Platinum Gazette 05 August 2011

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34 shacks guttedp2 Get all your Wildevy 4 x 4 action inside! Don’t let debt ruin your life...

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5 August 2011



The fire took everything they had

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Winter took on a new meaning for Mr Nature Nyathi, a shack resident in the informal settlement at Extension 10, Burgersfort, when he woke up in the middle of the night last Sunday. His and other shacks have started burning. Mr Nyathi quickly alerted the other residents in the area and telephoned the Police from his cellphone, while other residents evacuated their homes. At this stage the flames were so fierce they could do nothing. The Police did not answer the telephone. Mr Nyathi tried the emergency facility on his cellphone. They answered, but the network operator wanted to know directions to the informal settlement from Johannesburg… At last, somebody else got hold of the Fire Station. The Fire Brigade promptly arrived on the scene, but there are no decent roads between the shacks. Luckily the fire hoses was long enough so that the fire department’s personnel could prevent the blaze from spreading. When the sun came up on Sunday, 50 people from 34 shacks had nothing left. The local councillor, Annah Masete visited the destitute group with Greater Tubatse Municipality’s disaster manager, Mr Harry Selahle, who promised to assist them with inter alia new identity documents at the Department of Home Affairs. The Mayor, Cllr Nkosi Josias Mahlake phoned from Polokwane, saying he could not visit the scene, but promised assistance from the municipality’s side. Only a six-year-old boy, Temosho Matjie, sustained injuries, but was promptly treated at Burgersfort Clinic. The cause of the fire is not known, but rumour has it that prostitutes who allegedly stole money from customers fled into Extension 10. The angry customers allegedly set the houses alight to get to the ladies of the night… T the time of going to press yesterday, the Red Cross has donated 100 blankets to the fire victims, and Limpopo Disaster Management 50 blankets, while Greater Tubatse Municipality was busy organising mattresses to sleep on.

5 AUGUST 2011

Little Temosho Matjie (6) sustained injuries during the fire that braged with such a vegenance that not even identity documents or money could be saved.

You park your vehicle en get out, push the button of the remote to lock your car, and leave your vehicle to go and do your business. Security companies and business owners in Burgersfort are now warning customers to make sure that their vehicles are locked and that the alarm system of the vehicle armed when the buttons on your remote are pressed. Check by hand if the vehicle is locked. In one incident at Temba Engen criminals followed a customer from the bank. The customer got out of his car at the garage and ‘locked’ it. The alarm signal was blocked by another remote device and the car did not lock. One criminal followed the customer into the shop and made sure he is kept busy while the second person got into the presumed locked vehicle and stole the money that he received from the bank. The whole crime took place within 3 minutes and no one got hurt. Because the customer immediately realized that the money was gone they reported it to Engen Temba who in turn got the video footage and cars plates to the police in record time. The Police established a roadblock on the road to Polokwane and caught the alleged criminals. This incident at Temba Engen is not an isolated one as Pretect Security say they know similar incidents also took place at the Morone Centre shopping complex and at Twin City shopping centre and at parking lots outside some of the banks in Burgersfort.

Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail:


Fax: 086 554 9031/013-231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Telephone: (013) 231 8227 or 073 318 2163

Tel:(013) 2317948 or 082 558 7643 Consulting rooms: Shop 38, Twin City Complex, Cnr. Dirk Winterbach Street, Ohrigstad Road, Burgersfort.

Advertising deadlines are on a Tuesday at 17:00. Editorial deadlines are on a Wednesday 17:00.




