Platinum Gazette 05 July 2013

Page 1

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Youth Summit - p2

© Platinum Gazette

05 July 2013

Ga-Phasha to Amplats Shareholders of platinum group metals (PGMs) miner, Atlatsa Resources Corporation (previously Anooraq) support the company’s revised restructuring plan and have approved all resolutions proposed in this regard at a special general meeting on 28 June. In accordance with the resolutions, Atlatsa would now dispose of 31.4-million attributable PGM ounces, comprising the eastern section of the Ga-Phasha mineral property, to Anglo American Platinum (Amplats) for R1700 million. The western section of the tenement would be consolidated into the company’s broader existing Bokoni mine lease area, where opencast mining operations on the Merensky reef had started. Shareholders had further approved the issue of 125-million new Atlatsa common shares to Amplats for an aggregate cash subscription consideration of R750-million, or R6 a share. The proceeds from the asset sale and new share subscription would be used to reduce the company’s historical debt by 75%. In addition, Atlatsa would now have access to a new debt drawdown facility from Amplats worth up to R1550 million, at a weighted average effective interest rate of 2% a year through to 2020. Chief Commercial Officer of Atlatsa, Joel Kesler, said in a statement that the resolution would allow the company to significantly reshape its balance sheet and place it on a sound financial footing to deliver its 2020 operational strategy on a fully financed basis. “This, together with continuous operational improvements at the Bokoni platinum mine, places us in an advantageous position to continue reducing unit operating costs and improving the company’s financial position and performance going forward,” he stated.


05 JULY 2013


Dialogue with the Youth 2013 Sustainable development in the area and the future of the youth in the area (which cannot be seperated) again came in the potlight last week when the Sekhukhune District Municipality hosted a Youth Economic Summit. The summit, sponsored by Samancor, the Small Enterprises Development Agency (SEDA) and Eskom, kicked of at ECM’s Winterveld Club at Steelpoort last week Thusrday when Sekhukhune District Executive Mayor, Mogobo David Magabe, treated delegates to a gala dinner. Greater Tubatse Municipality Mayor, Nkosi Josias Mahlake welcomed the guests, while Limpopo MEC for Tourism and Economic Development, Pinky Kekana, delivered the keynote address. The youth’s voice during the evening was those of Mr Abednico Mashabela (photograph top right on the page), a

member of the Tubatse Youth Council as well as a well-known community activist. Mr Mashabela said recognition for the youth and awareness campaigns will prove invaluable in the future. He also stressed the importance of structures such as the Youth Council, which can represent the youth during planning for the future and the formulation of economic strategy and policy. MEC Kekana pressed it upon the youth that they should do their share in working hard and to make use of existing opportunities with regard to economic development. She also stressed that everybody cannot work at the mines and that the youth should empower themselves with skills that are needed in any ernvironment, including future mineral benefication and in other sectors of the economy that may develop, such as tourism.

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05 JULIE 2013


Talking economics with the youth A large number of young people attended the Youth Economic Summit which took place on Friday last week. (See page 2). Various SETAs and institutions gave talks about opportunities and ways in which the youth can become involved in economic development to benefit themselves and others in the area. Work sessions in smaller groups helped with networking and outlining opportunities and challenges.




Tubatse Crime Snippets On 1 July Zakaria Moriri (32) was sentenced to two years imprisonment for housebreaking and theft. He was sentenced in the Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court. He broke into a house between 31 December 2012 and 6 January 2013. Items such as a fridge, microwave and radio were stolen. On 27 June Jonas Mahlatse Mabela (28) was sentenced to one year imprisonment for violation of a protection order in the Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court. He was convicted for an offence committed on 15 January 2013 at Bothashoek by insulting and assaulting his 47-year old mother. On 2 July 2013 Michael Magashula (29) was sentenced to three months imprisonment with an option of a R2000 fine for driving a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol. He was sentenced in the Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court. The accused was arrested by traffic officials on the R37 road. On 28 June a 38-year old man appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court in connection with possession of suspected stolen goods. On 26 June the SAPS received a tip-off regarding a person who was in possession of stolen cattle. The SAPS investigated the matter and found that 7cows were already sold. The man had only one cow left in his possession. He was granted R2000 bail and the case postponed to 15 August 2013. (Information: Const. Jerial Movundlela, Tubatse SAPS)

