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© Platinum Gazette
4 October 2013
Casino 2015 - p 2
All the action
What readers think about it -p 6 & 7
Tubatse Chrome Festival - p 4 & 5
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2 Hospitality and gaming group, Peermont Hotels, Casinos and Resorts, has commenced with the construction of its latest casino resort with an official sod turning ceremony which took place in Burgersfort last week Friday. Guests included Greater Tubatse Mayor, Councillor Josias Nkosi Mahlake, Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Economic Development, Dr Mateme Hunadi and members of his committee, members of the Limpopo Gambling Board including Chairman Mr Mokono Mashile and CEO Mr Serobi Maja, members from the Greater Tubatse Municipality as well as Peermont Executives. The new resort, named Thaba Moshate Hotel Casino and Convention resort, aptly named after the Sepedi phrase Thaba ya Moshate, meaning ‘mountain palace or castle’, will according to Peermont represent an investment of over R320 million. Once completed, the 6295 m² casino resort will offer an entertainment complex comprising a casino with 150 slot machines, 8 gaming tables, an 80-key select-services 3-star Peermont Metcourt hotel, a conference centre, a 148 seater restaurant, showbar, teenage entertainment area with video and electronic games, child care facilities and a pool terrace and boma. Mr Thabo Mokoena, the Peermont Development & Compliance Executive comments, “Peermont will bring an exceptional offering to the beautiful province of Limpopo while pioneering a sustainable enterprise for the community. The group is dedicated to sourcing labour, goods and services from the local region as part of our commitment to sustainable growth for the province. Burgersfort was a logical choice since the town has strong potential for further expansion as new mines develop around Thaba Moshate.” Artist’s impression supplied by Peermont Hotels, Casinos and Resorts
4 OCTOBER 2013
To be completed early 2015 in Burgersfort
Here will it be Tunatse Crossing Mall - now completed
Thaba Moshate about here Base image - Google Earth
4 OKTOBER 2013
‘We need a fence to keep the cattle and goats at bay’ - Phiring vegetable farmers Vegetable farmers around Phiring (a village next to the river in the mountains between the R36 road to Strydom Tunnel and Blydepoort) held a successful farmers day last week Thursday. The farmers were amongst other things, educated about crop rotation by Mr CC Ndubane of the Department of Agriculture at Leboeng. Mr Ndubane made the farmers aware that crops should be rotated regularly and that vegetables should be of different families. For example, potato, tomato and green pepper are vegetables belonging to one family (solanacea) and should not be rotated with each other. It is also desirable to rotate deep rooted crops with shallow rooted crops in order not to extract all the nutrients from the soil. Mr Johannes Letlabola of the Department of Agriculture at Phiring told the newspaper that the 70 vegetable farmers in the area till more than 340 hectares of land and they have enough water. They enjoy planting crops such as cabbage and spinach, but have now learned that it can be very taxing on the soil. Other problems also surfaced at the meeting. One of these problems is that the farmers sell to vegetable hawkers who fetch the crops with bakkies and no formal marketing exist. The farmers do not always get a reasonable price for their crops and sometimes the hawkers do not fetch the crops on time, resulting in spoiled vegetables that must be disposed of. The other big problem is livestock from livestock farmers that plunder the vegetable fields because there is no fence. “The tribal authorities do fine the owner of animals that plunder vegetables, but it is most of the time difficult to prove and largely ineffective. A fence is needed, but the farmers do not have the money. A sponsor in this regard will be welcome” Mr Letlabola told the newspaper. “Should anyone be able to assist in the regard, they can contact me” he said. Mr Letlabola can be phoned at 082 867 5745, 079 887 3456 or be emailed at
Young farmers receive certificates Young farmers at Phiring received certifices from the Sekhukhune District Municipality for the role they play in the development of farming in the area. The received the certificates at a Vegetable Farmers Day last week on Thursday. From left to right are Mr David Magabe, Mr Molwena Lefa Inheritance, Mr Johannes Letlabola of the Department of Agriculture who is stationed at Phiring, Mr Benet Magabe and Mr Justice Lekgau.
