Platinum Gazette 05 October 2012

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Now for the last stretch... Matrics of Calvin College in Burgersfort shined at their farewell party last week Friday. In the photograph principal Mike Roetz poses with some of the glamourous, soon the be ex-learners.

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5 October 2012

2 Sekhukhune District Executive Mayor, Cllr Mogobo David Magabe, has praised traditional dancers who entertained the crowd during a large culturual event at Atok in Fetakgomo Municipality to conclude Heritage Month last week Saturday. Though the Bapedi were the dominant ethnic group in the district, there were also AmaNdebele and Amaswazi tribes with a rich cultural heritage in the area. The cultural groups were Dikwena tse Botse tsa GaMatsepe, Mafolosa Nkwe Thabeng, Buhle Beswe and Sagila Semnikathi. Magabe said the four traditional groups were being saluted and appreciated for their contribution to the culture of the Sekhukhune district. He called on cultural groups to continue with their good work and to teach young people the values, customs and traditions of the tribes. Before the celebrations started, people visited graves of struggle heroes, Peter Nchabeleng at Ga Nchabeleng village and chieftainess Madinoge at Ga Mashabela village. The district mayor also urged people not to forget resistance wars waged by the Ndebele king, Nyabela and Bapedi king Mampuru against white domination and land dispossession, saying inspiration and courage could be drawn from from these visionary and fearless leaders who never succumbed to the idea of white domination.


5 OCTOBER 2012

Heritage & culture celebrated at Atok

5 OKTOBER 2012



Interdict granted to Bokoni Image: Atlatsa Resources website

Date set for landmark litigation For the first time since proceedings were issued by 18 former gold miners in 2004, the victims of silicosis and silico-tuberculosis have a date for their litigation against Anglo American South Africa (AASA). “The company will at last have to respond in an open hearing to allegations that it failed to prevent gold miners on its South African mines from contracting devastating lung diseases,” said Richard Meeran, partner at Leigh Day & Co. At a media briefing held at Legal Aid South Africa’s Braamfontein head office this morning, Meeran said an arbitration hearing would commence on 2 September 2013 and will be presided over by a preeminent panel consisting of the former Chief Justice of South Africa, Judge Sandile Ngcobo, and two former judges of the Supreme Court of Appeal, Judges Ian Farlam and Noel Hurt. The proceedings will be open to the press and the public. The plaintiffs, who come from the Free State, Eastern Cape and Lesotho, were employed on AASA’s President Steyn Mine in the Free State from the 1970s. The plaintiffs are represented by the Legal Resources Centre with the assistance of London-based law firm, Leigh Day & Co, and the backing of Legal Aid South Africa. “The South African gold mining industry made enormous profits over many decades, but the miners who contracted silicosis in the process were left to fend for themselves,” said Achmed Mayet of Legal Aid South Africa. “This hearing will finally give those miners their chance to be heard.” AASA is also facing trial in the English High Court as a result of an action commenced in September 2011 by Leigh Day & Co on behalf of 1755 ex-gold miners and potentially thousands more. While AASA disputes the jurisdiction of the English courts, in July this year AASA was ordered by a UK High Court judge to disclose an array of documents to the ex-gold miners. About silicosis: Silicosis is caused by excessive dust exposure and increases the risk of contracting TB, which is endemic in rural South Africa. The combination of silicosis and TB is often fatal. Rates of silicosis and TB are very high among black gold miners, who undertook the dustiest jobs in the mines. Professor Tony Davies has described a “river of disease flowing out of the South African gold mines”. Exact numbers of victims are unknown but tens of thousands are likely to have been affected. About AASA: AASA, registered in Johannesburg, is now owned by London-based global mining giant, Anglo American plc. AASA was the head office company of the Anglo group until 1998 and was the largest gold miner in South Africa for most of the 20th century, having 12 mines within its group. The litigation against AASA alleges that miners’ excessive exposure to dust was caused by the negligence of AASA in terms of its control over and advice given to the gold mines within its group.

