Platinum Gazette 04 November 2011

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© Platinum Gazette

04 November 2011

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Leboeng talks - p2


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Massive crowd attends imbizo


04 NOVEMBER 2011

A large number of residents of Leboeng and surrounding villages attended the government’s outreach programme in the area last week Friday. Present were Limpopo Premier, Cassel Mathale, MECs, senior gorvenrnment officials from the provincial government, Mayors and senior municipal government officials as well as traditional leaders. People started to flock to the terrain next near the Thusong Service Centre from early on, as several government departments, such as the Department of Agriculture had stalls erected next to the main tent to render services and give information to residents. The main purpose of the day was for stakeholders, through representativeson, to air the problems they experience with regards how they experience government on grassroots level. Mayors and MECs gave their responses to the myriad of problems the communities experience, explaining the government’s programmes to expedite service delivery. Closing remarks were made by the Premier.

Top: Greater Tubatse Municipality Mayor, Cllr Nkosi Josias Mahlake, Kgoshigadi Meriam Dinkwenyane and Limpopo Premier, Cassel Mathale, listens intently as the representatives of stakeholders speak their minds.

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013-231 7147


Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Advertising deadlines are on a Tuesday at 17:00. Editorial deadlines are on a Wednesday 17:00.

04 NOVEMBER 2011



One dies in accident

Operation Clean Sweep Operation Clean Sweep was held by the Police in Burgersfort and Tubatse last week Friday. The operation started at about 18:00 and and inter alia consisted of roadblocks. During the operation the Police arrested three suspects bacause they had counterfeit DVDs in their posession, six people were arrested for drinking in public, three people were arrested for selling alcohol without a license, one suspect was in posession of a stolen vehicle, onne suspect was in posession of a dangerous weapons, seven suspects were nabbed for sexual offences, while 15 road traffic offences were registered.

Progress in Tolo murder case Two men appeared briefly in the Sekhukhune Magistrate’s Court last week Friday in connection with the murder of Cope MP Jack Tolo. Limpopo Police’s Brigadier Hangwani Mulaudzi said Frans Matola, 33, and Solomon Nkosi, 41, were denied bail and the matter was postponed to November 8. The two were arrested in Mamelodi, east of Pretoria, on Thursday. “They face charges of murder, kidnapping, robbery with aggravating circumstances and malicious damage to property,” he said. MP Jack Tolo was killed at his home at Ga-Masha on August 21 this year. Mr Tolo was not only an well-known politician in the area, but also a businessmn and a prominenet cleric in the area.

Burgersfort Police are investigating a case of culpable homicide after one person died in an accident in Burgersfort on Monday. According to Lieutenant Godfrey Mohale, the accident took place at the Steelpoort robot on the road to Polokwane at about 16:00. He says eyewitnesses told the Police that a large white truck was coming from the direction of Bothashoek and turned over the crossing to Steelpoort. While turning and still in the crossing, a Toyota Quantum minibus taxi came from Burgersfort’s direction and collided with the truck. All the passengers in the minibus taxi were seriously injured when their vehicle overturned as a result of the accident. The truck driver was not injured. One of the minibus taxi’s passengers passed away in Dilokong. Lieutenant Mohale says the Police request motorists to approach junctions carefully and not to speed to avoid accidents of this type. As a result of the accident, huge traffic delays took place on Monday while the junction was cleared of damaged vehicles and injured passengers. The traffic lights are also out of order and were still in their damaged state yesterday before going to press. ThecCellphone photographs on this page gives an idea of what happened at the scene.