4 OCTOBER 2013
Tubatse Chrome Festival 2013 ‘n groot sukses Tubatse Chrome Festival 2013 het verlede week by Tubatse Chrome Klub plaasgevind. Soos altyd was dit ‘n heerlike kuier geleentheid met iets vir almal. Daar was genoeg kindervermaak en heerlike kos is
deur die stalletjies verkoop. Die organiseerders van die fees bedank almal wat gehelp het om die fees ‘n sukses te maak.
‘n Groot verskeidenheid kunstenaars het by die fees opgetree. Albert de Wet, David Fourie, Ruan de Waal, DJ Ferdie, Jaycee Crause, Ricky Faber, Rinel Day, Izak Davel, Dewald Dippenaar, Zandré, Riana Nel en Duane het die program met hope musiek en vermaak gevul. Met baie van die kunstenaars se optredes het paartjies gou die dansbaan gevul. Daar is ook na die tyd CD’s verkoop, handtekeninge uitgedeel en foto’s geneem. Die feesgangers het gemaklik meegedoen aan die versoeke van kunstenaars om bv. op die verhoog te dans of iets soos ‘line dancing’ te probeer. Sommige kunstenaars was onkant betrap deur die Steelpoort hitte, maar het deurgedruk met hul vertonings.
4 OKTOBER 2013
Pret en plesier by die fees Besoekers aan die Tubatse Chrome Festival het ‘n propvol program van pret en plesier gehad. Daar was iets vir almal in die familie.
Die kos was lekker en die bier was koud. Besoekers aan die fees kon kies en keur tussen die kosstalletjies. Westvaal Steelpoort het hul voertuie by die fees uitgestal.
Die kindervermaak het ‘n verskeidenheid water aktiwiteite, gesigverf en ‘n inkleurkompetisie ingesluit.
Die nooddienspersoneel wat tydens die fees aan diens was, het vinnig ‘n doring of sny aan ‘n kindervoet uitsorteer. Hulle het ook ander noodhulp gedurende die dag verleen.
4 OCTOBER 2013
Burgersfort’s own casino under The sod turning ceremony of the planned Peermont Casino - Thaba Moshate, took place last week. Residents are set to see this hub of gambling, entertainment, dining and accommodation rise over the next 18 months. We asked readers what they think about a casino turning into reality for Burgersfort, and why they feel that way?
Addicted to gambling? Call 0800 006 008 or email for confidential, free, professional help – 24-hours a day, 7 days a week. Mr Khongelani Machumele said: ‘It will create jobs. It will bring fun and entertainment to Burgersfort. I am looking forward to it being here”.
Mr Jimmy Mashoeu said: “It is good. It will make people happy to go there”. Ms Tammy Moimane said: “It is good because we will spend a lot of time there. I’d rather gamble than drink at the shebeen. If I lose, I lose, but if I win I will be very happy”.
Ms Tshepo Maduwana said: “I think it is a bad thing that they are building a casino. Especially because of the environment we live in. People will go gambling and the children will go hungry. The machines are set to make you lose more than you win. There will also be a lodge or hotel with a bar where all sorts of funny things will happen. It will cause a lot of trouble between men and their wifes when the men take their girlfriends there. It will cause a lot of divorces”.
Mr Trevor Brown said: “It is evil. It will create a lot of tsotsi’s. They will target people going there. They will think people go there with money or have money they’ve won. The infrastructure here is already messed up, especially at month end we will struggle with the traffic if there is a casino”.
Mr Rodger Thobejane and Ms Antonia Mashabela said: “It is wonderful stuff! But people need to be responsible. People must enjoy but keep within their limits”.
Mr Boikanyo Segacwi said: “It is good. It will help the population of this area with entertainment. There is no entertainment in Burgersfort”.
Mr Calvin Selepe said: “I feel it is a nice thing. It will bring job opportunities for the youth. It will also reduce crime as most youths will be working at the casino. We’ve been waiting for this for a long time and we’ll appreciate it operating here “.