Atlatsa Resources Corporation confirms that Bokoni Platinum Mines has successfully obtained an order from the Labour Court interdicting unprotected industrial action at its mine premises. Employees at the Bokoni Platinum Mines, a joint venture with Anglo American Platinum Ltd, have embarked on unprotected industrial action, with effect from Monday 01 October. Attendance at the mine was below 20 percent at that stage According to the company the mine’s representative unions, NUM, TAWUSA and UASA, have tried to address all of their members unsuccessfully. Bokoni has an existing agreement in place regarding conditions of employment, including wages, effective up until 30 June, 2013. Bokoni management has indicated that it will not negotiate any issues outside of formal bargaining structures and encourages employees to work through these channels. The company said management continued to engage in constructive dialogue with employee representatives, the authorities and other stakeholders with a view to maintaining peace and resolving the industrial action. Bokoni has advised of its intention to apply for an interdict on Tuesday 2 October in the Labour Court concerning unlawful and/or unprotected conduct and/or industrial action in terms of section 68 (2) of the Labour Relations Act. The no work, no pay principle will apply for as long as the unprotected industrial action continues to take place. According to reports in the national media COO Joel Kesler was quoted as saying that no formal demands had been received, but that a group of between 80 and 100 workers were parading on the premises, some displaying placards demanding R16 500 a month. In addition to those protesting, most of the mine’s about 5 400 employees did not report for their shifts, bringing attendance to below 20%. Kelser indicated that although no violence or damages had occurred, reports of intimidation had been received.


5 OCTOBER 2012


Caves officially opened Executive in Kgautswane As part of Heritage Month a traditional ceremony took place in Kguatswane on 29 September. During the event caves that was recently discovered in the area was officially opened. The programme also included a visit to other important sites in the area like a fountain. At the event the nine German volunteers who will be spending 11 months in Kgautswane were welcomed. Councillors, residents and representatives from the Limpopo Department of Economic, Environment and Tourism attended the day. Various messages of encouragement and caution to remember where they came from was part of the programme.

Mayor’s annual Gala dinner

The community will be taught how to preserve their heritage and protect the caves and other natural resources. A plan is also being devised to help the community benefit financially from the resources in the area. The day ended with dancing and a meal. (Photographs and information: Wassily Nemitz. Edited by Platinum Gazette)

The Sekhukhune District Municipality hosted the annual Executive Mayor’s Gala Dinner at Jorge’s Resort between Burgersfort and Steelpoort on 28 September. Mayor’s, councillors and stakeholders from all over the district attended the evening which was marked by the dress code: formal/traditional. This set the tone for an evening filled with little speeches and much enjoyment. The evening was marked by delicious food and live entertainment.

Huweliksklokkies lui Fanie en Alta Nel is onlangs getroud. Die paartjie is van Lydenburg.

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Foto’s en inligting: Mara Theunissen

Chris en Suwandri van Wyk is by Winterveld in Steelpoort in die huwelik bevestig. Chris is ‘n werknemer by Samancor.

Above: Executive Mayor, Cllr. Mogobo David Magabe at the gala dinner.

5 OKTOBER 2012



Glitz and glamour for Calvin matrics Matric farewell at Jorge’s Resort - 28 September 2012

Teachers and their partners also attended the function.

The minidress was the number of the evening. They were worn in all colours and designs with accessories to match.

At a photo corner each couple had their photograph taken and this will be given to them as a gift. Last week Friday evening Calvin College hosted their matric farewell at Jorge’s Resort between Burgersfort and Steelpoort. The matrics walked the red carpet in style before sitting down to a function with a black and red theme. They enjoyed a delicious dinner and this last function before their final examinations. Teachers and the local circuit manager also attended the evening.

Adding colour to her outfit with bright shoes was a great fashion trend.



5 OCTOBER 2012

Do you still have hope for It is easy to become discouraged and negative when looking at certain things happening in South Africa. Some of the things that are currently causing negativity include: the crime rate, wild cat strikes causing damage to investor confidence and the economy, corruption and a lack of proper service delivery in many areas, the fact that the national airline - South African Airways had to be helped out of financial trouble, violence accompanying protests such as seen this week when vehicles were set alight and stoned, South Africa’s dropped credit rating, the lack of job opportunities and the continued loss of jobs in certain industries, the fact that text books are just being dumped and the high petrol price. For many people South Africa is not the ‘promised land’ they expected after democracy in 1994. We asked readers if they still have hope that South Africa can turn the negatives around and create a better country? “Our human compassion binds us the one to the other - not in pity or patronizingly, but as human beings who have learnt how to turn our common suffering into hope for the future”. - Nelson Mandela

Mnr. Adriaan van der Merwe sê: “Ja, ek het hoop vir Suid Afrika. As almal net die regte stappe volg en Malema in die tronk gesit word sal dinge in SA beter gaan. As hulle nie vir Malema op sy plek sit nie gaan daar nog groot moeilikheid met die stakery wees”.

