Platinum Gazette Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad
6 March 2015
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This week proved difficult for Platinum Gazette to bring it’s readers good news, as the area was awash with service delivery protests, blocking of roads, burning of vehicles and looting of shops. Today it is no longer fresh news to our readers, but we cannot ignore it. It is a time to contemplate and we asked readers their opinion about this seemingly new way of life, that can on the long term, not be good. You can read these opinions on pages 6 and 7 of this weeks’s newspaper. On page two you can also see that although it did not get any publicity, this kind of behaviour happens every week, all over, and near to us. Not to despair we looked around and there was a tiny light shining at the end of the tunnel. The new hawkers stalls in Praktiseer now have roofs fitted. Slow progress, admitted, but progress. On the other hand the robots are still not working, the water in Burgersfort seems better, the potholes are worse, but some roads are newly tarred. You decide what to make of it ...
6 MARCH 2015
Recent service delivery protests in the area, notably along the R37 to Polokwane, the R555 past Steelpport to Stofberg and etc., were much in the public yeye because they are on major routes, but delivery protests and even looting happens more than we think with the road to Mankele village near Penge blocked a couple of weeks ago (bottom photograph)(electricity protest), shops looted and roads blocked in Lebowakgomo two weeks ago (photographs right and bottom right), while a number of people was also arrested again on 24 February 2014 in Lebowakgomo for not adhering to picketing conditions.
“But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.� Joshua 24:15 (NIV)
6 MARCH 2015
Youth unites against poverty and starvation The Tubatse Youth Business Chamber was launched at a glittering function held in Steelpoort Gateway Church on 19 and 20 February. This youth organisation intends to empower their counterparts in fighting poverty and unemployment and eventually close the gap between the haves and have not’s. According to Brilliant Shoba who is the chairperson of the organisation, they want to see local young people participating in the economy of the country. “It is heart-breaking to observe our young people depending on hand outs and social grants. We want to turn this around and open doors for them through business. We cannot sit on our laurels and watch while our young fellows swim in poverty and unemployment”. Tubatse Youth Business Chamber consists of 10 members. “Our aim is to position the organisation to become one of the best business platforms for the youth of Tubatse. Entrepreneurship is the only answer to the ever growing unemployment rate challenge of South Africa. We aim to create a business platform that makes it easier for youth to be informed and involved in business opportunities. We would like to thank Steelpoort Pick n Pay and Steelpoort Gateway International
Church for their support. We are currently based at the Mapodile Thusong Service Centre, for more information you can contact us on 0712734514/0763043665 or email at” (Information & photographs: Doc Marebane)
6 MARCH 2015
Tyd om in te skryf Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag 2015 - 25 Julie 2015 Dit is weer daardie tyd van die jaar wanneer die Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag se inskrywings vir die 4x4 voertuie oopmaak. Kom neem deel en help fondse insamel vir ‘n goeie doel. Inskrywings is R900 per voertuig en die tradisionele bestuurder en navigator se Wildevy hemde is daarby ingesluit. Maatskappy kan deel wees van die dag deur ‘n hempborg te wees. Dit kos R2500 en dan word die maatskappy se naam op die hemde geborduur. Punt borge kan ook solank van hulle laat hoor. Dit kos R500 per punt. Uitstall-
ers is welkom om solank hul plekkie te bespreek. Dit kos R500 per 5m x 5m stalletjie en R1000 vir ‘n 5m x 10m stalletjie. Dit is môre die Wildevy Golfdag en Henri Alant sal om 19:00 na die prysuitdeling optree. Besoekers aan Tubatse Chrome Klub is welkom - toegang is gratis. Kom ondersteun die manne. Navrae en inskrywings: Ilze Pretorius by 013 231 7499 of e-pos
Westvaal wins big Westvaal Mashishing recently won big at the annual General Motors Awards Ceremony. Jehane Claase, Dealer Principle at Westvaal Mashishing was in the top three achievers for medium sized dealerships in the previous year. His prize includes a trip to America for 10 days. Timothy Chowles and Ockert van Niekerk were both honoured with prizes as the Best Sales Managers in the category medium sized dealerships. Westvaal Mashishing was one of the top achievers when it came to selling Opel Corsas. As a reward Timothy attended the launch of the new Opel Corsa in Monaco last year. Westvaal Mashishing was one of the top 5
achievers within the Westvaal Group. Another award shining at Westvaal Mashishing is one applicable to their financial services offered through Wesbank. Here they were the top achiever in the medium size dealership category. Westvaal Mashishing not only serve the Lydenburg Mashishing area, but also Steelpoort and Burgersfort through their Steelpoort branch. The team’s great service, an outstanding product and great marketing are some of the key factors for their success. Westvaal Mashishing & Steelpoort thank all their loyal clients for their support. They are also inviting clients to come and experience the value and service offered at Westvaal Mashishing and Steelpoort.