Mnr Phineas Mapanga sê: “Ons soek die casino! Werklose mense sal daar ‘n werk kry. Our town will be developing. People will be able to win money to build houses and take the children to school”.
Mnr. Marius Saddler sê: ‘Om te dobbel is teen my Christelike beginsels, so ek is nie bly oor die casino nie. Dit sal net dobbelverslawing in die dorp aanhelp en families uit mekaar dryf. Mense gaan op skuld dobbel en dit gaan ‘n groot sosioekonomiese impak op Jan-alleman hê”.
4 OKTOBER 2013
construction: your feelings about it
Mr Jackson Phasha said: “It is good. People now go to Nelspruit, Witbank or Polokwane for a casino and it is far. People will just have to discipline themselves not to get addicted”.
Me. Drieka Jacobs en me. Ronel de Villiers sê: “Dis goed vir werkskepping maar dit verarm ook mense wat gaan dobbel, so daar is goed en sleg. Dit sal dalk goed wees vir toerisme, maar hopelik verbeter hulle die infrastruktuur van die dorp ook, want die paaie kan nie al die nuwe goed en verhoogte verkeer hanteer nie”. Ms Constance Phokane said: “It is good for development. We really can’t wait for the casino - to play the machines, so that we can become millionaires. We want to see more development. It shows government do care about us in Burgersfort”. Left: Mr Morgan Mafologela said: “It is good. Now people take a long distance taxi to go to a casino. Now it will be near to us. Most people like to play the machines at the casino. Now they won’t have to spend a lot of money on transport”.
Mnr. Mike Roetz sê: “My bekommernis is dat daar baie welvaart saam met die myne gekom het, maar ook ‘n groot klomp sosioekonomiese probleme. Dit is gewoonlik dieselfde met ‘n casino. Die casino verloor nooit nie. Dit is ongelukkig ook so dat dit dikwels mense is wat dit nie kan bekostig nie wat gaan dobbel”.
Mr Thapelo Mabelane said: “It is going to be a bad influence in the area. Gambling is bad. Loan sharks will loan money to people who cannot afford it and they will go and gamble it away in an effort to get rich. They will go to the casino to make more money and then they will lose it. It is a bad influence on the youth. Why don’t they rather bring us proper sports facilities?”
Mr Thabo Malope and Mr Kgaogelo Mpethi said: “It is good. We will win some money. The casino help people to become lucky - it is like the lotto. Now people will come to Burgersfort to gamble and others will get jobs at the casino”.
Mr Collen Mahlo and Mr Samson Malatjie said: “It is good. Most people in our area lack entertainment. People go to the casinos in Witbank or Gauteng. Now they will be able to come to our area”.
Mr Evert Motubatse and Mr Thabiso Shabalala said: “It is a good thing the casino is coming. It will keep us entertained”. Thabiso: “No, I won’t lose money, I have luck”. Evert: “It does have a good and a bad side. It is good for employment and bad because people can get addicted to gambling”.
4 OCTOBER 2013
Ga-Mapodile peer educators and Glencore working together On 26 September Mashupje Secondary School visited the Glencore Training Centre near Steelpoort. The visit was initiated by the Mapodile Peer Educators who aimed to give local grade 12 students the opportunity to learn more about the various trades. The Peer Educators encourage students to further their studies, not only at university, but also through FET Colleges. Three schools were invited to the event, but only Mashupje Secondary School managed to attend. What impressed the students and their teachers were the equipment in the workshops. They were able to get a better understanding of what the various trades involve than through presentations at the school. The learners were divided into groups who took turns for visits at the various trade areas on offer at the Training Centre. Mr. M Nyandoro, one of the teachers said: “We are glad for this opportunity and the idea of the Mapodile Peer Educators and Lovelife”. “We can now go back and will be able to explain to learners in lower grades what boilermaking and fitting is all about” said
one of the students, Matjie Pasture. The Mapodile Peer Educators would like to thank the Eastern Limb Training Centre for taking the time and trouble to accommodate the request for the visit. “We hope it will pave the way for our sisters and brothers to explore the opportunities the centre is offering. The the assessors we say a big thumbs up, you are the best!” “Also thank you to our main sponsors: Pick n Pay Steelpoort and Mr Masha from Bauba Transport”. (Photographs & Information: Mapodile Peer Educator Group).