Ms Jacquenette Mlatjie and Ms Mmabatho Riba said: “We can change things that are bad in South Africa. Change by first educating children and adults should set an example. Encourage them not to do bad things. There must also be campaigns to teach people not to do corruption, maybe put up posters as well”.

Mr Davis Makofane, Mr Calvin Matjeke, Mr Charles Ramaube and Mr Lennox Ngwatle said: “Yes, we have hope that South Africa can turn around and become better. After Mangaung things will be a lot better. The leadership will change and we think Kgalema Motlanthe will be the next leader. Those who had a chance did not deliver”.

Mr Frazer Mokgotho said: “I think we must have police forums in town and in the villages. People must volunteer to prevent crime and teach about preventing crime. Our country is rich, but crime is making our country poor”.

Mr Thomas Mashego said: “Yes, I still think South Africa can be a nice country for everyone. For now it is a problem, but if certain individuals can behave themselves we still have a chance to become better. The people in general will have to change their attitudes”.

Mr Alex Selahle and Ms Lucy Mafatle said: “The police don’t do their work. Here in Burgersfort the only people doing their jobs are security people. The roads are also a problem. It is possible to turn things around if the police work with the security people”

Me. Celesté Keulder sê: “Ek dink dinge kan verander en verbeter as almal harder saam werk” Mr Danny Ngwendana said: “Yes, I am positive. If they can stop this corruption and deliver services then everyone will be happy. They should also do job creation then SA will turn around. They should also stop crime and killings”.

Left: Ms Sbongile Mnisi and Ms Faith Rakolota said: “We still have hope. There is room for improvement. We can always still improve on what is wrong. Someday SA will become a better country and be amongst the best in the world”.

5 OKTOBER 2012



South Africa’s future?

Me. Bernice Wheeler sê: “Nee, ek dink nie daar is meer hoop vir ons in hierdie plek nie”. By haar is Xander.

Mr Abel Molangoane said: “My focus is only Limpopo and I am positive that we won’t go the same route with strikes and killing like North-West. We are all relatives and that makes the difference”.

Ms Lindiwe Mdluli and Ms Phinah Bashego said: “We can turn South Africa around. If we can stop this thing that the politicians want to pocket everything. They must share and then things will be better. Working together we can do more. Now they cause chaos. People strike and petrol goes goes up and down and the government is not willing to help”.

Mnr. Oupa Jan Mkhabela sê: “Ons moet Suid Afrika regkry. Ons moet die president vra om te help. Ek dink ons moet hom vra om dinge beter te maak. Soos ons nou aangaan gaan ons net begrawe word. Ons het baie verdwaal en ons weet nie meer waar ons is nie”.

Mr Sam Mabelane said: “I think maybe those without electricity must speak to their municipalities. Especially in the rural areas people suffer. The mayors should not only make promises but they should follow-up on it. I have hope things can go better in SA as long as they keep their promises”.

Ms Nanny Magatsela and Ms Tetelo Madutlela said: “Ja, we can still make things better. We can work together. Report crime and don’t be involved in crime. They must also create jobs”.

Mr Israel Komane said: “If we can find good leaders then we can still have a good SA. People need water, electricity and jobs. If we have leaders that can provide this we will have a good country”

Mr John Mankge said: “I’m working for Marula Mine and we are unhappy with the salaries.I work as a rigger assistant. I have three children in school, but yes we have hope. The mines must just create jobs then everything will be allright I think”.

Regs: Me. Minette Cronjé sê: “Ja, ek het hoop dat dinge sal beter word. As ons almal in ons Vader in die hemel glo is enige iets moontlik. ‘n Mens sien elke dag miracles en daar is changes al is dit hoe klein. Ek het al soveel hier in Burgersfort gesien”. By haar is Sebastian.

Ms Mallesse Esterhuyzen en Mnr Sias Esterhuyzen sê: “Soos dit nou gaan het ons nie hoop dat dinge in Suid-Afrika kan beter word nie. So baie mense sê dat Suid-Afrika net ‘n tweede Zimbabwe gaan word”. By hulle is Dylan en Jamie.