Leboeng man arrested for murder A 23 years old man from Malemeng village has been arrested and charged with murder. This is after a 24 year old Zimbabwean national, Trevor Lisenga was allegedly assaulted on 23 September 2011 at Malemeng village with a stone. The deceased was then taken to Sekororo Hospital for treatment where he passed away. The Police were informed by the hospital staff of his death. The deceased worked as a domestic helper for the suspect’ s parents at the same village. The suspect, Raymond Mabunela, was arrested on the 26 October 2011 at about 00:15. He was on the run from the Police since the case was reported. He was arrested after the Police received information about his whereabouts. He appeared in the Leboeng Magistrate’s court on Tuesday and the his case was postponed to 08 November 2011 for further investigation. He was remanded in custody. In another incident two suspects had been arrested for theft. This is after the suspects allegedly stole a safe containing the sum of four thousand rand at a house which belonged to one of the suspects’s aunt. The incident happened between Wednesday the 26 and Thursday the 27 October 2011. The safe was kept underneath the complainant’s bed in her bedroom. The suspects then took the safe from her room and removed the money from it and dumped the safe into a pit toilet. The safe was recovered from the pit toilet and the sum of three thousand eight hundred rand was also recovered form the suspects. The suspects, Pitso Mohlala, 22 years old, and Thabiso Mkhondo 24 years old, were arrested and charged with theft. They appeared in the Leboeng Magistrate’s Court and their case was postponed to 13 December 2011 for further investigation. They were remanded in to custody.

Crime Prevention and Awareness at Magakantshe Primary Burgersfort Police held a successful crime prevention campaign at Magakantshe Primary School. The Police embarked on this campaign on request of the school on 28 October. The Ploce spoke to learners about sexual abuse, rape and child abuse in general. Police personnel told learners to report abuse through the 10111 emercency number to the local Police station.

Get acne under contol


What is acne? Acne is a disease that involves the oil glands of the skin. It is not dangerous, but can leave skin scars. Your skin has pores (tiny holes) which connect to oil glands located under the skin. The glands are connected to the pores via follicles - small canals. Sebum, an oily liquid, is produced by these glands. The sebum carries dead skin cells through the follicles to the surface of your skin. A small hair grows through the follicle out of the skin. Pimples grow when these follicles get blocked. In humans, when pimples appear they tend to do so on the patient’s face, back, chest shoulders and neck. Acne develops when follicles get blocked and infected What causes acne? Nobody is completely sure what causes acne. Experts believe the primary cause is a rise in androgen levels - androgen is a type of hormone. Androgen levels rise when a human becomes an adolescent. Rising androgen levels make the oil glands under your skin grow; the enlarged gland produces more oil. Excessive sebum can break down cellular walls in your pores, causing bacteria to grow. Some studies indicate that susceptibility to acne could also be genetic. Some medications which contain androgen and lithium may cause acne. Greasy cosmetics may cause acne in some susceptible people. Hormone changes during pregnancy may cause acne to either develop for the first time, or to recur. Treatment of acne How your acne is treated may depend on how severe and persistent it is. Treating mild acne The majority of people who get acne will develop mild acne. This can usually be treated with OTC (over-the-counter) medications. OTC medications can be bought at a pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription. They are usually applied to the skin - topical medicines. Please note that skin should be cleaned thoroughly for proper hygiene. Avoid products that are not clinically proven to deal with your problem and always buy your skin products at reputable vendors like pharmacies. Please note that in a pharmacy you may get a relevant product through the assistance of your pharmacist. Severe cases of acne need a proper consultation with your doctor to get treatment


04 NOVEMBER 2011


NUM and Xstrata reach Esop agreement Xstrata has reached an agreement with the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) over the company’s Employee Share Ownership Programme (Esop). The Department of Mineral Resource (DMR) said on Wednesday Xstrata agreed to apply the principle of equality in its allocations in the Esop, after it initially wanted to allocate dividends proportionally to workers in the Patterson grades A to C, while grades D to F, which comprise management, were expressly excluded from the scheme. The parties also agreed that the DMR, which brokered the deal, would recognise the Xstrata Esop as compliant with the Mining Charter requirements, and give Xstrata the necessary credits to meet its 26 percent black economic-empowerment ownership obligations across both its coal and alloys divisions. Special adviser to Minister Susan Shabangu and mediator in the dispute, advocate Sandile Nogxina said.“We applaud both NUM and Xstrata on the cooperative spirit that they demonstrated during these negotiations in the national interest”. The parties met over the past seven days in discussions facilitated by the DMR. NUM members downed tools on October 17 over the disputed Esop. The strike was suspended on October 26, after the DMR intervened.

