Steel producer Evraz Highveld Steel and Vanadium (which includes susidiar, Mapoch’s Mine at Roossenekal) is one step closer to announcing a preferred bidder to buy the business, which is currently under business rescue. Business rescue practitioners met with creditors this week and said a rescue plan would be published later this month. The practitioners said said there were three offers for Evraz Highveld. Bidders were a mix of international interests and domestic groups, including empowerment entities, he said. Publication of a business rescue plan set for August 31 had been pushed out to mid September. Creditor payments would be detailed in the plan. In April Evraz Highveld went into voluntary business rescue and in July said it planned to retrench up to 1 089 employees.
Gazette We don’t ...
Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad
4 September 2015
Tel Fax
... need this madness. We do need a better traffic setup. This ‘alternative’ road had to do in last week Friday’s month end chaos, and if there were traffic people on duty, the newspaper only saw one ... See p 3 for more of the chaos and yes, total disregard for order and traffic rules. A not so happy free for for all!
0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147
A message of hope Sizzy Mnisi (23) from Garagopola Village in Driekop is a local HIV ambassador. She took the opportunity Women’s Month brought to talk to women at local creches. Sizzy was raped as a young girl and got infected with the virus, but has taken every opportunity in life to make a difference. The events as the creches included talks on taking care of yourself, to not abuse SASSA Cards and staying away from alcohol, drugs and cigarettes. Sizzy encouraged the women to know their status and make use of condoms, but also teach their children about HIV. She encouraged HIV positive people to get in contact with her as many people lack an emotional support network. Her number is 072 780 1243.
Women’s Month celebrated with taking a ‘taking a girl child to work’
On Thursday, 27 August 2015 girls from Gobetse Secondary School near Steelbridge in Ga-Malekane visited Northam’s Booysendal Pla num Mine. Taking a girl child to work ini a ve formed part of the mine’s Women’s Month Celebra ons and was themed ‘Choose your tomorrow, today”. The youth is important to Booysendal and empowering women from surrounding communi es is another valued priority that complimented the ini a ve. The mine took the opportunity to showcase the various job opportuni es within their industry. They were showed the career paths that exist and what to study to reach the top posi ons a er years of service. The General Manager, Mr. Willie Theron told the grade 10 learners that they should not limit themselves to jobs within the mining sector. “The world is out there with opportuni es in banking and other industries”. He encouraged them to focus on their educa on and to work hard while not giving in to peer Different depressure when it comes to adult ac vi es. partments gave The girls had the opportunity to ask ques ons and visit presenta ons. the Plant before having lunch and heading back to school.
Kohin Youth Week in Burgersfort From 24 - 28 August Kohin hosted its first Youth Week in Burgersfort. Various speakers joined hands to make this a special week. Matjie Tokollo and her Rap Boy band from Magakantshe Primary School had the learners dancing and screaming for more. Pastor Solly and Theresa Skhosana blessed the learners with Scripture and songs. Pastor Lifi Thlaka from Apiesdoring taught the learners to dig deep and receive the reward - knowledge is power. Steelpoort Academy with Thelma Smit performed two dances with a powerful Biblical message. Natie Coetser had a session with the grade 6 and 7 learners, preparing them for next year. Laerskool
Burgersfort entertained with song and movements. Kohin would like to thank everyone who made this week possible. They hope to do it again next year. (Photographs & Information: Sunlie Posthumus).
John 8:31 (partial) -32 NIV … Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” All in one day. Top left: A delivery truck first hogs the lane to the slipway at the R555 / R37 robot and then rushes through the slipway towards the mall. Top right: Friday afternoon free for all at the mall / Themba robot. Left: Taxi uses the left-turn lane at the Steelpoort 4 - way stop to force himself past traffic regardless.... Bottom left: Avanza floaters and taxi’s as usual do what they want. Hogging the road from the one-way to Themba Filling station and forcing themselves into the congested opposite stream. Bottom: This truck just forced itself around the more careful vehicle into the very busy R37 at Riba Cross.
