Platinum Gazette 06 November 2015

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Drought in Limpopo officially a disaster


The Provincial Executive Council has on Wednesday taken a decision to declare the Province a disaster area through national prescripts. A thorough assessment of the drought situation has found that all District and Local Municipalities in Limpopo are facing the worst drought conditions recorded in years. The declaration will assist the Government to unlock the necessary resources to assist affected communities. Currently, the Limpopo Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has set aside R3 million to assist affected farmers through the provision of livestock feed. However, this amount does not cover other areas such as human consumption. It is for this reason that the EXCO is unlocking other avenues including the activation of the Drought Relief and Disaster Management Act of 2002. The Provincial Treasury and the National Department of Water and Sanitation will provide further assessments. The Limpopo government urges all residents of Limpopo to heed all calls to use water sparingly, respect water restrictions and observe all guidelines to save water.


The grade 7 farewell function of Itirele Primary School in Praktiseer has grown into a big event and this year was no exception. Learners and teachers performed their excellence in front of a large crowd of dignitaries and parents and as usual the gumboot item proved to be a highlight. More on page 5.

Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad

6 November 2015

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Dilokong sitin, strike and violence: ASA Metals reacts

Photograph: Facebook

Modikwa is accredited by MQA Modikwa PlaƟnum mine has been accredited by the Mining QualificaƟons Authority (MQA) the statutory body that is registered as a Sector EducaƟon and Training (SETA) in terms of Skills Development Act of 1998. The mine was accredited to provide competency training in the following fields: NaƟonal CerƟficate: Mining OperaƟons for underground Hard Rock; NaƟonal CerƟficate: Rock Breaking Underground Hard Rock; NaƟonal CerƟficate: Mineral Processing, Further EducaƟon and Training CerƟficate: Mineral Processing; NaƟonal CerƟficate: OccupaƟonal Health, Safety and Environment, General EducaƟon and Training CerƟficate: Mining and Mineral Processes. The mine has over 130 registered learnerships in various fields since the beginning of the year. On Tuesday, 3 November 2015 the Human Resources Development Coordinator, Mr Peet Herbst handed over the cerƟficate to the Business Leader, Mr Mthi Mtshengu.





Dangerous It first has to be stated that it seems as if the traffic guys in Burgersfort are making a serious effort with the chaotic traffic congestion and even more chaotic driving and behaviour of some motorists in town. Thank you! But, it is still a fact that driving in the area is not for sissies, and a large number of people still do just as they please.

Top: while the intersection remains chaotic, the taxi’s (bottom) add to the danger and congestion by using the left-hand lane as a drop-off and pickup point. Bottom left: while the indicators and brake lights of this vehicle could not be seen in the harsh light, Platinum Gazette thought if was a good idea to digitally alter the number plate to fit the rest of the car. Top left: This delivery vehicle which displayed the name of a well known hardware store in Burgersfort, is in serious need of an interior upgrade ...

Are Yeng Ka Moka cerƟficaƟon ceremony Modikwa Pla num Mine held the cer fica on ceremony of Bophelo and Kangaroo crews which was held on Friday, 30 October 2015. The event was a ended by the mine management

team, the staff, and the family members of the crews. The crew members said they were ini ally reluctant to undergo the program but they have now realised the importance of this

ini a ve because it helped them to understand the business and know each other much be er. They also applauded the mine management team for inves ng in them, and they commi ed themselves to improve produc on. Mr Alfred Mabelane, the crew captain of Bophelo

crew encouraged all crew members to pull up their socks to make Modikwa successful and sustainable. The Business Leader, Mr Mthi Mtshengu said the aim of this program was to unleash the full poten al of these employees because some of them are leaders in their respec ve socie es and they want those employees to bring their leadership skills into the mine.




2015 Facinating Women graduate Fascinating Womanhood has done it this year, this time with a Bang. The Fascinating Womanhood class of 2015 graduated on 23 October at the Thaba Moshate Casino and Hotel. The 2015 class consisted of 29 members with facilitators Pastor C Pandala and Dr M.S Phiri. The glamorous event brought together people from all walks of life, including guests from other provinces, respectable members of society, as well as regional visitors, Prophetess Isabel N’gambi from Zambia was the honourable guest of honour. She is the founder member of Woman of Excellence in Zambia. The main purpose of Fascinating Womanhood is to build homes, peaceful marriages and bring the best out of the woman God created her to be. The programme has not only managed to restore and maintain steady relationships both in marriages, but socially as well. This was evidenced by the number of testimonies given by different women at the event. The 2016 fascinating womanhood class will commence in March, with registration starting end February. For more information please contact 082 569 4677 / 076 444 2515.

Isaiah 45:6-7 (NIV) 6 so that from the rising of the sun to the place of its setting people may know there is none besides me. I am the Lord, and there is no other. 7 I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the Lord, do all these things. Photograph of sunset over Burgersfort contributed by Phillip and Louise Roetz.