Platinum Australia remains upbeat about projects Platinum Australia on Monday reported that it produced 222 oz more of 4E platinum-group metals (PGMs), comprising platinum, rhodium, palladium and gold, despite losing about 20 percent of the available underground production days available to it because of industrial action. In its quarterly report, Platinum Australia said it had produced 9 021 oz of 4E PGMs at its Smokey Hills mine near Burgersfort from a total run-of-mine of 99 586 t. The company said its mining contractor, JIC Mining Services, managed to rebuild its staff at the mine, resulting in improved production, while plant recoveries improved to 79.33%, up from 75.85%. “While the production figures were disappointing, a marginal increase in production was achieved despite the loss of 20% of the total underground production days during the quarter due to a Department of Minerals suspension, as well as through a road blockage by nearby communities and an industry wide National Union of Mineworkers ‘Action Day’ stoppage,” the company said in a statement. Further, cash costs per ton increased by R139 to R957/t, as the head grade of 4E recovered per ton run-of-mine decreased to 3.57 g/t. The operation also experienced a losttime injury, pushing the company’s lost-time incident frequency rate to 4.92, based onemillion hours worked on a 12 month average. Meanwhile, Platinum Australia provided investors with a progress update of work being undertaken at its latest projects. The miner said it was finalising arrangements for the mining of a bulk sample from the existing trail pit at its Kalahari Platinum project, to be run through a pilot plant. It is anticipated that this work will be completed in the first quarter of next year. The company also said that the definitive feasibility study for its Rooderand project was delayed to the March quarter, owing to a delay in the pdated resource estimate at its Rooderand operation as a result of increased turnaround times for assay results. Further, the company said work on the review of the Panton project had been completed and it anticipated that a report would be issued in the December quarter.

Lekgotla vowes better service delivery, clean audits and name changes The Sekhukhune District Municipality has successfully concluded its two day First Quarter Performance Review Lekgotla held on 31 October and 1 November 2011 at the Ranch Hotel outside Polokwane. The Lekgotla was convened by the Executive Mayor, with the five local Mayors, Members of the Mayoral Committee, District Speaker, the Chief Whip, Municipal Managers, executives from ESKOM, Lepelle Northern Water and the Technical Advisory Committee in attendance. The Lekgotla, which is convened once every quarter, sits to review progress made by the District Municipality regarding service delivery and budget implementation plans. This is done by way of receiving, interrogating and evaluating reports from individual departments. The two-day Lekgotla resolved on the following: · That the district’s Infrastructure and Water Affairs department being the key service delivery department, should continuously strive to improve on its systems and controls in order to efficiently and effectively supply water and improve its rate of implementing sanitation projects geared towards improving the standard of living of the previously marginalised people, · That a Water Summit with all relevant stakeholders within and outside the District Municipality be held as a matter of urgency to deliberate, interact and engage vigorously on the challenges of severe water shortage in order to find lasting solutions, · That all capital projects implemented by the District Municipality which are EPWP inclined

should be recorded in order to archive statistics as a way of responding to the theme that outlines 2011 as a year of Job Creation, · That the District Municipality and all its five locals should conduct annual preliminary financial audits to detect their strength and weaknesses before the AG starts doing the formal audit as a move towards attainment of Operation Clean Audit by 2014; · That assessments of informal settlements be done by all local municipalities in order to curb its spread as the mushrooming informal settlements in Sekhukhune bears negative impact towards the district’s Spatial Development Framework, · That the District Municipality and all its five locals must conduct Public Participation Programmes once a month and have stake-holder engagements once a quarter; · That the Geographic Names Committee in Limpopo Province should be engaged to assist in expediting the process of name change in the District Municipality since the process is long overdue; · That support should be given towards vulnerable groups including the disabled, women, children, youth, and the elderly using all available state machinery like the National Youth development Agency, · That the Sekhukhune Development Agency should conduct research in order to empower all existing efforts towards achieving goals of beneficiation, job creation and social responsibility by the mining houses for the people. Finally, Lekgotla expressed satisfaction regarding the arrest of three suspects on allegations of using forged Sekhukhune District Municipal letter-head in order to fraudulently purchase goods from unsuspecting business entities across South Africa.

