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Thriller! Although 2014 as a year, which is rapidly speeding to an end, could be described as a thriller by many, these Grade 4 kids of Calvin College had loads of fun at the school’s year end musical last week Thursday with their interpretation of the Michael Jackson hit. At last some lighthearted fun when everyone seems to be depressed!
Š Platinum Gazette
5 December 2014
Cable theft a problem
The Leboeng SAPS Visible Policing commander, Warrant Officer Segabutla visited the community of Leboeng, Makgwareng village, after a number of cases of electric cable theft had been reported in this area in a short time. The cases are a concern to the Police because ten out of twelve cases are at vacant premises. Warrant Officer Segabutla addressed the community and told them to work with the Police to eradicate theft of electric cable. He further started street committees to work with the Police to patrol their area during the night and to report any suspicious vehicles and people in their area, especially during night times.
1 Chronicles 16:33-34 New International Version (NIV) ‘33 Let the trees of the forest sing, let them sing for joy before the Lord, for he comes to judge the earth. 34 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.’ (Photograph: ‘Church’ forest at Legalameetse Nature Reserve, Limpopo)
Robust community interaction The robust interaction that characterizes the relationship between mines, employees, benefactors, contractors and communities in the area continued this week when Greater Tubatse Municipality Mayor, Councillor Ralepane Mamekoa called a meeting between Anglo American Platinum’s Twickenham Platinum Mine Project’s management, the Community Engagement Forum (CEF) and the Twickenham Local Business Committee (TLBC). According to the Secretary of the CEF, Mr Abednigo Mashabela, the meeting was called after allegations by sections in the community that engagement between communities in the vicinity of the project and Twickenham’s management does not exist. Mr Mashabela said amongst other things the local municipality told the mine that a community meeting held on 03 November 2014 by the Twickenham Combined Communities said the DRUTA Taxi Association and Roka Mashabela Traditional Authority is the part of the concerned group. Kgoshi (chief) Mashabela, N W, told the Mayor’s meeting on Tuesday that he is disputing the allegations and the taxi association also denied the issues raised by the local municipality, saying they will take the matter further to their executive committee meeting. Then the majority representatives who were in the meeting from nine affected traditional authorities agreed that the information the local municipality acted upon was not true and that facts should be verified before similar meetings are called.
Dwarsrivier Mine Putting the spotlight on the disabled in TCM Recognizing that many people with disabilities are very able people with skills that can be utilized to benefit society was one of the main themes at a day of focus on the disabled in Thaba Chweu Municipality last week. On 27 November various stakeholders joined forces with Dwarsrivier Mine, Thaba Chweu Municipality, Ehlanzeni Municipality, SASSA and the Office of the Premier to bring together disabled people from all over the municipality. Various organizations working for the benefit of disabled people were represented. These included Epilepsy SA, Mental Health Organizations, DPSA, Estralita School and many others. Estralita’s school choir gave the event some rhythm
Wheelchairs and other gifts where handed out to some of the disabled people attending the function. The day ended as a networking function with a warm lunch being served while people got to know each other and the various organisations that can assist them better.
while the school also showcased some of the hat making, beading and woodwork skills learners acquire at the school. They also appealed to employers to give their learners an opportunity once they leave school, as they are very disciplined and well skilled once they leave school. Mr. Pius Monyela (left) from Dwarsrivier Mine told the audience that the mine recognizes the valuable contribution people with disabilities can still make to society. That is why they support days such as these that bring people in contact with organizations that can assist them and help empower them.
Leboeng joins together for activism against abuse On 27 November the Leboeng SAPS, Social Development, VEP and the Praktiseer Substance Abuse unit visited Leboeng Gankoana village. The event focused on 16 Days of Activism Against Women and Children Abuse. A large number of people attended the event with especially the youth coming in large numbers. Different speakers filled the day’s programme. Leboeng Station Commander Capt. Solomon Moholane warned the community to refrain from abusing drugs such as dagga and the alcohol called spion. He also warned those who are still producing spion illegally that they will face the law. Miss Teen Limpopo Rolemodels, Millicent Mashele had a chance to speak to the youth and she warned them to be careful of doing negative things. She told them that this might have an impact on their future. Domestic violence also came under the spotlight with the role substance abuse is playing also being emphasised. Entertainment items gave the event a less serious note as the crowd enjoyed dancing and other items.
