Platinum Gazette 06 June 2014

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Š Platinum Gazette

6 June 2014

Photographs: Willem Montgomery

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6 JUNE 2014


Dwarsrivier Mine Dwarsrivier Mine helps learners prepare for a career On Friday 30 May 2014 hundreds of Municipality attended a career expo sponsored by Dwarsrivier Mine believes that investing in the learners from all over Thaba Chweu Dwarsrivier Mine. youth is investing in the future of the country and the company. The day was held at the Civic Centre in Mashishing (Lydenburg) and a host of higher education organisations were represented. This day’s event was the second Dwarsrivier hosted in two weeks. The week before, a similar event took place in the Greater Tubatse Municipality, highlighting Dwarsrivier Mine’s commitment to invest in the area through creating opportunities for the youth to grow into employable adults. The learners listened to the various speakers who explained what type of careers is available, what the requirements with regards to subjects and academic achievements are needed, as well as bursary opportunities they can tap into. Mr Remember Mmbengwa, SD Manager of Dwarsrivier Mine gave a motivational talk. He told the learners that sport and modelling might sound like wonderful careers, but the reality is that they never last. He encouraged them to pursue those options as hobbies while studying towards a degree or diploma that will ensure a long-term career. He added that being from a poor or

disadvantaged background is not an excuse. With hard work people can rise above their circumstances. Learners must make use of the various bursary and internship opportunities that are available to them. He emphasised that being intelligent is not the only requirement for getting somewhere in life. Working hard and never letting an opportunity to gain knowledge pass you by is the key to success. He told them that there is no space for laziness and there is no such thing as a ‘free ride’ to being successful in your chosen career. The learners had the opportunity to visit the various exhibition stalls and obtain more information about the various industries. Stakeholders represented at the day included Dwarsrivier Mine, Thaba Chweu Municipality, The Mpumalanga Regional Training Trust’ Hospitality and Tourism Academy, CTI Nelspruit Campus, TUT and NYDA. The learners’ experience was rounded off with a food parcel to ensure that they leave the exhibition only hungry for knowledge and success in the future.

6 JUNE 2014



Sekhukhune District Government approves IDP and budget

FATALITY AT MODIKWA PLATINUM MINE ARM made the following SENS announcement this week following an accident at Modikwa Mine: African Rainbow Minerals Limited (ARM) and Anglo American Platinum Limited regret to announce that an employee was fatally injured in an underground accident at their jointly owned Modikwa Platinum Mine on 03 June 2014. Both ARM and Anglo American Platinum extend their sincerest condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of the deceased. The exact circumstances around the incident was not known at the time of going to press.

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Sekhukhune District Municipality Executive Mayor, Mogobo David Magabe delivered the State of the District Address at the Moses Mabotha Cicic Hall in Fetakgomo Local Municipality on 30 May, in combination with the 2014 IDP / Budget that was approved. Councillor Magabe dwelled at length on the humble beginnings of the District Municipality under a tree near Groblersdal a number of years ago, with a budget of only a few million rand, to where it was today with a budget of more than R1000 million and massive projects with regard to water infrastructure and sanitation projects, such as 36 000 VIP toilets. Councillor Magabe told his audience that the District Municipality has grown to an effective government committed to service delivery in its area of jurisdiction and that it is committed to listen to the more than one million residents of the district’s five municipalities. This population represents 740 villages and 263802 households. He stressed that the District Municipality was not running alone on its own course, but that it was committed to hand work in glove with residents, local municipalities, the private sector and specifically the mines that play a major role in this area. In this regard he declared: “We wish to report that our relationship with the mines is yielding positive results as we speak. We have started this engagement through

bilateral talks until the formation of the Executive Mayor and Mining General Managers Forum. To date, we are proud to say the District Municipality together with the local mines have implemented community projects ranging from water, community halls, clinics, sports grounds, municipal roads, etc. We thank all the mines for their contributions indeed. However, please allow me to single out Xstrata Mine as the major contributor towards this cause and we urge other mines to emulate the example by Xstrata. We reiterate our call to the mining companies and the private sector to work closely with the Sekhukhune Development Agency, (SDA) because it was established to improve relations with the mining sector. As we together move South Africa forward we report that, we have laid a model of good governance with the separation of powers to intensify oversight. This model of separation of powers distinctively defines roles of the executive arm of government and the legislature. The District Municipality is now more visible on the ground interacting with communities through outreaches, tabled budgets, draft IDP, draft Annual Reports and other legislated and non-legislated engagements”.


