Junior Commissioner The Police in Limpopo has conducted the 2018 Junior Commisioner’s Competition whereby learners from different schools around limpopo province under 13 SAPS clusters has entered. Ayanda Malapa a Grade 9 learner from Calvin College in Burgersfort, who is residing at Ga Mampuru, made the local Police cluster proud after topping all the schools from 13 Limpopo clusters. She is now the junior Limpopo provincial commisionerand as such she will compete with junior commisioners from other provinces in the Junior National Commissioner’s Competition. Acting Burgersfort Cluster Commander Ria Mkhabela thanked all the schools under the Burgersfort Cluster which participated in the competition, saying “all are winners in fighting crime”. (Information and photograph: Constable Victoria Maluleka).
State of the Local Municipality (SOLMA) - Drab, but positive Last week Saturday saw very few people attending the
For the first time our bursary package included registra-
year to address the service delivery backlog while the two
Leboeng access road
annual State of the Local Municipality Address by Fetak-
tion, tuition, accommodation, books and a monthly allow-
outer years will see a slight decrease in spending.
Construction of Praktiseer storm water drain
gomo Tubatse Local Municipality Mayor, Councillor Maudu
ance of R500. We cannot see any reason why a learner
The deficit of R 104 million will be funded by savings
Johannes Phokane, at the Ntwampe Sports Ground at
should fail as the Municipality has covered almost all
from 2017/18 financial year which will emanate from cost
critical aspects of schooling. The bursary is available until
containment measures for operational expenditure.
Magotwaneng access bridge
Despite nine buses parked at the event, a large number
the completion of studies on condition that the learners do
It should be noted that the deficit is mainly attributable to
Praktiseer library
of chairs were empty at the time the mayor started his
not fail their studies.
non – cash transactions such as depreciation of assets
Mashung internal street
We will continue in the coming financial year to accom-
and provisions for impairments of debtors book.
Ga Debeila to Mohlaletsi internal street
The state of the local economy was also very evident as
modate more learners in the scheme and we call upon
It should be noted that for 2017/18 there is a delay of
Strydkraal to Thobehlale internal street
the event itself was stripped of any grand excess and
all young people who are currently in their final year in
R100 million in projects from own funding due to cash
The above mentioned projects will be implemented with
expensive entertainers.
schools to seize the opportunity and apply for the bursary
flow constraints. This may impact the implementation of
funding from Municipal Infrastructure grant.
Mirroring the reality of the current state of the economy,
when they open in October this year. It should be categori-
2018/19 own funding projects.
We are going to utilise our own funds to implement the
the mayor told the people in his speech : “The Municipality
cally stated that learners from poverty stricken families are
Revenue from grants and subsidies amounts to R466 356
following capital projects;
is still feeling the effects of the economic recession that
million for 2018/19 financial year and the major categories
Rehabillitation of Burgersfort taxi rank
being the following:
Construction of stormwater drainage
Equitable share R361, 513, 000
Nchabeleng community hall internal street
Municipal Infrastructure Grant Funding of
Nkwana community hall internal street
Seroka community hall internal street
Integrated National Electrification Grant
Strydkraal community hall internal street
(INEG) of R15,000,000
India community hall internal street
Ga Radingwana to Sekhukhune college inter
hit the country last year. There were many workers who lost their jobs due to retrenchments more especially in the
2018/19 IDP and Budget
mining industry and this has affected our economy negatively. As a local sphere of government we rely heavily on
Mayor Phokane stressed that the new budget were com-
grants to survive and our revenue base has diminished as
piled after consultation and interaction with communities
a result of the bleeding economy.
and that as far as possible ionputs have been accommo-
This has made our indigents to increase as people are
Finance Management Grant of R4,115,000
unable to service their debts.