Learners had the opportunity to see the equipment used in the various trades, while also learning what they will require to be able to apply to study for those trades. For most of them mathematics and science is required. The group enjoyed the tour and for many it was the first time they’ve realised what things like boilermaking is all about.
Maths talent unearthed at Itirele Primary School Itirele Primary School recently particpated in the St. Thomas College Mathematics Development Programme Talent Search 2013. The school falls in Bogwasha circuit and 33 schools participated in the competition. The competition is held annually as a type of talent search for learners with a head full of figures. 99 Learners from Itirele Primary School participated in the competition. The school’s deputy principal, Mr KD Magoma was placed as the second best educator in the competition. Learners who performed very
well were: Maoto France Maroga, Melisa Molokwane Mphethi and Elisan Seabelo Maibela. Elisan was placed third and as part of her prize will get a 50% discount on her school fees at St. Thomas College from grade 8 - 10 if she goes there next year. On the photograph below are the learners with Mr KD Magoma and the school’s principal Ms RI Komane.
Itirele Primary School full of cricket champions
Itirele Primary School represented the Sekhukhune District at the provincial school sport league games in Polokwane on 27 September. The school participated in cricket. The girls u/13 team came second and walked away with medals and a trophy. The boys u/13 claimed position 3 and
also received medals and a trophy. The games included all sporting codes. Itirele Primary School was one of the recipients of sponsored cricket kit from Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines at the beginning of the year. Above is the girls team and below is the boys team who made everyone proud.
4 OKTOBER 2013
Platinum Gazette
Thank you to the SAPS in Burgersfort “I would like to thank Const. Ndleve and Const. Selwane of the Burgersfort K9 unit. On Tuesday a thief stole my 50m electrical extention from the back of my
bakkie. It happened near the old Taxi rank at Khadima Centre. The two officers were quick to respond and recovered my property. It shows there are
Phelo Pele Family Health Day a success
still policmen who do their work and care about taking the criminals off the street. Thank you!” - Louis Alberts
Loads of prizes still being won at Tubatse SUPERSPAR Mr Mahlaba Makua (left) from Makgemeng won a charcoal braai in the Win-a-Car Competition at Tubatse SUPERSPAR. Ms Kedibone Lekwadu handed him the prize. Mr Mthokozisi Mngoni from Riba-Cross was the winner of a fridge. His prize was handed to him by Ms Refilwe Kgwedi from Spar. Mr Donald Komane from Bothashoek was the lucky winner of a R500 shopping voucher from Spar. Ms Lethabo Mkhabela handed it to him.
Ms Olga Kgoete from Kgautswane was the winner of a R500 Spar shopping voucher. Her prize was handed over by Ms Marie Mabelane. There is still time to enter the competition. Details are in store.