6 JUNE 2014


UK students visit Thorncliffe Mine Glencore’s Thorncliffe Mine recently hosted a group of United Kingdom based university

students as part of their programme to understand hard rock mining in South Africa.

The group of 23 students from Imperial College London, led by Professor Dennis Buchanan, undertook an underground mine visit at the operation, a first for some of the students who were part of the delegation. “Each year I arrange an excursion in May to South Africa for the group MSc Metals and Energy Finance students,” says Prof Buchanan. “In the past this has included a visit to Glencore’s Lion Ferrochromium operations in the itinerary. Given that they are busy with the construction of Phase 2 of their operation we decided to visit the Thorncliffe Mine. This neatly complemented the narrative of an integrated chromite operation with Thorncliffe providing chromitite directly to Lion for ferrochromium production,” he says. Prof Buchanan says the visit provided an opportunity for the students to enhance their employability in the minerals, coal and petroleum industries and the related finance divisions of investment banks of recent

graduates with general science, engineering and finance degrees. “The programme also provides complementary training for professionals with previous industrial experience and is a combined Faculty of Engineering and Business School degree at Imperial College London,” he says. According to Johan Combrink, Glencore Alloys’ General Manager, Eastern Chrome Mines, the visit strengthened the ties that the company has with the University which has conducted similar visits in the past to the Lion Project. “The visit provided an opportunity to expose the students to Hard Rock mining. It was the first time that some of the students visited an underground operation. We hope that the visit will go a long way in assisting them gain a better understanding of how we conduct mining and also prepare them in their future careers,” he says. “We all came away with an in-depth appreciation of the level of technical sophistication that lies behind a successful mechanised underground chromitite mining operation. It would seem to me that the Thorncliffe operation is at the cutting edge of the strategically vital transition in the South African mining industry from labour intensive to mechanization extraction of narrow planar ore bodies. The commitment demonstrated by your underground operators to making the process successful was quite uplifting. It was a real privilege for all of us to see them in action,” adds Prof Buchanan.

6 JUNIE 2014



Lucky at Fast Fit Burgersfort

Customers keep on winning at Tubatse SUPERSPAR

Mr Boas Maunye was the lucky winner of rugby tickets in a competition at Fast Fit Burgersfort. Mr Hannes Spangenberg handed the tickets to him. (Photograph and information: Fast Fit Burgersfort).

She won a sheep! Hi-Q Burgersfort Tlou Tyres ran a Win-A-Sheep competition. The winner was drawn on Saturday last week. The store was a hive of activity as customers eager to win this meaty prize came to see who will be the lucky one. It was eventually Ms Bonny Phala who walked away with the meat. Her prize was handed to her by Mr Sipho Aziza from Hi-Q Burgersfort. The store often has special deals and competitions running so keep an eye out when you visit them next time.

The Win a Car cash back winner was Mr. Thomas Mabelane from Ga-Manoke with Kedibone Lekwadu from Spar. He won R492.54 cash back.