As the world celebrates Mandela Day, tourist visiting the country joined hands in commemorating the work is this South African icon. On Nelson Mandela International Day communities are encouraged to contribute to the society by promoting values, vision and work of Madiba by voluntarily working 67 minutes of their day helping those who are less privileged or cleaning the environment. Tourists from Michigan in the United States of America (USA), visited Kgautswane Village July 27 and they spent a day with the elderly and children. The visitors arrived on July 27 and slept over at Kgautswane Thusong Service Centre and were treated to a village life. The next morning they met the elderly people who are cared for at the centre and they had a light moment of information sharing and presenting gifts. Their last stop was at Asizilingeni Bakithi Crèche where they were welcomed with songs by the happy children of the crèche. The guests were accompanied by Clara Masinga the co-founder of Kgautswane Thusong Service Centre. Masinga is known world wide for her contribution in uplifting lives of this community. She has also received a lot of accolades amongst others, the order of Baobab from the President for recognizing her sterling work in community work. According to Paul Scholten who facilitated the visit, he has known Masinga for nearly 15 years and they have been coming to the centre quarterly. “Our visit coincide with Nelson Mandela International Day and we thought it would be a good idea to share the day with those who are less privileged in support of Madiba’s vision and values. ”We want to encourage the youth of South Africa to take a lead and act against social injustices that they are faced with today. The youth of 1976 were faced with Apartheid, but managed to conquer it. The youth of today are facing the scourge of HIV/AIDS. After some discussions with some of the members of the community, we have decided to start a Youth Courage Movement in this village which will address and support job creation and victims of HIV/AIDS. The movement will encourages dialogue around critical social issues within communities and focuses on building capacity at a grassroots level,” he said.

US visitors celebrate Mandela Day in Kgautswane Photograph and article contributed by Doc Marebane

Visitors from USA, Paul Scholten and his wife Cathy, Jim Potter and his Wife Kristi and sons; Aaron, Ethen and Lucas with them is Clara Masinga the manager and founder of the Kgautswane Thusong service centre at the Asizilingeni Bakithi crèche.

Chrome producers under pressure Merafe Resources says that rising costs were making it increasingly difficult for South African ferrochrome producers to stay competitive. CEO Stuart Elliot told jounalists at the company’s results presentation in Johannesburg, that the South African mining industry was being pressured from all sides. Labour has been demanding wage increases above inflation for the past five years, while electricity prices also grew by 75% over the past three years. The mining industry also had to bear an additional royalty tax, and a potential carbon tax could be the last blow for energy-intensive companies, such as ferrochrome producers. For the six months ended June 30, Merafe’s costs climbed by 16% to R82 per pound, of which, electricity made up about 17%. Elliot said that the company would implement a number of projects over the next three years to mitigate certain cost pressures. In this regard he mentioned the Lion 2 smelter complex, a joint venture with Xstrata, with a capacity of 360 000 t of ferrochrome. This project would see completion in 2013 if everything goes as planned. He noted that the Lion site in Steelpoort also made provision for a third Lion plant, but added that plans were still some way off. Elliot said that all the new projects would mainly be funded through cash generated by the company’s operations, and debt. “We will not be going to the markets for a rights issue.” Elliot noted that one of the major challenges facing South African ferrochrome producers was the export of raw chrome ore to especially China.Of the eight-million tons of chrome ore imported by China last year, 3.1-million was sourced from South Africa. This meant that China, which does not have any of its own chrome ore sources, was positioning itself as one of the lower-cost ferrochrome producers through the import of cheap ore from South Africa. “Ultimately, South Africa, who produces about 45% of the world’s ferrochrome, will lose its position in the world market, which will inevitably lead to job losses and less investment in the country.” He said South Africa should consider export duties and other controls to stop a surge in chrome ore sales to China so local ferrochrome makers could stay competitive, saying local producers of ferrochrome had hired independent consultants to investigate the industry. A report with proposals to control exports would be submitted to the government by next month. Merafe said that stainless steel production was expected to grow by 6% during 2011, equating to an increase of 5% in the world consumption of ferrochrome, including a 14% increase in demand for ferrochrome from China. Stainless steel production was expected to continue to grow at around 5% a year in the medium term, driven mainly by demand from China.

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5 AUGUST 2011


Platinum Gazette staff member, Beánnla Celliers, accidently came into the line of fire (she took the photograph of fleeing people on the right) on Monday when the Police fired rubber bullets at a group of people who blocked the Polokwane road (top photograph by Doc Marebane) just on the other side of the river on the road to Polokwane from Burgersfort. She was visiting Lehlaba, Master in Motor Parts, one of the newspaper’s clients when the trouble started. What could be determined is that the people want to settle next to the river, but a dispute arose about the ownership of the land. Some of the people on the scene claimed on Wendesday, when they were still cleaning the land for settlement, that it is not tribal land, and it is also not owned by the municipality. According to them the Police shot at them on Monday because of a ‘misunderstanding’ when they burned tyres in the road. Nobody was hurt in the incident.




