American stars Simon and Garfunkel probably did not exactly know what they were singing in 1964 when they sung the words on the photograph for the first time. Parts of Burgersfort is fed-up with a massive power outage since Tuesday this week, and with it, no water, as the pumps are not working because of the lack of electricity. At the time of going to press, some businesses were on the verge to take legal action because they are losing tens of thousands of rand per day, while Eskom tries to quench the crisis. At the time of going to press, the electricity was still off and rage mounting. The photograph was taken in a supermarket by Platinum Gazette when the electricity went. The editor received the photograph on his photo stream with the message “Your newspaper is going to be late. I am stuck in the supermarket. No power”. Oh well ....
Gazette ‘Hello Darkness, My Old Friend’
Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad
4 March 2016
Tel Fax
0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147
Minister hands over mobile water reservoirs The Minister of Water and Sanitation, Nomvula Mokonyane visited Sekhukhune District on Wednesday as part of a working visit to Limpopo. Accompanied by Limpopo Premier, Chupu Mathabatha,the MEC for Agriculture and Rural Develoment, Joy Matshoge, Sekhukhune District Executive Mayor, Mogobo David Magabe and Greater Tubatse Mayor, Ralepane Mamekoa, the minsiter handed over, mobile water reservoirs as part of the government’s drought relief measures. Speaking at the Segorong sports ground in Praktiseer near Burgersfort at the handing over ceremony, the minister said the 80 000 litre mobile reservoirs will be placed in drought affected areas to augment water supply and ensure availability for communities. Inter-governmental relations have been central in the coordination of drought relief efforts and partnerships with affected communities and stakeholders. To strengthen this work, the Minister also engaged with provincial and local government leaders in Limpopo during her visit.
4 MARCH 2016
4 MAART 2016
So, we had a hectic few days in Burgersfort. Month-end for industries and everybody else on the same weekend. And everybody only thought about themselves and tried to be the biggest road hogs in existence. The traffic cops tried their best, but they were ignored, and the editor has seen them being verbally abused and shouted at by motorists. Give them a break, they only want to do their job.
A quant little town with it’s issues Ohrigstad is known for its fertile land. Especially their potholes as can be seen in the bottom photograph where plants almost reach knee high. It also seems as if the town has an abundance of water as this water leak in the photograph (left) wasted a lot while supplying water to the not-completed-yet sports field in the background.
4 MARCH 2016
Spar Aloe officially opens Spar Aloe in Lebowa Business Park officially opened its doors on 25 February 2016. The store had a gradual transformation to become part of the Spar group and shoppers were keen to visit and take advantage of the huge savings on offer. (The opening specials will continue until 6 March 2016).
The day was filled with activities as suppliers came to support them. Music, a jumping castle and the smell of boerewors on the braai greeted customers outside. Shoppers can also stand a chance to win shopping vouchers when buying at Spar Aloe. Visit the store and find out how.
Left: Squillos, a squirrel mascot was one of the big hits of the day. He was ready to greet everyone.
Ms. Marica Geldenhuys, Mr Shuan Maloney, Mr Martin Schoeman and Ms Suzette Geldenhuys officially opened the store by cutting a ribbon.
Early morning guests and shoppers were welcomed with tea, coffee and rusks at the entrance to the shop. (see photograph on the right). During the day fresh boereworsrolls were prepared and sold outside the shop.
Suppliers came out to support Spar Aloe at the opening. Ola had a jumping castle proving to be more popular with some older children.
Back to basics for underperforming municipalities In an attempt to address poor service delivery a programme called Back-to-Basics has been introduced. Home Affairs Minister Malusi Gigaba said that there will be a focus on Revenue Enhancement Programmes aimed at improving the financial viability of municipalities. The programme has been in action for 17 months and according to the Minister the results are starting to show.
“The second phase of the Back-to-Basics programme will focus on a 10-point plan that focuses on more positive community interaction with municipalities, supporting revenue enhancement programmes and ensuring the appointment of appropriately qualified personnel to senior positions in municipalities,� he said. The idea is to create customer satisfaction and a positive inter action between residents and the municipality.