05 JULY 2013

Skryf nou in vir die bergroete Die Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag vind hierdie jaar op 27 Julie plaas. Die baan is reeds vol vir die gewone 4x4-baan waaraan 120 voertuie gaan deelneem, maar daar is nog beperkte spasie vir die uitdagende bergroete. Hierdie roete neem voertuie teen die hange van die Maroneberg uit tot bo waar daar heerlike versnaperinge bedien sal word. Die uitsig is asemrowend en beslis die ry werd. Deelnemers aan hierdie roete sal nog betyds terug wees om ‘n deel van die dag by die feesterrein te geniet en die Show Stopper te sien. Hierdie roete is slegs vir voertuie met volledige viertrek funksies soos low range en diff lock. Die dag sal weer iets vir almal bied en of jy nou gaan deelneem of net kom kyk, jy moet dit beslis nie misloop nie! Vind meer uit by 013 231 7199.

Car winner drawn The St. Michael Raffle (under St. Andrews Mission, Steelpoort) ended after the three winners were drawn. The raffle was launched on 24 December at Steelpoort. The winners were drawn on 29 June 2013. The third prize (a refrigerator) went to ticket number 2451. The second prize (a flat screen TV) went to ticket number 2590. The winner of the first prize, a car, was ticket number 2047. The St. Michael Project team would like to thank everyone who participated in their initiative to raise funds for the construction of a church.

05 JULIE 2013



Samancor and Kohin reaching out VLU bak en brou Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines in partnership with Kohin held a youth outreach program at Mangabane Soccer field in June. Mangabane Primary School and Makgakantshe Primary School participated in the event. The day started off with fun and games which included team building exercises, jumping castles, face painting and human fooseball. The rest of the day was filled with a dog show by the local SAPS, praise and worship and heart-to-heart sessions led by Kohin’s Jacques and Solly. Samancor would like to thank every volunteer who assisted on the day.

Die VLU op Lydenburg het tydens hul Junie vergadering geleer hoe om self skilferkorsdeeg te maak. Mev. Bevie Marais het die tegniek kom demonstreet en ten spyte van ‘n gesukkel met krag wat afgegaan het, kon die vroue

proe hoe heerlik die tuisgemaakte deeg in vergelyking met gekoopte deeg is. Belangstellendes word uitgenooi om elke tweede Woensdag van die maand by die NG Kerk Suid in Lydenburg die vergaderings by te woon. (Foto en inligting: SL Tolmay).

(Photographs & Information: ECM)

No Sir, this is not a parking

This car wash on the corner of Oorbietjie/Marone Street and Eland Street claimed the road as a wash bay on Saturday with no regard for traffic moving in the street. Cars were angrily gestured to just move around the parked vehicle which was getting its tyres polished. This contributed to the traffic problems over the month-end weekend. No traffic officers were close to this section of town to do law enforcement.



05 JULY 2013

Developing the youth into an Unemployment is a national problem, but in the Tubatse area development of the youth and their empowerment as an economic force is a focus point for both government and industries. Industries in the area often complain that it is difficult to employ local people because they don’t have the skills, while government encourages young people to make use of the opportunities that are available. Last week the Sekhukhune District Municipality facilitated a Youth Economic Summit. Ms Pinky Kekana, MEC for Tourism and Economic Development in Limpopo told the delegates that they should make use of the various opportunities that are coming their way while being creative to use what they have to establish themselves as entrepreneurs. She encouraged them to be active in establishing themselves in the economic sphere of the area. (More about this event in a separate article in this newspaper). We asked readers if they think enough is being done in the Greater Tubatse Municipal area to establish the youth as an economic force?