Ockert van Niekerk, Jehane Claase and Timothy Chowels from Westvaal Mashishing. (Photograph: André Coetzee, Highlands Panorama News).
6 MARCH 2015
Putting wildlife ranching into perspective Recently certain wildlife ranching practices perceived to be negative for conservation came under the spotlight. The Wildlife Ranching South Africa (WRSA) reacted with the following response: “WRSA will in order to avoid further mudsling-
ing refrain from focusing on the new elements in the hunting fraternity who, through their bad behaviour give both hunting and game ranching a poor image. It is a pity that these individuals creating the noise, no not show wildlife ranchers the same courtesy. I will try to avoid using scientific, emotional and meaningless words such as ‘intensive manipulation’; ‘artificial wildlife’; ‘aberrant-coloured’ and ‘compromised animals’; as used in documentation and on the radio by the authors under discussion. First there are a few basic perceptions that must be corrected: 1. Wildlife ranching does not take place on formerly concerved land. In fact, by far the greatest majority of game ranches are on formerly marginal, often badly overgrazed, denuded and eroded agricultural land, whih has been converted into an economically sustainable form of agriculture with huge conservation and biodiversity spin-offs. 2. On the great majority of game ranches, internal agricultural fences that were there at inception have been removed to provide as much space as possible for wildlife movement. On only a small percentage of farms has only a small portion of the whole farm been allocated for ‘small’ breeding camps, usually between 25ha and 100ha in size, leaving the remaining camp significantly larger than the camps that were initially there to fence and manage domestic stock and/ or crops. 3. Today, there are approximately 20 million head of game in South Africa, with
private wildlife ranchers conserving roughly three times as many animals as the State does in all its parks. There are more game animals today in South Africa than there have been in the country since 1850, or over the past 165 years. 4. Apart from the sheer number of game animals and apart from the massive area (20 million hectares) that has been converted from monocultures of domestic stock or crops, a number of game species have been saved from near extinction by private wildlife ranching, e.g. the rhino, sable antelope, roan antelope, black wildebeest, Lichtenstein’s hartebeest, the bontebok, Cape mountain zebra, cheetah, lion and even the African buffalo (buffalo in the Kruger National Park, our biggest publically owned herd, are infected with tuberculosis), to name a few. These have been saved from extinction, unlike the bluebuck and the quagga, which were hunted to extinction before the advent of private wildlife ranching. All this success hinges on private ownership of wildlife, which was introduced in South Africa as late as 1991. Nowhere in the rest of the world has such an amazing conservation turnaround taken place (because ownership is denied the citizens of the rest of the world). The dire conservation situation in Kenya, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Botswana – as well as most of the rest of the world, in fact – serves as clear proof of the huge benefits of our government’s sustainable utilisation policy. 5. A very basic concept that seems to have eluded the detractors of wildlife ranching is that of ‘herd building’. They do not seem to understand that, in order to provide animals for conservation, hunting or meat, the rancher needs to build his herd. With so many new entrants to wildlife ranching, it is to be expected that demand would be high for some of the rare species and the rare colour morphs. Of course, as their numbers increase (which is something we all wish to see), the prices will adjust. All sensible investors understand this. But then, more of these rarer animals will become available at lower prices for hunting. 6. Dealing with specific statements made to the press about: a.the cost of animals for Photographs: hunting (and thus for cheap meat!): there are Quintus Strauss today far more animals available for hunting Information: WRSA than ever before. As far as the price of commonly hunted game is concerned, taking inflation into account, hunting prices are lower than they were in 1991. The comHencoe Beukes is ‘n bekende gesig in die plainants have never Burgersfort en Steelpoort omgewing, maar said a word in the binnekort is hy dalk heelwat verder bekend. press about the inflaHencoe neem hierdie jaar aan die Mnr. Suid-Afrika kompetisie deel. Hy is baie opgewonde oor die geleentheid en verduidelik dat die kompetisie in verskillende vlakke gebeur. As ‘n deelnemer gaan hy ‘n verteenwoordiger by die Ghoema Suid-Afrikaanse Musiek Toekennings wees en is hy reeds bespreek vir die rooitapyt wanneer die Ballade vir ‘n Enkeling fliek bekend gestel word. Omgee is egter een van die belangrikste aspekte van Hencoe se lewe. Hy het juis die afgelope naweek ‘n groep gemobiliseer om by Rusoord Ouetehuis in Lydenburg die oumense te gaan bederf. Daar is onder andere voete gevryf, naels gedoen en sommer lekker gekuier. (Links is Hencoe saam met Me. Marie Marais van Rusoord). Hencoe sal by verskeie projekte betrokke wees gedurende die jaar. The Smile Foundation is sy ampetelike liefdadigheidsorganisasie waarvoor hy ambassadeur is. Hy is egter ook betrokke by projekte om geletterdheid en toegang tot onderwys te bevorder. Hy bedank graag Glamazon Hair, Nyala Beauty and Spa, London Bowles asook Donnaven Gouws. Die publiek kan Hencoe ondersteun deur na sy Facebook profiel te gaan dit te like asook die projekte wat hy beplan te ondersteun.