‘We demand!’ - and then rubber bullets The Tubatse Police Station in Praktiseer had to defend itself against an angry mob from Alverton village outside Burgersfort on Monday when people stormed the station and demanded that two men who were allegedly involved in a service delivery protest, be freed. According to the Police community members from Alverton barricaded the road to the village on Monday at about 02:30. They also burned tyres in what is thought to be a service delivery protest. The police attended the scene and two men were taken for questioning. Thereafter Police managed to escort the protesters to Municipal offices in Burgersfort to hand over a memorandum to the Mayor. After the hand-over, Police escorted them back to Alverton. After the Police left them in Alverton, surprisingly the villagers drove to Tubatse Police station and attempted to attack the Police, demanding the release of the two men. The Police had to use the rubber bullets to disperse the villagers inside the SAPS premises and they managed to arrest 8 suspects (3 males and 5 females) . The two men were released after preliminary investigations of the police didn’t link them with a crime. The 8 arrested suspects appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrates court on Wednesday and they were granted bail of R300 each. Their case was postponed to 7 October 2015 for further investigation. (Information and photograph: Constable Jerial Mvundlela - SAPS Tubatse Communications Officer)
Working in a Man’s World On the 28th of August, the Women in Chrome Commi ee hosted the annual Women’s Day celebra on. The day, themed “Working in a Man’s World”, was a great success. The women working at Tubatse Chrome were reminded of their personal
strength and the meaningful impact they could make in a male dominated industry. The day saw a host of speakers addressing the ladies. To end off the day, the ladies got to show off their hidden talents through dance and song.
Tubatse Chrome Cares Throughout the year, various beneficiaries have benefiƩed from Tubatse Chrome’s informal CSI iniƟaƟves. Here are but a few examples of the great work done: Enterprise and Supplier Development
Tubatse Chrome remains commi ed to suppor ng and nurturing emerging small and medium sized businesses. Currently there are 10 businesses that have been assisted through Enterprise Development covering services such as gardening, pain ng and civil concrete work. Furthermore, 10 local entrepreneurs as well as 10 SBBC members will be a ending a Business Management course during the next month, sponsored by Tubatse Chrome.
Choir blazers
Kohin Youth Coaches
Kohin con nues to make great strides in the schools where they are currently based. As a result of on-going support, Kohin has been able to place Youth Coaches at Kgahlanong High School and Maelebe Primary School. These Youth coaches provide guidance and counselling to children in need of psychological and emo onal care.
Shopiane Primary school received blazers for their school choir. The school plans to par cipate in many choir compe ons.
As the year draws to end, Tubatse Chrome looks forward to doing more great work in the surrounding communi es.
SARS e-filing
Winter Enrichment Programme During the winter holidays, the four high schools in the area received financial assistance to host the Winter school. This me is used to prepare the Matriculants for the upcoming exams.
On the 25th and 26th of August, Tubatse Chrome hosted SARS on site. Employees were able to submit their tax return without the hassle of long queues and transport. Well done to all the responsible tax payers for submi ng their taxes on me.
Going to nationals Joshua Generation are proud of their students who excelled in athletics. Tumiso Phiri, Ado Bhembe, Ofentse Boroko, Kgonne Makuwa, Isreal Cheloane, Leago Mphahlele, Blessing Phiri, Tsebo Makuwa and Khutso Lekalakala all qualified for the SACSSA National athelics championships. These students are forming part of the Mpumalanga team and will take part in the national event between 25 and 26 October 2015. It will happen in Sasolburg.
