Platinum Gazette 06 February 2015

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Platinum Gazette Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad

6 February 2015

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0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147

Shop where South Africa shops!

Eish! January, month end, Burgersfort. Gridlocked. Last week Friday. No pointsmen, no working robots, heat, bought licences, you get the picture. Smiles all around in the ‘kitchen’ (right). Mealies for the masses...

Read good news about De Hoop Dam on pages 2 and 3.


Burgersfort, Lebowa Business Park Tel: (013) 231 7227




De Hoop - 101 % full



A beautiful sight According to people at De Hoop Dam, the water crested the wall at about 06:10 last week Friday. When Platinum Gazette’s editor passed the dam on Saturday and Monday the dam was overflowing, and by Tuesday a visit for photographs was in order. According to some of the engineers who worked on the project, they were overjoyed, saying that they did not expect the dam to fill up so quickly after the wall was completed. The newspaper also bumped into a team from the SABC and the spokesperson of Sekhukhune District Municipality, Mr Willy Mosoma, during the visit to the dam. Mr Mosoma commented that it was good that the dam was overflowing, but also sad that all the water was available, but could not immediately be distributed to those communities who needed it most. “We still need to install a lot of reticulation infrastructure, but certain portions of the pipeline are completed. Those communities can expect good news soon” he said. At this stage further development plans for recreation and tourism are still in early stages, but those in power assured the newspaper that people will be kept informed.





Mines and communities robust interaction continues

Friday last week saw Platinum Gazette’s delivery boy (aka the editor) halted quickly on his way to ASA Metals on the Polokwane road when he wanted to deliver the weekly read to the company’s security offices at the main gate. A large number of people, members of the surrounding community as well as employees on their way to work, were gathered at the T junction to Ga Maroga. Bystanders told the newspaper upon enquiry “the communities demand a lot of things, inter alia jobs and preference to local entrepreneurs when contracts are awarded. They want to make their grievances known to management”. So out with the cellphone (delivery boys don’t carry cameras). Two packs of newspapers in the care of somebody who hoped to be at work the next day, and on to the next delivery point ...

Nuwe onnies vir Steelies Nuwe onderwysers by Steelpoort Akademie is reeds hard aan die werk van die begin van die jaar af. In die foto voor is Christien Robinson (Graad 0, Engels) en Joanel Potgieter (Graad 5). Agter is Annari de Wet (Graad 2) en Khomotso Magane (student onderwyser).




Pae Pae Secondary School gets a visit from Tubatse SAPS On Friday 30 January 2015 the Tubatse SAPS visited Pae Pae Secondary School in Mabocha Village as part of their Back to School Campaign. The campaign was led by Const Nicodemus Letsoalo together with Const Chauke, Const Mmatli, and Const Moraba.Const Letsoalo addressed the learners and he encouraged them not to get involved with any criminal activities. They were encouraged to attend school at all times.Learners were told not to bring any illegal objects or dangerous weapons to school. They were warned to stay away from drugs and alcohol. Learners were also instructed to respect their teachers and parents at home. Const Letsoalo told the learners a criminal record will be a disadvantage when applying for the jobs in future, so they should make sure they stay away from crime and not risk being arrested. At the end of the campaign the school teachers thanks the SAPS team for their effort. (Information & Photographs: Const. Jerial Mvondlela)

Close your legs and open your books “This is a message to all the students - especially the first year students. Please, you are where you are, not for fun but because of your education. There are rich men who prey on young girls, fooling them with money and fancy gifts. Stay alert and remember that you are at college or university to study, not to fool around. Keep your legs closed and your books open otherwise you will find yourself repeating the same level every year. Many of the men who chose to entertain themselves with the students have families back home and no matter what they tell you, they don’t love you. Turn away from them and focus on your studies.” KC Selepe Manoke Village

Dankie aan eerlikes “Ek wil graag vertel wat met my in Burgersfort gebeur het. My tas met klere is agter uit my bakkie gesteel by die robot by die taxi rank by KFC. Ek het uitgeklim, maar die twee manne was baie vinnig en daar was niks wat ek kon doen nie - te veel taxis en te veel mense. Niemand het my probeer help nie. Ek is na die SAPD, maar die ry was heeltemal te lank om daar te staan en wag. Ek gaan koop to gou vir my dit en dat wat ek die aand sou benodig. ‘n Uur na die tas gesteel is bel my vrou my en sé ek moet vir Elias bel op ‘n sekere nommer. Ek bel hom toe en daar kry ek my tas terug met alles daarin. Elias-hulle het alles gesien. Die ou dopgehou en toe my tas by hom gevat. My naamkaartjie was nog aan die tas en dis hoe hulle ons gekontak het. Daar is nog eerlike mense in die land!” Eric du Preez