Omgee sy sleutel tot sukses
tionary increase in their other hunting costs, such as vehicles, fuel, rifles, ammunition and their favourite tipple. It is strange how a price of R1 450 for a blesbuck or an impala is said to be out of reach of the local hunter. Pricing cycles are a fact of business life. There are, however, many more game ranches for hunting today than there were, say, five years ago – with many, many more animals available for hunting or meat. b. The unfounded, libellous accusations that wildlife ranchers are using growth promotants: the accusers must back this statement up with facts! I have never seen nor heard of this unethical practice (which is condemned by WRSA’s code of conduct) occurring on wildlife ranches. Making unfounded, broad possibility-statements is typical of this style of communication. c. Much of the vitriol in the campaign against wildlife ranching is aimed at: i. breeding animals for longer horns. There are ranchers that do this, but they do it scientifically, using the most modern genetic monitoring tests, as part of a broader health and production selection process to rectify the negative selection against these traits by hunters of the past. The record African buffalo horn length today in SA would qualify only in position 18 in the Rowland Ward record books. Most of the records placed above it are from many, many years back, further strengthening this point. ii. breeding of colour variants. Clearly, the authors of the campaign against wildlife ranching understand neither genetics, evolution nor the possible effects of climate change on the biomes found in South Africa (in particular when discussing the so-called ‘natural range’). This is too complex a matter to discuss in a short press release, but one merely needs to walk down the street and see the results (many, many natural colour and other variations) in insects, birds, mammals, plants and even human populations around us. We value and praise these in many ways, viz. naming the beautiful colour variants of our indigenous and other plants after our heroes and paying more for them. Similarly, thousands of tourists spend money, time and effort to flock to SA to see the Timbavati white lion, the king cheetah bred by the heroine Ann van Dyk, or the yellow crimson-breasted shrike at Nylsvley. Why, then, the exaggerated negativity about differently coloured antelope? The attack on this country’s wildlife ranchers – and thus one of its major unique agricultural activities, wildlife ranching – by a few ill-informed and angry individuals purporting to represent the hunters of South Africa – is born from some other yet-to-be-determined motivation. This spreading of disinformation must stop! One does not punch a hole in the life raft one shares with others.” - Dr Peter Oberem
6 MARCH 2015
Looting, burning and blocking roads Greater Tubatse Municipality has been victim to blocked roads and unhappy communities on several occasions over last few weeks. Between this week and last week residents from Tukakgomo, Ga-Phasha and Mampuru villages blocked the R555, looted foreign owned shops and set vehicles alight while demanding a tar road between Eerstegeluk and their villages. According to reports more than 20 shops were looted, with many of the looters simply causing damage in the shops by opening cold drinks and cutting open bags with frozen chicken and maize meal. The SAPS arrested more than 70 people for public violence and malicious damage to property. They were to appear in court this week. Schools were closed in the area as school buses could not pass. Many vehicles could also not pass the blocked area to take workers to the surrounding mines and other businesses. Many community members reportedly sustained injuries during the protests on Monday and Tuesday. On Tuesday Limpopo Premier Stan Mathabatha visited the area and told protestors that contractors will start working on road projects in most parts of the province by next month or early May. Mathabatha added that it is unfortunate that communities protest to this extent while projects for construction of roads like this are already on the books. The promise of construction starting soon did not please the community as they claim that nothing was promised in writing. They claim that government has been making promises about their road, but never put it in black and white. By the time of going to press schools were open again and residents could pass to go to work. Platinum Gazette asked readers what they think about these protests which seem to escalate to also include looting and setting fire to bystanders’ vehicles.