Groot pret by Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag Na agt jaar het die jaarlikse Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag gegroei tot ‘n geleentheid met meer as 120 viertrek voertuie en ‘n geskatte 10 000 besoekers. Die eko-roete wat vir die tweede jaar aangebied is, het hierdie jaar met 30 inskrywings gespog. Hierdie jaar was daar ook ‘n groot hoeveelheid stalletjie met heerlike kos en ‘n verskeidenheid produkte. Die Wildevy Manne organisasie wat die dag reël samel jaarliks met die dag geld vir liefdadigheid in. Verlede jaar is meer as R75 000 aan verskeie projekte en persone uit betaal. Daar is nog nie bepaal waarvoor hierdie jaar se winste geskenk sal word nie. Die uitslae van die dag was soos volg: Algehele wenners: Martin Web en Gerhard Naude; Wenners Mans span: Gelykop uitslag aan – Jaco van der Merwe en Pieter van Vreden asook Dewalt en Hennie;Mans en Dames gemende Span – 1ste – Maruis en Linda Pick en 2de Hendrik en Hester Daffue; Beste Vroue Span – Hester en Yvonne van Helsdingen; Laaste plek was verower deur – Ashley Bartlett en Johan. Die “Showstopper” is gewen deur Marius en Anton Webber;Beste spangees – gedeel deur Jaco Hoeksema en Pieter van der Merwe asook Hannes en Riekie Terblance. Eko-Roete wenners: 1ste-Reynoldt en Hess Radley , 2de,Pieter en Annelize van Niekerk en 3de- Ryk Diepraam;Beste punt borg – Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines. Die immer gewilde skoonheids kompetisie is weer aangebied en die wenners in die verskillende groepe is: Mini Mej Wildevy 4x4 (4-7 jaar): 1ste Mekyla Koekemoer (7) van

Middelburg, 2de Juanita Bothma (5) van Kriel en 3de Lelani Bothma (5)van Kriel. Junior Mej Wildevy 4x4 (8-12 jaar): 1ste Sonay Labuschagne (12) van Burgersfort, 2de Bianca Beukes (10) van Burgersfort en 3de Zune Blom(9)van Steelpoort. Tiener Mej Wildevy 4x4 (13-17 jaar): 1ste Marlize Comley (13) van Steelpoort, 2de Beaudine Byleveldt (16) van Burgersfort en 3de Bianca Dreyer (15) van Burgersfort. Hierdie jaar is daar ook vir die eerste keer ‘n potjiekoskompetisie aangebied en 14 inskrywings het deelgeneem. Wenner van die lekkerste pot was Marula Myn,die beste span gees is gewen deur Leahen Finansiele Dienste en beste tema deur die span van Dwarsrivier myn. Die Bushbaby Sleepwa is gewen

ECM’s safety theme a winner Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) was one of the proud sponsors of the Wildevy 4x4 Family Day. ECM sponsored obstacle number two on the 4x4 track, a potjie team (manned by ECM Management) and a paramedic stand in partnership with EMCARE. The medical team was available on site in case any serious incidents would occur and fortunately there were no injuries. The one major factor that they had to deal with was sunburn and luckily the medics were ready for “sunburn victims”! At the obstacle, the ECM team decided to go with a safety theme, seeing that ZERO HARM is one of the core values of ECM. Due to the layout of the obstacle, traffic control was important. Therefore the team also had to ensure the safety of pedestrians. The team set up safe walkways where spectators could watch the excitement without getting trampled. ECM issued all the

teams that participated with a pair of gumboots for their co-drivers. This would help them walk around safely when they inspect the routes they needed to travel. At the point, they were also issued with bumper stickers with safety slogans such as “Hang up and drive safely” and “If you can read this, you are too close”. In a mining set up, safety and housekeeping goes hand in hand. As a result, the team laid a floor of slag to help manage the dust factor. To ensure their own safety, the team wore their PPE and bright orange shirts to enhance their visibility. It was a day to remember, the ECM team, as well as the spectators had lots of fun! All the hard work that was put into it was not in vain. The ECM team walked away with the prize for the best point for 2011! Well done ECM! (Photograph and information: Davida van der Walt).

deur mnr. Mark Hughes van Burgersfort. Hy het twee kaartjies gekoop en daarmee die gesogte sleepwa gewen.