04 NOVEMBER 2011



Prysuitdeling by Laerskool Burgersfort Right: Coelette Erasmus was one of the sport stars. She received various trophies.

Phoka Makofane received the Platinum Gazette Floating trophy for Best Junior Field Athlete. Mr Faizal Abdullah handed it to him.

Erik Erasmus het op akademiese- en sportgebied uitgeblink en verskeie toekennings ontvang.

Zandria Wheeler was die swem Senior Victrix Ludorm. Tiaan Janeke het die James Lidderd Wissel Trofee vir die Beste Junior Bouler ontvang. Mnr. Whity Ludick het dit oorhandig.

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Riba McGlory was the best achiever in Life Orientation. Dr James Lidderd handed over the award.

© Platinum Gazette

Laerskool Burgersfort het hierdie week hulle jaarlikse prysuitdeling gehad. In graad 4A het José Kleynhans ‘n goue sertifikaaat vir akademie behaal. Michaela Greef word vereer vir beste vordering. In grade 4E Keneilwe Shai received a gold certificate for academic achievement and Blessing Serokolo was the child with the best progress. Keneilwe Shai also had the best achievement in grade 4 with 86,7%. Graad 5A het twee goue presteerders gehad. Hulle was Rynhard Mostert en Zuante Worthley. Emma Heyneke het die beste vordering gemaak. In Grade 5E Khaya Mokoena received a gold certificate and also the certificate as the child with the best progress and as the best achiever in grade 5. In graad 6A het Jean-Pierre Matthysen ‘n goue sertifikaat ontvang. Die beste vordering is deur Sherrice Lourenco gemaak. JeanPierre Matthysen was die beste presteerder in graad 6. Grade 6E had Phomolelo Kgoete who made the best progress. Keneilwe Shai was the best academic achiever for grades 4 - 6. Graad 7A het ook twee goue akademiese presteerders bo 80% gehad. Hulle is Nadine Labuschagne en Erik Erasmus. Geraldine Goodburn het die beste vordering in die klas gemaak. In Graad 7E Chaldine Williams took the award for the best progress. Atletiek: Phoka Makofane received the Platinum Gazette Floating Trophy for the Best Junior Field Athlete. Tumishang Tjatji received the Jacky Boshoff Floating Trophy for Senior Best Field Athlete. Nicholas Ledwaba received the Louis Boshoff Floating Trophy for the Senior Best Track Athlete. Chizelle Allers and Tlou Malepe were the senior Victrix- and Victor Ludorm. Cross Country: Zelda Ludic and Blessing Ndlovu received certificates for their progress. Swimming: Coelette Erasmus was the Junior Victrix Ludorm and Zandria Wheeler and Juan Ludick were the Senior Victrix and Victor Ludorm. Netball: Princess Manaka, Olivia Magagula, Tshegofatso Mooketsi, Shoky Mgiba ad Nadine Labuschagne received trophies for their progress in netball. Tennis: Coelette Eramus and Erik Erasmus received the trophies as the school’s tennis champions. Cricket: Tiaan Janeke, Riaan Bezuidenhout, Erik Erasmus and Marnitz Jordaan received trophies for cricket. Erik Erasmus received the Hendrik’s Panelbeaters trophy for the Senior Player of the Year. Rugby: Blessing Serokolo and Marnitz Jordaan received awards for rugby. Coelette Eramus was the best sports allrounder girl and Erik Erasmus the best sports all-rounder for the boys. Chenel Butler het die trofee vir Ware Burger ontvang. William Ngele het die Quinton van Dyk trofee ontvang. Daar is van die graad 7 leerlinge afskeid geneem en die nuwe prefekte is aangekondig asook die hoofseun en hoofmeisie. Die prefektegroep is: Abbey Nkwana, Dullon du Plessis (hoofseun), Itumeleng Thobakgale (hoofmeisie), JeanPierre Matthysen, Jodae Coetzee, Johann Dreyer, Lebo Matlou, Lelaine Pitzer (onderhoofmeisie), Lourenzo Coetzee (onderhoofseun), Megan van der Merwe, Moses Ngwana, Patience Kobo, Rorisang Phasha, Sherrice Lourenco, Shokey Mgiba and Xander Holtzhausen.