Mr. Thabo Madire said: “It is not good. What about the children’s future? They cannot go to school. Pregnant women cannot pass to go to hospital. The blocking of these roads is not right. It is also not good that the people loot from the foreigners. They are just using this as an excuse to steal and intimidate. It is not good. The village leaders should write a memorandum and give it to the municipality and then wait for a report back”.
Ms. Daisy Sekgogoba said: “They must protest in a professional manner, not like this. Looting, burning and blocking is not the right way. I am a nurse and if we cannot get to work, who will help them if someone gets injured? Follow the channels available to protest. Many people may now get chased from their jobs because they were not able to come to work due to these people. Who will then take care of those people’s children? By burning tyres and other things on the road, they are also destroying the tar road that is already in place – next time they will want to have that repaired while this is their own fault”.
Mr. Koos Manoke said: “It was good that the community protested like that. Our government is eating the money. We are paying taxes but they are doing nothing. If people are peaceful our government don’t listen. They just take the money”. Below: Mr. Thapelo Mabilo, Mr Wilys Motswiane and Mr. Peter Mnisi said: “To protest is good, but they must follow the proper procedure. Get a letter of approval and don’t steal from the shops and don’t burn vehicles. That is not good. Protesting is to get your complaint heard, not to loot and burn”.
Mr. Thabiso Mphahlele said: “The looting is connected with xenophobia and not with the protesting. It is just easy to loot during the protest. They should protest by coming to the municipality and giving them a memorandum. The municipality is also at fault as they are dragging their feet with projects and service delivery. It is wrong to block the roads and do all these things. People trying to go to work has nothing to do with the lack of service delivery’.
Mr. Madala Lukas Mogofe said: “It is not alright for the communities to do like this. Communities must take their complaints to the municipality. They must not cause damage like this. It is good they’ve arrested those who broke the law”.
Right: Mr. Lebogang Machubeng said: “This government is not right. It is not giving services as they should. This is why people do these things. It has been a long time that we’ve been begging government. I disagree with the looting and blocking of roads. They should have gone to the municipality. Block and burn at the municipality. Loot there as nothing is being delivered. Leave the innocent people living and doing business in communities in peace”.
Ms. Rachel Malatjie said: “It is not good to block the roads. The children must be able to go to school and people to work. The municipality is the problem. All the people are crying for water, electricity and roads, but they are only promising. It is not good”.
Ms. Gladys Mnisi said: “They can protest but not burn and loot. Burn the municipality, don’t burn the vehicles and tyres. They must not stop people from going to work like this. The problem is with the municipality so go there. Government just promise, but they cannot deliver on the promises. This makes people angry, but it is not an excuse for them to act like this. It is not good”.
6 MAART 2015
- what you think about these protests
Mr. Fannie Isaac Bhengu and Mr Ntshebele Neo Mankge said: “It seems our government only listens when we do things like this. In this instance they paid attention because the place was becoming ungovernable. There are other channels to protest, but they don’t work. We feel sorry for those who had damages, who became victims of circumstance. Every war has its casualties and this time they were the casualties”.
Mr. Thomas Riba said: “People know that there are things that will not happen in a certain time frame. Government is relaxing too much on this. Blocking and burning will not get you anything. They should go to the municipality to protest. It is not OK to do like this. People are out of order while the police are there and doing nothing”.