Itirele Primary School says farewell to Grade 7 learners Itirele Primary School in Praktiseer held a farewell party for their Grade 7 learners on 29 October 2015. The event was well attended with parents and various dignitaries.

While the learners performed entertainment items and the formal programme ran, some mothers were cooking. Mrs R.I. Komane, the school’s principal gave an overview of the year’s achievements. She also had a special message for the Grade 7 learners. The day also included various entertainment items and a delicious meal.

The tent erected for the occasion was packed.




Hare af vir ‘n goeie doel

Tersia Cronje (10) van Steelpoort Akadmie het Hierdie week haar hare vir die Kanker Vereniging van Suid-Afrika (Kansa) geskenk. Kansa laat maak pruike van die hare vir pasiënte wat hul hare weens die behandeling verloor. Tersia is baie passievol oor dit wat sy vir kankerpasiënte kan doen en het reeds besluit om weer haar hare te laat groei sodat sy dit oor ‘n jaar of twee weer kan skenk. Persone wat graag dieselfde wil doen kan die plaaslike Kansa Ondersteuningsgroep kontak by 072 712 6905.

Digging for your project that will make a difference The Diggers Small Business Community Centre in Steelpoort is not only an exciting venue to visit in Steelpoort for gifts, pampering treatments and much more, but they are also very involved with community projects. In an attempt to really get involved with projects that will be viable and sustainable while making a true difference in the community they invite the community surrounding Steelpoort to submit possible project proposals. It should be made clear that the idea is not that they will be funding projects, but rather assist through giving advice, support and networking. The projects must ring true to what the community need and want because passion for the work it takes to make a difference is truly essential. Education, skills development and social empowerment are some of the things they are looking to get involved with. The ideal is to assist the projects to generate an income so that they can grow and provide communities with sustainable initiatives. Some of the ideas are to grow a small industry with a group of women by teaching them to knit and do crocheting. The products they produce could be sold and the income ploughed back into the project. Another is to assist in training people in basic domestic work and child care, register them onto a database and assist residents in the area in need of help with trustworthy and trained people. They will not act as labour brokers, simply administer the data base and assist with training. This will create jobs, provide skills and assist in the upliftment of the community. People who have projects, have ideas for projects, who have skills that could be used on a voluntary base to assist in creating projects that will help with the upliftment of the community can contact the team at Diggers. E-mail your proposals and details to:

Tubatse Chrome raises awareness Tubatse Chrome held a Breast Cancer Awareness Walk for their female employees. October was national Breast Cancer Awareness Month and this event tied in with that. The local Cansa Support Group was also on hand to assist with giving out information on the disease and the early detection of it. The women took a leisurely walk around the Tubatse Chrome golf course where they could visit various information stations. The day was a great success and the employees were empowered with knowledge on this dreaded disease. (Information & photographs: Gabriella du Plessis).




Prysuitdeling by Laerskool Atokia Laerskool Atokia het Woensdagaand hulle senior prysuitdeling gehou. Tydens die aand is daar pryse vir akademiese, sport en kultuurprestasies uitgedeel. Die nuwe leerlingraad is aangekondig en die skool het afskeid geneem van hulle Graad 7 leerlinge.

Santache van der Westhuizen het ‘n gedig voorgedra.

Dorete De Villiers was die beste leerder in Engels Eerste Addisionele Taal, Kuns en Kultuur.

Pheladi Selepe was the best Grade 7 learner in Life Orientation.

Brandon Hales is in graad 6 Afrikaans en ontvang ‘n goue sertifikaat vir akademie en sertifikate vir atletiek en rugby. Hy was ook die Senior Victor Ludorm by die Interlaer.

Haraepha Modise received the Wow Tokkie Award for living out the values of the school the best. Kgomotso Kupa and Asanda Buhlungu shared the trophy as best learners in EMS.

Kgadi Madutlela was the best learner in Afrikaans First Additional Language, English Home Language, Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences. Left: Mr Beukes van Zyl, the school principal praised every one of the learners being honoured at the function and told the parents that the evening is the celebration of God’s unique creations with not one learner being the same as another.

The Grade 7 learners each received a small gift from the school.

The evening was full of pride at the various achievements. Just before the end of the evening the new prefects were announced. After this the whole school filled the hall and sang Nkosi Sikelele.

Tokkie values: Respect Neat Friendly Sharing Honest Appreciative The head boy for 2016 is Brandon Hales and the head girl for 2016 is Bella Letsoalo.

Jo Ann Wranga was the best learner in Technology.