(Photographs & Information: Const. Sibatana Maimela Andrew)
Meeting up with the Malekane family The Malekane family held a massive family reunion last week Saturday. People with the surname Malekane came from all over the country to Ga-Malekane for the event. The purpose of the event is to get to know all the people with the surname and keep in contact to offer support and share in life’s joys. The family will also be researching the history of why they became scattered all over the country. The reunion is set to become an annual event.
People with the surname Malekane can contact Kgoshi Malekane on 076 862 0721 or 072 525 5341 or email: morganmalekane@ to become part of the group that will be keeping in touch.
Samancor ECM invests millions in development of education infrastructure
“Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today”
Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) is spending millions to help improve educational facilities in the area. This was one of the major projects for 2014. The investment in education infrastructure is central to Samancor Chrome’s principles and values to contribute towards sustainable community development. The projects focus on the upgrading and construction of basic school infrastructure such as: 1. Madibeng Primary School in Kutullo Village (Tweefontein Mine Community) with additional classrooms/ 3 classrooms that will be convertible into a hall, refurbishments and renovations; 2. Mangabane Primary School at Mangabane Village (Doornbosch Mine Community) - Two Grade R Classrooms per school, 4 Classrooms, refurbishments and renovations of classrooms;
3. Mogolo Primary School at Ga-Riba (Doornbosch Mine Community) - 8 Classrooms. 4. Sehlaku Secondary School, Driekop Village (Doornbosch Mine Community) - School Hall, laboratory, Engineering workshop
5. Sekabate Primary School, Madiseng Village (Doornbosch Mine Community) -Admin Block, refurbishment of 2 Grade R Classrooms. Construction is progressing well and many of these buildings will be ready for use early in 2015.
Reaching out to the community Christmas wishes “May every employee, their families and our surrounding communities have a blessed Christmas. Remembering what Christmas is all about and sharing this special time with loved ones is the best way to bring 2014 to an end. Thank you to everyone who contributed towards the achievements of this year and in 2015 we will continue to grow together. I appeal to those who will be traveling to travel safe. At work safety comes first and I encourage every employee and contractor Mr Emile Britz, General Manager, to take the message home. Samancor Eastern Chrome Enjoy this special time and may you have a peaceful Christmas and a happy New Year!” Mines.
In May ECM and Thorburn Security Solutions reached out to a group of children at the Dilokong Youth Development and Empowerment Project. Donations consisting of food and blankets were delivered to the 24 caretakers and the 115 children they look after.
Samancor ECM hosts Career Expo Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) hosted the annual mines’ Eastern Limb HRD Forum Career Expo. The event took place at Winterveld Club where mines, related private enterprises and government showcased a myriad of industry related futures to learners, with the emphasis on the results they will need at the end of matric to qualify for training and bursary opportunities. In this regard the Mining Qualifications Authority’s stall proved to be very popular. Mr Emile Britz, General Manager of Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines, welcomed guests at the event and stressed the mining sector in the area’s continued commitment to local skills development and community upliftment. Speaking to guests on behalf of the MEC of Education in Limpopo, the Department’s Head of Corporate Services, Ms Maylene Broderick, put the emphasis on the need for educational development in Sekhukhune District. ECM’s involvement in education in the area is well-known. Some of the related projects for 2014 included the renovation of desks, the contruction of new classes, laboratories and school assembly halls. Through this EMC envisions a better future for the area.
Showcasing possible careers in the mining industry Below: Some of the functionaries from government and the mining sector who attended the expo: From left to right: Pieter Brits (HR Manager Samancor ECM), Emile Britz (GM Samancor ECM), Leandra van der Merwe (Head of Training and Development Khuphuka Samancor), Balebetsi Motaung (MEC Support Staff), Marther Pau (MEC Support Staff) and Maylene Broderick (Manager Corporate Services Department of Education).
Rehabilitated areas get a boost Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines celebrated Arbour Week (beke ya go gaša mehlare) with the rest of South Africa between 1 and 7 September 2014. The aim of Arbour week is to promote better knowledge of trees and in particular indigenous trees. It stresses the necessity for everyone to plant trees and care for them. It highlights the vital role of trees in our lives and contributes to the achievement of a green, dignified and healthy environment in all parts of South Africa. On 5 September 2014 ECM went back to rehabilitaed areas and planted 150 indigenous trees such as red wild berries, fever trees and camel thorn. These trees were selected because they are indigenous to this area, adapt quickly, uses less water and are quick growers. Eastern Chrome Mine General Manager, Mr Emile Britz kickstarted the planting at Doornbosch Old Opencast.