Tubatse Chrome employees inspire learners Aiming for a 100% pass rate this year! A group of Tubatse Chrome employees visited the Kgahlanong Secondary School Matric Class of 2015. The school received a 76,4% matric pass rate in 2014 and the teachers credit the success of the school to the inspiration a group of employees from Tubatse Chrome left behind during a visit early last year. The Class of 2015 have challenged themselves to achieve a 100% pass rate - none of them wants to be the weakest link! (Information & Photographs: Gabriella du Plessis, Tubatse Chrome).




Good plan or not? The Department of Basic Education came under fire after announcing a plan to improve the level of Mathematics education in high schools. The Department wants Mathematics teachers for grades 8 and 9 out of their classes on Mondays so that they can attend training during school hours. The National Professional Teachers’ Organisation of SA (NPTOSA) objected to the plan, saying this will lead to classes being unsupervised and the curriculum not being completed. “It is evident that the department is operating on the presumption that these teachers teach only one grade and one subject. The reality is that teachers often teach grades 8 – 12 and some, especially in smaller schools, teach more than one subject,” said Anthea Ceresto, the NPTOSA deputy president. The Department of Basic Education’s spokesman Elijah Mhlanga however defended the plan. He said it is: “one day of learning and four days of structured, effective and guided teaching. Removing maths teachers from their schools for about 23 days in a school year for training implies that they will lose about 20 hours of teaching time a class a year”. According to him the solution would be to change timetables to minimize the loss of teaching time. The DA also objected to the plan, saying that the maths problem in schools starts much earlier than grade 8 and that the focus of training should be on junior grade teachers. They supported their argument with the fact that last year during the Annual National Assessments grade 4 pupils achieved only 37,3% for maths, grade 5 pupils achieved 37,3% and grade 6 achieved only 43,1% for maths. The SA Democratic Teachers Union (Sadtu) welcomed the proposed training, but called for a thorough examination of the plan. The union said that the plan would impact on teachers’ workload and their timetables. Reiterating that teachers often teach more than one subject. “The plan of the department will solve one crisis by creating another,” it said. Platinum Gazette asked readers what they think about the suggested plan.

Mr. Peter Ramokanata said: “They must go for training in the afternoons or on weekends otherwise it will have a negative impact on the kids with failures”.

Mr. Peter Masethe said: “Teachers are always working. Teachers need their weekends and holidays, so I don’t think to move the training there will solve the problem. This will affect learning as a whole as teachers teaching more than one subject or grade will be out of the class and impact negatively on the children”. Ms. Charlotte Dibakoane said: “They must give training to the teachers on Saturdays. Then it will not disturb the learners in the week”.

Mr. Etienne Mabuza said: “Training is good. School holidays and even Saturdays should be used for teacher training. Mondays is not the right day for that”.

Mr. Edward Kgoete and Mr. Eric Monashane said: “They must give the teachers training on Saturdays and on Mondays they must help the kids to do their work”.

Above: Ms. Caroline Mahlakanya, Ms. Lindiwe Molokomme and Ms. Modjadje Selepe said: “They must hire extra teachers. They must do that training on a Monday. It is good that they want to improve the education. They should also give extra classes to the children to cover the time lost on a Monday”.

Ms. Patricia Mashiane and Ms. Nancy Mashaba said: “They should get part-time teachers every Monday to help with the classes. This will help with job creation. The teachers can then still get their training and just revise what the part-time teacher taught on a Monday before continuing with the work. They should also put in time after school – an hour a day for the children”.

Mr. Kholofelo Mogalekwena said: “They must give teachers training every Saturday instead of a Monday. It is good to give the teachers training – they must just not do it in the week in school time”.

Mr. Ishmael Maphanga said: “Teachers must go for that training on Mondays. Many teachers lack maths skills. They must then give extra classes to ensure the kids don’t fall behind”.

