Platinum Gazette 04 July 2014

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© Platinum Gazette

4 July 2014

Bilateral relations highlighted locally The People’s Republic Of China’s bilateral relations and the impact these relations have on the local economy were highlighted this week at the celebration of ASA Metals’ celebration of 3 million fatality free shifts on Tuesday. Attending the celebrations were the Second Secretary Economic and Commercial Counsellor’s Office in the Chinese Embassy in South Africa. Mr Xuekun Sun(photograph right) and the Chairman of ASA Metals, Mr Fengzhi Nan(photograph left). Taking to the podium in congratulating the employees of the company with their achievement, Mr Sun said China is committed to sustainable development in South Africa and that South Africa is China’s most important economic partner on the African continent. He praised ASA Metals as a viable and lucrative shared company between South Africa and China, which sets an excellent example of bilateral cooperation that benefits both counties on the macro scale and the local economy, also on a smaller scale locally. Mr Nan, as Chairman of the local company, said ASA Metals as a company is committed to local development and to coexist in harmony with local communities and community structures. He also congratulated employees with the excellent safety achievement and spurned them on to continue to live and work according to the company values that make ASA Metals a successful and profitable business. Mr Nan also stressed that the company’s shareholders (which incidentally is owned 60 percent by China through a State Corporation, Sinosteel, and 40 percent by South Africa through the Limpopo Economic Development Agency) do not take any profits from the company, but that everything is ploughed back into ASA Metal’s for everybody’s benefit. Read more about the celebrations on page 3.

Taking the lane Month end traffic in Burgersfort became a nightmare on Saturday morning when a truck delivering supplies to a hardware store’s stock yard decided to take one lane as parking. Employees of the store can be seen offloading the supplies and stacking it on the sidewalk with a blue forklift. Vehicles trying to make their way through town just had to wait for a gap to pass. The traffic officers doing duty around town unfortunately did not see this as they were busy policing the replaced stop street at the corner of Marone and Eland Streets.

No Mayor for GTM yet No replacement for Greater Tubatse Municipality’s recalled Mayor, Cllr. Josias Nkosi Mahlake, has been named yet. Mahlake and several other mayors from Limpopo were recalled from their positions last week. Greater Tubatse Municipality’s Communication Unit Manager, Mr Thabiso Mokoena told Platinum Gazette that a council meeting is scheduled to take place on Monday, 7 July 2014. It is expected that this meeting will be used to elect a new mayor for the municipality. “An official press conference will be held shortly afterwards to ensure that the media and communities are informed of the developments,” he said.


4 JULY 2014


Going door to door against crime in Tubatse On Wednesday 25 June the Department of Safety, Security & Liaison in Limpopo joined forces with the Tubatse cluster police stations, the Department of Education, the Department of Social Development, Community Policing Forums (CPF), Victim Empowerment Programme (VEP), Pastors Against Crime and Youth Desks to conduct a door-to-door

campaign in Burgersfort, Ext. 10, Tukakgomo and Riba Cross. The purpose of the campaign was to educate and sensitize the community about crime related matters and also to strengthen the relationship between the police and the community. The event started in Burgersfort and the team visited homes with pamphlets

containing crime prevention hints. The community were also given the opportunity to raise their concerns and crime related challenges. After the Burgersfort visit the team split in two with one heading to Riba Cross and the other to Tukakgomo for further door-to-door visits. (Photographs & Information: Const. Jerial Movundlela, Tubatse SAPS).

Crime Prevention Operations took place in Burgersfort Ext. 10, Riba Cross Village and Tutakgomo Village. SAPS members from the whole Tubatse cluster joined forces for this.