(Information & Photographs: Joshua Generation)
Women honoured at church
Women’s Month came to an end in style at the Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa’s (URCSA) Ohrigstad/ Kgautswane branch. The women of the church were treated to a hot meal and gifts. The special occasion was on Sunday 30 August 2015. (Photographs & Information: Sam Mogane)
Miss SAPS Leboeng crowned as part of Women’s Month The Leboeng SAPS in conjuction with the Department of Education’s Drakensberg Circuit, CPF, Youth Desk and the Leboeng VEP held a crime awareness campaign as part of their Women’s Month Celebrations. The event took place at Legoleng Primary School in Kgautswane. Local high schools took part in the campaign and competed in drama, debate, traditional dance, ballroom dance, poetry and a beauty contest. A grade 10 learner from Tshabelang Dinoko High School was crowned Miss Leboeng SAPS 2015. A large number of people from different villages in the policing area attended the event. The station commpander of Leboeng SAPS, Captain Solomon Moholane encouraged the youth to refrain from
abusing drugs like Nyaope. He also thanked their sponsors for supporting the event. (Information & photographs: Const. MA Sibatana).
Steelies se mooistes gekroon Steelpoort Akademie het Woensdagaand hul nuwe Mnr. en Mej. Steelie aangewys in verskillende ouderdomsgroepe. Die leerders het hul talent op die loopplank voor vier beoordelaars en ‘n skare ouens en ondersteuners gewys. Die aand het afgeskop met ‘n optrede deur Tiny Tots Ballerinas. Die skoolkoor en plaaslike sangeres, Carina Knoesen het ook opgetree. Die wenners in die verskillende kategorieë was: Primêr: Seuns 6 - 8: Henru Knoesen (tweede prins), Keon de Wet (eerste prins) en Franco Bothma (Mnr. Steelie Primêr). Junior Dogters 9 - 11 jaar: Joane du Plessis (tweede prinses); Shadoné Myburgh (eerste prinses) en Juanita Bothma (Mej. Steelie Junior). Junior Seuns: 9 - 11 jaar: Kobus Oosthuizen (tweede prins); Mondré Malan (eerste prins) en Anco van Staden. Senior Dogters: 12 - 13 jaar: Caitlin Faltor (tweede prinses); Shelby van der Sandt (eerste prinses) en Nerine van Wyk (Mej. Steelie Senior). Senior Seuns: 12 - 13 jaar: Roddy Alberts (eerste prins) en Sage Montague (Mnr. Steelie Senior).
Bo: Die Senior kategorie se wenners van die Mnr. en Mej. Steelie 2015 kompetisie.
Platinum Gazette
First local KFC Primary Schools soccer tournament a huge success On 22 August the first local KFC Primary Schools Soccer Tournament took place at Mohlarutse Secondary School at Riba Cross. The participating schools included Maelebe Primary School, Madinoge Primary School, Calvin College and Sekabate Primary School. Maelebe won their first match agains Madinoge and Sekabate defeated Calvin College on a penalty shootout after playing to a draw. The final was between Maelebe and Sekabate and this game also ended in a draw. Sekabate was crowned the champions after winning on penalties. Concern Sekatane from Sekabate was the Player of the tournament.
