Platinum Gazette 04 November 2016

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Time running out



The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) is calling on especially matric learners to apply for their 2017 financial aid before 30 November 2016. A very low number of applications had been received since 1 August when the application process opened and most of those that had been received are from students already enrolled at tertiary education institutions. NSFAS 2017 applications should be submitted online and learners without access to the internet can locally visit the Tubatse Crossing Learning Lab to make use of their free internet service to apply. Vodacom ICT centres country wide and NYDA Youth Development Centres are also offering assistance with applications. Students should apply directly with NSFAS and not through the FET College or institution they are studying. Visit to apply.

Waving the year goodbye

Greater Tubatse/Fetakgomo Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Apel

4 November 2016

Tel Fax

0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147





DCM employees honoured for long service L

2016 Long Service Awards

ast week on 27 October 2016 Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine (DCM) hosted a successful Long Service (10 Years) Awards func on for 33 employees who completed their 10 years long service. The event was held at Tubatse Chrome Club. The event was filled with glamour and sparkle as the employees were rewarded for their hard work and loyalty. The importance of the evening was highlighted by the presence of various Assore Head Office Representa ves, as well as representa ves from the Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine Board of Directors. Mr. Rian Burger, DCM General Manager, himself 14 years employed at the mine, thanked everyone present and extended his apprecia on to the employees who grew and built DCM together. Mr. Rian Burger has remained with the company through good and bad mes, and he emphasized that both the good and the bad should be remembered as the bad mes keep you humble and through them you learn and grow. Mr. Burger said that by placing the mine in God’s hands while working hard together, is the only way forward. Mr. Tiaan van Aswegen (DCM Board Chairperson), Mr. Sydney Makofane (DCM HR Manager), and

representa ves of the award’s recipients also had a chance at the podium to thank employees for serving the company with loyalty and dedica on. The NUM Representa ve, Comrade Jan Shai thanked the management of DCM for looking a er the employees and retaining them for the period of 10 years and more. The central message was of apprecia on and crea ng a DCM in which employees want to stay, grow and improve the company. Employees honoured for 10 years of long service were: Godfrey Moretsele, Israel Makofane, Maribane Mankgane, Kobate Petro Masha, David Fourie, Lephai Maake, Solly Ndlhovu, Magrietha Greeff, Magdeline Thobejane, Sakhile Sibanyoni, Letau Magakwe, Remember Mmbengwa, Ntombezitha Fakude, Silas Seabela, David Mashaba, Legadimane Tshehla, Jacobus Snyman, Jan de Lange, Thabo Mohlala, Sipho Maleka, Ma e Serage, Sekwele Matjomane, Morithi Molapo, Pa ence Sepobe, Beauty Magabane, Paul Botha, Morakeng Makofane, Moshia Mankge, Kgopane Makola, Kgwana Mathabathe, Paul Maleka, Ramokone Phosa, and Botsotso Radingwana. The evening concluded with song, dance and a meal to compliment the fes ve celebra ons.



Hump ahead!

Top: Double entry by a moron in Morone Street, Burgersfort this week. Eish! Bottom: Saved by good brakes at the Dilokong Hospital Cross on Wednesday.

The speedhump craze all over the Fetakgome / Tubatse municipality (even in the smallest villages) has not yet died down. Communities not only construct these humps from gravel, but also of cement and obviously it does not conform to any standard. Be careful, you can damage your car.

Against Abuse event at Bela Bela Limpopo Police will be having a large community outreach on substance abuse at Bela Bela this Saturday. Anyone is welcome to attend. The vent starts at 09:00 at the SANFA Sports Ground in Bela Bela. The National Minister of Police in conjunction with the SAPS Acting National Commissioner, the SAPS Provincial Commissioner and the MEC’s for Community Safety and Social Development and District and Local Mayors will be interacting with the community and address them on the subject.

On a lighter note One way to keep your cool in the heat and in the traffic.





Wedding bells for Kgwete family Double celebrations in Gauteng and Sekhukhune Samuel “Hudua” Kgwete and Mantwa Kgwete tied the knot on 29 October in Daveyton, Gauteng. On 30 October they held their wedding celebration in Balotsaneng Village next to Modikwa Mine’s North Shaft. Despite extremely hot weather celebrations continued without a problem. The couple thanked everyone who joined them for the celebrations and thanked God for bringing them together and blessing their ceremony.

