R37 takes a hit Mines and communities again clashed this week along the R37 route between Burgersfort and Polokwane when they came at loggerheads about a number of issues. Communities want employment. Mines say are already running on the edges of profitability and cannot afford to employ without any regard to sustainable industrial growth. A problem and dangerous.
Geese Crossing These geese crossing the road in Praktiseer this week did so orderly and fast, while motorists also behaved exemplary (much better than in Burgersfort, where chaos was reigning) most of the week. Whoever put up those warning signs about cattle, goats, hippo and game, what about a geese one for Praktiseer?
Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Apel
5 May 2017
Tel Fax
0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147
5 MAY 2017
Ezekiel 33:15-17 (NIV) 15
if they give back what they took in pledge for a loan, return what they have stolen, follow the decrees that give life, and do no evil—that person will surely live; they will not die. 16 None of the sins that person has committed will be remembered against them. They have done what is just and right; they will surely live. 17 “Yet your people say, ‘The way of the Lord is not just.’ But it is their way that is not just.
(This photograph was taken on Robbers’ Pass between Ohrigstad and Pilgrim’s Rest on Monday afternoon).
Initiation deaths - be involved and save lives
As the INitiation season approaches government is taking a pro-active approach and urge parents to be involved int he initiation process of their children from beginning to end. Thay made this call to assist in saving lives. Govenment is using the theme “We Love Our Tradition, We Value the Life of Our Youth” for this year’s awareness campaign about initiations. Minister for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA), Des
van Rooyen added that parents and communities should remain vigilant. “Let’s adopt ‘Zero Tolerance to initiation deaths’. It is important to note that even when the initiates are at the initiation schools, parents are still the people primarily responsible for their health. This is one role that they cannot outsource or delegate” the minister said. “Communities throughout the country are preparing their children for this sacred path of our people, in line with our
different cultures. Part of government’s plan to help prevent unnecesary loss of life is to conduct unscheduled visits to a number of provinces as part of their interventions and monitoring. Communities can and is urged to report any wrong doing related to initiation through a hotline number especially created for this issue. They can call 0800 111 166 or #InitiationDTA.
#SaferSchools The Ohrigstad SAPS embarked on a #SaferSchools Campaign. They visited learners at Maepa Primary School. The learners were addressed about the dan-
gers of using drugs, about bullying and how to handle it as well as theft. The learners are encouraged to focus on their education in a safe environment where they can report incidents of crime.
5 MEI 2017
Work on Morone Street in Burgersfort is progrewsssing rapidly and the partially completed surface is already a huge improvement over the previous potholed surface. Work will probably be completed by the end of the month.
Red flag or Coke tin will be much appreciated ...
Steelies netbalspelers wys hulle staal
Mayor Ramaila says: “Don’t burn. Talk to us” The operations and maintenance team from the Sekhukhune District Municipality in Limpopo Province, is still hard at work in an urgent mission to restore normal water supply at Holneck, Maraganeng and Mathulastand villages in the Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality. A team of electricians and artisans was deployed following a meeting between Mayoral Committee Member Mbuzi Mahlangu and community members on 02 May 2017. The meeting was urgently convened following blockade of R579 road between Monsterlus and Zaaiplas early in the morning where burning tires, tree trunks, stones and rubble where used. It is believed that residents are angry following water supply disruption in the area, which they allege started in March 2017. Speaking at the sidelines of his meeting with the newly appointed Municipal Manager of the Sekhukhune District Municipality held in Groblersdal, Executive Mayor Cllr Keamotseng Stanley Ramaila said: “I fully understand the frustrations that our people people feel having to endure the hardship of not having water for a day. So what about 5 weeks, this is too much because our people deserve better. I have since deployed MMC Mbuzi Mahlangu to the affected areas and he reported to me that indeed the people are without water. That situation is deeply regrettable and we want to unconditionally apologize to the affected communities. In the short term, we will dispatch two water tankers to the area for relieve purposes while in the long term, we will be finalizing the repair work at the bore holes” Executive Mayor Ramaila also referred to his policy directive to develop Operations and Maintenance Master Plan, as one of the critical pillars which will be used to improve the turn-around time in response to breakdowns in the district. Currently, the district is operating without a plan and workers take longer periods to respond. In addition to that, this area will in the near future benefit from a multi year water project called Zaaiplas-Carbonates which is being implemented in phases. Executive Mayor reiterate his call to all communities in Sekhukhune to urgently establish ‘Ward-based Water Committees’ which will be used to facilitate water related issues between themselves and the district municipality”. The Executive Mayor urged communities to refrain from using violence means of resolving service delivery challenges. He appealed to all Traditional Leaders, Councillors, Members of Ward Committees, community organizations and residents to take advantage of his ‘open door policy’ and engage him personally on issues of service delivery if they don’t get satisfaction from his administration.