Then they proceeded to Lannex Broken Hill. Both mine managers (Kobus Horn and Zenzile Moni) were present during the planting. ECM thanked all the Training Centre learners who also participated by digging holes and who will continue planting the trees.
Going the extra mile on Mandela Day Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) participated in Mandela Day on 18 July 2014 with a clean-up campaign on the Steelpoort/Polokwane road. They themed their day’s effort: “Our Place, Our Planet...Our Responsibility”. Volunteers made a commitment to continue taking responsibility for the environment and to continue working with Samancor in achieving a zero harm environment.
To the rescue with desk problem Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) has expanded its mission in conjunction with communities to repair, rebuild and paint school desks that were found to be in a state of disrepair. This time the focus fell on Mangabane Primary School. As part of Samancor’s training and development strategy, community members were employed on short term contracts to attend the Generic Engineering skills programme. Once training had been completed the community learners were able to flaunt their newly acquired skills by designing the new desk tops and securing them to the repainted desk frames. Samancor’s vision with this gesture is to touch the community in a positive way, helping the schools and the community enjoy a stronger connection. It makes the learners feel more allied to their community and create a positive experience for everyone.
Raising funds for charity The 2014 Samancor ECM Charity Golf Day took place on 21 November at Tubatse Chrome Club. Through this day funds are raised for various community projects. This year grade 7 learners from various schools benefitted for the 2013 golf day when they received “Back to School” gifts.
Having an early Christmas at the Wildevy 4x4 Day Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines was once again one of the big winners at the annual Wildevy 4x4Day. The day aims to raise funds for charity and ECM annually hosts an obstacle point and prepares a potjie for the potjiekos competition. This year their theme
was ‘Christmas in July’. The colourful decorations and original theme impressed visitors and judges alike. The team’s hard work paid off as they walked away with three prizes: Best Theme; Best Sponsored Obstacle Point and Overall Winner.
Learners with their “Back to School” gifts.
Looking after employees’ health Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) in collaboration with Aboir and Medshield hosted a flu vaccination campaign at the various ECM sites. The campaign ran from 10 - 14 March and was well supported by Medshield members. ECM believes the health and safety of their employees are key to a successful business and encourage employees to participate in campaigns such as this.
World Aids Day activities Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) joined the rest of the world for awareness campaigns about HIV/Aids as December kicked-off with World Aids Day.
Supporting Shavathon 2014
Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines their hair or sprayed it colourful participated in the Cansa Shavathon 2014. patterns in support of the fight On 28 March employees either shaved against cancer. Funds are annually raised for the Cancer Association of South Africa through the country wide Shavathon campaigns. ECM has been a regular supporter of this worthy cause, while having fun is always part of the deal.
Calvinites rewarded for their hard work Calvin College held their annual awards ceremony last week Wednesday. At the event learners were rewarded for their academic achievements as well as achievements in sport and cultural activities. One of the main items was the announcement of the Calvinite of the Year. This went to Shirley Mphogo. Part of the programme was a motivational talk by Dr Lorna Maphuthuma. (Information: Calvin College)
The top achiever in each grade were from left: Grade 7 - Phindy Nkwana, Grade 8 Modirwadi Sekhukhune, Grade 9 - Nhlanhla Mathye, Grade 10 - Pleasure Mphanga and Grade 11 - Fortune Mashabela.
Obakeng Sebokolodi and Lefihlile Kgoete were honoured for their achievements in netball. With them is Mrs. C. Louw their coach.
Mrs. Lorraine Britz, Calvin College headmaster with Shirley Mphogo, the Calvinite of the Year.
The top acievers in grade 9 were Masaku Khoza, Barbra Maapola, Angel Maphanga and Nhlanhla Mathye. The top achievers in grade 8 were Innocentia Rampedi, Masello Moloto, Melissa Sibanda, Makaziwe Jaca and Modirwadi Sekhukhune.
The quiz team were Obakeng Sebokolodi and Nhlanhla Mathye. Grade 11 top achievers: Tetelo Thobejane, Success Mokgetloane, Desree Nkwana, Derrick Mohlala and Fortune Mashabela.