Next to Toyota, Burgersfort. Tel: (013) 231 8322 E-mail:

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Blessing Ndlovu received an award for Cross Country.

Tshegofatso Mooketsi and Shoky Mgiba received a trophy for progress in netball.


04 NOVEMBER 2011


Uitblinkers vereer by Laerskool Burgersfort Laerskool Burgersfort het hierdie week hul uitblinkers vereer. Kry die presteerders se name en nog foto’s op bladsy 5. Op hierdie

bladsy word daar van die ou prefekte afskeid geneem en hieronder is die nuwe groep. Sien wie hulle is bladsy 5.

Phaahla Secondary School says goodbye to grade 12 learners A special day of prayer was held for the grade 12 learners Phaahla Secondary School held a special prayer day on 21 October 2011. The focus of the day fell on the grade 12 learners. The school invited Pontsho Molabe to come and speak to the learners and motivate them for their final examinations. Molabe encouraged the learners to remember the school’s motto, “Read and Pray”. Pontsho Molabe (22) has an honours degree in Bsc. and is currently employed with Modikwa Platinum Mine as a geologist. The learners related well to her as most of them are already alder than her. She told them: “I am from a poor family background and I was raised by a single parent, but that did not discourage me from reading my books. I studied hard so today I benefit from reading and respecting my teachers. Pastor Thete delivered a spiritual message to the learners. The school not only entertained the learners, but also gave out certificates to the best achievers in the various learning areas. (Photographs and information: Mr J. Moshoane - Phaahla Secondary School media co-ordinator). Right: Ms Pontsho Molabe with Mr J. MOshoane. She motivated and encouraged the grade 12 learners. Below: Grade 12 learners and teachers.

04 NOVEMBER 2011



Are you a saver or not? South Africans are not saving enough money. This is one of Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan’s worries. South Africans only saved 16% of the Gross Domestic Product in 2009 while countries such as China and Russia has a 52% and 22% savings rate in comparison. “We have become a consumerist society. A society that wants to acquire things at any cost, including high levels of debt. It is time we ask ourselves very serious questions about the cultural habits that we are begining to acquire,” he said this week. He spoke at the launch of the SA Saving Institute’s Savings Awareness Month earlier this year. Some of the reasons he provided for this culture is the lack of transparent financial products and poor financial awareness. According to Ms Prem Govender, chairperson of the SA Savings Institute, South Africans face many challenges that influence their ability to save. These include increases in oil prices, high indebtedness, high unemployment and other social and economic problems. We asked readers if they think people are saving enough and whether they are saving for the approaching Christmas season?

Mnr. Andries Mabokwane said: “Yes, I save money. Most people do not save as a rule, but will try to save in November and December for Christmas”.

Mr Andrew Leonard said: “I’m not worried about bonuses or anything. There should be no need for saving. When you are using a credit system it is like you are saving because you are not using cash. Obviously I am saving a little for a bottle of Richelieu for Christmas”.

Mr Benet Brown said: “There is a certain amount of people who are saving money. How much they are able to save depends on how much they earn. I am trying to save as much as I can for Christmas”.

Mnr. Theo Bezuidenhout sê: “Dit is waar, mense spaar nie. Party van ons kry Desember ons quarterly bonus - so ons bargain daarop vir die Kerstyd”.

MrThomas Ramaube (left) said: “I’ve saved during the year, for especially Christmas”. Mr Lazarus Malepe (middle) said: “Saving is important for future planning. I am saving to afford some of the needs for Christmas - especially considering the fact that prices are very high”. Mr Phasha Nyaku (right) said: “It is a good thing to save through the year because you don’t know what will happen. It is difficult however because fuel, food etc. are all going up and our income remains the same”.