Die Wildevy Manne het almal bedank wat deelgeneem, geborg, die dag besoek het en gehelp het om die dag ‘n sukses te maak.


5 AUGUST 2011


Sand, stof en sweet agter die stuur Die Wildevy 4x4 dag het nie net pret vir die deelnemers verskaf nie, maar ook aan die passasiers en toeskouers. By elke punt was daar ‘n uitdaging waardeur punte verdien is. Een van die uitdagings (foto regs tweede van bo) was om mopaniewurms in mampoer en chillie, rou lewer en ‘n rou lewer te eet. Die roete is pret, uitdagend, maar die té moeilik nie. Kyk nog foto’s op bladsy 7.




Iets vir almal by Wildvy 4x4 dag Die biertuin en uitkykpu nte rondom die moddergat was weer gewilde plekke vir toeskouers by die Wildevy 4x4dag. Laatmiddag het die potjiekoskompetisie ook gesorg vir gesellige kuierplekke.

Arelize Moll was een van die inkleurkompetisiewenners.

Daar is flink op verskillende punte van die baan kos verkoop.

Die wenners van die Mej. Wildevy 4x4 in die verskillende kategorieĂŤ saam afgeneem. Die organiseerders van die skoonheidskompetisie het die volgende mense bedank: Joey Joubert , Lindy van den Heever Lindie Loyd and John Fincham as beoordelaars. Punte telling: Melandi Brits van Tingeling Kleuterskool. Photographer: Daryl Geddes Geskenke van SAB Polokwane en Brunel South Africa. R 2000 Kontant prysgeld van Wildevy manne. R1000 geskenk deur Jacky asook die Sashes, Kroontjies en Blomme.

Mnr Stephano Roder en Piet Pretorius saam met die sleepwa wenner, Mnr. Mark Hughes.


5 AUGUST 2011


Waterval CVO presteer met kultuur Leerlinge van die Waterval CVO skool buite Burgersfort het goed presteer by die Oos-Transvaal Kultuurbyeenkoms op Middelburg. Die kinders het aan

gedramatiseerde en formele gedigte voordrag asook voorbereide lees deelgeneem. Veral Michael Kaplan en Megan Griesel het uitstaande presteer met A+++ sertifikate.

Career expo for grade 12 students “Wow, this was great, we only wish we knew about the bursaries and opportunities earlier,” was the reaction from more than one student who attended the Sekhukhune District Municipality’s and the Tubatse Partnerships NPO career expo on Monday and Tuesday this week. The expo in conjunction with other partners (Xstrata, Department of Education and CEIA) hosted grade 12 learners from the Tubatse Circuit, Bogwasha Circuit, Drakensberg Circuit, Mabulane Circuit, Dilokong Circuit, Ngwaabe Circuit, Leolo Circuit, Driekop Circuit and Malokela Circuit. A total of 108 schools visited the expo. Various tertiary institutions such as University of Pretoria, University of Limpopo, University

of Venda, Sekhukhune FET College, Capricorn FET College and Unisa were at the expo. They explained to the students which courses require what subjects (and grades) and how they can make use of financial assistance opportunities and bursaries. “We would have loved to know all this early in the year or last year already, because some courses have already closed and many people did not apply because they did not know of the assistance regarding finance or about specific requirements,” said Tetelo Mashigo, one of the learners at the day. Each student also received a hotdog and cold drink. “The food was great, we were really hungry. Thanks to the organisers” said Lethabo Riba.