The following is the IDP and Budget for 2018/19 financial
EPWP grant of R2,035,000
Programme Director, even in the midst of this gloom and
MSIG grant of R1,055,000
persevering darkness in our municipal economy, we are
Total revenue anticipated is R 670 million for 2018/19, in-
happy to report that all our capital projects were imple-
age Magakala access bridge
nal street •
Planning of roads to tribal authorities
Revenue from own sources amounts to R203 million for
Feasibility study water & electricity authority
creasing to R720 million and R788 million for the MTREF
the 2018/19 financial year and the major categories being
Township establishment - Hoeraroep
mented through expanded work programme where many
(Medium Term Revenue and Expenditure Framework)
the following;
Township establishment - Aapiesdoorndraai
job opportunities were created. We are also proud that 40
Property rates of R133 million
Development of new landfill site
SMME`s were appointed on a storm water and road main-
Total operational expenditure is R579 million, increasing
Refuse removal of R13,8 million
tenance project for a period of 3 years. To date an amount
to R 590 million and increasing to R 621 million for the
Interest on late payment of R24 million
of R17 million got paid to those companies of which many
MTREF period.
Interest on investment of R11 million
Construction of Praktiseer testing station
belong to young entrepreneurs and all are from areas
Total capital expenditure is R 194 million, decreasing
The following anchor projects are going to be implement-
Development of transfer stations
falling within the jurisdiction of our Municipality”.
to R130 million and decreasing to R120 million for the
ed in the 2018/19 financial year,
Development of Regional cemetery
One of the highlights of the mayor’s speech was that
MTREF period.
Mapodile Sports facilities phase 2
All this emanates from the submission made by the
despite the economic hardship, the local authority will con-
These resulted in a deficit of R 104 million for the 2018/19
Motodi Sports complex
communities. We must reiterate that the Municipality is
tinue to assist the youth with bursaries: “For the 2017/18
financial year while a deficit of R 259 000 and surplus of R
Fetakgomo Tubatse Highmast lights
operating under severe financial pressure but we shall do
financial year we have assisted with 21 learners with
46 million for the two outer years is anticipated.
Tukakgomo access road
our outmost best to ensure that services are delivered in
bursaries to various tertiary institutions.
Accelerated spending is planned for the 2018/19 financial
Lefahla access bridge
our communities”.
Fetakgomo Tubatse Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Apel
6 Julie 2018
Tel Fax
Rehabilitation and closure of Burgersfort l andfill site
0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031
(Continued on page 3)
6 JULY 2018
Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines celebrates 4 Million Fatality Free Shifts
amancor Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) celebrated 4 Million Fatality Free Shifts (FFS) last week. Samancor ECM has been recognised as one of the leaders within the mining industry by a variety of stakeholders by a variety of stakeholders, including the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) and unions representing the employees. The company however acknowledges the importance of not becoming complacent and while thanking employees for their safe and careful dayto-day work, emphasized that everyone should be their brother’s keeper every day. The celebrations stretched over two days and offered all the mines an opportunity to come together and reflect on the achievement, but also focus on the road ahead to keep safety a number one priority. The celeThumbs up for safety with Samancor ECM safety mascot, Jonkie Jonkie.
Mr John Botha.
Mr Desmond McManus.
Mr Jürgen Schalamon.
Mr Philip Vilakazi.
Mr Emile Britz.
brations were attended by representatives from the DMR, Unions, Samancor Corporate Head Office employees - including Mr Jürgen Schalamon, the Chief Executive Officer, Mr Desmond McManus Chief Operations Officer as well as ECM employees. The programme included congratulations on the achievement, but also looked back and remembering fellow employees who have lost their lives between 2005 and 2014. The last fatality at Samancor ECM was on 3 July 2014. Mr John Botha, Samancor Corporate Head of SHEQ, told employees that everyone should take responsibility for his or her own safety. “In every mining accident there are witnesses who can account what happened minute to minute. In most cases accidents can be prevented if employees take responsibility to address any unsafe working conditions. You have a right to a safe working environment”. Mr McManus added that the Samancor leadership team would like to see every employee grow old and grey together. “We want you to go back safe to your family after every shift”. Adding to this Mr Schalamon applauded the employees and praised them for being vigilant when it comes to safety. He underlined the importance of the right to a safe workplace. “I gave you a ‘Red stop card’ and that gives you the right to withdraw from unsafe places until the problems have been rectified. No victimisation or intimidation will be tolerated should you use the ‘Red stop card’ to make sure that unsafe work areas are made safe before work resume”. Mr Emile Britz, General Manager of Samancor ECM thanked and praised employees for their hard work in steering the company from being good to great. During every session safety representatives from the different mines, DMR and representatives from NUM also had an opportunity to speak. During one of the sessions, NUM North East region chairman and NUM national deputy chairman, Mr Philip Vilakazi applauded Samancor ECM for caring about their employees and setting the standard in the industry. He encouraged both management and employees to work together to continue to improve the safety within the company. The programme included industrial theatre focusing on maintaining safety in the workplace. Employees also had the opportunity to win prizes by answering work safety related questions. Each session ended with employees being treated to a braai where they could relax before heading home.