Your opinion: free higher education Student protests against higher education fees came under the spotlight in the last few weeks. President Jacob Zuma in October announced that fees for tertiary education will not be increased in 2016. This left government with about R2,7 thousand million short for funding the 0% increase. This week Deputy President, Cyril Ramaphosa challenged the private sector to fund higher education. Various suggestions are currently under investigation to try and find the best way to make free higher education a reality. Some of the options being considered are a wealth tax, increased private sector funding and higher skills levies. Currently the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) is spending R9,5 thousand million on bursaries and loans for underprivileged students. Ramaphosa emphasized that a sustainable solution is needed and the private sector should get involved as part of the solution. Platinum Gazette asked readers what they think about possible free higher education.

Mr William Phofa and Mr Jan Mgidi said: “Government must pay for free higher education, not the private sector. They should eliminate corruption within government and then they will have the money to pay for the students. The government waste too much money. If a student fail, they must pay for themselves the next year. Nothing is free. You will ‘pay’ for your education with good grades”.

Mr Abraham Mkhonto said: “I think it is an excellent suggestion that the private sector must pay. They must help fund it because they will benefit from the skills of those students. Many intelligent students who cannot afford to pay for their studies fall into crime. They must be encouraged to study. They must deliver the results if they get free education or they will not be getting it free. If they’ve passed matric, they cannot fail at university”.

Mr Jimmy Komane said: “Education must not be free. These young people don’t want to work. If you get something for free you will not work hard. It will be difficult for companies to pay more levies as they already pay a lot of tax”. Mr Frank Mafolo said: “The private sector must come to the party. Government cannot do it alone. Where will all the money come from? In South Africa we are not alone in education, but remember that easy come is easy go. Government must first stop corruption. There must also be given preference for funding to students with high marks. They should also stop cheating in the schools. Learners pass and get high marks, but cannot actually do the work, so they get dropped at university level”.

Ms Judith Marodi said: “I think it is a good idea to give free higher education and a portion of that funding should come from the private sector. There should be different scales. Privileged students should pay for themselves, very poor students can be fully funded. There must also be scales to assist those in the middle who cannot currently access NSFAS, so they can also be assisted – even if not fully sponsored. The private sector should also be able to get first choice to take those students for employment. The work-back-principle should apply. Free things? Well, you know South Africa. People don’t always appreciate what they get. You want a return on the investment. If the student fails the year – no free funding again. Give it to someone else. The academic standard should not be dropped when there is free studies. The students should still reach the minimum requirements for the different fields of study”.

Mr Colben Moukangwe and Mr Tsietsi Morewane Bauba said: “They should just keep it like it is at the moment. Some students are abusing the NSFAS. The Department of Higher Education should create a task team that will deal with all of this”. Left: Ms Joyce Komane and Ms Celia Maceshane said: “It will be good to tax companies to raise the funds needed, but a student must pass or pay for themselves. They must also keep the academic standard and students must pass the criteria for their fields of study”.

Left: Ms Melba Maroga and Ms Refilwe Maroga said: “We say yes to free higher education, but don’t drop the standard of the universities. Learners will work harder in school if they know they must reach a minimum academic achievement before they will be given free higher education. To keep it going they must either pass or pay for themselves”.

Left: Mr Frans Masenya said: “It should not be free at all. It should be 50/50 on this. People relax when they get freebies. They will not study hard if it is free. There should be a standard that determines how much a student should pay. The money should circle and not just go one way. What will be happening to our economy if there is no money coming in from payments for education? I still owe NSFAS money. You have to work hard for what you want. I would probably not have been finished yet at TUT if everything was free”.

Me. Mariska Sadler sê: “Dit is nie ‘n goeie idee om vir almal verniet universiteit toe te stuur en die privaat sektor daarvoor te laat betaal nie. Ryk mense kan ‘n student ‘aanneem’. Die student kan dit dan later terugbetaal of terug werk by die mense se besighede. Hulle moenie ekstra belasting hef nie. Daar moet ook onthou word dat nie almal met die druk van ‘n universiteit kan cope nie”.

Ms Palesa Seroka said: “I think it is a good idea to get free higher education. Government has tried but it is failing us. The NSFAS funds are not enough. In the black community many matriculants don’t have parents and they are the heads of their families. They need to be educated to be able to assist the little ones in their families for a better future. Plans must be made, but they cannot be denied education because they care for their siblings. They have nobody to fund them, so they should get that free higher education”.




Wintrofees by Winterveld Die eerste Wintrofees het verlede week Vrydagaand plaasgevind. Dit word in samewerking met Winterveld Klub en Electro Diesel gehou. Die Blarney Brothers het gesorg vir heerlike musiek terwyl daar gekuier en aan heerlike kos gesmul is. Die aand sal nou ‘n jaarlikse instelling by die Klub wees.

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Capellos - the place to be Cappellos Burgersfort is the place to be for great entertainment and delicious food. On 30 October Thebe Mogane supported by Soweto boy performed. The Legends series continue and Mandla ‘Spikiri’ Mofokeng will be performing on 14 November. He will be supported by Soweto boy. Entrace is free so be there!