Vrydag 21 April het die onder 12 & 13 Nelbalspelers aan die proewe by Taalfees in Witbank gaan deelneem. Die volgende spelers was deur: 0/13 A Me. Ina Joubert se span - Thato Maroga, Nkwanda Hlomuka (foto links bo). 0/12 A Me. Lindi Cronje se span - Hlalefa Phetla, Tebogo Sekwane (foto regs bo). Hierdie 4 meisies het Woensdag 26 April verder aan die streeksproewe gaan deelneem by Middelburg Primary. Tebogo het Maandag aan die Provinsiale proewe op Standerton deelgeneem.
5 MAY 2017
Dwarsrivier Mine delivers on Community Social Investment in the area
warsrivier Chrome Mine (DCM) is doing more than just assis ng in providing urgently needed infrastructure development like water supply, electrifica on and roads. The Mine truly cares about the communi es surrounding it and their Community Social Investment (CSI) ini a ves stand as a proud beacon of this. Educa on is one of the issues close to DCM’s heart, they believes that through educa on, the youth of today will be able to work towards a be er future for themselves and their communi es. It is for this purpose that DCM annually sponsors a career expo. At these events, learners have an opportunity to be exposed to different careers, enquire more on their career choices, as well as acquiring informa on regarding admission requirements for enrollment to study those careers, just to name but a few. Most importantly, learners get informa on on available bursary schemes from various ins tu ons. With an understanding that the future of these learners starts now, DCM also invests in assis ng learners to achieve academic success in their grade 12 year by encouraging, promo ng and suppor ng the existence of Winter and Summer Schools, which focus on cri cal subjects such as mathema cs, science and accoun ng. Passing grade 12 well forms part of an important milestone of the learners’ career. DCM, in partnership with different high schools around the area, supports the learners by providing addi onal tutoring at no cost to them and a warm meal every day. Addi onal effort to help keep learners in school was seen through the dona on of sanitary towels to learners at Makgwale Secondary School. Girls o en stay away from school when they cannot afford sanitary towels and don’t want to be embarrassed at school. In February this year Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine donated sanitary towels (subz pad - that is reusable) to more than 250 learners at the school. The learners ranged from Grade 8 to 12. This dona on will see that these learners never have a reason to skip school due to their menstrual cycle. DCM in partnership with Young Legacy handed over a library to Ngwanangoato Secondary School in the Ngwaabe area in February this year. The library will assist learners with addi onal subject ma er on their different classes as well as a wide range of other books. “Educa on is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” was said by Nelson Mandela and Mr Remember Mmbengwa from Dwarsrivier Mine told the learners to remember that. Many schools have also been equipped with infrastructural upgrades such as drilling of boreholes, installing pumps and water tanks, ablu on facili es, and classroom furniture. During the annual Mandela Day ac vi es DCM had been involved with renova ons and dona ons at various schools in the area. Many had benefi ed, but of the major beneficiaries were Shaga Primary School in Shaga and Mohlarekoma Secondary School in Roseenekal where classrooms were painted inside and out and all broken windows replaced. The school grounds were also cleaned and the grass cut. Mashishing High School received school uniforms for less fortunate learners and the school took hands with DCM to paint road markings like speed humps in Mashishing. Shaga Primary School received a fence, computers and was also painted. The me and support for this primary school paid off when Shaga was announced as the most improved school within the Lydenburg circuit. Maphopha Primary School received 100 school desks and office furniture for the teachers, Masago Primary School received new