Me. Stephnie Jordaan sê: “Dis belaglik! Hulle kry alles reg deur so op te tree. Elke keer as hulle iets wil hê dan brand en plunder hulle. Dis omdat die doodstraf nie meer daar is nie dat mense nie bang is om misdadig te raak nie”.
Me. Chantelle Viljoen sê: “Dit is nie reg nie. Jy gaan niks goed of positief deur hierdie gedrag bereik nie. Om mense se goed te vandaliseer sal nie die doel dien waaroor die protes gaan nie”.
Mr. Khutso Maapeya said: “They should have left the roads unblocked and they should not have looted. They should have gone to the municipality. If they break things or damage roads while protesting, government will have to fix that first before giving attention to the problem the people were protesting about”.
Mr. Piet Mashweu and his wife Ruth Mashweu said: “We think it is not good to stop the people from going to work. It is also not good to loot from the foreigners’ shops. The communities have a right to protest, but not to do these things. It is not the way to do it. Government is also to blame because there are too many promises and no delivery”.
Mr. Frans Matsepane said: “I feel sorry for the foreign shop owners and the people who could not go to work and school, but it is the fastest way to get government to deliver. I believe the community leaders did follow the proper channels and did not get a response. This was a last resort. I however disagree with them looting”.
Mr. Khorommbi Netshikhophani and Ms. Kedibone Netshikhophani said: “It was not good. They are fighting for a road, but now they set fire to private property and break things. Go toyitoyi with the Department of Roads and Transport. Don’t close the road because people need to go to work”.
Mr. Stephen Motjonane said: “The right way is to sit down with the leaders and negotiate. Meet with all the stakeholders. Looting is unfair. Those poor people now live in fear of their lives while we are a so-called democratic country”.
Mr. Vincent Manzini said: “It is not a good approach. People should follow the proper channels. They know who they must consult. They must not break things down. Kids and communities suffer if they block and vandalise. What they are doing is not good. It is also not good that government gave in to the protesters with promises. People should learn that things happen within a specific time frame and budget”.
Mr. Sammy Radingoane said: “It is a language our government understands. Sitting at a table can take a whole year talking about just one thing. It is not the right thing to do, but it is all our government understands”.
Mr. Tiyiselani Maluleka said: “It is not alright. They must face the municipality. There should be no violence. There should be none of this xenophobia coming out during protests. We are all Africans. Communities must follow the proper channels to protest”.
Mr. Frans Mahole said: “Protocol must be observed. We understand people’s concerns. They should however go through the proper channels to protest. People have rights, but they must refrain from blocking of roads etc.”
6 MARCH 2015 Promotion
1 Stop Midas now open in Steelpoort 1 Stop Midas officially opened their doors on Friday 27 February 2015. This new and exciting store offers a wide range, friendly service and convenience right on the main road through Steelpoort. Mrs. Leani Havenga and her team would like to thank everyone who supported them on opening day and invite the public to come and experience their value for money prices and friendly service. There is no need to travel to Burgersfort for allt he motor parts you need, just make a stop at 1 Stop Midas in Steelpoort. Customers were treated to boerewors rolls and give-aways on opening day.
