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Election 2016
Cooking up a storm. ANC kitchen at Leboeng on election day.
Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad
5 August 2016
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When Platinum Gazette went to print this week, the final result of the 2016 Local Government Elections were not yet available and only 33 percent of the results in the new Tubatse Fetakgomo municipality were available. What was clear was that the ANC was heading for a sure win with almost 70 percent of the votes at that stage, while a new kid on the block, the EFF did very well for a first try at the voting stations with 19 percent of the votes. The DA was somewhat lagging behind with almost seven percent of the votes. When the newspaper undertook a road trip Wednesday through the new vast municipality, it was clear that the ANC worked very hard to secure victory, with the EFF not lagging in enthusiasm, but numbers. The DA ‘s presence was almost nonexistent throughout the area, but where they were present , they thoroughly joined in the election fun. As far as could be seen, voting went slow for the whole day and no major rushes or incidents were experienced. After sunset everything went quiet quickly when the cold set in. The newspaper also experienced no problem in reporting the day’s events, except at one voting station where a policeman mistakenly thought that it was his job the check the newspaper’s credentials. Maybe he was bored or did not understand the electoral code of conduct that stipulates that the Presiding Officer at a voting station is in charge and it is his job to deal with the media to his or her discretion. See more photographs on page 3.
0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147
5 AUGUST 2016
Modikwa hands over Science Laboratory Modikwa Pla num Mine handed over a Science Laboratory in Maandagshoek on 28 July 2016. The Science Laboratory forms part of the already exis ng Educa on Centre Modikwa constructed near Marole Primary School in Maandagshoek. The Laboratory will be u lised by 8 different schools in the area. They will make bookings to visit and do prac cal experiments that will assist learners to be er their science knowledge. The MEC for Educa on, MI Kgetjepe received the Laboratory on behalf of the Department. During the official opening MEC Kgetjepe and Modikwa Business Leader, Mthi Mtshengu unvailed a special plaque before Mr Francois Uys from ARM officially opened the doors and handed the keys of the laboratory to the MEC. The premises will be looked a er by a small permanent staff that will ensure that the schools are not booked at the same me and that the Department restock the laboratory as necessary. During the formal programme of the func on it was highlighted that bursaries are available to local learners to qualify themselves as engineers and other professionals who work at the mines, but that currently the performance in subjects such as mathema cs and science is very poor. This makes it difficult for learners to apply for ter ary studies and make use of the available bursaries. Modikwa hopes that through this mul -million rand investment learners will be able to improve their performance. MEC Kgetjepe praised Modikwa for the ini a ve and financial investment made in the area. He also encouraged the learners to look a er the facility and make use of the opportunity to gain prac cal science laboratory experience.
Elections 2016 road trip in snaps
Left: Mr XXXX revealed. Top: DA in Manoke at sunset. Top right: EFF dances at Phiring. Bottom right: Brisk voting at Malaeneng. Bottom: Enemies at Kutullo unite for a photograph ...
Left: Breakfast at Apel.
Bottom left: A message for all at Ngwaabe.
Bottom: Outgoing executive mayor Mogobo David Magabe casts his vote at Penge.
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5 AUGUST 2016
Platinum Gazette
Murder and attempted murder at Riba Cross Brother and sister shot after tavern argument The Tubatse SAPS is investigating cases of murder and attempted murder at Riba Cross. At 02:15 on 31 July 2016 the Tubatse SAPS received information that a person has been
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150
shot and is being treated at Dilokong Hospital. Upon their arrival the officers were taken to a 21-year old woman with a gun shot wound next the her right eye. They were also shown the body of a man who had already passed away, also with a gun shot wound to the head. The two victims are brother and sister and were allegedly shot during an argument at a tavern in Riba Cross. The SAPS opened cases of murder and attempted murder. No arrests have been made. Anyone with information about the incident can contact the Tubatse SAPS.
Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
(All crime information on this page: Const. SJ Mvundlela, Tubatse SAPS)
Galatians 5:7 (NIV) 7 You were running a good race. Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth?
Rape in Ga-Motodi
A 24-year old woman staying in Ga-Motodi was allegedly raped on Monday 1 August. The incident happened at her home at 23:00. She awoke to find the man inside her shack. She knows the man and asked him what he wanted. He asked for intercourse and when she refused allegedly forced himself on her. The man was arrested the following day and will appear in the Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court.