ablu on facili es for learners and teachers. Ngwaabe Comprehensive School was renovated through pain ng classrooms, replacing windows and broken doors. Mohlarekoma High School was one of the schools receiving a borehole, pump and water tank for fresh water. The safety of communi es is also important and that is why DCM is annually involved with sponsorship of crime awareness campaigns in both Sekhukhune and Mashishing. Addressing major problems such as drug abuse and domes c violence. HIV/Aids Awareness Campaigns are annually part of the CSI ini a ves DCM supports. The health and well being of Dwarsrivier employees as well as the communi es are a priority and World Aids Day is one of the days that are properly commemorated. These days take on various forms, from a soccer tournament for community teams to formal func ons with informa ve speakers and HIV Ambassadors bringing messages of hope. They however all have one thing in common – ge ng to know your status and reducing discrimina on. At these events community members get the opportunity to have free HIV tests as well as other health checks such as TB tes ng, blood glucose tes ng and blood pressure tes ng. The aim is to get to zero new infec ons while ge ng help to those who are living with the virus. Water is a precious resource and while many communi es in the area are s ll suffering with access to potable water, it is also necessary to create awareness that water should be used sparingly. The Na onal Water Week celebra ons are another CSI ini a ve that gets well supported. The events alternate between the Thaba Chweu Municipality and Sekhukhune District’s Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Municipality. Schools parcipate in these events learning more about water conserva on and water being an irreplaceable resource. This year the event was held at the Ga-Malekane sports grounds and was well supported by community members. Government’s Department of Water and Sanita on in conjunc on with DCM hosted the event that underlined the commitment towards improving the water supply to villages in the area. Addi onal CSI projects include the development of SMME’s in the area. In this regard Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine is running a training project in partnership with LEDA and the first graduates completed their programmes and graduated last year. Some SMME’s had also been equipped with computers and printers to assist in se ng up their offices and doing business in a professional manner. Sport is recognized as an important factor that can unite people and li them from lives that could easily have fallen into crime when they are living in difficult circumstances. That is why the Dwarsrivier Marathon Club was established. Athletes from especially the Ngwaabe area are members of the Club. DCM assists them with transport to important marathons such as the Comrades Ultra Marathon. They also received running gear, accommoda on and meals to the Comrades Marathon. This investment in the spor ng talent of the area paid off as last year’s best performing athlete, Frans Thabana Phehli received a silver medal for his me of 07:14:22. The eldest runner in the group is 70 year-old Jack Thokoane who also finished the Comrades Marathon last year. The athletes are looking forward to this year’s race and are in the final stages of their prepara on for this ul mate test of human endurance. They are set to make DCM proud again and are thankful for the support they receive from the Mine. As Dwarsrivier Mine successfully closes off one phase of their Social Labour Plan (SLP) and certain CSI projects, they are looking forward to con nue working with communi es and government to create a be er tomorrow for everyone.
HIV/Aids awareness campaigns offer community members the opportunity to get to know their status and be referred for proper treatment if necessary. These events are very popular with long queues lining up at the tes ng tents.
DCM supports crime awareness ini a ves to help create a safer community. They also assisted through sponsoring photo equipment for the Ngwaabe Youth Against Crime Organisa on (photo le ).
Na onal Water Week is celebrated annually and DCM has been involved with the local celebra ons over the last few years. The Mine’s commitment towards water conserva on and assis ng communi es with access to water has been proven through the various SLP projects.
Le : At the annual career expo Grade 12 learners can speak to professionals and representa ves from different ter ary ins tu ons about career choices. They also have the opportunity to find out about possible funding opportuni es for their studies. Bursary schemes and appren ceships are showcased at the career expo every year.
5 MEI 2017
Dwarsrivier Mine’s CSI projects touch the heart DCM’s involvement in the community is undisputable. Projects within the successfully completed SLP and CSI projects are purposefully driven to make a difference in the area. Projects range from sports development and support, health awareness, crime awareness, educa onal support and upli ment as well as crea ng a thriving environment for local businesses by training SMME’s to seize every opportunity with the skills acquired through their training.