(Information and photographs: Reuben Seja Kgwete & Pabalelo Kgwete)

SASSA celebrates 10 years of helping Government is providing a security net to over 17 million poor South Africans through social grants, Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga said on Sunday. The Minister said this when she led a briefing of the Social Protection, Community and Human Development Cluster. She gave an update on the progress made in the implementation of the cluster’s Programme of Action (PoA) towards achieving the goals of the NDP: Vision 2030. “Through Social Assistance Programme which is part of the country’s Social Protection System, more than 17 million poor South Africans are receiving social grants from the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) to the value of R10 billion per month. “It is also worth noting that this year; SASSA is celebrating ten years of its existence.” “Government is continuing to improve the living conditions of poor, vulnerable and underprivileged South Africans from within the length and breadth of our country. “These include unemployed South Africans as well as orphaned and vulnerable children living in child headed households. “We do this as part of our response to the current economic downturn which is affecting all of us,” she said.

Registration of births improves New number for for better service delivery Praktiseer (Tubatse) The registration of live births improves, but not every pregnancy results to a live birth and not every live birth survives - this was according to a report by Statistics South Africa. The Recorded live births 2013−2015 and the Perinatal deaths 2014, reports released by Statistics South Africa indicate that of the 1 084 511 birth registrations in 2015, 87,7% of these were current registrations, while 12,3% were late registrations, while 21 908 perinatal deaths were recorded in 2014. The two reports on recorded live births and perinatal deaths were compiled from the civil registration system of the Department of Home Affairs (DHA). From a total of 1 158 622 births registered in 2013; 84,9% were current registrations and 15,1% were late registrations. In 2014 there was a total of 1 142 275 births registered and 86,8% were current registrations, while 13,2% were late registrations. This shows that current

registrations are improving. In 2013, there were 939 011 births registered in the year of occurrence; this increased to 954 385 birth registrations in 2014. For the year 2015 current birth registrations decreased to 919 562. Timeliness of birth registration improved for the births that occurred since 2013; 55,5% were registered during the first 30 completed days of life, whilst 29,3% were registered after 30 days but before one year. In 2014, 60,1% of births were registered within the 30 days, and 26,7% of births registered occurred after 30 days but not later than one year. In 2015, the percentage of births registered within 30 days was 65,1% and 22,6% by the end of one year. While there has been an increase in registration of live births, the perinatal deaths also indicate a 3,6% decline from the 22 274 perinatal deaths for 2013. In 2014, about two-thirds (65,8%) of perinatal deaths were stillbirths and the remaining one-third early neonatal deaths (34,2%). The estimated mortality rates ranged from 6,2 early neonatal deaths per 1 000 live births; 11,8 stillbirths per 1 000 total births to a national perinatal rate of 17,9 perinatal deaths per 1 000 total births. The recorded live births data shows that over the three year period most birth occurrences were among women aged 20−24 years followed by women aged 25−29 years, comprising just over 50% collectively. It is therefore not surprising that at least half of the women that experienced perinatal deaths in 2014 were aged 20−29 years. Thus it is important to recognize that age at birth of the mother and the likelihood of experiencing a perinatal death could be associated. Almost all perinatal deaths are preventable if a woman receives quality care which includes four or more antenatal care visits, delivers in a health care facility, attended by a skilled birth attendant and how she delivers.

SAPS The Tubatse SAPS has requested the public to take note of their new telephone number at the Community Service Centre - save this on your phone - 079 889 5531.




You could win a car at Tubatse SUPERSPAR

Tinny Mokapi Makofane receiving her R1000 shopping voucher at Tubatse SUPERSPAR.

Tubatse SUPERSPAR in Burgersfort is once again going all out with great prices and deals that are almost unbelievable before the festive season. They’ve also made sure that shoppers can stand a chance to win a Special Edition Hyundai i10 Glide. The vehicle is in the shop where customers can have a closer look at what is at stake. Apart from the car that can be won, there are also a wide variety of other prizes at stake with shoppers standing a chance to win a R1000 shopping voucher. There will be four give-aways during November and December and on this page the October winners are already smiling with their vouchers in hand. Enter your till slip in the entry box in store and you could be a winner in the next R1000 lucky draw or perhaps walk away with the grand prize - the Hyundai i10 Glide - Special Edition. Tubatse SUPERSPAR would like to thank all their customers for their loyal support during the year and invite them to visit the store and experience friendly, efficient service, great prices and products at value for money - all while you are able to enter the exciting competition and win big before Christmas this year. (Information & Photographs: Tubatse SUPERSPAR)

James 5:7-9 (NIV) “7 Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains. 8 You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near. 9 Don’t grumble against one another, brothers and sisters, or you will be judged. The Judge is standing at the door!”


Shop Block 2, Rodium Street, Steelpoort. Tel: (013) 230 9983




Joseph Rapitsi Ramoshaba was another lucky winner at Tubatse SUPERSPAR. Gloria Ranele Moropane was a winner in the competition currently running at Tubatse SUPERSPAR. She received a R1000 shopping voucher.