5 OCTOBER 2012


Dis feestyd op 19 & 20 Oktober 2012 Die jaarlikse Tubatse Chrome Festival vind weer hierdie jaar op 19 en 20 Oktober plaas. Die fees beloof weer om ‘n mengelmoes van lekker vermaak, ‘n verskeidenheid stalletjies en heerlike samesyn. Daar sal weer genoeg kindervermaak wees en natuurlik heerlike kos om van te kies en keur.

Daar sal reeds Vrydagaand lekker geskoffel word op die maat van verskeie kunstenaars. Van die bekendes op die fees se program is die Campells, Robbie Wessels, Alan Ladd, Stiaan, DJ Ferdie, Teelepeltjies, Zandré, Anél en Juan Boucher. Navrae: 013 236 5112/8421 of e-pos by:

Amoré een van die dae hier Amoré is op 3 September 1987 in die WesKaap gebore. Amoré het alreeds op Hoërskool vir die bekende Platemaatskappy Select Musiek opnames gedoen vir verskeie “kompilasieCD’s”. Haar liedjies verskyn op Hot Summer mix 2005 en 2006 & Hot Winter mix 2005 en 2006, Bakgat 3, Langarm Danstreffers en Gee

Vet om ‘n paar te noem! Haar weergawe van onder andere “What a Feeling” en “Wie is jy?” (tans op haar CD “Vervaarding in Suid-Afrika”) is baie gewild by dansklubs. Sy het gedurende die 2005/2006 vakansieseisoen saam met Nicholis Louw, Hi5 en die ander Plussterre getoer en opgetree in verskeie kusdorpe vanaf Oos-Londen tot in Langebaan voor gehore van tussen 600 en 1500 mense. Sedert Januarie 2006 het sy haar voltyds op haar sangloopbaan gerig. Nic Stevens, een van die Snyman broers, het haar talent raakgesien en het sy verskeie optredes saam met hom gedoen. Amoré is deesdae ‘n gereelde en gewilde gesig by feeste regoor die land en is sy bekend daarvoor om gehore aan die gang te kry. Sy het al voorvertonings vir Kurt Darren, Bobby van Jaarsveldt, Thys die Bosveldklong en Fredi Nest gedoen. In die laaste kwartaal van 2007 het sy ‘n CD opgeneem met die naam “Vervaardig in Suid-Afrika”. Die CD bevat 8 Afrikaanse liedjies en 6 Engelse liedjies waarvan 11 liedjies oorspronklik is. Een van die liedjies “Hier is die song” het sy self geskryf. Amoré se tweede CD “ Kamermuur” is nou landwyd beskikbaar by alle goeie musiekwinkels. Haar trefferliedjie “Lekker by die see” kan op verskeie plaaslike en nationale radiostasies gehoor word en ‘n musiekvideo van “Maybe” kan op “You Tube” gesien word. Sy tree ook binnekort by die Tubatse Chrome Festival op.

Juan Boucher bring die ritme fees toe “Bring die water, bring die sand…” Die sanger en liedjieskrywer Juan Boucher is besig om die land se dansvloere en verhoë aan die brand te sing met sy koorsige popdanstreffers. Die 27-jarige verhoogkunstenaar van die Vaaldriehoek is terug met die album “Jy’s My Flavour,” ‘n versameling met vier splinternuwe snitte, asook liedjies van sy debuut-CD, “082…” Boucher het sang en liedjieskryf met alle erns aangegryp toe sy meisie na ‘n motorongeluk in ‘n koma in die hospitaal beland het. Hy was vasbeslote om haar met sy spitsvondige lirieke te verras wanneer sy sou wakker word. Ongelukkig het sy nie die ongeluk oorleef nie, maar Boucher het deurgedruk met sy musiekloopbaan. Die eindproduk is verslawende dansdeuntjies soos “Bring die water” wat nou op gehoor kan word en ”Trek toe,” een van sy persoonlike gunstelinge op die nuwe album. “My album is uniek omdat ek elke liewe song met oorweldige passie geskryf het. Ek het seker gemaak daar is nie ‘n liedjie in die wêreld wat dieselfde klink as myne nie. Daarmee bedoel ek dat elke melodie en elke woord alles 100% oorspronklik en suiwer Afrikaans is,” vertel hy. “Jy’s my flavour” is saam met die musikant en produksieleier Andrew Roos van Brak Musiek in Ermelo opgeneem. “Hy is in my oë ‘n legende en ek het die grootste respek vir hom