Me. Gretli Steyn sê: “Daar is geleenthede vir die jeug, maar elke persoon moet verantwoordelikheid vir homself vat en opstaan en aktief iets gaan doen. Hou aan, moenie ophou probeer na die eerste probeerslag nie, ‘n goeie werk gaan nie net in jou skoot val nie”.

Mr Derick Magakoe said: “Not enough is being done for the youth. We don’t have facilities. We have only one college. In terms of skills development not enough is being done. We have young people with matric but they are not being trained. If government can speed up learnership and apprentice opportunities it will help. The youth is trying to become economically active by going to school and then applying for jobs”.

Mr Abby Maroga said: “Not enough is being done, but government and industries in the area are trying. Most of the youth are relaxed. Most are just sitting on their butts doing nothing, but complain a lot”.

Ms Pulane Mthembu and Mr Hendrik Seerane said: “No, enough is not being done to assist the youth in becoming an economic force. I am (Pulane) a chemical engineering graduate and I’m still jobless. It hurts! The MEC says make use of opportunities, but what opportunities? They never develop us and assist us to get experience. Businesses only employ people with experience. They need to train people and then don’t drop them afterwards”.

Mr Tshepang Mashabela said: “There are no developments here in this area within the youth because they don’t have skills to work in a mine. They need training to work in a mine”.

Me. Mathilda Griesel sê: “Nee, ek dink nie daar is baie geleenthede vir die jeug nie. ‘n Mens hoor ook te min van dit wat daar is om regtig daarvan te kan gebruik maak”. By haar is Arno.

Mr David Matemane said: “The youth don’t use the opportunities that are there. Adults who should mentor the youth are also not doing enough to help them and many end up in criminal activities”.

Ms Precious Phasha said: “The youth don’t use all the opportunities available to them. Like when they opened the Tubatse Crossing Mall the youth were told to submit their CVs at the Department of Labour, but they did not do that and when the shops finally opened they came in looking for jobs. They did not do that one little thing from their side”.

Right: Mr Abram Mohlala said: “I think government is doing enough. They develop the young people step by step. You cannot have everything at once. It is a problem that the youth is not doing enough from their side to get skills and jobs”.

Mr Minus Maile said: “No, there are not enough opportunities for the youth. This place is full of mining industries, but many people from outside the area is employed while the young people do the cheap labour. There should be a mining and technical school here where the youth can be developed so they can become economically active. There are a few people I know who are trying to develop young people”.

05 JULIE 2013



economic force: your opinion

Ms Doreen Malepe said: “No, there is a lot of unemployment in this area. The youth don’t have the skills and not enough is being done to develop their skills”.

Mnr. Phillip Roetz sê: “Daar is geld bewillig om jeugontwikkeling te doen. Die probleem is jy kan nie werk kry sonder ondervinding nie, al het jy kwalifikasies en niemand wil jou aanstel sonder ondervinding nie. Dis ‘n catch 22. Daar is inisiatiewe van die staat maar dit is moeilik om daarvan gebruik te maak”. Mr Morwapatla Supe and Ms Anna Refilwe Supe said: “They are doing enough to empower the youth as an economic force in Tubatse. They are creating jobs for the youth, but they must just look at now giving the youth things like entertainment and sporting facilities. We want an area where we can watch movies, especially in the malls”.

Above: Mr Tshupetso Komane, Mr Jersey Hlahla and Mr Jabulanie Mathebula said: “The opportunities are there, they are just not exposed to the youth. We as the youth expect opportunities to come to us, but we must go and knock on doors and search for opportunities. The youth of this town just don’t do proper research and then blame it on the government”.

Mr Amos Motau said: “Yes, there are a lot of employment opportunities for the youth because of all the mining industries in the area”.