Notices/Kennisgewings The Proposed Construction of a Low Level Bridge Over the Sprinkaanspruit River at the Assmang Chrome Dwarisrivier Mine in the Greater Tubatse Local Municipality, Limpopo Province: Refference Number: 12/1/9/1-GS62 NOTICE OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL AUTHORISATION Notice is given in terms of Section 10 (2) of the EIA Regulations GN R.543 for the Environmental Authorisation granted on the 19th of September 2013 by the Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism with Reference number 12/1/9/1-GS62 granting Assmang Chrome Dwarsrivier Mine to construct a new low level bridge over the Sprinkaanspruit River at farm Dwarsrivier 372 KT in the Greater Tubatse Local Municipality of the Greater Sekhukhune District Municipality, Limpopo Province. In terms of Chapter 7 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations No. R 543 of 2010, interested and affected parties may lodge an appeal against this decision. An appeal may be directed to the MEC of the Department of Economic Development Environment and Tourism, Private Bag X9484, Polokwane, 0700 or 3rd Floor, Evridiki Towers, 20 Hans van Rensburg Street, Polokwane, 0699 or by fax 015 293 8317 The interested and affected parties may lodge an appeal within 20(twenty) calendar working days from the date in which the Environmental Authorisation was issued. Such an appeal must set out all the facts as well as the grounds of appeal, and be accompanied by all relevant documents or copies which are certified as true by a Commissioner of Oaths. An appeal form is obtainable from the Department’s offices. The appeal period is from the 19/09/2013 up until 21/10/2013. A copy of an Environmental Authorisation may be requested from the Public Participation Offices: Mr E.R Monyai at LWI offices 87 General Maritz, Bendor or Tel (015) 297 4653 or Fax (015) 297 4716 or E-mail:
The Phelo Pele Foundation recently held their annual Family Health Day. The event took place at the Sekhukhune FET College. The day’s programme included talks about health related topics, opportunities to have various health screenings, a Mr and Ms Phelo Pele. Blood could also be donated at the stand of the South African National Blood Service. Vitamin supplements was also donated to those in urgent need of a boost. Skeem Saam was one of the highlights of the day. Mr Manana was the master of ceremonies at the event and the Phelo Pele Foundation chairman, Mr Abednico Makina also attended. The day was a huge success with various participants contributing to the success. The Tubatse Fire Department visited the event and explained to the audience how to react in case of a fire. The Aurum Institute conducted HIV/Aids testing and counselling, Sister Molapo gave her time to do blood tests for cholesterol and blood pressure monitoring. Dr Lorna Maphuthuma and her team also contributed passionately to the day’s success with advice and assistance. Dr T Raphela performed dental screenings and gave advice about oral care. Apart from the above mentioned participants and sponsors the foundation would also like to thank Sasko for sending Sasko Sam, Pick ‘n Pay who sponsored lunch and drinks for the guests and service providers. Thobela FM also supported the day and the foundation is thankful for their contribution. Mr Mice wa Lefahla, the local artist who also performed. Thank you to Mr Malepe and Mr Judah Moshoana who are part of the team at the Phelo Pele Foundation for their work. Thank you to the Greater Tubatse Municipality for their support and Ms Maroga, the local councillor who also attended the event. It was the fifth annual Phelo Pele Family Health Day and the event has grown over the years. The aim is still to reach out the communities and provide education with regards to health and health related issues. The foundation thanks everyone who contributed to the day’s success.
Public Notice SUPPLEMENTARY VALUATION ROLL 01 JULY 2012 TO 30 JUNE 2013 Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 49 of the new Property Rates Act no 6 of 2004, that the supplementary valuation roll for the period 01 July 2012 to 30 June 2013 is open for inspection at the Council offices in Burgersfort, GaMapodile, Praktiseer and Ohrigstad from 14 October 2013 to 22 November 2013. Any owner of ratable property or other person who so desires to lodge an objection with the Municipal Manager in respect of any matter recorded in the supplementary valuation roll, shall do so within the said period. The prescribed form for lodging any objection will be obtainable at the Civic Centre, Kastania Street, Burgersfort. Attention is specifically directed to the fact that no person is entitled to urge any objection before the valuation board, unless he/she has timely lodged an objection on the prescribed form. Address: 1 Kastania Street, Burgersfort; PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150; Tel: 013 231 1000; Fax: 013 231 1467; Website:
4 OCTOBER 2013
Platinum Gazette
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous We buy and sell secondhand furniture. 3 Months laybuys available. Contact us for the best prices in town! Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next to Supa Save (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236
4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Mooifontein Guesthouse. R400 single room. R500 double room. Restaurant and bar. Contact: Judy: 082 308 9221 or Benita 078 844 0277. MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609
9. Te Huur/ To Let To Let in Burgersfort 400m2 warehouse R25 000p/m. Contact: 013 231 8203 or 072 770 3662 Springkastele te huur. Vyf verskillende soorte. Steelpoort/ Burgersfort. Kontak Bianca, 082 558 9129.