Platinum Gazette


Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

3. Dienste/ Services Burgersfort Transport For all your transport requirements (transport of mine & construction workers) Contact Ariff 072 337 7332

9. Te Huur/ For Rent Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899. Two Bedroom Apartments available from R4750 to R5 000 including lights and water. Three bedrooms available from R7000 to R7500. All above available between Aloe Ridge East and West. Viewing available after hours. Please call from more information: 082 578 6113. 1 Bedroom Flat R3 500.00 2 Bedroom Flat R4 500.00 Burgersfort Contact Steve 071 886 9359

10. Te Koop/ For Sale Aluminium African Outback Canopy for Toyota Hi-Lux DC for sale. R13 500. Original Venter Camper Trailer for sale. R6 500. Contact Mike: 082 357 1954 Aluminium African Outback kappie vir Toyota Hi-Lux DC te koop. R13 500. Oorspronklike Venter Camper Waentjie te koop. R6 500. Contact Mike: 082 357 1954


Platinum Gazette 013 231 7147 Advertising deadline is every Tuesday at 17:00. Editorial deadline is every Wednesday 17:00.

Marone bricks offers great quality building block bricks for sale! We can all live in a strong home at affordable prices. Wholesale directly to the public. Cement building blocks R7.80 each. Stock bricks R1.60 each. Pavers R1.80 each. Contact: 073 022 5256

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Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.

Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or (Advertising deadline - every Tuesday at 17:00)


“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson





Steelpoort Akademie hou wynveiling Steelpoort Akademie het op 29 Oktober 2015 ‘n wynveiling by Buffelsvley Gastehuis gehou. Willem Montgomery was die afslaer en die skool het met sy hulp ‘n goeie bedrag geld ingesamel. Die skool het almal bedank wat gehelp het om van die aand ‘n sukses te maak. Hulle het ook die borge van die aand bedank. (Foto’s en inligting: Arlene Malan, Steelpoort Akademie)

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).



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Platinum Gazette


Sparkling at the Soweto Marathon The Old Mutual Soweto Marathon took place on 1 November and a large number of local runners participated in the event. This was an important race as it is one of the qualifying races for the Comrades Marathon 2016. The athletes enjoyed the race although the warm conditions were a little challenging. Modikwa Marathon Club congratulated Elvix Modiba who completed his first 42,2km race. They are also very proud of their ladies who completed the 21,1km in good times. Modikwa Marathon Club thanked the Modikwa Management team for their support and help. Modikwa Marathon Club results: Jeffrey Nkuna (03:40 - 42,2km); Elvis Modiba

Above: The Modikwa team: Jeffrey Nkuna, Winnie Tovhakale, Adolph Boshego, Victoria Thotse, Mminah Chulu, Peter Molapo and Elvis Modiba.

Left: Donald Bigman with his medal from the Sowetan Marathon.

Right: Tshepo Sechaba Marobane and far right: Johannes Mogoane from the Samancor Marathon Club.

(03:45 - 42,2km); Sonia Makoua (03:53 - 42,2km); Herman Mogale (04:08 - 42,2km); Adolph Boshego (01:37 - 21,1km); Peter Molapo (01:50 - 21,1km); Violet Mabitla (02:32 - 21,1km); Mminah Chulu (02:41 - 21,1km); Winnie Tovhakale (02:50 - 21,1km); Victoria Thotse (03:07 - 21,1km). The Samancor Marathon Club are also on track to reach for gold at next year’s Comrades Marathon. The following Samancor runners finished: Johannes Mogoane (03:38), Simon Maroga (03:08), Costy Mothoko (03:38), Tshepo Sechaba Marobane (04:55) and Pontsho Shai (04:04), Titus Sethibe Mohubedu (04:43), Victor Raliphada (5:20). This coming weekend Latudi Surprise Makofane will be participating in the Kaapsehoop Marathon 2015 and they wish him all the best. Runner from Marula Marathon Club had the following times: Phadima Seroka (02:55); Marcus Nkhumeleni (03:23). Dwarsrivier Marathon Club: Tebogo Pulusa (01:13); Tshepo Sekgobela (01:24); Donald Maimela (01:25); Puseletso Reubben Utla (01:33); Samuel Makua (02:06); Mputi Andrew Tshehla (02:49); Frans Thabana Phehli (02:55); Tshepo Komana (03:07); Isaiah Rasupi Maapea (03:09); Jabu Sejakgomo Masha (03:25); Solomon Matsomane (03:39) and Abram Magame (04:10). Donald Bigman was another local runner. He finished the 42,2km in 04:23. (Information & Photographs: Willem Montgomery; Tshepo Sehaba Marobane & Donald Bigman).

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