Crime Snippets Ntsema Mokwena (53) was sentenced to six months imprisonment for assualt with the purpose to inflict grievous bodily harm. He was sentenced in the Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court. The crime he was convicted of happened at Riba Cross village on 8 February 2014 when he assaulted his 42-year old wife with a panga following an argument. The case was reported to the Tubatse SAPS and this led to the man’s arrest. * Abram Mkhondo (31) was sentnced to three months imprisonment or a fine of R2 000-00 for assault with the purpose to inflict grievous bodily harm. This sentence was for a crime committed on 1 March 2014 at Alverton Village. Mkondo assaulted a 28-year old with a bottle. The case was reported to the SAPS on 1 March and he was arrested the following day. Sentencing took place in the

Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court. * Judas Dladla (32) was sentenced to six months imprisonment or a fine of R3000-00 for driving a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol. He was arrested at about 01:30 on 28 June at Bothashoek Village. The SAPS were busy with crime prevention operations when they stopped his vehicle. * Julius Ngwatle (31) was sentenced to three months imprisonment or a fine of R1000-00 for interfering with police officers’ duties. Ngwatle insulted police officers and prevented them from doing their duties when he was a passenger in a vehicle stopped at the Praktiseer junction to Ga-Motodi on 28 June 2014. The SAPS tried to search the vehicle when Ngwatle misbehaved. (Information and photographs: Const. Jerial Movundlela, Tubatse SAPS).

4 JULIE 2014



Great people are the key Tribute was paid to the extraordinary people working at ASA Metals during the 3 million fatality free celebrations ASA Metals hosted on Tuesday this week. The company remembered those who lost their lives and praised current employees for their diligence in taking safety serious. Mr Kleinjan du Toit, Chief Executive Officer of ASA Metals also thanked Mr Herman Smith who attended the function for the solid foundation he laid in the company. He praised everyone who every day aims for zero harm at ASA Metals. Mr Prince Mkhonto, the company’s SHEQ manager praised employees for not only making safety at work a priority,

but doing it with a smile. The company also introduced guests to their values, mission and strategic objectives. The concept has been wrapped around the symbolism of the marula tree and its environment. Amongst others, the day’s special guests included Mr Fengzhi Nan, ASA Metals Chairman and Mr Xuekun Sun, Second Secretary Economic and Commercial Counselor’s Office, China Embassy in South Africa.

Guests at the celebrations were treated to songs by the ASA Metals choir.

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4 JULY 2014


Tubatse SUPERSPAR makes a difference where it matters On Friday last week, Tubatse SUPERSPAR donated various food parcels to organisations in the community taking care of vulnerable and needy people. Some of the beneficiaries were: AFM Church Steelpoort,

Iterele Creche, Swaranang Old Age Project, Praktiseer Home based care and the Christian Assemblies Church, Leeuvallei Burgersfort. The recipients thanked and praised Tubatse SUPERSPAR for their helping hand.

Samancor ECM supports Youth Day Kohin, together with Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines hosted a Youth day festivity for the Makgakantshe Primary School, Mangabane Primary School, DYDEP orphanage and the Civil Society orphanage on 16 June. It was a day of sunshine, smiles and laughs at the Mangabane Soccer field where the children enjoyed the day while playing on the jumping castles, man size foosbal and rope pulling. They also had their faces painted which provoked loads of laughter. The children relished the hotdogs, chips, lollipops and frozen lollies they were served. They howed their gratitude by painting a canvas of a beautiful butterfly, which they gave to Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines. For the children’s amusement they watched a dance show off between the teachers and the care givers. (Photographs & Information: Samancor ECM)

Platinum Gazette BeĂĄnnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.

Contact her on or 013 231 7147/083 5431676

4 JULIE 2014



Bespreek jou stalletjie vir die Wildevy 4x4 dag Besprekings vir stalletjies by die Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag op 26 Julie is oop. Kom deel in die dag se pret. Verkoop handgemaakte produkte, doen ‘n uitstalling en stel jou produk of diens bekend. Jaarliks

Foto’s - van verlede jaar se pret en plesier.

Winning with the wild weekends Customers shopping at Tubatse SUPERSPAR benefit from friendly service, great prices, a wide range and magnificent competitions. Currently the Wild Weekend competition is making one lucky customer a week a winner of a R500 shopping voucher. Last week’s winner was Ms Sandra Magabe. Her voucher was handed to her by Ms Faith Rakolota from Spar.

besoek tussen 7 000 en 10 000 mense dié pret dag. Dit bied dus die ideale geleentheid om heerlike kos, vlooimark items and ander feesstalletjies te hê. Bespreek jou stalletjie by Ilze Pretorius by 013 231 7499.