omdat hy my album opgeneem het presies soos ek dit wou gehad het. Hy is nes Anton Myburgh my hero.” Boucher speel al kitaar vandat hy begin sing het en komponeer al sy liedjies op ‘n akoestiese kitaar. Sy grootste droom is om elke liewe Suid-Afrikaner op sy of haar voete te kry. Selfs sy rugbylied, “Die Leeus,” wat hy al ‘n paar keer in Ellispark vir ‘n skare van derduisende rugby-liefhebbers gesing het, brul van pure lekkerkry… van oor tot oor! “My inspirasie kom van die mense af. Elke keer as ek van ‘n verhoog af klim en die mense het dit so geniet, wil ek net meer en meer skryf. Daar is nie ‘n beter gevoel in die wêreld nie as wanneer jy ‘n liedjie geskryf het en die mense het geleer om dit saam met jou te sing. Dis onbeskryflik lekker.” Juan is een van die kunstenaars by Tubatse Chrome Festival op 19 en 20 Oktober.

Anél se superstem by Tubatse Chrome Festival Anél is een van Afrikaans se min nuwelinge wat met haar stemvernuf luisteraars oorrompel. Haar album, Bietjie meer as soen bestaan uit 14 nommers en daar is nie een wat teleurstel nie. Op die goeddeurdagte, poëtiese en suiwer genotvolle Afrikaanse nommers, uit die briljante pen van Gerhard Steyn, is haar vertolking ongekende moedertaal plesier. Sonder digters woorde is aangrypend en meesleurend en stel haar baie besonderse skeppingsvermoë briljant ten toon. Die titelsnit, Bietjie meer as soen, is ‘n perfekte kombinasie

van briljante liriek en vernuftige stem tegniek. Voeg daarby die lekker polsende ritme van Wag ‘n bietjie Baby, en ‘n super nova glim op die horison. Op die Engelse nommers oortuig sy met gemak dat sy inderdaad oor ‘n stewige en uitgebreide stemkwaliteit beskik. Luister gerus na Man I feel like a woman en Don’t be stupid om hierdie stelling te toets... Anél is tans in Pretoria gevestig, maar oorspronklik van die Rosestad afkomstig, en skitter met ‘n unieke eiesoortigheid en bars behoorlik van lewenslus. Met haar kastaiingbruin oë en lieflike glimlag is sy boonop nog pragtig ook. Nie alleen is haar CD ‘n wegholwenner nie (sy geniet tans lugtyd op radiostasies regoor die land) - haar lewendige optredes oorrompel en verlei die gehoor sodat hulle keer op keer vra vir meer. Hierdie oud Bloemfonteiner, wie se naam afkomstig is van die Hawaiiese naam Anéla wat “engel” beteken, het die vermoë om ‘n wye verskeidenheid emosies met haar stem te vertolk en sy doen dit met intuïsie, intelligensie, sensualiteit en kreatiwiteit. Sy is terselfdertyd gesofistikeerd, speels en sterk op ‘n uiters vroulike manier. Sy maak die binnekamers van haar hart wyd oop en gee van haar talent met oorgawe. Hierdie CD is soos somerweer: Daar is die liedjies wat soos ‘n helder oggend is, goed opgevolg deur warm vroegmiddae en dan die heerlike stortbui om ‘n perfekte dag af te sluit. Anél slaag daarin om elke liedjie met die regte atmosfeer te vertolk: Soms broos, ander kere sterk en dan weer ondeund wanneer nodig. Die waarheid is dat Anél ‘n mens asemloos v a n bewondering laat. Sy is die kroonjuweel in die nuwe generasie vroulike sterre. Sy gaan nog diep spore trap. Moet haar vertoning by Tubatse C h r o m e Festival later hierdie maand nie misloop nie.

5 OKTOBER 2012


The rocks will call out Luke 19:39-40 “Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples!” “I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.” - New International Version

Lukas 19:39-40 “’n Paar Fariseërs uit die skare skree toe vir Jesus: Meneer, maak stil u volgelinge!” Maar Hy antwoord: “Ek sê vir julle: As hulle stilbly, sal die klippe uitroep”.