6 MAART 2015
Busy weekend for Tubatse Masters
Tubatse Masters visited Gauteng on 28 February 2015. The team played friendly soccer games against Clayville Masters from Clayville and PSG from Pretoria. The games were played at Thaba Tshwane in Pretoria. The first match was against the Clayville Masters. Both teams displayed good skills taking the ball to get scoring opportunities. It was the men from Clayville who scored first with a goal by Sammy Mbenyane. This was the half time lead with 1-0. In the second half both teams tried to impress by improving their performance. This kept the goalkeepers very busy. Late in the second half Luckie Mashishi scored the second goal for Clayville Masters. This increased their lead to 2-0. Tubatse Masters tried very hard to come back, but failed to convert their chances. In the end they lost 2-0. In the second game Tubatse Masters faced PSG. PSG dominated the ball possession in the early minutes of the first half, keeping the defence of Tubatse Masters very busy. PSG striker Masedi Mphelo put his team in the lead after he beat Masters’ Lucky Lubisi with a free kick. Gordon Mnisi later came to the rescue to make the score 1-1. PSG’s Masedi was on a roll and he turned the heat up by scoring again. This was followed with a goal from Ally Ntunde from PSG. Master were rewarded with a goal by Seun Maroga who headed in from the corner kick. A lack of concentration led to John Letladi scoring for PSG. The final score was 4-2 in favour of PSG. (Informa-
Onthou die Sanlam Kanker Uitdaagreeks Vanaf Maart vind die verskillende Sanlam Kanker Uitdaagreeks Klubkompetisies regoor die land plaas. Die toernooie mik om die boodskap oor te dra dat ‘n vroeë diagnose help in die stryd teen kanker. Die Sanlam Kanker UItdaagreeks het verlede jaar R3,4 miljoen ingesamel ten bate van Cansa. Sedert die projek in 1991 afgeskop het, is reeds byna R40 miljoen ingesamel. Die klubkompetisies dien as uitdunne vir die rondtes wat aanleiding gee tot die uiteindelike nasionale kompetisie wat elke jaar in Oktober by Sun City plaasvind. Ernie Els is weereens die beskermer van die projek en sê: “Dit is vir my ‘n plesier om weer met die projek verbind te word. Dit is uiters belangrik dat mense bewus gemaak word van kanker. Dit affekteer almal. Vriende en familie word almal een of ander tyd daardeur geraak. Met ‘n vroeë diagnose kan baie hartseer en verdriet gespaar word. Die wenners van die kompetisie kan onder meer uitsien na ‘n onvergeetlike rondte golf saam met Els asook ‘n besoek aan sy wynkelder. Die klubkompetisies moet teen einde Julie afgehandel wees en provinsiale kompetisies vind in Augustus plaas. Klubs kan aanlyn meer inligting begom deur na die skakel te gaan.
tion: Jerial Mvundlela; Photographs: Pitso Sehlabela and Mokibelo Pholoane).
Mashifane Park, R37 Road Burgersfort/Polokwane * Cell: 076 848 3936 * Tel: 013 007 0836 * Burgersfort
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Skryf in vir dié BOLS kompetisie Die Wildebeestkraal Baber Kompetisie vind op 15 Maart 2015 plaas. Hengelaars is welkom om solank in te skryf. Die Burgersfort, Ohrigstad, Lydenburg en Steelpoort Hengelklub (BOLS) bied dit aan. Inskrywings is R100 per persoon en een stok per hengelaar. Gelde sal by die dam betaalbaar wees.
Die kompetisie word by Wildebeestkraal L37 en L38 (Oom Lappies se plaas) naby Burgersfort gehou. Die kompetisie begin om 08:00 en hengelaars moet hul eie drinkgoed saambring. Daar sal kos deur die dag verkoop word. Senior en Junior hengelaars is welkom om in te skryf. Navrae: Liezl, 082 355 8658.
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6 MARCH 2015
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-9603689 of (013) 2317899. Batchelor flat to let in Burgersfort Contact: 072 471 7545
4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609
9. Te Huur/ For Rent 2 x 2 Bedroom Flats to let in Burgersfort Reasonable rates. Contact: 076 666 1100 Twee slaapkamer woonstel te huur in Burgersfort naby Tubatse Crossing Mall. Skakel: 082 357 1954 / 083 244 6005
To advertise contact Beánnla Celliers on 013 231 7147 or 083 543 1676. Remember to book your advertisement before or on a Tuesday every week.