Wild weekend winner was Mrs. Susan Smit from Spekboom Burgersfort with Idah Shabangu from Spar. She won a R500.00 voucher

(Photographs & Information: Tubatse SUPERSPAR)

Public Notice PUBLIC NOTICE Members of the public including Magoshi, Ward Committees, Business Sector and other stakeholders are invited to attend the Ordinary Council meeting scheduled as follows; Date Time

: :

13 June 2014 11h00



Municipal Chambers (Burgersfort Civic Centre)

PS. all guests are expected to be seated at 10h45 in the Council Chambers. For more information please contact Mr Komane ML @013231 1277 Address: 1 Kastania Street, Burgersfort; PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150; Tel: 013 231 1000; Fax: 013 231 1467; Website:




6 JUNE 2014

Enjoying the turbo A while back we took the Opel Corsa Essentia with its normally aspirated 1400 engine for a spin. We reported positively about the car, but lamented that the engine was really nothing to write home about. This week, we entered the Opel Corsa Enjoy 1.4T (for turbo) and crossed the path from Steelpoort to Mangabane village (so to speak). So what is different? Apart from the turbo, the car gains 16 inch alloy wheels compared to the lesser brother’s 15 inch wheels, ABS front and rear with disk brakes at the rear as opposed the drums of the Essentia, start/stop economy control and upgraded trim like body coloured door handles and a matt chrome air nozzle. Better? O yes! The long incline from Steelpoort to Mangabane proved to be no problem for the little Ecotec turbo and there was no sign of running out of breath like the time we drove the Essentia. Acceleration was strong and torque kicked in low thanks to the turbo, which apart from the better and useful pulling power, did its work silently and smooth. The ride was very comfortable and the car was surefooted, stopping on a penny. The steering at speed felt very light and personally the driver would have liked a little more weight. Space and comfort in the cabin did not really differ from the cheaper brother of the car, but fatigue levels (with a more comfortable and safer) turbo drive will definitely be less. The stop/start thing works well with the car ‘dying’ when you stop, put your foot on the brake and clutch and put the 5-speed shifter into neutral. It fires up immediately when you lift your foot off the clutch after engaging a gear. O, the needle of the rev counter also rests on an auto stop indicator while the car is ‘dead’. A light should have been better. Another gripe is that the folding rear seat is still not split in this derivative, making for an awkward squat on the back seat when disengaging the catches to release the seatback. Overall the car is enjoyable to drive and a young couple or single person do not really need anything else in this price range. R201300 as opposed to the R187800 of the normally aspirated Essentia. Worth it? You decide. Our vote is positive.

To debate is their strength

It was with great enthusiasm and expertise that the following learners, Mugivhi Mulanga, Kgasago Moleboge and Phasha Rorisang, proved that success needs devotion. Calvin Junior Debate Team attained number one position in the Sekhukhune District’s debate competitions that was proudly sponsored by Love Life. The final competition took place on the 23 May at Jane Furse. It was truly a clash of the giants, but the Calvinites managed to stand proud amongst the eight schools that took part. Calvin College teacher, Mrs. M. Bengura is also the Debate coordinator, and she says that she has grand expectations for these learners, and the journey they have started. This group was also to be taking part in the Provincial Debate Competition on 5 June in Polokwane. In the photograph are Mrs. M. Bengura (Educator), Kgasago Maleboge, Phasha Rorisang, and Mughivi Mulanga.

6 JUNIE 2014



Your opinion about the Burgersfort flea market Burgersfort’s economy does not only exits of mines and other formal businesses. The informal traders or hawkers represent a large number of the economically active people in the area. Over the past two years the hawkers were encouraged to join the Hawkers Association recognised by the Greater Tubatse Municipality. They pay an annual fee and one of the things they had on their wish list is currently in the process of becoming a reality. Construction of the Burgersfort flea market has started with the ground works currently in progress. The market will be constructed across Magaba Filling Station on an open piece of land behind Cheap Cheap Butchery. We asked readers what they think about the market and how it will impact on Burgersfort.

Mr Mataba said: “It is a good idea. They will no longer be called hawkers; they will have proper little shops. The municipality is doing well”.

Mr Lawrence Kgoete said: “No, the hawkers won’t move from where they currently do business. Burgersfort is dispersed. They won’t want to be in one place”.