4 MAART 2016
Kohin reaches out at Mangabane Primary School On Wednesday this week Kohin Youth Coaches were joined by the leaders from Steelpoort Academy to paint a doll house at Mangabane Primary School. Mangabane is a Samancor ECM Kohin sponsored school showing their commitment towards the well-being of learners in the area. The coaches and learners all enjoyed the creative time with some groups entertaining Mangabane learners who stuck around after school to witness what is happening.
National Kohin prayer day On Friday, the 26th February Kohin had its National Prayer day. The Youth coaches in the Limpopo area celebrated this special day in Calvin College, Steelpoort Akademie and Magakantshe Primary. Each learner wore a prayer bracelet, with prayer requests on. This bracelet reminded the learners to pray during the day for especially the financial strive and crippling economic state of our area. Together, Kohin believes they can equip learners for the future and provide answers for each challenge they face! (Information & photographs: Sunlie Posthumus)
4 MARCH 2016
Are you going to make South Africans are gearing up for the 2016 municipal elections. Municipal elections are held every five years to elect councillors who are responsible for governing a municipality over a five year term. The current term of office of municipal councillors will come to an end on 18 May 2016. Councillors are there to serve the town and make sure that services such as water, electricity and sanitation is delivered to the citizens of that area. The date of the elections will be known once the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs has proclaimed it. To keep within the constitution this date must be somewhere between 18 May and 16 August 2016. In order to be able to vote in this election, citizens should be registered on the voters roll. To be able to register you need to be a South African citizen, be at least 16 years old (but you can only vote once your are 18), have a barcoded green ID book, smartcard ID or a valid Temporary Identity Certificate (TIC). You also need to register within South Africa. This weekend the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) will be hosting various registration points where prospective voters can make sure that they are registered. You can also make an appointment to apply for registration during office hours at your local IEC office responsible for your voting district. Registrations must be done in person and no online registration is available. When you apply to be registered as a voter you will fill in an application form. Your ID book will be scanned and a barcoded sticker posted in the green ID book or on your valid TIC. If you have a smartcard ID, the sticker will be pasted on a special form that will be given to you. Getting the sticker and completing the form does not mean you are registered, it only means you’ve applied for registration. To process the application may take up to 7 working days. To check your registration details you can send an SMS with your ID number to 32810 (R1,00 per SMS), download the IEC’s mobile app and enter your ID number there, check your registration details online, check at your voting station during the registration weekend or check at your local IEC office during office hours. People should remember that during the municipal elections you will be required to vote at the voting station where you are registered. So if you have moved to another area, you will have to re-register. Platinum Gazette asked readers if they plan to register this weekend and why they feel it is important or not.
Mr Abel Maatjie said: “My vote will make a difference. I’ll register this weekend. Everyone must register. If you don’t, they’ll take our country down”. Mr Jan Mokakati and Ms Rosy Mokakati said: “We are going to check that we are registered this weekend. We want to vote and we are prepared to make changes. We can’t wait for Zuma to fall”.
Mr Danny Mathokwane and Ms Selaelo Mathokwane said: “It is important to register this weekend. Your vote is your voice. It is the only time we get a chance to voice our preferences. We are going to make sure we are registered and vote later in the year”.
Mr Steven Nonyana said: “Yes, I’ll register. It is our time to choose who should govern us. I want to have a say in who governs me and what I want. Everyone should register, every vote counts. I don’t really know where to register, but normally we get advice at work on where we should go”.
Mnr Aaron Lekwadi sê: “Ja, ek gaan registreer in Driekop waar ek bly. Dis belangrik. Almal moet seker maak hulle kan gaan vote. Elke stem tel”.
Bo: Me. Vallery Pieterse en Mnr. Louis Pieterse sê: “Ons is geregistreer maar sal gaan seker maak ons besonderhede is reg. Dis belangrik want elke stem gaan tel in hierdie verkiesing. Jy kan nie kla oor goed wat nie reg is nie, as jy nie gestem het nie”.