The top achievers in grade 7 were Ahmed Arbee, Tshepiso Masilela, Basetsana Mashigo, Muhammed Gani and Phindy Nkwana. With them is Ms. Y. Lombard.
Grade 10 top achievers: Mandy Mohlatlole, McGlory Riba, Sharon Makua and Pleasure Maphanga.
You can’t stop the music at Calvin Calvin College held their annual musical last week Thursday. The school’s learners performed various well-known hits during the show with the theme: “You can’t stop the music”.
Parents, family and friends filled the hall to see the what the learners will bring to the stage. The crowd was not left disappointed with the performance.
“You can’t stop the music” was the theme.
Hlakanang Primary bid farewell to grade 7 learners On 27 November 2014 Hlakanang Primary School bid farewell to their grade 7 learners. This day was also the day on which they awarded the top achievers in the school. A festive atmosphere was in the air as the medals, trophies and certificates were handed out. Parents and various dignitaries attended the ceremony. Acting headmaster Mr Jimmy Makola thanked Charity Stores Burgersfort their contribution to make the event possible. (Photographs and information: Hlakanang Primary School)
Left: Acting headmaster, Mr Jimmy Makola addressed the crowd and told them that this day should serve as a motivation to the learners to work hard next year so that they can also receive certificates and be recognised.
Phala Tsholofelo was the Grade 7 top achiever.
Moela Puseletjo received 4 awards in Grade 7. With her is her grandfather.
Win weekly with Tubatse SUPERSPAR The Tubatse SUPERSPAR WinA-Car competition is in full swing and lucky customers are walking away with lucky draw prizes every week. There is still time to enter the competition and stand a chance to win big!
Above: and below: Mr Joseph Maunatlala and Mr NJ Mongalo Makunyane was the winners of R500 shopping vouchers. Ms Lorraine Molapo and Ms Surprise Makunyane handed it to them.
Ms Leah Sekhukhune was the lucky winner of a Defy Washing Machine. Ms Thabita Mashilo handed it to her.
Platinum Gazette
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Get the newspaper at these distribution spots: Mototolo Concentrator Plant Dwarsrivier Mine Sediman’s Tuckshop - Kalkfontein Morena’s Tavern Kubu Tavern Glencore Training Centre Tubatse Village Winterveld Village Pick n Pay Steelpoort One Stop Motor Spares Steelpoort Vyfster Slaghuis Steelpoort Akademie Tingeling Kleuterskool Sasol Steelpoort Department of Education Circuit office Burgersfort Twickenham Mine Dilokong Mine Modikwa Mine Praktiseer SAPS Burgersfort SAPS Leboeng SAPS Ohrigstad SAPS Bronrich Slaghuis Laerskool Ohrigstad Ohrigstad Handelshuis Total Garage Ohrigstad Oasis Kafee Ohrigstad GMC Burgersfort Cash Trader Burgersfort Nalito’s Restaurant Burgersfort Dr Lorna Medical Centre Burgersfort Pharmacy Tubatse Pharmacy Laerskool Burgersfort Burgersfort Pharmacy Supa Save
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Notice Platinum Gazette will have it’s last edition for 2014 on 12 December 2014. The office will close for the Christmas season and will open again on 5 January 2015. The first publication for 2015 will be on 9 January 2015.
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
Neighbours square off On 26 November Tubatse Chrome FC and Glencore’s Lion Ferrochrome FC played a friendly soccer game at Ga-Mapodile township. The two smelters revived their neighbourhood entertaining soccer skills. Tubatse dominated play with Thato from Tubatse dismantling Glencore’s middle fielders. In the first half Tubatse netted three goals by Seun Mathiba, Terence Makofane and Mahlatse Mashegwane. The game went into half time with Tubatse leading 3-0. In the second half Glencore introduced some fresh legs making it difficult. This paid off when they received a penalty kick to add 1 goal to the score by Jeff Mnisi. Tubatse attacked again and during the dying
minutes of the game Mahlatse made a brace netting a volley to make the score 4 for Tubatse and 1 for Glencore. (Photographs & Information: Mokibelo Shine Pholoane)
Dolphin Ngele shines for Masters Playing for third place During the Top 16 tournament that took place at Mangabane sports ground last weekendTubatse Masters played against Rham United F.C. in a fight for the third position. The Masters dominated the ball possession in the first half and managed to score one goal by Dolphin Ngele. The half time score was 1-1 in favour of the Masters. In the second half Rham managed to level the score but a few minutes later Dolphin Ngele put the Masters in the lead for a second time. Later in the second half Tomas Lubisi from Tubatse Masters scored from the rebound and sealed a victory for the Masters. The final score was Tubatse Masters 3 and Rham United 1. At the end of the day Tubatse Masters walked away with R2000 for their third position and Dolphin Ngele walked away with two awards. He was named the Player of the Tournament and the Top Goal Scorer. He scored 7 goals during the tournamnet. These awards goes together with vouchers of R350 each. (Photographs & Information: Jerial Movundlela).