Mr Doctor Masinga said: “The hawkers must move there. It will be clean and safe if they have that place. Their products will be cleaner and they will sell more things. Burgersfort will become a clean town. This town is very dirty now”. Left: Mr Adam Mafane and Mr Joshua Khondlo said: “That will be the best. The hawkers must move if they get a nice place. It will be good because the municipality will build them something nice”. Left: Mr Peter Ngwenya, Mr Elphus Magabotje and Mr Lucas Mohlala said: “It is good. It will create jobs with the construction going on. Maybe there is also a chance that young people will be able to start their own businesses there. The old hawkers will not want to move there”. Left: Mr Vincent Mohlabe said: “The space is too small there for the hawkers. There will also be a lot of waste and rubbish. I don’t think the hawkers will want to move to one spot”. With him is Hope.

Mnr Sam Mphogo sê: “Dis reg dat hulle dit bou. Die mense sal daar wil gaan om goed te verkoop. Dit sal beter wees vir die dorp”. By hom is Loyso.

Mr Rharjhie Kwashirai and Ms Granny Nkuna said: “It is good. It will improve Burgersfort. The construction will create jobs. But, it will be a bit impossible to move the hawkers so the municipality sits with a problem there”.

Mr Godfrey Mkhombo said: “It is a good thing. They will have a nice place to work. The hawkers will be willing to move there if they think properly about it. Town will be cleaner. There they will have a bin to put their rubbish. The guys cutting hair will be able to go and put it in the bin unlike now. Who knows? Maybe Burgersfort can become the cleanest town in South Africa!”

Mnr. Hendré van Graan sê: “Dit gaan beter wees. Die dorp sal skoner wees. Daar sal nie so baie shacks langs die pad wees nie. Dis goed die munisipaliteit doen dit. Dit sal die smouse ook gelukkig maak”.

Mr Lucas Motjelele said: “It’s a positive thing. This construction will alleviate the employment problem. The only problem with Greater Tubatse is the roads. It will be difficult to get in and out of there”.

Links: Me. Melany Kroon sê: “Dit sal beter lyk, maar ek dink nie dit gaan werk nie. Ek het al gehoor dat die outjies kla dat hulle nuwe mooi stalletjies soek maar hulle soek dit waar hulle op die oomblik is. By so ‘n mark sal hulle almal op een plek gekonsentreer wees en hulle doen maar basies almal dieselfde goed. Die probleem is dat hulle beter soek, maar is ook nie regtig bereid om iets daarvoor te betaal nie. Die dorp sal dalk skoner wees as almal daarheen kan skuif.”

Right: Ms Yvonne Makofane and Ms Riccah Mokgethwa said: “It will make things better. It will also be safer for the hawkers and their children if they bring them to work. It will be safe for visitors too. Town will be cleaner if there are proper structures for the hawkers”.

Mr Big Masemola said: “No, it won’t work. It is a waste of money. They won’t move there, it is too far from the centre of town”.

Mnr. Christo Myburg en Mnr. Daniël Mkama sê: “Dis ‘n safety en environmental hazard wat hulle daar bou. Dit gaan nie beter wees nie. Mense gaan oor die pad hardloop en daar gaan ongelukke wees. Dink net hoe vuil sal dit wees. Wat gaan hulle met goed soos riool doen? Die sisteem is reeds oorlaai. Ons werk by Modikwa en daar was hierdie week ‘n fatality en dit terwyl ons altyd safety eerste sit. Daarom weet ons hierdie is probleem wat hulle besig is om te skep. Daai plek sal ook nog fatalities veroorsaak”.

Mr Maurice Ngele and Mr Thabo Selahle said: “It is too close to the road that spot. It will not be safe there. There will be lots of accidents with many people moving around there and over that big and busy street. It will also be much dirtier there. The hawkers will not want to move from their current locations”.

Mr. John Masuku said: “It’s good. We are growing into a city. In Pretoria in Sunnyside there is something similar to what they are building here. If you go there you know you can get anything. I hope it will work”.