6 JULIE 2018
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Mines crucial to the economy AND appreciated’ - Mayor In his State of the Local Municipality specch, Mayor Maudu Johannes Phokane stressed the vital role of the mines in our area, saying “Our area is blessed with abundance of the raw materials which had necessitated the growth of the Mining sector. The positive aspects of the sector is that many people got employed and made the economy of our region to grow and also paved a way for the SMME`s to participate. However, there has been dissatisfaction from the communities as they feel that the Mines are not doing enough to develop and empower the locals. We have seen many protests organised by the communities around the Mining operations wanting their concerns to be taken into consideration. As government we believe in engagements to resolve issues and discourage any form of violence or intimidation” that “No amount of violence can solve problems and we must learn to sit down and engage extensively until we find a solution”. He said: “Our LED department has a Mining forum which sits regularly to interact on the operations of the Mines and their contribution to the communities. We hope that the forum will not be a talk show but a platform where development of our communities is a major priority. Our major concern is the fragmented community fora which make life not to be easy in the Mines. We would like to appeal to all community development fora to come together and establish a vehicle that push common interest for our communities. United we stand and divided we fall”. He thanked the mining sector by saying : “Allow me to pay special appreciation to the Mining houses for the contribution they have made in changing the landscape of our Municipality in terms of socio-economic development. The Mining industry is here to stay and despite the challenges we are facing, their contribution towards the economy is enormous and must be appreciated”. He tanked the mines individually for everything they contributed during the past year, as well as their pledges for the future saying: “The Municipality acknowledges that it has an important role to play in bringing harmony between the mining industry and the communities nearby. It also is aware of its responsibility to direct and drive development in the whole of the Municipal area and the mining industry remains its ally in pursuit of radical socio-economic transformation. For that reason, the Municipality has appointed a service provider who will assist in ensuring that a better and rewarding cooperation and partnership is forged with the mining industry to ultimately open opportunities for the economic emancipation of the majority of our people and completely transform the face of the areas of Fetakgomo Tubatse. We also intend to hold a Fetakgomo Tubatse Mining indaba in which we would expect to gather all relevant stakeholders to come carve a way regarding how to advance and unlock rapid economic development within our area”.
6 JULY 2018
Illegal Eskom connections a headache Eskom has warned the public against infrasturcture and electricity theft, including illegal electricity connections. “Our major concern in the case of illegal connections is that danger is posed not only to the people who engage in illegal connections, but also to the rest of their community, particularly children and animals that form part of the environment,” said the power utility’s Divisional Executive for Security, Tebogo Rakau. Illegal connections are the leading cause of unplanned power outages. “Eskom encourages all community
members to report any unsafe and illegal power conditions or connections they come across. These include exposed electrical wiring, low-hanging cables, illegal connections, vandalised electrical equipment such as substations and exposed electrical cables due to theft or vandalism.” Eskom said the public can report electricity and infrastructure theft anonymously to Crime Line on 32211 (at R1 per SMS) or call 0800 11 2722. The identity of those who report theft incidents remains completely protected. Alternatively call 086 003 7566.