Shootout to decide the winner On Sunday 30 November the Tubatse Masters played against Samancor Eastern Chrome Mine (ECM) in the semi-finals of the Tubatse Chrome top 16 tournament. Tubatse Masters dominated the match in the first half and managed to score one goal by Velaphi Malaka. By half time the score was still 1-0. In the second half the Masters increased their lead to 2-0 by the boot of Velaphi Malaka. ECM fought back and managed to level the score. They forced the game into extra time. The game ended with a draw in extra time and it went to penalty shootout. ECM won the match 5-4 in the penalty shootout. (Photographs & Information: Jerial Movundlela).
Thriller game for Masters
Juniors leer golf speel
On Saturday 29 November the Tubatse Masters played against a team from Riba Cross (Cell-C F.C) in the top 16 tournament arranged by Tubatse Chrome. The match was played at Mangabane sports grounds. In the first half both teams showed their hunger for goals and created scoring opportunities. Tubatse Masters scored with Dolphin Ngele placing the ball in the net. Cell-C F.C. was not taking this easily and replied with new energy. They managed to level the score. Dolphin Ngele came through for his team with another goal to make the half time score 2-1. In the second half Cell-C F.C. put the Masters’ defence under pressure and scored three goals to lead 4-2. But the Masters fought back and Dolphin Ngele scored his third goal. Masters continued putting on the pressure and substitute Andrew Skosana scored the fourth goal to level the score. After only a few minutes Andrew Skosana took a long range shot outside the box and beat the Cell-C goalkeeper. Velaphi Malaka ensured victory and a place in the semi-finals for the Masters when he scored the sixth goal to make the final score 6-4 in favour of the Masters. (Photographs & Information: Jerial Movundlela).
Dinsdag hierdie week het Tubatse Chrome Golf Klub ‘n Junior Golf Kliniek aangebied. Dit was vir kinders tussen 5 en 16 wat graag wil leer golf speel. Martin van Rooyen het die groep onder hande geneem. Daar is van hand-en-oog koördinasie oefeninge tot balle slaan gedoen. Die groepie is na die tyd met ‘n heerlike ete en koeldrank by Tubatse Chroom Klub bederf. Die kliniek is gratis aangebied as deel van die Klub se sportontwikkeling en die kinders het nie hul eie stokke nodig gehad nie. Die Klub sal volgende jaar nog sulke klinieke aanbied.
Tubatse Masters vs Maruleng F.C. On 27 November 2014, Tubatse Masters F.C. visited Maruleng F.C. in Driekop to play a friendly soccer match. Tubatse Masters dominated the game in the first half and opened the score with a goal by Mashudu Netshilidzi. In the second half the hosts dominated the ball possession and managed to score two goals to lead 2-1. Just a few minutes before the final whistle Dolphin Ngele scored the second goal for the Masters to make the final score 2-2. (Information: Jerial Movundlela).
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Platinum Gazette
SPORT Walking to raise awareness On Monday 1 December Mototolo Platinum Mine raised awareness on the HIV/Aids pandemic through a Fun Walk. Monday was World AIDS Day and it is the longest running international health commemorative day. The objective of the day is to raise awareness of the global AIDS epidemic, to support the millions that are living with HIV/AIDS and to remember those who have died. The day is also aimed at improving education about the disease as well as to set aside and combat prejudices that come with the disease - it is to fight against HIV/AIDS. “We walked because we know that one day AIDS will be a distant memoray,” employees at the mine said. During the course of the day employees at the mine could also get to know their HIV status, receive information about the disease and where needed seek counselling. (Photographs and information: Karabo Motene, Mototolo Platinum Mine).