10. Te Koop/ For Sale URGENT SALE Stand in Motaganeng estate. Erf 2704 Size: 564 m² Price: R200 000 Contact: Herman 0832299765
Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.
Get the newspaper here: * Burgersfort SUPERSPAR * Boxer Stores Burgersfort * OK Grocer * Phelo Pele Pharmacy * Burgersfort Pharmacy * Laerskool Steelpoort * Laerskool Burgersfort * Tingeling Kleuterskool * OK MiniMark * Greater Tubatse Municipality * CTM * Modikwa Platinum Mine * Pick n Pay * Winterveld Village * Ohrigstad SAPS * Total Ohrigstad * Leboeng SAPS * Praktiseer SAPS * Burgersfort SAPS * Magaba Garage * Vision Meat * Dilokong/ASA Metals * Dwarsrivier Mine * Kubu Tavern * Morena’s Tavern * Magaba Garage * Mooifontein Kafee * Madeleen Willers Prokureurs * Merensky Real Estate * Laerskool Ohrigstad * Vyfster Slaghuis Steelpoort * One Stop Motor Spares Steelpoort * GMC Debt
Solutions Burgersfort * Burgersfort Toyota * Sediman Tuckshop Kalkfontein * Supa Quick Burgersfort * Build It Burgersfort * AC Supermarket & Hardware * Supa Save Burgersfort * Nalito’s Restaurant Burgersfort * Twickenham Platinum Mine * Cheap Cheap Butchery #2 Burgerfort * Bronrich Slaghuis * Oasis Kafee Ohrigstad * Tswelopele Cash Loans @ Platinum Centre Burgersfort
“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson
Platinum Gazette Contact us with all your news and events on: Tel: 013 231 7147 or 083 271 9151 or fax: 013 231 7147
Kitsgids na Nooddienste/ Important numbers: Burgersfort SAPS Ohrigstad SAPS Roossenekal SAPS Mecklenburg SAPS Eerstegeluk SAPS Tubatse SAPS Sekhukhune SAPS Leboeng SAPS Maartinshoop SAPS
(013) 231 7231 (013) 238 0128 (013) 273 0075 (015) 615 0204 (013) 237 0011 (013) 216 8500 (013) 260 1007 (013) 769 9099 (013) 235 4041
In case of a power failure in Burgersfort the SAPS Switchboard will not be working. Call: 082 462 2920 or 082 449 0273
Ander nood/Other emergencies: Dilokong Hospitaal/Hospital (013) 2147265 Mecklenburg Hospitaal/ Hospital (013) 615 0204 Burgersfort Kliniek/Clinic (013) 2317843 Water & Sanitation 082 900 4449 Disaster Management (Ambulance & Fire) 0800 330 022 Electricity (Eskom) 0860 037 566 To book your advertising space contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or e-mail
Vacancies/Betrekkings Vacancy: Lady with sober habits needed for industrial sewing. Previous experience in tent and Rip stop sewing will be advantageous. Must be able to read and write. Fluent in English or Afrikaans. Contact: Liza, 072 600 8194 (J&L Canvas)
Pharmacy Clinic Sister
ALARM SYSTEM TECHNICIAN Contact: 083 543 1676 or 013 231 7147 or e-mail:
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
Thorburn Security Solutions is seeking the employment of a full time experienced Alarm System Technician in the Steelpoort Area in the Limpopo Province, who should be able: • To maintain and install full alarm systems on newly acquired sites. • To have fault finding skills and a sound knowledge of most suitable placements of devices such as internal and external PIR’s, wiring of a full system, including zone expanders, and remote controls. • To conduct system programming of one or more of the following (IDS, Paradox, DSC) • To use multi-meter to test cable voltage and conduct continuity tests. • To present certificates confirming PSIRA registration and valid South African driver’s license. • To know SAIDSA installation requirements. • To have at least 3 years alarm installation experience. • Knowledge and experience with CCTV and access control systems will be an advantage; Applications with CV have to reach Only eligible candidates will be notified. Those who do not receive any feedback within one week were regrettably declined.