Mr Stephen Mphego said: “It is very important for people to vote. Your vote is your voice. If you abstain from voting how will you participate in government? Make sure your details are updated on the voters roll. I’ll be the first in town to do that this weekend. You should participate”.
Left: Mr Ronny Mogoane said: “I’m going to register in order to vote. The only way we can bring about change is by changing our vote. I used to be part of the ruling party, but they are not the party they used to be. I think that maybe a party like the DA can bring real change in our lives. They can perhaps bring a better life for all and create more jobs”.
Ms. Letta Nonyane said: “I’m going to vote so I’ll have to register this weekend. It is important”.
4 MAART 2016
sure you are registered?
Mr Stone Setladi and Mr Mathews Riba said: “It is important to register. Everyone is complaining about things that are not working and the ANC who is doing this and that wrong, but if you don’t register and if you don’t vote for change, nothing will change. Everyone’s vote counts. We’ll definitely make sure that we are registered”.
Ms. Anna Moshwane and Ms. Hetty Mkanzi said: “We’re already registered. Our votes will make a difference. Everyone should register and vote later in the year”.
Me. Marica Geldenhuys en Mnr. Shaun Maloney sê: “Dis belangrik om te registreer. Die IEC moet seker maak mense weet waar hulle kan registreer. Ons sal gaan seker maak ons besonderhede is op die kieserslys. Mense wat nie gaan vote nie, kan nie na die tyd oor ‘n gebrek aan dienslewering kla nie”.
Mr Godfrey Mokofane, Mr Edwin Malele and Mr Thabo Mongadi said: “Our votes will make a difference. We know about the registration as we saw the posters and saw it on social media. We are ready to register. Ons dink dis belangrik om te kan vote”.
Mr Dalton Sambo said: “Yes, I will register. I want to elect people who I believe are the best for the job. We want our voices to be heard”.
Mnr. Werner Keulder sê: “Jy moet stem en daarom moet jy sorg dat jy hierdie naweek registreer. As jy nie stem nie gaan jou stem in elk geval vir die regerende party. Sonder om te stem sal ons nie die ANC uit die stoel haal nie. Kyk net na ons kragvoorsiening hierdie week! Dis deel van hoekom ons die ANC uit wil hê”.
Mr Reuben Marebane said: “Yes, I’ll have to register. I have my rights and I cannot fight for a better life if I don’t vote. I must register and vote and not be passive this weekend”.
Mr Brian Baloyi said: “Yes, I feel it is time to vote for a difference so everyone should make sure that they are registered, I’ll also do so. The IEC should however be making it clearer where we can go and register”.
Me. Nastasja Schutte sê: “Ja, ek gaan verseker registreer. ‘n Mens kan so ‘n verskil maak”. Mnr Peter Mononyane sê: “`Ja, ek gaan registreer hierdie naweek. Ons soek changes so almal moet gaan registreer om the kan stem. Dis belangrik”.
Mr William Mokhabela said: “Yes, I’ll be registering to vote. It will help us to get things better if everyone votes”.
Mr Godfrey Rachidi said: “It it important. Your vote is your power, especially if you want to see changes with regards to infrastructure etc. If you feel you are not getting justice from the current government, vote for change. This is important if you are lacking services and struggling. I am however feeling indifferent to all of this and won’t really bother with it. I am not really affected”.
4 MARCH 2016
Mototolo goes colourful for Cansa Mototolo Platinum Mine employees participated in a Shavathon hosted at the mine by Cansa El Roi from Steelpoort. Employees had the opportunity to shave their heads of have it sprayed in colourful patterns while making a donation towards the Cancer Association of South Africa.