Everyone enjoyed themselves and everyone attending the tournament received some KFC branded goodies. Brilliant talent have been spotted from both the boys and the girls. Phillimon Rantho from KFC in Burgersfort thanked everyone who ensured that the day was a success. He gave special thanks to Nicola Diener (the local KFC Marketing Coordinator), Jerry and the KFC crew, Michael Letebele (Mice) the camera man, teachers, coaches and learners who participated. He also thanked Mohlarutse, their principal and their school governing body for the venue they’ve provided. (Information and photographs: KFC Burgersfort)
Assmang Limited – Dwarsrivier Mine seeks suitable Companies to submit proposals for the Underground Belt Extensions, New InstallaƟons and ReclamaƟon. Our mine, situated in the Limpopo Province about 60km from Lydenburg and 40km from Burgersfort, is a member of the Assmang Group and world-class producer of Chrome Ore and was nominated as Top Employer 2014. Tender Number: TM 1508/01 DescripƟon: Underground Belt Extensions, New InstallaƟons & ReclamaƟons The Scope of Works is for belt extensions, new installaƟons and reclamaƟon of belt equipment and structures. Note that this is for Mechanical and Electrical extensions, installaƟons and reclamaƟon If interested in tendering, please submit the following Pre-qualifying documentaƟon on or before closing date below: • • • • •
Valid BEE CerƟficate Copy of Company RegistraƟon (CK 1 / 2) Company Profile Supplier’s Client References Key Personnel’s CVs & QualificaƟons (CerƟficates)
Enquiries regarding the tender can be directed to below e-mail and or fax: E-Mail: Fax: 0866 101 887 Please quote the relevant tender number in the subject line of your e-mail or fax. No telephonic queries will be entertained. Closing Date: 11 September 2015 Time: 12:00
Public Notice
Public Notice
2016/17 IDP Forum Meeting
Invitation to Miss GTM 2015
The Mayor of Greater Tubatse Municipality Cllr RS Mamekoa invites Magoshi, Mining Houses, Sector Departments, Civic organisations, NGO/CBO `s, Business, Councillors, Ward Committees, CDW`s and members of the public to 2016/17 IDP forum meeting scheduled as follows:
Greater Tubatse Municipality is inviting girls between the ages of 15 and 25 to enter for Miss GTM 2015 Beauty pageant scheduled as follows; Date : 19 September 2015 Time : 17h00 Venue: Thaba Moshate Convention Resort Those who are interested to participate must collect registration forms and return them to the Municipal offices on or before 08th September 2015. For and more information please contact Hlase ML @ 013 231 1195 or 082 447 4618 Mohlala JNT Municipal Manager
Date : Time : Venue:
08 September 2015 10h00 Greater Tubatse Municipal Chambers
For more information please contact Mashigo MM @013 231 1188 and Sebaka ML @ 013 231 1185 during working hours Mohlala JNT Municipal Manager
Platinum Gazette
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
VACANCY:CODE 10 TRUCK DRIVER X1 EDUCATIONAL: (Minimum level necessary to perform the job). Ability: The driver Truck and operate forklift School: Grade 12 and Valid code 10 Driver’s License and forklift drivers’ license will be an advantage. EXPERIENCE: (Minimum necessary before being considered for the Job) code 10 drivers licence, forklift licence, and 2 to 3 years in Delivery and Forklift Driving experience. And necessary knowledge of stock handling. Basic salary: R58 025.28 to R62 087.04 per annum CORE COMPETENCIES: Driving skills, Literate and numerate, Attention to details, Verbal and written communication skills and Accuracy. Key Performance Areas Purpose: To deliver the stock ordered by the CRM for the client To operate a forklift and put heavy loads in tight space, operate needs good eye-hand foot coordination Duties: Stock Control: - Ensure that daily checks on the trucks are performed Ensure that the standards of K53 and Road Management Act are adhered to. Ensure that the stock is delivered on time. Ensure that the delivery documents are collected and submitted to the office. General: To perform any other task that the incumbent is qualified (competency and skill) to perform as per company requirement. Closing date: 10/09/2015 All applications to be send to HR for consideration, if you don’t hear from us within 2 weeks after the closing date know that your application was not successful and candidate must be willing to start immediately. Fax to email: 086 663 2789, Email address:
Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
3. Dienste/ Services Burgersfort Transport For all your transport
requirements (transport of mine & construction workers) Contact Ariff 072 337 7332
9. Te Huur/ For Rent T Two b bedroom d apartment available. R4500 with water and prepaid metre, Aloe Ridge West. 1 Bedroom - R3500 with lights and water. Aloe Ridge West. Call 082 578 6113 Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899.