WELDED FENCE MESH 1.8m x 100mm x 100mm x 30m

Robert Mosoma was one of the winners of a R1000 shopping voucher at Tubatse SUPERSPAR.

ROLL UP SERIES 245 GARAGE DOOR BAFFALO BROWN 2450mm x 2100mm x 0,5mm; Matty Door, Brown, 2450, Woodgrain, End Caps

PALISADE PANEL 1.8m x 3.0m


169900 ALUMINIUM SLIDING DOOR 1800mm x 2100mm Natural or Bronze

37900 Promotion valid until 7 November 2016. All prices incl. VAT. E.&O.E.



Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 013 231 7147. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031 Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale 11. Birthdays/Verjaarsdae

3. Dienste/ Services

PRET LIQUOR Gas and Ice for sale. Ice available to individuals and wholesale. Delivery available (terms and conditions). ORYX GAS refill exchange for 9kg, 19kg

or 48kg bottle. Contact: 074 565 6231 or 082 072 0051. Dr RK Muzei Healer and Herbalist. For different types of problems. Contact: 072 320 3085. Marone Street, Opposite Mamule Chidi Attorney’s in Number 5, Burgersfort.

9. Te Huur/ For Rent Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899. TE HUUR Ten volle toegeruste 2 slaapkamer Rondawel 10 km uit Burgersfort op plaas. Geen troeteldiere toegelaat. R5500.00 per maand. Kontak Drienie 084 461 8808 TE HUUR Twee slaapkamer woonstel in klein sekuriteitskompleks naby Tubatse Crossiing Mall in Burgers-

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150

fort. Kontak Mike by 082 357 1954. TO LET Accommodation in Mashifane Park - 3 Bedroom, two bathroom house to let. Double Garage. Water included, with prepaid electricity meter. R5500-00 per month. Available immediately. Contact: 082 461 1381 or 073 115 1405.

Place your birthday wishes and birth announcements for family and friends in the classifieds! Contact Beánnla Celliers to find out how. Tel: 0835431676 Submit your stories and invitations to the Editor at editorial @platinum or fax: 013 231 7147.

Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Platinum Gazette Office: 013 231 7147

Get your hard copy of the newspaper here: * Pick n Pay Tubatse Crossing * Shoprite Tubatse Crossing * Temba Garage * Dunlop * Supa Quick Burgersfort * Boxer Khadima Centre * Phelo Pharmacy Khadima Centre * Cheap Cheap #2 * Tubatse Superspar * Greater Tubatse Municipality Burgersfort * Toyota Burgersfort * Choppies Burgersfort * Magaba Filling Station * Burgersfort SAPS * Aloe Foods * Praktiseer SAPS * Ohrigstad SAPS * Pick n Pay Steelpoort * Winterveld Village * Tubatse Village * Dwarsrivier Mine * Mototolo * Morena’s Tavern (Steel Bridge) * Glencore Eastern Limb Training Centre * Madiba’s Mini Market Kalkfontein * Modikwa Platinum Mine * Twickenham Platinum Mine * Dr. Lorna’s Surgery Burgersfort * Pret Liquor * Pret Butchery * CTM Burgersfort * Madeleen Willers Attorneys * Lebowa Panel Beaters * Hendrk’s Panelbeaters * Department of Education Circuit Office Burgersfort * Laerskool Ohrigstad * Laerskool Burgersfort * Supa Save * Build It Tubatse * A1 Food Store Twin City * Tiezers Meat Pantry * Bronrich Slaghuis * 1 Stop Midas Burgersfort * Tubatse Build It * Vyfster Slaghuis Steelpoort * Burgersfort Pharmacy *Dr Fouché’s Surgery


Laerskool Burgersfort achievers rewarded On Wednesday last week Laerskool Burgersfort held their prestige prize giving ceremony for senior learners. Learners were awarded bronze, silver and gold certificates according to their academic achievements. To qualify for a gold certificate the learner must have an achievement of 80% or more. In grade 4E Fatimah Ali were awarded gold. In grade 5E Abigail Thobakgale received a gold certificate. Gold went to

Gift Mjekula and Kayleigh Joubert in grade 6A and Amelaine De Faria and Njabulo Ndlovu in grade 6E. In grade 7 Ancke du Bruyn and Lehlogonolo Makina received gold. One of the highlights of the evening was the announcement of the new headboy, headgirl and their deputies. They are Thapelo Riba (Headboy), Njabulo Ndlovu (Headgirl), Kayleigh Joubert (Deputy Headgirl) and Ruben van Staden (Deputy Headboy).

The Academic team consists of learners having an average of 80% or more. They are Grade 4: Fatima Ali (85,68%), Grade 5: Abigail Thobakgale (81,74%). Grade 6: Njabulo Ndlovu (82,15%), Gift Mjekula (82,88%), Amelaine De Faria (83,96%) and Kayleigh Joubert (86,17%).