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Platinum Gazette
5 AUGUST 2016
Sand, mud and serious fun at Wildevy 4x4 Family Day The Wildevy 4x4 Family Day took place on Saturday last week. This was a huge success with thousands of visitors to the day. This annual day raises funds for charity and see more than 100 4x4 vehicles compete on an interesting and sometimes challenging but fun course. The winners in the different categories were: Overall Winner – Vehicle No 113 – Riaan van Zyl & Speek Jones; Men’s no 1 – Vehicle No 15 – Robbie Moldenhauer & Andre Venter; Men’s no 2 – Vehicle 100 – Joggie Hough & JJ Hough; Mixed Man/woman no 1 – Vehicle 97 – Petrus Bosman & Nicole Bosman; Mixed Man/woman no 2 – Vehicle 92 – Dennis Podges & Francis Podges; Ladies 1 – Vehicle no 87 – Jennie Oosthuizen & Lieze; Show Stopper Winner – Vehicle 36 “STORM” Pieter de Jager & Pieter de Jager Jnr. “We are truly great full that you had the trust in us to support us with your sponsorship, participation and exhibition of your products and or services. Without your presence this day would have not been so successful” the Wildevy Manne said about their support structure. “We would like to thank the churches that so kindly and tirelessly supplied food for the hungry hordes of visitors to the Wildevy, they were the Dutch Reformed Church – Steelpoort, AFM – Steelpoort and the OAK – Burgersfort, thank you for the high quality and delicious food you all prepared. The “Potjiekos” competition was well supported this year, we would like to thank each and every team for the effort. Well done to the winners of each category. The winners were: Best Pot – Modikwa Proto Team; Best Team Spirit – Electro Diesel; Best Theme – SA Hunters Association – Bosbok branch; “Vat geen nonsense pot” – North Safety; General Pot – North Safety. “A word of thanks goes to our artists, Albert de Wet, No Pressure, The Event maker – DJ Robbie and The EventZ Company, thank you for entertaining the crowds with your hits and professionalism; it was an honor having you at our festival. We have only received positive feedback from far and wide and trust that this year’s Wildevy left a lasting impression on all our participants, sponsors, exhibitors and the general public. Best obstacle sponsor as determined by participants was Sizonke Trading & Hendriks Panel beaters. Best exhibitor – (Nu-tech Tyre & Mags) – Best drive Continental. “We are looking forward to the Wildevy 4x4 Family day in 2017 and trust that we can again make a success of this day with all your help and that of the Wildevy Manne” said the organisation chairman, Willem Montgomery. (Information: Wildevy Manne). Best Drive Continental (left) was voted the best stall at the Wildevy 4x4 Day. At each point on the 4x4 course challenges were set for the driver and co-driver to eventually determine a winner.
The Showstopper event was hugely popular again with vehicles testing the mud. Delicious potjies were also prepared for the Potjiekos Competition.
Wildevy fun for everyone The Wildevy 4x4 Family Day on 30 July 2016 was again a hugely popular event that drew a large crowd. The Wildevy Manne thanked everyone who supported the day and is looking forward to see everyone there again next year.
The beer tent and big screen rugby was an afternoon favourite.
Above: Pancake on industrial scale. Left below: Repairs were done as the mishaps happened on the course.
Wildevy MTB results The fifth Bison Falls Spur Wildevy MTB Race took place on 30 July 2016. 340 Riders (compared to 260 in 2015) participated in the race. Even though there is always race calendar conflicts, participants were joined by current SA MTB champions Max Knox and Samantha Sanders. The organisers of the race thanked all those who worked hard and sponsored the race in some or other way. Bison Falls Spur, the Wildevy Manne and Burgersfort Supa Quick were highlighted amongst others. The landowners who generously provided their land for the race were also thanked. The winners of the mountain bike stages and categories were: 10 KM DISTANCE Men:1st – Fun Men 10km – Jan-Hendrik Prinsloo - 48:49; Ladies: 1st – Fun Women 10km – Salomi Daniels - 01:03:44; Nipper Boys: 1st – Nipper (M) 10km – Hanko Louw - 56:06; Nipper Girls: 1st – Nipper (F) 10km – Sybone Hanekom - 01:12:20 20 KM DISTANCE: Men: 1st – Open Men 20km – Nathan Kurensky - 54:37;
Sub Junior: 1st – Sub Junior (M) 20km – Christiaan Labuschagne - 01:07:00; Sprog Boys: 1st – Sprog (M) 20km – Andreas Louw - 01:16:37; Ladies: 1st – Open Ladies 20km – Jessica Shultz - 01:14:07; Sub Junior: 1st – Sub Junior (F) 20km – Marita-Sune Ackermann - 01:28:11; Sprog Girls: 1st – Sprog (F) 20km – Denise Pienaar - 02:33:25. 50 KM DISTANCE: Men: 1st – Senior Men 50km – Max Knox - 01:58:36; Sub Veteran: 1st – Sub Veteran (M) 50km – Christo Carelson - 02:10:16; Veteran: 1st – Veteran (M) 50km – Herman van der Westhuizen - 02:14:35; Master: 1st – Master (M) 50km – Francois McGill 02:25:03; Junior: 1st – Junior (M) 50km – Armand Lombard - 02:06:06; Youth: 1st – Youth (M) 50km – Ryan Terry - 02:07:26; Senior Ladies: 1st – Senior Ladies 50km – Emily Clark - 02:23:03; Sub Veteran – Ladies: 1st – Sub Veteran (F) 50km – Samantha Saunders - 02:14:31; Veteran Ladies: 1st – Veteran (F) 50km – Wendy Strydom - 02:51:31; Youth: 1st – Youth (F) 50km – Zandri Strydom - 02:38:42.
5 AUGUST 2016
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Platinum Gazette
Hundreds ride in Wildevy MTB 2016 The Bison Falls Wildevy MTB race 2016 took place on Saturday last week. Entries exceeded expectations and cyclists and their families enjoyed the event. Steelpoort Academy leaders ensured that nobody wen hungry
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and a festive atmosphere kept everyone warm. Get the results on page 7.