No need to panic about land K. Rantho writes about the land expropriation issue in reaction to “Talking about land expropriation” published on page 11 of Platinum Gazette of 29 June 2018: “The Pan Africanist Congress of Azania in Driekop Ga Maroga want to put the PAC’s position to the people of Azania that land is our heritage that must be under the custodianship of the Government. Therefore no one has to panic because the primary objective is to take care of its people, because currently only a few rich people are the people who have access to the use of the land - variously so. We are all
‘n Voorstel vir FTLM rondom die Burgersfort stortingsterrein-probleem
MEC for Sport, Art and Culture resigns The MEC for Sport, Arts and Culture, Onicca Moloi this week resigned from her position as MEC in the Limpopo Provincial Government. The resignation came after recent social media comments she made. Limpopo Premier, Mr Chupu Stanley Mathabatha accepted the resignation and has appointed Mr Rob Tooley as acting MEC for Sport, Arts and Culture until the position can be permanently filled. Moloi was thanked for her performance as MEC and work as part of the Executive Council. In a statement issued by Soviet Lekganyane, the Provincial Secretary of the ANC in Limpopo the party
Africans, we belong to one race, that race is the human race. I don’t think it is proper for people to cater their own self interest. The people of Azania in this current situation need land for livestocks for grazing. It is not right to see their livestock dying of hunger because of scarcity of places to graze. People need land for residential areas. Currently only indigenous African people are squatting at their place of birth because of unavailability of land that Government can use to build houses for people. This is because 87% of fertile land is private”.
“takes, in a serious light, the manner in which Cde Onnica Moloi conducted herself in the week leading up to the Premier accepting her resignation”. He added that they will engage further with Moloi and that “The ANC remains a home to all the people of our country and thus, members who feel aggrieved in whatever way, are expected to use the available channels to raise their concerns”. Moloi had served as part of the ANC caucus in the Legislature and later as a member of the Provincial Legislature and then as a member of the Executive Council. She will remain a member of the Limpopo Legislature.
Mev. Riana Olivier skryf in reaksie op “Platinum’s Filthy side!” gepubliseer op 22 Junie 2018 en “FTLM working hard to improve landfill problem” gepubliseer op 29 Junie 2018: “Kan daar nie voorstelle van mense aan die munisipaliteit oorgedra word nie? Ons betaal baie kostes, veral by die Lodges en ek is seker by die besighede ook. In Polokwane het die munisipaliteit ‘n ‘dumping site’ op ‘n erf waar daar ‘n klomp ‘bins’ staan. Daar is grond tot teen die bokant van die ‘bin’ sodat jy kan op ry en maklik die rommel daarin kan gooi. Die mense gooi hulle rommel daarin en die munisipaliteit verwyder dit op hulle onkoste. Dalk kan dit die dorp help om skoner te bly. Dis nie regverdig teenoor ons om te vra dat ons weekliks 90km moet ry om ons rommel weg te gooi nie”.
Right: Bakoni Phuti Tribal Authority receives their donation.
Tribal Authorities and ECM join hands with computer donation amancor, Eastern Chrome Mines is committed in supporting the communities and traditional authorities within its footprint. Efficiency is of paramount importance as this contributes to the establishment of strong relationships. Information and data must be available to ensure that a professional service can be rendered by tribal authorities in the communities. ECM once again assisted with the donation in the form of Laptops, Printers, Cartridges and Modems to the communities of Ba Binanoko Ga-Mampuru, Roka Phasha Phokwane and Bakoni Phuti Traditional Authorities. This will be registered as the assets of the mentioned Traditional Authorities to assist the community
structure in running the affairs of the offices. Mapodile Development Forum (Proclaimed) also received the same type of donations.
Roka Phasha Tribal Authority also benefitted.
Right: Ba-Binanoko Tribal Authority.
Mapodile Tribal Authority with the donation from ECM.
6 JULIE 2018
Willy Seropana topping local charts Willy Seropana is a local House music artist who is quickly rising in popularity. His single “Vosho” was released on 26 April and has since been downloaded and streamed more than 15 000 times. It has become a regular on the play lists of local community radio stations and can often be heard in local clubs, taverns and is even shared on social media. The song has also been transformed with a music video available on YouTube. The
video was shot at Clifford’s Lodge and Spa in Burgersfort and saw more than 1 000 views in the first week of release. The release did not go without problems as an unknown source hacked the channel twice to prevent screening. The music video was shot by Nkwela Media, directed by K.R. Motswiane and released under International Ways Business. Nine local radio stations accross Limpopo has already interviewed the young artist who seems to have a bright future ahead in the
SAPS spread crime awareness The Burgersfort SAPS in partnership with the Youth and CPF held a crime awareness campaign in Burgersfort this week. The team distributed pamphlets with safety tips about theft and with the contact numbers of the station heads to which any crime, dissatisfaction about the service of the SAPS or any compliments can be reported. (Information and photographs: Constable Victoria Maluleka).