Mr. Golden Mafanedza said: “Do the training after school because the children will not finish their curriculum if the teachers are not at school. Maybe they can do the training twice a month instead of every week”.

Ms. M.E. Molepo said: “They must give the teachers the training during the holidays, but they must pay them for attending the training”.

Bo: Mnr. Johan Lundall sê: “Hulle moet onderwysers in die skoolvakansies opleiding gee. Hulle moet hul salaris verdien en die kinders moenie skade ly nie”.

Ms. Lerato Phasha, Ms. Portia Cele and Ms. Pontso Maloma said: “School starts at 08:00 until 15:30. Give the teachers training from 15:30 – 18:00. That is enough time. 15:30 is still early. The learners must get their instruction every day. Teachers must show their dedication and put in the extra hours. Other people, like us work such long hours as well”.

Me. Michelle Wiid en Me. Sybil Wiid sê: “Doen die opleiding met ‘n vakansieprogram, maar maak dit vir die onderwysers lekker en die moeite werd. Neem hulle na ‘n oord en doen lekker aktiwiteite tussen die opleiding deur. Onderwysers moet oop wees vir opleiding. ‘n Mens kan nooit genoeg leer nie. Dis beter om die onderwysers wat minder as die kinders is, in die vakansie te onderrig as wat dit is om ‘n hele skool te ontwrig”.

Right: Mr. Raff Marule said: “Regardless of when they do the Ms. Mahlako Maleka training, they must said: “Train the teachjust get it. They ers in school holidays. must get trained In some schools teach- and deliver results. ers teach more than They should work one subject and taking out their schedthem out on Mondays ules, we just want will compromise the good results for learners’ studies”. our children”.

Mnr. Stefan du Plessis sê: “Onderwysers moet na-ure privaat onderrig kry. Dis nie asof die skoolgeld gaan minder wees omdat die onderwysers nie daar is nie”. Mr. Ally Mathole said: “I think in order for teachers to finish the required curriculum they will have to give classes on Saturdays and Sundays. They must actually just make another arrangement with the teacher training. Do it on holidays. Mondays, learners must get instruction from their teachers”. Mr. Oupa Motjelele said: “It is not bad. The more trained teachers are, the better they will be able to transfer the skills to the learners. Give Saturday and afternoon classes to the children to ensure that they will finish the syllabus”. Left: Ms. Belinda Khoza said: “Train teachers on Sundays and holidays. In the week it will be disrupting the learners. Teachers have more holidays than other people – so use that time for training”.




Calvin Prep School prefects ready for 2015

Calvin Prep School in Burgersfort is taking 2015 by storm. The school’s prefects are helping to keep things on track.

Grade 7 learners love Siyakha Learning Lab The grade 7 learners from Calvin College visited the Siyakha Learning Lab at Tubatse Crossing Mall. The group were instant fans of General Knowledge and his team. This is what some of the learners wrote about their experience: “The grade 7 class of 2015 Calvin College. We were all so excited to go to Siyakha. We were also happy that we can go and learn at Siyakha for free. We were all happy and suprised cause nothing is free these days. We can go and research, do our homework and learn more about computers. We are hoping to come back again if we have the time. Most of all we want to say thank you to Siyakha members, thank you for your kindness and co-operation as we are all grateful and keen to

learn. We love General Knowledge!” Another wrote: “Our experience at Siyaka Learning Lab was extraordinary. Even before we could get into the bus, all our faces showed off excitement. We got onto the bus and went to Siyakha. We were standing in a long line, as we were getting registered. It took faster than we thought it would. When we got into the lab for a small tour in the lab. They showed us to think tank where people get extra classes to maybe add a few things to their CVs. We all researched different things. Some of us tried to solve the riddle of the day, we learned a new word and we enjoyed the joke of the day. We thank that Siyakha, it was a great learning experience and we had lots of fun.

The young leaders are: Kwano Mokoena (Head girl), Abu Bakr Amod (Head Boy), Pebetsi Tob, Naaila Arbee, Phindile Selota, Oratile Choeu, Lesego Mogane, Ayanda Mtsweni, Jamilah Phiri, Reitumetse Malepe, Labiba Shaikh and Fortune Mohlala. With them are their teachers Ms Charmain Janse van Rensburg and Ms. O’Dilhea Keulder. The group is eager to assist in and around the school and is a team the Prep School is very proud of.