Agter: Arno Griesel, Aldoné Geldenhuys, Annemie Kaplan, Marlene Venter, Kluge Bester en Marlé Labuschagne. Middel: Karlien Labuschagne, Phillip Loots, Brendan Pieterse, Michael Kaplan, Twané Malan, Melissa Germiohuizen, Johan Bester. Voor: Raynard Roberts, Zanke Louw, Ané van Rooyen, Megan Griesel, Raymond Roberts, Hanro Small en Andreas Fouché.

Dié het op 23 Julie op Lydenburg aan redenaars deelgeneem en baie goed gedoen. Agter: Annemie Kaplan, Sulandri van der Linde en Natalie Campher, Middel: Kluge Bester, Aldoné Geldenhuys, Leoné Kruger, Angelique Campher en Marlé Labuschagne. Voor: Megan Griesel, Suemarie Oosthuizen, Michael Kaplan, Brendan Pieterse en Johan Bester.

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Calvin College students show they care On Friday 22 July, the JC4CC group Kgahtlanong Secondary and from Calvin College (Jesus Christ 4 Malebe Primary School in the Calvin College) went to Eerstegeluk area. The children were acompanied by the School’s youth Coach, Solly Skosana and the JC4CC coordinator for the school, Ms. Greyling. They donated clothing collected by the JC4CC group from Calvin College pupils to these schools. (Photographs: Calvin College)




Are the mines doing enough? This week Mineral Resources Minister Susan Shabangu told the audience at a minenationalisation forum in Johannesburg that instead of asking whether South Africa will nationalise its mines, the question should be how to deal with the country’s “evil triplets” poverty, inequality and unemployment. She said that the country was debating an issue that will only culminate in Mangaung at the end of next year. “I am aware that the investors, and equally members and supporters of the ANC who want to see investments and jobs in the mining industry, will be disappointed because they want clarity and certainty,” she said. She added that investors can in the mean time take comfort in the fact the current government policy of non-nationalisation is clear. She told the group that mines were not doing “enough” to develop the communities near to them and also addressed the big salary gap between management and workers. The facilitator of the proceedings at the event, Bruce Whitfield asked her how much does she think is “enough” as private-sector mines are already paying taxes, royalties and are assisting communities. The mining industry’s profits are under pressure as costs climb and apart from royalty tax a potential carbon tax is looming while electricity prices soared by 75% over the past five years. Shabangu said that miners should ensure that appropriate bursaries and scholarships are offered to ensure that people gain the skills needed in the mining environment. A recent report by te National Planning Commission showed that only 41% of South Africans are economically active and twothirds of South Africa’s enemployed are below the age of 35. We asked readers what they think about Shabangu’s recommended shift in focus from nationalisation to the “evil triplets” and whether they think mines in our area are doing enough? More than one reader declined to comment, fearing divided loyalty as they are paid-up members of the ANC Youth League but are also employees at local mines.

Mr Percy Aphane said: “Creating jobs must be a priority. Mines are not doing enough. They must create more jobs for people. They must also help communities with things such as clothes and food because the people are poor”.

Mr Nicholas Mabunela said: “Shabangu is right and the mines are not doing enough. The local people have the knowledge for certain jobs, but they don’t get the work. The mines must also help with roads, schools and clinics. The people are suffering”.

Mr Robert Tibane said: “There is no jobs in this country. The mines must do more in the communities. They must create more jobs then they don’t have to give anything else - it is enough”. Mr Victor Mndebele said: “She does have a point. If you look at it: if they can come up with a plan to create jobs for the people it will be great. The unemployment rate is too high in South Africa. The mines need to do more. The communities must benefit from more jobs and also through investment on their land”.

Right: Mr Moshe Botopela said: “I believe that they should focus on development and upliftment of communities because even if they nationalise the mines, who will benefit? The local mines could do much better that they are doing already. Maybe the communities themselves should also give a commitment to try and uplift themselves. It is heartbreaking to know who is destroying our communities, but we keep mum. We should clean our house and be in a better state to assist mines with development. We need to show commitment that the little we’ve got, we can take care of”.