6 JUNE 2014


Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609

7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous Washing machine broken? Get the spare parts here! Your number one outlet for fridge compressors, gas refill and other fridge/freezer/stove & washing machine components! Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next to Supa Save (old Post Office Building). Tel: 076 111 8405

9. Te Huur/ For Rent One Bedroom Flat available to rent from 1 July 2014. Situated in Burgersfort. Contact: 076 666 1100

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Registered Debt Counsellor & Administrator (Reg No: NCRDC 487)

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Platinum Gazette

To place your advertisement in Platinum Gazette contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 013 231 7147 or adverts@ platinumgazette. com Advertising deadline is every week Tuesday at 17:00.

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Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

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Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Contact her on or 013 231 7147/083 5431676

Assmang Limited – Dwarsrivier Mine seeks suitable Companies to submit proposals for the supply and delivery of several Commodities. Our mine, situated in the Limpopo Province about 60km from Lydenburg and 40km form Burgersfort, is a member of the Assmang Group and world-class producer of Chrome Ore and was nominated as Top Employer 2014.

Reference No. TM 1405/08 TM 1405/09 TM 1405/10 TM 1405/11 TM 1405/12 TM 1405/13 TM 1405/14 TM 1405/15 TM 1405/16 TM 1405/17 TM 1405/20

INVITATION TO TENDER: COMMODITIES Description Ventilation Pipes Electrical Cable Safety Signs HDPE Pipes & Fittings Valves & Clamps Mining Hoses Hose Fittings & Clamps Tools/Consumables Pinch Bars Victaulic Pipes, Bends & Clamps Ventilation Ducting & Curtains

Tender documents can be obtained from the following portal: Any questions / queries must be directed to: Please state the relevant reference number in the subject line of your e-mail. No telephonic queries will be entertained. Closing date of Tenders: Date: 27 June 2014 Time: 10:00

6 JUNIE 2014



Tuiswedstryd vir Ohrigstad Rugby Klub Ohrigstad Rugby Klub het verlede Saterdag op Ohrigstad teen Belfast ‘n ligawedstryd gespeel. Die plaaslike manne het hard gespeel en Belfast op hul tone gehad. maar het ongelukkig die wedstryd verloor. Die span speel hierdie naweek weer op Ohrigstad en die publiek is welkom om hulle te kom ondersteun. Hulle speel teen Hazyview se span en die wedstryd begin om 15:00. Navrae: Karel Beetge, 072 511 0934.

Marota Cosmos FC face off with ZoZo Ajax FC On Sunday 1 June Marota Cosmos FC played a friendly soccer game against ZoZo Ajax FC at Marota Cosmos Stadium in GaMatodi. The hosts dominated the first half of the game and were leading 2-1 by half time. In the second half ZoZo Ajax FC came back to equalise the score. The hosts continued their

domination but late in the game, the visitors fought back and managed to score another goal. Not going down without a fight, the hosts saw the back of the net three more times. Melvin Seroka (Rooney) created many scoring opportunities for Marota Cosmos FC. The goal scorers for Marota Cosmos FC were Moraba Khutso (Sethole) and Cosmos FC number one striker Abre (Bododo) Seroka who scored three goals. Thabo Maphoke (Joka) and Abel (KG) scored for ZoZo Ajax FC. The final score was 5-3. Marota Cosmos FC this week also welcomed Papaeki (Sekororo) to the team as head

coach. He hung up his soccer boots as a player with Marota Happy Kings to join Marota Cosmos FC as head coach. (Information & Photographs: Melvin Seroka)

It’s the final this weekend! On 7 June the finals of the BFS Soccer and Netball tournament will be played. Two Rivers and Tubatse Chrome are taking each other on at 09:30. Then Samancor ECM will take on a Twickenham/Marula at 11:20. The Final Curtain Raisers will be played at 13:10 with the final scheduled for 15:05. The games will be played at Mangabane Sportsground. On 7 June there will also be netball games taking place. Modikwa will take on Twickenham at 10:00. Samancor ECM will play against Dilokong Clinic at 11:00 and friendly games will follow at 12:00. The final of the netball will be played at 14:00. The top goal scorers in the soccer so far is Walter Magowa from Samancor ECM with 7 goals. In the netball Bridget Molopo from Modikwa is leading with 18 goals.