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

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Re-Build engines for sale



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“For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” 1 Corinthians 13:12 (NIV) (Photograph: Ruben Zwart)



Platinum Gazette

Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609 2 x 2 Bedroom Flats to let in Burgersfort Reasonable rates. Contact: 076 666 1100

Platinum Gazette To advertise contact Beánnla Celliers on 013 231 7147 or 083 543 1676.

For Sale Shop equipment: Shelving, Fridges, Freezers, Checkouts and more for only R60 000. Contact: 083 543 6793

9. Te Huur/ For Rent Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-9603689 of (013) 2317899. Twee slaapkamer woonstel te huur in Burgersfort naby Tubatse Crossing Mall. Skakel: 082 357 1954 / 083 244 6005

Platinum Gazette

Kennisgewing/ Notice Owners of Ford Figo CDC 531 L (MAJ1XXMRJ1AP40728); Ford Fiesta FLW 081 MP (MNBJXXARJJAG29581); VW Jetta FYR 463 MP (AAVZZZ1JZ2U395826) contact 013 231 8481/2/3 to arrange for collection and avoid vehicles being sold to recover costs within three weeks of first publication of this notice.

Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson

Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or

Betrekkings/Vacancies A world-class opportunity in Mining and Beneficiation The ASA Metals Smelter and its subsidiary, Dilokong Chrome Mine, are situated in the eastern limb of the Bushveld Ingneous Complex (BIC), where some 83% of the world’s chrome reserves are located. The key to our ongoing success has been continuous innovation and development. These endeavours include: • A chromium production mine • An ore beneficiation plant • Pelletising and sinter plant • Four 66 MVA production furnaces. These exciting developments have necessitated the employ of only the best the mining profession has to offer. Join us at our operation, close to the rapidly expanding town of Burgersfort in the Limpopo Province.

OBP Process Specialist - Ben Plant ROLE PURPOSE: Supervise production by controlling of the beneficiation process and output qualities of the product. ROLE REQUIREMENTS: • Grade 12 with Mathematics and Science. • National Diploma in Metallurgical/Chemical Engineering. • Valid driver’s licenced and own transport. • Computer Literacy. • At least 2 years line management experience in chrome processing plant ROLE RESPONSIBILITIES: • Oversee daily operations of the Beneficiation Plant by monitoring plant performance and product qualities. • Support and participate in change management initiatives to drive transformation and optimisation. • Identify and recommend initiatives aimed at eliminating waste, improving productivity and reduce operating costs within scope and assist with the implementation thereof to contribute to the achievement of operational objectives. • Provide relevant support to stakeholders to ensure team objectives are achieved. • Adhere to required quality management standards within the production environment to ensure production standards are met. • Resolve problems / issues to ensure achievement against plan and ensure remedial action is taken. • Ensure employee adherence to statutory safety regulations and operational standards, procedures and practices, and report non-compliance. • Perform regular inspections of area of work and report hazards to ensure environment is safe, hazard free, and recommend remedial action where necessary. • Participate in people development initiatives such as performance management, succession planning, talent management etc. to ensure team performance meet required standards. • Plan, schedule and supervise / co-ordinate subordinate activities within processes or services to achieve efficiency and quality goals. • Oversee the Transport Contractors to do appropriate stock movements. General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given to historically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of themethods utilised to determine the successful candidate. The company offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint. Please forward your application, stating which position you are applying for by e-mail: Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.

Closing date: 13 February 2015






Friendly cats visit Mpumalanga’s provincial rugby team, the Steval Pumas, visited the area again last week where they completed part of their annual training camp at Hannah Game Lodge near Ohrigstad. As part of the visit they also practised on Laerskool Ohrigstad’s rugby field to the delight of the learners (and teachers). After their practise session they interacted with the little ones before departing to Maepa Primary School just outside the town on the way to Hannah Game Lodge. At Maepa they they sang and danced with the kids before gifts and certificates were exchanged between the school and the team. Thereafter it was back to the salt mines for hard work ....