Mr Moses Maile and Mr Frank Malepe said: “The municipality must open a free training centre to help the youth to get the skills they need. People around Burgersfort don’t have enough qualifications. They cannot make use of opportunities because they don’t have the skills and we are a part of that group”. Right: Mr Marumo Mabokwane said: “No, I don’t think enough is being done. The youth empowerment projects are only aimed at empowering those who are ANC members. An example is the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) which has replaced the Youth Commission, but it is still being manipulated by the ANC. When they talk, they talk like they want to empower everyone, but actually they want to uplift the ANC”.

Mr Peniel Marule and Ms Tryphosa Mojalefa said: “No, not enough is being done. We did not even know about last week’s economic summit and what it means for the youth. The information about opportunities is not getting to us. The youth is not recognised as an economic force. If they were a big force things like entertainment would have been better in Burgersfort”.

Mr Peter Mdhluli said: “I’m also a part of the youth. What opportunities is government talking about? I’ve got a masters degree, yet I am unemployed. We can’t see progress in Tubatse. I’ve never seen any opportunities in Tubatse. They should advertise the opportunities more. They exclude us. They talk yet there is no progress. I’ve been a resident of this area for 27 years. When I was studying I called the municipality to apply for a bursary, but they tell me they don’t give bursaries to LLB students. I’ve tried, but did not get anything. Posts as well. When you hear they’ve appointed someone at the municipality without us seeing the job advertisements”.


05 JULY 2013


Kitsgids na Nooddienste/ Important numbers: Burgersfort SAPS Ohrigstad SAPS Roossenekal SAPS Mecklenburg SAPS Eerstegeluk SAPS Tubatse SAPS Sekhukhune SAPS Leboeng SAPS Maartinshoop SAPS

Psalms 145:9 “The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works”.

(013) 231 0200 (013) 238 0128 (013) 273 0075 (015) 615 0204 (013) 237 0011 (013) 216 8500 (013) 260 1007 (013) 769 9099 (013) 235 4041

In case of a power failure in Burgersfort the SAPS Switchboard will not be working. Call: 082 462 2920 or 082 449 0273

Ander nood/Other emergencies: Dilokong Hospitaal/Hospital (013) 2147265 Mecklenburg Hospitaal/ Hospital (013) 615 0204 Burgersfort Kliniek/Clinic (013) 2317843 Water & Sanitation 082 900 4449 Disaster Management - (Ambulance & Fire) 0800 330 022 Electricity (Eskom) 0860 037 566

Kennisgewings/Notices Public Notice

Mantises belong to the Mantodea family of insects and contains over 2 400 recognised species. The closest relatives of mantises are termites and cockroaches. Mantises can see up to 20 metres. The dark spot in each eye is called a pseudopupil. Those who have wings will have two sets of wings - outer and inner wings. The outer wings are usually used for camouflage and as a protective shield for

Betrekkings/Vacancies BOKONI PLATINUM MINE

Invitation to a MASS meeting Gamapodile-A and Gamapodile Community Greater Tubatse Local Municipality, Department of Cooperative Governance Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs, together with a team of consultants hereby invite you to a community mass meeting to discuss about a land tenure upgrading project for the two areas mentioned above. The meeting is scheduled as follows: Date: 07 July 2013 Venue: Thusong Service Centre Time: 09h00

As the first Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) Company with two North American listing as well as a South African listing, we are the employer of choice in the mining field. The following vacancy now exists at the Bokoni Platinum Mine in the Limpopo Province:

Work Description


This role is responsible to support a HRD Officer to instruct non-supervisory employees in the business areas and units in the discipline specific skills required for their roles. Each facilitator will have one or more focus areas of training for which they will specialize in such as rail transport or development training. Time horizon of the role is 2-3 months.