Mnr Sarel Jansen van Vuuren sê: “Jy kan nie genoeg gespaar kry nie. Alles raak te duur. Ek het nou eers hier begin werk, ek sit nie nou al iets vir Kersfees weg nie”.

Mr Patrick Manamela said: “Most people are saving with their societies. Many people also get their bonus around November, but by January they loan money. The silly season is a problem. I try to save. “

Mnr. André Jacobs sê: “Mense spaar genoeg. Die ministers en hul mense spandeer te veel geld op goed wat hulle nie moet nie”.

Mr Surprise Mahlakoana said: “No, people don’t save. We don’t think of the future. We only think of today. We are not like Sanlam who is thinking ahead”.

Mnr Gerrit Pienaar sê: “Ek het my geskenke al Junie en Julie gekoop wanneer alles goedkoper is. Ek wag nou vir my bonus om lekker Kersfees te hou. Ek spaar nie spesifiek daarvoor nie”.


04 NOVEMBER 2011


Joshua’s sport achievers Joshua Generation Athletics: Janè Vorster and Tiana Buitendach (photographs left) represented Joshua Generation at the Prisma Comms Athletics Tournament held at the Pildrige Stadium. Janè Vorster received a 7th place for Shot Put Gu/11 and Tiana Buitendach received a 1st place for Turbo Javelin Gu/9. (Photographs: Joshua Generation).

Musikale talent Xerto Labuschagne en Delreé Reeds was onderskeidelik die junior en die senior wenners tydens ‘n plaaslike sangkompetisie vir Anthonie Bougas se TV program Teen Zone. Die twee sal op 10 November teen ander skoolwenners in die finaal te staan kom. Die wenner is soos by ander skole deur ‘n sms kompetisie aangewys.

Regs: Chris-Marie Ebersöhn het op 19 Oktober haar ALMSA klaviereksamen afgelê. Sy het 92% behaal en kom op die ererol daarvoor. Die eksamen was vir voor graad 1.

Tubatse Build It the best in Lowveld Joshua Generation Table Tennis: These students from Joshua Generation did exceptionally well during the SACSSA Regional Table Tennis Tournament. Charlie Brown received a 1st place for Bu/15, Robert Koen 2nd Bu/13, Duncan van der Walt 1st Bu/13 and Karla de Jager 2nd Gu/11. The boys will represent Mpumalanga at the National Table Tennis Championships on Saturday 05 November 2011 in Benoni. On 2 November the team celebrated their achievement. A huge chocolate cake with ‘Happy Birthday Build It’ was cut and enjoyed by the staff. Suzette and Charles thanked everyone who works hard to achieve this type success.

Suzette Geldenhuys and Charles Rall with the Mr Build It trophy on 1 November 2011.

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This week Tubatse Build It not only celebrated their fourth year with owners Suzette Geldenhuys and Charles Rall, but also walked away as the best Build It in the Lowveld. They received the most prestigious award, Mr Build It, for the Lowveld region. To be considered for this award a Build It must be a role model and have made a major contribution to Build It. This was also the first time in the history of the Build It group that a Woman was one ofthe winners of this award. Tubatse Build It’s excellent customer care in

the Tubatse area, their exceptional delivery service and their mentoring and leadership role in the Build It Lowveld region allowed them to be nominated to be voted the number one Build It Lowveld retailer. The judges were impressed by especially the excellent customer care, the upliftment and motivation of employees, the team’s great entrepreneurship, their hard work and dedication to working in their own store and being great ambassadors for the group. They are always willing to give advice and leadership to existing retailers as well as new comers to the business.

04 NOVEMBER 2011



Steelies got talent

Steelpoort Academy had their revue this week with almost the whole school participating. The revue was called ‘Steelies got talent’ and show cased the schools talented learners. The event also marked the first official school concert in the newly constructed hall. The gala evening of the revue took place on Tuesday evening and it was attended by parents, teachers, Mr Nkadimeng (Senior District Manager of the Department of Education) and other school stakeholders. Mr Anton Alberts thanked the Department for the hall and Samancor Eastern Chrome and Tubatse Ferrochrome who sponsored the curtains.