“That which is called firmness in a King is called obstinancy in a donkey” - John Erskine (US Educator & Author) The donkey (Afrikaans: donkie) (Equus africanus asinus) is part of the horse family. There are more than 41 million donkeys in the world. They were first domesticated around 3000BC in Nubia. A male donkey is called a jack and a female a jenny or jennet. The young of a donkey is a foal. A jennet is normally pregnant for about 12 months. They usually have foals every three to four years. A donkey, when properly cared for can live up to 50 years. The loud brey or call of a donkey has been recorded to be heard up to 3km away. Donkeys are notoriously stubborn, but once they trust a human, they appear to be quite intelligent, friendly, playful and eager to learn. This (photo below) jennet and her foal was photographed in the Sekhukhune area last week. (Information:




5 OKTOBER 2012

Klein Advertensies • Smalls

Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

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10. Te Koop/ For Sale Urgently Needed! Broken, old lounge suites to buy. Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236

Platinum Gazette

Advertising deadlines: Every Tuesday at 17:00. Enquiries: Beánnla Celliers, 083 543 1676

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“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Platinum Gazette

Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Phone her on 083 543 1676 to book your advertising space today.

5 OKTOBER 2012



Soccer for Sox Last week Saturday a special beneficiary tournament was played at Moroke. The day was in honour of Sox Thobeyane. Get the results and more photographs on page 12 of this newspaper.

Modikwa runners going City to City Modikwa Marathon Club athletes participated in last week’s City to City Marathon. The race started at Wanderers Stadium in Johannesburg and took athletes all the way to Centurion Stadium in Pretoria. Leboka Noto came 14th overall and ended in third position in the veteran category for athletes between the ages of 40 and 49 years old. “The mine management would like to congratulate all the athletes on their great times and a special congratulations to Leboka. This proves he is still a force to be reckoned with,” said Willem Montgomery

from the team’s management. The results: Leboka Noto (03:03:00; position 14, 50km); Peter Molapo (03:28:56; position 67, 50km); Solomon Masedi (04:25:28; position 375, 50km); Sonia Makoua (04:28:19; position 401, 50km); Albert Twala (04:51:10; position 621, 50km); Justice Phokane (04:53:11; position 642, 50km); Stephen Mabilu (01:27:36; position 94, 21km); Johannes Matsie (01:40:32; position 202, 21km); Hermaans Mogale (01:43:36; position 237, 21km); Portia Mabena (02:34:15; position 1240; 21km). (Information: Willem Montgomery).



1. Kampeng Access

MIG/LP/0948/R,ST/09/10 07




4CE (3CE-PE) or Higher

Bridge (Kampeng Site) 2. Kampeng Access


Bridge (Phiring Site)



Compulsory Briefing Session: Greater Tubatse Old Municipal Council Chamber, Corner Kort and Eddie Sedibe Streets, Burgersfort on the 11th October 2012, Thursday, at 09H00 Document Fee: R500.00, each, Non-refundable.

EVALUATION AND ADJUDICATION CRITERIA Bids shall be evaluated and adjudicated in accordance with the Greater Tubatse Municipal Supply Chain Management Policy as amended, Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 5/2000, responsiveness to the bid document (s), and on a 90/10 points system, of which the 90 points will be for price and 10 points for B-BBEE Level Contribution as determined on the B-BBEE Certificate.

The second month of the 2013 Comrades Marathon entry process is underway, with entries currently standing at 8515. The Comrades Marathon Association (CMA) has announced that the September offering of the ‘early bird’ entry fee of R300 which was implemented for South African runners only, will no longer be valid as the new 2013 fee of R320 kicks in until entries officially close. Runners from the Rest of Africa will be charged an entry fee of R500 and the cost to International athletes is $US180. Runners who have not entered the iconic race as yet, have until 30 November 2012 or before the cap of 18000 entries has been reached. No further entries will be accepted after this. The entry requirements, which are clearly indicated on the entry form, must be adhered to at all times or runners could lose their place at the Start. Runners may enter: online via the Comrades Marathon website:; at Mr Price Sport, Home and Clothing stores countrywide; through the post by posting the completed entry form with proof of payment to the CMA Office in Pietermaritzburg: P.O. Box