Your participation will be highly appreciated. For information contact: Lekgau Molepo 073 228 7519, Timothy Mudzielwana 072 426 6537, and Cllr Makine M.P 072 824 8802

Memo Ya Kopano Kgothekgothe Sechaba Sa Gamapodile-A le Ga-Mapodile Masepala wa Selegae wa Greater Thubatse, Kgoro tirisano bodulo le merero ya Bagosi (Coghsta), ga mmogo le sehlopha sa diconsultants, ba le mema kopanong kgothekgothe mo go tlo ba go ahlaahliwa land tenure upgrading project ya mafelo a a boletjweng ka godimo. Kopano e beakantswe ka tsela e: Letsatsi: 07 Ngwato 2013 Lefelo: Thusong Service Centre Nako: 09h00 Re ka leboga go ba gona ga lena. Mo go hlokegago tshedimusho: Lekgau Molepo 073 228 7519, Timothy Mudzielwana 072 426 6537, and Cllr Makine M.P 072 824 8802 Address: 1 Kastania Street, Burgersfort; PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150; Tel: 013 231 1000; Fax: 013 231 1467; Website:

the hind wings. Mantises try to protect themselves through camouflage and concealment. If they are threatened they may spread their wings to look larger and some species have bright coloured wings as additional deterrent. They may also strike with their forelegs and attempt to pinch or bite. The Mantis on this photograph almost melted into the brick wall with its camouflage.


Minimum Requirements

 Currently working towards a HRD/ Human Resources Qualification / Certificate.  Competency in all roles related to Trainer profile. Valid drivers license code 08.

Key Responsibilities Conduct skills training courses and tests. Regular assessment of the performance of trainees on the training programmes. Plan training courses and schedules to support the BAs operational requirements. Continuously liaise with the Training Practitioner on training activities. Ensure that safety standards are adhered to in training. Liaise with ADC and HRD teams for technical support requirements in the training area & Support the induction of new employees. Support theoretical or classroom training with underground instruction and assessments. Fairly manage cultural diversity through the method of training employed. Identify ideas to increase motivation. Ensure that work is fairly allocated to trainees. Ensure competencies of employees for the work required are to standard. Contribute to areas planning process.  Identify opportunities to improve operations by reviewing work practices against standard procedures & Participation in improvement projects. Support efforts to overcome operational problems by providing training. Ensure that materials and equipment are available for the training requirements in the area. Interested persons can forward their applications to the Recruitment Office by E-mail to closing date 12 July 2013. “Bokoni Platinum” shall apply the affirmative action principles as set out in the company’s employment equity policy. In the event that you do not hear from the Company within a period of 21 days after the closing date of applications, your application shall be deemed to be unsuccessful. The CV’s of unsuccessful applications shall not be returned.

05 JULIE 2013



Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/ Advertise hier/ here: 1.Sport Klubs / Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/ Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/ Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/ Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

3. Dienste/ Services PRIVATE TUITION Maths/Science Contact: 082 527 7146

4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Mooifontein Guesthouse. R400 single room. R500 double room. Restaurant and bar opening soon. Contact: Judy: 082 308 9221 or Benita 078 844 0277.

5.Troeteldiere/ Pets HONDJIES TE KOOP Boerboel gekruis met ‘n Rifrug. 10 Kleintjies beskikbaar teen R500 elk. Kontak: 082 659 1060

7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous We buy and sell secondhand furniture. 3 Months laybuys available. Contact us for the best prices in town! Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next to Supa Save (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236

9. Te Huur/ To Let Springkastele te huur. Vyf verskillende soorte. Steelpoort/ Burgersfort. Kontak Bianca, 082 558 9129. Nuwe tweeslaapkamer woonstel te huur in Burgersfort. Skakel 082 357 1954

10. Te Koop/ For Sale Bargain properties for sale. Tel: 082 496 4312

URGENT SALE Stand in Motaganeng estate Erf 2704 Size: 564 m² Price: R210 000 Contact: Herman 0832299765

Advertising deadlines: Every Tuesday at 17:00. Enquiries: Beánnla Celliers, 083 543 1676

Remember, read the paper online:

“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson

Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website:

SLEEPWAENS TE KOOP Besigtig by Burgersfort Animal Farm. Kontak: 082 659 1060

Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Phone her on 083 543 1676/013 231 7147 or e-mail to book your advertising space today.