The new prefects were announced and the headboy, headgirl and their deputies Thapelo Riba (Headboy), Njabulo Ndlovu (Headgirl), Kayleigh Joubert (Deputy Headgirl) and Ruben van Staden (Deputy Headboy) presented to the audience.

Katlego Shebo walked away with both Platinum Gazette athletics floating trophies for exellence in trach and field items. He was chosen the Best Senior Boys Field Athlete as well as the Best Senior Boys Track Athlete. The trophies were handed to him by Mrs. Lizelle Mallo from the school SGB. Katlego was also named the Senior Victor Ludorm in athletics.




Prize giving time at Laerskool Burgersfort Laerskool Burgersfort’s school hall was packed for their prize giving ceremony last week Wednesday. Various academic, cultural and sporting achievements were recognised and rewarded.

Ancke Du Bruyn was the Dux learner. The Dux learner maintained an exceptional achievement with an average of 80% or more in all subjects. Her trophy was handed to her by Mr. Coert Erasmus and Ms. Judy Winterbach. Ancke was also the top learner in grade 7 in Mathematics, English First Additional Language, Afrikaans First Language, Economic and Management Science and Social Sciences.

The Die Ware Burger trophy went to Willem Fouché. This is one of the prestige trophies handed out during the evening. It is given to a learner who is a true ambassador for the school. That learners is always friendly, trustworthy, eager to help, loyal towards the school and neat. The trophy was handed over by Mr. Coert Erasmus and Ms. Judy Winterbach.

Charlene Bruwer received the Quinton van Dyk Trophy. This trophy is awarded to a learner who is not necessarily someone who shines on the academic or sporting spectrum, but is always eager to help - even when they are not involved in a specific activity. This learner motivates other learners to become involved even though they are not top performers in a specific activity.

Karabo Ngoato was the top Grade 7 learner in the subject Creative Art (94%).

Lehlogonolo Makina was the top learner in Grade 7 in Afrikaans First Additional Language (82,53%), English Home Language (84,46%), Best Bilingual Learner (83,49%), Natural Science (88,25%). In cricket the following trophies were awarded: Adolf Weber (Best Jnr. Bowler), Abdul Abdullah (Best Jnr. Batsman), Frans Botha (Best Snr. Bowler) and Retang Marebane (Best Snr. Batsman) and Senior Player of Year.

The Grade 7 learners singing their goodbye song.

in Swimming the Junior Victor Ludorm trophy went to Markus Moll. The Senior Victrix Ludorm was given to Dané van der Merwe. The Senior Victor Ludorm was awarded to Ruben van Staden. Markus Moll also received the trophy as the Best Boys Cross Country athlete. Arelize Moll received the trophy as the Best Girls Cross Country athlete in the school.

Retang Marebane was the top Grade 7 learner in the subject Technology (81%).



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Showing they care

Platinum Gazette

SPORT Tubatse Chrome Golf Club has asked their members and is extending the request to the public as well, to bring along some non-perishable foods when visiting the club. Tinned food, rice, pasta etc. is being collected. The golf players will have these items distributed amongst families in need in the community.

Charity Golf Day hosted at Chrome Club On Saturday last week the Pirtek Golf Day in aid of charity took place at Tubatse Chrome Club. The results were: Longest drive – 7/16 – Stefan Greeff; Longest drive – 3/12 – Koos Laas. Nearest to the pin – 9/18 – Johan Cronje Nearest to the pin – 4/13 – Louis Ludike (with a 5 wood) – players had to throw darts to determine which club to use. The winners of the day were Glencore – Motolo team with Peter Lavelle, Stephan Greeff, Jaco and David. (Information and photographs: Tubatse Chrome Golf Club - Willem Montgomery).

Soccer players say no to drugs and alcohol The Real Madrid FC soccer tournament from the Protea Community Farms hosted a soccer tournament at Draaikraal. The tournament aimed at creating awareness against drug and alcohol abuse and

encourage the youth to rather participate in sports that will improve their health and keep them away from negative influences. (Information and photograph: Protea Community Farms, Lydenburg)

Remember the Toy Run Charity Golf Day this month

On 26 November 2016 the annual Charity Toy Run will be taking place at Tubatse Chrome Club. Through this initiative toys are collected and funds raised to make Christmas a little happier for the less fortunate children in the area. The day will see a charity golf day and then later on loads of entertainment, exhibitions, food, competitions and bikes. To enter in the Charity Golf Day book your spot with Martin van Rooyen on 072 5642811 or call Tubatse Chrome Club on 013-236 5112 for more information. The public is welcome to come and support the event.

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