(Photographs and information: Jo-Anne Raymond)
“I looked, and there before me was a white cloud, and seated on the cloud was one like a son of man with a crown of gold on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand�. Revelation 14:14 NIV
4 MAART 2016
How do you see the Olifants River? Local artists called to participate in the Ko Nokeng exhibition On 18 March, iNyoka Gallery, in collaboration with the Association for Water and Rural Development (AWARD), is opening the Ko Nokeng exhibition in Hoedspruit. Themed around the Olifants River, the art on display represents people’s appreciation for this vital life source, which means different things to different people. A farmer in Groblersdal views the river in a different way to a grandmother in Penge, a tourist who experiences the river from within the Kruger National Park or a subsistence farmer in Mozambique, says AWARD’s assistant director, Derick du Toit. What all of them have in common though is an experience of the river that is changing as conditions in the Olifants Catchment change. Some of the drivers of change include abstraction of water for agricultural or industrial purposes, a mining explosion and governance structures that affect how water and natural resources are managed. “The data is telling us that the system is under enormous pressure, with potentially devastating effects on the people who rely on the river for their livelihoods,” says AWARD’s director, Dr. Sharon Pollard. Experts believe the effects of climate change will exacerbate the pressures on the Olifants system. By hosting the exhibition, iNyoka and its members are sharing their views of the system and the river at its heart. “Art represents, it challenges, it inspires. The current drought shows how vulnerable we all are and how we rely on natural resources, so this is really an exciting opportunity to use art to see the river through the eyes of the people who love and rely on it,” says artist and iNyoka board member, Mark Blair. AWARD hopes that by engaging with the issues creatively (coupled with robust science) everyone living in the Olifants Catchment will begin to feel a sense of ownership and responsibility for Our Olifants – and how our actions affect one another. “We believe downstream users should support action further upstream and that those upstream should realise what is happening downstream. We should ask ourselves, how can we work together to make the catchment more resilient?” says Pollard. Everyone is invited to the exhibition opening on 18 March at 18h00. There will be live music, snacks and a cash bar. The event will also signal the launch of the #OurOlifants campaign. Artists who would like to exhibit or get involved in the gallery should contact art@ or All work needs to be submitted, ready to hang, by 14 March 2016. If you’re not ready in time, there will be a follow-up event later in
the year. You can follow the campaign using #OurOlifants. AWARD is a non-profit organisation specializing in participatory, research-based project implementation. Their work addresses issues of sustainability, inequity and poverty
by building natural-resource management competence and supporting sustainable livelihoods. One of their current projects, supported by USAID, focuses on the Olifants River and the way in which people living in South Africa and Mozambique depend on the Olifants and its contributing waterways. It aims to improve water security and resource management in support of the healthy ecosystems to sustain livelihoods and resilient economic development in the catchment. Anyone interested in learning more about AWARD can visit or the Our Olifants website About iNyoka Gallery iNyoka Gallery is run by an artists’ association. The gallery is located in the Kinyonga Reptile Park complex on the R527, about 14 kilometres from Hoedspruit town in the direction of the Abel Erasmus pass. The
complex also contains a framing business, art supply shop and gift shop. The vision for the gallery has always been to provide a democratic, member-run space that will give artists from Hoedspruit and the surrounding areas a place to exhibit their work and grow
as a creative community. The bulk of the profit from art sold goes straight to the artists, with the gallery taking a minimal commission to defray running costs. Visit for more information. (Photograph below: Villiers Steyn, AWARD)
Shop Block 2, Rodium Street, Steelpoort. Tel: (013) 230 9983
149990 219990 BUILD IT WATER TANK 2200Lt
ROLL UP SERIES SERIES 245 GARAGE DOOR 2450mm x 2400mm x 0,5mm Matty Door, Brown 2450, Woodgrain, End Caps
9990 179990
ALUMINIUM SLIDING DOOR 1800mm x 2100mm Natural or bronze Promotion valid until 12 March 2016. All prices incl. VAT. E.&O.E.
Locally the Olifants River is running almost dry in places. Platinum Gazette took this photograph at Mankele near Penge.
We are now open on Sundays until 13:00!