Cansa Golf Challenge Local golf players should not miss the Cansa Golf Day on 7 June 2014. The teeoff time is 08:30 and 18 holes will be played in IPS Competition. There will be three divisions: Division A: 0 - 9; Division B: 10 - 16 and Division C: 17 - 36. The entry fee will be R150-00. Enquiries: Martin van Rooyen, 072 564 2811.


6 JUNE 2014


There and almost there

The Comrades Marathon is a tough race and 800 runners received medical treatments at the finish. Of these, 362 were attended to at the medical tent while 400 runners received R&R, rubdowns, strapping, massage and mild treatment at the St. Johns Tent. 60 patients were treated at Durban’s St. Augustine’s Hospital while 14 patients were referred to the Umhlanga

Hospital. By Monday 4 patients remained hospitalised. The Comrades Marathon doctor, Dr Jeremy Boulter said: “The majority of the runners who were attended to at the medical tent were dehydrated and exhausted. Although these are fairly minor symptoms, our medical staff had another busy Comrades Race Day on their hands but all within their grasp”.

The Comrades Marathon is often used as a way to raise money for worthy causes. Runners then use fun outfits to draw attention. On page 11 there is a photograph of someone who ran in a rhino costume to raise money and awareness for these animals’ safe keeping. Runners often enter the stadium at the finish with banners branded with messages to loved ones or dedications of their race. Local runners performed very well. Many of them have particpated in more than one Comrades. A runner receives a green number after running more than 10 races.

Photographs on these pages were taken by Willem Montgomery and some supplied by Samancor Chrome.

Local Elite runners Leboka Noto and Peter Molapo are both Elite runners. This means that they are placed at the front of the pack when the race starts based on their previous performances. Both Peter and Leboka are Modikwa Platinum Mine employees. Leboka was one of the few runners in the top 20 who did not get a few months off for dedicated training before the Comrades. He worked his shifts underground and trained before

and after work. He told Platinum Gazette that he wish he was able to do the 300km practice he missed between January and May due to various circumstances. He does approximately 3 100km of running over this period in preparation for the race. “Perhaps then I could have done better,” he said. Leboka is very humble, but also very tough on himself. He was the second veteran to finish and 19th overall. Many of the other runners also paced themselves against Leboka’s steady run. Peter Molapo finished in a time of 6:43:26.

6 JUNIE 2014


Champion talk Samancor athletes Gift Kelehe and Latudi Makofane spoke to Platinum Gazette this week. Latudi is also known as Surprise. This 30-year old runner works at Tubatse as a Front-End Loader operator. He is from Ga-Riba Village and very happy about his 10th place. He said: “I want to thank Samancor, thank you to my coach and thank you to Andries Nieuwoudt from Tubatse. The 2 months’ training at Dullstroom helped a lot. With 6km to go I was so tired, but I am so happy with the way I ran. Next year I am going for a top 3 position!” His message to the youth - patience and practice is key. Some people have the potential but they don’t have the sponsors and mentors but they should keep on reaching for their dreams. Gift Kelehe joined the Samancor Chrome Marathon Club after Fanie Matshipa introduced him there. During the year he is a constable in the Rustenburg SAPS. He said: “Thank you to Samancor, coach John Hamlet and the SAPS”. st He will be aiming for 1 place next year.

Modikwa Marathon Club Results: Sonia Makuoa - 7:46:53 ; Stephen Moeng - 8:20:28; Herman Mogale 9:34:20; Albert Twala - 10:22:56; Justice Phokane - 10:57:35.

Twickenham Mine Marathon Club Results: Marks Selelepoo - 8:08:35; Isaac Mahlanya - 8:30:18; Jim Madonsela 8:53:06; Kgaugelo Mphethi - 8:58:35; Hlabane Pilusa - 9:43:07; Busi Thobejane - 11:40:27.