music industry. Willy Seropana comes from Shakung, Burgersfort and was born on 6 February 1997. The hit song also features Mellow October and promotors are currently booking Seropana for performances of the song at events accross the country. If you would like to support local talent, book Willy Seropane for your next party or event. He can be reached at or call him on 079 175 9523. Alternatively show your support by wathcing his music video on YouTube or listening to the song on your local radio station.
Have your say about learners being taught about abortion and pregnancy prevention The Basic Education Department has extended the deadline for comments on a policy that seeks to educate learners about abortion and pregnancy prevention methods as part of the school curriculum until the 30 July 2018. “The Department of Basic Education (DBE) has extended the deadline for written submissions on the National Policy on the Prevention and Management of Learner Pregnancy in Schools,” the department said in a statement. Earlier this year, the department issued a gazette in which it invited comments from stakeholder bodies and members of the public on the policy. The policy is an effort by government to address the high rate of learner pregnancy in the country. According to the department, the alarming pregnancy rates has become “a major social, systemic and fiscal challenge” not only for the basic education sector but for the national development in general. “It impacts the lives of many young people often limiting their personal growth, the pursuit of rewarding careers and their ambitions with incalculable impact on the country’s socio-economic systems,” said the department. The policy seeks to ensure the accessible provision of information
on prevention; choice of termination of pregnancy; care, counselling and support; frameworks for impact mitigation; and guidelines for systemic management and implementation. “In particular, it commits the basic education system and other role players to providing comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) crucial to optimal sexual and reproductive health. “The aim of CSE is to ensure that young people gain the knowledge and skills to make conscious, healthy and respectful choices about relationships and sexuality,” said the department. In addition, the policy asserts the constitutional rights of pregnant learners to continue and complete their basic education without stigma or discrimination. “It confirms that there should be no exclusion of pregnant learners who must be allowed to remain in school during their pregnancies and return as soon after giving birth as is appropriate for both the learner and her child,” said the department. Interested parties are invited to comment on the policy in writing via email to or fax to 012 328 8401. Closing date for comments is 30 July 2018. The policy document is available on the
Taxis stopping anywhere, anytime Business is about surviving in a comdesignated points or bus/taxi stops, petitive environment, but the taxis in they simply signal any passing taxi Burgersfort is taking this to the next and is guaranteed it will stop. level, regardless of the law. They literally stop anywhere at any time. Last week was month-end and Platinum Gazette contact details: town was extremely congested with traffic. Yet, they Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 randomly blocked slipways E-mail: at major intersections (like Advertising: Beánnla Celliers the one on the photograph at Tel: 083 543 1676 Eland and Dirk Winterbach E-mail: Streets) to pick up and drop Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 off people. Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 There is no regard for the safety or flow of traffic and Website: there is also no control with Printers: regards to this by the local Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. traffic department. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / Pedestrians seeking or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright transport no longer go to Act (98 of 1978).
6 JULY 2018
Platinum Gazette
Klein Advertensies • Smalls
Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
Advertise here/ Adverteer hier: 1. Sport Klubs / Sport Clubs 2. Betrekking/ Vacancy 3. Dienste/ Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/
3. Dienste/ Services Visit your local professional art and décor framer in Steelpoort. 24 Years experience in framing. Get the option that fits your taste and budget! Small gifts and crafts available in store. Printing, photocop-
Pets 6. Persoonlik/ Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/ Financial 9. Te Huur/ To Rent 10. Te Koop/ For sale ies and much more. Stockists of EPA! Chilli and other sauces. Visit Esmé Framers in Steelpoort next to Wimpy or contact Esmé on 079 100 9643.