PROGROUP PHARMACIES, a well established pharmacy group, invite you to join the dynamic full time team at Tsusanang Pharmacy, Tubatse Mall, in Burgersfort. Duties: · Defining and managing clinic services, equipment and stock · Providing patient care in co-operation with the Pharmacists · Clinic housekeeping · Primary Health care · Baby clinic · Clinic administration and keeping of patient records · Initiating and managing community service projects · Assisting on the sales floor when required, especially in the first aid/wound management sector Requirements: · Registered with SANC · Primary Health Care a must · 3+ Years’ experience as a Clinical Nurse To apply, kindly forward updated CV, registration with SANC and certificates to:
4 OKTOBER 2013
Comrades Marathon early bird entries closed The Comrades Marathon Association (CMA) has announced that early bird entries for the 2014 Comrades Marathon entry process have closed. So far, 8556 entries have already been received since the entry process opened on 1 September 2013. This means that less than 10,000 entries are available before the overall entry process is closed. Prospective entrants have until 30 November 2013 or as soon as the cap of 18000 entries has been reached to get their entries in. Thereafter, no entries will be accepted so runners are urged to enter as soon as possible or risk missing out.
CMA Race Director, Johan Van Staden says, ‘Runners had the opportunity to take advantage of the ‘early bird’ entry fee of R320 for the entire month of September. From now until the close of the entry process, the entry fee will be R350 for South African runners.’Runners from the rest of Africa will be charged an entry fee of R550 and the cost to International athletes is R1800. The entry requirements, which are clearly indicated on the entry form, must be adhered to at all times or runners risk losing their place at the Start. Entries may be effected as follows:
online via the Comrades Marathon website:; · through the post by posting the completed entry form with proof of payment to the CMA Office in Pietermaritzburg: P.O. Box 100621, Scottsville, 3209; · Comrades Marathon House: by handing in the completed entry form together with payment at the CMA office in Pietermaritzburg. Please note that runners may enter the great race before running a qualifying race (minimum qualifying distance of 42.2km).
Qualifying details must be submitted to the CMA by 6 May 2014. The 89th edition of the world’s leading ultramarathon is all set to showcase South Africa’s and the world’s ultra-runners once again come Sunday, 1 June 2014. Being a ‘down-run’, the traditional gunfire goes off outside the Pietermaritzburg City Hall at 05h30 and again 12 hours later at the Sahara-Kingsmead Cricket Stadium in Durban to signal the end of the 89km roadrunning challenge. (Information: Comrades Marathon Association)
Ohrigstad Rugby Klub sluit die jaar af Ohrigstad Rugby Klub het hulle jaar afgesluit met ‘n funksie by Lamb & Ale verlede Vrydagaand. Dit was ‘n harde jaar vir die klub wat nog baie swaar gekry het gedurende die eerste helfte van die jaar, maar deur aanhoudende harde werk en goeie ondersteuning het dit al hoe beter gegaan en het Ohrigstad Rugby Klub in die semi-finale geëindig waar hulle toe met een punt teen Dendron verloor het. By die geleentheid het daar meer as honderd mense hul opwagting gemaak wat die klub vir oulaas kom ondersteun het. Dit het gedurende 2013 ‘n groot sukses van die Klub gemaak. “Die Klub wil net graag al hul onderssteuners en borge gedurende die
jaar bedank want sonder hulle aanmoediging en bystand sou dit maar moeilik gegaan het,” sê Karel Beetge van die Klub. Gedurende die funksie is daar dan ook trofees uitgedeel vir onder andere die beste speler van 2013, die mees toegewydste speler en die beste opkomende speler van die jaar. Die volgende seisoen wat in 2014 sal begin is ook in kort bespreek en daar is bevestig dat ‘n aansoek ingestuur gaan word om in die Mpumalanga Laeveld liga deel te neem. Dit is reeds met beide unies bespreek en dit blyk dat daar geen problem sal wees nie. Dit sal dan ook meebring dat daar meer tuis wedstryde gespeel gaan word as ook korter afstande na weg wedstryde. Daar word hard gewerk
aan borge vir die volgende seisoen en die klub nooi enige person en/of maatskappy uit om in die verband met hulle kontak te maak. Ohrigstad Rugby Klub bestaan nou reeds twee jaar en vorder fluks in die groeiproses. Ohrigstad gaan van volgende jaar af in die tweede liga meeding en met spelers getalle wat elke week groei gaan hulle nog ‘n groot
krag word wat op gereken sal moet word.Oefening sal in die tweede week in Januarie 2014 begin. Kontak kan gemaak word met enige van die betrokkenes by die klub. (Foto’s en inligting: Ohrigstad Rugby Klub; Navrae: Karel Beetge, 072 511 0934).