4 JULY 2014

Free range and organic foods In South Africa consumers have the option to buy free-range and organically produced products, but there is no clearly defined system to determine what is “organic” and “free-range”. Retailers use their own interpretations of these terms. According to the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries a hen or its eggs can be labelled free-range if it spend at least 6 hours a day outside and it cannot be caged. According to Kevin Lovell, the CEO of the South African Poultry Association the only way consumers have to determine whether something was free-range is to rely on the retailers’ own auditing systems. The free-range lamb that Checkers outlets stock are free of antibiotics, Ms Sarita van Wyk from Shoprite explained. She added: “Free-range eggs are eggs from poultry that is never caged and has daily access to an outdoor range area. Our free-range poultry and egg producers have regular independent third-party audits completed on their facilities”. Pick ‘n Pay’s organic meats products are from suppliers who don’t use growth regulators, antibiotics and animal byproducts in the feed. Platinum Gazette asked readers how they feel about free-range and organic products. They also commented on whether they think there should be better regulations in place to define what is free-range and organically produced products.

Ms Winnie Matsana and Ms Milly Malepe said: “We don’t want something with additives, it is killing us. We want things that are natural like the organic and free-range foods. We are prepared to pay more because it will be healthy food. Government should start to regulate how things must be produced to be organic and free-range”.

Ms Marcia Mohlala said: “No, I don’t care if something is organic or free-range. I also don’t want to pay more for those products. We don’t need another law, government don’t need to give attention to that”.

Right: Ms Elizabeth Masinga and Ms Lebogang Tonga said: “We care about it being organic and free-range, but we don’t want to pay more. We want to know the animal had a good life before it was slaughtered and sold in a supermarket. Government must regulate it to ensure quality”.

Mnr. Jaco Lombaard sê: “Ek en my gesin gee om of kos organies of free-range geproduseer is. Eintlik behoort dit die norm te wees van die produkte wat ‘n mens koop. Ons behoort vanselfsprekend vleis ens. sonder bymiddels en snaakse hormone te kry sonder om meer daarvoor te betaal”.

Mnr. Christo Myburgh sê: “Ek dink dis belangrik. Eerder organies en free-range as al die steroïedes wat hulle vir die hoenders voer. Dis iets waaroor hulle regtig moet dink om dit te reguleer”. Ms Theresa Mabasso said: “I just trust my own animals to be organic. We don’t want to pay more for organic and free-range products because there is no guarantee that the animals was well treated”. With her are Valencia and Mampho.

Mr C Nkwana said: “Yes, I care whether food is organic and free-range. Yes, I am really prepared to pay more because I want to live long. Government must regulate this because it will help the industry”.

Right: Ms Anna Mathonsi said: “No, I don’t care if things are organic or free-range. I am not prepared to pay more. Food is too expensive. We are in any case not sure that things that say they were free-range or organically produced truly were. What about our health if we cannot be sure? We blame government for everything which we should not do, but government should be giving guidelines for these products”. With her is Nhlakanpho.

4 JULIE 2014



how much do you really care?

Mr Patrick Mogakala said: “Free-range and organic meat is better. I’ll pay more because it is healthy and good for me. Government have to encourage farmers to raise the animals the right way”.

Mr Aaron Maredi said: “They must regulate free-range and organic farming. Now we are not sure if we are being told the truth. We know the meat is expensive, but we don’t know how it was raised. If I’m sure it was raised properly, I will pay more for the meat. I’ll then know the quality”.

Ms Doreen Mphogo and Ms Annah Sithole said: “We’ll buy organic and free-range products. Government must tell farmers how to produce organic and free-range foods. If they don’t the meat may not be so tasty”.

Mr Moses Moretse said: “I’m prepared to pay more for free-range animals. Government must give guidelines on how something that was ‘free-range’ must be kept”.

Mnr Charles Malepe sê: “Hulle moenie lieg oor goed soos free-range en organies nie. Ek gee om dat dit regtig free-range moet wees. Yebo! Ek sal betaal daarvoor as ek weet dit is free-range. Dalk moet die regering ‘n wet maak wat sê hoe die goed moet werk”.

Mnr. Jakes Coetzer sê: “Ek gee nie regtig om nie. Kos is kos en niemand wil dit onnodig duur hê nie”.