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October 2011 2008 04 24 NOVEMBER


Klein Advertensies • Smalls

Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Gesoek/Wanted 9. Te Huur/To Let 10. Te Koop/For sale

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9. Te Huur/ To Let Springkastele te huur. Vyf verskollende soort. Steelpoort/ Burgersfort. Kontak Bianca, 082 558 9129.

Platinum Gazette Let us know about your news and events on 083 271 9151

“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson

Betrekkings/ Vacancies BOKONI PLATINUM MINE As the first Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) Company with two North American listing as well as a South African listing, we are the choice employer in the field. The following vacancy now exists at the Bokoni Platinum Mine in the Limpopo Province:

Assistant Officer Employee Benefits Time Admin (C4) Work Description The Assistant Officer: Employee Benefits Time Admin is responsible for assisting in the controlling and supervising of the employee benefits team for the Operations, to the prescribed standards. Minimum Requirements  Grade 12 Numeracy and Literacy.  5 Years SAP Time Management end to end functional experiences.  Bookkeeping or HR diploma or related experience.  Computer Literate for Role, including SAP.

Get the newspaper here! * Burgersfort SUPERSPAR * Boxer Stores Burgersfort * OK Grocer * Phelo Pele Pharmacy * Burgersfort Pharmacy * Laerskool Steelpoort * Laerskool Burgersfort * Tingeling Kleuterskool * OK MiniMark * Greater Tubatse Municipality * CTM * Modikwa Platinum Mine * Pick n Pay * Winterveld Village * Ohrigstad SAPS * Total Ohrigstad * Leboeng SAPS * Praktiseer SAPS * Burgersfort SAPS * Magaba Garage

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Betrekkings/ Vacancies Vacancy: Bookkeeper You will be based at our Naranja Pack house situated near Burgersfort. Reporting to the Administrative Manager the successful candidate will have a minimum of a grade-12 school qualification, and a suitable tertiary qualification will be an advantage backed by a minimum of 3 years experience in all aspects of a payroll system, controlling the general ledger, controlling all financial input documentation, stock reconciliations, assisting with compilation of annual budgets and general office administration. The right candidate must be computer literate in Excel, MS Word, Outlook and doing electronic banking. We offer a highly competitive remuneration package with excellent career development opportunities for the hard working and committed person. Please forward your abbreviated (not more than 3 pages) CV by fax or e-mail to: Helgard de Villiers. Fax No: 0866162927 E-mail: If the company does not contact you before or on 17 November 2011 you must accept that your application was not successful. Closing date: 11 November 2011

Key Responsibilities  Competent in Time Admin to be able to assist with inputting depending on the workload of the area or attendance of EBM employees.  Assist in and ensure that all Time Management inputs are fulfilled according to expected standards of performance.  Execute Time schedules and evaluations, manage and monitor PDC errors.  Ensure a high standard of housekeeping, including document control, timeous and accurate filing and the maintenance of a clean and tidy workstation.  Ensure logbooks are completed accurately and timeously according to standard.  Assist Time Administrators with queries.  Liaise with external stakeholders, including line management, regarding high-level problems and issues.  Regularly feedback critical Employee Benefits Information to line management.  Auditing of Time inputs (2001, 2002, 2004, 2007, and 2010) according to standard procedure. Assist EB employees with any Employee Benefits related problems.  Comply with SOX controls and auditing.  Assist in providing and supporting on-the-job training requirements to all EB employees – Ensure the competency of all employees for the work required.

