and teachers. Proper sanita on provides dignity and this is something Dwarsrivier Mine believes communi es should have. The old and new facilies are shown on the photographs.
The teachers’ old toilet.
New buildings delivered by Dwarsrivier Mine
The Mogashadi Day Care Centre in Ngwaabe’s old buildings were far too small and under equipped for the 215 youngsters they accommodate every day. Dwarsrivier Mine’s assistance has vastly improved the quality of care the Day Care Centre is able to offer. Dwarsrivier did not stop at construc ng the buildings, they also donated equipment needed for the classrooms.
Old buildings at the centre.
New buildings: Ngwaabe Home Based Care.
Old toilets
New ones under construction
New facilities for the teachers.
Keeping the kids safe is a priority. A palisade fence is being constructed and paving will also be put around the buildings.
New buildings: Mogashadi Day Care Centre, Malekane Community.
New buildings: Toilet block construc on Masago Primary School, Ngwaabe.
New buildings: Toilet block construc on Masago Primary School, Ngwaabe.
New buildings: Ngwaabe Home Based Care.
Platinum Gazette
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.
Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
3. Dienste/ Services Burgersfort Transport For all your transport requirements (transport of mine & construction workers) Contact Ariff 072 337 7332
9. Te Huur/ For Rent
Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or (Advertising deadline - every Tuesday at 17:00. Please keep in mind that next will be the last newspaper for 2015. The first newspaper of next year will be on 8 January 2016)
Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899. Two Bedroom Apartments available from R4750 to R5 000 including lights and water. Three bedrooms available from
R7000 to R7500. All above available between Aloe Ridge East and West. Viewing available after hours. Please call from more information: 082 578 6113. 1 Bedroom Flat R3 500.00 2 Bedroom Flat R4 500.00 Burgersfort Contact Steve 071 886 9359 FLAT TO LET Luxurious two bedroom flat to let in Burgersfort. One bachelor flat to let in Burgersfort. Reasonable rent. Safe and secure. Contact: 082 922 3909
10. Te Koop/ For Sale Aluminium African Outback Canopy for Toyota Hi-Lux DC for sale. R13 500. Original Venter Camper Trailer for sale. R6 500. Contact Mike: 082 357 1954 Aluminium African Outback kappie vir Toyota Hi-Lux DC te koop. R13 500. Oorspronklike Venter Camper Waentjie te koop. R6 500. Contact Mike: 082 357 1954
“Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping your watch to save time.” – Henry Ford
Kennisgewing/Notice * Kennisgewing/Notice Greater Tubatse Land Use Scheme, 2006 Amendment scheme no: 167/2006 We, Gori Trade & Invest cc, being the registered owners of erf 2283, Burgersfort, Extension 21, hereby give notice in terms of Section 56 (1) (b) (i) of the Town Planning and Township Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986) read together with section 28 and 41 of Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act 2013 (Act 16 of 2013), that we have applied to the Greater Tubatse Municipality for the Amendment of Land Use Scheme, know as Greater Tubatse Land Use Scheme, 2006. Amendment scheme number: 167/2006: Rezoning of Erf 2283, from “residential 1” to “residential 2” for the purpose of erecting
flats. Particulars of the applications will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office to Town Planner, 1 Kastania Street Burgersfort, Greater Tubatse Municipality for the period of 28 days from the first day of the notice. Objectives and/or comments or representation in respect of the applications must be lodged with or made in writing to the municipality at the above address or at P.O. Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150 within 28 days from the date of first publication. Address of the applicant: P.O. Box 3061, Burgersfort, 1150. Cell: (072 057 3337) E-mail: g.usman@ Groter Tubatse Grondgebruikskema 2006 Wysigingskema Nommer: 167/2006
Ons, Gori Trade & Invest cc, is die registreerde eienaar van die erwe 2283 Burgersfort Uitbreinding 21, gee hiermee in terme van artikel 56 (1) (b) (i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps Beplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986) sal jy asseblief lees saam met gedeelte 28 en 41 van spesiale planne en land gebruik bestuurs wet, 2013 (Ordonnansie 16 van 2013), dat ons aansoek gedoen het by die Groter Tubatse Munisipaliteit vir die wysiging van die grond gebruik skema, bekend as die Groter Tubatse Grond
Gebruik Skema, 2006. Op die volgende wyse: Wysigingskema nommer: 167/2006: Die hersonering van porsie 1 en 2 van erwe 2283, Burgersfort Uitbreinding 21, vanaf “residensieël 1” tot “residensieël 2” vir die doel van woonstelle. Planne en besonderhede van die aansoeke lê vir inspeksie gedurende kantoor ure by die kantoor van die Stadsbeplanner, 1 Kastaniastraat, Burgersfort, Groter Tubatse Munisipaliteit vir die tydperk van 28 dae vanaf die datum van die eerste publikasie. Besware of
kommentaar ten opsigte van die aansoek moet ingedien word of gerig word aan die munisipaliteit by bogenoemde adres of Posbus 206, Burgersfort, 1150 binne 28 dae vanaf die datum van die eerste publikasie. Adres van die eienaar: Posbus 306, Burgersfort, 1150. Cell: (072 057 3337) E-mail: g.usman@
Platinum Gazette 013 231 7147 Advertising deadline is every Tuesday at 17:00.