9. Te Huur/ To Rent TE HUUR 3 Slaapkamer huis in
klein sekuriteitskompleks naby Tubatse Crossing Mall in Burgersfort. Dadelik beskikbaar. Billike huur sluit water en elektrisiteit in. Elektrisiteit ingesluit tot op ‘n standaard hoeveelheid eenhede, verdere gebruik word saam met huur ingevorder. Skadunet afdak vir voertuig. Troeteldiere welkom (voorwaardes geld). Deposito word vereis. Huis toegerus met alarmstelsel wat huurder kan laat moniteer. Kontak Mike by 082 357 1954
HOUSE TO LET Two bedroom house available from R4500. (Full time security). Three bedroom house available from R5500. Aloe Ridge East and Aloe Ridge West. Viewing available after hours. Please call on 082 578 6113.
TO LET BURGERSFORT 2 and 3 Bedroom houses to let. Warehouses and shops to let. 300 + 400 SQ. Contact Ina: 082 888 9672
Multi housing unit in Mashifane park for Sale. 3x2 bedroom units with tenants, transformer, borehole and space for expansion. Urgent Sale!!! Offers accepted. Call 078 812 7229
TO LET: Mashifane Park 2 bedroom unit avail immed. R2800 incl water. Elect prepaid. Call: 0810002430/ 0788127229
10. Te Koop/ For Sale
Vacancies/Betrekkings An exciting opportunity has become available within Maroga Metals Recovery Pty (Ltd) situated at Tubatse Alloy Ga-Maroga.
PRODUCTION SUPERINTENDENT (Ref.No:PS/MMR/2018) ROLE PURPOSE To contribute toward business success by ensuring the overall optimum operation of the metallurgical process with respect to Metal Recovery to the required Chrome levels per customer request at the lowest cost. ROLE REQUIREMENTS • A tertiary qualification in Metallurgy. • Relevant National Diploma/ Degree. • At least 4 years relevant experience with minimum of 3 years’ experience in Crushing, Screening and Jigging plant is essential. • A higher level of computer literacy and Quality Management System. KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS • Ensure that decisions are implemented in the correct manner and that the standards of the specific function are maintained and adhere to. • Participate in the development of the company vision and key objectives and ensure that these objectives are cascaded and incorporated into the specific jobs of all employees in the section. • Implement and maintain effective action orientated performance management system and processes within the section and facilitates effective cross sectional partnerships. • Ensure total legal compliance within the section. • Carry legal appointment under the MHSA. • Able to engage with the local authorities. • Responsible for complete management of the Metal Recovery Plant (MRP) business unit which include all SHEQ compliance, procurement, maintenance and production. • Ensure compliance with service delivery standards. • Facilitate the identification, motivation of and implementation of improvement ideas. • Conduct department performance reviews and initiate correction action. • Ensure the effective allocation and utilization of resources. • Investigate incidents and incidents and implement corrective procedures. • Conducts on job coaching. • Advises on equipment replacements when needed. CLOSING DATE: 13 July 2018 HOW TO APPLY: A detailed curriculum vitae with application letter, clearly indicating position and reference number you are applying for, must be emailed to
NOTICE OF 2018 NOTICE OF APPLICATION IN TERMS OF SECTION 108(1) OF THE TOWN PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE 15 OF 1986), READ TOGETHER WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE SPATIAL PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT ACT, 2013 (ACT 16 of 2018). MOK Development Consultants cc, being the authorised agent of the owners of Portion 10 of the Farm Aapiesdoorndraai 298-KT, hereby gives a notice in terms of Section 108(1) of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986) read together with the provisions of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act, 2013 (Act 16 of 2013) that Fetakgomo Tubatse Local Municipality intends to establish a township on Portion 10 of the Farm Aapiesdoorndraai 298-KT. Annexures Property Description: Portion 10 of the Farm Aapiesdoorndraai 298KT Geographic Coordinates: S24° 37’ 24.855” and E30° 20’ 57.899”. Total Site Area: 233.2713 Hectares Proposed Development: 1034 stands comprising 1004x Res-