Tubatse Masters vs KK Comodos in Alverton On Sunday 2 February the Tubatse Masters soccer team visited Alverton village for a friendly soccer match agains KK Comodos. The Masters dominated the game and in the 8th minute took the lead when Lucky Lubisi scored. The Masters created many other opportunities, but failed to convert them. The halftime score was 1-0 in favour of the Masters. The second half was marked by major ball possession from Tubatse Masters. Thapelo Maredi from Tubatse Masters scored a goal and took the lead to 2-0. This was increased in the 53rd minute when Rellie Mmoala took a powerful shot outside the box and beat the Comodos keeper. The hosts did not lose hope and in the 64th minute the referee awarded them a penalty. Thlologelo Mathe converted the spot kick to reduce the Masters’ lead, but after just 3 minutes the score was again 4-1 when Jimmy Maganyane scored for the Tubatse Masters. The fifth and sixth goals were scored by Emmanuel Mokgotho and Thapelo Maredi. In the referee’s optional time, Sbusiso Mthembu scored the second goal for the hosts. The final score was 7-2 in favour of Tubatse Masters. (Information & Photographs: Jerial Mvundlela)

Friendly soccer

On 31 January Magareng Mine’s soccer team played against Phasha’s team at Kgomo Resort. The Magareng team did not win the tournament. The score was 4-1 in favour of Phasha. The Magareng team considered the match a learning curve and will be taking up the challenge again. The organisers would like to thank the Man of the Match, Peter Thotse. He was the Magareng team’s goal scorer. After the match, the teams had a braai and celebrated their participation. (Information & photographs: Sinkie Makofane, Magareng Mine)

game but failed to increase their lead. In the 88th minute of the game Karabo Moropane managed to score for the hosts. They were however unable to make-up for the visitors’ lead and the game ended 2-1 in favour of Tubatse Masters. (Information & photographs: Jerial Mvundlela)

Kick-off for the SAB league The SAB league has opened and Maubeng No-Mistake FC was welcomed to the league. Madikgwadi FC from Mooihoek faced Maubeng No-Mistake FC on 31 January 2015. The game was played at Mooihoek soccer grounds. The game ended in favour of Maubeng FC

Magareng Mine FC vs Phasha FC Friendly soccer & social

Masters keeping the record On Saturday 31 January the Tubatse Masters visited Mareseleng soccer team for a friendly soccer match. The two teams were meeting for the second time in two weeks and Mareseleng was looking for revenge after their 1-0 loss the last time. The game started with a fast pace and just two minutes after the kick-off Loui Matuludi scored the first goal of hte match. This gave the Masters the lead. Mareseleng fought back but Masters’ goalkeeper Sello Skhosana ensured that the lead remains in tact. Five minutes before halftime Loui Matuludi scored the second goal for Tubatse Masters. Both teams created scoring opportunities but failed to convert it into points. The half time score was 2-0. In the second half the teams made some changes and improved the momentum of the game. In the first 20 minutes of the second half the Masters dominated the



after goals from Nhlanhla Nkosi and Henry. Madikgwadi FC scored one goal. On Sunday Maubeng No-Mistake FC continued their winning streak with a 6-1 win over Phasha City Rocks at Ntwampe Sports Ground. (Information & Photograph: Justice Mahlakoana, PRO Maubeng FC).



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Platinum Gazette


Action on the course Last week Saturday the Action Cricket Golf Day delivered loads of fun at Tubatse Chrome Golf Club. Some of the fun activities on the course included starting hole 1 with a cricketbat tee-off. The Action Cricketers would like to thank the sponsors of the day (ECM, Tubatse and Electro Diesel). The winners were; Justin Pullinger (Poena) and Pieter Knoetze - 82 points. Second were A Maropane and G Maropane with 77 points. T Maleka and P Mongadi came third with 75 points. The Longest Drive with a Cricket Bat went to Embrich Cilliers. Werner van Vreden was the Nearest to the Pin 4/13 and Justin Pullinger (Poena) was nearest to the pin 9/18. Winner of the lucky draw hamper was Johann Swanepoel. The Club would like to remind players of the Wednesday competitions. Tee off times are

12:00 - 15:00 and it is an IPS competition. R80 entry fee. On 7 February there will be league games going on at the course, but IPS competition players can tee off from 07:00 - 10:00. On 14 February players are encouraged to show some love and bring their partners along for a lovely round of golf. On 21 February the Joshua Generation Golf Day will take place and for 28 February the Kruppel Buffel Golf Day is planned. To book your game contact Martin van Rooyen on 072 564 2811.


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