Regs: Me. Charlene Lightbody sê: “Nee, ek gee regtig nie om nie. Dit kos net duurder vir niks. Moenie nou worry oor wetgewing vir organies- en vrylopend geproduseerde goed nie. Fokus eerder op die belangrike goed soos om kindermolestering te bekamp”. By haar is Chantelle, Bianca, Willem, Aldene, CJ en Gawie.

Links: Mnr. Jannie van der Wal sê: “Daar is mos gesondheidsinspekteurs wat kyk dat die vleis reg is, so daar hoef nie regtig wette te wees vir organiese en free-range goed nie. In die nuwe Suid-Afrika maak almal mos maar soos hulle wil”.

Mr January Masha said: “Meat is meat. I don’t care if it was organic, free-range or not. I just want healthy food but I don’t want to pay more for it”.


4 JULY 2014


Happy to be working The residents of Ga-Motodi recently protested against a new security company at the local clinic. They alleged that the company did not employ local people and chose to bring security guards for other areas. After the protests the company engaged with the community and started a process of recruiting local employees for Naboomkoppies Clinic. Mr Stephan Sekhukhune and Mr Kabelo Malepe are two of the locals who are now employed by the company. The men told the newspaper that they are very happy with the new system and that they will aim to help the company work hand in hand to prevent crime at the clinic and in GaMotodi. (Information & Photograph: Melvin Seroka, 076 021 8707) Promotion

Boxer deals a great hand to customers Everywhere we turn, there seems to be concerns about living standards and people are desperately trying to save. These days, people tend to walk into a store with a specific shopping list. And being able to purchase the listed items on promotion is an added value. Over the years the customer focused retailer Boxer Superstores has evidently been striving to cater to their consumers needs through groundbreaking competitions and innovative campaigns. Some of which are notably revered within the industry. Loyal Boxer customers look

forward to the retailer’s new themes and special promotions as they are known for deep cut promotional pricing and value for money offerings. June welcomed news that Boxer began celebrating their 37th birthday. In keeping with their giving nature, they have a one of a kind promotion and competition. Boxer will be giving away half a million rand to their customers over their birthday campaign. Boxer is dealing a winning hand through their Boxer Birthday Deals promotion. Aside from the fantastic range of products at amazingly low prices, they will be offering their customers a chance to win their share of R500 000. Every day of promotion sees four lucky customers being rewarded for shopping with them. Shoppers are prompt to purchase any two ‘diamond deal’ products to qualify for entry. They will need to retain their till slips and dial a USSD number to enter. It’s that simple. The Boxer Birthday Deals Promotion received well over 50 000 entries in just 5 days with numbers soaring daily. They have rewarded more than twenty customers with over R45 000 and it’s just the start of this pioneering competition. Boxer has laid their cards on the table and are inviting customers to spend and win with them. Do You Feel Lucky?

Wedding bells for Martin and Betty 29 June 2014 was a happy day for Martin and Betty Phokane. The couple were married at Diphale Village, near Marula Mine. The celebrations started at 12:00 and ended with the cutting of a special wedding cake at 17:45. (Photograph and Information: Ulandy Maila and Jenny Phala).


4 JULIE 2014


Platinum Gazette

Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609

7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous Washing machine broken? Get the spare parts here! Your number one outlet for fridge compressors, gas refill and other fridge/freezer/stove & washing machine components! Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next to Supa Save (old Post Office Building). Tel: 076 111 8405

9. Te Huur/ For Rent Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3680 of (013) 231-7899. 2 Slaapkamer ten volle toegeruste rondawel beskikbaar op plaas, 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad vir R5500pm. Kontak Drienie 082-461-8808. A luxurious two bedroom flat in Burgersfort. Available immediately. In complex. Contact: 082 922 3909

9. Te Huur/ For Rent Twee slaapkamer woonstel te huur in Burgersfort naby Tubatse Crossing Mall. Dadelik beskikbaar. Skakel: 082 3571954 / 083 244 6005

Let us know about your news and events! Call 083 271 9151 or 013 231 7147 or fax 013 231 7147 or e-mail your information to editorial@ platinum gazette. com The editorial deadline is every Wednesday at 17:00.