idential 1 stands, 5x Residential 3 stands, 7x Municipal stands, 1x Sports stand, 5x Institutional stands, 6x Business 1 stands, 6x Public Open Space and 1x Special zoning stand. Proposed name: Aapiesdoorndraai Township Particulars of this application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Office of the Town Planner; Office 15, Ground Floor, Civic Centre, number 01 Kastania Street, Burgersfort, 1150 for a period of 28 days from Friday, 29 June 2018. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager, at the above address or at P O Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150 within a period of 28 days from the first publication which is Friday, 29 June 2018. Notice is further given in terms of section 21 (4) of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) that those who cannot write must approach the office of the municipal town planner during the office hours for assistance with recording
their representations/ objections. Address of Applicant’s Agent: MOK Development Consultants, Office No. 25A, Annlin Forum Building, 3 Dorethea Street, Annlin, Pretoria, 0129, e-mail: TSEBIŠO YA 2018 TSEBIŠO YA KGOPELO GO LATELA KAROLO YA 108(1) YA MOLAO WA PEAKANYO YA DITOROPO LE DITOROTSWANA, WA 1986 (MOLAO WA BO 15 WA 1986), O BALWA MMOGO LE DIKAROLO TŠA MOLAO WA PEAKANYOLESWA YA MAFELO LE TAOLO YA TSHOMIŠO YA NAGA, WA 2013 (MOLAO WA BO 16 WA 2018). MOK Development Consultants, re le baemedi ba semmušo ba mong wa lefelo la karolo ya lesome (10) ya polasa ya Aapiesdoorndraai 298 KT, re fa tsebišo ka karolo ya 108(1) ya Molao wa Peakanyo ya Ditoropo le Ditorotswana, wa 1986 (Molao wa bo 15 wa 1986), o balwa le dikarolo tša Molao wa Peakanyoleswa ya Mafelo le Taolo ya Tšhomišo ya Naga, wa 2013 (Molao wa bo 16 wa 2018 ya maikemišetšo a
Commercial Assistant ANB Produce & Marketing (ANB-PM) requires the service of a suitably qualified and experienced person as a Commercial Assistant who will be responsible for the Gauteng, Mpumalanga and Limpopo areas. The Commercial Assistant will oversee the administrative and sales processes related in the various fruit brands handled by the company. We offer a competitive remuneration package with excellent career development opportunities and exposure to widen your knowledge and experience. Qualifications and skills required: • Grade 12/Matric. • Minimum of 3 years’ experience in marketing/administration/ advertising/promotions. • Suitable tertiary qualification will be an advantage. • NB. Valid driving licence. • Flexible work hours. • Keen interest in customer relations. • Valid passport. • Quality assurance experience. Competencies: • Service-orientated: customers & personnel. • Customer and personal service. • Excellent problem solving, analytical and numerical abilities. • Attention to detail. • Strong organisational skills with demonstrated ability to manage multiple projects, meet deadlines and promote positive relationships.
• Excellent knowledge of computer skills (Excel, MS Word, Outlook). • Able to work independently with minimal supervision on a remote site/office. Responsibilities and duties: • Prepare, examine and analyse sales records, and other financial reports to assess accuracy, completeness and conformance to reporting and procedural standards of the company. • Ensure that correct procedures are followed for statutory reporting. • Assist with internal and external audits conducted. • Perform general administrative duties as requested by the group sales and commercial manager. • Monitor and report product quality issues. • Position will require national and international travel.
Candidates meeting the above criteria, may apply in confidence enclosing a detailed CV by e-mail to Applications close on 13th July 2018. Only short listed candidates will be contacted for an interview. Please consider your application unsuccessful if not contacted 2 weeks after the closing date.