Above: DCM also supports ini a ves that help protect vulnerable individuals in the community. They have been involved with the Disability Forum within Thaba Chweu for a few years now.
Development of SMME’s in the area is also paying off with the first group of graduates receiving their cer ficates. This project is done in conjunc on with LEDA. Le : Some previous Mandela Day dona ons included sports kit dona ons for teams in the Thaba Chweu Mayoral Development programme.
Above and right: Makgwale Secondary School’s Grade 8 to 12 girls benefi ed from a dona on of subs pads (reusable sanitary pads). This dona on will ensure that no girl needs to stay away from school due to her menstrual cycle as is o en the case when learners cannot afford the necessary sanitary towels. More than 250 learners benefi ed.
Mandela Day ac vi es over the last few years focused mainly on renova ons and dona ons at schools in the area. Classrooms were painted and broken doors and windows replaced. Some dona ons included boreholes, water tanks and pumps.
Inves ng in educa on is one of the ways DCM is pu ng back in the community. They annually sponsor Winter School where Grade 12 learners can have addi onal classes to help prepare them for their matric examina ons.
DCM in February handed over a library at Ngwanangoanoto Secondary School in Ngwaabe. It was a joint project with Young Legacy.
The community runners of Dwarsrivier Marathon Club shined at Comrades Marathon 2016 and the group is already aiming for fast mes for the race at the end of this month.
5 MAY 2017
Platinum Gazette
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FETAKGOMO GREATER TUBATSE MUNICIPALITY We, Mukwevho Development Experts, being the authorized agent of the registered owners of Portion 67 portion of portion 1 of the farm Leeuwvallei 297 Registration division KT Limpopo province, hereby give notice in terms of Section 96 of the town planning and township ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986) reading together with Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act 16 of 2013 , that we have applied to the Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Municipality for Township establishment in the below manner. Name of the township: Burgersfort extension 76. Full name of the applicant: Mukwevho Development Experts (Pty) Ltd. Number of Erven and proposed zoning: 2 Erven, “Residential 2” for the purpose of developing flats for accommodation. “Business 1” for the purpose of developing shops. Description of the property on which the township is to be established: Portion 67 portion of portion 1 of the farm Leeuwvallei 297 Registration division KT Limpopo province. Locality of the pro-
re filwe maatla go posed township: The emela mong wa Township is located Portion 67 seripa sa within Burgersfort portion 1 ya polasa CBD along Kruis Leeuwvallei 297 Street. GeographRegistration division ical coordinates: KT Limpopo province, 24°40’10.95”S and re fa stebiso mabapi 30°19’20.40”E. le karolo ya 96 of the Local authority: town planning and Fetakgomo Greater township ordinance, Tubatse Municipal1986 (Ordinance 15 ity, within Greater of 1986) ga mmogo le Sekhukhune District Spatial Planning and Municipality. Land Use ManageParticulars of the ment Act 16 of 2013, application are open gore re dire kgopelo for inspection during ya tlabologo go Fetaknormal office hours at the office of Senior gomo Greater Tubatse Municipality go ya ka Town Planner: Fetaktsela e e latelago: gomo Greater Tubatse Municipality Civic cen- Leina la lefelo: Burgersfort extension 76. tre, 01 Kastania Street Maina (ka bo tlalo) a Burgersfort, from the moemedi: Mukwevho 21st April 2017 (the date of first publication Development Experts (Pty) Ltd. of this notice). Objection or representations Nomoro ya Setene le in respect of the appli- thlaloso ya kgopelo: 2 Erven, “Residential cation must be lodged 2” go aga dintlo tsa in writing and in duplicate with the Municipal bodulo. “Business 1” go aga mabenkele. Manager at the above Tlhaloso ya setene office or posted to P.O. Box 206, Burgersfort, seo se amegilwego: 1150, from the 28th Portion 67 seripa sa April 2017. portion 1 ya polasa Address of agent: Leeuwvallei 297 RegUnit 43 Burgundy│29 istration division KT Ridge Close Street Limpopo province. Stone Gate Estate Lefelo la kgopelo ya │Centurion │ Preto- tlhabologo: Lefelo le ria │0157, Cell: 082 tulomg ya Burgersfort 062 5599/ +27 12 756 CBD mo Kruis Street. 