Mnr. Johan de Bruin sê: “Die myne moet die buitelanders wat hulle aanstel laat gaan en die werk vir Suid-Afrikaners gee. Hulle doen klaar genoeg vir gemeenskappe, dis tyd dat die gemeenskappe ook vir hulself iets probeer doen”.

Ms Pontsho Molabe said: “I think nationalisation will just cause trouble. It will be a disaster. The mines are trying. I was one of the students who were sponsored to study and now I am working for them. I am a geologist. Maybe they can do more, but they are already trying to assist. The local people should also commit to try and get educated. The people must from their side try to be the best and right candidates for jobs and bursaries”.

Mnr. Johan Grobler en mnr. Phillip Grobler sê: “Sy is reg, die fokus moet anders wees. Die myne moet sorg vir behuising vir almal dan sal hulle genoeg gedoen het”.

Mnr. Johan Coetzee sê: “Hulle moet eerder kyk na werkskepping as na nasionalisering van die myne. Ek glo hier by ons doen die myne baie. Dit is moeilik om te sê wat is genoeg”.

Mr Mpho Mnisi said: “The mines are trying to do something. The problem is that from the communities there are individuals who are greedy. If the mines give money and it is used to benefit all, then there won’t be such a crisis. The greedy ones want everything for themselves and then it is not to the benefit of the community. The mines try to do something but the individuals are often the problem. The minister was right with what she said. Instead of nationalise we must try to create jobs”.

Me. Marianie Kleynhans en me. Dons Aldrich sê: “Die myne doen baie in hierdie area, veral vir die skole. Hulle help almal, nie net sekeres nie. Nasionalisering sal eerder werkloosheid veroorsaak. Al die geld wat aan debatte uitgegee word moet eerder vir die versorging van honger kinders gaan”.

10 10


2008 UGUSTUS 2011 524AOctober

Klein Advertensies • Smalls

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Some of the places we distribute newspapers: * Burgersfort SUPERSPAR * Boxer Stores Burgersfort * OK Grocer * Phelo Pele Pharmacy * Burgersfort Pharmacy * Laerskool Steelpoort * Laerskool Burgersfort * Tingeling Kleuterskool * OK MiniMark * Greater Tubatse Municipality * CTM * Modikwa Platinum Mine * Pick n Pay * Winterveld Village * Ohrigstad SAPS * Total Ohrigstad * Leboeng SAPS * Praktiseer SAPS * Burgersfort SAPS * Magaba Garage * Vision Meat * Burgersfort Toyota * Hendrik’s Panelbeaters * Mecklenburg SAPS

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Platinum Gazette



3 x People needed for final finishing in paint shop (Flatters). Forward complete CV to fax: 086 686 177 or e-mail: Alternatively drop your CV off at Hendrik’s Panelbeaters.

Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Phone her on 083 543 1676 to book your advertising space today.

Construction 2yk has a vacancy for a: Site Agent: Civil & Building The successful candidate must have the following: Sound proof of at least 5+ years experience. Management Skills. Valid driver’s license Bilingual - must be able to converse in either English or Afrikaans. Closing date: 19 August 2011 Interested applicants can fax their CV to 013-231 7026. Should you not have received a response within 2 weeks of the closing date, kindly accept that your application did not succeed.




Burgersfort Photography Club July winners The monthly winner of the Photography Club theme photograph receives a R250 OK Grocer voucher.

Photo: Ruan Kleynhans The Burgersfort Photography Club had their monthly meeting on Monday at Migmug Coffee Shop. The theme for July was Water and Ruan Kleynhans walked away as the winner with his photograph of a waterfall. Santie Carelse came second with a man drinking water and Daryll Geddes with her photograph of a shadow in the water. The Platinum Gazette challenge for the month was “A bug’s life”. Daryl Geddes was the winner here with Santie Carelse in second and third place. The next meeting will be on 5 September and the August theme is “Painting with lights”. Enquiries: 083 276 1643.

Photo: Santie Carelse

Photo: Daryll Geddes

You’ve captured: weird nature Ms Alida Lourens forwarded the photograph on the left of a snake Mr Carl Lourens killed on their property. When he killed the snake with a shovel, he also halved the snake’s last meal - a blue head agama lizzard with a head bigger than that of the snake!