Marula Mine Marathon Club Results: Isaac Mkhabela - 6:50:55; Joel Mpuru - 7:54:07; Diakakanya Frans Shawane - 8:18:38; Right Seerane 8:25:05; Isaac Phoku - 8:26:49; Malekana Phala - 8:28:13; Sydney Fakude - 10:00:52; George Mohubedu - 10:25:49; Andries Mohubedu - 11:22:56; Gabriel Malinga - 11:27:25.

Longtom Marathon Club Results: Isaac Madi - 8:10:47; Lazarus Ledimo - 8:34:49; Enock Nyathi 9:55:24; Andrew Mathebula 9:57:46; Rudolph de Wet - 11:25:03; Grant Roode - 11:50:03.

Samancor Chrome Marathon Club Results: Gift Kelehe - 5:34:39; Latudi Makofane - 5:40:41; Gordon Lesetedi - 6:01:47; Ernest Mokoo - 6:15:31; Petoro Gaebetse - 6:21:35; Mongalo Mogoane - 6:52: 22; Katlego Magabane - 7:10:52; Seun Maphakge - 7:26:43; Lazarus Mogoane - 8:28:15; Lucky Shai 8:30:04; Jeffrey Mbunyane - 8:31:58; Sethibe Mohubedu - 9:17:52; Monashi Eric Mabelane - 10:14:48; Fanie Matshipa - 10:56:42. Victor Raliphada completed the race in a time of 12:17:20, just missing the final cut-off.


Limpopo is proud Limpopo Premier Chupu Stanley Mathabatha has congratulated all those who made the Province proud because of their sporting prowess this weekend. “We are proud that Polokwane City has again gained its promotion to the elite league after beating another home team Black Leopards in a tight match”. The Premier wishes to also congratulate Limpopo citizens and representatives who dominated the Top 10 at this year’s Comrades Marathon in Durban. Amongst them is Ludwick Mamabolo who came 2nd, Gift Kelehe on 3rd position, Rufus Photo at 5th position and Latudi Makofane on 10th position.”These gallant men and some women who participated have shown us that Limpopo is still a force to reckon with in the sporting world.” “We are proud to be associated with winners. What they have achieved shows that we are a winning nation. Their names wil be written and recited in the walls of heroes of this Province. They have made us proud beyond words,and this calls for celebrations,” says the Premier.


6 JUNE 2014

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A top position for local club

On Sunday last week the Comrades Ultra Marathon of 89,28km delivered three South Africans in the top three positions. Bongmusa Mthembu won the race which stretched from Pietermaritzburg to Durban in a time of 5:28:34. In second place was Ludwick Mamabolo, one of Limpopo’s proud products. The third place was taken by local marathon club, Samancor Chrome’s Gift Kelehe. Kelehe finished in a time of 5:34:39. To Samancor Chrome’s delight they also claimed position 10 in the top ranks when Latudi (Surprise) Makofane finished in 5:40:41. The winners also walk away with handsome prize money. The winner received R350 000. Second place took R175 000 and third got R130 000. Leboka Noto, a Modikwa Platinum Mine employee made the mine proud when he came in as the second veteran and in position 19 overall. The women’s race was won by Eleanor Greenwood from Great Britain. 18 000 athletes entered the race and 14 620 runners participated on the day. Of those only 11 984 managed to finish. The runners had 12 hours to finish the race that started at 05:30 in the morning. The heat during the day made for tough conditions and many athletes complained that the last few kilometres were the toughest. More than 50% of the Comrades finishers come over the finishline in the last hour of the race. This makes the winners’ achievements even more significant. Platinum Gazette had Willem Montgomery accredited as a correspondent and he brought home all the news and photographs of this race of ultimate human endurance. Read more about local athletes’ results and what the day delivered on pages 10 and 11.

Bongmusa Mthembu, Gift Kelehe and Ludwick Mamabolo were the top three runners in the race.

Latudi Makofane or Surprise as he is also known came in at number 10. Left: Gift Kelehe recieves his trophy at the prize giving.

Right: More than 50% of runners finish within the last hour of the 12 hour race.

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