Kennisgewing / Notice GREATER TUBATSE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY NOTICE OF APPLICATIONS FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF TOWNSHIP The Greater Tubatse Local Municipality, hereby gives notice in terms of Section 69(6) (a) read in conjunction with Section 96(3) of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986, (Ordinance 15 of 1986), that applications to establish townships, referred to in the annexure hereto, have been received. Particulars of the applications are open to inspection during the normal office hours at the Greater Tubatse Local Municipality, 1 Kastania Street, Burgersfort for a period of 28 (twenty-eight) days from 27 February 2015. Objections or representations in respect of the applications must be lodged with or made in writing and in duplicate to the said authorized local authority (Greater Tubatse Local Municipality), at the above address or at PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150, within a period of 28 days from 27 February 2015. ANNEXURE Name of townships: Steelpoort Ext 51 - 54 Full name of applicant: Hunter Theron Inc. Number of erven in the proposed townships: Steelpoort Ext 51 244 “Residential 1” erven; 10 “Residential 3” erven; 7 “Public Open Space” erven and Streets Steelpoort Ext 52 22 “Residential 1” erven; 1 “Residential 3”
erven; 1 “Industrial 1” erf; 1 “Business 1” erf and Streets Steelpoort Ext 53 11 “Industrial 1” erven and Streets Steelpoort Ext 54 516 “Residential 1” erven; 1 “Educational” erf; 1 “Institutional” erf; 6 “Public Open Space” erven and Streets Description of land on which township is to be established: Ptn’s of the Remainder of the Farm Grootboom 336 KT. Locality of proposed township: The site is situated approximately 4.5 km south from the Steelpoort Central Business District on the R555 Provincial Road. The R555 divides the property (the Remainder of the farm Grootboom 336 KT) into two portions: Proposed townships Steelpoort Ext 51 and Ext 52 are situated west of the R555 and the proposed townships Steelpoort Ext 53 and Ext 54 are situated east of the R555. The Steelpoort River forms the western boundary of the property. Authorised Agent: Hunter Theron Inc. PO Box 489, Florida Hills, 1716, Tel: (011) 472-1613, Fax: (011) 472-3454, email: andria@huntertheron. GROTER TUBATSE PLAASLIKE MUNISIPALITEIT KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK OM STIGTING VAN DORP Die Groter Tubatse Plaaslike Munisipaliteit, gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 69(6) saamgelees met Artikel 96(3)
van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986) kennis dat aansoeke om die dorp te stig, in die bylae hierby genoem, ontvang is. Besonderhede van die aansoeke lê ter insae gedurende die gewone kantoorure by die Groter Tubatse Plaaslike Munisipaliteit, Kastaniastraat 1, Burgersfort, vir ‘n tydperk van 28 (agt-en-twintig) dae vanaf 27 Februarie 2015. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoeke moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 (agt-en-twintig) dae vanaf 27 Februarie 2015, skriftelik en in tweevoud by bovermelde adres of Posbus 206, Burgersfort, 1150 ingedien of gerig word. BYLAE Naam van die dorpe: Steelpoort Uitb. 51 - 54 Volle naam van applikant: Hunter Theron Ing Aantal erwe in voorgestelde dorpe: Steelpoort Uitb 51 244 “Residensieel 1” erwe; 10 “Residensieel 3” erwe; 7 “Openbare Oopruimte” erwe en Strate Steelpoort Uitb 52 22 “Residensieel 1” erwe; 1 “Residensieel 3” erwe; 1 “Nywerheid 1” erf; 1 “Besigheids 1” erf en Strate Steelpoort Uitb 53 11 “Nywerheid 1” erwe en Strate Steelpoort Uitb 54 516 “Residensieel 1” erwe; 1 “Opvoedkundig” erf; 1 “Inrigtings” erf; 6 “Openbare Oopruimte” erwe; en Strate Beskrywing van grond
waarop dorp gestig staan te word: Gedeeltes van die Restant van Plaas Grootboom 336 KT. Ligging van voorgestelde dorp: Die terrein is geleë ongeveer 4.5 km suid van die Steelpoort Sentrale Sake Kern op die R555 Provinsiale Pad. Die R555 verdeel die eiendom (die Restant van die Plaas Grootboom 336 KT) in twee gedeeltes. Voorgestelde dorpe Steelpoort Uitb 51 en Uitb 52 is gelee wes
van die R555 en die voorgestelde dorpe Steelpoort Uitb 53 en Uitb 54 is gelee oos van die R555. Die Steelpoort Rivier is die westelike grens van die eiendom. Gemagtige Agent: Hunter, Theron Ing, Posbus 489, FLORIDA HILLS, 1716, Tel: (011) 472-1613, Faks: (011) 472-3454, Epos: andria@huntertheron.