Mr Doc Marebane photographed this donkey in one of the villages surrounding Burgersfort. He told the newspaper that he’s never seen a donkey with such a strangely deformed hoof. It did not seem to bother the donkey too much as it stood soaking up the sun. On the photograph it also looks like the animal only has one front leg.

Photo: Daryll Geddes

Photo: Santie Carelse

Photo: Santie Carelse

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BMW, Corolla, Tazz, Citi Golf, Polo Classic, Opel Astra, Sentra, Opel Corsa, Hyundai and much more

Mashifane Park (Ga-Mashamothane) • Cell: 076 848 3936


5 AUGUST 2011

Phelo Wood & Interior Kitchen units; Bedroom cupboards, Build-in cupboards; Studies; Chest of drawers; Office furniture

Platinum Gazette


Ceiling fans, Decorative Lights. 3D Designs for woodwork. Open Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 16:00 Contact: 082 569 4677 • Burgersfort main road next to Kia Motors.

Mpumalanga Kampioene Die afgelope naweek is Chroom Golf Klub se liga span as Mpumalanga se kampioene gekroon toe hulle Volksrus op Witrivier se baan verslaan het. Die span het deur gedring na die provinsiale wedstryd toe hulle in die streekfinaal tee n Lydenburg Golf Klub gewen het om die Laeveld kampioene te word. Die wedstryd was op Nelspruit se baan en die span het Lydenburg in ‘n valbyl stryd geklop. Hulle moes daarna teen die Hoëveld se span uitspeel om die Mpumalanga kampioenspan te wees, hulle het teen ‘n baie sterkspan van Volksrus met ‘n valbyl stryd gewen. “Ons wil graag die span geluk wens met hul oorwinning!” sê die bestuur van die Klub. (Foto’s en inligting: Willem Montgomery) Laeveld en Mpumalanga Kampioene. Joost Eksteen, Johann Swanepoel, Johan Dreyer, Adriaan Coetzee, Koos Laas, Dion du Plessis, Frikkie van den Berg en Bart Language

ECM athletes at Foskor 21km race On the 23 July a few Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines employees took part in the Foskor 21km race at Phalaborwa. It is clear

from the photos that the guys had lots of fun. HR Manager, Pieter Brits says “It is great to see that our employees of all shapes and sizes show such an interest in sport. A healthy body is the key to a healthy mind!” (Photographs and information: Davida van der Walt)

Know your rights: “Gari Dombo, managing director of Alexander Forbes Insurance, warns that motorists should always call the insurer themselves or have a trusted person do this for them. Dombo says if an unscrupulous tow operator got hold of your vehicle, "you will find yourself in for an expensive and unpleasant ride". They charge unreasonable amounts for towing, and exceptionally high storage fees if they do not get the job. Phone your insurer and they will appoint a reputable towing company to take your vehicle directly to a reputable panelbeater. Some insurers will not pay for towing and storage if it is not arranged by them or through their own accident helpline."Dombo says some truck operators attempted to hitch up a vehicle under the pretence of pulling the vehicle out of the way of traffic. Do not allow this to happen as, particularly in cases of injury, vehicles should not be moved until the poWilliam lice arrive. If an unauthorised tow truck operator has John Wynand 073 299 2676 072 359 3784 072 986 5954 attached your vehicle, "you are fully within your rights to Towing with a pick-up or either a request the police to have 4 ton rollback or 9 ton rollback. the vehicle released on the Approved by all major insurance accident scene".

24 Hour towing ser vices services


(From: Sowetan Live).

Protea T owing Ser vices Towing Services

Last home game for Buffels Rugby Club? The Buffels Rugby Club might be playing their last home game of the season at Winterveld on Friday 5 August. The rest of the season the performance will determine where and which games will be played as the knock-out stages of the season is being entered.

The game against Loskop will start at 19:30 and the Club management invites the public to come and support the local team. The Loskop team is from Groblersdal. The Club fasilities will also be available with specials from the restaurant and a happy hour prior to the game.

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