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail:


Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150

A world-class opportunity in Mining and Beneficiation

Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Registered Debt Counsellor & Administrator (Reg No: NCRDC 487)

Burgersfort Office Lydenburg Office Next to Toyota, Burgersfort 52 Kerk Street, Lydenburg Tel: 087 151 1034 Tel: 087 802 7054 E-mail:


The ASA Metals Smelter and its subsidiary, Dilokong Chrome Mine, are situated in the eastern limb of the Bushveld Ingneous Complex (BIC), where some 83% of the world’s chrome reserves are located. The key to our ongoing success has been continuous innovation and development. These endeavours include: • A chromium production mine • An ore beneficiation plant • Pelletising and sinter plant • Four 66 MVA production furnaces. These exciting developments have necessitated the employ of only the best the mining profession has to offer. Join us at our operation, close to the rapidly expanding town of Burgersfort in the Limpopo Province.

Pelletising Production Foreman (C5) Role Purpose: Assist with the Plant optimisation by analysing Production data and implement changes that will improve the plant performance and supervising staff; organizing and monitoring work flow. Role Responsibilities: Maintains work flow by monitoring steps of the process; setting processing variables; observing control points and equipment; monitoring personnel and resources; studying methods; implementing cost reductions; developing reporting procedures and systems; facilitating corrections to malfunctions within the process control points; initiating and fostering a spirit of cooperation withing and between departments. Completes production plan by scheduling and assigning personnel; accomplishing work results; establishing priorities; monitoring progress; revising schedules; resolving problems. reporting results of the processing flow on shift production summaries.  Accomplishes manufacturing staff results by communicating job expectations; planning, monitoring and appraising job results; coaching, counselling and disciplining employees; initiating coordinating, and enforcing systems, policies and procedures.  Consolidate the shift foremen reports for proper planning and consistency maintenance. Provides manufacturing information by compiling, initiating, sorting and analyzing production performance records and data: answering questions and responding to requests. Maintains professional and technical knowledge by attending educational workshops; reviewing professional publications; establishing personal networks, benchmarking state-of-the-art practices; participating in professional societies.  Creates and revises systems and procedures by analyzing operating practices, record-keeping systems, forms of control, and budgetary and personnel requirements; implementing change.  Maintain safe and clean work environment by educating and directing personnel on the use of all control points, equipment, and resources; maintain compliance with established policies and procedures. Resolve personnel problems by analyzing data; investigating issues, identifying solutions; recommending action.  Understand the relationship with the unions by following the terms of the collective bargaining agreement.  Maintain staff assisting in recruiting, selecting, orienting, and training employees; developing personal growth opportunities. Requirements: Grade 12. National Diploma in Production Management or Relevant Qualification or Studying towards the Diploma. Minimum 4 years experience on the Steel belt sintering plant. Computer literate e.i. Excel, Word, Power point.

Draughtsperson (C5) - Smelter Engineering Role Purpose: Create, modify and update plant drawings to ensure that SANS standard are met. Design of new developments and control of all correspondence regarding drawing information. Control all relevant technical documentation regarding engineering library. The daily administration functions of depart as requested from time to time. Role Responsibilities: Ensure that day to day performance is measured and reviewed and corrective actions initiated and monitored. Ensures that ongoing team and individual performance measurement and review takes place within the section. Ensure the day to day tasks are effectively and efficinetly distributed. Improving the overall performance of the workplace ot ensure optimum service delviery. Schedules the use of resources on a day to day basis. Requirements: Grade 12 or equivalent qualification. Auto card certifications Level 2. Supervisory qualification. At least 3 years experience in the engineering environment as a Draughtsperson. Microsoft office and technical library exposure. General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given to historically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of themethods utilised to determine the successful candidate. The company offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint. Please forward your application, stating which position you are applying for by e-mail: or by fax: 086 269 5572. Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.