6900 Fax; 086 729 Geographical coordi8684, Email: nates: 24°40’10.95”S mukwevhodevelople 30°19’20.40”E. Mmuso wa selegae: Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Municipality, FETAKGOMO tikologong ya Greater GREATER TUBATSE Sekhukhune District Municipality. MUNICIPALITY Re le Mukwevho Tse dingwe tseo e Development Experts, leng gore di elana
le tsweletso di ka lekolwa ka nako ya mosomo ga mogolo wa town planner: Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Municipality Civic centre, 01 Kastania Street Burgersfort, go tloga go la 21st April 2017 (mathomo a tsebiso); mongwe le mongwe yo a beng kgahlanong le tswelopelo ya kgopelo a swanetse gore a tlise mabaka ao a beng kgahlano le tsweletso ka lengwalo le Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Municipality, P.O. Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150, go tloga ka la 21st April. Aterese ya moemedi: Unit 43 Burgundy│29 Ridge Close Street Stone Gate Estate │Centurion │ Pretoria │0157, Cell: 082 062 5599/ +27 12 756 6900 Fax; 086 729 8684, Email: mukwevhodevelopment@
“Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping your watch to save time” - Henry Ford
5 MEI 2017
Modikwa athletes at Polokwane Mayor’s Race A few of Modikwa Marathon Club’s athletes participated in the Polokwane Mayoral Road Race last weekend. The runners enjoyed the race and comfortably completed it. Runners who participated were Magisi Kgoete, Karel Morete, Sonia Makuoa, Mo-
Tubatse Masters vs Silver Flash F.C. Tubatse Masters did not rest on Freedom Day on 27 April 2017. They participated in a local Top 16 soccer tournament that was hosted in Ga-Mashamothane Village. The tournament drew lots of support from residents.
Tubatse Masters.
Silver Flash F.C.
The Tubatse Masters did not have a good day and lost their game against another local team, Silver Flash F.C. The final score of the match was 2-0. (Information: Jerial Mvundlela; Photographs: Judas Motswiane).
romo Moloto and Kobana Morethe. Most of the runners who are preparing for Comrades Marathon are now focused on training and preparing for the ultimate test rather than winning races. The team thanked Modikwa Management for their support. (Information & photographs: Willem Montgomery).
5 MAY 2017 It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com
Platinum Gazette
SPORT Chrome Open Championships decided
The new Club Champion is J. Bronkhorst. Al the winners pose with Johann Swanepoel from Tubatse Chrome Golf Club.
Tubatse Chrome Golf Club hosted their annual Chrome Open Championships last weekend. Anyone can enter into the Open Championships and players come from all over the province and even Mpumalanga and Gauteng to participate in the prestigious event. This year the Overall Gross Top 5 were: J. Bronkhorst; N. Rathmann; T. Luck; M. van Rooyen and P. Masehela. The A-Division Nett Top 5 were: T. Luck; M. van Rooyen; J. Bronkhorst; P. Masehela and N. Rathmann. The B-Division Nett top 5 were: D. du Plessis; T. Marobane; T. Mathaba; J. Els; M.H. Mathaba. The C-Division Nett were: L. du Plessis in first place and J. Grobler in second. The Club is very proud of all the achievers and congratulated Mr Bronkhosrt on his overall first place and becoming the new Chrome Open Champion. This Saturday, 6 May 2017 the annual Cansa Golf Day will be taking place at the Club. Tee-off time is at 08:30 and the 18-holes competition will be in IPS format. Division A: 0-9; Division B: 10 -16 and Division C: 17 -36. Entry fee is R200.This includes a Wors Roll and cold drink or beer at the halfway mark. To book your place contact Martin van Rooyen on 072 564 2811. (Photographs: Loralyn Botha, Tubatse Chrome Golf Club).