Assistant Officer Employee Benefits Payroll (C4) Work Description The Assistant Officer: Employee Benefits is responsible for assisting in the controlling and supervising of the employee benefits team for the Operations, to the prescribed standards. Minimum Requirements  Grade 12 Numeracy and Literacy.  5 years in a SAP payroll environment.  Bookkeeping or HR diploma or related experience.  Computer Literate for Role, including SAP. Key Responsibilities  Competent in Payroll to be able to assist with inputting depending on the workload of the area or attendance of EBM employees.  Assist in and ensure that all Payroll inputs are fulfilled according to the expected standards of performance.  Execute off cycle payroll runs, execute month end payroll runs and procedures.  Ensure a high standard of housekeeping, including document control, timeous and accurate filing and the maintenance of a clean and tidy workstation.  Ensure logbooks are completed accurately and timeously according to standard.  Assist EBM Assistants Payroll with queries.  Liaise with external stakeholders, including line management, regarding high-level problems and issues.  Regularly feedback critical Employee Benefits Information to line management.  Comply with SOX controls and auditing.  Assist in providing and supporting on-the-job training requirements to all EB employees – Ensure the competency of all employees for the work required. Interested persons can forward their applications to the Recruitment Office by faxing to 015-418 3204. Please clearly indicate the position you are applying for. E-mail to closing date 11 November 2011. “Bokoni Platinum” shall apply the affirmative action principles as set out in the company’s employment equity policy. In the event that you do not hear from the Company within a period of 21 days after the closing date of applications, your application shall be deemed to be unsuccessful. The CV’s of unsuccessful applications shall not be returned.

04 NOVEMBER 2011



Grote gevang! Die B.O.L.S. Hengelklub het verlede week Saterdag hul eerste jaarlikse kompetisie by die Kwênadam gehou. Die weer het dinge vir die hengelaars moeilik gemaak, maar dit het hulle nie gekeer om lekker saam te kuier nie. Daar was 88 inskrywings en ‘n hele paar visse is uitgetrek. Die grootste vis wat op die dag gevang is, was ‘n Karp van 2,875kg en die swaarste sak visse vir die dag was 6,781kg. Mnr Thys de Beer was die man wat dié visse gevang het. Die Klub wat lede van Burgersfort, Ohrigstad, Lydenburg en Steelpoort het, is vinnig besig om te groei. Hul bestuur het almal bedank wat aan die dag deelgeneem of as ‘n borg opgetree het. “Dankie ook aan ons Hemelse Vader wat die sport aan ons gegee het om te kan beoefen,” sê hulle. Die wenners was soos volg: Eerste - Thys de Beer, Tweede - Fanie Grober (Karp - 2,382kg, Derde - C. Olsen (Swartbaars - 1,745kg. Juniors: Eerste - P. de Jager (Swartbaars- 0,945kg), Tweede - Dian Beetge (Swartbaars- 0.753kg) en Derde - L. van Rooyen (Karp 0,656kg). Die vroue wenner van die dag was Belinda Bona. Enige belangstellendes wat by die Klub wil inskakel kan vir Liezl by 082 355 8658 skakel. (Foto’s: B.O.L.S. Hengelklub).

Champions in the making Micaela van der Merwe and Prince of Arcole (Diezel) competed at GHS in Kyalami last week Saturday. The two of them showed the city folk what champions are made of. They received a 3rd place out of 38 riders and wowed the crowd. Owner of Diezel Mrs June Lark of Letabo Perr riding school stated that she is bursting with pride, especially as this was the first time either of them competed in a Derby. (Photograph: Ms June Lark). Left: Micaela van der Merwe with Prince of Arcole.


04 NOVEMBER 2011

Platinum Gazette

SPORT Four going to the Sekhukhune final Four teams will be playing on Sunday to determine the SAFA Sekhukhune region Nedbank Cup winner who will proceed to the provincial play-offs. Four teams each played last weekend in Praktiseer, Tafelkop, Moroke and Jane Furse. The winners of these rounds will now face each other. They are: Maatlopo United FC from Moroke, Leolo FC from Jane Furse, Moutse Central FC from Tafelkop and Leboa Brothers from Praktiseer. The games will this week start at 10:00 at Jane Furse. The first game will be Maatlopo vs Leolo FC, at 12:00 Moutse Central will face Leboa Brothers. The final game will take place at 16:00. The teams are inviting all their supporters to come and enjoy the day with them. They need all the support they can get to make it to the provincial play-offs. (Compiled by Jimmy Makola, spokesman for Maatlopo United).

The photographs on this page are of the game between Makgalanoto Youngh Chiefs (blue) and IX Experience (yellow) at Ntwampe Stadium last week Saturday.

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