100621, Scottsville, 3209; Comrades Marathon House: by handing in the completed entry form together with payment at the CMA office in Pietermaritzburg. With planning for next year’s race already in full swing, the CMA is all set for a Comrades showdown, come Sunday, 2 June 2013. In keeping with tradition, the race will be an ‘up-run’ next year, starting at the Durban City Hall at 05h30 and finishing at The Cricket Oval in Pietermaritzburg 12 hours later. CMA Race Director, Johan Van Staden says, ‘With just about half of the total number of entries already received within the first month of the entry process, we are confident that the 2013 Comrades Marathon will once again be oversubscribed.’ Van Staden adds, ‘With this in mind, we urge all runners wishing to be a part of the 2013 Comrades Marathon be proactive and secure their place at the Start.’ The CMA has reminded all runners that they may enter the 2013 race prior to running a qualifier (minimum qualifying distance of 42.2km). Qualifying details must be submitted to the CMA by 6 May 2013. For more details, please visit:

CONDITIONS OF THE BID 1. This bid is restricted to the contractors registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) and bid documents will be on sale for a non-refundable fee of R500.00 each from Thursday the 11th October 2012 at the Cashier’s Office, Greater Tubatse Municipality, Lower Ground, 1st Kastania street, Burgersfort, from 08H30 to 15H00 during week-days. 2. Bids will be closed and opened in public on the 30th October, 2012 at 12H00 and must be fully priced, signed and sealed in an envelope, appropriately marked the name of the bid tendering-for and deposited into the Municipal Tender Box which is available 24/7 days a week at the reception of the Greater Tubatse Municipality’s physical address as detailed on 1 above. No faxed, e-mailed, telephonic or late bids will be accepted. 3. The municipality has no obligation to appoint any bidder and reserves the right to appoint bidders individually and/or collectively to execute the above contract, and negotiate further conditions and requirements with the successful bidder. 4.

In terms of the National Treasury’s Regulation, no bid will be accepted from the persons in the service of state and bidders failing to comply with the requirements of the bid document will be submitting non-responsive bids. 90 working days after the bid closing date is our validity period.

5. Successful bidders who are outside the area of jurisdiction of the Greater Tubatse Municipality shall be required to sub-contract at least 30% of the scope of work to a locally-SMME-based contractor registered on the municipal database. 6. All bidding enquiries should be directed, during working hours from 07H30 to 16H00, to O N Mosoma at 013 231 1000 / 1231 or and technical enquiries to M Mawere at 015 291 4151 or Address: 1st Kastania Street, Burgersfort PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150 Tel: 013 231 1000 Fax: 013 231 1467 Website:

H.L Phala Municipal Manager

Tender Enquiry

Services description

Briefing Meeting


The inspection and testing of all fire fighting equipment on the mine

17 October 2012 (10H00)


Design, supply and erecting of a slab or similar, underneath the

17 October 2012 (12H00)



decline conveyor belt at the South Shaft Belt cleaning of South Shaft

17 October 2012



Contact Platinum Gazette with your news and events. Phone 083 271 9151 or e-mail: editorial@ platinumgazette. com of fax: 013 231 7147 The editorial deadline is Wednesdays at 17:00. To advertise in Platinum Gazette contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or e-mail: adverts@ platinumgazette. com


5 OCTOBER 2012

Platinum Gazette

SPORT Pulling up their ‘sox’ for a good cause On Saturday last week a beneficiary tournament was hosted at the Mathule ground near Moroke. The games were organised in honour of Sox Thobeyane. One of the area’s residents who is known for his contribution towards education. During the tribal factions in the 1970’s he ensured that local children who could not attend school received an education by starting a school.

The Sox Beneficiary tournament was won by Sekgobela Santos who beat Serafa Mighty Blues 2-0 in the final after the two teams beat Fast 11 and Moroke LTD respectively. The organisers from Hlomphang Bagale da Diloko organisation said: “We thank all the people who gave us support. The same type of tournament will be hosted on 27 and 28 October 2012. This time it will be at Mampa sportsground. We appeal to the public to give us massive support”. (Information: Jimmy Makola)

Left: Some of the organisers, Jimmy Makola, Daniël Komana and Choks Swafo with Sox Thobeyane (second to left). On this page: Teams Moroke Ltd and Diarora faced off first on Saturday.

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