Pušo-Selegae ya Fetakgomo Tubatse a go hloma torotswana/ tšwelopele mo karolong ya lesome (10) ya polasa ya Aapiesdoorndraai 298 KT. Dinthla Lefelo la tšwelopele: Karolo ya lesome (10) ya polasa ya Aapiesdoorndraai 298-KT E hwetšagala: S24° 37’ 24.855” le E30° 20’ 57.899”. Bogolo bja lefelo: Diekere tše 233.2713 Tšwelopele e šišinywago: Ditene tše 1034 tše di nago le ditene tše 1004 tša Bodulo, ditene tše 5 tša Bodulo ka Bontši, ditene tše 7 tša Mmušo wa Selegae, Setene se 1 Dipapadi, ditene tše 5 tša Didirišwa tša Setšhaba, ditene tše 6 tša Kgwebo, ditene tše 6 tša Mafelo a Setšhaba a Boiketlo le setene se 1 sa Tšhomišo ya go Ikgetha. Leina le le akanywago: Aapiesdoorndraai Township Dinthla ka moka malebana le kgopelo ye di tla hwetšagala phaphošing ya mošomo ya Mmeakanyi wa Ditoropo (Town Planner), no. 15 lebatong la fase la Tikatiko ya Setšhaba, no. 1 seterateng sa Kastania, Burgersfort, 1150 ka nako tša tlwaelo tša mošomo tekano ya matšatši a 28 go tloga tšweletšong ya pele ya tsebišo ye go thoma ka Labohlano la 29 June 2018. Mang le mang yo a nago le dingongorego goba boipelaetšo go kgopelo ye, a ka tšweletsa dingongorego tšeo le mabaka a gona ao a ngwadilwego go Molaodi wa Mmasepala wa Fetakgomo Tubatse pele ga ge go feta matšatši a 28 go tloga tšweletšong ya pele ya tsebišo ye, ka labohlano la 29 June 2018. Tsebišo e fiwa gape malebana le karolo ya 21 (4) ya Molao wa Tshepidišo ya Pušo-Selegae (Molao wa 32 wa 2000) gore batho bao ba sa kgonego go ngwala ba ka itšweletsa ofising ya Mmasepala ya Town Planning ka nako ya mošomo moo ba ka thušwago go ngwala dingongorego tša bona. Aterese ya moemedi: MOK Development Consultants, Office No. 25A, Annlin Forum Building, 3 Dorethea Street, Annlin, Pretoria, 0129, e-mail: kwenam@
6 JULIE 2018
Groot dankbaarheid om honger magies dié winter te kan vul Die Leeuwvallei Christen Gemeente skryf: “Soms is ‘n mens so dankbaar dat jy nie regtig weet hoe om dankie te sê nie. Ons wil graag vir Naranja Packers dankie sê vir die lemoene en naartjies. Ons waardeer dit baie en ons kinders geniet elke skyfie van die naartjies. Ons wil ook ons dank uitspreek teenoor Pick n Pay Steelpoort. Damian en Lodwig, baie dankie vir die kos wat u aan ons voorsien. Dankie dat ons bevoorreg is om aan kinders ‘n bord kos te gee. Dankie aan Magaba se bestuur vir ‘n pot sop. Oom Carl, ons waardeer daardie sop. Baie dankie van Pastoor Williams en gemeente”. (Inligting en foto’s: Rosa Williams)
082 744 8987
Matthew 17:20 (NIV) 20 He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
6 JULY 2018
Platinum Gazette
SPORT Brothers FC plays against Thotha FC On 30 June 2018 the soccer field at Phutinare High School was alive with activity as Brothers FC faced off with Thotha FC in a friendly soccer game. Donald Mohlala scored two goals during the match and Clement Makua shined by also scoring two goals for Brothers FC.
The game was tough for Thotha FC who finally scored a single goal thanks to Kenneth Mafolo. The final score was 4-1 for Brothers FC. Spectators enjoyed supporting the teams playing in the friendly encounter. (Information and photographs: Mr Jenny Phala).
Come play at the CANSA golf day On Saturday 7 July 2018 it is the annual Sanlam Cansa Golf Day at Tubatse Chrome Golf Club. This prestigious golfing event can see you progress to eventually play at Sun City. Two Chrome Golf Club members has done this before and hope is running high that the feat can be repeated. Registration will take place at 08:00 and tee-off is at 08:30. The day’s green fees will be R250-00. Book your spot with Martin van Rooyen today if possible, so the halfway meals can be correctly ordered in advance. Registrations will still be accepted on Saturday, but planning the meals are made easier with upfront bookings. The Club has moved their Talisman Cup events to 4 and 25 August 2018. To book with Martin please contact him on 072 564 2811.