Platinum Gazette
Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson
Kennisgewing/Notice NOTICE OF A LEASE MEETING Sefateng Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd has obtained its Mining Right in terms of Section 22 of the MPRDA on the farms Zwartkoppies 413 KS and Waterkop 113KT. The company is now in the process of securing a lease over the property Waterkop 113KT, held in trust by Government for the
communities. The process being followed is in terms of the Interim Protection of Informal Land Rights Act (Act 31 of 1996), which falls under the jurisdiction of the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform. All residents of the Ga-Phasha (Phasha-Makgalanotho) and Ga-Mampa communities are invited to attend a Land Right Holders
Resolution meeting to be held as follows: Ga-Phasha on 27 March 2015 at 9h00 at the Ga-Phasha Traditional Authority Hall. Ga-Mampa on 27 March 2015 at 12h00 at the Ga-Mampa Traditional Authority Hall. For further information please contact Lizinda Dickson on (012) 543 9093
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BETREKKING VACANCY Admin-persoon by ‘n vulstasie. Admin assistant at a filling station. •
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Vereistes/Requirements: Graad 12. ‘n Tersiëre kwalifikasie sal voordelig wees. / Grade 12. A tertiary qualification will be advantageous. Debiteure en Krediteure agtergrond. / Debtors and Creditors background. Kleinkas ondervinding. / Petty Cash admin experience. Voorraad beheer en bestelling. / Stock control and order. Rekenaarvaardig. / Computer literate. Inlees en balansering van fakture. / Capturing and balancing of invoices. CV’s kan gestuur word na Forward your CV to
6 MAART 2015
Kruppel Buffel Golf Day well supported Last week Saturday the Golden Oldie Rugby Club known as the Kruppel Buffels hosted their annual golf day at Tubatse Chrome Club. This event assists with raising funds for the annual Golden Oldie tournament in which the men participate. This year they will be heading to Cape Town for the tournament. This team are not light weights. In 2011 and 2012 they were crowned the National Golden Oldie Champions - this award given to the team with the combined best effort when it comes to team spirit, dress code (or lack thereof) and performance on the field. Two full fields played in the golf day. League
teams were also accommodated into the game. There were prizes for the participating teams and a wheelbarrow filled with alcoholic beverages was raffled. A rugby ball signed by the Springbok Sevens rugby team was auctioned as well as some collectors wine. The winners of the day were Rudi Conrad and Charl Conrad. Second was Nick and Ross from the Nelspruit league team. Third was Willem van der Merwe and Lionel Reeder. The longest drive was taken by Rudi Conrad. Nearest to the pin 4/13 was Andre Combrink and Nearest to the
pin 9/18 was Johan Smit. The Kruppel Buffels would like to thank every sponsor and player as well as Tubatse Chrome Club for making this day possible. The Kruppel Buffels are already planning a
second golf day later in the year due to the popularity of this event. (Information: Charl van der Merwe, Kruppel Buffels; Willem Montgomery, Tubatse Chrome Golf Club)
Remember these competitions - Club Championships - Friday Competitions On 14 and 15 March the Chrome Club Golf Championships will be taking place. Members of the club are invited to enter into the Captain’s Cup and the Better Ball Cup competitions. As a fun addition to the weekend’s play the golfers will be placing bets on the results for the weekend. The bet closes to the final result will walk away with the money collected through the betting. The Club has also moved the usual Wednesday competitions to Fridays. This arrangement will start on 6 March 2015. The first place in this competition will get a R300 meat voucher. The second place will get a R200 meat voucher. Green fees are R60. Tee off is from 12:00 to 15:00. The format is IPS.
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
6 MARCH 2015 It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com
Platinum Gazette
Golfing achievers recognised Friday last week Tubatse Chrome Golf Club had their annual awards ceremony at the club. The Club’s most improved players were: Junior - Dean van Staden, Ladies - Loralyn Botha and Mens - Theunis Muller. The Doubles Better Ball winners were Johan Dreyer and Baard Language. The runners-up were Pierre van Staden and Derek Acker-
mann. The Captain’s Cup went to Andre Botha and the runner-up was Martin van Rooyen. Club Champions in the Men C Division was Kevin Wilkenson. The runner-up was Dean van Staden. In the Men’s B Division the winner was Johan Smit with Andre Botha as the runner-up. The A Division winner was Johan Dreyer and the runner-up Timothy Marobane. The Club Champions Ladies section was won by Cheryl Wilkenson with Loralyn Botha as the runner-up. The Closed Club Champion for the Men is Johan Dreyer. After the formalities the members and their partners enjoyed a delicious dinner prepared by Tubatse Chrome Club. The Club thanked everyone for their support and invites all golf enthusiasts young and old, new or experienced to join the Club and become part of the family.