Assmang Limited – Dwarsrivier Mine seeks suitable Companies to submit proposals for the Underground & Surface SanitaƟon Services. Our mine, situated in the Limpopo Province about 60km from Lydenburg and 40km from Burgersfort, is a member of the Assmang Group and world-class producer of Chrome Ore and was nominated as Top Employer 2014. Tender Number: TM 1507/07 DescripƟon: Underground & Surface SanitaƟon Service The scope is for a well-managed underground and surface sanitaƟon soluƟon services. If interested in tendering, please submit the following Pre-qualifying documentaƟon on or before closing date below: • • • • •
Valid BEE CerƟficate Copy of Company RegistraƟon (CK 1 / 2) Company Profile Supplier’s Client References Key Personnel’s CVs & QualificaƟons (CerƟficates)
Enquiries regarding the tender can be directed to below e-mail and or fax:
A world-class opportunity in Mining and Beneficiation The ASA Metals Smelter and its subsidiary, Dilokong Chrome Mine, are situated in the eastern limb of the Bushveld Ingneous Complex (BIC), where some 83% of the world’s chrome reserves are located. The key to our ongoing success has been continuous innovation and development. These endeavours include: • A chromium production mine • An ore beneficiation plant • Pelletising and sinter plant • Four 66 MVA production furnaces. These exciting developments have necessitated the employ of only the best the mining profession has to offer. Join us at our operation, close to the rapidly expanding town of Burgersfort in the Limpopo Province.
WINDING ENGINE DRIVER (C4) X 1 ROLE PURPOSE: Operating the hoist in a safe, efficient and responsible manner ensuring that all persons, equipment, explosives and material is lowered and raised in the shaft according to the agreed Shaft Schedule and as indicated. ROLE REQUIREMENTS: • Grade 12 school certificate or relevant qualification • Must be appointed in terms of the DMR • Must be in possession of a valid winding engine driver certificate of competency • Must have proof that he is presently driving a winding machine • Must be able to work underground • Must be able to work Rotational Shift • Must be of sober habits • Must be medically fit ROLE RESPONSIBILITIES: • Ensuring that the hoist and associated machinery and equipment are inspected daily and kept at optimum standards • Operating the hoist double drum winder by responding to the signals and instructions on a rotating shift cycle • Lowering material and equipment and people when necessary in the mine shaft • Completing all required reports and register. • Manipulate Surveyors measuring staff according to Surveyors directions and indications • Adhere to the Clauses and Regulations of the Mine Health and Safety Act. • Conducting housekeeping tasks in the workplace. • Participate in the Compnay’s Health Safety and Environmental Management programme. • Comply to mine STD and work instruction and procedures of the company. General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given to historically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of themethods utilised to determine the successful candidate. The company offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint. Please forward your application, stating which position you are applying for by e-mail: or Fax: 086 245 7888. Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.
Closing date: 11 September 2015
E-Mail: Fax: 0866 101 887 Please quote the relevant tender number in the subject line of your e-mail or fax. No telephonic queries will be entertained. Closing Date: 11 September 2015 Time: 12:00
Laerskool Ohrigstad hou hul golfdag op Pelgrimsrus
Tweefontein Mine’s soccer team is on the ball On Wednesday 26 August a combination of the Tubatse Cluster SAPS and Sadtu soccer teams visited Tweefontein Mine’s soccer tam for a friendly match at Mangabane Village. The Tweefontein Mine team dominated the ball possession in the first half. They managed to score two goals. In the second half both teams scored to make the final score 3-1 in favour of Tweefontein. (Information & photograph: Const. Jerial Mvundlela, Tubatse SAPS).
Pret op Pelgrimsrus Laerskool Ohrigstad het hul jaarlikse golfdag op 22 Augustus by Pelgrimsrus se golfklub gehou. Dit was ‘n heerlike dag en ‘n suksesvolle fondsinsamelingsprojek vir die skool. Die skool bedank graag al die borge wat die dag moontlik gemaak het asook al die spelers wat ingeskryf het. (Foto’s en inligting: Laerskool Ohrigtad)
SDM team too strong for Masters On Saturday 29 August the Tubatse Masters soccer team hosted the Sekhukhune District Municipality’s soccer team. The friendly game was played at Leolo Secondary School in Praktiseer. The men from Sekhukhune were too strong and
won the game 7-5. (photographs & Iinformation: Pitso Sehlabela)
Platinum Gazette contact details:
Action Cricket Teams enter now The new action cricket season will be starting in the first week of October at Tubatse Chrome Club. Teams are welcome to enter into the competition. This is a fun team building experience for companies or just a bunch of friends. Contact Martin van Rooyen to enter on 072 564 2811.