Closing date: 11 July 2014



Kerkbasaar op Ohrigstad Oud en jonk het verlede week Saterdag op Ohrigstad saamgetrek vir die NG Kerk se basaar. Daar was iets vir almal. Van heerlike tuisgebak, vars groente, vrugte en vleis, speletjies en tot ‘n veiling waar items soos ‘n vark, kapokhoendertjies, kraalmis en nog baie meer opgeveil is. Daar was ook heerlike eetgoed soos sosaties en pannekoek. Die kerk het almal bedank vir hul bydraes tot die dag se sukses.

Links:Die veiling het baie belangstelling gelok.

4 JULY 2014

4 JULIE 2014



Marota Primary School on a roll with soccer and netball On 24 June Marota Primary School played a soccer match against Morethushi Primary School. The games were played at Marota Cosmos stadium in Ga-Matodi. The hosts were dominating the game in the first half and were leading 1-0 by half time. In the second half Morethushi Primary School came back to equalise the score. The game ended with a score of 6-2 in favour of Marota Primary School. Marota Primary School also played agains Tswetiane Primary School. Tswetiane on this day wore their Katlego Mashego jerseys for the first time. Mashego who plays for Mamelodi Sundowns. He attended part of his primary school career at Tswetiane Primary and recently gave them the jerseys as a gift. During the game Marota Primary played very well, but Tswetiane was not going to let them go easily. The game was decided on penalties and Marota Primary won 8-7. This competition was for u/11 boys only. The top goal scorer for Marota Primary School was Malatji Giand. The girls were not forgotten. Tswetiane Primary School and Marota Primary School’s u/11 girls played a netball game. Marota Primary School was quickly on a roll and had 2 goals by half time. In the second half they continued their domination and scored 5 more goals. The final score was 7-1in favour of Marota Primary School. Later in the day the Marota Primary School girls also played a game against Morethushi Primary School. Morethushi dominated the first half and were leading 2-1 by half time. Marota Primary fought back and the full time score was 8-2 in their favour. (Information and photographs: Melvin ‘Rooney’ Seroka, 076 021 8707) Marota Primary School, Morethushi Primary School and Tswetiane Primary School played soccer and netball games at Ga-Matodi village on 24 June 2014. Learners who were not participating in the games watched and encouraged the teams to deliver their best performance.


4 JULY 2014

Platinum Gazette

SPORT Supastars shine bright in local Pro 20 cricket series

Team Supastars were the winners of the series.

The Pro 20 local cricket league came to an end last week with the Supastars and Tyrecorp teams facing off. Supastars won the game with 1 wicket. (Photograph left). In the 17 matches that were played during the season 5525 runs were scored at an average of 145.3 runs per match. 259 Wickets at an average of 6.8 wickets per match were taken. The highest individual score was 51 runs not out by Azhar from Supastars. The highest team score in a match was 219/5 by Tyrecorp. The best bowling figures: 2-13-2-4 - Ulrich Muller from the Benchwarmers. The most sixes (15 in total) were batted by Jaco van der Merwe from Tyrecorp. Azhar and Imran Bakery from Supastars each batted 16 fours in the season. Interesting enough was the fact that batting first seemed to benefit teams this season. 12 of the teams who batted first walked away as the winners of their matches. Tyrecorp took the most wickets (53) during the season and Volts scored with 153 extras. The fastest to 35 was Jannie Oosthuizen (Tyrecorp) 40*(12 balls). The top 5 batsmen in the series were: Jaco van der Merwe (Tyrecorp), Azhar (Supastars), Suhail Patel (Supastars); Jakes Slugger Coetzer (Benchwarmers) and Imran Bakery (Supastars). The top 5 bowlers in the series were: Johan Smit (Tyrecorp), Quinton Killian (Tyrecorp), Suhail Patel (Supastars), Pieter Barkhuizen (Benchwarmers) and Quinton Koekemoer (Volts). The Batsman of the Series was Jaco van der Merwe from Tyrecorp with 204 (150). The Bowler of the Series was Johan Smit with 11 wickets. He is also from Tyrecorp. The Man of the Series was Suhail Patel from Supastars 170 (167) and 10 wickets. (Information and photographs: Ruan Kleynhans). Suhail Patel was the Player of the Series. He played for Supastars.

Jannie Oosthuizen from Tyrecorp was the fastest to 35 (12 balls).

Johan Smit was the Bowler of the Series. He played for Tyrecorp.

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