05 JULY 2013


Tubatse Masters dominate in Kgapane Village Last weekend the Tubatse Masters visited Kgapane Village near Tzaneen to play a friendly soccer game against the Bolobedu branch: Supporters of Kaizer Chiefs and Orlando Pirates. The game started at 15:30 and the Tubatse Masters dominated the game. By half time the score was 2-0. They continued their domination in the second half and scored four more goals. The hosts only managed to score one goal. In the end the Tubatse Masters won 6-1. (Photographs & Information: Jerial Movundlela). Many Kaizer Chiefs supporters were present. (What happened to the photographs of the Bucs supporters, we don’t know - Editor).

Tubatse Masters vs Ga-Malekana Masters It was a busy weekend for the Tubatse Masters. After their game at Kgopane Village near Tzaneen on Saturday they faced the GaMalekana Masters on Sunday. This friendly game was played at Montrose Sportsground near Modikwa Platinum Mine. The Tubatse Masters continued their domination from earlier in the weekend by defeating the visitors 5-2. (Photographs & Information: Jerial Movundlela)

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05 JULIE 2013



Rugby rules at Winterveld Saturday last week rugby ruled at Winterveld Recreational Club. The Winterveld (Buffels) Rugby Club and Ohrigstad Rugby Club played league games in front of a home crowd. After the rugby the players and supporters enjoyed a festive atmosphere with live music and food. Read more on page 12.

The Winterveld Buffels played in their dark blue Throburn Security sponsored kit while the Ohrigstad Rugby Club played in the orange and black clothes. Both teams were well supported next to the field. Ohrigstad played first and then the Buffels took to the field.

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05 JULY 2013

It is child’s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@platinum

Platinum Gazette

SPORT Visitors dominate The Winterveld Rugby Club, better known as the Buffels, hosted a well organized rugby day and live entertainment at the Winterveld Recreational Club rugby field and open hall last Saturday. The day’s events started with the Ohrigstad rugby club facing Dendron in a league game. The Dendron club proved to be the better team and won 15-3. Shortly afterwards, the Buffels faced Louis Thrichardt in their league game but were weighed and found too light! The Buffels lost 25-0 against the opposing club. Although it was a devastating day for the home clubs, the rugby was of a good standard and fairly managed by the referee appointed by the Blue Bull Rugby Union in Polokwane. “Thank you to all the supporters and the Tubatse Mobile Medical unit, who supported us and share an interest in our club’s wellbeing,” said Mr Charl van der Merwe from the Buffels rugby club. After the rugby, everyone moved over to the Winterveld Valley Festival hall next to the rugby field. Die Broers all the way from Cape Town and Jaco Labusgachne from Pretoria entertained the crowd for the rest of the evening. “I would like to thank each and every person who contributed to the evening’s success and for all the support! It makes us happy to know that our local community still has so much interest in club rugby!” Charl said. “I would like to thank the following businesses and individuals for their sponsors and contributions towards this day’s events. Khumula Lodge, Winterveld Club Management, Precrete, Platchro Mining Services, Mopane Bottle store, Macsteel Steelpoort, 2YK, Mega Paints, Pick n Pay in Steelpoort, OK Grocer in Burgersfort, Vallei glas and the AFM Church. Then last, but not at all the least, Eastern Chrome Mines for their major contribution towards the day’s expenses. ECM, thank you for maintaining the field, thank you for the use of the hall and especially, thank you to Mariska Stickling for her assistance. I would then like to thank the team of H i g h l a n d s Volkswagen in Lydenburg for the water bottles and caps we received from them and also to Jacob from Supa

Quick in Steelpoort for the new tokbags. No matter how small the sponsor or contribution, it motivates the players and enables the Rugby club’s Management to reward the team for their sacrifice for the love of the game!”

Ohrigstad Rugby Club played in the black and orange and the Buffels in the dark blue Thorburn sponsored gear.

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