Public Notice Invitation to 2015 Arts & Culture Festival Greater Tubatse Municipality is inviting Cultural groups to participate in the Arts and Culture Festival scheduled as follows: Date : Time : Venue:
12 September 2015 09h00 Ga-Motodi Tribal Hall
Groups which are interested to participate must register with their Ward Councillor or can visit the Arts and Culture Office at the Municipal offices on before 08th September 2015. For and more information please contact Hlase ML @ 013 231 1195 or 082 447 4618 Mohlala JNT Municipal Manager
Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
Public Notice Youth Council Conference The Mayor of Greater Tubatse Municipality Cllr RS Mamekoa invites Youth formations to attend the Municipal Youth Council Conference scheduled as follows; Date : 10th – 12th September 2015 Time : 09h00 Venue : Forever Resorts Blydepoort The following are expected to attend Delegates from the Wards Youth formations of political parties represented in Council Youth living with disabilities For more information please contact Malekane NP Mohlala JNT @ 013 23 1103/082 446 4139 Municipal Manager
4 SEPTEMBER 2015 It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com
2016 Comrades Marathon entries open The 2016 Comrades Marathon entry process had opened. The 91st edition of the world’s biggest and oldest ultra-marathon is all set to be run on Sunday, 29 May 2016. Entries into the 2016 Comrades Marathon opened on 1 September 2015. The entry period will close on 30 November 2015 or as soon as the entry cap of 20 000 has been reached. Prospective entrants are encouraged to get their entries in early to avoid disappointment. Entry fees for the 2016 Comrades Marathon are as follows: Early Bird: R380.00 (for South African athletes only); Local Entries: R420.00; Rest of Africa: R700.00; International: R2400.00 South African runners will be eligible for the ‘early bird’ entry fee of R380 if their entry is received before 30 September 2015. The regular South African entry fee of R420 will kick in on 1 October 2015 until the entry process is closed. Entry is free to all runners who have completed the Comrades Marathon 25 times or more. Runners can enter as follows: online via the Comrades Marathon website: www.; by posting their completed entry form with proof of payment to the CMA Office in Pietermaritzburg: P.O. Box 100621, Scottsville, 3209; by handing in their completed entry form together with the original bank deposit slip at the CMA office in Pietermaritzburg. Entry forms will be available at local running clubs, provincial sporting federations and the CMA; as well as selected qualifying races which the Comrades Team will be attending from September to November. Qualifying for the 2016 Comrades Marathon will be applicable from 30 August 2015 till 2 May 2016. Runners are advised that the 2015 Comrades Marathon will not be an automatic qualifier for next year’s race.
Platinum Gazette
SPORT Kruppel Buffels speel golf Die Kruppel Buffels het hul jaarlikse golfdag verlede week Saterdag by Tubatse Chroom Golf Klub aangebied. Die dag is goed ondersteun met twee vol velde. Soos altyd was dit nie net die golf wat geniet is nie, maar ook die ander uitdagings soos bokdrolspoeg wat die spelers op hul tone gehad het. Die dag se wenners was Andor Esbach, Embrich Cilliers, JJ van der Walt en Michael Ngobeni. Die Kruppel Buffels bedank almal vir hul ondersteuning en bydraes om van die dag ‘n sukses te maak. Hulle gaan einde September aan die Nasionale Golden Oldies rugbytoernooi in die Kaap deelneem en die fondse wat ingesamel is sal daarvoor gebruik word.