Take note of this:
The last issue of Platinum Gazette for 2015 will be on 11 December 2015. The office will then close for the Christmas period and will open again on 4 January 2016. The first newspaper of 2016 will be on 8 January 2016.
Betrekkings/ Vacancies
Modikwa Gold Team at AMMSA golf day The Modikwa Gold team attended the AMMSA (Association of Mine Managers South Africa) Presidents’ Golf day on Friday the 27th of November 2015 at the Krugersdorp Golf Course in Gauteng. The aim of this golf day and other AMMSA golf days are to raise funds for the associations’ social responsibility program that takes care of people injured in mine accidents and also the families of deceased mine workers due to accidents. At the event the President of the Association, Mr. Thediso Mohase thanked all that attended the day and for the contributions they made towards AMMSA. The team enjoyed the day and battled a little with the Krugersdorp Golf Course as this is quite a technical type of course where course management and planning is needed. The team however did very well for the first time that they played this challenging course and ended up with a score of 58 points. “The team would like to thank the Modikwa management team for the
Golf at Tubatse Chrome
opportunity to represent the mine at this prestigious golf day, the team had extra pride as our Business Leader Mr. Mthi Mtshengu is a board member of AMMSA”. said Willem Montgomery. (Information & Photograph: Willem Montgomery). Below: Willem van der Merwe, Willem Montgomery, Lionel Reeder, Cecil Vermeulen and David Plaatjies the teams’ chauffer.
On 5 December the next round of the Talisman Cup will be played. The Club will also have its Christmas Golf on the day. Registration starts at 07:00 and draw at 07:30. Tee-off will be just after the draw. Green fees for both competitions will be R130.00 For the Christmas Golf Day bring along a gift to the value of R100.00 to exchange with fellow golfers. Come and enjoy this last golf day of the year. Book your game with Martin van Rooyen on 072 564 2811.
Watervalsrivier Geloftefees aktiwiteite 2015 Soos elke jaar sal daar weer ‘n Geloftefees saamtrek in die Watervalsriviervallei wees. Daar sal gekamp word by die Geloftefees kampterrein naby Beetgekraal, maar persone wat in die vallei bly is welkom om die verskillende dae se aktiwiteit te kom bywoon. Die program is soos volg: 15 Desember 2015: * Laertrek deur die loop van die dag. * 18:00 Bring en braai. Pap en sous word voorsien. 16 Desember 2015: * 04:30 Saluutskote * 07:30 DVD iin die saal oor die verhaal van Bloedrivier. * 09:00 Eredieins gelei deur Ds. A Steyn. * Koffie en tee na afloop van die diens. Almal word aangemoedig om lekker saam met die kampeerders ‘n koffie te geniet. * Algemene jaarvergadering. * 13:00 Ete onder die boom. Bring ‘n vleisgereg, bykos of poeding. * 18:00 Toneel deur die kampeerders. 17 Desember 2015: * Laer afbreek deur die loop van die dag.
Die Gelofte Hier staan ons voor die heilige GOD van hemel en aarde om ‘n gelofte aan Hom te doen dat as Hy ons sal beskerm en ons vyand in ons hand sal gee, ons die dag en datum elke jaar as ‘n dankdag soos ‘n sabbat sal deurbring, en dat ons ‘n huis tot sy eer sal oprig waar dit Hom behaag, en dat ons ook aan ons kinders sal sê dat hulle met ons daarin moet deel tot nagedagtenis ook vir die opkomende geslagte want die eer van Sy naam sal verheerlik word deur die roem en die eer van oorwinning aan hom te gee.
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
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Platinum Gazette
Tubatse Masters on a roll
Tubatse Masters are playing match after match every week. This week they were busy again. On 28 November they hosted Thorncliffe Mine for a friendly match at Leolo Secondary School in Praktiseer. Tubatse Masters won this match 5-3. Rally Mmola, Mbesuma Mabaso, Noko Malatji and Lekgotla Motswiane (2) scored Tubatse Masters’ goals. On 1 December the Tubatse Masters visited Mashamothane Masters soccer team for another friendly game. The game was played in Ga Mashamothane village. Tubatse Masters scored four goals won 4-0. Tomas Lubisi and Thapelo Maredi (3) scored for Tubatse Masters. On 2 December Tubatse Masters visited ECM mine at the Mangabane sports ground. The ECM soccer team put up a fight but lost the match 3-1. Dolphin Ngele (2) and Pitso Sehlabela scored for the Tubatse Masters. (Photographs: Mpho Mokgohloa, Jerial Mvundlela and Thato Maredi. Information: Jerial Mvundlela).