4 MARCH 2016
Platinum Gazette
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9. Te Huur/ For Rent Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899. HOUSE TO LET Two bedroom houses available from R4500 to R5500. (Full time security). Three bedroom house available from R6000 to R7000, Aloe Ridge East and Aloe Ridge West. Viewing available after hours. Please call on 082 578 6113. 2 Slaapkamer woonstel in Burgersfort te huur. Dadelik beskikbaar. Naby Tubatse Crossing Mall. Kontak Mike: 082 357 1954 TE HUUR Ten volle toegeruste 2 slaapkamer Rondawel 10 km uit Burgersfort op plaas. Geen troeteldiere toegelaat. R5500.00 per maand. Kontak Drienie 084 461 8808
10. Te Koop/ For Sale Aluminium African Outback Canopy for Toyota Hi-Lux DC for sale. R13 500. Original Venter Camper Trailer for sale. R6 500. Contact Mike: 082 357 1954 Aluminium African Outback kappie vir Toyota Hi-Lux DC te koop. R13 500. Oorspronklike Venter Camper Waentjie te koop. R6 500. Contact Mike: 082 357 1954
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Steelpoort Apteek is opsoek na ‘n Afrikaanssprekende, gekwalifiseerde Aptekers Assistent. Die persoon moet as deel van ‘n span maar ook onafhanklik kan werk. Stuur volledige CV met verwysings na:
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Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.
Kennisgewings/Notices Re-advertisement
OLIFANTS RIVER WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (ORWRDP-2) INVITATION TO BID FOR A BOREHOLE EQUIPPING OPPORTUNITY AT GA-RAGOPOLA The ORWRDP-2 hereby invites suitably qualified companies and or service providers from the Sekhukhune District Municipality to submit proposals for a borehole equipping opportunity. Contact person
Tender Name
Tender Description
Closing Date and Time
Compulsory Briefing Session and Site Inspection
Contact Person details: Abigail Banda
Boreholes Equipping Project
The appointment of a service provider to equip boreholes in the ORWRDP-2 Project area
1st April 2016
Briefing Session: 15th March 2016 (10H00) Venue: Marlotti Lodge (Lapa)
Tel: (013) 230 4102
R555 Marlotti Lodge Site Inspection 15th March 2016 (12H00)
To enable Tenderers to become acquainted with information pertinent to this tender and the site prior to tendering, arrangements have been made for a compulsory briefing session and site inspection on Tuesday 15th March 2016. Please note that information and tender documents pertinent to this tender will only be made available to service providers that will attend the briefing session.
Editorial deadline: Wednesdays at 17:00. Contact: editorial@ or 083 271 9151 or 083 543 1676 to let us know about your news and events!
A proportion of the procurement on the Project has been set aside for preferential procurement to black enterprises (including Women owned, Youth and People with Disabilities), Black Qualifying Small Enterprises (QSE’s) and Black Emerging Micro Enterprises (EME’s). ORWRDP-2 will place emphasis on technical capacity, preference requirements and BBBEE status.The following categories of suppliers will be evaluated: • Category A: Black Owned • Category B: Black Woman Owned • Category C: Local Black Owned • Category D: Local Black Woman Owned Procurement decisions will be based on the optimisation of the universally accepted project management parameters of cost, time, quality and risk.
Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or adverts@platinumgazette. com (Advertising deadline - every Tuesday at 17:00.)
The following mandatory documents must be affixed to your proposal: 1. Original and Valid Tax Clearance Certificate Issued by SARS. Tender will not be awarded to tenderers whose Tax matters have not been declared by SARS to be in good order. 2. Letter of Good Standing from the Compensation Commissioner 3. Certified Copy of CIPC (previously known as CIPRO) registration certificate 4. Company Profile 5. Original certified copies of shareholders / directors / owners / members identity documents 6. Cancelled cheque / confirmation letter from the bank 7. BBBEE certificate 8. Detailed references of previous completed projects 9. Proof of residence (Municipal bill/ letter or /stamped Traditional Authority letter) Documents should be submitted in a sealed envelope marked “ Boreholes Equipping Opportunity/ Bid” and deposited in the registration box provided at the ORWRDP-2 offices situated at Marlotti Lodge along the R555, before 12H00 noon on the 1st April 2016. For further enquiries please call Abigail Banda at 013 230 4102
4 MAART 2016
Golfspelers vereer vir prestasies Tubatse Chrome Golf Klub het verlede week hul jaarlikse prysuitdelingsfunksie gehou. Lees meer
oor die verskillende toekennings wat gemaak is op bladsy 12 van hierdie koerant.