Mnr. Johan Gouws oorhandig ’n trofee aan Willie Steyn vir mees toegewydste speler van die jaar. Willie is reeds 47 jaar oud maar het nie een wedstryd gemis nie en is altyd ‘n krag om op te reken as hy in die span is. Met sy harde spel en jare se ervaring moet jy hom nie onderskat nie en het hy al menige jong spelers op hul neuse laat kyk. Mnr. Johan Gouws oorhandig trofee aan Koos van der Wal vir beste vordering getoon deur die jaar. Koos het uitsonderlike vordering getoon in die algemene spel as haker soos onder andere om sewe (7) vaskoppe te hak teen ‘n span soos Noordelikes vanaf Polokwane (Noordelikes is ook die klub liga kampioene vir hierdie jaar). Koos is verder ook opgeneem in die Limpopo SAPS Provinsiale span waar hy en Karel Beetge gaan deelneem het aan die SAPD se Nasionale kampioenskap toernooi gehou in Margate gedurende Julie 2013.
Van links na regs – Johan Gouws (voorsitter van die klub), Johan Scott (onder voorsitter van die klub), Dick Viljoen (span kaptein), Willie Steyn en Koos van der Wal.
Mnr. Johan Gouws oorhandig trofee aan Dick Viljoen vir die beste speler van die jaar. Dick is by verskeie geleenthede deur die jaar as speler van die wedstryd aangewys en as kaptein van die span het hy die span gelei tot in die semi-finale waar Ohrigstad teen Dendron verloor het met ‘n punt. Dick se algemene spel en toegewyde houding teen oor die spel ken geen perke nie. Hy moes ook by verskeie geleenthede uit sy posisie as flank speel om die span te help waar hulle te kort gekom het, maar het dit met trots gedoen en daar sou nie gesê kon word dat hy nie tuis is in ander posisies soos onder andere losskakel nie. Van moed opgee en handdoek ingooi al het dit soms bitter swaar gegaan weet hy maar min en hy het die span met groot verwagtinge gelei en altyd uitgestaan op die veld as iemand met wie daar rekening gehou moes word.
4 OCTOBER 2013
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SPORT Locals run City to City Local runners participated in the City to City Marathon that took place last week Saturday. The event takes runners on a route between Pretoria and Johannesburg. This year was a so-called ‘up’ run with runners starting in Pretoria and finishing in Melrose, Johanensburg. The results for the locals were: Donald Netshifhefhe 1:46 (bronze medal; photograph left). Modikwa Marathon Club:
Portia Mabena 1:05 (10km); Recognition Maphanga 2:54 (10km); Lawrence Raphiri 1:40 (21km); Adolph Boshego 1:45 (21km), Leboka Noto 3:01 (50km - thrid veteran at the finish; photograph in the middle); Jeffrey Nkuna 3:56 (50km); Sonia Makoua 3:58 (50km); Hermaans Mogale 5:12 (50km); Justice Phokane 4:20 (50km); Solomon Masedi 5:20 (50km) and Albert Twala 5:41 (50km). Runners from Samancor Chrome also participated. Below right is Tshepo Marebane.
(Photographs and information supplied by runners and Clubs.)
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