Willem Montgomery was seremoniemeester by die geleentheid.
Platinum Gazette contact details:
Links: Johan Holscher Jnr. was die naaswenner in die Captain’s Cup. Izelle van Staden en Thinus Labuschagne oorhandig sy sertifikaat.
Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit.
Oscar Mongadi was the C Division Club Championship winner.
Bertus Swart is die naaswenner in die B Divisie van die Captain’s Club. Hy ontvang ook ‘n sertifikaat van waardeering namens Samancor ECM. Jaco Putter was die speler wat die beste verbeter het in 2015. Hy het ‘n trofee vir Most Improved Player gekry.
Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
4 MAART 2016
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Platinum Gazette
Thinus wen groot
Tubatse Chroom Golf Klub het verlede week Vrydagaand hul jaarlikse prysuitdelingsfunksie gehou. Die geleentheid het by Tubatse Chroom Klub plaasgevind en lede kon saam met hul gesinne die funksie bywoon. Tydens die seremonie is die verskillende borge en persone wat deur die jaar die Klub ondersteun bedank. Daar is ook trofees uitgedeel vir die verskillende kompetisies waaraan lede kan deelneem. Die Speler van die Jaar is Thinus Labuschagne. Thinus het met ‘n hele paar pryse weggestap. Die Klub het hom ook uitgesonder vir sy prestasie tydens verlede jaar se Sanlam Kanker Golfreeks. Thinus het deur al die verskillende rondtes gegaan en uiteindelik by Sun City die Klub se naam hoog gehou. Hy het algeheel 7de geëindig. Die Better Ball Cup wenners was Rudi Conrad en Deon du Plessis. Die Captain’s Cup wenner was Johan Smit. Die Junior Speler van die Jaar was Adrian Dreyer. Die Most Improved Ladies Player is Mel Swart en mans se Most Improved Player is Jaco Putter. Die Klub Kampioenskappe (Club Championships) wenners was: Oscar Mongadi (C Division), Andre Botha (B Division), Thinus Labuschagne (A Division). Die Vroue Klub Kampioen is Loralyn Botha. Die Geslote Klub Kampioen (Closed Club Champion) is Thinus Labuschagne. Tweede plekke is toegeken aan: Wickus Viljoen (C Division in Club Championships), Bertus Swart (B Division in Club Championships), Tyron Luck (A Division Club Championships), Izelle van Staden (Ladies runner up in Club Championships), Wenners van ander kompetisies was: Derek Ackermann and Pierre van Staden (Better Ball Cup) and Johan Holscher Jnr (Captain’s Cup). Thinus Labuschagne het ook as die Talisman Beker Kampioen weggestap. Daar is sertifikate van waardering aan die volgende persone en instansies oorhandig: Letaba Dewatering, Talisman, Samancor, Filterman, AQS, Ngululu Bulk Carriers, Samancor ECM, Swann Scapes, LKM and Associates, Interstate Clearing 071cc en Electro Diesel. Daar is ook in die afgelope jaar ‘n Hole in One op die baan aangeteken en ‘n toekenning is aan Allen Needham hiervoor gedoen. Allen sal in die nasionale orde vir golfspelers wat hierdie prestasie behaal het opgeneem word. Na die formele seremonie kon die lede heerlik smul aan ‘n spesiaal voorbereide ete. Regs: Adrian Dreyer was die Klub se Junior Speler van die Jaar. By hom is die Klub Kapteine Izelle van Staden en Thinus Labuschagne.
Thinus Labuschagne is die Talisman Cup wenner, Klub Kampioen(Geslote) in die A Divisie en is vereer vir sy spel tydens die Sanlam Kanker Golf Uitdaagreeks in Sun City verlede jaar. By hom is Izelle van Staden en Johan Swanepoel.
Mel Swart is die vrouespeler wat die beste vordering gemaak het in 2015.